The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 22, 1901, Image 3

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    fejL. PiTTS3UllS IgOLPAPERSl
Ll I ' I I MMHH III! I mmmmmmmmiJmmammmtmmmm
.iMlii1yjiiwii..w...wJiiwiuii.1aiiiii..lii.Miii iiiiiin tu.igW!
It is tli best wall paper on the market to-day.
It is the product ol the largest wall paper facility in the I'nitod States.
Made out of tho best materials by tho nio-t modern machinery and
We havo It because we could find uo oilier lino nearly so desirable lu pat
tern" and colorings.
We think you will agroo with us after seeing.
The &,ris IRdB.vcr
. - AMI
Tt OS EST A, 1'A.
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, Houttes
il Lots for Sale or Itent.
Sew Atlrertlseineiits.
James. Ad.
Joe Levi. Ad.
I.aititners. Ail.
ltnbitisnu. Ad..
Hopkins, l.ocaK
('. Ainanli. 1H'sl.
M rs. Dram. Koesl.
Ileme . Co. Header.
Iiavia I'hantiai'y. Ad.
Tionesia I'asli Store, Ll.
('.. M. A St. P. Hy. Header.
White Star Uroeery. laicals.
Heath t Kelt. Ad. and local.
I. Bromley. Kor sale notice.
r'eint'a It iilriMil. Knur Huaders.
Tlouesla twp. Knail Ci'in'nt. Notice.
Shaw key tt Miinn.' I'roleiwioiial card,
Tho Pan -A tn. is now on.
Oil market closed at $1.0.i.
Honeysuckles are in bloom.
Oil and gas leases at this office.
You can get it at Hopkins' store.
Straw bats in abundance at Heath A
Felts. It
Memorial Pay one week from to
morrow. Host line of new shirts at Tionosta
I'aah Store. u
(io to tho Whito Star Uroeery, (Am
sler), for strawberries. It
tico. Killmer bas re-arranged his
soils fountain very tastil y,
Lapies' suits. Jackets, shirts and
caes at Tionesta Cash Store, it
llring In your wool, wo'll trade you
goods for it. Heath A Flit. It
J. W. Sires, I'hotograplier, will be at
his Tionesta studio every Wednesday, tf
We will buy yjnr wool and pay you
just as much as any one else. Heath A
Kelt. 11
Wash silk waists, no two alike, but
nil vorv nrottv and low priced. We lead
In these goods. Hopkins. It
Mrs. Wm. Oram will take a few milk
customers for tho summer months. Ap
ply early. Milk will be delivered If de
sired. It
Uverymen Vrey has added a new
three seated back to his outfit. Just the
thiug lor family picnics and other small
pleasure parties.
Wajitki). Girl to do cook ln and gen
eral housework, also girl to do scooud
work, lllwral wanes paid. Address Box
6ur, Tidioute, Henna. 5-15-41
Not ono of the Titusville papers bas
yet made the discovery that their base
ball team came over to Tionesta last Fri
day aud were shut out.
A very substantial sewer, one that
has been needed, Is being placed across
Kl in street at Heowdcn A Clark's coruor,
nd ruunina down lli'and street to the
Prof. C. Block the. optician will be
again at the Central house, Wednesday
and Thursday, May 22 an! 23. Hund
reds of references from your neighboring
Rev. E. 8. Kernick, of Tidioute, will
lecture In the M. E. church next Friday
nvptiinir at 8 o'clock. Subject. "Mind
Your l"s and Q's." All aie cordiully in
vited to attend.
Cns ranircs. hot plates and Etna
ovens, new lino just in at Auiann'a. N
well reuulated household should be
without these warm weather arrange
men's for cooking. It
The White Star Grocery. F. P. Am
lcr, propriet r, Is getting its now stoc
of goods in place and is now ready to fur
nisli the fiuost groceries, fruits and veg
etables in town at lowest prices for i ab,
Men and women nihko good money
working for us at home lu their spare
tinio. No experience or investment re
quired. Wriio at onee to Herman Man
"f turinir Co.. IJti So. tith St.. Piiilnd'il
plna. l a. 0-22-3
The Endeavor Society of tho Presby
terian church netted a nice sum at their
callendar soeial last Friday evening, be
sides furnishing a novel entertainment
for tlm many who patrnnir.od the pleas
ant affair.
