p5 Particular xile aro tlio people we want. l'urtivular people won't be a tailed with cheap, Inferior wall (taper do aigns. Thev won't accept anything leas Until the beat. We have Hie best. I'lttsburg Wall Paper In tlio superior make this season.. The designs are more artistic, tlio colors more delicate an J plowing. The prices are no hlghnr than for poor qualities Wo can reasonably prom me you excluaivo dusigim. Note the pretty display In our windows. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. wf.iinf.siuy. may i, idol FIRE INSURANCE . AMI REAL ESTATE AGENCY 11 ADM SOI. TlOXESTA, PA. All Leading Cam panic lleprcttented. Wild Land, Farm, Houm'h tC- Lot far Sale or Jlent. It's a rod and a line, A hook and a can Or anle worms For the nshorman. Gum boot, a basket Of lunch, and a bottle Of bait lor the frog Thntgcta In hi" throttle. Sot from the Jllizzard. LOCAI- AND MISCELLANEOUS. Sew AtlrrrtUemonts. J anion. Ad. Pivone Notice. Ijtmmers. Ad. Hopkins. Iiocals. J. II. Farrell. Ad. Ilevne t Co. Header. Davis Pharmacy. Ad. Heath A Kelt. luteals. Smart A Sllbcrberg. Ail. Hnbinnon. Ad. and local. Sheriff Jamieson.- Shit Sle. Tionesta Cash Stole. Ad. ami locals. , Oil market c!oh1 at l.l.. Oil and gu leases at thia office. You can net it at Hopkins' store. -This la the opening day or the Till Am. Kx. at IlulValo, Wash silk shirt waist patterns at Hop kins'. Notwoallko. U New lot or latest style shirt waists at Robinson's. Call and Bee them. 11 J. W. Sires, Photographer, will bo at his Tloueala studio every Wednesday, tr 'For Goodness' sake!'' Use Gold Mcdttl Klour. Unexoolled. Hobinson. It School's out and tho youngsters ate happy over the prospects or a long sum mer vacation. We have aomo very nice outside ak Iris, ready-mado. prices are very low, too, see them. Heath A Kelt. 1 The young people held an enjoyable dancing party in Hovard'a hall after the commencement exercises last evening. or course coarse corsets are not to be found In our stock. They're "Hoyal Worcester." That means lino. Heath A Vail. n II. M. Zahnizer has broken ground for the foundation or a new dwelling house on the lot cornering near ti e river bridge, on Walnut streot. Dr. W. G. Morrow of West Hickory, has mirchascd the Preston BtHley prop erty, house and lot. In that place, and will occupy same with hia family. Why can we not obtain white lead aa good m formerly ? Yon can! Sterling Wbito Lead is mado In the old-fashioned way. Write Pittsburg lor booklet. There la but a step from the aublimo to tho ridiculous. It is now claimed that the recent small-pox scare at Sandy Lake bad ila origin in a caso of Canadian Itch. Following Is the list of letters remain ing uncalled forintlioTionesta, Pa.,post olllce lor the wook ending May 1st, 1901 : Miss Lizzie Kinics. Mr. L. G. Reynolds. I). S. Knox, P. M. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Reed of Sturte yant, Pa., were called upon to moiiru the loss of their little daughter, F.tbel, on the IM ult. The child was aged three years, one month and two days. In the Review of Reviews-forecast of great celebrations and gatherings of 1901, published in the May 'number of that magazine, about lno assemblages are an nounced, including tho meetings of sev eral foioign congresses. No Republican should absent him self from the primaries next Saturday afternoon, aud no good Republican will, without the most valid excuse. Let us have a clean, orderly election, with a full turnout and none but Republicans at the bat. The heavy mioke which has envel oped the horizon for the past two days wonld Indicate that the forest fire liond has set up business rather early this sea son. There are very few fires In the woods nnw-a-daya that are not the result ' of either carelessness or vandalism, and in either case there should be a few con victions and punishments, which we think would tend very materially to les sen those destructive elements. The l)e nocrats ol the county held their primaries last Saturday. There be ing no contest for any of the offices, the