The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 03, 1901, Image 1

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One Square, one inch, ouwk... 1 tt
One Square, one Inch, one njuuth.. 3 0t
Une Square, one inch, 3 mouths.... & Ot)
Oue Square, one inch, one year . 10 00
Two Square, one year. ...... 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 30 00
Half Column, oue year .. 54 Of)
One Columu, one year 100 00
Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We de fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Published eyory Wednesday y
Offica in Smewbsugli & Wenk Building,
Trrae, l.00 A Tear,' Hirtrtly la advaaee.
No eubscrlptlou received for a shorter
Hriul thau tbree mouths.
('orowiKiiulmn-e iHillcilod, but no uotioe
will be taken of anonymous eoniuiuulca
dons. Always give your name.
Forest Republican.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
llHfe.-T. F. Bllolioy.
OoHHCxlmen.-J.'V.Me.VT. F. Ilium,
('has. Clark, T. K. Armstrong, Dr. J. V.
Dunn, U. U. Gaston, J. 1. Muse.
Jnntief uf ( react C. A. Randall, 8.
J. Sotley.
Ctmu6( It. K. Moody.
Collector V . P. Amsler.
aoo Ihreetor-U. W. Holomaii, J.
K. Wmik, J. C. Soowdon, Patrick Joyce,
W. W. Orove, K. L. Haslet.
Member oj Congrent-1 . K. P. llall.
Member of Senate A. M. Noeloy.
AttemblyA. M. Doutt.
Vsiiileni Jmlgt W. M. Llntlsoy.
.4oia Jmlget K. ii. Crawford, W.
II. II. Doltoror.
Yotaonorary, Regitterd Recorder, de.
John II. Robertson.
.YieriT. J. W. Juniiosoii.
rretuiurer S. M. Ilonrv.
(misM.ii()(T It. M. Herman, John
T. Carson. J. T. Dale.
IH.itrict Attorney S. D. Irwin.
Jury (mmttuionere Ivl U. Hoy?
nobis, Potor Yoiingk.
(Vrosjer Ir. J. W. Morrow.
Cohh'.v j4tdiror J. K. Clark, U. J.
l-'l Villi, Geo. U King.
(ftrnnfy SnperMenilent E. K. rltltilii
ger. Iteaslnr Terms of t'earl.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of Mav.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of November.
t'karrh and Makkalh MrfcMl.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:15 a.
m.l M. K. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. W. P. Mur.ay.
Preaching In the F. M. Church every
Ssbhalh evening at the usual hour. Rev.
C. II. Miller, Pastor.
Services ill the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath nioriiing and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAnilich ofncinling.
The regular meetings of the V. V. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
aooniut and fourUi Tuesdays of each
p Ii . N KSTA LODGE, No. StlO, t. O. O. F.
1 Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Follows' Hall, 'Partridge biilldiug.
I Meets every Friday evening lnA.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesla,
U. A, R. Moeta 1st and 3d Monday
evening iu each month, iu A. O. U. Y .
Hall, Tionesla.
1.17, W. R. C, moeta first and thlril
Wednesday evening of each mouth, In A.
O. U. W. hall, Tlonesta, Pa.
rpToN KSTA TKNT, No. W4. K. O. T.
1 M., meets 2nd ami 4tli Wednesday
evening in each inoutli iu A. O. U. W.
hall Tionesla, Pa.
Tionesla, Pa.
Warren, Pa.
Practice In Forest Co.
C. M. Siiawkky, Uko.IJ.Munn.
Phvalch n, Surgeon A Dentist.
Office and Residence three doors north
of Hotel Agnew, Tionenta, Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
Physician it Surgeon,
OlHoe over Heath t Killmer's store,
llnnosia. Pa. Professional calls prompt
ly rospomlod to at all hours of day or
lilglil. Itesiiionce may nw
1 H. J. I). GREAVES,
I Physician ami Surgeon
iiniiwand residence above Fores C.
National Hank. County 'Phone No. 1.
K. A. W HAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
....i i r..rt.iultA.I with rII the mod.
em improveiuents. Heated and lighted
I...... ti.lnpal inm IkatliifMltllS.
,111 IllllUlllr Willi .,.... p. 1 ' I
hot anil oold water, eU The comforts of
guests never ncgiecieti.
J (iKKOW A GEROW Proprietor,
Tlonaeta. Pa. This is the most centrally
locatml hotel in the place, and has all the
modern hnprovemonts. No pains will
bo spared to make it a pleasant stopping
nlace for the traveling public First
class Livery in connection.
Shop In Walters building. Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the tlnest to
'.he coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
And all kinds of
1. 1 mm & sons.,
Furniture Dealers,
Fred. Grcttcnbcrgcr
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
Rines, Oil Well Tools, tlas or Water Fit
tings and Oenoral H lackHiiiiuuiig promiu
lv done at Iiw Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction iruaranteed.
Shop iu rear of and just west of the
"iiaw llousn, Tldlnute, l a.
Your patronage solicited.
Cirll Government to Be Inau
gurated July 4.
Judge Tan, a. Ilrail of Civil Adiulnl.lra-
loa WIU Awiim Colli nil. While C haf
fee Will Olv. III. Atlnntlim la Slainp
leg Out la Left of III.
mivii i r.,, 'ti,..,,.i.. .,.,.
