THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. t. WINK, COITO ft Psossiitos. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1001. 1901 FEBRUARY 1901 Su. Mo. Tu.llVe. Th. Fr. Sa. 2 9 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 ANNOUNCEMENTS. Hates-County Treasurer, f 10. State Delegate, f.i. County Surveyor, &i. Cash must accompany the onier for announce- uient. COUNTY TKKASriSKR. n arc authorizcl to ai.nounco CAT i- .m. ah, ot Tionesta, as a cau- diilate for Coirtty Treasurer, subject to Republican usages. Primaries Saturday, May 4, I'M. bKlTBLICAX I'KIMARIES. Time Fixed fur Holding Same by tlie Inmmitlfe. The Republican Committee met at the otllceof Sheriff Jainieson, pursuant to order by Chairman Q. Jainieson. The roll of townships w as cail and a very good perceutage of the members respond ed, and the meeting was well attended. The Chair stated the main business be- foro the committee to be tlio fixing ol date for holding the Republican primary election. Altera general expression of opinion a motion was made fixing the date on May 4. 1W1, being the first Sat urday of the mouth. This mntiou was carried unanimously. Ou Motiou the following places were fixed by the Committee for holding the primaries : Harnett township Hedcl-flfe, during ton, Cooksburg. Greene Ouitonville, Nebraska. Harmony -West Hickory, Fogle Farm. Hickory--Hickory township House tiowo HrookXon, l-rosts. Cooper 1 ract, Cloughs, Forkey. Jenks Marienvllle, Duhring. hingsley Star, Xewtown Mills, Kcl lettville, Mavburg. Tionesta twp. Township House. 'I ionesta Horn Court House. un niotion coininiitco adjjurned to meet at call of chairman. Sknator Tki.lkr would like to fasten a 4.'c dollar on Cuba as an evidence of the good taith of the United States. The Wo-t Point congressional report contains 1,1 words, and It is evident that the upper class men will he expelled if they compel a freshman to read it. -NKiiKAsKA Republicans are still stuck fast in a senatorial deadlock. The wlnskeis developed on that foolishness are calculated to make the Pops smile. The men who voted for Abraham Lin coln are not to be convinced by copper- Heads that tiiey are unpatriotic in Voting lor unain Mckinley. Original Lincoln men do not lielieye that firing in the rear ofan American army is a laudable occu pation. A raw minutes before the hour of final adjournment the long dtawn-out dead lock in the Oregon legislature was broken by the eletion of John H. Mitchell to the L uited States Senate. His name was sprun;..)nly a few ballots previous to the linal vote. The number of Senatorial deadlocks is thus reduced to three. 1 he total of America's exports keeps on growing. The reason for this is that America makes better goods than the rest of the world, makes them cheaper, and can usuallv fill orders nuicker. Ti condition ol things is of the highest sort ot c nseiucuoe, and it is caused bv Sev ern coiisiuerHiioiis aniinoance ot raw malerinl, low rate for the use of money, anu superiority in inventiveness and manual skill. With these advantages on the side of the United Mates it would seem that the future is bright. Advances. However, w ill continue to be made. Con miproveiiicni is wie price or sucecs in business as in everything clso. There is not much chance that Cuba's constitution will be presented to Con gress at the present session. It is re ported that the instrument is nearly completed, and that the finishing touches are being put upon it. In fact, the Cu bans have made about as good speed with their charter as the Americana did with the constitution framed in 1787. He Philadelphia convention was in session about four months, which is slightly longer than the time which has elapsed since die