affair was void of interest. F. A. Keller of Pigeon, was nominated for county treasurer, and I). W. Clark ol the borough for county surveyor. Remember the lectures of Mrs. L. E. Ilailey Friday and Saturday evenings of this week. In the M. K. church, under the auspices of the county W. C. T. U The lady is a speaker or national note and those who attend expecting much will not be disappointed. A well prepared report of an impor tant educational meeting recently held at Clarion Normal appears in this issue, written by Miss Christine Aguew or this pi are, a student at that institution. The subject or township liiuh schools waa thoroughly aired at this meeting. lly tho burning or a hotel in St, Marys, W. Va., at which they were lod,r ng one night last wo k, James liberty aud Jerry Welsh were oblige! to jump from an upper-story window to save themselves, Jerry lost all bis clothing except the suit he bad on. Four men were burned to death. Tho Pan-American postage stamps will be placed on sale throughout the I'uited States to-day, May 1st. It is not intended to be sold exclusively In place or the regular aeries and will only be sold when asked for. Stamped envelopes or postal cards will not bo issued with Pan American stamps Imprinted thereon. Out last week one day in company with Joe Scowdon to "wear off tho wire ege." Woather too cold yet, streams too high, and they weren't biting much, but whon we declared to the hair hundred anxious Inquirers that we got several dozen (bolween us) we meant It, and If (size uot given) constitutes sevetal then we didn't lie. We got 'em. Lest it be forgotten that Clarion is to have a railroad we want to say that we are told the survey is about completed and the work of making drawiuiis, etc., preparatory to letting contracts is now under way. Jackmnian. Unless tho new railroad promoters get a bigger hus tle on than heretofore people may think the JackIonian means to be facetious. It is stilted that the water in the small streams, In which trout are found, are in good flsning coudilion. The water has fallen and cleared up and there Is no a parent reason why good catches should A two-year-old daughter of merchant tailor F. K. Dick, whose family lives near T.vlersburg, was very badly burned about the race by an explosion of hot lard one day last week. This is the second severe accident that has happened In Mr. Dick's family within the past three weeks. His son aged alxiut 12 years had his arm broken by a Tall, and a week or ten days aferward he was thrown down by a play mato and the arm was again broken, making a serious wound, I. N. Patterson has started hia 3)th well across the river. Thia one is on the Robert Fitzgerald place, a mile or ao south or Tiouesta station. A dry hole is the net result or the last venture on the Frazee tract, Hickory township, finished last week. Sigglns Cropp report a dus ter on the W. II. Cropp larin, Cropp hill. Cooper, lte.ck fc Co. on their Tubbs run lease aro keeping thn drill in motion al most constantly these days .Their last well waa a fair producer. Tho Forest county Sabbath School association will bold its annual conven tion May 14 and 17, at West Hickory. Dr. Chas. Roads and other Stale workers will be present. A fine program is being prepared. Each Sunday school is entitled to two delegates beside the Supt. and pas tor. Free entertainment will be rur-nii-hed by the hospitable people. Each school Is urged to be fully represented. Mhs. M. V. Pat eiison, 3l Co. Cor. Sec. Judge Morrison of MoKoan county Wednesday heard the argumoiilsorcoun sel In a Forest county case. The ma'.tor was a bill in equity to restrain the mu nicipal authorities or Howe lewnshlp from lovylng a certain tax, and was PennTau ning company vs. Howe township. Hinckley A Rice represented tho Tan niug company, and Hon. O. C. Allen and T. F. Ritchoy, Esn., or Tionesta, looked alter the interests or the defendants. The decision was reserved. Warren Mirror, A new etroet light is on exhibition In front or Amaun'a plumbing shop which is