The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 06, 1901, Image 4

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The Christmas trade this year was phenom- r
enal, every merchant doing a larger business kjj
than he did the year previous, which up to that
time was a record breaker. But Christmas buy-
ing is?only an incident of business. It is your '
cvery-day trade of the rest of the year that M
.... fp:i
counts, lhat is what we want to get and shall
continue to offer you the very best service and
prices possible in our line which is DRUGS,
MEDICINES and Sundries, exclusively.
Sundries in this case means combs and
brushes, toilet accessories, pocket books, tine
stationery, perfumery, books, toys, etc., and the
famous LOWNEY candies.
Elm and Bridge Streets.
. . AMI
C. M. AMI Si
All Leading ComiKinle
Wild Lands, Farms, ITouses
Lot. for Sale or Kent.
New Advertisements.
Jmncti. Ad.
Ijuumers. Ail.
Aiimlor. liOcaln.
MoCucn Co. Ail.
levoe iV Co. Hi'Dilxr.
Month .t Kit. Lorain.
Hopkins. Ail iul locals.
Kililibnro Normal, lineal.
Tionesta Cash Storo. I,ocala.
Oil market cIokoiI t ll.'J.
Oil ami nu leases at IIiIh olUoe.
You can Rft It at Hopkins' store.
Don't luy carpets until you see sain
pleaalT. C.S. It
Seliool Hhtxui that wear well for boys
aiul girls at T. C. 8. H
Hotiklns has bats. Tho correct
stylos, too. Kcothem. It.
Ifvou want a ault tbat will suit you,
git to 1 lentil it t'cit for it. It
The uroiiiiilhoir let up a day or ao
Itmt to suit on bis baiiilsaml net a new
A buncn of keva was loft at this of'
Hoe for the owner, who will please call
fur bia property.
The finest atock ofclnthiuK ever seen
In this town. We'll prove tliia il you'll
Just step this way. Hopkins. It.
An 8-volume edition of KnlKht'.a
Shakespeare, good as new, for aale at a
Urirain. Iniiuire of P. M. Claxk. tf
Before you purohane your carpet It
would be a wise plan for you to go to
Heath Kelt and look over their larga
The Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety of tho M. K. church will meet with
Mrs. 8. J. Setley, fSatun'.ay afternoon
March 9, at 3 o'clock.
The prices ol admission to the Pan
American exposition on and after the first
day of May will be as lollowa : Childreu
under 7 years, free; children betwoen 7
and 14, 'Jo cents; all persons) over 14, 50
Oil City Jlliaurd : Women who
have husbands should be very careful of
them, as they are much in demand.
8iuire Hammers, ol Gettysburg, adver
tised for a wife and has received 2,6."
proposals of marriage.
'How tho licet Sugar Industry Is
Growing" is the subject of an Informa
tional article by Hay SUnnard Hakor in
the March Review of Reviews. The latest
fart and figures of this important inter
est are presented by Mr. Baker.
The electric street railway connect
ing Edinboro with Erie and Cambridge
Hprings makes Ilia Edinboro Normal
School easy of access. Our spring ses
sion opens April 8.
It Jons F. Biulkr, Prin.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Tionesta, Pa., post
office tor tho week ending Mar. 61U01:
Mr. Jes. II. Powors, Mrs. L. L. Walton,
Miss Daisy Belle McL'rum, 1 card.
D. 8. Knox, P.M.
Tho Domocrats of this county have
set April 27th as the date for holding their
crimarios. O. D. Shields of Hedclyffo
was elected chairman at the meeting of
the county committee, and J. B. Muse of
the Vindicator, was elocted delegate to
tho State convention.
A bill will be Introduced in the leg
islature to a neud the present tax law so
that all boroughs may levy taxes for gen
eral purposes to the ainouut of ten mills
on the dollar Instead of five. As the law
is uow, only those boroughs may levy
ten mill tax which have no bonded in
It costs you just about the price of
one tobey each week to secure the Rk
rrBMCAX all tho year 'round. Who
w mldii't deny himself the satisfac
tion of pulling the nicotine out of one
miserable tobey once a week for the
pleasure of reading for a whnlo year the
best paper on earth T
A little early for new vegetables, but
the seasonable ones cau be had at Auis
lur's, who is headquarters fur everything
ofthe freshest in groceries, fruits, etc.
