The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 13, 1901, Image 1

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Published vry Wednesday ly
Office in Swmirbaugh 4 Wank Building,
rmm, I.(K A Vritr. Mirlrily In Advnace.
No subscription received fur sliortor
.,rlKl llin I'iroo mouth.
Correspondence solicited, l)iit no notice
will bo taken of anonymous ooininiiiilca
iIiiiih. Alwsyagivo jour iiamo.
One Square, one inch, one week... 1 00
One Square, one inch, one mouth.. 3 00
One Square, one inch, 3 months ii 00
One Square, one inch, one year 10 00
Two Squares, one year 15 00
Quarter Column, one year 30 00
Half Column, one year 60 uO
One Column, one year 1W 00
Legal advertisements ten cents er line
each insertion.
We do Cue Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, but it's cash
on delivery.
Forest Republican.
VOL XXX11I. NO. 17.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
fli.ryMH.-T. F. Kitchey.
,i4Mciir. Joseph Morgan, J. I.
liil, W. F. ISlum, Jus. I. Davis, Cha.
Clark, T. E. Armstrong, lr. J. C. Dunn.
JiMicea vfthe Peace V. A. Randall, 8.
J. NotleV.
CMu6(e-ll. K. Moody.
(Wfecor F. 1. Aiuslor.
AVAoof fliiri Vori-O. W. floloniaii, J.
K. Wonk, 'J. Juiiiiosoii, J. C. Heowdon,
Patrick. Joyce, W. W. tirovo.
Mrmbtr of CVinoress J. K. 1'. Hull.
Member nf .Vrmife A. M. Nuoloy.
Aisemhtv A. M. Doutl.
iV.iilrt .adiit W. M. Lindsoy.
ADuonale Jmiget It. II. Crawlord, .
II. II. liolloror.
VofAoaoMru, flriii(rit Recorder, itc.
John II. Robertson.
VtertT. J. W. .lainiosnn.
VeiuMrrr S. M. Henry.
amiiJuoit-ni It. M. Herman, Jolin
T. Carson. J. T. Dale.
I hit net Attorneys. D. Irwin.
Jury inmtiitirrt Levi G. Key
nobis, Peter Yoiingk.
O.roner lr. J. W. Morrow.
O.I.H.V Inififorii J. K. Clark, R. J.
I I vnn, lioo, I,. King.
HHly Superintendent K. K. StlUiti-
llranlar Term af Court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of Novoiiilier.
Church and Hnbttntk Hrho.l.
Proshvteriaii Sabbath ScIhm)I at 0:45 .
III. : M. E. Sabbath School at U:00 a. 111.
Preaching ill M. K. Church every Sab-
bath evening bv Itev. W. I'. Munay.
Preaching in the K. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Itev.
C. II. Miller, Pastor.
Sorrlii's in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabballi morning and evening,
llev." J. V. McAnhicli omelalilig;.
The regular meeting of the W, C. T.
U. are held at the hendqiiartera on the
second ami fourth Tuesdays of each
PI' N EST A LOlHiE, No. Slid, I. O. O. F.
1. Meets every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' llull.Partridgu building.
I Mints evorv Friday evening inA.O.U.
V. Hall, Tlon"csta.
(. A, It. Meets 1st and 3d Monday
evening In each month, in A. O. U. W .
Hall, Tionesta.
117, W. It. C, meets lirst and third
Wednesday evening of each mouth, ill A.
O. U. W. liall, Tioiiesla, Pa.
'IMONKSTATENT, No. liil. K. O. T.
A M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each mouth in A. O. U. ,
hall Tionesta, Pa.
Tionesia, Pa,
I) M. Cl.AKK,
J- Attoiinkv-at-Law,
Tioncsta, Pcniia.
Olllce, for the present, over llaslet'a store.
Olllce at Carson's jewelry store, Tio
ncsta, Pa. All legal business and collec
tions promptly and faithfully attended to.
W. MOItKOW, M. D.,
Phvsician, Surgeon A Dentist.
Olllce and 'Residence three door north
of Hotel Agnow, Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
It. F.J. IlOVAItn,
Physician A Surgeon,
Dlt. J. C. DUNN,
Ollleo over Heath it Killmer'a store,
Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt
ly responded to at all hours of day or
night. Residence May St.
TjU. J. D.ti REAVES,
I f Physician and Surgeon
Ofllce and residence ahoro Fores CV
National liank.
E. A. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly tho Lawrenco
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with all tho mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
hot ami cold water, etc. Tho comforts of
giioxls never neglected.
J (iEROW .V OKROW Proprietor.
Tionseta, Pa. Thisjs tho lnostcentrally
loculcd hotel in the place, and has all the
modem Improvements. No pains will
be spared to make it a pleasant stopping
pluco for tho traveling public. First
class Livory in connection.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
and alnut stroots. Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
tho coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
Manufacturer of and Dealer 111
And all kinds of
Furniture Dealers,
Ivlieutualio Acliet, Head Ache or
Lumbago, After Us'iug
It Item oven pimples nnd Makes the
Skin bo ft anil fine.