Havana convention opened. If uioLuuuucoiisiiiuiiotiis dealt with by oe.ore next ueeemuer an extra -in nave lo oo II. J no Indira-I tii ins, indeed, are that an cannot be averted. extra sossion Tun Punxsutawney .tyirii' treating on human frailties says: People who have thoughts to thiuk, and enjoy thinking them, detest noiso. Children and people who are almost purely animal, enjoy hubuli and turmoil. A healthy iiubicile likes to rattle a chain, pound with a stick or do anything to make a noise. Give liim a horn to blow a drum to beat or a bell to ring, and lie will grin likea wood en fox. Bright children will do the same. What Josh Hillings terms an "ordinary damphool," will whistle or sing, or beat the devil's taloo w ith his lingers to keep his ineairie intellect busy. Wealthy peo ple who have no particular brains to speak of and nothing to do put on claw liaiiui er coifs and low-necked d.-esses I and go to bulls wl ere thry act like siv-! ages at a souk dance, to the music of an ! orchestra. TI.ey fall theniseh es "s-s-i- i ety." Society people are any sort of pen- -pin who can amuse fl'-ins-ilves with Iriy- nl'ti's. What is known ns "high society"' , liny be l;,t.n-ui-li- .1 from ordinary so- , ciety by the fact that its members diink champaign instead of beer. That is tho purely animal idea of pleasure. I ion w 24 25 26 The report that tien. Wheeler intends to try to (fet back lo Congress may or may not be true. His iltnircrs will hope that it is not true. An army officer who has been retired for age, and w ho drawi the salary which belongs lo Wheeler'a high rank, ahould give somebody else a chance to represent bis district in Congress. The present incumbent in ttie Wheeler district seems to give satisfaction to his constituents. It is fiiguered that Mr, Carnegie's in come Is at the rate of jss a minute. Pict ure it, think of it, destitute tnaiil-fUor ?10 dropping Into your pocket while you are fishing hurridly around to pick out a mckle to cast into the contribution plate. While you're walking around and hesi tating about the advisability of breaking into a quarter, Andy ia getting wages per day that he coulden't push home In a w heelliarrow. YiixJUm tyocfuor. First tiling Andy knows he'll die rich, which he claims is a disgrace to any man. Utter to Tionesta fash Store. Dear sirs: You know all about shoes. How many customers have you who knows anything about 'em? lou have bought and sold shoes for years, and have learned what vou know by your customers' liking one sort and not liking another. They find out by w earing them. So with paint ; but we go deeper. W are 145 years old in the business ; and wo make, not buy wo make a good deal of paint. e paint a good share ot the railroad and steamer property in the United States, and may as wolt paint the private property, ours as well as anybody else s. l'evoe lead and ziue is your paint. Costs hall as much as lead and oil, because tt wears twice as long. Yours truly, -1 F. w'. Pevok A Co. T the .Memory ot (ieortre. Iliursday afternoon last the itiaver Valley, Whig Hill and Town Line schools, met at the last named school house to honor the name of our great and good George Washington. Xot the schools alone, but the aged and middle- aged were there to encourage bv their words and presence, the young Ameri cans. A considerable numuer of the old comrades of Eli Retlin Po-t were present to participate in honoring the father of our great country. the singing of patriotic songs, dia logues and recitations were beautifully executed by the schools, illustrating the talent and patriotic energy of the teach ers. Rounds of applause followed Hie many acts, recitations, etc. town line school executed a manual drill so pcrfccily