When in need of anything in his line, and
haven't time to go for It, you'll be Just as
well and promptly served by ordering
over the 'phone. Either one will catch
him. It
The last three days of February, ac
cording to an old resident of this vicinity
prosage the weather for the three spring
months, March, April and May. Tues
day was cold and blustery; Wednesday
stormy in the morning but bright and
cliariu the aftornoon j Thursday was
clear and bright and a very pleasant tem
perature prevailed.
Her, Mr. Crosby's lecture al Bovard's
ball Monday evening was unite well at
tended, and must have Dotted the Ep
worth League, under whose auspices it
was given, a snug sum. The lecture was
something entirolr new to this latitude,
and many strange things were told by
the talented speaker concerning the
"Crystal World" which evon Horatio in
I is philosophy had not "dreamt of."
Under the new order ol things at the
mantel factory there are busy times In
lhat quarter these days, a full force being
employed regularly. County Treasurer
S. M. Henry has boen Installed as book
keeper and goneral superintendent and
already bus made himself quite popular
with the employes. Mr. H. Is a hustler,
and his carelul management will un
doubtedly put the plant on a good pay
lug basis from tho start,
The case of the Commonwealth vs.
Michael Wort, C. W. Sigworth prosecu
tor, which was on trial as our paper went
to press last week was decided in the ac
quittal ofthe defendant under Instruct
Ions of the court. It wa- one of these
horso trades which don't have much
staudiug in court. The defendant by his
counsel practically admitted having gone
In tho night, forced the lock or door to
the prosecutor's barn and "changed"
back. This is not bold to be stealing.
The costs of tho case were placed upon
tho county.
Tho Hotel Weaver, Tionesta, C. F.
Weaver, proprietor, enjoys a large trade,
and deservedly so. The proprietor and
his wile understand the hotel business
thoroughly, and the help employed give
courteous attention to the wants of guesst
of the bouse. Mr. Weaver has lately had
the house refitted and refurnished, and
added all the modern Improvements.
Good table service, comfortable beds,
rooms connected with ofllce by electric
call bell, bath rooms, and all comfortably
heated. You will make no mistake in
stopping at Uotol Weaver when in Tio-no-ta.
Marienville Express.
-Smith S. Neil!, one of Oil City's best
known citizens and for ten years chief of
it's poliece force, died suddenly at his
home on Monday morning last. The de
ceased was born at Neillsburg, (Perry),
this county, Dec. 27. 1845. In 1H75 Mr.
Nelll was made chief of polieco of Oil
City. During his services as such he was
engaged in many thrilling encounters
and repeatedly proved himself a man of
undaunted courage and integrity. It was
lie who arrested Charles St. Charles, who
was sent from this county to the peniten
tiary for being implicated In the robbing
oftheMav. Park Co. bank of this
place twenty years ago.
Tho iras company's main lino was
parted out in the township last Friday by
the falling of a tree, and a consequent
muffing out ofthe supply eusucd here
abouts in a iiflV. In a few minutes the
flow of gas was resumed. The only nam.
ago resulting from the inomontary shut
oir occurred at the
fire in tho beater had evidontly not all
been extinguished, and when the flow
resumed an explosion occurred which
left tho heater in a rather embarrassing
attitude, which bad not besn relioved on
Sunday and the services were held In the
Presbyterian church. Eight or ten Uoi.
lars will make the damage good.
Upward of two hundred of tho menv
Imrshln and regular attendants ot tlie
Presbyterian church, together with
number of other nuests. attended the
farcwoll reception to Rev. J. V. McAn
inch last Friday evening. The reverend
gentleman was supported by the elders
ofthe church, Mr. A. Is. Kelly ana .Mr,
(1. V. Robinson. Aftor all had been
"received" a pleasant and profitable hour
was spent in social conversation, chat.
timrand moving about in the spacious
and cheerful church edifice. Light
freshmcnta were served during the eve
nine, and Miss Carrio Pennell and Miss
I.i.zio Randall rendered a number of
selections or sacred music, appropriate to
the occasion, on the violin and oruan.