July 4, be luuiigiiruliiin liny fur ihv
civil government aim moving nay r liu
militurv hi'ttdiiiiiirtcni. a-liich will Ih'
trnivfcrrcd to the former SpunUU hcad
ipiariers. Hillside the will led city. 'I'll
nnt:lf,i will lie iMcilliitd I'TclllHlvelv liV
the ilvd K"Vcrnuif lit. tieneral Chaffie,
who iiiinicii commuiid 1 hiirsiluy, will
occupy!. Tnft's nideiice and J'lilge
Tuft will ifiuirt-e to the Mulninlinil m 1-
n.i (.i-iiirHl (Miiiffee i. Iinliiriiir to
jitisli Mnlvur, the insurgent chief ill
Soillli-ri Lilian. lie has ordered I lie
transfer of the Fifth infantry from
i. tliern I.iisiiii tn ltiitiiiiifiis nrovliii'i.
The gi uerul has Ih-cii iuforiued that Mul
v ii i'ii nriiiiiiMil oiiarteni are ill a lilouu-
tn In town in Northern Tuyulius, wlnw
liihi.l-llontH are contributing to .Muivurr
tuniral Chuffce bus not forunil.itej
plans fir the occupiilion of I lie isltiiel of
i: r:.l lliiirlii. nt hi. reiincHt. will Is
permitted to continue in coiniiinud u the
ViKSjas ii lun. I mull the Sainiir cn:n-
imiirii Iu enniliietelL CllUSCOttelltlV Getl-
era I Davis will continue temporarily us
piiivoM run i lull at .iiiimia.
Uinerul t liHffws stun appoiuievs are
ns t Vus:
Adjiilaut tiiueral, Cnloiicl William I .
tl..ll ...rn. a l..p intii.trtll 1 1 r i IT 11 1 lilr
general :hnrles F. Humphrey; lnsH'ctr
general. I.Mnreimiil im I Jiss-pn
r'anjer. Mid military secretary. Cupt iln
(;ple lliitehinsou. Sixth cavulry.
Four American prisoners who i-scapcd
f..i.1 PiiIiiiimii Miiiilorn. June 'J."i in a
Kalilioiit, hare lieen recaptured. Six oth
ers me reported to be h Sniilheni Min
itm li.iv.. tu.n niiMMeil iMttahlixliluif a
Isisrd of health for the Philippines aisl
pn'Vliling for laboratories in coiiiiii'tlon
therewilli. The salary of the health com-
ini!-ioncr will Ih ii.'m.
The United Stati cruiser Albany
sailed yesterday for the Mediterranean.
Scteral Insurgent olllcers and .'UVI Iml
oinen have vobinittrlly taken the oath of
alleeinnce nt Culno. province of Ilatann.
f'....t..;.i i.l-imu u-itli 111 men. siimthiir
In Albuy pmvini-e, has killed 111 insur
gents ami fiipturcd a fiilpiuo cnituin
and 10 men.
A iletai hment of the Fourth infantry,
miiiitiiit on n villi iil lsliind III I. like
T..I li.ia eimtllriHl t.ollzuleX. fill lllHUr-
gent lender, his ailjiilant and several
A . i.l her iletnrhmcnt of the snmc n'gi
nu nt I wis had a ruoiiinit eimniti'ineiit nt
Kim n slid ilcslroyed a Filipino strong
hold. Sirircanl Hn.wn and Privates
Itlcsby and tJallield of the Coast nrtil
lerv were wounded.
The Kngllsh club cave a irception to
(ienirul MacArthur last nig'.t.
Member or I'arlUinrnl Kays Amerlran
Cnnlrnl Is Sireillnv In Dominion.
I.ONIXlN, July 1. J. Henri Itour
assn, who Is a'mcmber SC the Hoiiiiulon
piirliaim nt. and was for some years di
rector of I -a Revue Cunudieiine, has ur
rlved In London for u holiday. Inter
viewed ly a repn-seututive of the Haily
News lis refem-d among other mailers
to the way in which American capital is
Invading Canada.
"Aineric: i capital," he said, "Is
spreading around the lakes, up the riv
ers and along the railway system. It Is
breaking down the barrier between Can
ada un.l the I'liited Stales. The Amer
icans are not conuuering us, but they are
buying a" up. When this Is accom
plished it will only need a slight political
difference with the home government
un.l the annexation movement, now dead,
will revive.
"Then you will have to look not to
the half Anicricniiixcd business men of
Toronto, but to lis French Canadian,
who have saved the Homiuion to you
often and may do II "'.'alii unless you
Impclc-sly alienate us."
righting Mill C.oilliines In Columbian
Interior and Krliels Are Active.
KINGSTON. Jamaica, July 1. The
steamer Orinoco, which arrived yester
day from Colon, Colombia, reports that
martial law has been in Pan
ama owing M a report that the rcM
forces are ls'ing rwrganixed.
It also nppenrs that considerable t'urht
Ing is in progress in the interior and that
the government is dispatching reinforce
ments, arms and to the gnr
risous in the interior and also to certain
coast towns.
It 1M r.irtln.r reiiortnil flint slrinifcllt
precautions an taken in Panama in con
sciiience of the fesr I lint the relsds will
attack the city. Similar coudilions ob
tained nt Colon when the Orinoco left.
The government's alleged cruelty to
m.iitl.'sl is said to Is the cause
jf, ..... !
ef the refusal of the lilwrals to accept
tie peace terms.
Lord Wiilsrley Says It Is the Klnr.t In
the World, rtecaime of Good WaK'S.
