The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 14, 1901, Image 3

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M The best time in the year to paper is when l
1 everybody else has finished. Then there is no $
rj difficulty in securing the services ol a compe-
$ tent paper hanger because of the light demand N
$ for such work and another and more potent rea- $
'M son is that after the regular season is over you
!pj can buy paper hangings at $ to J off the regu- p
lar prices. We are now selling wall paper at fjg
M actual cost. Not remnants cither, but full lines jj
y and a large variety of designs : U
W Tapers that were 15c per roll, now 10
20 " " " 13 $
H - " u 23 " n j
and all others at proportionate reductions. At
these prices we do not expect the stock to last i$
a great while.
. . AMU
C. 1 AMIR & SOI,
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, Houses
C Lots for Sale or Kent.
New AtlTcrtlMinents.
James. Ad.
lAimneri. Ad.
Hopkins. Loots,
linvoe A Co. Header.
Honth A Keit. Locals.
Clarion Norinul. Local.
I'enu'a Kiilroad. ltsadcr.
Kdinliorn Normal. 1WaU.
National Olas Co. Kioidor.
MeCucn Co. Triple Col. Ad.
Tiouesta Csh Store. Locals.
Will Ui Slur Hrooorv. Ijurals.
William MeKee. For Halo local.
Oil market closed at 11.25.
-Hcst line of Sliirti at T. C. 8
Oil and Ra" leases at thin office.
You can get it at Hopkins' store.
All Calico 5c yd. at Heath A Felt' a. 1
Ilopkina' line of clothing beala them
ali. It
A iMpiece act ofdislios for only $1.00
at T. C. S. It
Dress good at reduced prices at
Heath A Feit's. It
Host groceries sold cheapest at Tlo
nesta Cash Store. It
lirand new school shoes for children
at lleith A Felts. It
Every variety of fruit in season at the
Whito Star Grocery. It
Kniiinant sale or shoes still going at
llotklns'. Come quick and got a bar.
gain. It
The well on tho James Kmert farm,
drilled by Leeper A Co. came In Monday
and is a duster.
For fruit go to the White Star Oro
eery. Peaches, pears, plums, apricots.
and all seasonable goods in this lino. It
Fred. Slociim ofdolinw had hla toot j
badly smash d last Monday by the rail
road train but Is recovering very nicely
at present.
Erie county graH growers report the
crop all right aud the usual ylold is ex
pected. The grapes liavo not been dam
aged by the dry rot.
This week we received consign
ment of patent leathor shoes for gentle
men. They are the newest thing on the
market and fully guaranteed not to
craek. Heath A Felts. It
The fifth annual reunion of the ltiOth
Rog't. Pa. Vols., will take place at Expo
sition Park Conneaut Lake, Tuesday,
Aug. 27. Tho "old boys" aro looking
forward to a pleasant meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mc-Kra desire to
thank all their Irienda and neighbors
who so kindly gave their sympathy and
assistance iu their recent bereavement,
the death of thoir loved son Harry.
--Following is the list ol letters remain
ing uncalled for in llio Tiouesta, Pa., Post
Oflice, for the week ending Aug. 14, 1001
Miss Floy Haugher, Mrs. Bruner.
D. 8. Knox, P. M.
Franklin will have a centenarian,
says the Spectator, if Daniel F'rewen lives
until the 8th of next month. As he is
now hale and hearty, It'a a safo guess
that he will round out 100 years of life,
The Woman'a Relief Corps is short
two of its silk corps Hags. Tho ladies
would like to have thorn returned, or
will be thankful tor Information that will
load to the recovery of those cherished
The editor of the Rkp-uhuch slipped
out t'other morning and with tho aid of
Druggist Jim Davis, (before breakfast)
lundcd au eight-and-a half pound pike,
and now every fellow we meet wants to
know how much we paid for it. As though
an editor ever has any money to squan
der on llsh beforo breakfast.
The largo and woll selected librsry of
theEdinboro State Normal School is be
ing catalogued by the Dewey Card Sys
tern. This will be an advantage to stu
dents. We oiler free tuition for the com
ing yesr. Write tor new illustrated cata
logue. Fall torm oens September Hilh.