The leave-taking benan at In:) o cluck
and many and heartfelt were the good
wishes and "God speed you on your
long Journey" that greeted tho talented
young pastor.
According to the oil report ofthe Oil
Clly Derrick, Fohruary shows a heavy
duo-lino lu all departments of field work,
except that of rig building. An Increase
in this line Is a pretty good Indication for
an active spring campaign. The market
is now three cents above the quotation
that was ruling when the Sand Fork pool
. opened up. In the Iirail fold and Ve
nango districts there is a general disposi
tion to check drilling operations and it
will require something better than the
present market to bring about any great
revival of activity. There Is nothing sen
sational during the pres. ut month In tho
Pennsylvania oil tileld, however SOU new
wells have been completed.
The masonic fraternity had an extra
pleasant time of it last Mouday evening,
when dogrees were conferred upon a
numbor of new candidates at tho Lodge
room, terminating iu an oyster supper at
lintel Weaver. The vlsitomlfrom Marion
villo were. Drought down by Liveryman
N. F. Hoover in his carryall, and con
sisted of T. C. McMaster, II L Miller,
E. E. Amsler, M. II. Shick, F. P. Turner,
L. II. Mensch, M. A. Carringer, O. J.
Diehl, C. K. Whitchill, J. Scott Bell, ol
Marienvilln, aud Will P. Matson and
Win. Greer of Loleta. Others from nut
of town were : Ed. Dewondy, J. U. Atilt,
J. B. Myers, Nebraska ; W. J. Matson,
Brookvillo; Jno. H, Steele, Cleveland, O.
Editor Shick, of the Marienville Ex
press, came near losing his printing plant
by lire last Saturday night. Very short
ly alter midnight his sanctum was dis
covered to be enveloped in flames, and it
was only by the promptest efforts that
a conlla). ration, which would have taken a
la go portion of the business houses of
the town, was averted. As it was the Ex
tinguishers wero aliie, by good manage
ment, to confine the fire to the one room.
Mr. Shick's loss on statiouory, printing
material and personal effects will font up
In the neighborhood of JUKI, which Is cov
ered by Insurance. One of the most ser
ious ot bis losses was the destruction of
the files of his papvr which cannot be re
placed. It Is thought the fire originated
from a swinging gas Jet which had bo
come detached from the wall aud drop,
ped down on his desk on which was piled
a batch of exchanges and other papers.
The Express will not reach its subscrib
ers this week but Mr. Shick expects to be
out on time as usual next week.
Attempted Burglar).
An attempt was made to burglarize the
dwelling of S. J. Campbell Monday night
of this week. The maiauder was discov
ered by Joe Landers, who lives next door
to Mr. Campbell, and who happened to
be awake and plainly saw the fellow try
the door and windowa. He let drive In
the direction of the would-be thief with
bis revolver, but having had little prac
tice with firearms since the closing ofthe
hunting soadon, Joe's aim was a little of!
and the fellow escaped. Tracks were
plainly visible iu tho snow next morn
ing, but furnished no clue to the identity
of tho sneak.
Lady Maccabees Meet.
On Saturday afternoon, Feb. 2, VMl, It
was the pleasure of Hickory Hive to en
tertain the ladies of Tidiouto Hive No 55
who came dowu in a body. Review was
held and a very interesting programme
was rendered ; ladies of both Hives assis
ted, either by singing, recitation or select
reading. At the close of review, refresh
ments were served iinl a general good
ime enjoyed by all, After supper some
Sir Knights and Iriends came in and were
entertained a short time with the Lady
Maccabees drill which was led by ladies
Watson and Hcnsen of Tidiouto Hive bik!
1 too soon came the time to say goodbye.
Come again ladies.
Sarah Katiiauink Gorman.
Important Oil Suit Tried Last W eek.
A suit of more than oidinary import
ance was concluded in our courts i
week, the plaint ill's being G. G. an J J. H.
