The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 20, 1901, Image 2

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J. C. WINK. . Coitos 4 Psoesiiros.
Ratea County Tres-mrer, $10. State
Delegate, $5. County Surveyor. St. Cash
must accompany the order for announce
Primaries Saturday, May 4,
We are authorized to ai nnunce CAI-
VJN M. AKN Kit, of Tionesta, as a can
didate for County Treasurer, subject to
itepuuncan usages.
We are authorized to announce EL
MER L. SUTTON, of feuks township,
aa a candidate lor Delegate to the Repuu
lican Slate Convention,
Aoiihaloo's capitol is still rolling on,
but it cannot be said that he is gathering
much moss.
From a Democratic point of view it will
be treason for an American soldier to
discover gold In the Philippines),
Phizk-kiuhting is to be transplanted
to the Island of Bermuda, wi:h John L.
Sullivan as the boss onion In the bunch
Thk report that Mr. Bryan "has al
ready made arrangements for a thiid
nomination for President ' is so sudden!
Col. Bryan was l:tinersonnte.l l,v
hotel waiter in Buffalo last week. This
is what the Colonel gets by attending so
many dollar nonquota.
All of the spring elections in Kansas
are on the "wet or dry" issue. Kansas
seems to be Buffering more than any oth
er state from the Rourbonic ploague.
Cnclk Sam's benevolent indnstrv is
without limit. The official spelling and
pronunciation of 40,000 names of coast
wise places in the Philippines are given
in a new government publication.
Promisino gold mines have been ells
covered in Samoa. In nearly all the re
gions opening to civilization gold is
found by prospectors. The distribution
of the metal is wider than bos been sup
posed. Boss Crokrr holds no official position
in Mew York, but he cables instructions
from England to all the Tammany men
filling offices in the city. That is how
the Democratic party runs a town when
the people are foolish enough to trust it.
Thb Washington S(ar coinp'aius that
there were loo many Pennsylvania troops
in the inaugural parade. There were not
too many of the Pennsylvania boys at
Gettysburg, nor were they cor-sidcred
superfluous at Fredricksbnrg. Come to
think of it, we do not recall that they
were adjudged a nuisance, in the little
affair with Spain. .-tftoena Gazelle.
The Democrats do not feel nearly so
bad alut the inauguration of McKinley
as they imagined last summer Ibey
would if the event took place. The Dem
ocrats have been doing well in their bus
iness, and the average man Is a business
man first, and a politi-ian when he has
time. Just now he has no time, and so is
devoting himself to business, and, thanks
to the wisdom of McKinley and the Re
publican party, is doing well with that.
Thk sudden death of Congressman
Marriot Brasilia, which occurred at his
home in Lancaster on Friday night of
last week, Irom a paralytic stroke, has
shocked his Iriends all over the State,
and takes perhaps the most brilliant one
of the Pennsylvania delegation in Con
gress. There wero no more powerful or.
ators in Congress than Mr. Brosius, and
his services to the country as a statesman
will bo very greatly missed and the loss
lamented throughout the entire nation.
Psesidkut McKinley begins bis sec
ond term more popular and more respen
ted than he was when he began his first.
He is popular even with his political eno
mies. Ue has the absolute confidence of
the country. The people are convluced
that whatever new questions may come
up between now and 10O5 will be hand
led by their tried and experienced chiof
magirtrale in that state manlike manner
iu which those grave questions which
have at isen since lsJ have been dealt
with. Chicago Tribune.
A New series or postage stamps will
soon appear; tho Buffalo exposition ser
ies. The one cent stamp of green color
will have a picture of a lake steamer to
represent the great transportation indus
try of the inland seas in which Buffalo ia
so much interested. The two cent stamp
printed red will have a railway train; the
four cent stamp in red and brown, an
automobile; the five cent stamn. In hi,,.
apicturooftbe new bridire at Vi..
Falls; the eight cent, lilac, a picture of
.uo iock aioauiiste. Marie; and the ten
oent, a light brown, an ocean steamer.
Even the world's only Queen regnant
is threatened by the anarchists. A plot
gninsi me uie or Holland's WjJbelmini
has been discovered. The anarchist!
band ia anal IlKt AVnrv mil.. ... 1 ' i
or republican, woman or nmn rw.'
sionally an anarchist fails, as several of
mem uiu in me case of Wiliiam II.
grandfather. Sometimes one of them
weakens at the critical point and takes
his own life Instead, as the person did the
other day who was selected to kill Victor
Emmanuel III. Crown wearers have
their troubles, but they have certain
...punsauons wbicb promise to prevent
the guild from beeeming extinct.
