RATES OF ADVERTISINGS One Square, one Inch, one week... 1 00 One Square, one ineb, one month. ( 00 One Square, one Inch, S months.... 6 00 One Square, one inch, one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year. .... 16 00 Quarter Column, one year ......... SO 00 Half Column, one year .............. . 60 04 One Column, one year ........ 100 00 Legal advertisement ten cents per line each Insertion. We do fine Job Printing of every de scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash on delivery. Published evory Wednesday by J. K. WENK. Offioe in Bmeaibaugb. & Wenk Building, gLM BTRKKT, TlOrtKHT, PA. Forest Republican. Tern. I.W Vear, Nlrlrilj liMtum. No ubovriptloii received for ahortor period thau throe months. Correspondence solicited, but no notice will be taken of anonymous communica tions. Alwaya give your name. VOL. XXXIV. NO. 6. TIONESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. 1901. $1.00 PER ANNUM. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. BOKOUGH UFFICKHb. Krj7M.-T. F. Itltolioy. tVHeimcn.-J. T. Ualo.W. F. Blum, Clma. Clark, T. E. Armstrong, Dr. J. C. Iliinn.U.Q. Gaston, J. H. Muse. Justice uf the i"eue C. A. Randall, 8. J. Hetley. . , Cbiwli6t II. K. Moody. tHeeor-F. I. Ainsler. i'hool VirectortO. W. Iloleman. J. K Wonk.lL Jaiiilewm. J. C. Beowden, Patrick Joyce, W. W. Grove. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Membnr of Congreu J. K. P. Hall. VtMherof tiennte A. M. Neeley. Attemblu A. M. Doutt. rretittentJuttgeW. M. Llndsey. .Intonate Judy ttli. II. t'rawford, W. II. II. Dotterer. rtothoottry, Regieterd Rteorder, dte. John II. Hobortmm. A'neruf. J. W. Jatnieaon. Veasnrer S. M. Henry. tomwixioners H. M. Herman, John T. ('union. J. T. Dale. IHntriet Attorney S. D. Irwin. Jury Oonminnionert LoyI U. Rey nolds, Peter Youngk. kroner Dr. J. W. Morrow. County Auditor J. R. Clark, B. J. Klvnn, Geo. L. King. Cbuny Superintendent E. E. Hlltxln- ger. Krgalar Terms of t'esrt. Fourth Monday of February. Third Monday of May. Fourth Monday of Hnptemler, Third Monday of November. Charrfc and Makknlh Mrheel. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:15 a. in. t M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching In M. K. Church every Sab Iwth evening by Kev. W. I. M tin ay. Preaching In the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev. V. It. Miller, Pastor. Services in the Presbyterian Church every nahhalh morning and evoning, . Hev. J. V. McAniiich otnciatlng. The regular meetings or the W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each iil.nth. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. pi'.NESTA LODGE, No.Sfiw.I.O.O. F. A Meet every Tuesday evening, ill Odd Kellowa' Hall, Partridge bulldiug. I XHtBST LOPrtE, No. 181, A. 0. U. W 1 Moots every Friday evening lnA.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST. No. 271 U. A. K. MeeU 1st and 8d Monday evening In each month, in A. O. U. V. Hall, Tioiieata. C APT. GEORGE STOW COUPS, No. 137, W. 11. C., meets first and third Wednesday evening of each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa. riMONKSTA TENT, No. 1(14, K. O. T. 1 M., meels 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening in each month iu A. O. U. N . kail Tionesta, Pa. p F. RITCHF.Y, 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionesia, Pa. 1) M. CLARK. I Attorn et-at-Law, T ionesta, Penns. Office, rr tlie present, over Haslet's store. SAMUEL C. CALHOUN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Office at Camon's Jewelry sUre, Tlo liesla, Pa. All legal business and collec tions promptly ami faithfully attended to. J W. MORROW. M. D., Til 1.1-.. .a rka.illat I llVXIl llto, OlHS,V.H .'.ii..". Office and llesidence throe doors north or Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. D R. F.J. BOVARD, Physician A Surgeon, TION KSTA. PA. DR. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Heath tt Killmer'a store, Tionesia, Pa. Professional calls prompt ly responded to nt all hours of day or night. Residence May SU "I R. J, D. GREAVES, If Physician and Surgeon Office and resilience almvo Fores C. National Hank. Couuly 'Phone No. 1. HOTEL WEAVER, E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence II ouse, has u ndergone a com plete change, and is now furnished with all the mod ern improvements. Heatod and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathroom, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, GEKOW A HE ROW Proprietor. Tionseta, Pa. This is the mostcentrally located hotel In the place, and has all the modern improvements. No paina will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for the traveling public First class Livery in connection. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT A SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm nd Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work from the finest to iheooersesland guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to mending, and prices rea sonable. JORENZO FULTON, Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds or HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. 11 I GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. NONE LEFT: Rheumatio Aches, Head Ache or Lumbago, After Using WANO ELECTRIC 0IL.-25C. It Removes l'imples and Makes the Skin soil and fine. AH drug stores, or sent pre-paid. THE WANO CO., Warren, Pa. RIVER STEAMER SUNK. Twenty-Four Lost In Miss issippi D saster. Itoat Htrilrk a "nag anil Hank Within Ftvs Minutes, the Crew nn tils Lnwrr Deck Not Having a Chance to Ksrape Two Passengers Drowned and Thrlr llodles ltacovored. ST. LOUIS, May H.-A special to The Post Dispatch from Grand Tower, Ills., says: Tin- steamer City of Pailucnh sank hi 2." fil l of witter five minutes before 10 I'chx-k Sunday, in less than five minutes after striking a snug oud while bucking out from Bruunkhcrst binding. The Ixxlics uf the two pimscngcrs who were drowned have been recovered and uii'IiiIhtn of the crew, most ur them ne groes, are missing. All of the ottlcers were saved. First Mate Tobias Royal of St. Louis snya only about l'J passen gers were on Ixiurd and all were saved except two. The iMsly or Dr. J. W. Hell or BelPa Landing, Teiin., was taken nut or his slate room. The renin Ins cf a jronng wo men on which was u visiting curd read ing "Mrs. Harry L. Allen. 3i:tO Euils avenue, St. Louis, Mo.," was recovered rrom a stale room. Two friends trav eling with the drowned woman who sturted hack to St. Louis on the steamer City of Clifton, said that the young lady was engaged to marry Ir. C. A. Mere dith of St. lxiis. Several hundred dol lars' worth of jewelry was found on her IkmIjt. The passenger list has not been recov ered. A diver Is searching for it. Only the Texas and hurricane decks are above water, which reaches to the sky light of the cabins. All the staterooms are completely filled with water. The steamboat drifted a third of a mile below the lauding Ix'fore she sank. The first mate says the boat went down within three minuti after striking the nag. lie was ou the cabin deck ami es raped by climbing through the kyliht. It is supposed that moct of the missing deckhands who were on the lower deck were washed down the river. The lxot lies down alsiut llHI feet from the Illi nois shore, the forepart or the hurricane deck being under water. She appears to lie s total wrek. The coroner, C. E. Knauer or Murphy hero, Ills., is now holding an lispcst while the diver is searching ror more In wl im. Thomas Johnston, watchman or the boat, who is said to Is? among the lost, was ST year old and had been a steam boat man for UI year. lie lived in St. IOllis. BIG STRIKE THREATENED Msrhlnlsla to Number of 1 80,000 Directed to Prepare to Unit My SO. WASHINGTON, May 13.-A general strike involving directly 1.1I,0U0 machin ists and indirectly BO.ltfK) men In metal working trade, is expected to toke place on .May It) miles some arrangement Is eflVctcd in the meantime. This Is the statement made by President Jams O'Conn.ll of the International Assix-la-tioli of Machinists, who lins his head quarters In this city. The demand of the men, the rerusal of which threatens to precipitate the strike, Mr. O'Conncll said, are tor the working day or nine hour, an Increase or I'-'-j per cent in wages, or in other words 10 hours p;iy ror r.ine hours' work. Saturday the representatives of the Metal Trades as sociation anil the International associa tion or Mnchiuist held a conference In Sew York, at which an attempt was mode to reach an agreement on the wage mutter so that the strike proposed for May 20 could be avoided. Upon his re I miii ins re- inell jjnptly strTjad it turn to this city Mr. ) Connell prepared the order for the wa sent nut by mail yesterday. GAVE LIFE FOR FRIEND. Cm of Itrsl Heroism Oernr Is City of luilisnspolls. INDIANAPOLIS, May n.-Wllliam Phelps of liichmond, Ky., and James S'atishnry of this city were cleaning the Inside of an upright Ixiiler at the Cerca lint mills yesterday afternoon when an einploye turned on the steam, thinking the ruck was tight. It leaked and the scalding steam poured In on the two men. The only exit was up a ladder to a manhole in the top. Loth jumped for the ladder. Phelps reached it first, took one step and stop ped He jumped aside and shouted: "ion go hrst, Jim, you art married. Slnnbiiry sprang up the ladder and es- eaped with slight burn alsiut' the race and legs. Though Phelps hurried at his duels bia act or heroism cost blm bis life. lty the time he had followed Stansbury up the ladder the flesh was dropping from his limbs. He lived two hours. Mrs. Kstlou'a Followers Found Oitllty. TOPEKA, Kan., May ll.