tl at the house went otf in a perfect storm of applause. After the exercises by the schools the visitors were called upon to make some remarks. Comrade Stougliton was first and opened the wav by saying he could not make a speech, but before he sal down he convinced the "eople that he was not a Judge of speech making, or for the moment he lost sight of tlioono great principle for which "George' was noted. Comrade J. Albaugh was then called upon. He responded in a twenty inin ute talk and although suffering from the elleeta of the grip he was listened to w ith marked attention, dropping mony grand thoughts for the boys and girls, Jle paid a glowiiu tribute to the educational system of our corntry and urging us on ui renewed energy in the three great principles which form the foundation of true Americans, natiiely-Godliness, ed ucation and patriotism. Mr. and Mrs, latnn also gave some good thoughts worm remembering. The teachers, Miss Anderson of Town Lino. Mrs. Parsons of Reaver Valley and Miss Catlin of Whig Hill, responded in a few well chosen remarks. The school room was beautifully deco rated, reflecting great credit on the wor thy teacher, Miss Anderson. It was an afternoon of real enlovmont and all went to their homes satisfied with the realization that they wore present at the occasion. . j x I'rnfiirsa ( annnl llr ( un-il by local applications, as they cannot reach I iio diseased nnrtinn of tl.a ..or There is only one wav to cure deafness! and that is by constitutional remedies. neatness is caused bv an inflamed con dltion Of thn mucous lininir of I Lie K11. alachian Tube. When this tule ccts in flamed you have a rumbling sound or iinperits-t hearing, and when it is entire ly closed deatness is the result, and un- looaiuaiioii can ne taken out and this lube restored to its normal condilion hearing will be destroyed forevor: nine eases out of ten are caused by catarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the surfaces. wa will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY At CO. T,.l,ln n Hold by Druggists, 75. ' nan s family Pills are the best. Of Some Interest lo Our roinmimilr. Rumor was current that Joe Levi had purehastd an interest in a shoe factory. Our reporter interviewed Mr. Levi Wcd- nesday and he gave him full particulars. After making a number of trips to Ro- Chester. y.. he finallv closed . ,i,i IjV Which l.fl Wmoe. tl,w,u . troling interest in a shoe fai torv. and manufacturing nothing but ladies.. misses' and children's shoes. Ho agrees to take one-half of their entire output for his Oil City retail shoe store, as on these conditions only was he able to purchase the interest This means a great deal. The factory now gives steady employ ment to 60 hands and is manufacturing tho best line of giRjds that gisid material and wcllpaid labor can produce. The result will he that a first-class ladies fino diessshoe, warrented in all partic ulars, that bad formerly been sold at f2 .Vi, f2.7i and .l.00, Mr. Levi can now sen at f.0O, and f.50, as he propo scm to put all goods on tho market at the actual wholesale manufacturing price, as all traveling expense for salesmen and the extra profit or rake otrtothe jobber to place those goods on the market, will at once be given to his retail customers of 50 n1 75 cents per pair, and yet have a living1 prolit to retail same. The first shipment of these goods will beon or about March 1, and ii wid be a great day lor shoo buyers. Mr, Levi states he will give duo notice when first shipment ar rives. Oil din Itrrrirlc. H I tic and Grinding make DeviK) I.eivl and Zinc Paint wear twice a-i long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Township Elections. Following Is a list of officers