Snowden.ofOil City, and C. I. Hoydrick
of Franklin, who were represented by
Judge John J. Henderson and Judge
Christopher Hoydrick. The defendauts
were E. Pequignot and A. J. Camahan
of this county, and Samuel Y. ltamage of
Oil Citv. Under binding instructions
from the court the Jury reudored a ver
diet for the plaintiffs which carrios with
it two leases at Trunkty villo this county,
producing 8.1 barrels or oil per day and,
about $24,(00, damages for tho dotcution
ol tho property during the past year,
The contention of the plaintiffs was that
they had purchased a three-quarters
working Interest iu tho property from E
Penulirnot and A. J. Camahan for th
sum of $15,000, two-thirds to be paid lu
cash and tho remainder on a credit of six
months or ono year. Thoy paid Jl.OoO
down when the contract was made and
weie .iven ten days in which to examino
tl.e title to tho property. During the ten
davs the value of tho property was iu
creased by a well which had been drilled
into the sand and made a good showing,
and tho owners wero offored more money
than they had agreed to sell to the plain
tiffs for and tbey sought to mako a new
contract, which was refused by the plain
tiffs, who commenced suit to gain pos
session. Within a week the defendants
sold their interest to 8. Y. Kamagn, of
Oil City, at an advance of f.,000. Notice
of the writ of ejectment was given in the
presence or the new purchaser. Since
that time tho property has produced about
flo.OOO worth of oil, for which the plain
tills wero given a verdict, less about
$'.1,000 expenses incurred by the dofend
auts. The defendants wore granted a rule to
show cause why a new trial should not
bo granted.
Paint Tour Buggy for "oc.
with Devoe's Gloss Carriage Paiut, ready
for use; 10 colors. Gives a high gloss
equal to now. Sold by James D. Davis.
3 0-4in.
Saw Mill Fur Sale.
It. F. Hopkins, Oil City, Pa., has two
well equipped saw mills, one or which he
willdisposo or. Capacity from ten to
fifteen thousand. The mill is good as
now and will bo sold at a bargain. Write
for particulars. ' 2-27-41
-J. II. Shoemaker is now roady for
tho spring rush or work In painting and
paper-hanging, and solicits tho patronage
of his eld customers as well as new ones.
Work done in town or country on short
notice, and at reasonable prices,
left at the Davis Pharmacy
prompt attention.
K. E. Fleming was in Titusville on
business yesterday.
L. Agncw was bhslness visitor to
Warren on Monday.
-Mrs. J. II. Morgan was a guest of Oil
City Iriends over last Sabbath,
Wm. McXair, a prominent Oil City
attorney, died on Saturday last.
D. A. Evcrhart was a pleasant caller
while in town a short time Monday.
P. A. Anderson is visiting his broth
er at Matthews Run, Warreu county.
Miss Florence Klinestiver visited
friends in Oil City yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Anna Hassoy or Oil City, is a
guest of Mrs. Chas. Hunter of the West
Will Shoemaker is up from Parsons,
W. Va., and expects to nmain until
Roy Sutton was over from Marien
ville on a visit to Tionesta friends last
Miss Geuovkvo Doutt was a guest oi
her aunt, Mrs. J. A. Hart in Oil City over
Miss Dessie Rhodes was up from Oil
City on a visit to her parents ovor last
Mrs. S. J. Campbell is paying bor
daniihter, Mrs. Henry Glering a visit at
Mrs, T. C, Jackson and daughter,
Mrs L.J. Hopkins, were visitors to OH
City last Friday.
W. A, Connolly, of Hickory town
ship was a business visitor to the county
seal on Mouday.
Stephen King of Endeavor, was a
pleasant caller at the Kkpubmcan office
Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. Geo. Carr, of Bradford, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. L. Gor
man, at Endeavor, Pa.
Mit-s Maud Mays and Claud Price, of
Tionesta, were In town Tuesday evening.
Marienville Express.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Reck of Jenks
township, wore guests of the former's
mother here over Sunday.
..Irs. J. W. Jamieson, who has been
quite severely with grip for the past three
weeks, Is iuipioving hlowly.
Miss Frances B. Biggins of West
Hickory, was the guosl or Mrs. J. H.
Robertson over the Sabbath.
Mrs. II. L. Weston or Cropp bill,
spent Sunday In Tionesta with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Wolcott.