-Mrs. Rose Crist, Mrs. Chadwick, Miss Madeline Southard and ('. It. McDowell pleaded guilty in the district court yesterday of leading a raid on a billiard hall with Mrs. Nation in March. They will be fined $ 10 each. Mrs. Nation's trial was set for yesterday. A change of venue wa granted her by Judge Huzen. Will Live With Broken Hark. MIDHLETOWN. X. Y.. May 14. AVillinin Terwilliger, who is in Thrall hos pital here suffering with a broken back, it is Mievcd will recover. The physi cians have reduced the dislocation, and the paralysis in the limbs is disappear ing. The case is regarded as remarkable. Terwilliger fell through a trap door, be ing discovered eight hours later. grhley M ill Hurry Home. LONDON, May U.-Lcar Admiral Schley ha' received a cable message an nouncing the serious illness of a member or his ramily. He has therefore curtailed his stny here ami engaged possage on board the North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wilhelm der (Jrosse. which sails from Southampton for New York May 15. The admiral went to Southampton. Old r iiKll.eer Drail. MIDDLKTOWN. N. Y.. May H. Na thaniel C. Dubois, one or the oldest and liest-known engineer on the Erie rail road, is dead at his home at Campbell Hall, aged 80 years. LOANING FILIPINOS MONEY Appropriations Made to NiiRtaln Provinces Until Land Tax lteeomss Operative, MANILA, May 1 l.-The I'nited Slatci Philippine commission funis that the In ternal revenue collections in most or thf provinces are not siifflriciit to support the provincial governments until the be ginning or the colleetious of land taxei a year hence and appropriations of $2, (HNl to 1,000 will be made from the Insu lar treasury in favor or several or the provinces. These appropriations will Ik considered to lie loans. In addition thi provincial hiws will he amended so aa to require a sedula nt one peso rrom all nuili-a over 1M, hair or which will go tc the province and half to the municipality. The treasury at Washington has begun the payment of sundry army expenses. Including rents and rewnrds ror surren dered arms, formerly borne by the in sular treasury. It is ronsideri-d certain that Colonel Charles A. WixxIrulT, the chief commis sary officer, had no connivance with tin contractor's frauds. The appearance ol his name is explained by the fact that the contractors paid the renting nirentf a portion or the rent Tor Colonel Woixl run" house, alxive the price which wai named to Colonel Woodruff. This amount Colonel Woodruff offered to refund when he tlixcorcrcil it, having in the mean while left the house. But the agents de clined to accept It There have Ikm-ii minor captures nnd surrenders in Cavite, Itntangns and Tay abas provinces. A number of camps am quantities of supplies have been destroy ed. The military ofllcinls generally art seconding the civil settlements or off a in In the provinces with the notable ex ecution of the province of Hainan, where Major William 1'. Yose, commniidliig the Sixth artillery, has sounht to enforce his own ordinance to collect taxes and had not authorized civil government in the province, (teuernl MacArthur has ordered Major Yose to cease his unau thorized assumptions of authority. TO LEARN CHINA'S VIEWS Indemnity or 4AO,OUO,000 Taeti to He Presented as a Preliminary Ilemsnd. l'KKIX, May 10. An indemnity claim fif 4oO,INN.I taels will be presented to the Chinese. Otllcial Chinese throughout the empire hnve been communicating with the court and giving advice. Most of them seem to favor a loan guaranteed by the foreign powers. Others, prominent among whom is Chung Chi Tung, favor raising the money in every posisble way without a loan, and in paying off the en tire demand within fire years. The court has considered methods of raising 2tl.tKKi,(HI0 taels extra annually and provisionally approves the plan, but the Chinese plenipotentiaries have In structions to nhtniti a reduction of the indemnity as far a possible. Whatever the final demands of tin powers may be, it is not believed that the opposition will be much more than a matter or form. The ministers or the powers met yes terday and decided that the Chinese should be given to understand thoroughly that the amount did not constitute the claim, but was the total or the expenses, including private claims considered fair, and was meant more to obtain an opinion from otllcial sources as to China's ability to pay, and also as to what means she would employ CABLED FOR HIS BRIDE. Miss Irvine of Washington to Ball For Manila to He Married to Cspt. Lyman. WASHINGTON. May H.