The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 07, 1901, Image 2

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One Square, one inch, one week... ) IN
One Square, one Inch, one month. S M
One Sqaare, one inch, 3 months. t 00
One Square, one inch, one year ..... 10 00
Two Squares, one year. ......... 15 00
Quarter Column, one year SO 00
Half Column, one year. ....... . M 00
One Column, one year lto 00
Legs' advertisement ten cents per line
each Insertion.
We de fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
Office in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building,
Forest Republican.
Trrnis, f 1.00 A Year, Htrlrlly la Advance.
Ho subscription received for t shorter
period than three months.
rorrmMndnnre solicited, but no notice
will be taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
n . rr I? UIIkIiav
aunlmen.-J. T. Dalo.W. F. Blum,
Chan. Clark, T. K. Armstrong, Dr. J. 0.
Dllim, U. VI. W. . Hi lino.
Justice vftkt react V. A. Kandall
J. Hetley.
Constable II. K. Moody.
Collector S. J. Sotley.
. .... . ... tfl-i-
M-nool inrectore it. v. uoieiiiaii, i,
K. Wenk, J. C. Hcowdon, Patrick Joyce,
IV i:.... U I. llaalnL
Member of Congreel 3. K. P. Hall.
Member of Senate A. M. Neeley.
Aeeembly A. M. Doutt.
President Judge W. M. Llnclsev.
Associate JutiyeiK. B. Crawford, W
II. II. I loiterer.
Protkonottiry, Register A; Recorder, ate.
John H. Koliertson.
HherxU'.J . W. Jainiesoii,
Jreanurer S. M. Ilonrv.
CommiMionem R. M. Merman, John
T. Canton. J. T. Dale.
District A Home v 8. D. Trwln.
Jury OonmissonertAsy O. Rey-
Mollis, rotor loungK.
Oirnner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
County Auditors J. K. Clark, R. J.
Klynn, Geo. I King.
County Superintendent E. K. Htltzln-
Itegalar Teres mt t'eart.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Momlay of May.
Fourth Monday of Hoptemlier.
Third Monday of November.
r.harrfc aid HsTbntk ftrhct.1.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a,
in. : M. K. Sabbath School at iu:uti a. Ill
Preaching in M. K. Church every Sab
bath even iuv hr Rev. W. P. Mur.av.
Preaching In tlie K. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Itev.
C. II. Miller, Pastor.
Services In tlie Presbyterian Church
every Snlilialu morning ana evening,
rlev. j. v. MCAiiincii omciaiing.
The reirular meetings of the V. C. T,
U. are held at tlie headquarters on the
aecoml and fourth Tuesdays of eacii
iPI' . N F-STA LODdK. No. SA9. 1. 0. 0. F,
x Menu every Tuesday evening, in Odd
Fellows tlall, rarlrlitge building.
KMRKST LODOE, No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
. moeis every r ruiay evening ui a.v. v,
W. Mall, Tionesta.
s U. A, K. Moot 1st and Sd Moniiay
evening lu each month, In A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tioneata,
1.17, W. K. ('., meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
mliWL'UTl Tl'MT v.. I ill V n T
1 M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
1.. .1. .1. 1 A l IT 11'
evening in earn iiiomu fu a. it. u. n
hall Tionesta, Pa.
Tioneata, Pa.
Warren, Pa.
Practice in Forest Co.
C. M. Shawkky, Uko. II. Miisn.
Physician, Surgeon A Dentist.
Office and llesidenee three doors nortli
of Hotel Agnew, Tionenta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
Physician A Surgeon,
OIHoe over Heath tt Killmer's atore,
Tioneata, Pa. Professional calls prompt
ly responded to at all hours of day or
night. Residence May HU
J Physician and Surgeon
Oniceand residence aliove Fores C.
National Hank. County 'Phone No. 1.
E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly tlie Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold water, etc The comforts of
guests never neglected.
Kf. OK ROW A OK ROW Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. This Is the mostceutrally
located hotel In the place, and haa all the
modern Improvements. No pains will
lie spared to make it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public First
class Livery in connection.
Shop In Walters building, Cor. Elm
and W alnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. At thb tAiKM mmcsi imivwtiTY,
arroo, Pa.
TM toft practical, up-lO-Ht
tDtts Training School IB rannaylvanla.
giva our Siudaiiia.a 'braad
Ifinlnc1 adiMailoii.
ta ill! M ia4 to Mil full par
tleulara to anr adartia, upon raoalpt
of application for aaa.
Our graduatea aro ollng poat
tlona of Honor and truat ta alt part
f to On l tad Stataa.
For full particulars, addraaa,
Fire Buildings Wrecked
From 10 to 10, anil IWIl.ty More, Per.
oil. Are llvlleireil to lie Ileail Wall.
CallaiMiil Like ('arillioaiit and Thers
V. No Chance Kor Ksrape What Ki
plutled Is Nut Known.
PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 0.-A terriln
rxplosioii In a hlcN-k uf six buildinirs on
Locust strci-t, nlsive Tenth hist night
cuupli4cly wri'ckfd five of the struct inv
mid cnuscd the dentil of from 10 to '.I I
or more persons. Over two score of
others wen- more or less seriously In
Jured. Some of those tnkcu to the bos-
pitnls will die.
It is estimated Hint nt least .'!." persons
were in the hve hinliluiKs when the f:
plosion occurred, nml the exact nilliilicr
of dc:id will piidinlily nut be known in
24 hours.
The buildings were occupied
Ions: l.ocuwt street, No. liNlS,
innii's pool nnd billiard rooms.
No. loll). .Morris Rosenthal's
IIS fill
hiind clothing store, occupied by Uocu
thill, his wife nnd tire children.
No. 11112, William Jones, colored res
taurant, oeeiipied by Jones and alstut
lo boarders.
No. 1014, i!sirge McCleinniy's grocery
store, (HTiipied by MeCleniiny, clerk.
nnd servnnl girl.
No. loiil, I'ntrirk Quiglcy's grocery
tore, occupied by Qiilgley, his wife, three
children and his uncle.
No. 101S, Albert .Mountain's grocery
nnd meat store, iH'Citpied by Moiiixnln,
mother, sister nnd clerk.
The explosion oecurred nhotit Il:.'t0
o'clis k. What exiiloiled nnd how it Imp
peped is not known nt this tune but it is
believed to hnve been n barrel of gaso
line in one of tile three grocery stores.
With the exception of loot;, the front
walls of the buildings were blown ont-
Mnrd into the street while the floors nnd
rMiN were blown upward and fell
straight to the ground.
Almost every building in a rndiun of
two hliM-ks about the seeue of the explo
sion had windows shattered ami were
otherwise diiuiiiged. Every building on
the opposite side of Locust street was
more or less wrecked, hut none of them
A 4irrilile cry went up from the ruins
the moment the explosion occurred. Wo-
ineii, children ami men could lie seen
crntvllng from the debris, while the ngoii'
lulus cries of others were heard in the
wreckage. 1'roiu nil the surrounding
building)' injured people runic running
nnd fell into the street tinconseioti.
I'o mid to the horror tire broke out III
tho debrii.' the moment U settled to the
ground, nnd in less tlinii live minutes the
gren: pile wns burning fiercely from t ml
to end. A genernl alarm wns turned ill
for li e iippnrntus mid mnbiilnnces, anil
lu the mi in. time the work of resuee was
vi.ln ill ti ri 1 Is'gun by those in the neigh
bi rhood that were not injured.
When the firemen reached the scene
the f.iuirs had gained great headway
nnd wen igniting the buildings ncross
tlo sivic The tire, however, "avis soon
under control, and with tlie exception
if a siiiiil. Idme here and there wns ex
tinguished ill a few minutes. The work
of iligii it away the ruins was then Im-
gun 1c curliest. Near the edge of tile
d.'bris si vernl colored men were taken
o it ii i'd sent to the hospitnls.
I lie the firemen nnd policemen were
dikging into the debris nnd limiting away
nvv t'nihcr In several sections of the
wrckng ' cries were heard coming fu in
the (i liar of Mountain's grocery stop.
Fifty nun with rope and tackle wer
I m n cd'ittcl put to work at that point
no! pulled iiivny the roofing nnd Mooring
which had fallen into n massed heap.
From the boitoin of the pile, douliled up,
were taken a inmi nnd a woman. The
inn ii wns n Me to speak, hut the woman
was apparently dead.
hile the work of rescue w as going on
lu til" exploded hlisk hospital attendants
and others made a search of all the diiin-
oged houses on the opposite side and al
um..! a scon- of persons were taken to
vnriniia hospitals from these places.
The .ItnVrsoti nnd the Pennsylvania
h.i-pitals were soon crowded with the
ini'ired Two hundred men nrc now nt
work charing away the wreckage.
Til' building continuing tlie p.Hilrooiiis,
liiiliing store mid the rcstnur.iiit wire
three-sti.rj brick structures, while the
otic r time building" were two nnd a half
olillluifi I'ubllsher f Comic Journals
rae Away In New York.
NEW YORK, Aug. II. Jesse Ilnney,
one of New York's nld-tinie publishers,
and owner uf one of the earliest comic
papers published here, died nt his home
in this city yesterday. Itorn in (ierinan
town, Pa., ill IX'-'! I. Mr. Ilnney cnnie to
ew York ill lSTi;) nnd allied himself
with tlie group thnt included tlcorgc Ar
nold, Sol Kytingc. Wait Whitman, Alli
um Ward and "iNiesticks" Thompson.
He then started the New York Pica
yune, a comic paper. This was succeed
ed by the Irving Magimiic and Inter
by the comic monthly paper that included
ltellew. the elder, and Frank Beard on
its staff. After being long connected
with the American News company he re
tired and thn-e years ago was stricken
with paralysis.
ftantoa-Iliimont's Airship iot ('slight In
Tree I'rlse Not Won Vet.