It John F. Bhilmi, Priucipal,
Myron Waters, one of the oldest aud
best known citizens of Warren, Pa., died
on Wednesday, of last week, In his B."th
year. He was tl leading business man
of that locality, and was a pioneer In the
oil Industry.
John W. Jeuks, brother of George A.
Jonks, the well known lawyer, of Brook
vlllo, died last week at the Warren asy
lum, of which he had been patient for
fifteen years, Ills remains were buried
In I'unxsutawney, his former home.
Dr. E. J. Cur run waa at the head of a
party of twenty or more Oil CTtieua
who boarded a llatboat that bad been
built here and floated to Oil City last Sat
urday. Their outlook for a delightful
rldo waa good as the day was a fine ono.
An exo'aauge says that two drops of
ca . phor on your tooth brush will give
your mouth the freshest, cleanest feeling
imaginable, will make your gums rosy,
snd absolutely prevent anything like
colds, sore tin oat, or aflectlona of the
The Tltusville World complains
about parent who do not take proper
care ol their children, but let them run
wild about the streets day aud night.
Isn't the curfew law any good. Warren
Mail. Works likes charm in Tiouesta.
Wouldn't do without it.
As an evidence of Tlonesta'a popu
larity as a summer resort it is interesting
to note tliat Miss Nannie Morrow had in
her primary class last Sabbath four little
folks representing visitors from as many
different states one from Butfalo, one
from Cleveland, one Irom Texas ami one
Irom Florida.
The Tlonesia gun club la in recipt of
an Invitation from the Titnsvllle club to
attend the first annual t'lurnamentof that
crack organization which will be held
Sept. 20 and 21. Invitations have been
sent to all clubs In this section of the
8tate,and the event will doubtless be a no
table one for tha blue rock smashers of
the northwest.
The W. C. T. V. held a mothers'
meeting at the home of Mrs. S. D. Irwin
Tuesday evening July 30. Tho exerctes
wore conducted by Mrs. Emma Henry,
superintendent of this department o
work. Sho hsd prepsred a most Inter
esting program. Several Instructive pa
pers were read and all the members took
part In the diccussion as to the best ineth
od of training children.
The sturdy Kpubllcans of Elk coun
ty, who never say die, held thoir conven
lion at Ridgway Monday, placing in
nomination Frank C. Ely ol Ridgway, for
Sherifl; Dr. Walter M. Black of St.
Marys, for Coroner, and E. llovencanip,
Jr., for surveyor. W. 8. Gleason aud
Robert F. Oswald, Stalwart Republicans,
were olecteU delegates to the State con
vention. Elk county will go Republican
this fall.
When an old gossip comes to your
house aud wants to trade you tho charac
ter of a young girl or some one else for
any old thing in the way of news you
just tell her or him, as the case may be,
to get out of your house and olf of your
premises, and you will be doing a graml,
good service for your country and your
God if you will accompany the command
with a good, swift, energetic, back ana
forward action, old spile-driving kick.
Dr. Beatty of Leepsr, PaM recently
presented Attorney T. F. Ritchey of tills
place with fine specemen of the great
American bird known as the bald eagle,
the "hemblem of the biarstod country"
as the Englishman would say. The bisrl
has been in the possession of Dr. Beatty
forsomo time, but knowing Mr. Rs
fondness for such rare specimens he
prosentcd him with the noble bird, and
it has been admired by many who have
seen it.
Principal Davis of ILe Clarion Stato
Normal School reports a greatly in
creased interost among young people who
are thinking of teaching. Freo tuition
at Clarion for Normal students anil the
liberal appropriations made for that
school by tho late legislature will give
Clarion Normal an equipment second to
noni In Western Pennsylvania. Those
contemplating a Normal Course would
write Principal Davis whilo there Is yet
room in that Institution,
Thcro is at the prevent time a swin
dlor operating in the State who Is mak
ing money in a new way. It is said he
goes from house to house and extracts
teeth with nit cost, provided a new set is
ordered. He calls again In a short timo
and gels half the price on the plate and
then disappears, leaving bis victim mi
nus teeth and cash. There is wccp'.ng
and wailing, but owing to tno circum
stances, no gnashing of teeth. Ex
cnango. Persons who would allow them
selves to be thus worked by strangers
ought to have their teelU pulled and
hair, too.