-Miss Annie Irvine of this city will go to Sun Krnu cisco early next mouth to sail on an army transport, leaving there June 15 for Ma nila, to Im? married to Captain Churl;' Lyman of the marine corps, whose home is in Washington. Captain I.yniau ca bled the other day asking her to come, at he could not get leave to come home ror two years. Miss Irvine is the daughter or Mr. nnd Mrs. Lloyd H. Irvine, l.'.ll Connecticut avenue, this city, and the young people have known each other since they were children. Cnptain Lyman enlisted at tlu beginning or the Spanish-Aiuericaii war and has been away fiom Washington al most all the time since. He was in China all Inst year ond expected to come home this month when orders came to him to go to Manila, so he cabled ror bis bride to come. PORTO RICANP0STAL FRAUD Pmtmsster and Atialstsnt at Jnsna Ilai Arrested For Knibesxleitient. l'ONCE, Torto Hico, May H.-Cnilo and Itumon Julia, respectively postmas ter and assistant postmaster at Juana Dias, have been arrested on the charge ol embezzlement. The amount involved l not mentioned. Inspector Smith on April 27 round that the postottlee at Junnn Diaz should hnve a balance of $1),2, but no cash was on hand. The bondsmen of the prisoners will re imburse the government in full. Tho Julias issued money orders on credit before receiving the cash, nnd it la believed they charged their customer! a commission. It is reported thnt the prisoners issued $11,000 in this manner in February. They should have remitted nil over foO cash daily. Indians Rettls With Lumbermen. TAUK ll.VriDS, Minn., May 14.-In-dinns from the l'ine Point country, where trouble was feared over the tim ber cut under the "Dead nnd Down" act, arrived here yesterday. They say a complete settlement is being effected with the lodging companies, under prom ise that a rescalc will be made. The In dians are dispersing. An Important Case. WASHINGTON', May 14.-The long talked of suit on the part of the state ot Kansas against the state of Colorado to enjoin the latter state from diversion of the waters of the Arkansas river, was begun in the I nited Slates supreme court yesterday. The case must orminatc In the supreme court because of its inter tate character. Escaped From Wellsboro Jtill. ELM IRA, N. Y., May 1 .-Williaiu Andres and William Daly, prisoners serving terms in the Wellsboro (l'u.) jail escaped Similar liii;lit. They crowded through a small aperture in the wull nud lowered themselves to the Vrouml from the second story by nid or their bed blankets, which they tore up uud uia.lt iuto rope. GRADUATES TO OBJECT Pr itest Against Making Mc Kinley Doctor of Laws. Petition Is Being Clrrulnteil Actios ol Harvard Collego In lleatowlng tho De- ' grco Deems to Have Aroused Opposi tion of Home Petition Appears la Montreal For Signers. MONTREAL, May ll.-Hnrvnrd grad uates in this city received circulars urg ing them to sign a protest to the over seers against granting an honorary de gree to President McKiuley. The cir cular giM-s on to state that the large Ixuly or graduates or the university .lielieve "thnt the degree should not be conferred on McKinley at this time, and that, as the recommendation has been promoted by the solicitation or others, we also are clearly entitled to be heard, as protest ants, by the overseers. "We, firstly, believe that general prin ciple that honorary degrees should not be conferred merely in recognition of high political position or as prizes of po litical success. "It Is worthy of remark thnt Harvard college has already acted upon this prin ciple with respect to the governor of Massachusetts. A former president of the United States who came to Cam bridge recognized this principle nnd did not take the degree offered hi in. "Knrther. we believe that, ns there ex ist a sincere division of opinion con rcmiug the national policy with which McKinley's name is associated, to con fer the degree of doctor of laws upon him would work injustice and give need less pain to a considerable uumlier of grnudntes by seeking to commit the uni versity to a decision upon political pol icy, which decision is not the runctlon or such nn Institution." The fiirm or the protest received is aa follows: "To the Board or Overseers, Harvard College: "We, the undersigned, graduates of Harvard university, or holders or a de gree conferred by It, respectfully request your honorable body not to confirm the nomination of William McKinley, pres ident of the I'nited States, for the hon ornry degree of doctor of laws. "Some of us nre, in general, supporters of lite present national administration, but we hold that the honorary degree of LL. D. should not be conferred upon any one because of his official position." DESPERATE MEASURES. Dr. Elhrblge A censed of Having Plotted to lllow Ills Wire Vp With Dynamite. PHILADELPHIA, May 14. Pr. Thomas E. Eldridge, a specialist and etectro-thernpeutic physicinn, who is ac cused by the police authorities of having conceived n plot to drug his wife with morphine