.Miss Illauche Tall man has organized
classes ol vocal and Instrumental music
In Tionosta, Hickory and Tidlouto, Miss
Tallman la a successful teacher, giving
musicales frequently for the benefit of
her pupils. It
Don't use a paint on your house that
will crack or peel, and will have to be
burnt oil' before repainting, as the use of
a paint burner on a house invalidates the
insurance. Write Sterling White Lead
Co., Pittsburg, for booklet.
Hark Peeling in the hemlock country
Is on tn the full extent now. The harvest
will be a large ono as usual In this
country, where all the bark Is not uesd
up yet by any means. Most of the out
put goes to the Penn Tanning Company.
(I. W. ltuhl tho popular restaurateur
of Marienville has just completed oue i f
the handsomest residences in that place,
(i. W. Armstrong, the well known plas
terer of this place has returned from put
ting tho finishing touches ou the build
ing, ami It is needless to say the job was
properly done as Cleorgo'a reputation
a plasterer is among the best.
W. P. Hla.'k'a well on the Willwrt
farm, near Pithole, completed a couple of
eeks ago and reported as a lilueu barrel
roducer, petered out and Is not worth
umping. The well bas been "pulled
out." Illack is, however, drilling a sec'
ond well in the same viciuity which will
be completed in a few days. It will prob
ly determine wbethor tho old Pithole
eld is worth redrilling or not. 7'iVim
lie Com icr.
Ill obedience of National General
Order No. 4, and Department Order No.
2, In relation to Memorial Sermon, Capt.
Georgo Stow Post No. 274, has secured
Hev. Albert S. St mart to preach the
sermon in the Presbyterian church on
Sabbath, May l, at 11 a. m. It is hoped
that Comrades will i. ako a special effort
to bo proaent and in uniform as far as
tacticable. A cordial invitation Is also
xtended to all.
From all sections comes the report of
rosperous looking moadows and rye
nd wheat fields. Oats that were sown
before tho wet upoll look well, and the
farmers have generally succeeded bo-
ween showers lu getting corn and potato
amis prepared for the crops. Although
the spring coolness Is Inclined to hang on
its grip is being gradually loosened, and
there's no use in looking glum over the
prospect for they're all right.
Tho people of Meadvillo havo been
using water that seems to havo consider
able "body" to It. Mr. Koddy, president
of the water lioard, stated at a recent
meeting of the city council that In French
creek, above the point whence tho city's
water supply Is drawn, were, found the
carcasses of a cow and three horses, and
also the decomposed body of a suicide.
Moreover, the Moadville water consum
ers got the benefit of the sewerage from
'ambridge Springs and Hagertown.
Measures have been taken to insure a
supply of thinnor and puror water.
Franklin Spectator.
When there aro deaths or weddings
n low nor surrounding country, those
people most Interested would confer a
great favor on us if thoy would voluntar
ily furnish facts on which to build au
item. The most unpleasant task in the
life of a country editor is to have to In
trude on peoplo with a lot of Interroga
tions when there is a death or wedding.
He must do It. however, or be blamed
for slighting the event in bis news col-
uinns. If people would step In and fur
nish facta Ireely, the obituary or wedding
notice would bo written up with much
better grace. Emlenton Xewa. Oh, how
Peoplo of pessamistic porpensitios,
who are in the habit of bewailing the
present and wishing for "the good old
times again" should note the following:
lu pinking changes on an ancient
binding at Sharon, an old account book
was found covering the years 131-32.