All drug stores, or sont pre-paid.
THE WANO CO., Win ron, Pii.
Horrible Catastrophe Occuts
In' Chicago.
Itit:lr Kllilodcd and IVrirkml llitllilln-,
111 llrbrli Iniiuailia'.rly Catrlitng ft'irr.
h lIuiliM Have l!iu Itrunvt'irtl
uit havaral Ar Alttaliij;, U'lt.lo lun
Are Fatally Injure!.
CHICAGO, March 12.-By the ex
plosion of tile boiler ill the lloicuiui
liiiinilr)', 4.1S West Mailisou ttieet, yes
terday, eight people were iiistuntl)
i.illi'il, 21) were liijurcd uml screrul an
The cniisc of the explosion lias not
been determined with accuracy u
yet, and it will probably require an olll
it ii I iuvcvtigulioii to settle the uiiitter
It is known ti nt the boiler a old,
Kecoudhuiiil nfl.iir, und there is no rccon.
In the olllce of tin city boiler iuspectoi
of uuy iiispiclioii tiaviug been lutnl)
within the laxt ytur.
lVndinu the wrilict of Hie coroncr'l
jury, A. I.. Il.irciuiia, the proprietor ol
tl'.e laiiinlry, is held in custody by tin
ohrc uud it i the intention of the nil
thoritiiK to iu-.titute criiniiiul proccel
iiigs iiKiiinst liiiu bhoulil the fuctt
Uonglit nut at- the invwligatiou war
I. illt uli UCtioll
Iti'liortu of '! liunibcr of dead i I ll
iiiins run ull I he way from to 20
It la known tl.ut lUi emtdoyes of tin
laundry liuil in'eiiil the place licfon
II. e etlnsieii occurred because the au
tomatic tiini-k'ct"'i found in tlie ruins;
w hich wus noi dauiiiKnl, shon i il I Inn
niiuilH'r of .e.'ii.ieri'd urrivuU. Two ol
three were entiling at the moment id
the exploiou, making uu upproiuiat
total of 40 employes in and uroiiud tut
'The list of injurnl includes, however,
fiVeral pcnple Icxiilins ill the lliljoillilll,'
bi'ilduik's, iiciu'V nil uf wlucli cr
baoiy ilamuKi. The most conservative
ettiuiute ly the police coucciles Ihat at
least three, ilea I or ulive, are still in tilt
ruins, yet the search for boilics in tin'
n in." cume lo a audilcii uud early in
the afternoon uud the work uf rescue
was entirely abandoned.
Tlie cause of the cessation of tilt
search was a dispute between the tire
h'cu and police as to who was respon
sible for the ii'coieiy of uuy Isnlics.
The tireiiien raid they had performed
their whole buy uud, atheriiig up thell
hex', relirid from the scene. The po
lice said it 'V.ts not their work to dig
tor bodies ale! nols.dy else vuluntis'i'ed
to do the work.
While the luciiien and police were ur
Ktiiug ami explaining their respective
tides in the matter, the city building
dipartiiieut stepped in. Building In
spector Kiulliassa sent deputy to tlie
scene uf the ditastrophe uud a notice
was sent to Jackson brothers. UKcitts
for the property, to iuiuioliately bcglu
the work uf pnlliuc duun the walls uud
cUai'ini: uw.iy the debris. .lacksoii
P l ot hers were given two hours to
comply with the order, their failure to
do so to result ill the building depart
ment performing the task. The real es
tete linn suun had u number of wreckers
at tlie ruins uud the work uf pulling
dowu tin- walla was immediately be
gun. Til is operation made it impossible
to continue the search fur bodies.
While tlie police uud lire departments
were arKiijug another clash occurred In
the county morgue. Captain John
Kehin uf the Hcsplaiuesstrcet police stu
tioti asking licpuly Coroner Hockley to
hold Mr. Iiorciuus in bonis until after
tilt iiupict has been held.
The deputy coroner, however, re
fused to comply with the request. He
replied that it was "up to" the police to
hold Doreimts if they so desired, but
Ihat the coroner's olllce would not In
terfere. The controversy resulted in the
police declaring they would keep lore
iiius under surieilluiice until the impicst.
I'lajue Hovolnplnx Seriously In Cape
Town Trmpur ea C'lttstr Iteaclieil.
CAPE TOWN, March 12. The bu
bonic plague is developing seriously In
Cnpe Tuwu. Fifteen new cases were
utHciiilly reported yesterday and U7 uther
persists were isolated because uf having
come into cuutiict with victims ut the
Two ciiliired persons who had been at
tacked by the plague, died in the streets
of Cape Town. A European died while
Icing removed to the hospital.
The malady is reaching the more pros
perous classes uud it has been ucccsstiry
to remove to ilie hospital the vulire fam
i'y of a gcntlcimiu.
Over loml Kline Workers on Hlrlke.