PARIS, Aug. 5.-M. Suntos-nuinont.
the Braxiliau aeronaut, made another un
successful attempt yesterday afternoon
to win tlie prize of 100,000 francs offered
by M. iMitsch of the Aero club for a
dirigible balhsm.
He started from the grounds of the
Aero club, the Pnni d'Acrostation at St.
Cloud, nnd headed for the Eiffel tower.
When over 1-oiig' hump the guide rope
caught In a tree. M. Snntos-I turnout got
clenr. but finding he could not cover the
course within the time limit, he returned
to St. Cloud S.j minutes after the start,
having covered alsmt half the distance
to the Eiffel tower.
Letter From Steyn.
K ROON ST A I T, Orange River Col
ony. Aug. .". Two Ilis'rs mine into the
British lines yesterday under a Hag of
truce with a letter from former President
Ainorlrana Accused of Alt Sort, of Atrocl
tie. Assurance, of Continued War.
MANILA, Aug. (i.-Mignel Malvnr,
who has been recognised as the successor
of Agtiiiialilo by the Filipino junta at
Hong Kong, has issued a proclamation
dated July III, copies of which arrived
here yesterday, giving assurance to the
nntive of the continuation of an active
campaign mid expressing hope for its
successful issue. The proclamation, of
which .ill.lHSI copies have been printed,
purports to emnunte from Ilalangas.
It i a characteristic insurgent docn
mcnt, charging the Americans with nil
sorts of atrocities. It recounts the losse
of guns and ammunition and the death of
four distinguished American offlcers, July
10, all of which, it says, the authorities
concealed. The proclamation threatens
General miles with death for trench
err, and warns all Filipinos who surren
der that they will never he able to liv.i
outside the American lines. Malrer
claims he has sullleient arms nnd supplies
to continue the lighting indetiiutelr.
The Americnn nltieials Isdicve tile proc
lamation was renlly written by Agon
cillo (the former representative of Agul
niildo in Europe) at Hong Kong, nnd
that he probably has never seen Malvnr,
Strong efforts are being made by the po
lice to prevent the distribution of the
Mr. INVM lssnc. Ktiiteitient Showing lte
suit or Art or Msrrh 4, I INK).
WASHINGTON. Aug. ll.-.Mr. Dawes,
the comptroller of the currency, has is.
sued the following statement regarding
the results of the passage of the act of
March 4. IIKiO:
"The impetus given to the organization
of national banks by the act which be
came a law on .March 14, l'.KNI, still coir
Iluriui. the 10' months since the pas
sage of the act there have been organ
ir.ed in the Tinted States lilio national
hanking associations with mi aggregate
capital of $;i I. 'Jl 17,000, accompanied by a
tioial deposit aggregating JI0.0(li;,'J(HI. Of
these luniks -l,tt were organized with a
capital of less than f.', the totnl
amounting to I I.SS2.IHSI. and 2iS with
a capital of $."iO.IKio or over, the aggre
gate iimoiinting to 2'J.;'.sr..l M. Included
in tlie total number of organizations nrc
P2 banks with capital of $.',!l'
which were conversions of state iustitu
tions, k of which were capitalized for
less than .f.'iO.IKKi and 2o for If.MUKKI or
Rival Motor Cars to Meet In Npertsl
Tenl of Nperd.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 3. Consul
General .Mason at Berlin has found It
uecessary to forward to tlie state depart
ment a correction of very generally pub
lished newspaper statements to the cfTcct
that new electric trains have been run
ning at I lie rate of l'J.'i miles nn hour
between Berlin nnd Iluuihurg.
Mr. .Mason says that a series of high
speed trials are to he niaile on an 1H
milc line I "'tween Berlin and Zosseii,
aided by the Gorman government in Aug
ust nnd September, which will attract
the electricians of tile world. The great
est electrical house in Germany has built
special motor car which is to run in
competition with one made by one uf the
lending American concern for this spe
cial test.
Actunl Cost of South African War Dur
ing Month of July.
LONHON, Aug. a. lit the house of
commons yesterday Lord Stanley, the
financial secretary of the war nlliiv, re
plying to a question, said the cost of the
war in South Afiica from April 1 to July
31 wns :."i.7."iO,0OO, partly chargeable
against the deficit of last year. The ac
tunl cost ill July was n.Mi.iMKI weekly
I he statement was greeted with ironical
Irish cheers. The chancellor of the ex
chequer. Sir Michael Ilieks-Bcicli, said
if the wur continued ut the same coit
for the next three months it would neces
sitate spending the whole of the reserve
he had provided for financing the third
quarter, but he had reason to hope thnt
this would not be necessary.
Cresrens ltresk. the Worhl. RecnriL
COLIMBl'S, ().. Aug. :i.-Crcsceus,
champion of the trot ling turf, added
more laurels to his fame yesterday by
trotting a mile in IMi'J'i, reducing by half
second his week-old record of "JMI'.'I,
niaile at Clevchuid last Friday. Tile first
half was trotted in ."il. the first time tlie
distance has been covered in less than
one minute by n trotter. The time by
quarter was ."O-'i, l::Ml',4 nnd
'2:lWi. Only u stiff wind Mowing direct-
up the stretch kept CrcKeeus from
stepping faster than 2:0'-'.