elected in those township which had not reported w hen we went to press lat week : KINUSLKT TOWNSHIP. Kind commissioner, J. I. Dean ; treas urer, W. II. II. Potterer j assessor, 1. M. Zuendel; school directors, C. .uendel, tie between F. W. Rudolph and Warren Jones; auditors, John Shaw, Geo. uen del; judge of election, G. W. Ogood; inspectors, A. L. Welter, J. C. Millon; clerk, U. S. Pay ; justice of eace, John Shaw, Win. Richards; overseer of ioor, John Watson. BARN KTT TOWNSHIP. Justico of peace, Charles Mathews; au ditors, S, R. Croasman, J, R. Campbell ; assessor, James I. Wood ; road commis sioner, A. M. Cook; treasurer, Philo Williams; assistant assessor, Daniel Cas set ; town clerk, J. E. Cosgrove ; school directors, S. II. Cook, W. M.Coon ; over seer of poor, John Hall. UOWE TOWNSHIP. RoaJ commissioner, Frank Pickinson; treasurer, J.H.Smith; assessor, Jacob Swart.fager; school directors, P. J. Mur phy, J.C. Welsh ; auditors, J. T. McMa- han, Sidney Strieker; town clerk, W. T. I Ull; Justice of peace, A. H. ISartou. Cream of the News. Women are sure to be inconsistent somewhere; it is their birthright. A largo invoice of now clothing, soiuo of the finest patterns we've ever shown, just opened at Hopkins'. And prices low. It. Most womeu ought niverto look baca if they want a following. ..Jr. Pooley. Washington Henderson, of Dubois, Pa., dropped dead at his home, Men are generally kind lieu women look their best, Bargaius in all winter goods at Tio nesta Cash Store. It. Andrew Caruegie has ollered 'h",000 toward the founding of a free library at Easton, Pa. Too many goods on bauds, makes bargains at T. C, S. It. The high school building at Rev nolds ville. Pa., was destroyed by lire. Total less, fc!0,0o0. Newest shirts and nobbiest patterns, coupled with lowest prices, at Hopkins', Look them over, it. At Leecuburg, Pa., a uew shovel tac lory wid be started by Pittsburg capital ist. Ladies' fleecy liued hose, 20 cents at Tionesta Cash Stora. it. James Joyce,aged6!,ofPeiilleld, Pa., died after eating a quantity of popcorn. Finest of Marvin's cookies and cakes at T. C. S. n Edenburg, Clarion county, experien ced a f'l.otK) tiro last week. 17 lbs granulated sugar for $1.00 at T. C S. A $i.,000 fire visited New Bethlehem, Pa. Sevaral buildings were destroyed. Now is the lime to buy a ladies Jack et at T. C. 8. R. At Frugality, Pa., seven miners' dwellings were burned. Loss, $',0n0. Shirts, hats and neckwear ol latest styles at T. U. S. u. A three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Paul of Mayburg, died Sunday of membraneous croup, and w as buried at (.'articld on Monday. Settlers' Itates via the Nickel Plato mad. Beginning with Tuesday, Feb. low rale sei ners tickets will be 011 sale every Tim. day to and including April 3oth, lo Ore gon, Montana, Washington and all points O. tl.a . . ii mo iiinr.i, 11 r u'. w ire. nnoiiA "i i-.ui hi. or auneress 1117 llCKet llltlee, 9-Ji State St.. Erie. Pa.. II. C. Allen.C. I". T. A. No. 10. l-3 to-4-30 Era 2 You had a NEGSC Aa long as this fellow and had SORE THROAT THE WAY DOWN Tonsiline WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT. SSo and 6O0. All Druggists. mi.TONSIUHI CO. CAHTCH.0. TIOM-WTA JIAKKKTH CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour f sack .... LlOrLfis . -on iniTni, ireu, nsi 10 Corn meal, family, ( 1M) lb Chop feed, pure grain , Oats Corn, shelled "". Beans pt bushel , Ham, sugar cured Hacon, sugar cured Shoulders Whitehall -p kit Sugar Syrup N O. Molasses Colfeo, Hoast Kin .., Collee, blenibsl Java Tea Hotter Rico ' Eggs, fresh 1.00 1.25 1.10 ( ..'is .55 2.50 l.V.., .14 .12f-.l:il .10 .50 .K.07 25f9 .50 .'15'ai .50 14 fa, IT. .25 : .50 .22''K .2.5 ,05ra,.0S . (a, .20 !.45 .11 ..Ml 2.75 Salt -p barrel Lard i Potatm-s, iillshel Lime fi barrel Nails t keg Administrator's Notice. In the matter o! the l-'stuin r,r 1.. Downey, late of Harmony Twp., Forest Co. Pa., dec', I. No. 1 of Feb'v Term, 1001, R. I). Whereas Letters of Admini.. tration have been this day Issued to me as Administrator of said estate, nil m,. 