receiving a good deal of notice by our citizens. It gives almost as much light as the electric arc. In fact ia named the Dauntless Aro Gas Light," and if it will stand the ravages or the elements would bn a most canital investment lor our borough, the first cost being the most ex pensive part of the program. The coun cil Is investigating the matter and may nrrani'B to nut un a number. Let us have light. There Is pressing need of some w rk m the river road leading to tho county home Some sir ions are In a very oan irnrnlls eonil t oll aill unless Iliniiiiru ii at once may get the township into a big i.iii orilainairea. This waa once one or the finest roads in tho county, but ir It is much longer neglected will be aliout the poorest, and will require a large outlay or funds to put it In proper repair again Now is the time to run the big sciapers on all roads, ere tho ground becomes hardened and baked. The M. E. chu'eh was filled to over flowing last Sabbath evening to bear Rev. W. P. Murray's baccalaureate aer Hum in thn uradualioir class of ' 1. It was ono of the talented minister's besteff- oris, and was spoken of by many as the b at they had ever heard. The text waa from 1 Corinthians 9:25 "Striving for the mastery," from which the speaker drew many valuable thoughts that must prove strong Incentives to the young people to make a success of tho life upon the Hires- hold or which they have lust entered, It was necessary to convey Daniel Rustler, ono of tho old and well know citizens of Hickory township, to the hos pital at North Waircn, Sheriff Jamieaon aeeoninanlng him to that institution onday of this week. About tnree years ago Mr. Rustier received a severe blow on the head from a railing limb, hich at the time was reared might prove ratal. It la thought bis present trouble n caused by tha t injury, which seems to i.a.o utwti.il the mina. aii his uiu friends wll hope ti at his recovery at the hospital may ue speetiy aim compile. For violating the act of 1S95, regulat hit the adulteration of food, S. E. Orr, Charles Offerlee and Frank Greisel ap reared before Justice Perry to-day an aived a hearing, giving Dan ior tnoir appearance at the June term of court, ho complaints were mane oy uoorge Yates, the dairy and food com ml Innor. In tho case of Messrs. uiienee and Orr, a brand orcreem or tartar which thev sold was found to be adulterated reisel. however, waa found to Lave sold nd exposed for sale oleomargarine or iiitterine. without it being proporly la- boled. H'ttiTcn Mirror. not be made. Tilum ille Courier.. Not particle of reason why, not a particle, ex cept, possibly, that the trout won't bite, and that there aren't a whole lot of the spec, beaut's left to take the worm. According to a recent act of assembly owners aud lessees of land may kill rab bits at all seasons of the year. As Bunny does not own any land himself, and must necessarily at all times bo on somebody else's premises, he is in a perilous state l'unru Sniril. That Duta the mattor or the Indiscriminate slaughter or the inno cent little bunny in a somewhat dill'creut and much more pathetic attitude, Tho Ladies' Home Journal has com missioned Ida Sharper Hoxie, the well known author, to go to the Gorman Harz Mountains and write of tho raising aud training or canary birds. Sho will pro ceed to St. Andreasburg, "The singing Village or Germany," where 60,000 cana ries are reared every year, and spend some time in the home of one of the most successful breeders of those peerless sinirors. gathering material for tho art! cle. Tioneata will be in the base bal swirl this summer, enough funds having bono nlcdL'od to miarenteo well fitted up grounds, and for necessary parapner- nolla to begin the great American game in proper style. A good battery Is as sured. aud of tho In and out fielders w alwavs could scare up enough to "do' mmt unvtliiiiir we tackled. Work on the diamond has been going on for several dava oast and the team will bo ready for all comers whenever they come. The manairemeut will endeavor to