The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 22, 1901, Image 2

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M:n.M:si).Y, may 12, mi.
Su. Mo.
19 20
cor XT Y.
Ojuntij 7Yr.i.emvr,
CALVIN M. AKXKR, Tionewta.
Thk area of winter wheat is ii.OOO.OOO
ores larger than it was last year.
Thk nation rejoices with th President
over the recovery of Mrs. MeKinley from
her serious Illness.
Njmk ilay it will dawn upon the Cu
bans that the highest freeiloin in the
world is that enjoyed by a oUte in the
American Union.
Isni'sTitiAt. prostration ami thousands
ofworkins people, idle ;s theory In Her-
many in marked contrast to industrial
conditions in the United S'stes.
Kino KnwAKn VII.'s salary has been
phu-ed at tJ,-JS4,(KNi a year, a large figure,
but a monarch who wakes no foolish
speeches deserves to be well paid.
Thk esteemed Colonel Bryan will now
pnxwd to gnaw another file. The Gov
erninent has more than W0,010,000 in
gold locked In several strong vai.lts.
When Mark Manna was shown Mr.
Bryau'a statement that Hanna has si al
tered the principles of the Kepublieau
party, Mark remarked seutentiously :
"And those ol Uryauisiu, too."
Kvkry soldier returning from the
Philippine praises the island as a region
of great undeveloped riches. On the av
erago about a fourth of a returning regi
ment roinains behind to embark in busi
ness. A Nkw Yciiik business delegation re
turned from Texas to say that the time
may eomo when New York w ill not eland
first in population. The Lone Star State
grows upon its visitors as a vast region
ofgreat possibilities.
Tub Hible must be translated into over
eighty dialects before it can bo of service
to ail the inhabitant of the Philippines,
i ei iu' re were wople who wanted to
turn over the whole group to Hie Tagal
'Hhe as a mark of devotion to the consent
of the governed.
Oklahoma has a niv (iovernor, and
he speaks of "the magnificent young ter
ritory of which all Its citizens are so
proud." Gov. JenKins might say without
exagg, ration that all Americans are
proud ofOklahoiun, and looking forward
to its speedy statehood.
Thk promptness of the Grand Army
posts in paying their dues inclx-ates that
tho organization was never in a more
prosperous muditinu than thisyear.when
the roll of the as istant adjutant general all imt four or flvestnall posts
have met their obligations-a condition
without precedent in tho history of the
Mr. Towx, the candidate for Vice Prsi
dont associated with Mr. llrvan on the
Populist ticket ouo year ago has engaged
extensively and successfully in syndi
cate speculation in the Kcauiuontoil field.
It will lie remembered that Mr. Town
held a seat in the U. S. Senate, by virtue
of an appointment from the Governor of
Minnesota to till the vacancy occasioned
by the death ofCushman K. Davis. Dur
ing the few hours w hich he was a mem
ber of the Senate Mr. Town took occasion
to place himself on record as unalterable
opposed to syndicates of captalislsand all
their nefarious deeds. The Philadelphia
Timet facetiously comments on the con
version or tho erstwhile populist: "The
person who is at Iimnnnt cannot be
Charles A. Town, of Minnesota. He re
presenta Plutocracy in its most hideous
manifestation a syndicate of raptalisla
holding-the heritage of tho people in their
monopolistic grasp. They seek to take
the land Irom the poor Texas farmeis, at
sixty thousand dollars an acre, to sink
wells, build railroads, reservoirs, refin
eries, to malize ihe natural source of
wealth for tho enrichment of tho com
munity perhaps, hut especially to them
selves. This is the wicked conspiracy of
wealth that Mr. Town has so ofton and so
eloquently denounced. It is inconceiv
able tint he should be engaged ill it him
self. The person at Keaumont is clearly
an linposter."