Mulch 12. The strike threatened by
the employes o( the V.. and 11- II. Huch-
cilcr. pin conii any on account of a 1U
oil cent reduction in wages was begun
jciaerilay. Only 2."i of the 1,13(1 hands
went to work. There wus an exodus
among the Bachcllcr shoe workers,
liiiiny uf tlicai having secured positions
at other pluccs Did others gieng to seek
Hun llll Wmiloil 'r Itngeni Wo k-.
PATEKKON, N. J., March 12. Hids
for the Rogers Locomotive works were
it el veil yesterday, but all were scaled
und were sent : tlie receivers in New
irk. It is understood that a Huston
f iiiccru wants lo purchase the plant and
that the Arnold brothers, silk inanufac
taius, of this city, are among the bid
ders. Tlie iccd-'ers decided to extend
the time fur ;iie tiling of bid-i.
tl ooo.oua I nil a mil..
LONIiON. March 12 Tenders for
1.ihiii,iiiiii of 12 mouth India bills were
opened at tlie Batik" of England yester
day. The applications uiiiuiinteil to
li.ol'S), Tie allotments were at the
average of 3 11: lid per cent.
Iliggest (lull III Hi"' M rlil.
THOY. N. 1., March 12.-The K
Inch gun, the biggest iu tlie world, which
is being built at the Watervlict arsenal,
will he sent to the proving grounds at
Snuily Hook next fall. The gun will be
Cuisbed next .Lily.
PannsrlTonls, KOIlur, Mliinn and Fin
lianr r I'nviip. Awaf.
U MUtlSHI lti!. Pn.. March fl.-Senator
Christopher Lyman Magee of Pitta
loug. sttitesiuau, pliilauthropiyt
nid linaiicier, died last evening lifter an
illness of more than two years. IlisJ
ilenlli was unexpected, ns it was general
J believed by his friends Hint he was im
proving in health. His condition took a
:nrn for the worse Thursday night anl
Uie members of his family wco hurriedly
luininoued to Ilarrisluirg. He gradually
rew weaker during the night and his
did was peaceful an' calm.
His remains will be taken to Pittsburg
this nftcriKsiu on a special car.
Senator Mugee was taken ill with a
complication of diseases during the last
session of the legislature and was almost
iimler the coiMtant care of a physiciuo
until he passed away. I luring most ol
the time he was at the Stratford hotel,
Philadelphia. He leased a residence in
HatTisbiirg for the legislative session
and came here the day previous to the
organization. He took his seat un the
opening day of the session and only once
aflerwurd iu the senate. That was the
day on which the ballot for X'nitcd States
senator was taken and he voted for Con
frrrssniun John Dalell of Pittsburg. He
kept in close touch with the legislative
proceedings, lint was too ill to attend the
A writ for a special election to fill thfl
vacancy caused by Mr. Mugce's death
will be issued by Lieutenant (inveruoi
tiobiu after the funeral.
The death will be formally announced
ill the senate on Monday night and the
sloiunry adjournment will be taken out
nf respect to his memory. Committees
from tlie senate anil house will be ap
pointed to attend the funeral.
Mr. Mugee was born in Pittsburg In
ISI0. Through the death of his father,
when the boy was !." years of age, he
was obliged to go to Work to help support
his mother and three younser children.
After a period as otlice buy. he obtained
n clerkship, and In ISiKI was made cash
ier in the city treasury and in 1S71 win
elected city trccsurer and was re-elected
in 174. He was electisl state seuiitoi
in lS'.C and was twice re-elected. He
was a director in numerous Pittsburg
banks, trust cimpiitiies and insurance
companies, and at the time of his deatb
was the principal owner of the Pittslmri
Act-ir 34 Incites TiiM Want to To Scpa
tateil I rem II 's Slx-Knot Wife.
SIIAMOKIN. March S.-Five ycar
ago in a little town in Illinois. Curtis
Holts, a midget actor of this place, wa
married to Miss Mary Poison, a hand
some young bareback rider in a circus
She iptit the sawdust ring and came her
to live with tlie actor's parents. He wnf
a vaudeville singer and dancer and sinct
his marriage he only has been able tr
spend three or four months of the yeai
with his wife, wlio linally grew tired ol
living such a life. She met a number ol
men nnd went out driving so much that
her husband was notified. He employed
a detective, who collected such evidence
that Hotts accused her of being faithless.
She went to Illinois and Hotts Is-gan pro
ceedings for divorce in the Northumber
land county louits. naming a wellknowr
resident us co-respondent.
It is said Mrs. lint is will not resist the
suit. She is 2S years old, and almost II
feet tall. Her husliand is :4 inches tall
and is one of the smallest men ill the
rrr.hlent I ry lleslgns.
riTTSHVItii. March 8.-President II.
C. Fry of the National lilnss company
has tendered his resignation ns president
of that company on account of friction
among the nlllcials of the corporation. Iu
an interview Mr. Fry announced his in
tention to erect an independent plant at
Rochester, Heaver county. Pa., where,
previous to the combine, he had engagrd
in the inamifaciiire of the Rochestei
tumblers. Mr. Fry retains his stock in
terests in the National lilnss company,
which, he says, is in a most uourisiiiug
Drsponildlt Mull rnnillllls Kulc'Uc.