Depositor Will lie I'ald In Full.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3. It was nnottl-
chilly announced late yesterday thnt the
directors of the Seventh National bank
have practically perfected plans for the
payment of all depositors in full, nnd thnt
the nllicinl announcement will be made
within n week. It is claimed that
000,000 hits already been guaranteed ill
the plan of reorganization.
Carrie Nation to Lecture In the Ksst.
ROCHESTER. Aug. 5.-Mrs. Carrie
Nation, released by Governor Stnnley of
Kansas Inst week after trial and con
viction for joint smashing, has placed
herself in the hands of .lames E. Eur
long of tills city for n lecture tour
throughout the East. Her lirst appear
ance will he at Silver Lake next week.
stricken on tlie Altar.
NEW YORK, Aug. ."i.-The Rev. G.
E. Hancock, pastor of the West Park
Methodist Episcopal church of Asbury
Park. N. .L, was stricken with paralysis
at the morning services yesterday. He
was carried into the rectory and died at
2:30 o'clii'k iu the afternoon.
McKlnlry M ill Attend 1. A. It. Meet.
CLEVELAND. Aug. 2. - President
McKinlcy baa accepted the invitation to
attend the National 41. A. It. encamp
ment and will he in this city on Tues
day, Wcducsdny and Thursday of ei
campineut week.
Carnegie Hirers M.intresl a I.lhrNry.
MONTREAL, Aug. (I.-Andriw- Car
negie has offered Montreal . 1 .".l i.i s s I for
a library provided the city will contribute
a site and spend $l.i.000 yearly in main
tenance. Mayor l'refoiuniiie will bring
the matter liefnre the couucil.
Non - Unionists Rushed Intc
Hyde Park Plant.
rive Mill. In Operation at Well.vllle
President Shaffer Hat Not Vet Issue.
Ills Call Kit nation Feverish at Me-
Keesport Connrll May A I.I Strikers b)
Giving Them Municipal Jobs.
I'iriSlll KIl, Aug. li. Strike histor.
In Pittsbuig itself Is not prolific of re
sults. Considerable, however, is doinj:
In town's surrounding. In this city all ol
the idle mills are in the same condition at
Is'fore the failure of the conference
settle the strike and no apparent move i
being made hy the manufacturers to start
the mills; consequently there has been mi
break iu the strikers' ranks.
Tlie most important strike points seem
to lie Lceehhurg and Wellsvillle, with
McKccsport a possible trouble center.
From Liii hliurg the following news wat
M 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon the
Hyde Park mill, which hits been idle
since the first of this year, w as started.
K. .S. Jargny, nianager of American
Steel nssisiation; Hurry lavis, distrie
superint lent, and Rols-rt Lock, local
manager, were on the ground. At 3:4
a t:-ain arrived at Hyde Park, cumin
from Saltslnirg. Vnndergrift nnd Apol'o,
Hie train stopped nt the works anil
iii"'i. clad in working garb and cumin,
dinner buckets, left the I in in and hurried
into the works. There was no excitement
nn I .ho nilllun ucrs and managers elaim
they now have enough men in the mill
to opitnle all of the live-plant mill. Sin
tl'P'ls ale out and no one is allow I to
g"t into the mill w ithout a password.
Later six mill men from Leechburg
sauntered down toward the mill, passed
the guards and walked into tlie mills
where they arc now at work. This
inake (11 men now employed nt the
works. By outsiders it is claimed thnt
this iiuuiImt cannot operate the mill In
full. Iiih. however this may he. the mill
is running in good shape.
1 no iiiiialgaiunteil men. however, are
on t lie ground making desperate efforts
to keep all union men out. They make
the bold assertion thnt in two days after
President Shatter issues his general
strike order not n wheel will be turning
In either andergnft, Apollo or Hyde
I'll rk.
Prom Wellsvllle, O., the following re
port is made:
I he hist four of the striking steel
Workers who were arrested Saturdav
clinrged with riot, were released from
jail late yesterday afternoon upon hail
lucre are warrants yet in the hands of
the police for 1 1 more of the strikers.
which hnve not yet been served. The
ofllcers. for some reason, seem to be
afraid to serve the warrant.
Henry B. Henderson, n potter for
whom the police hnve a warrant, has
been trying to get himself in the wnv of
the ollh-ers all day to have them arrest
him, but they will not do It for the rea
son that Henderson Is backed bv the Na
tional Brothel hood of Operative Potters,
and tlie ollicers fenr the vengeance of the
potters once they are aroused, as tliev
would Is- if one iif their numlier were put
under arrest. Secretary Unify of the
potters, when seen today denied that the
brotherhood had nny Intention of call
ing their members in sympathy with the
steel workers.
There were four new men brought Info
the mill from Scottdale yesterday and
four of the strikers. George Cartwright,
Harry Pnvidson. Jaheth Itnshton nnd
Richard lny, deserted the union mid
went bnck to work. Cnrtright and Ihi-
vidsnn arc rollers, while Itnshton nnd
Kay are heaters. I'ive mills were work
ing yesterday, the largest number run
nny since the strike began.