I.OXIION, June 'J!l. During the de
bute on the army r.sir'Mi.i.nli..n bill In
the house of loriis yesterday Lord Woi
sey, the former inniuisnder-in-i'liief of
the forces, declared the I'nitcd Slates
r.rniy was the liii.ft of its sine in the
He said its siii.eriorlty was due to g.sid
wnu'es. tlreat Iliiliiin must fail1 the al
ternative of conscription or pound", shil
lings and jience to secure recruits.
Iork and Merchandise lliirneil.
ROSTON. July 2. A fire broke out on
Pier ." of the llisisac Tunnel dis ks In
Charleston yesterday. Although the pier,
which is the Huston trciniuus of the
Warrcnn Line Steamship company, was
destroyed with a large ipisntity of mer
chandise, the steamer Sachem, just nr
rived from Liverpil. wns towed out of
danger Im fore she had suffered seriously.
Six freight tars on thr d.-k were con
sumed. The loss la $2tNl.iNi0.
Striker to Msks an Knort la Call Oat
Everybody, i'roiu the Bwltcliinvn
to the Miner
RCRANTON, July 2.-A tnnssuieet
Ing of all the striking employes of the
Lackawanna shops In this city was held
Sunday aftermsm iu Cars'iiters' half.
Cnptniii M. Andrews of the Car Itiuld
prs' union pn-sided. The meeting was
culled for the purpose of taking action
upon the refusal of President Trucsdule
to confer with a committee ot his own
workmen from this city. After the meet
ing the following statement was given
"I'rcsident Trilesdule coisented to a
conference to Ih held Monday, June 24,
nt his ntllcc, 2i Exchange place. New
York. That day he was met by Presi
dent O'Couiicll of the machinists, un.l J.
l. Fonl, a member of the executive
bonr.l of the same organitatlon. Mr.
Jruesilulc postponed the interview until
Saturday. June 211. The above named
met at the oDiee of Mr. Ford at 21 I. iln
erly street, preparatory to meeting Mr.
Truesilale. At 11 oVI.x-k .Mr. Tmcsdnle
sent word that he would nut meet them
under nny consideration.
"Action was immediately tnken to call
out the Kingshin.l shop, the only machine
shop working on the Lackawanna sys
tem and advice given the Hcri'intou dele
gate present tu make every effort to call
out everything on the Lackawanna, from
the switchmen to the miners. Mr.
Mitchell has already guaranteed every
support to the strlkis-rs. Two week ago
a movement wns started to hove the mer
chant in every town pariiltelisl by any
oilier road to withdraw their patronnge
from the Lackawanna. When word was
riehed that a conference was iilsiut to
be held this movement wns cnlhsl off. It
will In In ken up again ut once and vigor
ously pushed, together with uiiy other
means that will bring success. Mr.
Truesilale might have been able to have
compromised mutters with his men. Now
only the origiuul proposition will be ac
cepted Financial support is guaran
teed." T'olibt Is xprcssod here as to the abil
ity of the strikers to make cffii'tive any
boycott of the Luckuwannii. Already a
large numlH'r of the strikers have re
turned lo work ut the Dickson shops.
Found Thai China Agrosd to 1'sy Mure
Than Powers Wanted.
WASHINGTON, June 2!. A curious
discrepancy concerning the amount of
the Chinese indemnities has developed,
by w hich it appears I lint China hus
ugrccd to pay :t..MM l.tMdi fuels, or $24.
imu.lHMI more than the united deinunds uf
all the powers. Just how this occurred
is nut denr to nllii inls, but it appears to
have been an error of culculution ut IV
kin in the first plucc by those making up
the indemnities, tin. I Inter by the Chinese
in their hasty acceptance uf the total.
As finally made up this total was 4."0,
(MMl.lHH) tuels, but the present calcula
tion, after taking iu all of the demands
that urc known, makes the total only
4iri.INMI.ISNI taels. In the meantime
China has ugni'd to pay the larger
amount, so that the iUestioii now arises
what will iHMDiue of the excess of 35,-
fK II 1,1 Kill tllels.
Another ipustiou which hus arisen n
this connection i us lo the iimuiint uf
bomls which shall be issued to Japan, as
t lut t country hus drawn attention to the
fact that it slinrn of indemnity cannot
be negotiated on ns favorable terms us
some of llic powers can make. It is
lindersliHid that the matter has been con
sidered of siiIN. unit importance to bring
to the utteution ot the president, with
view to learning the general attitude of
this government uli the matter.
Wife of rrotestMiit KpUenpal lllshop of
Kew York llles Hinlileiily.
NEW YORK. July l.-Mrs. Elira
Rogers Potter, wife of the Ut. Rev.
Henry C Potter, Protestant F.piscopul
bishop of New York, died suddenly early
yesterday morning at the family resi
dence iu this city,
Mrs. Potter's death wus due to heart
failure superinduced by the intense heat
of the lust few days. For a week she
had been suffering from a heart affection,
but no serious result of her ailment was
looked for by the family. Site returm'd
from Newport a week ago. Itisliop Pot
ter was at his wife's Isslsidc when the
end came, hut none of her six children
was present.
Mrs. Potter was TO years of ugc. She
was married to the bishop shortly after
bis or.liiintioii ns a priest and during his
ministry iu West I'ciinsvlvniiiu. Her
maiden name was Eli'ii Rogers Jacobs,
and a brother is at present a Philadel
phia merchant. The funeral will Im' on
Tuesday. Services will Is? held in Grace
church, after which the Issly will he
taken to Pnuglikecpsic for burial.
Knrnpesn lirought flrokrn.