The items of tobacco and whisky figur
ed quite frequently in the purchase, the
hitter from 37 cents a gallon to 12 cents a
qna-t. Calico and muslin wore from
to 33 cent ayard, wblleegga weroquotcd
at 5 cents a dozen iu March, and the pre
vailing prico of butter tho yea' round
seems to havo been 7 cents. Auoiner
item of interest was a resident being
credited witn K71 cents for one and Ihroe
foiirths davs labor. Pi Ices have changed
some ill the past years.
Prominent glass manufacturers were
lioro lant week, and uiot a uuinher of
our citizens with a view of ohtablisliiiiB a
plant bore. Tho project seemed lu a fair
way of lavnrable termination uutll It be
came kuown wbat quantity of gas would
be requirod. When it was understood
that l.30O,(KK) feet daily would be utilized
the matter subsided at once. That quanti
ty would bedifllcult to obtain from any
known field in this section of the State.
Last Saturday dog killed fire or
leu sheep belonging to Klisha K. Kane
on the Kuhbequa farms. This is one ol
tho disadvantages in connection with
keopii'g no, not sheep, but dogs. The
people of the country canaetlle for the
sheep and Mr. Kane, while he will suffer
a pang or two for the sheep, will have no
financial loss In connection therewith.
However, had he possessed an Angora
buck or two to run with bia flock of
sheep the matter would have resulted
differently, and instead of less sheep we
would have possessed less dogs, and cer
tainly this would have beuu an advan
tage. Ml. Jeuett Herald.
Tionesta (ills Die llrtt Two.
The game between the Juniors of
Pleasnnlvillo and Tionesta on the Utters
grounds last Wednesday afternoon,
though somewhat ragged in spots, was
quite entertaining alter all. Neither team
had practiced much, tho Tionesta boys
having playod cone this season, and so
the principal feature of the game wore
errors. The score resulted in a victory
r Tionosta by 23 to 10.
lint the real game was pulled off on
Friday, when Titusville's crack team
came over and lugged home a heaping
basket of gooso eggs. The playing strated
with a shut out for both teams on the
first inning and it looked as though we
were going to see some snug ball play
inir. Alter that however it was a walk
away for our lioys, who piled up 15
runs, and shut tlielr visiting friends out
entirely, only once in the game allowing
tho Queen Cityites to get within a rod of
hiiine plate. The battery work of the
nomoteam was of a high order, McMil
lan having 18 strikeouts to his credit,
while catcher McDonald had no costly
passed balls, and was very effective.
The field work was extra good consider
ing that It was the first game In which
the team has indulged this year. The
real feature of the game and the one
most thoroughly appreciated by the spec
tators was the entire absence of hood
lumism. With such order at future
games the management may look lor a
good patrouage of ibe sport. The score
by inning follows :
Tltusvillo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-00
Tionosta 04004052 1)
Tidioute has organized for the season,
fixed up a flue field, and will have some
good games having a strong nine.
Among the games schiduled thus far is
ono witu, Tionesta here on June --ii.
That will be a game worth seeing.
Yoiist de Same on Ah Side.
It's pretty much the same with all
municipalities. Tionesta Is notdoiugany
paving, but many or ner citizens are
improving their properties by substitut
ing cement walks for the old wooden
concerns, and as these improvements are
presumed to be permanent in their na
ture it is essential they be placed on a
grade and lined-lip properly. In Oil City,
according to the lUizzard they're having
something like the same experiance that
this town is just now pissing through,
In tho matter of street improvements
tlieie are numerous interests involved,
not I he least of which is that of the con
tractor. In the first place, ho bas to do
close figuring in order to socuro tno con
tract Ho then has to give bonds for the
faithful performance of the job. Ifoosti-
cles are thrown in his way, of a nature to
delay the work, he is compelled to lay
off his workmen and Is subject to a loss,
At the present time the paving of Third
slreot is practically at astaud still, be
cause the City Engineer is unable to give
the contractor the grade, in consequence
of the pulling and hauling of the proper,
ty owners over the matter. It Is maul
festly unfair to the contractor. But the
Engineer cannot be blamed, because be
has to follow instruction received from
Councils, and the councilmen are sure to
be damned by some of the proporly
owners, what 3ver they decide upon. It
is a knotty problem, but it seems as if
some means might be found for making
tho work move along more smoothly.