OIL CITY. March 1. (loaded to des
peration and despondency through lack
of money nnd employment, Elmer Lisk
made two attempts at suicide and till
all) succeeding by swallowing opium.
Lisk was a resident of Rouseville. Bor
rowing money, lie walked to this city, a
distance of throe miles, purchased the
opium, return d home uud look the poi
son. Iron Ore rrlees lo I to lower.
riTTSP.l'Itd, .March 1). It is an
nounced that the price or iron ore for the
coming season will be $l."ili per ton, ami
it Is expected that the ore ussiM-iution will
meet at Clevelu id in a few days to fix
this as a base rate. Last season's price
was fi per ton, so Hint the new price will
te a reduction uf one dollar per t
root Torn On" br Machinery.
IIOYI.ESTO'.VN, March 0. Frank E
Fretz, of Nov Britain, wM'v attempt
ing to replace n belt on a pii'l.-y caughl
his clothing in n set screw. I hi Juot w as
torn from the ankle socket and x ccrtiuo
of his limb was grniind to a pulp.
itkmh in inner.
of Wcstniiiist-r college has announced
the following board of editors to take
charge of the publication of Holonil. lh?
college monthly, for Ih suing year
Roy Neville. Sharon, editor-in-chief: II
it. Hnodgriiss. A. R. Hunt. .Miss Iboe
vieve Smith. II. II. Donaldson. K. IX
Miller, Miss Madge Conway. II. T. liet
tv. F. S. Th .mpsou and Miss Eltuuot
UNIONTOWX The case of Mead &
Speerof Pittsburg against several I'liion
town citizens, gmwing out of timber spec
ulations and in which 22.inni damage,
was asked, was compromise I. the Pnt
burgeis. buying the propcity in qnes-tion.-'lhe
Columbia Coke company waf
organized here Willi a of !f2UW.
Ishi by Pittsburg business men.
i:i:lll'.Si:ri:i: -There an- 17i" ai-
nlications for liipior licenses
ill West
liiorelund county, n big incica
year, particularly iu the retail
over last
Is In His Own Country Where
H : Can Laugh at British.
Hard to Opsrate Asslnsl llltn If Hard
I'rifuMil He Can Il.stuUe III rnnimniiiln.
Only to Meet Agalu a Few )' Later.
Nu Further News of llutlia-Kllehener
LONDON, March 11.- The Timet
publishes the following dispatch froir
Ausvugelkop, March II:
"General IL-wct has escaped north
ward by a forced march with 400 men
His objective is believed to be the vi
cinity of Kroonstailt.
"Four other Hoer leaders are still it
the Boutin uste-ll part of Orange ltivei
"Now that General Dewt is back
in his own co.iuiry, it will be almost iiu
pissihle to operate against him. Just sc
r-onn as he is orissed, his contuiundo dis
solves, to ine-'t uguiu a 'few days Inter.
Only a few bands of Boers ire auw lefl
in Cupe Colony."
Ltlulon Heart That Kitchener Iln4 I
insmleil I'nciinilllioiinl f m-renile-,
LONDON, March ll.-No fttrthci
news has been received niic-crning tht
in got ia I ions between Lord Kitcheuci
and General Hotha. The Daily Ex
press says it hears that Lord Kitcheuet
declared the surrender must be uncon
ditional, while the question of the fu
ture treatment of the Hoers was re
ferred to Loud in.
It is asserted ihat Mr. Krucr, through
Dl. I.eyds, has scut a long telegram tc
Mr. Schalk-Hurger, acting president oi
the South African republic, asking fot
details regardiug the negotiations.
Englnml Cannnt Fee War Clear lo Accrp
Am-ol"-! lliiv-rMiuieefol Tri-sly.
WASHINGTON. March 12. - The
lung-expected answer from the British
government to the state department'f
conitnunicati'iu reciting the action of
the senate upon the Hay;Pnunccfoti
treaty was returned at noon yesterday.
Lord Paunc.fote, the Rritisu ambassa
dor, already had ttcquaintnl Secretary
Hay with the fact that he hud received
a coninmniculion from his government
on the stibjc't and it is believed It luif
been in his ; nssessioii fur several days.
Lord Pntiuccfnte came to the mutt
(hpartmctit nt noun by appointment.
He brought the answer with him and
ri ad it to S'li-tary Uuy. It was, iu
form, an instruction from Lord Lnus
duwn, the Hriti.-h minister of foreign af
fairs, to Lord Puuucefote, and of this
Instruction he left a copy with Secretary
Huy. The secretary and the ambassa-
uor were closeted for hnlf an hour. At
the conclusion oi the conference it was
stated the instruction to Lord
Pauuccfote was to notify the govern
ment of the I'uited Statin that the Brit
ish government did not see its way clear
to the acceptance uf the senate amend
n:ents. These aincnilrients were trenti-d iu de
tail at some length, in argumentative
fashion, tlie p trpose of the British gov
ernment being to show that it had sound
leusoii for declining to accept them
After disposing of the details, the note
com linled wih an expression of regret
that such a course had been forced upon
tin- British government. Th-re was
nothing in the nature of a counter prop
osition, nor was uuy opening left for
fiuthcr action by the British govern
ment. It was stated that if there was to be
a further attei.ipt to nnieiid the Clay-ton-Btilwer
ircaty, so as to authorize
the United Slates to construct a water
way across the isthmus, then it wad for
the United States to make the overture;
the British g-, -eminent simply dropped
the matter at litis point.