Much attention is being given In the
country districts of the State to a new law
intended (or the preservation of roads. It
provides that every person who makes
affidavit tha he has owned and used ex
clusively during the preceding year, in
h jtiling loads of L'OnO pounds or more, on
the public roads of the State wagona with
tires not less than four inches wide shall
for each year after the passage of the act
lie credited by the anperviser of high
ways or the district In which such tax is
levied w th one-fourth of the road tax as
eased and levied on the property of such
person. Tenants who in any way be
come liable for road Uxea may also se
en ro the lneiits of this a-t bv making
the required affidavit. Such credits snail
not exceed to any person more than five
days labor on the highways or its equiv
alent in cash. The same law also pro
vides thin any person who shall use
on tho public roads ol the State, in haul
ii g loads of ii,'Mw.nn.:ser more, wagons
with tires less than 4 im-nes in width shall
Is- irt'o" t a line ol j.i for e-u;h otlense,
h ' oi s si . 'I ,,. recoverable in crim- '
inul roo-p. jii gs i is'.ituted at the com-I
plain' of Hi v per-on at the suit of the !
common wealth iW.iro any justice or the !
p- a i . 'luf carclul eoncieiitioua applica- j
iio I -.Ins law w ill ! "nubile result in
tin., h I" ccit -o th highways. Hut it j
will be of ji.-rlo ..sunn in "some dis-sro-is
wln-re road linking is a farce, and
the peopie know so ihmiiv wavs to irel nut 1
of tlie r rosd lax so i-h'-aply that they will
lird tho oi l method .s expensive than
providibij tilt broad lues. J'hitu. I'rcm.
Christian Eudravor in Syria.
Bkykoi-t, Syila April 13, IrtU.
-Vy Niir C. h Frit-nth:
I have olten thought of you and have
wanted to send you a short letter of fia
ternal gmting. For two days wo have
lseu lying in this beautiful bay, with
perfect atmosphere, so I have been doing
some correspondence while awaiting the
Sailing for Jafta.
I wanted to tell you about a Christian
Kndeavor meeting I attended in Cairo
last Sabbath evening at 4.4.". It was
held in the U. P. mission, near the Kden
falace Hotel, where we stopped. The
service was in Knglish and was attended
by a variety of nationalities: English sol
diers, Sccu'h IIighlandors,Arabs,Grccks,
Armenians, Maltese, Americans, and
do not know how many others. There
were about 3tl men present and 15 ladies.
They met in tho mission parlor and the
leader was the man, a Scotchman, in
charge, of (he Soldiers' Home. Tho sub
ject was "Missions; Our love for souls,'
and I am quite sure I never heard a bet
ter talk anywhere. The speaker spoke
ol Christ as the great missionary and
urged a like spirit of love and sac
rifice in us all. It was a missionary talk
on a missionary field and wo felt its force
all the more deeply.
I am sure if you could see the peoplo
lu the east, their awtnl condition, an I the
earnestness of those w ho know tho truth,
you would everyone be interested in thin
work. I had no conception of the mis
erable, degraded condition of these pen.
plej naturally religious, thev hare fol
iow eu ine lean ol wind teachers and are
now in a darkness that is deplorable,
this being rather a special only a part of
those present took part. Those who did
spoke mostly in very broken English,
which show ed that they had been brought
to I hrlst throsgh the mission.
At the close of tho meeting, we, who
were strangers.wero very cordially greet.
ed by Rev. Hunt and others of the mis.
sions, as ai'O inner members of the soci
ety. It made us feel we were not altei-
gether strangers.even though in a foreign
land, when surrounded by members of
the Christian Kndeavor.
Two other meetings were held just be
fore this, one in Arabic and one in Arme
nian, which i (inl not know of till too
lste to attend. The neonle amireciate
l-.udcavor as much, perhaps more, than
we e'o at home, and I am sure it is ac
complishing much, developing them in
the Christian lite and work. They seem
to appreciate so much the fact of our in
terest iu their welfare.
I hope you are getting along nieelvand
that tho coming summer will be marked
as the most successful in your Kndeavor
christian lKe. May the Lord bless vou
nd keep and "watch between us while
we are alisent one from another."