LONDON. July 1. The long contin
ued drought in Great llritnin has broken
tip. Violent llinii.lerstoi nis occurred Sat
urday night nnd yesterday, accompanied
by torrential ruins mid lightning which
wrought much hnvoe. Jinny parts of I lie
continent hare been suffering from heut
waves. In Portugal much damage has
been done by Ho.mIs and hailstorms. Ac
cording to a dispiilch to the Daily Ex
press from Oporto 20 persons were
drowned by Hisids iu the Currar.iila dis
trict ami five killed by lightning.
Slabbed to Dentil by Itlval Liner.
IIA7.I.ETON, Pa., July 2-Itaphclo
galvndore and Joseph Yit, two miners
from the Tyrol, loved lleiitriee Mail
retti, a pretfy waitress at Frank Rossi's
sal. sin. They fought a duel Sutiirduy
nighl Willi stilettos, and Snlvadore died
yesterday from his wounds. Vil wns
ruptured at l.iniiytown. 1J miles away.
Frank Dnnni is under arrest as uu ui
ccssory. Check Fnr Millions K.TMilrit Tax.
CLEVELAND. July . A clusk for
j!12.0IN,IMHI, dnled July 1. to save the
2-ccnt revenue stamp that would hnve
been reipiired, arrived iu Toledo yester
day morning. The check, signed by Hen
ry A. Everett of this city, is iu payment
fir the'Trnncliise un.l nil property of the
Toledo Traction company.
Statement or the I'nbllr Petit.
WASHINGTON. July 2.-The state
ment of the public debt issued yesterday
hows that at the close of the lival
yi-sr, June .'10, l'.Nil. the debt, less i nsh iu
the Ill-usury, Huioiinled to $1,111 l.7o!
12", a decrease during June of fll.Tolr
Deaths and Prostrations Re
ported From Many Places.
Flfty-Sevsn Klllsil In New York Alone,
the lUtreisi Anions; the People In tlis
Crowded Tenement 1)1.1 rlrt lleing l'lll
fiilllnttest July 1 Kver Ksperleneed
Iu Ksiterii section.
NEW YORK, July '-Yesterday was
flic hottest July 1 on record. At .'1:10 p.
ill. the thermometer al the weather ollice
reached SMS degrii's. This was one
degree hotter than Sunday. The records
show that iu the 30 years pni'eding on
only two days In nil that pcriisl has a
higher temperature bisui reaelusl. Those
were July II, 1K7U, und July :l. 1H!I,S. On
these dayi the thermometer reuched II!)
ilegi1. Tht suffering would have Ims-ii
much Intensified hud the humidity Imvii
great. The pcti'cntugc of humidity wus
only 4S. The hottest July 1 which ap
proximated today in the history of the
i.M ul weather bureau wns in 1S72, when
the thermometer reached '".
At II a. tu. the mercury wus ut SO and
continued so until Ii, when it rose to N2,
ami from thai rour then' wus a gruduul
rise until .'t in p. in., when the uiiiximum
of lis was rii'iinlcd, n special thermome
ter registered H2.
In the curly morning hours there was
what might be teruuil u light r.e
blowing, but during the early part of I lie
afternoon the breexe died awuy and the
city wns linking in torrid heat.
The suffering iu the city, particularly
in the crowded tenement house districts,
wus shiK'king. As the duy grew the
deaths and prostrations Increased and.
although provision was inn.le iu all the
hospital for this emergency, the author
ities were scarcely able to cope with the
great tax made on their resources. An
liistnnce imiy be given of how the situa
tion st.ssl. St. Vincent's hospitnl has
its own ice plant. Wlicii constructed
tilts was though sutlieieiit to meet any
el geiicy. but that hospital was forced
to buy I.UINI extra pounds of ice iu addi
tion tu what its ice plant turned out.
I'i to midnight lust night there were
reported C7 deaths and 141 prostra
tions from the heut and the num
ber r hourly licing swelled. This cov
ers u perhsl from 2 o'cl.s k a. oi. Monday,
nnd only for the boroughs of Manhattan
nml the Itronx. There were so many
ambulance culls that tin- pniee were
cu'isl on to supply pntml wagons uud
every nmbiiluucc did double duty in re
sponding to calls. Many patients were
curried to the hospituls in cubs and in
moving vans. The prevalence oV.tlie grip
among the horses of the city also tends
to mitignle uguiust effective work. In
ninny case horses hud to be obtained
from contractors to draw patrol wagons
and uiiibulunccs.
Although the weather bureau shows
that the maximum wns IIM, this docs mil
indicate the heat on the streets. Jinny
then teters rcifiMcrcd Ins at .'1:10 and
nil of them over lisl on the street levi I.
Il Is estimated that lot I policemen are
on the sick list, their illness arising from
the heut.
101 lleicrees nt Klmlrs, Hut No Dentin
ELM 1 II A. N. Y.. July 2.-The temper
ature here yesterday wns higher (hull on
nny first of July in 111 years, reaching
101. Severn! people were prostrated be
the heat, but no deaths as a result.
Several maiiiifuctoriisj censed operations
for the day. Cltlien Killed by llrnt.
JAMESTOWN, N. Y., July 2.-The
temperature her- yesterny was IIS in the
shade during part of yesterday. J. W.
rphum, n prominent, fell dead on
the street ns n result of the heut.
One Killed at Nelieuertiidy,
SCHENECTADY. X. Y., July 2.- Kit
chel Lansing of lilo ('Impel street wns
overcome by the heat yestcrilny uud died.