James Welsh, of Balllown, was in
town Monday on his way to Tho Dia
mond, where he has oil Interests.
W. 8. Sitlcy, who was at home last
week attending court as a juror, returned
to his work in Sharon on Monday.
Miss Edith Hopkins of Tionesta, is
visiting with Miss Virginia sigglns,
North Washington street. Titusville Cou
Ex-County Commissioner Herman
Blum, of Gorman Hill, is rejoicing over
the arrival, last Saturday, of a fine boy
bis home.
Miss Mildred Horner very pleasantly
entertained a number of her young
friends at cards at the Central House on
Monday evening.
J. W. Cook or Allegheny, was trans
acting business in towu Monday end
Tuesday, and took occasion to shake
hand with niimeious old friends.
-S. E. Church, or Hickory tow'uship
was an agreeable caller Monday. He was
particularly happy ovor the arrival ol
tino daughter at his home on the 23d ult.
Jake Siggins of the lower oil field, is
stopping a rew days iu town, having Just
returned from his annual fishing expedi
tion on Chautaqua lake, where they are
allowed to spear fish through the Ice on
certain days during the month of Febru-
aiy. Many fine specimens are taken in
this way, some that weigh 35 and 40 lbs,
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Wheeler, Miss
Rachel aud Masters Roy aud Kex Wheel
er. of Endeavor, aud Miss Florence
Clarke of Tidiouto, attended the inaugu
ral ceremonies of President McKinley at
Washington Monday. So far as wo have
heard they were the only representatives
Forest county had at tho imposing event,
Rev. F. E. Glass, the highly-esteemed
astorofthe Free Methodist chnrch in
Rhlgway, is lying quite ill with a severe
attack of grip. Ho was taken ill at Hall-
ton Friday evening last, having gono
(here to visit Mrs. Thatcher, who was
quite ill. He had a severe chill that night,
but seemed bettor Saturday morning and
managed to get home, but he had to go at
once to bod, whore he has been since.
His many friends sincerely hope he may
speedily recover.
Rev. J. V. McAninch leaves to-day
for New York from whence he will sail
on the steamer Kaiser Wilhclm II next
Saturday, IHh Inst., for his tour of Pal
estiue. His party will cousist of twenty.
three persons, and it is expected that
about three months will be necessary to
complete tho Itinerary ofthe Holy Land
Mr. McAninch expects to be absent about
five months In all, and his many friends
in this county who wish for him a pleas
ant and profitable soourn abroad, and a
safe return home, will be kept posted on
his trip through the columns of tho Re,
itjiiucan. During the major portion of
his absence Rev. A. S. Stewart, of the
United Presbyterian church, and for
number of vears pastor of the church al
Redclyffe this county, will fill the pulpit
at this nlace. and will officiate for the
first time next Sabbath.
In Memoriaiii.
WnmiKAS, God in His infinite wisdom
ha tn tit to remove by death, I'eb. ID,
unit, one whom we so sadly miss, M
llctsA. Smedley, and by the loss of the
1. c T. M. of Hickory Hive, be it
licsolvnl ; That It Is but a lust triouie
of resnact to the memory of the departed
to say, in regretting her removal from
our midst, that she was always ready and
willing to lend a helping hand to the
necdv ones in time of trouble, and that
wn iiioorn the loss of a sister who was I
every way worthy of our highest respect
aud best esteem.
Rrmlved: That we sympathize with tin
nn ami friends of the deceased, aud com
meml ilieiii for consolation to One "who
iliu.Hi nil lliinL's well."
Resolved; That we humbly submit
ourselves to His will, and promise that
we will moro faithfully perform the du
ties imposed on us.
Resolved ; That a copy of these heart
felt testimonials be placed on tha min
utes of the order by tho It. K., and ono lie
sent to the coiintv papers for publication.
f IIA.IAII A. . 1'"",
Henry Ilorihert aud Sic Mong Lodged
In Jail on a Charge of killing
William User.
Henry Borchert of Marienville and
Augustus (alias Sic.) Mong, of Iron City,
in Howe township, Forest co.jity, were
lodged iu jail at Clarion, Pa., on Thurs
day last charged with the murder of Wil
liam K iser, near Elk City, Clarion county.