Sine-erely your friend and pastor,
J. V. McAiiixi'il.
Cream of the News.
Do you work modesty for all it is
worth T
Another new lot of shoes at Heath A
Kelts this week. it
-Most people are experts on the kin
When you want low prices try Tio
nnsta Cash Store. it
A bride who lives with his folks,
hasn't much of a show.
Ijwlies' shrt waists in everv stvle.
grade and pattern, and at astonishingly
low prices, quality considered, at Hop
kins'. t
In the ganio of matrimony, it cosu
a good deal to call.
Another new lot of those popular
black Venetian underskirts just received,
the price is only fl.(K) each. Heath A Felt.
Somen ico girls have mighty worth
less steady company.
17 lbs. sugar oi 8 lbs. coiTee for Jfl.OO
at Tionesta Cash Store. n
Few people go fishing with the ex-
ectation of catching fish.
Green goods, the kind you eat, finest
lie in town at rock bottom prices for I
cash at White Star Grocery. it
How readily the people Lelieve the
lies told by their enemies.
Black, red or tan shoes and slippers
for children. Something very neat and
pretty at Hopkins'. Call before making
selections. i(
What a man lacks in bis head he
must make up in his legs.
More new neckwear this week at Ti
onesta Cash Store. it
-Alter a suceess,il entot tainment,
watch the "committee" fish for compliment-.
Straw hats in endlcs variety. No
style of the seosou that we cannot show
you. When you buy your summer
straw come hereaud know you are get
ting the proper article. It
An Atchison tnau pays agents a dol
lar each to let him alone and makes
money by it.
Cash prices make big sales at Tiones
ta Cash Store. jt
You know how other people bore
you. Look yourself over; maybe you
hare the habit.
"Illack cat" alockinga wear longer
than any others, we have just received a
new lot. Heath A Feit. it
An enterprising meiehant advertises
"male and female umbrellas." Very
likely a female umbrella is one that
won't shut up.
When in doubt come here. We can
scttlo the question for you at a small
outlay. Ladies' shirt waisis in wash
silks; black, red or tan shoes ami; slip,
pera for children, or a nobby straw hat.
Hopkins. it
ine man who writes the prettiest
love letters seldom makes the best bus-
Solid comfort slippers at Tionesta
Cash Store. n
It is suited that the Legislature is not
likely to adjourn until some time In
Itring in your boy when you want
a good pair of shoes for him. We have
the kind that stand hard kuocks. Heath
A Feit. it
A man's idea of heaven is a place
where he will never got tired of doing
nothing forever.
Paw-ut l(lber slippers )1 at Tionesta
Cash Store. It
After a man lieoomcs so bald that it
is no longer necessary to cut his hair, he
quits becoming gay.
Host line of shoes for nieu and wo
men at T. C. S. It
The Sixth Annual S. S. Contenllmi,
The sixth annual convention of the
Forest County Sabbath Sdiool Associa
tion was held In the Methodist Kpiscopal
church at West Hickory, May lti anil 17.
Over forty delegates and visitors were
registered, some having traveled a dis
tance of thirty two miles to attend. The
convention is pronounced tho best lu the
history of the county association. Per
fei-t harmony prevailed and a gieat Inter
est in all depar mcnts ofS. S. work was
manifest from the opening of the first
session Thursday afternoon. The loss ol
the excellent leader of tLis association,
Pr. Tow ler, was sadly felt, but it seemed
to Inspire the members to greater aetiv
ity and deeper consecration to the work
so near and dear to him. Mrs. S. L.
Vale, the presiding oOictr, in a few well
chosen words, paid a te-nder tribute to
the memory of Pr, Towler. lio asked
the members of the convention to rise,
and in silent prayer to give thanks for
the example of so beneficent a life. Kx
pressions of regret were heard from not a
lew, that the district president, Kev. J.
V. McAiiiiich,and the State Snpei inteuib
ent ol Primary Work, Mrs. J. Wood
biidge Itarnes were unable to be present.