Secretary Hay carried the coinmunl
ca'.ion to the White House to talk with
the president as to the future action of
the department. The impression pre
vails that there will be no immediate
action looking toward the negotiation of
n treaty.
Former I'resiilent Id Serloa Mnto anil
I.uiir I'm ge.tlitn slay -preail.
condition of f-jrmcr President Benjamin
Harrison is serijtis. Dr. Jamesuu stat
ed yesterday that the upper part of
General Harrison's left lung was in
flamed. There is some danger of con
gestion extending to the rest of the
lung and to the right lung.
Until 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon
Gcneiul Harrison was resting easily, but
at that time he became slightly worse
and Dr. Jo no so-n was called. He said
that he was certain nothing wus to be
apprehended for the next 4S hours, but
the age of the patient renders ull cal
culations uncertain.
At 8 o'clock Inst evening General
Harrison was suffering some pain but
wus resting comparatively easy.
He and Tun; u !Llanr Have 30,0oo
Alcn ! I'rotret Tllrnt.
SHANGHAI, .March ll.-Dispatchcn
from I .inn lui ii assert that General Tiiur
Fu Hsiaug with III.ISSI men, uud l'riucu
Tuau with lli.ttsl men, are at Niug lLu,
prepared to resist arrest.
The China Gazette announci-H thar
Stctig, tlie tuntui, bus tucmorali.i'd the
Ulruiic iu favor of the abolition of the
Likiu duties, and that all the viceroys
and governors support him.
I'rlze Mniu-y I or liwwer.
WASHINGTON, March S. The treas
ury department yesterday issued n war
rant in favor of Admiral tjoore Dewey
fur $'.',r7H on nccount of the prize money
found to be due to him by tin urt of
claims for the destruction of the, Spanish
licet iu Manila harbor Muy 1. LS!.
T- K ..I ' e.-l. i -
MOLING, Ills., March S.-Two men
were killed and revt n iujiiicd yesterday
by the fall of an elevator in the- wiirks of
the Moline Plow lompuiiy. ,
rvery.Day Evptene:- of the rnptilarliy
of Am- r r-, (iftlceis.
MANILA, March ll.-Judge Tafl
and his associates of the United State,
Philippine commission, accompanied bj
their wives an l a uuiuber of prominent
Filipinos, cmtuii'kcd yesterduy on the
United States transport Sumner one
sailed for Lnccn.i, province of Taynhas.
Luzon, where they will organize a pro
vincial govern meat. At the time of theii
depurture the pier was thronged Willi
natives, who cheered the commissioner!
and gave many other proofs of the popu
larity of the commission.
The insurgents have surrendered o'lC
lilies iu the provinces of Putupsngu
Biilncnn and But all during the lust font
The Methodists report 120 convert!
in Manila lust week, and the Philippiix
Evangelical church claims to have se
cured muny new meuibera.
Agulua'ilo In llltlln? In North Luson.
MANILA, March 9. Captain Duncar
of the Fourth infantry has captured a
squad uf insiirs'eiiU and 12 rifles neat
the town of Iuiiis, in Cavite province, 11
miles south of Manila. General Lloyil
Wheutou, commander of the department
of Northern Luzon, reports the troops ol
bis department to be in excellent health
Less than H per cent of them are sick
from all causes.
The Manila board of health has an
nounced that ou an estimated population
of HiMi.iKin fur the city of Manila the an
nual death rate is .'II per thousand.
Unconfirmed information coming frorr
native sources says that Agitinaldo is lr
hiding in tlie province of Isabella on tin
northeastern coast of Liuou island.
American truops ure scouting in that sec
tion of the co uu try.
Trouble Hrrwln? In Ibe Cumberland
Mln'nff lie 'a
CUMBERLAND, Md., March 12.-
Trouhlc is browing iu the Cumberland
mining region uud a strike is looked for,
The convention of tieorges Creek Mey
ersdale distric; is to lie held at Mey-
ersdule toduy. Certain deuiands will tie
formulated and if the operators don't
accede to them, a strike is believed to
be inevitable.
It is said that the Georges Creek op
erators will under no circumstances con
fir with their men.
The miners have been workiug hard
since August last averaging about
if-lCM) a mouth, end it is said they will
bo iu bitter shape for a strike tbau evei
Thirty Lives Cru.hed Out by Train
Manned liy Drunkeu Crew.
LONDON. March 7. The Moscow cor
respondent of The Daily Mail says:
"During the recent heavy snowstorms
T0 men were sent to clear the snow out
of a railway cutting uear Wolore on the
Itiuzan-Urul line. They were just leav
ing the cutting when the train came duwn
at full speed and crushed abuut thirty
men into shapeless masses, their cloth
ing clogging the uxles and stopping the
train. Inquiry shows that the eugine
driver nnd nil the guards were uruuk.