A Prcltjr Homo Wedding.
A very pleasant wedding was celebrate
ed at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. It. S,
Copcland on the evening of May 15th,
the occasion being the marriage of their
daughter, Gortie May, to Mr. Curtis II,
Christy, of rvnusevillo. Pa. Many very
pretty as woll as useful presents wore
given the happy couple by those In at
tendance. Among the guests we noticed
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. II. E. Dryner, Miss Armstroiig.and
Miss Wright of Pleasantville, Miss Mira
Wright of Kousevllle, and Miss Green of
West Hickory and numerous friends and
The ceremony was performed by F. E.
Metcalf, J. P., a cousin of the bride, al
though there were three ministers prcs
ent. Immediately aftor the ceremony i
most sumptuous repast was served, some
forty persons enjoying the same.
The bride and groom spent the night
with the bride's parents, going the fol
lowlmr dav to Kousevillo. where the
groom had a house ready to go to house
keonimr. The well wishes of the eutiro
neighborhood go with them to their now
Reduced liates to tiettyshurg ia the
1'etinsflvKi'ta liuilroad.
For Ibe benefit of those desiring to at-
i..,l the annual encampment of the
Grand Army of the Republic, Depart
ment ol Pennsylvania, at Gettysburg
June 3 to S, the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company will sell excursion tickets to
Gettysburg from all stations on its lino
in the state of Pennsylvania, on June l
2. 3. 4 and 5. good returning until June 10
Inclusive, at rate of a single fare for the
rouud trip. For specific rates apply to
local ticket agents. -t
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund the money If it fails
to euro. E. V. Grove's signature is ou
each box.
Alex Swauson is at home from James
town, as a juror this week.
Win. Oram was up from Oil City to
visit bis family over Sunday.
Russell and Edith Hopkins are visit
ing friueds in Warren this woek.
J. W, Green visited his parents at
KInzua a couple of days of last week.
Mrs. II. W. Horner spent a couple of
days of lsst week with friends In Warren.
Miss Helen Murray is at home from
a three weeks' visit with friends iu Erie.
Mrs. W. A. Grove and Miss Nettie
Hunter were Oil City visitois Friday at
tei noon.
Mrs. J. K. Morgan returned Monday
from a two weeks' visit with friends in
Oil City.
A. P. and Emanuel Anderson of
Hrookston were Pleasant callers this
Horn lo Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gathers
of Truukeyville, Monday, May 20, HOI, a
Frank Swauson was down from
Jamestown, N. Y., visitiug friends over
last Sunday.
Mis. G. C. Honsbaw, of Glonshaw
Pa., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
S. C. Johnston.
Miss Maine Fitzgerald returned yes
terday from a visit with firiends In Sia
tersyllle, W. Va.
Miss Pearl Ehrhart, of Cooporstown.
was visiting her brother, Harry Mcin
tosh, here last week.
F. W. Royer, of Ciarington, in town
as a juror this week, gave this office a
pluaant call yesterday morning.
Missos Florence.Fullou and Helen
Smearbaugh are visiting Marienville
this week, guests of Miss Ellen Yettor.
Mrs. Ira B. Murphy of Berns, Ind.,
is here on a visit to her slsteis, Mrs. .
E.Morgan and Miss Lizzie Greenslade.
Dr. Morrow aud W. II. Stiles of
West Hickory and Endeavor, dropped
in for a few minutesyosterday afternoon.
Mrs. T. II. Nicholson aud daughtor
Georgia, of Oil City, were guests of the
family ofW. W. Grove over last Sab
ba'b. John Gold, formerly foreman of the
finishing department of the mantel fac
tory, is circulating among Tionesta
Jos. Morgan returned to bis work at
Grunderville, Warren county, Monday,
Mr. Moriran accompanied linn for a
week's visit.