Several other prostrations iK'currcd in
this vicinity.
Duke of Manchester Haya He Lost Ills
Money In Thrntrlral Hpeculntlon.
LONDON, June 2!I.-The Duke of
Manchester mude yesterday what he
hopes will lie his last appearance in the
bankruptcy court, as his creditors for
mally n ptod the composition of 12
shillings and ti pence in the pound, which
ofler wus approve.! at a meeting of the
unsecured creditors. Although the ac
counts showed that the unsecured debts
(Tlni 'ii.te.! to .'10,710. the trustees sub
uiitte I that this sum could be scaled
ilovi to l!l, 7IM, with assets amounting
to I'.INHI.
Dniitit. the course of his final examina
tion the Duko of Manchester reiterated
that his failure wns due to the loss uf
several thousands of pounds in theatrical
speculiiiiicis and said he had not gam
bled. Mis Portia Knight, the American act
ress wiui bus brought suit uguiust the
Duke of Mi iiclicster for breach of prom
ise, bin lun .vers present at the duke's
culmination, but they were not permit
ted to ipiestiou the debtor, uud couse
ipicutly they were unable to obtain In
furuiu'.iu:. of much value tu their client.
Uen. Ilntlerllrld Will Me at West folnt.
WASHINGTON, July 2. The secre
tary of war has granted the reipiest of
the family of General Daniel ltuttcr
ticld, a veteran of the civil wnr. thul in
case uf his denth he Is buried iu the mil
ilury reservation ut West Point. Gen
eral Iluttcrlield was a gulluut soldier
during the war of the rebellion, but was
not n graduate of the military ntcu.lemy.
The cemetery at West Point is usually
ri'servet! for ibe remains of the gradu
uli of the military ac.i.l"iuy, but other
persons may In interred there with the
approval of the sis-rctary of war.
Urlirvil Fililiir Ketires.
GENEVA, N. Y June 2!.-Stophcn
II. Parker, owner and editor of The Ga
zette for many years, hns leased the
plant nnd retired. .Mr. Parker is one of
the bcstknowii editors iu the stale and
for two years wns president of the State
Editorial association.
Inilisn Land Opening Not to lie lelayed.
WASHINGTON. July 2.-Sccretury
Hitchcock has .lis .l that there is no
authority of law permitting a delay un
til Oct. I in the opening of the Wichita
Indian reservation iu Oklahoma, as de
sired ty certain cattle interests.
900 Mluers Kesciied Just Iu Tlliio Flames
May Spread to Ilia Mine.
WILKES RAItltK. June 2S. -The No.
2 breaker of the Delaware and II11.I-...1
Cool company was burned dowti Wed
nesday and with the engine house, wash
cry, holler house, fun house, ami hen. I
house, wns destroyed. The tire wns start
ed by a hot .journal, n hich ignited some
nil waste. The entire brerker was ou
fire half an hour after the fire wns first
discovered, and it spread along the trest
ling to the hend house over the shaft 000
feet away. The hend house was on fire
ns the miners were being brought up
out of the mine. There were 1100 at
work nnd the lust 2oo hud a narrow es
cape, the hend house fulling a few min
utes after the last carriage load had bien
brought up.
The shaft caught fire and it is feared
it will spread to the mine beneath. The
fun shaft is also on tire. Twenty-six
mule arc down the mine and it is be
lieved that they have been suffocutcd.
Thu loss is between .f.KUXKI all,l 1(HI,(SH,
Krn.llinr Mlrllrrs Krjrct Offer or K Hi
ll ptoyers to I'sy Inereass III Wage.
READING, Pa., June 2H.-The propo
sition of Frank C. Smink, vice presi
dent of the I'ea.liug Inui company, offer
ing an increase of wugi-s to 2,iNl strik
ing workers, puddlers to receive $4 a
ton, will be rejected. The wage schislules
for other classes of labor have not yet
been prepared.
When the puddlers ipiit they were re
ceiving $.'1.20 but the company hns since
announced a 2.1 cent raise. The leaders
say they will not accept the offer of Mr.
Siiiink unless it involves the ris-oguition
of the union nml the strike will likely go
on. The men have becu locked out for
about six weeks.
Two Congressional Aspirants.
REAVER. June 2!t.-Jumi-s II. Gun
iiiiu'houi of Reaver uud ex-Judge M. I".
Misklein of Rocki-stcr announced them
selves as eiiinli. lutes for the nomination
to cnngri'ss. They are Isith members of
flic Heaver county bar. Cunningham
was Renvcr county's nominee two years
ngo, but failed to sislire the district
niimiuution. The question is up here as
tu which of the candidates Senator Quay
will support or whether he will keep
hands uff.
Wsnts llallett Cases Dropped.
WASHINGTON. Pa.. June 2!). Dis
trict Attorney A. V. Teiuplctou of this
county went before the court Thursday
Olid made the formal motion prossiug
the HS indictments uguiust Mnjor Sniuuel
llal.'tt, the bunker who uinde au assign
ment over two years ago. An agree
ment wus ninde some time ago between
Major Hurled and the prosecution
w hereby the cases were tu Is- dropped 011
the payment of the costs by the defend
ant. New Klertrle Line For York.
YORK, June 2S. York is to have an
other electric railway. The backers of
the proposal new line ure the president
ami secretary of the Hulliiuore West
inimicr and Gettysburg ebs-tric ruil
wn). The new line will Im a continua
tion of the road to be built from Gettys
burg to Hanover, and when completed
wiil form a link iu 11 through line to Bal
timore. lliirneil Twice In a Month.