Major fienerat Yonnt C hi From the
rlilllpplio t II el eve Htm.
WASHINGTON. March 12. The
quartermaster general is iuf.iriued that
the transport Logan left Nagasaki Sat
urday for San Francisco with .Major
General Young and the Thirty-third and
Thirty-fourth volunteer regiments.
General Young on his arrival at Sun
l-'i luicisco will relieve General Shatter
of coinuiand of the depurtuieut uf Cal
ifornia, und the latter will be placed uu
the retired lis: with the ruun and pay
of a mujor general.
Terrlliv t In.! Hlunn at Chlcigo-
CIIICAUIi. March 11. One of the
worst wind storms of the season struck
Chicago ou Sunday and during the
two hours that it was ut its height
ilniioiir.wl in-oii.-rtv throughout the city
to the extent ot $173,OOU. Muny heavy
n ate glass windows were blown Iu
'I',. I,-,. i nnh uml teleohulle comnanics
were the worst sufferers and It will be
,,mu time l.roi-e nrilei- i-au be restored.
Thousands of poles were blown duwa
nn,l Cliii-iii-o .vns in-ucticuHv isolated
from the West nnd Northwest by tele
phone and tel -graph all day yesterday.
ARTietiHurMl -hliery ?.t Affected.
ST. PETER." BURG, -March 12. An
cwcriiig a t-di graphic inquiry from un
American coiuoauy Chaiieniugiie low
er, the l liitid Ste'es aniliussudor, cabled
Ihat agricultural machinery wus not af
fected by the recent application of V
Rus.siun tariff law, which excep nl
such niuchincry from the jl
cluuue 2 of paragraph 107 and plu.'ed II
iu a separate clause.
Order Fur XH.XOo.OOU Eigs.
Slaytnu ot Manchester, N. II., clipped
the climax of a meeting of the Oklahoma
and Kansas Proiluce Dealers' associx
tiou here by gil ing au order to be nib-
by all members of the organization for
2iHI car loads of eggs. The shipments
are lo be m ule a truiu at a time. Tin
order menus that the hens uf Oklahoma
and Kansas Inr'o ahead of them the tusk
of Uiying 2S,Ms'.'ssv eggs this spring.
sir Thomas Llptoo Honored.
LONDON, March !!. Sir Thomas Liu-
ton has ! cu gazetted a Knight Comman
der of the i- toria Order. Lieutenant
Colonel Steele of Strtithcoiiu's Horse has
becu appointed to the fourth class of
the Victorian Order. The Kiug of
Greece and the Crown Prince of Den
mark have received the honorary gran
cross of the Victorian Order.
Oermsny to I'rottllik Art Ariel fcwrei.-, Ing
BERLIN, Mi.reh 12.-A bill prohibit
ing the use of artiliciul sweeti-iing, such
us suceophariii.', except when used for
reasons of h. alili, has been submitted tc
the federal council. All artiliciul
nweetcuing is taxed bU murks per kilo.! 4f Aii-nl til r --lai .
ALBANY. March 12 The court of
ii penis calendar for today: Nos. Ill,
(hi, , 127, 107, ll7, ."SI Uli.
Short Items From Various
Parts of the World.
Record of Many llnppenlnirs Condensed
ami i ui in Small spuce and Arranged
With Special Kegard lor the Coliveul
enoe of the Header Who Has Little
Time to hpare.
Cardinal Vuughan has, says a specia
cable dispatch, granted a dispeusutiuL
to Miss liosie Hoote, whom Lord Heud
fort declares he will marry.
Foreign troops in Pekln are making
preparations to leave.
majority of the Cuban cunstitiitionu
convention threatens to resigu it tht
American demands ure pressed.
The president of Hnyti is leading a
strong military expedition to the froutiei
where fighting recently occurred.
Arthur Foote, who, with bis futher,
has In vu arrested ou the charge of liavint
murdered his mother iu Bessemer, Ala.,
denies Ihat he committed the crime.
The in w star iu Perseus wus picturei!
ou a photographic plate ut Harvard mii
versity two duys before Its discovery by
the astruuumer.
Criticisms of the British system by
LordWolselcy were sharply answered it
the house uf lurds by the Murquis ol
In the French chamber M. Firniir
Fi'ure, in uuti-Scniite. was removed from
the house by the gendarmes iu a scene ol
D. M. Carman, au American contruc-
r. who was arrested in the Philippines
ou the char of liM'ing aided the insur
gents, expects acquittal.
The British steamship Cumperdowu
went ashore on Cupe Lookout shoals, oil
Ilec.iifort, N. C.
Former President Cleveland may fur
nish bonds for St .George Keiupauu, a
Perth Aiuboy iditor, now in jail.
Arivicis from Wilkes-Barre give strong
Intiinutiotis of un impending strike among
the miners employed by the anthracite
coul ruilroads.
Negotiations ore reported nt Dusselilort
for the control of the 8.) mills in the Ger
man Wire and .Nail association by the
United States Steel corporation.