Vice President John Chniipell of Xew
Castle was here yesterday Is-tween trnins
nnd said that all tlie steel mills belonging
to the I tilled States Steel corporation
would lie called out this week. Further
than thnt he refused to talk.
The condition nt MeKeesport Is report
en ns ieverisn. .Many striker nre on
the streets around the National Tube
Works. Men miiinunee that they are only
waiting for order from headquarters
before going out. Organizer Flynn of
the Federation of Labor was here look
lug over the situation nnd conferring
with local hnders. Persistent rumor to
the effect that mine worker will refuse
to furnish coal for the trust coke fur
nace or mills.
An ordinance ha Ih'oii drawn up by
Common Coiiuclhuaii .lames N. Wainp-
ler appropriating !f.00.000 for additional
paving nnd sewering of streets of Me
Keesport. Only taxpayer are to ls em
ployed nt the work. It is intended for
the benefit of strikers in case the struggle
is prolonged. Labor lender will bring
great pressure to Vnr on councilmcn to
hnve the ordinance passed.
Offers His Hslnrj to Help Strikers.
ITrrSRt'ItG. Aug. IV-Simon Burn,
president of the National Window Glass
Workers' association mid general master
workman of the Knights of Labor, ma le
a proposition yesterday to the Pittsburg
lender thnt he will ngree to pay ns high
n percentage assessment out of his sal
nry each week to aid the Amalgamated
association as any national officer, ex
oflh'er or member of any organization in
the country. If they will agree to this he
say he will give his entire salary n
president of the Window Glass Work
er' association. He has not drnwn nny
salary ns general master workman of the
Knights of Labor on account of tin or
der's tinmieial condition, hut will also in
clude that when he receives it. The
offer, he says, is intended particularly for
the national offlcers of the American Fed
eration of I.nlsir.
Frettorlrk, Mother of Emperor W II limn,
rwtr Awity nt CrontMTjt.
CKONHKIifi. A lie. l.-TiV n.nvncT
Enipniw Fnirrirk iliiil nt OrlTi p. m.
lnxt nitrlit.
Tin flout Ii of tin (Inwjitft-r ftiiprrs wji
unniewlmt iiwxM'Hniy Hiidilrii. At I
oYlfM'k Iht pli ysiriim ropnrtcl im r!i;uiff'
fu her (iMHiiiinti. Kinpt'inr Wiltiitm iiml
her in:ijfnt.vH ntlnr rhiMrrii wt-rv iu tin
ttirk riHiiu must uf the iluy.
IjirjcMt NwfHtlah 41hm Work lltinin',
STOCKHOLM. ShImi. Auk. li.-Th.'
Kufttu jrhiK work, the lartfritt in Swe
den, havr Urn tumuli.
Deere., of Almost Three Millions He
conleil For July.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. -The month
ly statement of the piilille debt, issued
at the treasury department, shows that
nt the close of business July 31, llsll. the
debt, less cash in the treasury, amounted
to l.:ti!!l,17!l.:i:HI, a decrease for the
month of $2.'.L'S,iKi7. Tlie debt is reca
pitulated us follows: Interest hearing
debt, JiiSTi.lTii.tMiO; debt on which inter
est has censed since maturity, $1.400,.
i-'O; debt hearing no interest, jstN'J.:l 12,-
4. "!; total, 1.3iilU7'J,:t.'l!l. This amount,
however, does not include $77.'l.!)!ll.liSt)
in certificates and treasury notes out
standing, which are offered by an eipinl
amount of cash on hand, which is held
for their redemption.
The cash in the treasury is classified as
follows: Gold reserve, $1.hI,0OO,0O0; trust
funds. f77:i.!Kll.liS'.l; general fund, $HM.
:iS!i.!Mi!l; in national bank depositories,
?l01.!M',l.:t.t.-, a total of IM.lHli,.'U2.!M,
against which there nre dmaiid liabil
ities outstanding amounting to $.H."1S.
1174.117, which leave a cash balance on
hand of :J27,iti.S7tl.
Monthly Circulation Statement.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2.-The month
ly circulation statement of the comp
troller of the currency shows that nt ;he
close of business July 31, Bsll, the totsl
circulation of national bank note was
!f.'l."iti.l."2.!MI,'!, an increase for the year of
$.'lii,oft7.012. mid an iuerense for tlie
mouth of $2.410.7111. The circulation
iiascd on United States bonds unioiinted
to $:i27.o:t!l.:i7:i; an il. crease for tlie year
of .5lo,r01.!.';!l, nnd an increase for the
month of ?:).! s,is;.
The circulation secured ley lawful
money aggregated $2!;i.."30. a de
crease for the month of $737.1)73. The
nmount of registered bonds nn deposit
to secure circulating notes was $320.-'!4N,-130,
and to secure public deposits $1011,-
5. '!1.4."i0.
Government Iterelpt. and Expenditure..