give the patrons some good clean ball, none of (he bum order, and if they succeed In keep lue down the hoodlum element and kick .. n . . .i ...... ...i timv mii do me KICKCrS oil un uiu... - 1 tl.a na.iiln In sustain a good club here this season. Without thia the cllort to keep up the proper interest in the gamo will be truitlesa. Play ball I VOL' AND V01K I'RIODS. The High School ConiiupncemeiiU Tho commencement exercises of the class of 'ol at the court hou e last eve ning, were a very pretty closing of the .ast winter's term of the Tionesta High School, and the very large audience prosaut seemed to greatly appreciate tne occasion as was evidenced uy me ex pression of countenance and hearty ap plause that was bestow ed upon every feature or tho program as u wasrenuereu. The teachers labored diligently witu tlio principal ol tho school to make the alfair a success, and as to the success or their efforts the audience must judge. Tho stage was backgroundod with pretty decorations or flags, flowers and pot- tod plants, the class colors, purple and gold, prevailing. Tho essays and read ings of the class were almost faultlossly accomplished rrom the nrsi to me ibhi, and each uraduate received a good meed or praise and applause, together with a beautiful bouquet oreut flowers sent oy some Wend and preseuted by little Miss filenni Weaver. Rev. W. P. Murray in short and Impressive prayer opened toe nloaaurable exercises, while Supennten dent Stitzinger, in an appropriate address tirnt to the audience then to tue class, presenting tho diplomas, praising-tho work of the class and urging them on to still Hreatcr efiorta and uigner auaui- ments in their future life, closed tho eve ning's feast. McNaugbton'a orchestra of Titusville furnished lively music for the occasion, and all told tho class of '01 has had a most auspisious commencement. Robbery Near Crown. The dwelling house of Robert Hagerty, throe miles from Crown, Pa., was entor ed on Sunday night last, and two notes and l-'a In cash taken from a pocket book that was lu a cupboard. Itie tuioi "r thieves entered and retired so stealthily tl.st thev were not heard and tracks lead ing to the cellar way were tho only evl- dcuco besides tho misaiug property, Jacob Gieriug was over from Pleas- antville Friday. Joseph Clark was a business vii-llor to Franklin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Agnow were War- reu visitor Saturday. F. F. Whittekin lei for Washington State Monday evening. Hart Lawrence Is down Iroui Grun- deryille for a short visit. Mrs. J. 8. Grove visited Oil City friends a part of last week. Miss Belle Jamieaon i" visiting friends In Clarion this week. ' Miss Mabel Biggins of Pleasantville, a guest of Miss May .Manner. Mrs. G. W. Bovard and son Roy were Oil City visitors Saturday. Misa Alice Siggins, or West Hickory, a guost of Mrs. J. 11. Koberaten. . Miss May Clark has returned to Oil City, after a two weeks' stay at home. George Killiner was a business visi tor to Pittsburg the first of the week. T. D. Collins of Nebraska. Is again ablo to be out and attend to business. Mrs. John Sheasley of Kittanning, is guest ol her aunt, Mrs. R. L. Haslet. Mra. W. P. Murray and daughter, Helen, Went to Erie Monday on a visit to relatives. Mosdemea J. P. Grove and J. F. Pro per left yesterday noon for a week'? visit n Pittsburg. -Mrs. C. II. Mcllride of Franklin, visited her sister, Mrs. A. C. Uroy, oyer last Sabbath. Mrs. Mary M. Maze and Misa Edith Campbell orClarington are guests of Mrs. Eli Holnman. L. E. Branch of the Central House, .'larington, was a businosa visitor to tue county seat Saturday. Fred. Wilkins waa down from West lickory last evening to attend, com mencement exercises. Miss Ora Graham of Oil City, was the guest of her friend, Misa Alice McCrea, a few days of the past week. Mr. and Mm. Harry Leeper of Tole , Ohio, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Huling, Monday. Mrs. T. C. Jackson game down from Warren Monday to visit her daughters. Mesdames Hopkins and Proper. Miss Berdie Foromau has gone to Meadville to spend a couple of woe - 8 with her cousin, James E. Foreman. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Horner and Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Gallup or Allegheny Springs, are guests at the Central House. H. B. Hoover, the well known creek and river pilot, died at bis homeat Barnes, Warren county on tho 20th ult., aged 1 1 years. E. A. Yottor and his two bright little girls, Margaret and Madeline, were with Tionesta friends Wednesday and Thurs day or last week. -George Raab was up Irom Oil City Monday shaking hands with old friends and giving them some of bla experience in the Philippines. Charles Joyn-r or Marienville, and Pauiino McFail, of Eldred townsblp, have been granted a license to wed by the clerk of Jefferson county. V. G. Armstrong has moved into the artridge house, Mrs. M. T. Hiudman having moved her household goods from there to Clarington last week. Mrs. J. W. Morrow .a home from a three weeks' visit at the bedside of her aged mother in Indiana county, who has been quite sick for some time past. Phillip Emert left for Philadelphia Monday where at the Pennsylvania Uni versity he will have his leg examined with a view to having it operated on and straightened. John Joyce arrived home from tlio Philippines last Friday, and was heartily welcomed by his Tionesta friends. Ho looks well, and seems to have enjoyed his trip to tha other aide of the globe im mensely. J. S. Kerr, of the firm of Kerr A Son the well known monument and head stone make: s, of Oil City, is hero and witli their agent, W. G. Rogers, la setting a lot of work in the cemeterys of this place and vicinity. Mrs. James Furman of Bradford slopped with hor daughter, Mrs. A. W Ri- hards over Sunday, bolog on her way to Scio, Ohio, whore the family is mov ing. Miss Bird Furman will remain with her sister for a time. -Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whltehill and baby Helen of Marienville, are guests of Hid former's sister Mrs. J. E. Wenk. Prof. Whilehill Just finished bis second term as principal of the high school at Marienville, and being In his line he was an Interesting auditor at tho cra'uating exercises at the court house last evening. Wm. H Smith baa moved from Wilkin'burgtotbe Henry Kiser farm, on Gernnn Hill, and will give his attention to tilling the soil lor a time. Mrs. Kiier, inolhor of Mrs. Smith, Is at present Willi her daughters at Wilkinsburg. Harvey Kiser, who has managed tho hum for a number ol years, goes to Pittsburg where he will be employed this summer. TheDerridtsaysof the return or a former Tionestan, from the Philippines: George Raab, who enlisted aa a member or Co D, Forty-first regimen', r. V. I. for atormot two years, arrived in the city yesterday, having been Invalided home. His term of -enlistment expires next June. Although much impressed with the possibilities or the Philippines in manufacturing, mining, agriculture and lumbering he, like many others wno have goue to distant parts, feels that there Is no place on earth that offers the same chances and comforts as il Lily. FiifherACo. shoes. That's tha they're all good, no matter bow Heath A Feit, Insbadof waiting lor hia come in a man ahould charter a tug go out to nioet it. Every day some person buya an In ternational suit. Who'll be the next? Heath Feit's is the place to get them. Morbid curiosity seeina to be a char acteristic or the human ra In every quarter or the globe. . Ladies low aboea in patent leather as well as ail other kinds at Heath A Fell's. The inventive genius or a woiu n runs to words; ora man, to things. Never judge a man by his coat, or a woman by her speech. K lis shoes you're Ijoking for you should visit our store We have them in all sizes, grades, aud kinds. Heath it Feit. It We estimate a friend's love not ao much by what he gives to us as by what he gives up to ua. You can see the best and largest stock of corsets In town at our store now. They're the "Royal Worcester" brand. Heath A Feit. It The more intellect we have the more originality we observe Ik others. Hopkins is still selling carpels. 