1 ties indebted thereto are reipieated and i:iiiiren in inaae payment to me at Tio nesta, Pa , or to my attorney. Jamks I). Davis, ,, . Administrator. P. M. Cf.AHK, Attorney. Tionesta, Pa., Jan. 22, I'.iiil. 7 M 1 j 1 a ALL vm Closing1 A lot of to get actual 23 Men's coats, 75 cents to 2.00. 55 prs. Men's pants, 75c to 1.50. 31 Men's vests, 50c ami 75 cents. 13 Boys' coats, 75c. IS Boys' vests, 40c. Low prices on all winter goods. COUNTY AUDITORS' HEPORT FOR THE YEAR 1900. S. M. HENRY, Treasurer of Forest County, In account with Liquor Licenses of sal County for the year ending January 7, 1001. PH. To lienor license, J. R. Harr $ To linuor license, L. A. llranch.. To liquor license, John Fiddler.. To liquor license, J. 11. Powers.. To liquor license, Gerow it Gcrow To liquor license, E. A, Weaver. To liquor license, J, Caldwell MO IK) Inn 00 100 (HI ICO 00 'Jon oo '.INI 00 H O tut Juki no S. M. HENRY, Treasurer of Forest Count v. in account with State ol Pennsylvania ior hip. year euuiuir January , nut. To tax on indebtedness of Co.. t loo oi) .. I.O.Mi 00 II ill .. m os ;) ihi . oo :to ihi .. z:o w o Mercantile Tax To brokers tax To Slate personal tax I o peddlers tax To eating house tax To opera house tax To billiard and pool license... $'J,:if4 .mi S. M. HENRY, Treasurer of Forest Countv. in account with Don Tai of said Conn. iy ior 1 ne year euuiug January 7, null. To balance from last settlement i;oo 00 To tax ol year l'.ioo tisT To balance j-jsj mi a. m. ur..iu, treasurer or forest County, in account with Redemption Fund of saici Louniy lor I no year 1 o uaianee iroin last settlement ,M. itt To received from individuals 1,043 13 fj.iss PJ .. f-Vd 44 To balance.. S. M. HENRY, Treasurer of Forest County, in account with County Poor Fund for uie yrar euuiug To balance from last settlement f 10.S74 07 lo team work 37 SO To ain't ree'd from produce syld IHt 41 To seat, d returns for IS11I l.KS S7 To seated tax for lSKHI 7,'.VS 05 To unseated tax for 11HH) 2,0Jl St To lands redeemed from Co i!4 30 To ain't ree'd from J. Hlack 10 00 To 5 pr. ct. added to Collet-tors' sec ts alter Jan. 15, lftio 07 2S To interest on unseated tax lSS'J.. J7 1J To 5 per cent, added lo seated re turns ISiifl 6 si .o..vso :jj To I alance.. fl.sso II a. 11 wttl, treasurer or rorest County, in aranunt with said County for tho To balanco from last sett lenient o,7:to SS To seated returns for 1SW 4V( ii To seated tax for HsX) 1S.170 5 To unseated tax for 1!HI0 6,1154 5d To Stale tax returned 6:1,5 40 To N. F. Hoover exonerated tax OS lo Jefferson Co., painting bridire 50 S7 548 50 To ain't trauafer'd from dog fund To ain't transfer'd from redemp tion fund six years old To ain't transferred from liquor 130 4 lice ise account 1.S ii To Jenks tp. maintaining insane 0 00 lo Howe tp. maintaining insane 511 33 To Hickory tp.inainlaiiii'giiisane tiuo 00 To Green tp maintaining insane i'sl' 50 To Ik) day tax list US 0 To redemption tax from County.. 500 lil To costs received ,Vt im To lints roceived ;i on To Jury foes IH To I. O. O. F 511 17 To 5 pr. ct. addist to Collectors' aoc'ts, Jan. 15, PKiO 201 R! To bicycle tax for l!i 7, To int." on unseated tax 'OS it 'OK.. ISO s4 To land sold to Conntv and char ged to Poor account 5ti st To 5 pr. ct. added to seated re turn lsH 22 SO To refunding1 order on Payn land charged to roor account 2 lo To double assessm't on land sold to Co. charged to Pixir acc't... 7S To am'ls on land sold to Co. and charged ill Townships acc'ts.. (tr K4 f 30.K71 43 ..fl4,S70 4 4 To balance.... The COMMISSIONERS or Forest Couxty in account with said County for the voar ending January 7, lto. - JOHN T. CARSON.