Iiev. II. K. Steele in his "Words of Wel
come" extended a cordial greeting to the
members of the convention and assured
them that the people of Wost Hickory
were icady and willing to give each ono
pleasant entertainment, the truth of
which wa fully d uionstrafcel before the
clime of the convention, Kxcellcrl pa
pers on S. S. work written bv Mr. Win.
Clark, Stewarts Run: Mrs. Kllen Catlin,
Whig Hill ; Miss Martha H. Morrow,
Tionesta; Mrs. Carnahan. Faun inline:
Miss Nellie Turntr, West Hickory; Mrs.
Harper McKeau, Kndeavor; Mrs. G. K,
Walson, GolinKa; and Miss Frances H.
Siggins, Wewt Hickory, were read iu the
convention, and a splendid address was
given by Rev. Mr. Stewart on "Training
in (he Sunday School in Relation to
Church and State."
Miss Nancy C. Morrow of Tionesta
spoke in behalf of the children of the S.
S., conducting a Round Table. Dr.Roads
and MissGillillan ofTidlouto, in answer
ing the questions, brought out many
good points. The parents and teachers
should be careful that the child under
stands what is told him. Rev. II. K.
Steele, Rev. A. S. Stewart and Rev.' A.
Henuiiigson, of Cooper Tract, were
aide assistants of Mrs. Vail and their
work was inspiring. Rev. Mr. Hennlng-
son, who is doing evangelistic mission
work in parts of Warren and Forest
counties, showed the aid the S. S. is to
mission work.
Rev. Chas. Roads, D. P., of Philadel
phia,, Gen. Sec. of the State S. S. Associ
ation, w as present and, as was remarked.
"has improved with age."' The motto of
the associatiation '1. Kvery Member a
t hnstian, II. Kvery Christian a Worker,
III. r.very Worker Trained." was the
burden or his tneme "Iliiilding Nobly
on (he Past." His work and addressea
were most helpful to all S. S. workers
tilling each with a desiro to do better
work in the twentieth entury knowing
inai nouiing snort ol lie nest will tell in
Notwithstanding the fact that the V
President is a busy housew ife, donor the
am nous work oi cook i ng tor seven men
ami obliged to leave at the close of the
atternoon session Friday, and that the
leu. Sec. and rreas, did her work or pre
paring for the convention at a great sao-
rilice on account of the severe illness of
her husband, yet tue convention in all
its details was a decided auci-e-ss. The
new omcers lor i'io current year are as
President, George W. Warden,
Vice President, F. R.
Lanson, Tlones-
Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Fran
ces H. Siggins, West Hickory.
Refolding Secretary, Miss Jennie
Shields, Clarington.
Supt. Primary work, Miss Mary Rohr
er, Marienville.
Supt. Normal Work, Rev. J. V. Mc
Aniiich, Tionesta.
Supt. Home Department. Mrs. Ida
Small, Nebraska.
hxecutive Committee, Pr. J. W, Mor
row, T. F. Ritchev, Miss Ida Paup, Tio
nesta. Committee on Finance, G. W. Warden,
N. P. Wheeler, Dr. J. W. Morrow.
Committee on Nominations. F. It.
L.nson. I). B. Shields, M. F. Catlin, Mi. I
Orion Siggins.
Xemlved: First, That this is the best
convention yet.
Second,' That the next will lie better.
Third, That our thanks are tendered to
the pastor and the members tit ' this
church and to the other friends in Wist
Hickory who have so kindly taken us to
ttieir hearts and homes; also to the Gen
eral Secretary, Dr. Roads, for his in
structive words and pleasant councils.
Fourth, Hemli-ed, That since words
and time fail' to express our sense of loss
in the death nrthe President of the Forest
County Association, Dr. S. S. Towler,
that we lequest bis Sabbath school class
to lay on his grsve a w reath bearing this
text: "And they shall briDg the glory
and honor of the nation into it."
Filth, llmnveii. That we express our
present thanks to the Great Giver of all
good in a song of praise the first and
last a'-inzas of the loith Psalm.