11 G mA humor ia the health of the soul; sadness its poison. Girdles and girdle buckles at Hop kins'. The very latest. It No irood coinos without looking for it. SI TO " I. J M .hiP to Hi.iy.iiH. and U V UU A TALK ON SHOES LJiHi There is no line of goods that people buy that they are more imposed on than SHOES. Every jobber tries to get hold of a shoe that looks good and can be sold cheap. SHOES ! SHOES ! MEN'S FINE SHOES. DOUGLAS SHOES. RICHARDSON SHOES. HOSTETTER SHOES. LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S SHOES. STR00TMAN SHOES. RICHARDSON SHOES. ARGUS SHOES. SHOES ! SHOES ! Our shoes are all made for us, and we know they are right. You take no chances. We guarantee every pair that we sell for 2.00 or over, We are protected by the Manufacturer. Come and inspect our Shoe Stock. L. J. Hopkin r.i Letter to Heath & FeiL TioneJia, ra. Dear Sirs: You sell a goud many things by the gallon. Beiug decent men, you give lull measure. You know what we mean ; you know that short weight and short measure aro common among well, we hope there are no short measures aud weights In your town. There are. thouirh. Ribbons aud laces and trimmings, sold by the "dor.en," measure nine or ten yards. There ia no complaint because "they all do it." You have tho'same pleague In your goods nearly everything, canned or bottled, cheats in the quantity. Almost nobody irives full weight in a factory package! We are ono or the almost noboies. We sell paint, by the gallon, to paint your house; and our gallon is just tho same size as y urs that you aieasure vinegar with 231 cubic Inches. Good paint loo Devoe lead and xinc wears twice as long as old-lasi.lon palm er's paint lead and oil. You own houses. That's why we ai writing to you. Yours truly, 32 F. W. Dkvok A Co. P. S. Jaines D. Davis sells our paint In your aection. TO H UE A COI.II IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails to cure. K. vv. uroves signature is un each box. The most eccentric humorist of the day will revive hia famous "Jiminieboy Stories'' in next Sunday's great i luladvl- phia Press, May 5th. Tho Voyageof Jim- miehov on his "Skicvle" is told wun a snap and numor inai is muuimuir, Amonir other thinus there are some thoughts on riding a bicycle over a lawn mower; iheumatic tires; the Christopher Columbus among sklbicycles; the dan gers or puncturing tires on church steep- lea, etc. This story will be one 01 me in teresting reaturos or next Sunday's Press. It will ha well to order your copy from your newsdealer in advance. Varnish Makes Ieveg Tarnish Floor Paint cost 5o. more a quart; makes It look brighter and ware fully twice as long as cheaper floor painta. Sold by James D. Davis. S 6-4m. Pennsylvania Railroad Katea T Pan- American Exposition, utirrmo. The Pennsylvania Raiboad Company announces the following special reduced rates to Buflalo on account of the Pan- American Exposition which opens on May 1. Summer excursion tickets, to be sold from April 30 to September So, inclusive, good to return until October 31, Inclusive, at rate of (11.05 from Pittsburg and pro- Dortionate ratea from other pointa. Fifteen-day excuision ticket, to be sold beginning April 30, and good return ing within fifteen days, including date of sale, at rate ol fS.20 lrom Pittsburg and Dronortionate ratea from other point. Fivo-day excursion tickets, to lie soia only on Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, and 28, .A crnnil rnturniiiir w thin live days, in- cludingdateol sale, at rate or (H.00 from Pittsburg and proporiionai raies iium otlmi. nniitts. , ... i.l Special excursion uckbis, ui i o..mi, good going oniy on spm-ui .mi,... w..i.....liva. Mnv 1 5 and ifi. and return ing within three days, including wu n sale, at rate ol a-i.i iroin ruisinirK " iiroj ortionate rates irom oiuer pniiiw. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company operates two through trains each way daily between riiHuurgiiiu nuum". mops Ihe t'oaafe ana Work air ike 'ld Laxative Broino-Quinine Tablets cure a In oneNo cure, no pay. Price 5 cents. JAMES DRY GOODS. A modern store with a progressive policy Special attention given to mail orders, or re quests for samples Express prepaid on all pur chases amounting to $2.50 and over. We propose to go still farther, now, and re fund round trip railroad fair 1.18) in every instance, where 10.00 or over is purchased. Possibly you have never had any dealings with us the Dry Goods buying public of Oil City have set their stamp of approval on our honest merchandising methods and we are sat isfied you'll findlt very much to your advantage to come here. WILLIAM B. JAMES, 203 CENTRE & 204 SYCAMORE STS., OIL CITY, PA. Wall - Paper! 1000 Bolts at 2V2C per Bolt. 1000 Bolts at 33c per Bolt. Border, lc per yd. Many other Beautiful Patterns from 6c to 20c per Bolt. Zinc and Grinding make Devoe Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice at long as lead and oil mixed by band Cream of the Sews. It's a ureat pity that some animals can't talk, and a greater pity that some men can. See that velour calf shoe for gentle men at Heath Feifs. The price is only (1.00. The man who blows hia own horn ia merely a self-entertainer. -It is not the false teeth that are most obiectionable; It is the false tongue be hind them. Wb handle nothing but Natheuial I ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF ... . PAINTS, OILS, YABNISHES, STAI1TS, ZPAIZLTTZEIRS' SUPPLIES, -WIHSTIDOW GLASS, DEITGS, PATENT IMIELICIHSTIES. STATIOIsTEPlT. G. H. Killmer. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaisaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal As An Advertisement f.. LAM ME R8. ON E PRICE CLOTHIKK. IIATTEU and MEN S FURNISHER, will distrihuie paikagea of Mam moth Pumpkin Skkim, lor which we are going to give preiui urns tu the persou growing lie largest and heaviest pumpkin from seeds furpihed hy us. PreiiplllliiTXo. 1-810 00 Mao's Suit or Overcoat for largest and heaviest pumpkiu grown Irom seeds furnished by ua. Premium Xo. 2-15 00 Boy'i Suit or Overoo t for largest aud beav iest pumpkin grown Irom eed furnished by uu, pumpkiu to be gro.u by boys, age II! or under. Premium Jtfo. 3 -Chest of Tools valued at $2 50 for the largest TIONIWTA MARKKTH pumpkin Rrowu from seeds furnisbed by us. pumpkin to be grown by buys. CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY Premium Xo. 1-Tbat the ladies and girls may have a chance at RELIABLE DEALERS the pumpkiu o.-n.est we offer a (5 00 Gold I'.e.-e for the largest and heaviest Flour Ipi aack - - ..1.10I.8 pulnpkiu growu from seeds furmshea Dy us, pumpain vo o gr.-wu u cm. - ' i- j :.i 1.25 I ' T K" ' --. -v-m --rrrvrricarp P.,n,ni,in t he left at our store on or before October lfilh. 1WH, and to bo our pio).. This si(natura is on every bi ol tne (enuino Laxative Brorao-uuinine Tabieu the remedy that carea a cold ua o7 Corn meal, feed, V 100 Corn meal, ramuy, mu id Chop feed, pure grain Oats Corn, shelled Realist busiiei Ham, augar cured Bacon, aiiKar cured...... Shoulders Wliitntiuh 14 kit Suitar SM Syrup - - -60 N. O. Molasses ''i -50 Coffee, Roaat Kio - 14 I5 1.10 .40 .55 2.50 .13C .14 .10 50 Coffee, blendedJava.. Tea. - - It utter Rice Kkks, fresh Salt V barrel Lard Potatoea, fl bushel, . I.imef) barrel Nails V keg ...... .25 .50 .0.'(q.0H 1.50 .11 .60 ,00l.0(l 2.75 . ... I ..tll...l Ia - ertv whether they not a premium or not. tmiy one iwne.u . . j - t i r., ,w uii.l hnvMiir their namoN and premium. un.v persona i.ro.-u. r V' " .i .. i- I...1 ir address registered, are entillol to a premium. ro .. " " J' ,7tJ - nnA r HUM miiynny mriwumToii,ihftr-.... - - 1.a aul tflir no limn von Ml ready to plant your seed And when you need good Clothing at fair pri.-e for inai. or boy try us. 1 one' pri "clothing stor? In Venango county. All goods marked m plain Hgi Your Money hack If you're not sauanea The only urea and 17 l&.fa&lAI UZSSf rdN PRI 41X43 SENECA ST. -. CE CLOTHIER S OIL CITY PA m