Editor Muse of tho Vindicator goes
to Harrisburg this evening to represent
the Democracy of this county at the Stato
convention which assembles there to
morrow. Chairman George Shields of
Redclylfe accompanies him,
James G. Bromley, the hustling rep
resentative of the Johnson harvesting
machinery people, returned home Satur
day from an extended trip through Mer
cer, Crawford and Erie counilcs where
he did a thriving business in the sale of
his firm's wares.
Pleasantvillo will lie ovei next Sat
urday to play a game of ball with I io
oesta, which is expected to bo a very re
siiectnhle article, both teams playing
their home boys exclusively. The game
last Tursdsy at Pleaaantvllle between
these ninos resulted in a score of 7 to 2 in
favor ofPlcasautville. Turn out and see
the game
Miss Evelyn E. Hicks, daughter of
Rev. J. P. Hicks, of Emerickvllle, and a
former teacher in Itrookville publij
schools, and Mr. II. P. JcH'oris, of Alli
ance, Ohio, will bo married at 10:00
o'clock to-morrow morning, the ceremo-
lies taking place at the Methodist Epls-
codal parsonage in Einerlcksville. Mr.
Jofferis is prluo'pal of the schools at
Gnsdeuhutten, Ohio. ISrookvillo Repub
lican. Rov. 1 licks was once pastor of the
M. E. church of Tiouesta.
The present high price of potatoes is
due lurgoly to speculation and the weath
er scare. A Harrisburg paper talis at
tention to the fact that all the potatoes
which have appeared iu that market were
of early vantles and planted in April.
Those planted !n May do not appear to '
bo affected by dry whether slid the ouli
nary yield may be expected. It is the
late potatoes which supply tho country
with that great vegetablo food and they
are not usually dug before October.
When on a Sabbath morning a con-
scieneious Christ ian trios to think bo is
excusable for not attending church, let
him consider that if evory other member
of the congregation would absent him
self from church who has as good reasons
as he for so doing, most of the pews
would be empty, and tho house of God
would soon be deserted, says an observ
ant exchange. Any ono can see that il
such an easy-going habit as that should
become universal, the public worship of
God would soon perish from the eerlh t
Much has been said and written about
the verdancy of the young man from the
country, but if he can make a greater ass
ofhimsell than tho city chap, who, upon
going to the country, attempts to be
funny, he ought to be shot. Tho dainty
sprig is constantly haunted by an np-
prehonsion that somebody msy not know
that he is Irom the city, snd in order to
prevent such misapprehension ho makes
a monkey of himself, in the various ways
known only to bis class. Hli..ard. The
same might also bo sometimes said of
the city girl.
The members of the Grand Army of
the Republic are looking forward with
pleasure to the 18th reunion of the North
western Association, Department of Pen
nsylvania, which will be held at Irvlne-
dalo Park, Oc'oher 2. The Association
embraces 13 counties in Western Pen
nsylrania and thero will doubtless be an
aeinblcge ol several huudrod veterans.
Department coininandor MacCauloy and
several of the past commanders will be
present and the program as outlined for
the day will be an elaborato one. Forest
county will be represented at this meet
An Oklahoma editor, who s a deep
thinker, has fixed a tahleof rales for pub
lishing things, "not a they seem," says
the Je Hereon. (Tex.) Jimplecule, as fol
lows: "For calling a man a successful
citizen when everyone knows ho is lazier
than a Government mule, $-.75; referring
to a deceased citizeu as one who Is Kin
cerely mourned by tho cntiie coininuni
ty when we know he will only bo missed
by the poker circle, $1.08; referring to
some gallvaiiting female as an estimable
lady w hom it is a pleasure to meet, when
every business man in town had rather
see the devil coming, hoof, horns and all,
than to see her coming towards them,
f:i.ll; calling an ordinary pulpit rounder
an eminent divine, IK) cents; sending
tough citizen to heaven with poetry, $5.00.