The arrests were msde by Detective Jack
Crihbs and Sheriff Bird Thompson, the
inner making the infoimation charging
murder, but beyond the assurance that
ic evidence against the accused is very
strong, will not divulge any information
as to its natuie.
It is understood that a "squeeler" iu
the penitentiary gave up a story which
led to these arrests.
At the same time Charles Murphy fr.,
or Ryrointowo, this county, was also
lodged in jail by these officers, on a
barge of having furnished the dynamite
hich was used to blow up a wall in the
ail by which two prisoners Thomas and
Gordon wero onabled to make their es
cape. Charles Murphy Sr., father or the
risoner, was confined in the jail with
Thomas and Gordon, but failed to make
bis escape, it was thought on account or
uot being abl to crawl out through as
mall a hole as the others. He Is uow
serving a term in ti e penitentiary.
The murder or William Kiser was one
flhe most atrocious in the history of
Clarion county. The deceased wasa man
f about C9 years of age, and lived alone
near Elk City. He was reputed to keep
considerable money in the house and his
murder wss committed for the purpose
f robbery. On Sunday morning, July 30,
1HII0, Emanuel Kiser, a young man, and a
relative or the deceased, passing the bouse
early in the morning noticed the uoor was
open, and looked in and found the dead
body or William Kiser on the floor with
tho brains beaten out and about the room
were evidences of a struggle. Kiser was
bound hand aud foot, but one baud was
free. Flesh bad heeu gouged from vari
ous parts or his body with a knife, evi
dently Tor the purposes of torturing blm
t compel him to confess where his money
was hidden. The oue band being free led
to the theory that while the men were
torturing him he had torn the mask from
the race or one and that bis murder fol
lowed that he might not give evidence
gainst them.
The men, at least two In number, and
probably three, had taken a rail from the
fence, used it as a battering ram and
forced the door from its hinges and rushed
to the bed or Kiser slid overpowered him
bofore he could defend himself. The
murdered man expected to be visited by
burglars and all kinds nt weapons were
close at his hand, but be had nn chance to
use any of them. The bed was in a small
room, lu wuicu was also a saie. ine
murderers had bound him while in the
bed and carried him to the larger room,
where they proceeded with theireffortsto
compel him to tell them where his money
was secured.
After the murder 'he thieves were evi
dently panic stricken or alarmed by some
unusual noise, as they left the place with.
out securing any money, bo f'aras known
In au iii-ido pocket in Ihecoatof thedead
man, which was hanging near the side of
his bed, was found a roll ol bank notes
amounting to $73, and In the mattress ot
the bed was found sewed several hundred
dollars. In a nail keg and other recepta-
clos about his small house were found
several hundred dollars in gold. It was
rumored that ho had a large amount of
money concealed in a belt which he wore
around his waist, under his clothing,
which was stolen by the thieves, but it
is not believed that this was correct.
Relatives or the murdered man offered
a reward or $1,000 for the arrest and con
vlclion ofthe murderers, and two persons
who were able to prove an alibi, were ar
rested and released. Detective Cribbs
and his partner have been at work on tho
case since the murder, and the evidence
they will present at Ibe bearing will be
awaited with interest by the residents of
this and adjoining counties where the
facts in the case are so familiar.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro. E. vv. Urove s signature is
each box.
Varnish Makes Devoe's Varnish
Floor Paint cost 5c. more a quart; makes
it look brighter and ware fully twice as
long as cheaper floor paints. Sold by
James D. Davis. 3-ti-4m
L. J. Hopkins.
Clothina! Clothing!
203 Centre and
204 Sycamore
Thfl word "RUMMAGE." as defined by
Webster, means, "To search carefully, by
looking in every corner and tumbling
things OVer," aud that is just what we've beeu
oing lor the past three weeks, StoeK tasiug.
parsonage, Tionesta, Feb. 27, 1IK)1, Rev
W. P. Murray officiating. Mr. Bennett
C. V.inderlin ol Parkersburg, W. Va.
and Miss Elva M. Alt of Nebraska, Pa.