Former Senator Gorman is leading the
campaign to disfranchise negroes in Ma
To raise revenue to meet war expenses
Great Britain is likely to put a duty uu
Twelve Irish Nationalists in the house
of coniuions 'ilijiK-ted to being closured
on the education estimates und precipi
tates a free tight which ended by their
being carried bodily from the room.
American named Ditrant, probably ol
Albanv, N. Y reported to have been
killed iu u dud with a Russian count mar
Paris. News is received later that he
invented the story himself anil is still
Judge Mezn of the Nicarngnan su
preme court was Killeil lucstiuy at cua-
nada by S nor I ncayos, whose father has
been well known in Nicarugiiaii affairs.
Contracts 'ure being closed ut Taeonui,
Wash., by a China firm fur u0,il00 barrels
uf Hour per mo. uli for shipment tu China
during the year.
Rev. William Bright, D. D.. regius
professor of ecclesiastical history and
canon of Christ church. Oxford, since
lSiili and sub-dean since lSlio. is dead.
He was born in 1S24.
reach growers of Central New Y'ork
fear great damage lias been done the fruit
buds by the midden change of tempera
The wound inflicted on the Lmperoi
William will necessitate some duys' rest
for healing. Congratulations ou his es
cape have poured in from every quarter.
In interviews quoted in a London spe-
ciul cubic, John M. Diiruut said he
fought the Russian uobleuiuu, who wus
Russia's olll. ial explanation of th
Muinhurinn treaty was made public by
the British government.
Concerning the suit for breach of prom
ise brought by Miss Pottiu Knight, says
a London spc i il, the Duke of Manches
ter refuses to talk.
To rescue the Lichteuburg garrison,
iM'siigcd by Hoers, General Kitchener Is
seudiug rein foremen! s.
The Cuban coiislitmiouul convention
decided to coin iaue its session uud treat
with tlie Unit -d States.
The grand juiy ut Anderson, S. C,
recommends the indictment of farmers
for holding .icgroes in slavery.
Dissatisfaction is found by the senate
De crats over tlie leadership of Keiiutor
Joins of Arkansas.
Illinois niu'i.iracturers will contest the
validity of s,.-ieiary Gage's decision re
garding Russian sugar exports.
Senator Plait informed Secretary Root
thai he would oppose the appointment uf
Colonel Sanger as ussistuut secretary ol
Friends of 1'nsideiit Kruger are re
ported by a IjuihIou dispatch to expect
the Boer surrender ou Tuesday.
Evidences lint the Brazilian govern
ment is careially guarding uguuist
monarchist uprising are reported.
As a n-aiilt of injuries received iu
railway collision iu Allegheny, Pa., F.d-
wurd Strauss Im-cu compelled to
abandon the directorship of the court
orchestra at Vienna.
Memls-rs of the Cuban constitutional
convention are urged by their constitu
ents not to r-cede.
Three men were arrested in North
Carolina for the lynching of a white
Fire destroyed the combination freight
and passenger station uf the New 1 ork.
New Haven and 11 urt ford railroad ut
Molt Haven.
former President Benjamin Harri
son's illness is so serious us to alarm hni
l.i only iu Imliuuupulis, lnd.
Hraritreet' ' eej-' on Condltt -t t
Itnthtew Thi'H'li inl I e ( -"in .
NEW YORK, March 0. Bradstreet's
review of trade says:
Reports as a whole coutiuue quite
chiH-rful. The season of winter wheat
crop scares is now approaching, hut the
market is dull, narrow and irregular.
Speculation is almost nil. Corn has
weakened but s'ightly on better weather
and bearish statistics of farm reserve
Issued and expected. Pork and lard are
higher in sympathy with hogs, receipts
of which are light: milder w sthi-r buB
lowered butter and eggs, but coffee Is
quite steady, laree purchases rcceotly
having led to hopes of bettering demand.
Cotton gisids are working lower at near
ly all markets Mid now cotton is 018 cent
off on the week on poor trade reports and
pressure of southern interior i -i-i- rs tQ
realize, leading to the belli f I' j. tho
crop is larger than e:;pi : 1
moving more freely and c 1 .
cheerful, apparently on t!'
prices cannot well go much low
Too! is
l; inoie
!i a tiut
sole leather is m demand at all mar
kets, and talk of 40 cents for oak-tanned
conti'S from Boston. It seems to ba
rather a question of getting supplies than
of securing orders nt present. Shoe
shipments are Ftil below a yenr ago and
for the year lHO.tKK) cases less. Iron an 1
steel uiuy properly be described as buoy
ant. Activity ami strength in railroad and
miscelloneous sticks at New Y'ork are
somewhat ch.i led by a firmer tendency
in money. Th" success of the great
United Stntes soel combination is con
sidered prnbuhli despite discount by snui
huiders of the constituent stocts.
Wheat, including flour, shipments fir
the week aggregate 4,220,5:3 bushels,
against 5,2113. .'11 bushels last week, 4,
2iiS.lvS bushcis in the corresponding
week of lust oar, 4,.1!Hl,S2t bushels in
1N and 4,4(!l.7(il In IS'iS.