Comures baa adjourned and left in the
hands of the President the entire control
of "insular affairs," which 'ncludes boih
Cuba and the Philippines. Of course the
opposition is boiling over with manufac
tured indignation over the dictatorial
powers "assurmd by the President," but
that is all their policy is able to attempt.
They have offered no better course and
propose to remain where they have no
responsibility to assume, no policy to
formulate, nothing to do but to find fault.
They know very well that the President
urged Congress to settle these problems
Itself and not leave them for him to settle,
and that ifhe is an autocrat he is a most
unwilling one.
The Dead Ex-President.
A clce obserx-er writes of the late .5cn
eral Harrison, whose death occurred at
bis home in Indianapolis, Ind., last Wed
nesday morning:
Mr llarri.-ou's reputation was that of a
cold, unsympathetic man. This, howev
er, was all en the surface. Uud -rneath,
he was sympathetic ami kind-hearted,
but impervious to argument from poli
ticians when ouce ho bad made up his
mind. He had quite as much resolution
in this wav as had Mr. Cleveland. He
waa a scholarly man, torn! of reason, and
through his long experience in unkiug
public addresses, developed a fine Kug
lish style. His speeches throughout the
country, after his election as President,
did more to give the public the proper
estimate of his all-around abilities than
any other acts of his public career. While
evervonj conceded that ho was a man of
Vry superior quality and unusual ac
quirements, he was not popular iu the
ordinary sense of the word. He lacked
one element, called magnetism, which is
used to explain the powtr of attraction
and of fascination enjoyed by many pub
lic; men of no particular virtue or pre
dominating ability. A politician of the
magnetic class attracts attention the mo
ment he enters the room. He begins to
please before he says a word. Mr. De
pew has this quality. Mr. Blaine bad it
to a pre-eminent degree. Harrison's
strength lay In his correctness, and yet
many hated him for that very correct
ness. The secret of the friendships of the men
who were true to him lay in the fact "that
Mr. Harrison never changed. Ho was
always the same to his friends. Not one
of the intimate associates who were near
to him before he was president could
find the slightest change in his manner
after he became president. And yet no
man was ever less influenced by bis
friends in his public acts. He was a char
acter whom everyone would be obliged
to respect, but there was nothing in his
nature or requirements which would de
velope passionate and enthusiastic fol
lowing. After his retirement from the presi
dency he spent much of his time in lec
turing before colleges and similar Insti
tutions, and in writing for period cals,
beside doing some law practice. His
most emiuent service wss as counsel for
the United States before the Venezuelan
Arbitration Commission. There was
some gossip about attempting to renomi
nate him for Bresident in 1S!H, hut there
were no indications that he gave counte
nance to it. His state heartily supported
McKinley against the wishes of the rul
ing bosses, who were also Harrison's en
emies. He wss at that time a warm
friend of McKinley, but was unable to
follow the President in support of the
policy of expansion, though be issued a
public letter during the campaign lust
year recommending McKinley'a re-elec
tion, which had a marked effect in deter
mining many votes. McKiuley appoint
ed hi in one of the arbitrators for the
United States, under the compact ar
ranged at the peace conlerence held at
The Hague, and Gen. Harrison accepted
the honor.
Letter to C. i. Laii-on.
Dear Sir; You understand grinding
wheat, buckwheat, rye, oats and corn.
We understand griujing white lead an d
white zinc The two sorts of grinding
are not much alike. Verv likely oats
and w heat behave very differently In the
mill, and you manage them dilleretitly
we know- very little about your work;
don't ueed to; we'd rather depend on
But we paint your house and mill aud
out-buildings; perhaps you'd be glad to
know about grinding paint; for some
people mix their paint with a stick in a
We use lead and zinc nothing elso.
and our zinc is as tough as your oats.
Tub mixers imagine they mix it. Thev
don't; they can't. Takes grinding to
mix lead and zinc.
They are boih white, Tub mixers
don't know it; but tub mixed bad and
zinc is a streak of one alongside of a
streak of the other.