or blow her up with dynamite, in order to secure two letters which are in her possession, was held in $1,500 bail for court. Paul E. Schroedcr testified thnt he had been employed by Dr. Eldridge In the capacity of a privnt.1 detective to secure the letters and thnt the doctor wanted him to drug Mrs. Eldridge. If he was not successful in this, Schroedcr said, Dr. Eldridge offered to furnish him with dynamite with which to blow up the house occupied by Mrs. Eldridge. The doctor and hi wife have been sep arated for some time and a divorce suit Is pendimr. Mrs, Eldridge on the stand said her attorney was in possession or the letters her husbnnd wanted. She also snid Dr. Eldridge had once attempt ed to smother her and. had Trequently made threats to injure her. She was compelled to leave him owing to his bru tal treatment. M'CORMICK B0YrF0UND. Body Discovered Floating In a Pond Nenr Ills Home. NEW YOItK. Mny ll.-The body cf 12-year-old Willie McCormick who dis appeared from his home at High Undue six week ago, was found yesterday float ing on the surface of Cornwells creek, not far from the McCormick home. A policeman notified th. McCormick fam ily, nnd the father of the drowned boy, and Miss Margaret McCormick, a sister, identified the body. Captain Titus snid last night: "At (he present time I am of the opinion the boy's death was the result of an acci dent." The pnrents or the drowned boy and Father Mullin or the church or tho Sac red Heart of High Bridge said thnt they had abandoned the idea nt foul play and believe the hoy had been accidentally drowned. More Delay In Kennedy Trial. NEW YOKK, Mny 14. Robert M. Moore, counsel ror Dr. Kennedy, now on trial ror the third time on the chnrge or murder, objected to a juror yesterday on the ground that the pnnel or I'iO rrom which he wn chosen wa tnken rrom n box containing less thnn 3,000 names, ns required by law. This is the objection ellieh is to be rought out before the courts in connection with the constitu tionality or the law lecently passed al tering the status or the commissioner or jurors. Mr. Moore said that while he did not think the ground taken was conclu sively legal, he would file the objection to protect the interests of hi client. Out of the panel of IM) juror summoned to appear yesterday only 100 appeared and 63 of these had excuses. St. Louis Exposition at Pan-American. ST. LOUIS, May 13.-The officers and directors of the Louisiana Purchase Ex position company hnve decided to attend the Pan-American exposition exercises at Buffalo May 20 as tlic guest of the Wabash railroad. It will also be de cided to erect a building nt the Pan American exposition nt a cost of $10,000. It will be used a the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition headquarters and will be ready for occupation by June 1. Three Badly Hurt In Trolley Accident. NEW YOKK. Mny 13.-An open trol ley car, on which were packed nbout ll.'i persons, got nway from the motorniau yesterday nflcrmxin near Kort Lee, N. J., and dnxhed down Leonia hill. Not one person on the car escaped being bruised, but three were seriously injured, and only one of them is likely to die. FARMER'S BOY KIDNAPED. Edward H1ms Taken From His HdiM Near Wllkes-llarro. WILKES-BAUUE, Mny ll.-Edv ard Bloss, the 11-year-old son of John K. Blosn, a wealthy farmer of Bald Minn tain, near here, has been kidnaped He was tnken by a strange man on W Ijm.'S dny afternoon on hi way home frn schmd and has not teeu nccn shiite. Tn man was seen by some or young Blosa' playmate walking down the road with the Ixiy. They are able to give only a Slight description or him, as they were not alarmed at the time, and it was not until a few hours later that the law was missed. Then a general search wn's made around the neighboring country, but no trace of the boy or the strnnge man was teen. The search has continued. The father came to this city and In formed the police, who are doing what they can. They have a good description of the hoy and are sending out inqui ries. The father is well-to-do and it is believed that the kidnapers hope to get a ransom ror the boy, and thnt he will make some advances as soon (s the hue and cry is over. JUDGE POUNDS PRISONER Wllkes-llarre Justice or the Peace Drabs Colored Man Into Submission. WILKES-BAUItE, May lO.