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2. The month
ly comparative statement of the gov
ernment receipts mid expenditures
shows that the receipts for July, l'.Kll,
amounted to $.i2.320.340. and the cxpen
idtitres $o2.307..1!Mi, which lenves a sur
plus for the mouth of $12.7.'iO, ns ngaiust
r, -licit for tlie month of July, 11MHJ, uf
Mother, Non and Ilaughter Htritng 1 p
In Mississippi.
CARROLTON, Miss., Aug. 2.-The
murder of Mr. nnd Mrs Tuliuferro cul
minated Inst night iu the lynching of
Betsy McCrny, her son, Belfield McCray.
and daughter, Ida Met 'ray, all colored.
Hie nioh was composed of about o00
white citizens of Carroll county, who
marched to the jail in order, demanded
the keys from Jailer I bike, proceeded to
tlie cells of the unfortunate negroes,
hound tin in by the necks and hands nnd
carried them to tlie corporate limits of
the town, where they hung them to a
tree ley the public roadside and riddled
their bodies with bullets.
The nioh resisted the earnest appeals
of Judge Stcnvena and Hon. W. S. Hill,
who st I on the steps of the jail and
followed tlie nioh to the cell doors
with their nrnis around the necks of the
lenders, pleading to let tlie law take Its
course, lutt with no effect.
Ida McCray confessed to the knowl
edge of the murder anil stated that her
mother, Betsy, and brother. Belfield,
helped commit the murder. She further
implicated others who will plol.ahly meet
a like fate. Betsy McCray refused to
make any statement.
Governor A. II. Loiigino nrrived on the
scene by special train from .la'-ksou just
a few minutes after the hanging.
Auother Negro lynched.
SM1THVII.I.F.. Tenn.. Aug. 3.-
Charlcs llavis, on trial for criminal .
sniill, wns taken from the courtroom and
lynched by a nioh composed of friends
nnd relatives of the girl assntilted yester
day. 1 la vis tried to jump from the second
story window but was captured. The
sheriff, a deputy, n const aide and the
di fendnnt's father, were wounded iu a
clash with the mob.
Body of Almost Lffelesft Infant FoiiihI I i
Field In KiM'liealer.
ROCIiKSTKR, Aug. u.-Kvidoiice of
extreme inhuman treatment hy an un
natural mother was discovered yesterday
when the almost lifeless body of a tiny
infant girl was found in a field tear the
corner of Clifford and Gisidman streets.
The little one. who was perhaps two
weeks old, had la-en wrapped in a
blanket and laid ut the base of a large
tree nt n lonely point. Kills, ants and
other vermin had horribly mutilated the
child's body.
It is not known how long the little
one had been cast nsule mid there is
nothing by which identification may lie
established. At til:- hospital where the
IuiIh- was taken it is said that she will
Undoubtedly die.
Carter's Herurlllr. Altnrhrd.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. Il.-Marion
Erwln, special assistant attorney general
of hc I'liited States, yesterday secured
Attachment against all loans and securi
ties in Sail Ii held hy Ohcrlin M.
arter, former captain of engineers.
L'nited States army. They amount In
many thousands of dollars.
Klsler Hie. of Horns.
NKWBI RG. Aug. Ik-Sister M. Gen
evieve of tlie Order of St. Ihiuiimr died
yesterday at Mount St. Mary's academy
from tile effects of burns received Sun
day night when her robe caught fire from
candle. She was .rMI years old ami
came from Fraui-e nhnut l.'i years ago.
Two Drinks For a Qaarter.
A young man alsmt town who thought
he had seen the limit in strange happen
ing ran up against a new one the other
night. He had drifted into a hotel bar
for a drink, nnd while standing at the
bar an elderly man, very nicely dressed
and with every indication of prosperity.
if not wealth, came in and ordered a
drink of 1.1 cent whifky, iniiiiring at the
same time if Hint brand were not sold at
the rate of two drinks for a quarter.
Upon receiving a reply in the affirmative
tho old chap produced a flask, laid down
quarter mid asked the bartender to
put the other drink in the buttle to take
away with him. Tlie bartender, dated,
diil so without a word, and the incident
was closed. Philadelphia Record.
Short Items From Various
Parts of the World
Reeord of Utiuij tlnppenlna-s Condensed
and Put Id tonal I Spr nd Arranged
With Special Regard For the
im of th Header Who lis. Llttl.
Tims to Spare.
Sir Thonias Lipton, in nn Interview
specially cabled from Glasgow, deuie
that he was going to purchase race
horses, and announced his intention to
build a new yacht.
Nothing less than a commercial trade
war, says s special cable dispatch from
Berlin, is the present outlook if the new
German tariff should come into force tw-o
years hence.
Copious rains which fell in the West
cm corn belt will save much of the corn.
Plans are being prepared by Nuvul
Constructor Bowles for 14,000-ton cruis
ers, which will excel anything in their
t liiss abroad.
Argentina's senate has upproved the
proposed suspension of martini law, and
the chamber of deputies is expected to
agree to it ut once.