We grind as you grind; and our paint
is lead and zinc ground together, mixed
intimately ; it is neither lead nor zinc.but
lead aud zinc: the lead is lost and tho
zinc is lost: each lost in the other: both
lost in the mixture. Lead chalks and
zinc peels: lead and zinc ground together
hang on and protect each other.
We take care of your mill outside; you
take care of it inside.
Yours truly,
2" F. W. Devok A Co.
P. 8. James D. Davis sells our paint
in your section.
Special Low-Rate Excursion via Penn
sylvania Railroad.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on April 4 and Mav 15 it
will run special excursions from Buffalo,
Bradford, TItusville, Falls Creek, Kinzua
Tidioute, and principal Intermediate sta
tions on the Buffalo and Allegheny Val
ley Division, and from points on the
Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. Erie to
Lock Haven, inclusive, to Washington for
tho beuellt of all who mav wish to visi
the National Capital. Round-trip tickets
good going on all regular trains on day o
issue, and good returning on any regu
lar train within ten davs. exclusi VC. Of IFO
ing date, w ill be sold at rate of glo.uo
rrom points on the Buffalo and Alleghenj
Valley Divisi m, and from Erie. St
Mary's, and intermediato points; and at
rate of ?.!. from Driftwood; f-Uii from
Kcnovo; $7.30 from Lock Haven ; an
proportionate rates from other noints.
These tickets will be good to return via
Harnsburg aud Philadelphia, and to stop
oil at Baltimore and Philadelphia return
ing if deposited with station ticket
agentf .
For additional information consul
small handbills, apply to ticket agents
and address B. P. Eraser. Passenirer
Agent Buffalo District, 307 Ellicolt
Square, Main Street, Buffalo, X. Y., or
E. 8. Harrar, Division Ticket Agent,
Williamsport, Pa. 3-2n-2t
Dilnqiii-nt Tax .Notice.
All pprsons owing taxes in Tinntsta
Borough for 1900 are hereby notified that
the same must be paid before June 1st,
1!JI, alter which date same will be col
lected as law directs,
8. J. Setlky, Collector.
March l.r, i!Kil, lit
Cream of the New.
The easiest way for a promoter to get
money back of him is to lean against a
D-ui't miss the bargains in Winter
goodsattbeT.C.S. It
Always speak well of the dead, and if
you have time you might speak a good
word for tho living occasionally.
Umbrellas and Macintoshes w ill lie
useful now. They are marked at dry
weatl er prices at T. C. 8. It
New clothing! New shoes! New hats!
very department full of new goods,
Hopkins. It
The tmin who sows what others are
to reap ought to be careful as to the seed
he scatters.
Haberdashery of all kin-Is and best
styles at T. C. S. It
In order to enjoy freedom .if body the
mind must be emancipated, with a rub
ber attachment.
They're hero the new goods. Hop
kins. It
Dimities, lawns, percales a-i 1 fancy
ginghams. The kind that do not fade at
Heath iC Feit's. It
A benevolent man owns stock In the
happiness of all mankind.
Natty shirts, hats, and ties at Tioncs
ta Cash Store. It
Over 100 shirt waist patterns at Hop
kins' store. No two alike. It
The American army Is preparing to
leave Chins, their baggage being address
ed to Manilla.
Ladies, buy your suits "made up" at
T. C. S. It
It Ukes a groat deal of strength some
times to hold one's tongue.
Spring suits and jackets at low prices
and latest styles at T. 0. S. It
The money a man earns is worth
more to him than the money he inherits.
Order your suit for Easter now
Trices and suit guaranteed to tit you. T.
C. S. It
Man proposes, but Judging from the
number of bachelors he often gets left.
Best line of children's cheap shoes
for spring wear at T. C. S. it
There is always room at tho top If
you can push the other fellow off.
Lowest prices on best quality carpets,
all kinds, at T. C. S. It
There is one thing to be said in favor
ofthe wages of sin. Theyaie never re
Uwanta new suit for Easter? See
Heath ,t Feit and get an International.
The very people who want to be at
the top of the heap are the ones who won't
take an upper berth in a sleeping car.
See our line of all-over Laces. They
arc the nicest in town. 2.V, 50r, 60c and
75c thejyard. Heath A Fcit. It
-New goods in every line at Heath A
Feit's. It
The man who never smiles is no
more to be trusted than the dog who
never wags his tail.