-Alder-man Donohue or this city has put another notch in his stick. He severely thrashed a colored prisoner named McDowell, who defied tin- court after refusing to pay his boarding house keeper, llev. J. II. Ander son, a bill of SO cents. The fact that McDowell had tried to deprive the old minister of so small a sum angered the magistrate In the first place, and when the flashily dressed pris oner, who had been arrested after refus ing to answer a summons, was brought before him he became angrier still. When McDowell refused to answer questions, added nbuse to this and then attacked Constable Newton, Donohue could stand it no longer. He threw off his cont and made for McDowell with one or his famous rushes, such as hare ended in woe for many wife beater. FAREWELLTOOLD EMPLOYES Reading Iron Company Tells the Strikers Goodhy In an Open Letter. READING, Mny 11. In consequence or the strike of l.lKHI men at the tube works or the Rending Iron company the management Thursday night sent them an open letter recognizing their right to quit work nnd regretting their hasty ac tion. The letter mills' "The company is sorry to lose your services, but hopes yon may speedily find employment in places and on terms entirely satisfactory to each one of you and nil of your new friends." This means the shutting down of addi tional mills employing 000 hands. Costly Court House, GltEEXSBUKG, Mny ll.-Westmore-la ml county is to hare a million-dnllnr courthouse. At host it is given out that the cost will not fall below fSiKl.tsiO. While great secrecy hns been maintained iu the matter of building a new court house by Judges McConnell and Doty, anil Architect Kauffmnn uf Pittsburg, it developed that the plans for the 4-story granite building have just been com pleted. At a conference between the judges ami the architect it is said the plans were approved and that the de cree of the court ordering the building will be made probably today. Prefer a Banquet to a Picnic NEW CASTLE, May lO.-At the an nual meeting of the Lawrence County Bar association the following officer were elected for the ensuing yeur: Presi dent, S. L. McCrackeu; vice president. Judge J. X. Martin; secretary, D. X. Keast; treasurer, W. 8. McCasliu. The annual legal vacation was fixed from July 2 to Aug. 10. It was dechh'd to hold a banquet the second Friday uf January, 11KTJ, instead of the regular summer picnic. Followed the Biblical Injunction. ALTOOXA, Mny 10. In county court, when liicbnrd W. Pox or this city wn on the stand to answer a chnrge or de serting his wife, he said: "When my wife slapitcd me on one cheek 1 turned my face and requested thnt she ship me on the other. She then struck me ngniu aa directed." The court decided that on the strength of the evidence the couple should lire happily together. Mew Care for Toothache Failed. SHARON, Mny 10. Leroy Buxton of Orangerille uudertixik to burn out the nerve or a decayed toothe by Inserting a match head in the cavity and then set ting it off with a heated wire. His mouth was frightfully burned and he be came unconscious from the Intense pain. He was revived with difficulty and the aching tixith was extracted. ITEMS IN BKlKf. MORGANTOWN While making his first run as brakemnn on the Bultimore and Ohio railroad James Grove of Cnn ncllsville wns caught between freight cars nt Morguntowu and so bndly (rushed that he will die. JOHNSTOWN The Ixnly or the mil deirtitied man, badly decomposed, was found along the Coueinnugh river. It is thought the body is that or an aged man named Wertz, who disappeared rrom Al toons ill April. LATROBE Pittsburg capitalists have purchased the l'iix-r rami, near town and will erect a mammoth plant for the manufacture of all kinds of brick. ork will begin at once. LATKOBE Peter Glinu, a foreigner, aged about 4- yenrs, was struck by a train near Latrohe and sustained injuries that will prove fatal. M'KEESPORT Mayor R. J. Black favors clearing the state of tramps nnd will attend a meeting of mnyors and burgesses in Philadelphia next week to consider the subject. WASHINGTON, Pa. It was an nouneed that the settlement or the strike at the Tyler tube works wns based on an increase in wages, hut no recognition it the union. SHARON The Demixratk- county committee will meet at Mercer ou May 25 to fix a time for holding the county convention. In a drunken brawl at South Sharon among a number of for -eigiicrs Peter Jauo was shot iu the right , leg. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. Summary of the Week's News of the World. Cream of the Hew Called From Long Dispatches and Pat J a Proper Shaps For the Harried Reader Who Is Tos Basy to Bead the Longer Reports and Deslrss to Keep Pasted on Kvanta. Friction existing between Lord Rob erts and Mr. Brodrirk, the British war secretary, may lead, says a special cable dispatch, to Lord Holieits" retirement from command of the army. Mrs. Kate Achels, a Christian Scient ist, tried to raise her three children from the grave in Stanton, Neb. There is a belief that Charles It. East man will not be convicted of murder in the first degree, according to the evidence in the trial in Cambridge, Mass. New York aud other cities are hard at work for the relief of Jacksonville fire sufferers. Late reports indicated extreme desolation and pressing need of help. Twenty torpedo