President Koninu's message nt f'
opening of the Peruvian congress urged
reform In electoral laws nml showed
nn excellent financial condition of the
national treasury.
Ric hard Croker. it is defiuitelv stnted
in n special cuble dispatch from Lon
don, wiil return to New lurk iu Sep-
a . active pull in the full
Italy kept the first anniversary of King
Humbert s assassination with u great pil
griiuage to his toinh, in the Pantheon.
Mr. Rockhill reported to the depart
ment of state that ( hunt s indemnity will
he paid through a "committee of encush
incut" nt Shanghai.
From 20.000 to 30.000 persons wit
iiessed the opening of the drawings for
the allotment of 13.000 quarter sections
in the Kiowa reservation ill F.I Reno,
O. T.
Oesire to prevent any stock jobbing on
the stiel strike settlement is believed to
be the cause of J. Pierpont Morgan's
compromise with the strikers.
The new election bill wns submitted to
the constitutional convention in Ha
vana, Culm.
Rear Admiral Schley's friends nn
nc in need that Rear Admiral Sampson
was equally derelict in not destroying the
Colon or intercepting Admiral t.'ervera's
Governor General I'onaril Wood ar
rived on the Morro Castle from Havana,
much improved ill health. He expects to
return to Culm In three weeks.
A special cable dispatch from Paris
describes tlie operations of a gang of
Hwiudleis a i.d card sharps, who lleeced
several wellknown memhers of society.
According to a special cable dispatch
from Berlin, the publication of the pro
posed new German tariff schedules was
forced by the fact that a copy had Ism-ii
sold to a Loudon finacinl paper.
It was reported at Aix-les-Baiiies that
nn attempt had lus-n made upon the life
of the dowager empress queen of Portu
gal. Saturdav.
Ir. Cnrl Peters asserted in London
that he hail definitely proved hy his dis
coveries on tlie Zambesi that Kgypt civi
lized Central Africa 2.1 H Ml years B. C.
In spite of some opposition, tile house
of commons granted $.SNI.tKKI to Lord
Rolieris for bis services iu South Africa.
The Bahlwin .iegler Arctic expedition
ship the America has sailed for Prima
Josef Land.
I'r. Raiigcl Garbiras, with a small
army, crossed into Venezuela from Col
umbia I martial law was declared
throughout the republic by President
Captnin Parker, of counsel for Rear
Admiral Schley, was suhjected to espion
age while examining the records of the
navy department for evidence.
At the close of another day's confer
ence of strike leaders in Pittsburg Pres
ident Shaffer said he could say nothing.
While playing golf near Cleveland a
son of Aliirtin Snider, of the Standard
Oil company, was drowned.
A Rome disnntch saw it Im. I n .in.
elded that one Annricnu cardinal will
be created nt I lie next consistory.
NegolilltiollS lookim.' to the Mettlelm.iit
of the steel strike have I u suspended.
I he war departme nt has taken m timi
to silciuv Captain Schley, sou of the
rear admiral.
The George II. I'lilllios eoiinnitir. i.f
Chicago, headed by the Western Corn
King" has temporarily suspended. Bad
lHHl,keeoin and speculnii f .loolov.
ers Is given ns the cause.
Maryland Tlcnus-nits nntlei Artlmr P
Gorman's leadciship adopted a platform
demiinihiig the elimination of the neirro
from politics.
There is grave ihlllircr that the ret-nlo-
tion in Venezuela will lend to n declara
tion of war upon Coloiiibia hr Presi
dent Castro.
Fnslcrick W. Pealsnlv. runner counsel
in a suit for lilsd against Airs. Ivldy. at
tacked Christian Science and its founder
iu a lecture iu Boston.
M. Santos-1 turnout, says a special ca
ble despatch from Paris, gave another
convincing demonstration of the dirigi
bility of his balooii.
A ss'cial cable despatch from Cow
describes the gathering of yachts for the
famous Silent regatta.
The Viper, the lirst war ship to is- fit
ted with liitliine engines, became n total
wn-ck from running on a rock at Alder
ney. Tlie Veiiexuelaii government announced
thnt General Garbira's force of invaders.
Including 22 balialioiia of the Colour
liia ii army, was defeated after a battle
lasting 2H hours.
Many of the M-ople settling around
Lawtoii, O. T., nre penniless. The piace
U growing at the rale of 3.ISSI a day.
Two young women ami a man, lo
whom liny clung when sinking, were
drowned while bathing near Ocean City,
aid That t'nclrrwrlllpg Syndicate I. Ant
ing In Morgan. Interest..
XEW YORK. Aug. 3.-The Mail and
Kxpress says:
"It is learned today that nn underwrit
ing syndicate of possibly $50,000,000
had been formed to finance the consoli
dation of the bituminous coal properties
along the Norfolk and Western, Chesa
peake and Ohio, and possibly also the
Hocking Valley, Baltimore and Ohio and
other railroads in West Virginia, West
era Pennsylvania and Ohio.
"The syndicate will include prominent
banking interests uf this city, Philadel
phia, Baltimore and perhaps Pittsburg
Slid other Western cities. Judge K. 11.