Aliikiit s. Stewart,
H. K. Stkk'.k,
A. C. Hknni.nuson.
Tho readers of this paper will be
ple ased to lent n that there is at least one
dreaded disease that science has been
able to euro in nil its stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cuie is the only
positive cure known to tho medical fra
ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally. acting directly apon the blood
ami mucous surface of the system, there
by dctro lug the foundation of the dis
ease, and giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assist
ing nature in doing its work. The pro
priemrs have so much faith in its cura
tive powers thai they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for list of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHEN ICY A CO.,
u . . r, Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are thebest.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed will meet on June 1st at loo'clock
a. in., on Polland bill, Tionesta and
Ph asantville road, where the road here
after described intersects said Poland
hill road, to let contract for the opening
and building of that portion of the road
now laid out leading from said Tionesta
aim rieasaiuviiie road to Stephen Em
ick's, whicn lies in Tionesta township,
conn act and specifications will be pres
ent at tune or letting.
All persons desiring to bid
work will please be present.
on said
Amirkw Wolf,
Jacob Waunkk.
A. W. Sri.oi r,
Rosd Com'rs Tionesta Twp,
Tionesta, Pa., May 17, PKII.
For Sale.
Second-hand mowing machine, has
mowed only twelve acros. Warranted
O. K. Will sell cheap or trade for stesjk.
J. G. liuoMLEY, Tionesta, Pa.
I '
If you want a Slliniat,
' " Soft "
and buy be'ore you see our
slock, it is your mistake;
not ours.
Straw Sailor and
Cloth hats Tor Ladlr.
IVaasvlvanta Ksllrosil l.sw-ltate Tosr I
ihe Parlflc Censi.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Personally
Conducted tour to San Francisco and the
Pacific Cental, leaving New York, Phila
delphia and Pittsburg by special train of
Pullman, sleeping, dining and observa
tion cars, July ft, will not be confined to
delegates to the Kpworth League conven
tion, which wil, be held in San Francisco
from July IS to 21, but will lie run for
the benefit of all who desire to visit Cal
ifornia and the Canadian Northwest dur
ing Hie summer season. Stops will be
insde at Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt
l.ak City, San Francise-o, Monlentv,
Santa liarbara, Los Angeles, San Jose,
1'i rtland, Seattle, llanll Hot Springs, St.
Paul, and other interesting points en
run te.
The round trip rate from all points on
the Pennsylvania Railroad east of Pitts
burg, flSS.50. covers transportation.
double Pullman berth, and meals in
dining car: two persons in a berth, each.
$IkS..M. Kates from Pittsburg, 'i,H0 less.
The tour will e-ovor a period of ;U days.
Persons desiring, may return inde
pendently from San Francisco by vari
ous routes at proportionately low rates.
for lurtlier Inlormatlon apply to ticket
agents, or address Geo. W. Iloyd, Assist
ant Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. It
Hrdsred ltates ! ClaclMnall la ihr Pens
aylvanla Kallrosil arrMnt ift'Hvri.
Hon f railed Ksrlrltii afThrls
tt.ia Kntli-avor.
On account of tho Convention of the
United Societies of Christian Kndeavor,
to lie held in Cincinnati Julv 6 to 10, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
sell July i to 6, from all stations on Its
line, excursion tickets to Cincinnati at
one fare for the round trip,
liieso tickets will lie gocKl for return
"assage, leaving Cincinnati not earlier
than July 8, and not later than July M.
Forspee-ifio rates and full information.
apply to ticket agents. -t
(jood Advice.