, When you get ready fi r that new
carpet, see Heath A Feit. They'll sell It
to you at tho right price. It
"The best tit I ever had." Wnat
every one says that tries an International
suit. See Heath A Feit if yon want ono.
The fellow who first said that talk is
cheap evidently never lis J occasion to
consult a lawyer.
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all oilier diseases put
together, and until the last few years was
supposed to be incurable. For a great
many years doctors pronounced It a local
disease, and prescribed local remedies,
and bv constantly tailing to cure with
local treatment, pronounced it incuralilj.
Science has proven catarrh to be a con
stitutional disease, ami therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, munufoctured by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu
tional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a
tensMooniul. It acts directlv on the blood
aid mucous surfaces ofthe system. Thev
off r ono hundred dollars for any case it
isits to cure, isenu lor circulars ami tes
timonials. F. J. CHENEY A Co.,Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 7.'c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Varnish Mukcs ItcveeN Varnish
Floor Paint cost be. more a quart; makes
it look brighter and ware fully twice as
long as cheaper floor paints. Sold by
James D. Davis. :i-6-4m.
Administratrix's Notice.
Le ters of Administration on the estate
of Samuel J. Hunter, late of Endeavor,
deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons indebted to said
estale are requested to make payment,
ami those having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated
without delay to J. IIuntkk,
Samiei. I). Irwin Endeavor, Pa.
Attorney, Tionesta, Pa.
Mr.rcb.20, lUOI.
Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Western District of
Pennsylvania, Brace Crain, of Lynch,
Forest county, Pennsylvania, a bank
rupt under the Act of Congress of Julv 1,
ltf'.t-i, having applied for a full discharge
from all debts provable against his es
tate under said Act, notice is hereby giv
en to all known creditors and other per
sons in interest, to appear before the said
Court at Pittsburg, in said District on
the 10th day of April, liKll, at 10 o'clock
In the forenoon, to show cause, if any
they have, why the prayer of tho said pe
titioner should not be granted.
Saw Mill For Sale.
R. F. Hopkins, Oil City, Pa., has two
well equipped saw mills, one of which he
will dispose of. Capacity from ten to
fifte?n thousand. The mill is good as
new and will be sold at a bargain. Write
for particulars. H-27-tt
Low Kales West mid Northwest.
On Februaiy l-.'th, and on each Tues
day until April i;h, the Chicago. Mil
waukee A M. Paul railway will sell one
way second-class tickets at the following
very low rates :
To Montanna points, - - Jjr,,0(i
To North Pacific Coast points, .HU.IKI
To California, ... :m.on
These tickets will be good on all trains
and purchasers will have choice of six
routes anil eight trains via St Paul and
two routes and three trains via the Mis
souri River each Tuesday. The route of
the Famous Pioneer Limited trains ami
the I,'. 8. Oovemment Fast Mail trains.
All ticket agents sell tickets via the
Chicago, Milwuukti! A St. Paul Railway,
or for further information address John
K. Pott. District Passenger Agent, 810
Park Building, Pittsburg, Pa. tt-iio
Spring1 Goods!
F.tirlj Kiijcrw Have I lie Ativan! a
of First Select ion.
Saw Mill Men,
and users of
Boilers and
Special attention is called to the
New Huber for 1901. Six to twelve
horse power, one belt runs the entire
machine, the tension on every pulley
is just the same, one
that is required. Our claims are: the
nearest perfect separator, the greatest
capacity for saving
best cleaner for all
Is a great invention,
thresherman should have it.
Another great invention de
serves special mention. The stock
men are relieved of a life-killing job
and the operator of the machine
can crowd it to its utmost capacity.
A stack built by wind blast will
keep far better than any other way.
saw MILLS.
Capacity, 6 to il.iKXI feet
feed and backing devices
Portable aud stationary,
able for saw mill men, tlir
of heavy work.
THKES1I ING MACHINES at apecsal low prices.
rite for catalogue aud
Wholesale and
shin for vear endimr March II. I'.KU.
Charles F. Kiinnstlver, Treas'r,
in account witn road fund. tin
To ain't from Jas. D. Thomson...! Hit) 44
II. Weingard, Col.. (KI2 !
" Co. Treas oj
" ' O. W. Kleplcr 20 00
To bal duo Troasurer 171 a)
ftl.KIl M
By orders redeemed f l,tui5 47
By 2 per cent, commission m 11
a I fill r.u
Charles V. Klinestiver, Treas. in
account witli poor fund iir
To am't from Co. Treas f l ifl m
; ne-ngaru, col.. S-17 77
n aners estate 100 ml
" L. Watson, Adm'r.. K2 08
84 71
.. tl-l 14
12 44
By orders redeemed
By 2 per cent commission ...