MAIN'S COOPER--At the M. E. par
sonage, Tionesta, March 6, 1901. Re
W. P. Murray, officiating, Mr.Willit.rn
A. Mains "of Youngsville, Pa., and
Mrs. Cora Cooper of Marienville, Pa.
Pa., Fob. 20, l'JOl. by 8. J. Sellev, J. P,
Mr. Harry 8. Canfield and Miss Daisy
Zahniser, both of Tionesta, Pa.
DICE HENRY At the bride's home,
Feb. 20, 1001, by Rov. Frances M. Lino,
Mr. John H. Dice of Starr, Forest
county, Pa., and Miss.Midia Hmiry, of
Callonsburg, Clarion county, Pa.
This signature is on every bz ot the genuine
Laxative Brorao-Uuimne Tablets
the remedy that curve a cold in one day
Musical College.
The College of Music at Frecburg, Sny,
der county, Pa., oilers a cheerful an
commodious homo to young people do
siring instruction in Vocal and Instru
mental music, while the busy happiness
and enthusiasm of its s'udent-lifo proves
that the privileges offered are fully ap.
predated. 13 will pay for six week
instruction and board. Spring term be.
gins May 6. For catalogue address
Hknrt R. Moykh.
Hlopa Hip oimll and Works air Ihr ( old,
Laxative Ilromo-tjuinine Tablets cure
cold in ono day. iso cure, no pay.
25 cell is.
Zinc and Grinding make
Dcvoo Iad and Zinc Paint wear twice
ai long as lead and oil mixed by hand
Hopkins sells tho clothing and shoes,
Every train brings LESS than a
CAR LOAD of New Spring Suits.
Our spring stock is most all in uow,
and it is a dandy lot of up to date
The styles are new.
The patterns are right.
And prices Low.
Our clothing is all made espec
ially for us and made as we want it.
We guarantee everything about
it to be as represented. No trouble
to show it.
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
Oil 'City, Penn'a
FRIDAY, 8th and
SATURDAY, 9th, 1901
Dress Goods, Silks, Silk Waists, Silk Hkirts, Dressing
Ladi-V Mackintoshes. Ladies' Jackets, Musliu biirts.
chain, Soiled Musliu, Ladie' kid gloves, Belts, Mittens, llusi-iry,
Laundered shirts, Outtug skirts, Men's mittens, Gcriiiaiitown
yarn, Ladies' liueu collars od ruffa, Fur top mittens, Latins'
initial handkerchiefs, si k gloves, Shawls and Hoods, Bahy caps,
Odd corsets and corset waists. Silk pillows, Laundry bai, Un
derwear, Braid, Blankets, Bed comforts, Umbrellas, Wrapper,
Dress linings, White cotton, Greuadiue, Side combs, Etc.
Many other items which lack of space prevents mentioning.
Carries a full lino ot
Patent Medicines,
Druggists' Sundries,
Toilet .Articles,
China waro,
Window Glass
Paints, llltc.
Stetson Hats
Have arrived! Our stock of this fam
ous brand is now complete. $3 & $4.
Collars and Cuffs.
Warranted Linen.
Until quite recently any old thing might ho sold for lineii without
fear of punishment. But unscrupulous dealers curried the dlnhoucst
practice to such an utreme Hint the Legislature of New York paused
a law making it a tnisdcinnanor to stamp the word "liuen" on cotlon
Collars and Cuffs. It is noticed that a good many brands llist used
to bear this stamp do not carry it iiuw. 15m buyers of our "C. & C."
brand may be absolutely sure of quality of every Collar aud Cuff.
Every one is "warrautcd liuen" and bears the guarantee of superior
Collars 25 different shapes-15o. each -two lor 25c six for
75c twelve for $1.50,
Cuffs Link and round styles in 6ve different shapes 25c a pair
$'2 75 per dozen pairs.
"E. A V " Cullars-25c tach-$2 75 per dozen.
"E. A W." Link Cuffs, P. (J quality -2.10 psir-$2 75 doz pair.
41 & 43 SENEGA ST.. - - OIL CITY, PA
Arlington Hotel dlroctlj nppoaltrua,