Coru exports for the wee's, 2,lS7,fl?l
bushels iu this week a year ago, 3,73(1,
fii bushels in 181W and 3,20o,(i5lt bush
els in IftlH.
Business failures for the week number
208, us against 177 last week, IS!) In this
week a year iuo, 177 in 181)0, 217 in 18!J8
and 227 in 1S07.
Mo:tey Cnngrini Appropriated.
WASHINGTON, March 7.-Reprcsen-
tative Cannon, chairman of the house
committee on appropriations, uud Rep
resentative Livingston, the senior Demo
cratic member of the committee, have
prepared statements of the appropria
tions of the Fifty-sixth congress which
are printed in The Record today. Both
place the total appropriations for the
congress at $1.4tn.isi2.!V45: those for the
first session at i71iM.'!.iO.HiI2 and fur tho
second session at $72IMU1.US.1. Mr.
Cannon publishes a table showing tlia
expenditures of the previous congress at
$l,.riiiN.212.ll."7 and Mr. Livingston niukes
a comparison with the Fifty-fourth con
gress which appropriated $l,044,5uO,27a.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK, March 11.
Money on call, 2f(i2k per cent.
Prime mercantile puper, 31yo(tj.-l,4 per
Sterling exchange: Artunl liiisio. s i
bankers' at ?4.S7t,(!?4.87 for demand
and $4.K4 for sixty duys. Posted rates,
Couiuierciul bills, $4.S3Vi54.83:;i.
Bur silver, if) sc.
Mexican dollars, 40c.
New York Provision Market.
FLOUR Winter patents, ?3.(15(ff.4.00:
winter straights, f3.454f3.5U; wluter ex
tras, S52.5Uti2.S5; winter low grades.
$2.45(; 2.110; Minnesota patents, HlOfj
4.30; Minnesota hukers', .'UH"3.25.
It YE No. 2 western, tile f.o.b. admit;
state rye. 5tid;."7e c.l.f. New York.
CORNMEAL Yellow western, 91c;
city, !k-; broudywine, $2.4.Vp-2.r0.
WH1:AT-N.i. 2 red, tso'ic f.o.b.
afloat; No. 1 northern, 87VjC f.o.b. afloat
CORN No. 2 coru, 47c f.o.b. afloat.
OATS-No. 2, 3()V; No. 2 white,
boc; track uiixed western, SlXilVjc;
track white, 'S-'ii'Mk.
UAl shipping. 1 1 1 'SUe; good M
choice, NVrfOoc.
BUTTER Creamery extras, 17$
22c; factory, lldiloc; imitation cream
ery, HMi.lS'jc.
CM Kl.Si! Fumy large white, ll'jc;
small white. ,2',r.
EGGS Stale and Pennsylvania, 14VJ
feU'-tc; western, blVlil4o.
POTATOES Jei.eys. $1.251.75;
New York, 1.5i)f",1.7i; Jersey sweets,
Bntfaln Prevision Market.
BUFFALO, March 11.
WHEAT-No. 1 northern, old, 84c;
wirtiu- wheat. No. 2 red, 77.
CORN No. 2 corn, 44c; No. 3 coru,
OATS No. 2 white, 31Vi31Jic; No.
8 mixed, 2Sc.
1'I.OLR Spring wheat, best patent,
per bid., 1.755.00: low grades, ."H'fi
4.25, graham, best, $1.50.
IU 'ITER Creamery, western, extras.
22'.j'ii2:!c; state ami Pennsylvania
cieamery, 21&22C; duiry, fair to good,
171 Sc.
CHEESE Fancy full cream, 12(j
12'jc; good to choice, lllVJll'jc; common
to fair. 7'if 'e.
EGGS Western and state funcy,
POTATOES Fancy, white, stale,
W)c. stute, fair to guod, lotJtGc.
East Buffalo Live Stock Markc
CATTLE- Extra export steers. If 5 " 3
(fto.iai; good tu choice shipping stc rs,
f.Y2ii(5.o'i; i nurse, rough, but fat
sleers, fl. bMi I.1SI: western branded
steers, cornf-d, f4.40(i'4.ii5; choice lo
smooth fat heifers. 1.7."."i.OO; common,
old to fuir cows. ?:i.5"ii3.73; good butch-e-
bulls, ;1.7.' 1.00.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Extra choice
fain selei t-d. ..".1.V5.25; culls nu l
common, S" 2.Vi':i.7."; w.-tder shi-n, I
4.MSI: good to extra. HWifLiS; com
mon to fair. W.!Xl,!4.15.
IlOliS Miv.'d packers' grades, $3.05
Qii.lJ(i; heavy hogs. .YH.V.ri UO; choice
li ii vy and upward. $.Voy;.iiO.
flnflalo Huy Market.
HAY No. ' timothy loo. $17.lrj
1' 0U: No. 2. $111.5(117.111; babel hsy.
prime. $13.UO$lt.3U; No. 2, fll.W'J