Brother William O. Smith of tho
Punxy Spirit gives the whole snap away
in lira fashion: A wiley angler, who
caught more bass than anybody olso,
told a triond in strict confidence how he
managed it. "Take a good sized glass
jar," he salil, lowering ins voice 10 a
whisper, "put about a dozen lively min
nows in it, cover tho top with mosquito
lotting, and drop the jar iu the river
where you desire to ll-h. In a few hours
the bass will collect around it, and they
will remain for days looking wistfully at
those minnows, and wondering why
they cannot get at them. About the lime
the bass are almost famished with hun
ger you come along and drop your hook,
baited with a minnow, right in beside
them. They snatch it and you ropeat
the operation until you have caught
every last one of thorn."
Zinc and Grinding' make
Devoo Lead and Zinc Taint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by baud.
At the Traps.
The regular weekly shoot at the gun
club's grounds last Friday was iiuusually
interesting and some good shooting was
the result. Dr. Frank Hunter was high
man and his run ol21 birds from the start
without a miss, and -1 out of 25 was the
best that has been made this season, and
as the doctor is only "a this season man
te is to be congratulated on bis rapid im
nrovoment at the gamo of blue rock
smashing. Eollowing is'the score:
JoeClark,..0l000lli"101lll lOlll II0U-17
drove IKllll 1IKJO0 inool 1 1 101 OnlOO-U
Amaun 01111 10ll"OOHtl 1101111111-18
Hunter 11111 11111 11111 11111 10011-2.1
r. I.snson...00Ul 01001 11101 110"! lnonl-14
SI 'arson. ..Ill 1 10 01 1 10 00101 10011 (MWOl-l
KC.chey ... InOln 01 111 01 1 10 lll'KI I0I10-1S
Wenk, ......Hill U0II HiOll 1101000011-17
Weaver,... .milOl INIOOO lnooooolll OnllO- 8
II,,,, IUHMKI ISKSKMkHKKI 111 III 11 110- 7
Bowman,. ..uH'lOOol 10 oolmt MHO lonlo-lU
Mom Ihr Cough asd Works olt the ( aid
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold In oneNo cure, no pay. Price 25
Heavy Weight Carriage Paulls.
Povoe's weigh 3 to Bounces more to the
pint than any others. Extra weight
means heavier body covers bettor:
Wears lonirer. Sold by James D. Da
James Buxton Is quite seriously ill
at his home.
James 11. Kelly speut Sunday at Al
legheny Springs.
W. F. Killiner visited friends in Oil
City over Sunday,
Mrs. Sabiila Reck is visiting her sou
William at Bradford.
John Ilovanl, of Butler, is a guost of
his cousin, Roy Bovard.
Mrs. S. J. Wolcott is a guest of
friends In Endeavor this week.
Miss Elva McBride of Franklin is a
guest of her aunt Mrs. A. C. Urey.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Jones were
down from Newtown last Saturday.
Mrs. J. W. Morrow and daughter
Carrie are visiting relatives at Pleasant
ville. -U. 8. Miles of the Cash Store forco is
down in Lawrence county visiting old
Miss Edna Corah Is down from War
ren on a vis't to her sister, Mrs. F. S.
Miss Frances Allen of Warren, is the
guest of her friend Miss Nettie Claik for
a few days.
Bro. C. E. White of tho Tidioute
News was a business visitor to Tiouesta
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Killmer are
home from a weeks visit to Buffalo and
the Pan-Ex.
Miss Nellie Plainer of East Hickory
was a guest of Mrs. Harry Mcintosh ovor
the Sabbath.
Mr. aud Mrs. F. Z. Jones of Tidioute
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cbas.
Amann here.
Mrs. Mollie Laird of Kittanning was
recent visitor at the homeof her brother,
II. M. I'orman.
Prof, and Mrs. R. N. Speer aro visit
ing friends at their former homes in
Venango county.
Commissioner's Clerk 8. T. Carson
and family were viistors to Oil City yes
terday afternoon.