By bal. due Treas
.. 212 13
$ 810 71
Henry Weingard, Collector, in
account with road fund in
loam t of duplicalo ?l,lil 11
" from ls'jy 44 43
tl,l7 M
By Treasurer s receipts smi 53
My 6 per cent oft on :)47.W 47 40
iiy per cent. com. on ?'J0O.o3 27 01
By Treas.receipts 43
By 6 per cent, com on 2.43 3 01
By land returns 14 49
By exonerations 7 m
By bal. due Treas 104 7g
Henry Weingard col, in account
with poor lund ir
Toam'lorduplicate 073 44
( R
By Treas. receipts f f,:i7 77
By 5 per cent, off on t'i72.K7 as lit
By 3 per cent, coin on foo7.77 10 13
By land returns 3 54
By exonerations 3 07
By Treas. receipts ty 09
Cash on hand In road fund $ 411 87
" poor " 212 13
''"bal 2,810 41
J3.072 41
'toad orders outstanding 11,072 41
We the Auditors of Green Township
have examined the above accounts anil
find them corr.-ct. E. I). Kkhi.t,
Attest: Earl R. Small, Clerk.
tightener is all
the grain and the
kinds of grain.
lumtwr per day. Patent
gains 30 to 10 per cent.
all sizes and kinds suit
shermcn and all kinds
llctail Denier In
l.l-.i J1 ISION.
Taking etlect, November 25, 1000.
No. 30 Buffalo Express, daily
except Sunday 11:33a. ill
No. 32 Oil Citv and Piitsliorn
Exj pt Sunday ..7:30 p.m.
For llickory.Tidiouto.Warren.Kiiiziia,
Iir.. If. .v.I .. .1.1... .. '
vorMu nun me r.asi :
No. 31 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:50 a. m
No. 33 Pittsburg Expross,
daily except Sunday 4:15 p. m
For Time Tables and additional infor-
iiiauon consult Ticket Agent
J. B. HUTCHINSON'. I 11 unnn
Oeneral Manager. Uen'l Passenger Agt.
Clerk's NotiC9 in Bankruptcy.
In the District Court of the United
States fortho Western Disiri,.! .,f l........i-
vauia, Charles F. Fox, of Lynch, Forest
Y""". 1 cimsyivania, a iiaiikriipl under
the Act of Congress or Julv 1, l.sns, hav
ing applied for a full ilisci,ir.,a r,.,... .,1
debts provable against bis estate under
-. nui, nonce is nereoy given to all
known creditors ami otlwir nnr.r..,. 1..
interest, to appear before the said Court
at Pittsburg, in said District, on the loth
"y 01 April, iuui, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, to show cause, if any thev
have, why the prayer of the said petition
er should not be granted.
Painting and
I have secured the aeencv for
the celebrated KAYSER ALL"
MAN wall paper anil cau show
you samples aud quote prices
that a ill beat them all.
I make a specialty of artistic
house paintiog and inside fin
ishing. If you've anything in
my line let me know and I
will call on you.
OW about your stock of Stationary,?
tt twin lllirlw.luL I. .1. !:...:. Jt
01 mthe)AE,
arc not made in the usual way ; we have a
method of our own which insures a perfect
arment. That is why we can guarantee
ratisfaction or refund your money. We fit
you every time and pledge ourselves to suit
you. Our range of patterns is a most ex
tensive one. Everything we have is stylish
and up-to-date. If you order your suit from
The International Tailoring Co.,
of New York and Chicago,
you will not fee! in the usual way but be
perfectly satisfied. Call on our dealer and
HEATH & FEIT, Agents.
A. II.
A. Waynb Cook,
CAPITAL STOCK, - - - 130,000.
tn hi (roiw
A. Wayne Cook, tl. V. Koliinson, Win. HmearbaiiKh,
N. P. Wlieoler, T. K. Kiloliey, J. T. Hsle, J. II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on duy of pr.yment at low rules. We promise onr eiistom
ors all tho benetiu consistent with conservative b kinir. Interest psid on thus
deposit. Your pstronsue re(MM-tfully solicited.