IRWIN, June 2S. During a severe
clce'.iical storm which passed over the
Vicinity nf Madison the large new burn
of the Arouu Gas Coal company was
struck by lightning und burned. This Is
the second time tliis company has suf
fered the loss of its hum iu the past
month, each time being destroyed by lire.
The loss is placed ut $:,iNl.
Craxeil Woman's lllouily Heed.
1'ITTSTON, June 2S. Crnced over
the tragic death uf her husbuiid, who was
killed in the mines a short time ago, Mrs.
Matthew Edwards of West Pittslou
niudc three sncii'ssive attempts to cud
her life, and tried to murder her mother
W'ithin the space of one hour. She was
removed to the Danville iusunc iisyluui.
ITfcMS IN IlltlKF.
1'1'ANKI I X Rosebiigs ure destroy
ing the pencil, pear, upplc ami grape
HL'TI.ER Operators believe they
have struck Spcecblcy sand oil tlui.l uesr
UN1 ONTO WN The Meuullcii (ins
cumpuiiy has struck another big gusser
on the Harris farm.
SHARON Michael .McCarthy, 11
years old, wus druw ned in the river while
K1TTA NNIXG--A fruiue house owned
by II. II. Wcyhuun, occupied by seven
fuiuilii-H, was destroyed by tire.
MOHG.tNTOWX A. L. Liver und
Tory & Seniplc, mauufucturers, have
been convicted uf polluting the Mouonga
hcla river.
HEAVER liurglurs entered the resi
dences of Hubert Dillon uud W. P. J mid,
but were frightened and dropped their
plunder on being shot at by Mrs. .Iinld.
NEW CASTLE Mrs. Luura Down
ing of Oil City attempted suicide hen
by drinking laudanum. She recovered.
SHAROX-Ruymond Hossell. aged lti
years, son nf Christopher Hossell, was
killed by a switch engine at South
NEW CASTLE-Theodore J. Tyler
and Miss Cora M. Osborne of trli city
were mnrricd nt the bedside of the
bride's dying in. .tiler.
CON NELLS VI LLE The Title and
Trust company of Western Pennsylva
nia opened its new $1'NI,IMN building here
by a public ris'eptioik.
OIL CITY Francis Lym a drug
lerk, aged 22, was drowned in the Alle
gheny river here while bnthing. The
Issly hus not Is-cn recovered.
the 2-yeur-obl daughter of Colin Ncw
la ml of near Claysville, wus by
a Rnltiiuore ami Ohio truin near home.
TITUSVILLE The Federal Gas com
pany organised here with J. A. Connelly,
president and manager, and John Mul
len, secretary nnd trensurer. It Is pro
posed to extend their lines from Tuwus
ville. VNIONTOWN Forty trnmps were
arrested at RiM-kwissI and 2. nt West
Newton by ltaltimore and Ohio ntlleera.
The ltaltimore and Ohio Railroud com
pany lias stuilcd work on a two-mile sid
ing to connect with the l.lNNI-aue sit.
nf the Oriental Powder company.
Pointed Paragraphs Chronic
ling the Week's Doings-
Long Dispatches From Tartons Parts nl
the World Shorn of Tlielr Paildlngs anil
Only the Facta Given la as Few WordJ
as FuHlble Fnr the BouotH of the Hur
ried Header.
Mrs. McKinley und her sister, Mrs.
I'.arber, gave an option on silver mining
hi 11. 1 iu Nevada tu a Western syndicate,
which is to pay a quurter of a million
cosh for the property.
Attorney General Knox and oftieiuls of
the department of justice are investigat
ing trusts to determine whether the Sher
man luw is being violated.
Wnrneil, he Iwlicved, by Gml. the Rev.
Claude M. Severance of New York re
fused to perform a wedding ceremony in
which the bride wus u divorced woman.
One uf the jurors in the Ilurker case
said the jurv put little faith in Mrs. Bar
ker's story and that they symuiithir.ed
with the prisoner, but were uhlrfccd un
der the law tu convict.
M. de Wille, Russian finuncc minister,
del-Inn's, uecor.liug to a spis-ial cable
from St. Petersburg, that Sccrctu.y
Gnge is misinformed as tu Russiu's sugar
Secretary Long formally adopted de
signs for the medals to be awarded navy
ulticers and men who fought in the West
Indies. Rear Admiral Suiupson's prulile
is on the misluls.
Rosa Freeduiun was killed by her
brother, Iti. linrd. in ltostoii, just before
the arrival of a telegraphic wuruiug fruiu
her sister, Atiiiu, iu New York, who hud
received il letter from their bruther. He
committed suicide.
Russian statesman occupying the high
est position suggests that Secretary
Hitchcock's opinion should be taken as
to the tariff iblTeiciiees between Russia
1111. 1 the I'liited States.
When Gustuv II. 'bring sought money
from Frank O. Lowden, George M. P11II
tunn's son-in-law, alleging he was a son
of the late millionaire. Judge Davis of
Chicago drew n pistol and nwed him till
Through uu open switch at Monaca.
Pa., a Pittsburg uud Lake Erie train
plunged, killing two persons uud injuring
The Intcrnntiontil Vegeturiun congress,
meeting iu London, proptiscs to cure
drunkenness by enjoining nbstentiou
from ll.'sli fowls.