boat destroyers r torpedo boats will soon be completed and turned over to the government. Comprising 1.000 persons, a whole con gregation iu Wilkes-Burre, Pa., took pledge of total abstinence. Tlinrsdar. Perry S. Heath, serrctury or the Re publican national committee, according to a scpcial dispatch from london, strongly advocates the nomination of Mark Ilnnna ror president. The powers are snid to he considering he opening up or the entire Chinese em pire to international trade. The Duke and Duchess or Cornwall tnd York made their state entry into Melbourne, Australia. Speaker Henderson's room In the Cnp itol wu hrokeu into by a thief, but noth ing was stolen. A coroner's jury nt Ballavllle, Va., de clared by Its verdict that an 8-year-old girl had shot and killed her lli-year-old sister. Dr. Gustav Eisen, who discovered the cancer germ, wns operated upon for can cer in a San Francisco hospital. Rieardo Mirnna wa shot by Senot Corona, editor of a newspaper in San tiago, Cuba, during a row iu a theater. Friday. A special cable from Pekin tells of a pro-British speech by General Chaffee which caused much adverse criticism, British ship owners ure contemplating combinations to forestall further incur sions by the Morgan syndicate. A special cable from Vienna tells cf action tnken by the Austrian Industrial council to guard against dangers of over whelming American competition. Numerous arrests have been made In Mouteviedo following rumors of a con spiracy to kill the president of Uruguay. Charles II. Eastman, ns a witness foi himself in his trial for the alleged mur der of Richard II. Grogan. Jr., told his tory or the shooting. Relief trains are arriving in Jackson ville with supplies for the fire sufferers. "Not a candidate for the presidency," wa Senator Manna's reply to Perry Heath's friendly talk, cabled rrom I-oo-don. Saturday. American capitalists may be asked by China to subscribe it it. enmity loan. A Rio Janeiro newspaper comments on the danger or German colonization in southern ltratil. A bpecial cable dispatch rrom Berlin shows how the Prussian cabinet crisis puts Count Yon Buelow in a dilemma and inaugurates a fierce struggle in German politics. Acci riling to a special cable dispatch frcm Berlin, the Germnu tnxips are x)n In Ik withdrawn rrom China, but lbs fleet will remain. At the Irou and Steel institute meeting in London many Americans were present, and Mr. Carnegie doubled his gift uf J32.V0 for original researches. With much ecclesiastical pomp Mgr. MartinelU was mule a cardinal in Bal timore cathedral. Relief cars are arriving at Jackson ville, which now is a city of tents. Monday. The headless and badly decomposed body of a man was found washed up on the lake shore near Webster, N. Y. There was nothing to aid iih-ntiiicatiou. The Duke of Cornwall and Y'ork opened the first session nf the Australian federation parliament at Mellwurne in a splendid speetucle. A special cable dispatch from Wey mouth describes the breaking of the Shamrock IPa topsail gaffyard, but says thnt before the accident she proved her self much faster than the old challenger. It Is announced in Buenos Ayrer, Ar gentina, thnt Chili is fortifying the Strait of Magellan. The evidence against Charles It. East man, on trial charged with the murder of Richard Grogan, Jr., is all in, and the case goes to the jury. The New Yori; relief committee's train load of supplies for fire sufferers arrives in Jacksonville. The ceremonies at Los Angeles In honor of 1 'resident McKinley outdid all former efforts of the city in that line. Taesday. In an official note Russia has reaf firmed her absolute fidelity in dealings with China and the powers. M. Delcasse's object in visiting Ru sia, says a special cable, was immediate ly connected with the new loan, which is to be devoted to carrying on railway di velopment. In two trolley car accidents two per- sous were killed and many injured. The Hamburg-American steamship line purchased the English Atlas line for about f.i.000,000. Louis Iglesias, brother of Costa Rica's kiesMent, wn severely cut by thrusting his head through the glass of a window that he supposiil was open. Mrs. McKinley has been tnken to San Frai.cisco ror rest. She hns a felon on fcer right hand, and it is not thought .s I f nigra u will be abandoned. KING IS A POOR MAN. Bur Michael Hlcks-Beaeh Asked Fas Larger Grant. LONDON, May 10,-The kine. said Chancellor or the Exchequer Sir Michael Hicks-Beach in discussing the civil list in the house of commons, has no personal fortune, a fact which could not he ton widely known. He was, therefore, de pendent on the revenues or the Duchy ' Lancaster and parliamentary grants. The king was anxious for a further inves tigation into the system of management or the royal household, in order to cor rect any abuses and wastes. The sum or fllO.OOO, out or the total of 470,000, which it was proposed to grant, was the king's privy purse, out of which came the sums expended as a re sult or innumerable requests ror chari ties throughout the empire, and even rrom foreign countries, and out or wbicb also came the sums expended r ' 'p np the private residences. Th- ! ilieral leader. Sir Henry Campb Ii-i:.