-Mrs. B. F. Barras, of South Oil City,
was here last week In the interest of the
Christian Herald, for which journal she
Is canvassing.
Mrs. Alice Voughl Is In Pittsburg
this week, with her niece, Miss Iva Hole-
mini, who is still in the hos ital, but Is
Improving nicely Irom ber attack of ty
phoid pneumonia.
Hev. W. P. Murray will deliver the
annual address at the District convention
f the Home Missionary society of the
M. E. church in session at Oil City this
Wednesday evening.
Squiro A. II. Itartou, of Lynch one
of Howe township's new justices, was
Tionosta visitor this week and lifted
his commission. He paid tho Kkvub-lic-an
a friendly call during bis stay.
Among the first of the Forest county
people to visit the Pan American are
Mra. C. Y. Detar of Kellettvllle, and Mrs.
W. K. Jones and daughter of Newtown
Mills, who sturtod for Buffalo Monday.
Miss Blanche Tallman, the popular
music teacher of Tidioute, bas been suc
cessful in securing a cless of pupils here
and commenced her Instructions last
Thursday. She will be here every Thurs
day hereafter.
D. D. G. M., f. P. Uullng, Represen
tative J. R. Osgood and F. It. Lanson. of
Tionesta lodge left Monday to attend
the annual session of the Grand Lodgo,
I. O. O. F. Beloro their return Mr. Os
good expects to spend a couple of days
In Philadelphia.
Mrs. Henry Kiser of Gorman Hill
bas issued Invitations to the marriage of
her daughtor Miss Florence Gertrude, to
Re v. Charles A. Rh iel former pastor of ML
Zion Luthern church, in which the cere
monies will be performed, at 2 o'clock
ui., p. Wednosday, June 5th.
The professional card of Messrs
Shawkey A Munn, attorneys, appears
this week iu our columns. Those gentle
men have already built up a very nice
practico iu our county which Is increas
ing rapidly, owing to the vim end energy
with which they attend to all legal busi
nnss entrusted to their care. They are a
strong team.
Fust Hickory.
Our farmers have about finished plant
The boys iu bluo were quite numerous
on our streets Saturday last completing
preparations for the observance of Me
morial Day.
Quite a number of our citizens will be
at Tionesta this week as Jurors, witness
es, etc.
Mrs. Ball of Oil City is visiting ber
daughter. Mrs. J. Albaugb, of Soutu
After continuing about ono week Miss
Carpenter closed ber school at this place
for want of pupils.
Our bovs are pitching Into the bark
The Forest Barge Company has got
down to real buslnesa and is giv:ng em
ployment to quite a large force of willing
Our collector, R. L. Whittou, Is busy
gathering up tax remnants of last year,
Our road asters are on the move this
week. Koad work has been long delayed
for want of a township clerk to make out
Hark neelimr has commenced on what
l,,i-n mm tliA l.ittlfl H K'korV Oil WOP
ertv. recently purchased by Landers A
Wyman of Tionesta.
Hloplkr sk and Warku air Ike t'aM
Laxative Bromo-(Juinine Tablets cure a
in nnNo cure, no pay. Price 25
Krilsrrd Klr la H" Krclr via I
FrsBsrlranla Itallr.sU, Arraant V.p
wank l.rniiur t .nvrall.a.
fin miviiint of tlm Fifth International
Convention of the Epworth league, to l
held in San Francisco, July is lo 2-s '"
Pennsylvania Hailrod company will sell,
July 4' to 12, from all stations on its line,
...,,,rui..n ti..lii t San Francism at
greatly reduced rales. For secitic ln
lormaiion regarding rates, routes, and
conditions of tickets apply to ticket
agents. "l
Court Miuulcs.
The r Tfular May term of court con
vened on Monday at 2 p. ni.
G. B. Evans was appointed Clerk of
Hickory township to fill a vacancy.
Judgment was reversed in case of Wy
inan it Landers vs. W. J. and John Hei
di nger.
A new trial was granted in the Truuk
eyville oil case of Snowden etal. va E.