The most miserable beings in the world
are those suffering from Dyspepsia and
l.iver Complaint. More than seventy
livo per cent, of the people In the United
States aro atllicted with these two dis
eases and their effects ; Sour Stomach,
Nek Headache, Habitual Costl veness,
Palpitation of the Heart, Hart-burn,
Waterbrash, Gnawing and Burning
rains at the fit or tho Stomach, lei low
Skin, Ceiatod Tongue and Dissgreeable
1 hmo in ihe .Mouth, Coming up ol rood
alter Fating, Low Spirits, etc. Go to your
Druggist and get a bottle of August
Flower for 75 cents. Two dosea will re
lieve you. Try it. Get Green's Prine
Paint Tour Hiiggy For 75c.
with Devoe's Glosi Carriage Paint, ready
for use; 10 colors. Gives a high gloss
equal to now. Sold by James D. Davis.
S tMin.
South Dakota Farms
Is the title of an Illustrated booklet Just
issued by the Chisago, Milwaukee A St.
Paul Railway, descreptive of the country
between Aberdeen and the Missouri
River, a Beet ion heretofore unprovided
with railway facilities but which is now
reached by a new line of the Chicago,
Milwaukee A SL Paul K'y. Everyone
contemplating a change ot local! in will
be interested in the information contain
el in it and a copy may bo had by send
ing a two-cent stamp to F. A. Miller,
General Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. Ill
Notice of Appeals.
Notice is hereby given that the Com-
mlssionera of Forest County will meot at
their ollke In tho Horough ol Tionesta
on the 13th and Hth days of June, ltmi,
for the purposo of holding a Court of Ap
peals from the assessment of money at
interest for the year IWl.
R. M. Herman,
J. T. Carson,
J. T. Dai.r,
Attest : Commissioners.
Sam. T. Ct iihon. Clerk.
Tiouesla, Pa., May 1:1, I'.iOl.
Painting and
I have accured the aeeticv for
the celebrated KAYSER S ALL
MSN wa" l'Per and can snow
you samples and quota privet
that will beat them all.
I make a specialty of artistic
house painting and inside ho
isning. It' you've anything in
my line lei me know ami I
will call on you.
Taking effect, November 25, 1900.
No. 3ft llii Halo Express, dally
except Sunday 11:35 a. m.
No. 3'JOil City and Pittsburg
Kxrress.daily.except Sunday .7:30 p.m.
For Hickory, Tidloute, Warren, Kiniua,
Bradford, Olcan and the East:
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:50 a. in.
No. 33 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:15 p.m.
For Time Tables and additional Infor
mation consult Ticket Agent,
General Manager. Oeu'l Passenger Agt,
Fred. Grettenbergcr
All. work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Kit
tings and General Itlaeksinithing prompt
ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear or and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidiouto, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Varnish Makes Itevoe's Varnish
Floor Paint cost to. more a quart ; makes
it look brighter and ware fully twice as
long as cheaper lloor paints. Sold by
James D. Davis. ,1-tMm.
What is
Prized than
I have them
just suited to
your lasto.
Ready to
Evening Church
Wear Wear
Outing and Golfing.
Fine Enough to Wear Evtrywhcrt
Wm. h, a. lyxch.
Etulvaror, J'rt.
Bank Statement
No. saw.
of Pennsylvania, at tho closo of business
April 21, IWl,
Loans and disesnuils $142,080 22
UN-entrails, secured ami un
secured 1,300 17
U. S. lionds to secure circula
tion AO.000 0(1
Premiums on U. S. Bonds 8,1X7 iitf
Stoe-ks, securities, i Ic .'to,!) 00
iiaiiKing-nouse, Itirnituro, and
fixtures li.Mil 1!)
Due from approved reserve
agent fttl.l.VS 30
Checks and other cash items .... US iJ
Note's of other National Hanks.. 6.IA 00
r ractinual paper currency,
nickels, and cents J25 !4
Law-mi money reserve In bank,
Spevie f B.872 2S
Legal tender notes... 7,000 00 13,KT2
Redemption fund with U. N.