- i-icnnnti, supported the government's piu;m?al a.i reasonable. John Redmond, the Irish lender, !n ex planing why the Irish members declined to support the proposale. said It was for three reasons: First, the lnsull to certain of the king's subjects In the accession proceedings; second, Ireland wns paying double today what she paid 1H years ago and England waa paying 25 per cent less; the third, and real ground tor the opposi tion, was the people or Ireland were mocked by a freedom which was devoid of substance. Sir. Labonchere (Liberal) tried to have the allowance cut down rrom 470,000 to f-llo.OfH), the amount granted to Quen Victoria and the prince consort. This motion was defeated by a vote of BS to 201. The civil list was agreed to by a vote of 307 to 58. Strikers Have No Right to "Picket." CHICAGO. May 11. In the branch appellate court yesterday decision waa handed down denying the right of strik ing workmen to "picket" a shop ror the purpose or dissuading others rrom en tering the works. The decision was glvea on appeal rrom Judge Holdom'a eoort in contempt proceedings brought against strikers who had violated an injunction prohibiting them rrom "picketing" during a strike two years ago. Massachusetts and New York Boundary. BOSTON, May 14.-Govemor Crane hns signed the bill fixing the boundary line between Massachusetts and New York, which reached him on May 7. Nothing is known here of the stumbling block which the hill is said to have en countered in the New York senate. Ac cording to the topographical survey board the delay wns simply caused by the expiration or the time ror the New York senate to adjourn. Waslrl Soldiers Killed From Ambush. SIMLA, May 14. A detachment of the South Waziri militia hns been fired on by unknown persons. Three of the Waziri were killed and two others were wounded. Weltknown Horseman Dead. CHICAGO, May 14.-John Tucker, for many years a prominent figure In horse circles, and known to all the lead ing horse owners aud drlv ,s of the coun try, died here last night of apoplexy. MARKET REPORT. Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 13. Money on call, 31 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 4(g4V4 per cent. Sterling exchange: Actual business In banker' at 4.rW(fj4.RS i0r demand and $4 .tUVtfM m for sixty days. Post ed rates, f4.fWyn4.89. Commercial bills, f4.831.84i4. Bar silver, S'J'jC. Mexican dollars, 48V4c. Few York Provision Market. t LOUR Winter patents, f3.0.Vf4.00: winter straights, c3.4."Kg3.55 winter ex tras, $2.4r4(2.8o; winter low grades, $3..1iXii-.40; Minnesota patents, 4.20; Minnesota bakers', f2.903.2fi. CORNMEAL Yellow western, fl.00; city, (Hc; brandywine, f2.40iS2.oS. RYE No. 2 western. 61c f.o.b. afloat; state rye, SSffioUc. WIIEAT-No. 2 red 82c f.o.b. afloat; No. 1 northern, 82c f.o.b. nlloat. CORN No. 2 corn, 61c f.ob. afloat. OATS-No. 2, atWjc; No. 2 white, 34c; track mixed western, 3334c; track white, &'Wi37VjC. HAY Shipping, 752S0c; good to choice, 07c BUTTER Creamery extras, 19c; ractory, ll(l3c; imitation creamery, 141Kr. CHEESE Fancy large white, HQ llHc; small white, 12yi2Kc. EGGS State and Pennsylvania. 13 Q 14c; western, 13MC. POTATOES Jerseys, fjOcuJf 1.32'c; New York, fl.20&1.73; Jersey iweeta, tl.604j2.50. Baffalo Prevision Market. BUFFALO. May 13. WHEAT No. 1 northern, old, 83c; winter whea No. 2 red, 70?- CORN-No. 2 corn, 47V45jr7V4c; No. 3 corn, 47c. OATS No. 2 white, 32c; No. 2 mixed, 30-'10Vc FLO UK Spring wheat, best patent, per bbl., f4.7&25.00; low grades, f2.7S0 4.25. BUTTER Cresmery, western, extras, 10c;' slate and Pennsylvania creamery, IK'llOc; fair to good, 1415c. CHEESE Fancy full cream, S'fy", good to choice, VsMkc; common to fair. 4(ic. EGGS Western and state fancy, 13c. POTATOES Fancy, white, state, 4S4i50c; state, rair to good, 40t$42c. East Baffalo Live ttoek Market. CATTLE Extra export steers, fo.50 t?r.H.'i; good to choice shipping steers, f5.2."sffS.4r; coarse, rough, but tat steers, f4.7."y3.15; choice to smooth rat heirers, f5.(Sij,5.25; common to good rows, f4.0O i(4.ir: gixjd butcher bulls, f4.Uttl4.50. SHEEP AND LAMBS Spring lambs. choi-e to fancy, fD.004tl0.50; rair to good, fti.o0&8.00; wether sheep, 14.3013 4.40; common to rair. f4.00R.l4.2ft. HOGS Mixed packers' grades, fo.90; navy hogs, fft.ts'l; choice heavy and np-a-ards, fo.lW-OO- Baffalo Hay Market. HAY No. 1 timothy, loose, fl7.0fi i8.0O; No. 1 timothy baled, flO.OOCij! J.50.