Pequigot et al.
The case of J. S. Caldwell, landlord of
the Diagonal House at Byromtown, was
called end his application for a liquor li
cense refused.
Dr. J. L. Acomb, of Tidioute, pur
chased the Jenkins real estato in Harmo
ny township which war sold at Sheriffs
II. II. Shoemaker, health officer, vs.
J. D. Davis et al. Jury outcn this case.
On the civil list the following cases
were continued : O. W. Proper vs. Tio
nesta Gas Co.; II. M. Vogan vs. the
Township of Howe. Caroline Simpson
vs. G. E. Gerow.
The criiniual list was disposed of as
follows :
Commonwealth vs. Eliot Rogers and
B. W. Woodard, charged with larceny of
a beef ox, Daniel C. Sheehan of Harmony
township prosecutor, erdict guilty.
Com. vs. J. R. Laud is ; charged with
furnishing liquors. Not a true bill and
prosecutrix, Susanni Reed to pay costs.
Com. va. John Moore, Minnie Moore
and Joseph Coventry; charge, aesault
aud battery, not a true bill, and Warren
Moore, prosecutor, to pay costs.
The grand jury, Rov. B. F. Fell, fore
man, finished its btisine-s yesterday af
ternoon, and was excused with the thanks
of tho court. They acted on three bills of
Indictment, one or which was found a
true bill and two not true bills. They
found "the court house aud jail in good
condition and well kept." Five disirs
leading to as many cells in the jail they
found in need of repair. The county
homo was visited and found lu good con
dition and excellently kept. They also
"found the road leading from the court
house lo the county home In a very bad
condition and in great need of proper
ditches and crosB sewers to carry away
the water."
Programme fur Memorial Day May 30.
The Sabbath Schools ofTionesta and sur
rounding country, aud the several soci
eties, are earnestly invited to attend and
participate in marching and in decorat
ing the graves.
The Post will assemble at their head
quarters at 1-30 p. m., and the procession
will proceed to the cemetery under tl.e
direction ol ttie aiarsnai. me citizens
are asked to loin in the procession. The
services at the cemetery will be conduc
ted according to tho ritual. After deco-
rotlng the graves the column will re-form
and inarch to court house and complete
the ritual, after which the Memorial
oration will be delivered by Rev. W. P
Murrhv ofTionesta. Pa. The Tionosta
cornet band bas kindly cousented to fur
nish music for the occasion.
Tho following are details to decorate
the uravea In our district out side of Tio
nesta. Evangelical church, Comrade
II. W. Ledabur; Bartholomew church,
Comrade Christ. Hernial; NewniansviUe,
Tylersburg and Llckingvilie, Comrades
D. E. Stagley, Daniel Salsgiver, Moses
Mealy, George Keefer and D. R. Walters.
Joseph Mong is asked to decorate the
gravesat Mt. Zion. President, Cuinradus,
Georgo McCalmont, Alexander MeCal-
mont, (!. C. VanOiesen. Comrade G. W,
Robinson will act as Marshal of the day
The children and young peoplo of the
Sabbath schools are asked to gather and
prepare flowers under the direction of
the ladies of the W. R. C. No. 137. The
Corps will serve lunch to all old soldiers
and their familiii.
8. C.Johnston,
J. W. Mokbow,
The Post, at Its meeting Mo day even
Ing last, unanimously passed the follow
Ilemlred : That Memorial Dav is a sa
cred day, not only by the old soldier
who commemorat l the memory ol nis
fallen comrade, but for the people who
on that dav reinoiulior and decorate me
crave ol tueir friends, we as a i-osi de
plore, denounce and condemn the prac
tice of base ball and other spurting games
ou that dav, regarding sucn games i
nuisance, and a desecration of the day
and that we invoke the Influence of all
good citizens to assist us in preventing
its desecration.
Utter to J. V. Hilling.
Ttonetta, TVt.
Dear Sir. No man Is more interested
in the look and wear of the paint on the
house you build than you; not even the
owner ; not even the painter.