The report that Secretary liny was to
resign is denied. The presi.leiii cxpis'ts
him to return tu Washington in the full.
Two thousand Christian Scientists
inaile a pilgi-ininge to Concord, N. H.,
to see Mrs. Mary Raker Eddy. They
stood in the hot sun two hours before she
made a brief'ss.
Ohio Itepublieiins ri'iioiniiiiMed Gover
nor George K. Nash and indorsed Scu
ator Foraker for re-ebs'tlon.
The funeral of Adelbert S. Hay. son
of the siiTotnry of slate, wus hel.l iu
Cleveland. 0.
M.l. hinisls' strike seriously affects
building of I'liited Slates warships iu
the various shipyards.
Gill strikers at I'atersou, N. J., sen
tenced to 20 days iu jail for uiiuoyiug
girls who took their places.
France must import .'lii.IKHi.iNNI bushels
of wheat this year a spcinl cable snys.
After an interview with King Ivlnnr.l
VII, former Spcnker Henderson declared
that Americn had 110 more cordial
Sixteen persons were killed in a train
wreck on the Wabash system near Peru.
1 11.I.
In the wreck of the steniusliip Lusi
taniu, on the Newfoundland const, the
crew overpowered frcuieil passengers,
who were ariiuil with knives, uud suved
all on liourd.
For tlir.s' 1. nil. lings for the Harvard
medical h. J. l'icrpoiit Morgan has
giv ion- tliuii f I.INSI.INKI.
Another cloudburst, this time from Po
enhnutus, iu Virginia, wus reported, uud
the first news from the country between
Williumson and Vivian iiulicuted a large
denth lisl from 1 lie recent Hood.
Shorlnge iu the wheal and rye crops
is reported mini Prussia.
Count and Countess Von Waldersce
will visit America next year.
The director ot the Licpzip'r bunk was
arrested, the bunk liuviug made large
lnuu lo 1111 insolvent concern.
A special cubic di.-pntrh from Henley
says that the . hiiicis of Pennsylvania's
crew for the Grand Challenge cup arr
considered fi.vornblc.
Jessie Morrison was found guilty by a
Kansas jury of killing her successful
rival, Mrs. olin Custlo,
The Seventh Niilioual bunk of New
York city wns closed by order of the
controller of the ciirreis-y.
Yule's 'varsity and freshmen crews di
lcatisl the crews of Harvard ut New
t.undi.11. Ilarvanl's 'varsity four scored
a victory over its opponents.
Three d.atlis and many prostrations
re.. lilted from the intense heat uud the
high pen tntage of humidity iu New
YorK city.
A dispatch from Shanghai says that
tile empress dounger is unwilling to re-
turn to I'ckiu uud has seleetisl another
Distiirhnuccs is-ciirnsl at Lyons !h
twceii siM-ialists mid cojiservutives, owing
to the holding of rival meetings nt tin
same time.
Mrs. Cura I npilinrt Poller, the act
ress, snys a spe. ial cnble disput'-h fi-.uu
l-nie Ion gave n recitation at a parish
church, attracting 11 large congregation
The strike .'igiiiust the Ameriraii Sheet
St.s'l company involves ;ii.inni men, and
may extend to the etitin' steel trust.
Improperly secured louns to inunuf.-ie-turiug
concerns slid losses 011 re.-il elate
caused closing of the Cily Nation d t.nuk
of Itutfalo.
Augustiu .Monroe, his wife nnd a friend
in naphtha launch, n.irrmvly escaped ls'
ing w reeked upon Rodman's R.s t. mar
wlu-re the steiiuer Mohawk was mug
Raliiril iy.
hailirot-k II Took a ftpln Yesterday But
Did Not Attempt Speed.
GLASGOW, June 2S.-The Shamrock
II is expected to arrive at New York
alsmt Aug. 15.
The cup challenger took a sail stretch
ing spin yesterday, while the former chal
lenger, the Shomnx-k I, aud the Kariad
were sailing a match nice of 4.3 miles. It
was an Ideal day for the purpose. The
sun was shining uud a light wind was
blowing. The challenger attracted a lot
of attention. She curried only her lowet
ciiiivus and tow. si u small boat. Captain
Sycamore seemed tu avuid auytbiug ii.
the nature uf a trial uf sped, but dur
ing a couple uf tucks the chulleuger fuumi
herself going in the same direction as tin
Kariad and overhauled the latter lu a
rcmurkublc manner. The new mainsail
of the Shamnick II set to perfection.
Her immense pole mast, wb- iothed,
bus a most imposing uppen in -
General Young Takes I'oiiiiicind i f Ue
pwi'tiiieiit of California.
SAN FRANCISCO, July l.-Two uu
portunt military ureuts occurred at the
Presidio yesterday, the retirement uf
Mnjor General W. R. Shatter aud the
mustering out of four volunteer rugi-
General Shafter weut on the retired
list at noon, when he formally traua
fernsl the conimaisl uf the department
of California to Majur General S. M. 11.
In the uftcrnonu the Forty-fourth,
Forty-ninth. Forty-eighth and Thirty
eighth volunteer regiments were mus
tered out. 'i'iie mustering uitt uf the four
regiments reiiuired the services uf eight
Rnrker titven Flve-Yenr Sentence.
NEW YORK. June 2S Thomas B
Rurker, who wns recently convlated ul
ussuult witli intent to kill Rev. John
Keller ut Arlington, N. J., wns yesterday
sentenced to live years In statu prison.
Neither .Mrs. Rurker nor Rev. Kellet
were present when senteure was passed.