--Mrs. Thomson and daughter Battle
of Tltusville, visited Judge Propor's fam
ily a part of last week.
-Miss Bernice Scowden, of Meadville
is visiting her young cousin at the home
of her uncle J. C. Scowden.
Miss Bertha McKee of the township,
left yesterday morning for Stoneham,
Warron county to visit relatiyes.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Watsou and two
younger daughters, of Golinza, left yes
terday afternoon for the Tan-Ex.
Gust Slmgors and Miss Mattie Mor
rison of Oil City wore guests of Miss
Bird Foreman a part of last week.
Will II. May of Louisville, paid a
short visit to his old Tlonesta home as a
guest of A. H. Kelly's family this week.
-0. Cloland, of Fleming Hill, was a
busines visitor to the county seat on Sat
urday and gave this olllce a pleasant call.
Miss Blanche Clary returned home
Tuesday evening after a ton days' visit
with friends at Fagucdus. Sandy Lake
Mia. A. J. Pufiiuburg is stopping a
lew days with her sistor, Mrs. Smith of
German Hill, on hor roturn from the
Miss Eva Barr of Sheffield, and Miss
Ida Baptio or Goodwill Hill, Warren
county, are guests of Miss Emma Kline
stiver At Nebraska.
Miss Frances Ridgway of Phlladel-
nhia and Miss Einolvn Williams of
Franklin, have been guests of Miss Msy
Sanner for the past week.
Mrs. J. C. Cornwell of Stonoboro
Pa., Binl her little grandson, John Corn
well of Childress, Texas, are guests at
the home of G. W. Robinson
Mead McCann of NebrasKa and Miss
Lulu Miller, both of Forest county, have
been granted a marriage license by the
Clarion county clerk of courts.
Mrs. Harry Mcintosh was sum
moned by telegram to Grundorville, be
low Warren, to the. beusido of hor hus
band, who is reported very 111.
Mrs. J. W. Green and Earl Knox are
spending a few days at Lilydale, with
her father Capt. Knox, who has been so
journing there for the past ten days.
Clark Morgnu, who has been firing
in the railroad yards at OH City for the
past three weeks is here to remove his
family to that place and they expect to
leave to-day.
Mrs. J. II. Robertson, Mrs. J. D. Da
vis and son Kopler, and Misses Marie
and Helen Smcarbaugh left on the noon
train Monday lor a week's visit to Buffalo
and tho Pan-Ex.
Miss Elva Klinestiver of Sheffield,
who has benn visiting her grandparents
at Nebraska, came down to visit Tiouesta
friends during the week, being a guest at
Win. Sinoarbauiih's.
Judge J. A. Proper and daughter
EuRetla, and their guest Miss Cornelia
Hill of Allegheny, left for Lilydale Sat
urday. They will take In the Pan-Ex
before returning homo.
Mrs. Frank Trushal, of Warren Pa.,
Mrs. Francis A. Goss, and flttle daughter
Mary of Buffalo N. Y., and Mrs. J. W.
Carson, ol Burlington Iowa, visited a few
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ag
Rev. F. E. Glass, of Bradford, was In
IlidL-wav ovor Sunday shaking hands
with his many frionds. He preached in
the Free Methodist Church Sunday eve
ning, much to tho delight of admiring
friends. Ridgway Advocate,
Mrs. F. W. Dassler and son and
daughter, Master Clarence and Miss Lil
lian, and Miss Emma Newell, all of New
Kochillc. N. Y.. returned home with
their ancle, F. X. KreUler from the Pan
Ex.. on Monday, and aro guests of the
latter at Nebraska.
Kev. C. C. Rumbergcr canio I omc
Friday quito ill Iroin a fishing trip on the
Sinneinahoiiing, iu Clearfield county,
and was confined to his room until Tues
day. Ho was unable to hold his usual
service in tho M. E. church either in this
place or Foxbsrg, Einleuton Herald.