Treas r(ApercUof circulation) 2,500 00
t317,K3 AS
Capital stock?paid in .'n,nno 00
Surplus fund 10.L25 43
i mi iv men proms, teas expenses
and taxes paid 4,1 j" M
.National bank uotoa outstand
ing .W.000 00
Individual deposits subject to
chee-k os. 704 :w
Demand e-ertiticates ofdenosit... aril 70
Time certificates ol doposit 104,liKl 54
$.'.I7..Vt3 45
Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Forest,
I, A. II. Kelly, cashier of tho above
named bank, do solemnly awear that tho
alKive statement is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
A. B. KELLY, Cashier.
SubseTibed and sworn to before me this
0th day of May, 1001.
C. M. Ahnkr, Notary Public,
Correct Attest :
T. F. KiTciikT,
J. T. Dai.k,
G. W. RoBt.Nson,
Di rectors.
Tionesta Cash Store
is an UNCOMMON Store,
it is an UNIQUE Place,
A place where the Hard to Please are Almost Al
ways Pleased. Our Goods are the Best, our prices
the Lowest. We are always on the lookout for Bar
gains and are always willing to Share with our Cus
tomers. That is the reason they are always pleased.
Here are a few things in groceries :
17 lb granulated sugar, $1.
Arbuckle or Lion coffee, 2 lb lor 25c.
Mocha and Java blend, 51b for 1.
Good corn, 7c can.
Good tomatoes, 3 cans for 25c.
Good peas, 10c can.
Here are some Specials in Ladies' Suits:
All wool Jacket Suits, gray, G.50, brown, 7.50. All colors at $10.00, f 12.50 and
$15.00. All colors in Jackets at 5.00. Also, men's all wool suits at 6.50 and up to
10.00. Tants, Shirts, Underwear, Hats and Caps.
Carpets are lowest in price here, also Matting and Linoleum.
Wiocs for Men, Women lnd Children, of best makers, who
make shoes for stylo and comfort as well as durability.
Bargains jostle you at every turn, but we can only mention a
tew here. Come m and see why the people are so well pleased.
Always welcome at
Tionesta Cash Store.
Three Good Things
to remember When Buying From Us
are that you are sure of getting posi-
That's the best
You will also
keep constantly
stock ol
Also agents for the
A. B.
A. Waynk Cook,
m HKerro Ka
il. V. Robinson,
T. F. Rlu hey. J. T.
Wayne Cook,
I. Wheeler,
Collection, remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise our custom
era all the houeuts consistent with conservative b king. Interest .id on lime
deposits. Your patronage resee-tfiilly solicited.
Queen Quality
Meant)-, F.ase
and Mt rvlee.
re their i) atingiiinliinc; feature.
Styles lor all uses and occasions.
Ntrrrt, Drew,
Hoiifte and Outing.
Made of Ihe most faihionahle leath
er) iu the war of latest shapes.
Alivnyw One I'rlce
There I a Treat In
atore for those women who have out
wo- nap ir of these famous Shoe.
Cor. Centre, Seneca, & Sycamore feta.
Phone 235.
Dried peas, 7 lb lor 25c.
Beans, 5 lb for 25c.
Teaches, 10c. lb. Ncctorines 3 lb for
Oat meal and rolled oats, 9 lb for 25c.
Lenox and Oak leaf soap, 7 bars 25c.
Syrup, 25c. gal. N. O. Molasses 35c.
The exact weight.
bear iu mind that wc
on hand the choicest
Vle-e 1'residout
Wm. Siunarbaugh,
Kale, J. II. Kelly.
a i
and I lie
II ive illustniteil many a point ami
will coiiiiiine to .Li so i.r centuries in
c. mo As w - cannot very well lirioir
n .MiCl'KNCO sill' or Sl'lUNG
TOl (MAT to every man in this
loan ..r h.s iiisjh ctinu, wo niuit ty
to briii); the man to our store In see
ihe most fashionable and perlci-tly
tailored rlulhct hat it's possible for
the skill ami science of the twentieth
ceutury produce. Tliia label
On. City. Pa
Millie est has been the Imuora tile
"dollies mark" . f the maker fur
nearly a quarter of a ceutury. And
your m nicy hack fur the asking.
S6T0 $25.
S6T0 $25.
2i AND 29 SENECA ST. .