Wouldn't Work With Non-l'ntuii For mat
ELM IRA. X. Y., July 2.-One hundri-d
ami forty employes uf the Keitscher &
Co. liardw.Hid flushing works struck yes
terday bis-niise the compuuy n-fused tu
discharge a iioii-uuiou foremun.
York Honey Market.
NEW YOK. July 1.
.Money uu call, iW12 per cent.
Prime men untile paper, 4'ao' pet
Sterling exchange: Actual business It
bunkers' nt !M7:!4 for demand am
4A'''-i3 t-Vrk. fr sixty days. Posted
rates. fl.StiL.j I. SSI.
Commercial lulls, f I.S4'iU4.iol,i.
liar silver, .'SI'kc.
Mexican dollars, 4714c
Now York Provision Market.
FLOl'll Winter pateuts, $3.00(33.90,
winter straights, $3,1113.00; whiter ci
trus, $2..itjrt.2..N'; winter luw grades
$2.."iXt2.40; Mil sum patents, l.TlXU
'i.'Xt; Miuie sotu bakers', J2.!HKL(:;. 15.
COKXMEA I. Yellow western, 03c
city, !l2r; brnn.lywine, $2.4.V(2."ir.
RYE--No. I western, Km; f.u.b. utluat:
stute rye, W'if.-hlc.
VTIIHAT -A... 2 red, 74'e f.u.b. ulloat
No. I northern, 73c f.o.h. ulloat. '
CtTilN Xu. 2 com, 4V '."-b. utluut.
OATS Xo. 2. 32'i.c; No. 2 white.
3.1c; truck uiivisl western, 32(jo,37u; track
white, 2.'i1.i37.
HAY--Shipping, TtK77rc; good to
choice, S7'(ttNk',
lU'TTEIt - Creamery extras, Ittt-jft
ISIl-je; factory, 12!..jtjc; hnftutiou
creamery, 13'.f(17r.
CHEESE Fancy large white, 13
PASc; small white. U' jdi'.c.
EGGS State uud l'tuusylvania, Vlj
14 1. -j.
POTATOES - Jerseys, rak'(S$1.2B
New Yv.rk, $2.2.Xn2.7."i; Jersey sweets,
Buffalo ProvlalOB Market.
1U FFALO, July 1.
WHEAT No. 1 northern, old. 70'jC
winter wheat, Xo. 2 red, 71c.
CORN Xu. 2 cum, 47V.ic; Xu. 3 cum
OATS Xo. 2 white. 33c; Xu. 3 mixed
Fl.OL'R Spring wheat, best patent
per bid., $l.2.Vf Lot); luw grades, $2.25
HL'TTEU Crrnuiery, western, extras
llM.wfji'JOc; stale am) I'eiinsylvuuin cream
ery, llsiilil'i--; fair to good, l.VuJIHc.
CHEESE Fancy full creuut, 9Vjc.
g.sid to choice, N'.yPc; common to fair.
EGGS Western and stats fancy
13fi Rlije.
POTATOES Fancy, white, stale
Uu(((70c; statu, fair tu good, ,ri.Vn")0c.
East Buffalo Live Stock Market.
CATTLE Extra export atcera, $B.9C
."lSTi good to choice shipping stuura,
ej.'il."!.!'."); course, rough, but fut steers,
$ c.j.'. isi; choice to suiuoth, fat belfera,
$u.liKtlo-2o; cuiumou tu g.sid cows, $3.73
(.j.YlKI; giHtd Imtcher bulls. $4.tKKl.lfj.
SHEEP AXD LAM US Spring lambs
choice tu fancy, ."i.7."Hi'.(Hl; fair ti
good, $4.4Kit.'i.iin; wether sheep, $4.1IKrJ
4. oil; comuioii to fair, $
IIOGS-Mixisl packers' grades, $ij.25.
heavy hogs, $ii.2.Vnt;.'J7; choice heavy
and upwards, $ti.27(i''..30.
Buffalo Hay Market.
HAY-No. 1 timothy, $13.50lt(
lT.tsi; No. I timothy, baled, jlo.OOdJ
14.00; No 1 tiuiotliy. buled, $13.00.
Utica Cheese Market.
I TICA. N. Y., July 1.
At the I'll, a Is.ard of trade today tin
offerings of ch. cse were 133 lots uf 10,
TilO Ihixi-s. Large chis-se sold at Sis:
aud small at ''is'ti;
Crcuiucry Lull, r in tills) at l'.l'.'riOc,
luints, 22e.
Little Falls Cheese Market.
LITTLE FALLS. N. Y.. July 1.
Cheese sales Large colored, I) lots III
77o boxes at N'c; lurge white, 2 lots ol
N'l boxes ul X'-j; Mil I il 1 1 white. 22 luts nt
1,;7 Isixes, at K'V; small white, o loth
of Pio boves. at ll'jc; smull colored, It
lots of 2.inni boxes, at H:'-4e; siiiul! colored,
10 lots nf 2.020 li.,es. ul .11
l lots nf 3S"i boxes, ut S''I twins, col
ored, 7 lots of ."SIM hues, ut M'l,c: twins,
white. II lots of Oil boxes, at Sc;
twiiis, Hliite, 4 lots of 2oTi Ihixi, at
N 1 2e; toiul. M'i lots ol 7.470 bum.
ltutler- Sail s of H purl: ii ires ut i0
IS l-2c for lo-uily sll. lor Isitn daiiy and