Last week's Clarion Republican:
Bert Cook. ofCooksburg, was in Clarion
Wednesday looking alter legal business,
! Miss Cora Watson, of Oolui.a,
II, c uiiHst of Miss Anna Math-It for a f. w
days Ibis week Miss Irene Phibins
returned l.ome Sunday from a two weeks'
visit iu Leepcraiid Tioutsta.
Cream of the .News.
A woman ai ways has the best or tho
worst ol it.
Summer goods must move out, dou't
miss sale now on at T. C. 8. It
There is no end to the hill most peo
ple start up.
Shirts of the newest and prettiest
patterns, a line that cau't be beat at Hop.
kins'. Don't miss seeing them. It
It is easy for a rich man to impress
a poor neighbor.
The nicest, freshest and best line of
groceries are sold at the White Star, and
as everything is cash, the prices are low.
A boy says at least twenty times a
day, "Lot me alone!"
Cash is King. See pri.'es at Tlonesta
Cash Store. It
You all talk a great deal about Lib
erty. How much have you got ?
Hit's anything in the nature ol a hat
of the fashionable kind we've got It, and
don't tuck on the price either. Hop
kins. It
Many people pretond to be in love
who are really looking lor revenge.
Try us for grocerios. Heath A Feit.
When you have a boil, bow other
people want to open it I
Don't forgot that shoe sale at Hop
kins'. Still they go, but it can't last
much longer. it
Did you ever notice how girls run
their eyes over each other every time
they meet.
We need room for new goods and
prices must make . it at Tiouesta Cash
Stort. It
If you cannot afford an alarm clock
for every bedroom iu the house, lot iu a
fly or two.
Fall shoes coining in now; others It
For every love atlair that has public
sympathy, there aro lorty-nine that re
ceive general ridicule.
Fine assortment of shirts at Hopkins,
but all summer shirts must go. Come
and get prices. It
Experience makes some fools wise.
Many are called, but few are chosen.
New fall suits just in at Tlonesta
Cash Store. It.
Because we are so unaccustomed to
it truth deceives us more readily than a
Don't miss the bargains in shoes and
shirts at T. C. S. It
If all get to heaven who expects to do
so it will not be heaven for all who are
Now hats for fail at Heath A Feits. 1
Carnegie is having four electric ele
vators put iu bisNew York house.
We always recognize how ridiculous
our faulis appear in others.
When looking for a suit of, i
pair of shoes, a hat or anything in tin
furnishing line to wear to the Pan-Ex.
call on Hopkins. It
Treasury officials fignie out an accU'
mutation of fcj40,000,000 ol gold within i
The jmnortation of diamonds has
doubled during the past year.
Suits to measuie and uuaranleed to
lit at T. C. S. It
When the small boy has nothing to
say it is time to call iu the dor-tor.
Take Laxative Bromn Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro. E. vV. Grove's signature is on
each box.
Naliiinul Cilass Company's Exhibit, Pan-
American, Exposition.
The above campany, which operates
twenty-one plants, with main ollice at
Pillsburg, Pa., has eroded a complete
factory on the Taii-Auierieau grounds
and show all process of manufacturing
glass from the raw material to the fin
ished product, varying in value from a few
corns to hundreds of dollar for each
They also show process of cutting, en
graving, etching decorating.and spinning
aud weaving glass into cloth. They ex
hibit a full size figure of Miss Maxine
I'll int, the celebrated actress, draped
with di ess woven from glass, and lurni-
ure upholstered with slass cloth.
Their exhibit is the only manufactur-
ng exhibit on the grounds, and is really
one or the best educational leatures ol
the l'an-American.
For Sale.
A fine team of bay draught horses, sev
en years old, weight 1700. One horse and
one mare. Both in good condition. For
perticulars call on or address
11 its. mciKfi, i lonusin, rn.