Gary, chairman of the United States
Steel corporation, is understood to be
one of tlie leading spirits iu the deal, and
this is interpreted hy some as meaning
that the steel trust will cvlitrn' :',e out
put. "This, however, Is rt t 'lie Jud-;e
Gary, it is believed by .- nnc, n-: y repr'
s.'U' J. P. Morgan & Co., hut this u
not yet certain.
"The design is to run the soft coul
bush ess in harmony with the anthracite
trad", which Mr. Morgan, ill a measure,
Horongh of Washington In Peculiar Htate
at Present. a
WASHINGTON. I'a. Aug. 3.-The
borough of Washington is ut present in
peculiar situation, having neither a bor
ough government nor any legal status.
This state of affairs has been brought
about on account of tlie delay in reor
ganizing the councihuiinic body, since the
borough of South Washington has bo-
come a part of tlie old borough.
On July lo, after the consolidation of
the two Isiroiighs, the old council held a
meeting and trausactisl some business,
which Judge Mcllvaine declares Invalid,
a the couucilinauic body had not been
organized under the new corporation. It
is said that when South Washington was
brought in there was an understanding
Unit three of its couiicilmen would re
sign, and they now refuse to do so. With
the addition of eight members into the
present council its complexion will be
considerably changed and it is said that
the organization will not be affected until
the resignation agreement is carried out.
Owner of Massachusetts Ghs Right. Says
AihlleKs Made a WorthleM Contract.
I IIII.AHKI.l'HIA. Aug. 3. Suit has
been begun in the United Statea circuit
court here by Samuel S. Kent to recover
from .1. Kdwnril Addieka of Delaware
$."ssi,ihki. The claim Is that Kent pos
sessed the right to sell, use and manu
facture acetylene gas in the stnte of
Massachusetts. Addieks, it is declared,
as president uf the Buy State tins com
pany of Delaware, represented to Kent
in December, lH'.lfi, that his company
desired to buy Kent's rights for the city
of Boston unci the town of Bruokline.
A contract was made, it is alleged, by
which Kent wns to receive $300,000 cash
and $l.'iOO.iH.'0 iu stock of the Addieks
company. Kent now says that Addieks
was not ntiihnrizcil hy his company to
enter into the contract and the misrepre
sentation caused him to refuse to sell
the rights to another company.
Woman In W.ll Had to Htand on Tip.
toes Whiles She Screamed For Help.
ALTOOXA, Aug. 3.-.Mrs. Cora Di
bert of Cluysbtirg wus pumping water
when the platform collapsed and she
dropped to the bottom of the well. She
was just able to keep her bend above
water by standing on her tiptoes.
When unable to stand longer In that
position sin covered her mouth and nose
with one hand and went under for ns
long as she could hold her breath. Her
occasional shouts were finally heard and
she was rescued just In time to save her
life. Site says that one more dip under
the water would hnve been her last.
Workman'. Body Sersred From Shoulder
In Waist Line.
ALTOOXA, Aug. 3.-While working
at a siali cutting i,..o hine John M. Walls,
who operates a pluiuug mill at the foot
of Ten, this county, met with a dreadful
nei'iclcnt. The snw beenme released from
the machine, swung around like a flush
uud siiuck him on the right side of the
bren st.
His body wus severed from his shoul
der down, almost to the wnist line and
ribs were cut. ns though by a knife. No
bop is entertained for his recovery.
Ills Fir. al West Newton, Pa.
WICST NKWTOX, Pa., Aug. B.-West
Newton wns visited by one of the Isrgest
conflagrations in her history Saturday
night. Hie loss will reach $100,UOO. with
little insurance. Shortly before midnight
tire broke out in the large double dry
goods store of Roust ec Brodle. The
town has no fire department nnd within
30 minutes after the fire started tlie dry
good store was a moss of glowing cin
ders and four other buildings were burn
ing. The tire spreud from the rirygooda
store U the store of J. K. Seailer. This
building, a three-story structure, was
partially destroyed and the entire stock
ruined. W. F. Gordon, desler In farm
ing implements, lost fats entire stis'k of
reapers, mowers, etc., together with his
store. The furniture stock of Met, alio fc
Josephs was entirely ruined.
Wllkes-ltarr. Carahop Men Back at Work.
WILKES BAKKK, Pa., Aug. 5. The
machinists, blacksmiths and boileruia
kers employed at the carshops of the
Central railroad of New Jersey and who
went out on strike May 20, returned to
work tislay, the company having re-employed
them individually. The car re
pairers, who constitute the majority of
the employes, are still holding nut. They
say they will not return to work until
their demand are granted. Neverthe
less the company will attempt to resume
work with the old machinists and as
many new men as can lie procured.
AVKXI'K It is estimated that the
new steel plant will bring 2,isl people
here, and many new rental houses will
1st built for tin- uew'couiers.
ence of typhoid fever is giving concern to
the local etttclals. The board of lisdo
hsa taken steps looking to lb" stumping
eat ef the disease.