And painters sometimes are suspected
of being more concerned for. the look than
the wear. What Is your opinion f Which
pays best, for a painter to have his pain
last three years, or as long as he can T He
can have it Inst six if he wants to.
Lead and oil lasts three; Devoe Lead
and Zinc lasts six. Of course, conditions
effect the time of both.
Most painters know that zinc toughens
the lead ; some use it.
Devoe lead and zinc Is thoroughly
ground In nil; the proportions are right,
and the mixture is thorough.
No painter need mix ; he can't afford
to. Hand-work can't comp-te with ma
chine work. He runs no risk with De
voe lead and una.
All interest lie in using it: yours, the
owner's, the painter's unless ho wants
his paint to wear half as long.
Yours truly,
35 F. W. Dkvok A Co.
P. S. James D. Davis sells our paint
in vour section.
Zinc and Grinding make
Devoe Iead and Zinc Paint wear twice
a long as lead aud oil mixed by band.
This sis-nature is on every nax of the granlne
Laxative bromo-Ouimne Tablets
the remedy that rare a cold la one day
ItUTLK.K STl'CK. In Tionosta, I'a.,
May l!"l, hy S. J. Hetley, J. P., Mr.
Kiauk J. Holler, of Hnlinm, ami Mix
Charlotte A. Stuck, of t'ent-erville, I'a.
Warren, I'a.
I'raetice in Koresl Co.
C. M. Siiawkky, ino. IJ. Munn.
Hopkins' nloru ia lull of new kimmIh.
shoes! SHOES!
Have you seen our
Oxford Shoes and Slippers,
All styles Ladies' Misses and Children's
Easy Slippers for Hot Weather
Fancy Shoes
You could scarcely mention a Style of Shoe that
we haven't got. Come and see.
No trouble to show goods.
L. J. Hopkins.
The time of year
You k..w we have the material the covers' fur them are made ol
hut it'e the Feathers Fur Cushions we're advertising now. Man
ufacturers take the large feathers, tho 60o per pound kind, aud
chop them up makes a capital feather for Porch Pillows we sell
them for 15, per pound one pound makes a pillow.
Muslin Underwear.
There's a display "fit i our window with prices nn see if you
ever bought such Muslin uniierwtar at these prices hefnre.
Fancy Hosiery.
A remarkahly pretty ohowtng al 25o to $2 00 per pair. Pretty
assortment of designs Id Lace Lisle Blacks at 25c; the showing at
50c, however, we would like to call upecial attention to in Blacks
and Fancies.
Pretty combination of Mull ami Luc and Mull and Embroidery
25c lo 82 00 to be worn over slnrt waists.
McCall's Magazine.
The June number now ready "r "Bazar 'if Fashinus" can be
had for the asking McCall's Pal terns, 10c aud 15o.
Wall -
1000 Bolts at
1000 Bolts at
Border, lc per
Many other Beautiful Patterns from
6c to 20c per
G. H. Killmer.
Sniu in all Htvlea aud sizes
ready io a jifly 88.50, 810,00, $12.00 to 8J0.00.
Suite too varied to describe Sailor. Blouse, Vest.e. Norfolk Jackela
aud Itussian Blouse, full or distinctive ideas, $2, 83 aod 85
Special 25 Child's Vestee Suits, siz" 4 and 5 ouly, at half price $3
Suits, 81;50; 84 Suits, 82; 85 Suits $2 5(1; in sizes alated.
Manhattan Shirts plain aod pleatnd fronts $1 .50 to 83.
Men' Shirt WaisU have come to stay; we've (jot them; pleated fr .Die
aud back aod yoke, 81.50.
Meo's Fancy Hose' 25c and 50c.
Id the oew, uarrow, Four iu Hainl, 50e.
Special Reversible uarrow Four in Hand, in dark blue Runa Crundas,
am pies io case, l c.
41 X43 SENECA 5T.
2c per Bolt.
3c per Bolt.
all ready to nut ou, or cau be