'Some time sgo my daughter caught a
severe cold. She complained ot pains in
her chest and had a bail cough. I gave her
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy according
to directions and iu two days she was
well and able to iro to sc hool. 1 have
used this remedy in my family for the
past seven years and have never knowu
it to fail," says James Trenderirast, mer
chant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India
Islands. The pains In the chest tmlicateu
an approaching attack ol pneumonia,
wlilcli in tins instance was iiiiuoiinicniy
warded oil' by Cbamherlaiu's Cough
Remedy, it counteracts any tendency
of a cold toward iineumouia. Mold li
.1 by
Killmer Hros. Tiouesta, and W. U.
kins West Hickory. slirnatnre Is on every bet ot the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Taweu
the remedy that currs a cold In one day
Klour T sack I.n0(g,l.5
Corn meal, feed, l rr
Corn meal, family, 19 100 lb.,
Chop feed, pure KrH'n
Corn, shelled
Means 1 bnsliol
Ham, sonar cured
Bacon, snar cured
Whitetish V kit
N. (). Molasses
Collce, Roast Kio
Cotleo, blended Java ......
(31 .-H
iir., .511
,:') .50
.:( .50
. ii .15
Kirirs, fresh
Halt barrel ,
Potatoes, bushel
Potatoes, new "r peck .
I line f barrel
Nails V keg
L. J. Hopkins.
Now for
Tins week wettiit nur Regular
intend taking a little trip or starting on
pocket, we have them, all have the littl
for handkerchief, from I he lowest to highest
At 50c A Mack Morooo Chatelaine with
hook; also a genuine Moroco leather strap
dark brown.
At 11.00 (tannine Moroco Chatelaine,
light brown.
At 1.50-Black, Real Seal, Chatelaine, with oxidized mountings, and patent clasp
helt fastening (this patent hook or fastener irakes it impossible to take the hraik out
tne belt only in the rguier way).
Atfc!00-Ulack, Real Seal Chatelaine,
patent clasp hook.
At fci.75 Texas steer leather Chatelaine, gun metal monntii gs, self leaiher straps
and with patent bell hook the leather in this has a rich.soit, black finish, particularly
well adapted to anyone wearing iua K.
BKAf) CHATELAINES If you care to
CbatelHines, we have ali that is required
chain tcitk hook. Price and sizo ranging
the five inch-dull French trey, Krost. d Silver rinish, Oxidized anil bun Metal
finish a full assortment: also the Jet and Steel Heads and Purse Twist.
TOCKET BOOKS Exceptioni-l line of (leonine Moroco, real seal, monkey, Alli
gator, (imitation and real!, in black, browns, tans, and greys-price range, f0c tof3.50
LACES New, All-ovor, Black Laces tho very latent and most desirable designs.
NEW WAIST CLOTHS The very latest for Waists fancy black and
stripes, very narrow in Pink, Navy Blue. Red, Stenl Blue, Lavender, ami
qtloise '8 Inches wide (ill Centre Street window) 4.w yanl.
Write lor Samples. Teloi hone, either line. 7
Two - STORES - Two
Toilet Articles.
Wall Paper,
Paints, Oils and!
33 rushes.
In Exchange we oiler you Courteous Treatment, Fair
Dealing aud Ilest ood at Eowesl I'rioe.
coimie jnsro SEE us.
Killmer Bros.
Boys' Suits.
Double breasted
rlon'l sell cotton,
Boys' Trousers.
Size 3 to 1G,
and $1.00.
Boys Hose.
A little the beit Hoys' liosc we've ever tolil at this price,
double heel and knee ami last black, all sips, 15c.
The Sampson Suspender Waist.
A new anil thoroughly cood Waist to hold Iruusira ami
to fasten the stocking supporters, Size 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and
14. 50C.
P"" '"f
year they're most needed-just wheu you
your vacation more convenient than a
inside cash pocket and the outside pocket
i lasped outside pocket, leather strap and
and hook, in plain blacK and ligut anu
with chain and hook, in black, aud dark and
with French, grey-finished trimmings and
and have the lime to make your own
- THE MOl'.1 AfAV. or metal part, and
from -V- tor the two inch ones in $1 .75 for
i lute
Ever thing In ICiM-li Ie
parliiirnl ew and
An Excellent SHOE fur
Either Emlie or mi
tlciiuii, for $I.OO.
style, size H to 16; all-wool clnAi aa wo
$2.50, $3.00 tO $7-00.
all-wool goods, patent bauds at 50c, 750