We are -daily receiving our
new styles of Spr'tig goods and
we ran Iruihltilly any that same
are superior In nnyihing ue ever
hal tho pleasure to shnw hereto
fore. We are hradqtiaVtera fur
all slylts of
in Oxfords at well as in high cut
hutlou aud lace boots.
We should be pleased to show
you these goods at any time
whether you winh to purchase at
the time or not. You will find
prices luurr than same goods
ran he purchased elsewhere.
Cor. Centre, f-'em-ca, !i Sycamore Sfa
Phone 2;r.
Some Reasons
Why You Should Iruut on Having
Until ualcd by any other.
Renders hard leather soft.
Especially prepured.
Keeps out water.
A heavy bodied oil.
An excellent preservative.
Reduces cost of your harness.
Never hums the leather; its
Efficiency is increased.
tecurcs best service,
titches kept from breaking.
s sold in all
Localitiei mt
RtnnrtHrd Oil Comimiir.
Feed & Sale
Fine Turnouts at All Times
at Reasonable Rates.
Hear of Hotel Weaver
Telephone Xo. 20.
Reliable man for Mnnairer of
Oflic-e we wish to open in this vicinity.
If your reeonl is O. K. here is an oppor
tunity. Kindly frive good reference when
Thk A. T. MnRRia WiioYesalr IIoi;nk
t inciniiuU, Ohio.
Illustrated catalogue 4 eta. stamps.
WM. Sm KAHHAt'tlll,
Vice President
The mating. .r of mi, Tilrii'K D"
pailinenf, Mr. K A. liun h, has re
turned fr.un Nw Y.rk, lailenid with
new i leas, new fsvles mid all the lat
est t'.uli in correct dollies furlhec iin
inj; spring and s-iiiuiier seasons lie
tins a iiue surpric fur our stylish
young men tht we think they will
appreciate. Our selection of choice
woolens are now on our couuleia ami
y.iu are invited to call and post your-i.-lf
nil l lie proper things in dreu for
the coining season.
Indian Ter.
New Mexico.
R. R.
Iowa, So. Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado,
Ever in Effect to
ia New Orleans and tho Sunset Hoiile.
The only truo Winter Houto. No
Snow Hloekiides or llll.zards.
Tile Olllv llnA mturutl,,.. .l..t.l.lA
1 . " J uniiv
service between t'lneliinaii and New Or-
leans, eiiiryiint nuiiiian I'alaee lirawinir
Hooin Sleeners. V
Tars and lltillct, Library, Hmoklnn Cars,
--"V - 'h ws (iiieais a ia e.irtel.
i' inest anil j-a-test Trains in the South.
Pullman KxeurMinn Sinn,,!,,.. -uu .i
111 I.n A no,, ., ......... ... ... ,
- rniinv iroin I III-
eairo, via Omslia and the Scenic line of
the world.
Pullman excursion aleeping cars thro'
to San Kranc-iwo every Moudav ami Kri-
dtiv f'mm lMw.iMtiatl a.i.l tl-.l
: .- - - ., .,r,y nudum
day from Chii-rtiro, via New Orleans ami
...0 .-.1117,11 n.iine. i ueso cars are person
ally conducted by cnniieteiit amenta to
ok ai'tur the welfare ol patron.
Superb New Steel Steamers to
ThroilL'll SlYci.imr l'iir f ...... M. .o.
without ohrtiiirp. hm) rtimmtli ui.,...ii,r
Tar roHorvaliniiH Irom Cincinnati, via
For KHKK descrintivn nintim- s,i r, .11
particulars reirurdiiiK above, address
E. A. RICHTER, T. P. .
Ml! Park HuililiiiK, Pittsburg, Pa.
II. HANSON, U. P. A, Chicago.
Fred. (Jrcttciibergcr
All work pertaining tn Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, CJas or Water Kit-
iiutrs and General If lackHin i thing prompt
ly done at Uiw Kates. Knpairing hi il I
Machinery 1,'iven special attention, and
satisfaction Kiuiranteed.
Shop iu rear of and just west of the
Shaw llnusn, Tidioulo, Pa.
1 1 M 1 0 THIS PAI'KK.
Your patronngo solicited.
v k k n. c rt i:rr en 11 e r ; k k.