- 1 o County orders drawn 3W 00 To County expenso bills ree'd 5:1 mi To County Poor orders drawn 441 511 To Co. Poor expense bills ree'd.. KM 01 1,005 47 R. M. HERMAN To Countv orders drawn J 3!l!l 00 To County expense hills received M 52 UsS 50 114 00 lot ounty I'oor orders drawn... To Co. Poor exiense bills ree'd.. 11:12 us J. T. DALE To County ordors drawn $ To County expense bills received To County Poor orders drawn... To Co. Poor expense bills ree'd.. 413 00 27 Mi IS.". 50 8 no f-133 SO J. It. MORRISON To County orders draw... t 105 00 J. II ROHERTSON.P.otlK.notaryof Forest County, in account with said County for tho year ending January 7. IMil. -uuuiy To orders drawn $ .Vi9 40 Hy foes a'llowed Imj-Mo J. W. JAMIESON, Sherill of Forest County, in account with said County for the year ending January 7, 10n. 3 To ordors drawn $ m B7 ,!v fw,s f m j( $o : S. 1). IUWIN, District Attorney of Forest the year ending To orders drawn i ,(,, FOREST COUNTY, ss. We, the undersigned. Auditors of Forest at the Court House in I ionesta. said t'i just the several accounts of the : Treasurer and County Commissioners for the vear e same as set out in tho foregoing reis.rt hands and seals this t,l ,1 u. ... ".. tiKO. l V EX PKNDITL'Rl'S of Forest county Justice feps.. 20 05 ( 'onstables pay Witness fees Sherilf Ices and expenses. I-'. P. Walker. ex-Slierilf 275 (l 175 11 2!i5 05 30 nn .V;i m hi no 373 so 72 15 1,410 01 3o IHI 257 (10 051 22 1st) no 1,225 02 Prothoiitifarv fees District Atblrney Stem grapher Telephone and telegraph........', Refunding orders Soldiers' headstones'"'.'."'.!!".'.'. " Road views and damage.'."'..'"" Extinction of fore-t tires Attorney fees Election expenses.. ...'""" .. . .'" Western penitentiary. ............. Out! clothin" that we are sdlins for lT ridiculously low prices. An opportunity serviceable garments for about value. ROBINSON. CH, Ity paid Treas. of Harnett Twp f Hy paid Treas. of Jenks Twp Iiy paid Treas. Tionesta lloro Ry pai.l Male Treasuier Hy am i transferred to Co. aev't.. Hy 5 pr. ct. com. on f'.sHI.W f.7 00 !.. t'O U 'J S 00 1-JS l."i 00 I'.HXi 00 Hy exonerations f 35 !M Hy Mercantile tax uncollectible.. 4 Xi y printers bills i,t .S3 Hy postage bills allowed A ;i Hy Slate Tieasiirer's receipts J,lii.ri 44 Hy 5 pr. ct. nun. on $1,407.02 70 ;w Hy 1 pr. ct; com. 011 f .Mtl.iM SO Hy orders redeemed $ Hy 3 pr. ct, com. on Ji:i.".ll Hy ain't transferred to Co. aee't.. Hy ain't to balance 13 j 14 4 n'i 5 IS Ail i!no 00 fvS7 ending January 7. l'.i'l. Ity ain't paid individuals 1 4SI HI Hv 3 pr. ct. com. on fl.4SI.S4.. 44 40 Hy ain't of re leniption six years old carried to Co. acc't .". II v balance 130 4! .sil 44 f-'.ISS IB January 7, IW1. Hy enters redeemed ....its 433 Si ny a pr. ct. com. on f 13,433.34 4o3 n) Hy couHins redeemed l,am Ml iy .1 pr, ct. com. n,-iai.Mi Hy Collectors' exoneration-- Hy laud returns Hy Collet-tors' coin, lsiiy and HMO Hy Collet-tors' 5 pr. ct. aluite- nienls lsw and 1000 Hy land sold to County, Woo Hy double assessmems Hy reliindina order, Pavn lands Hy 5 pr. ct. on. land returns charged to Col s, Jan. 15, HwO Hy balanco .111 00 40 3 130 S7 173 !-. ill? .3 ."Si SI 7S 2 10 I III 4,SS!liIl f-li,."SO AS Iiy orders redeeni'd f jii.ti.'.! 34 iy coupons reileemed NUi 00 Hy Col's abatements and coins. 1,177 05 4.5 Mi Ity land returns for lsOO Hy Collet-tors' exonerations ls'.m. Hy 5 pr. ct. on exoni rations and laud returns alter Jan. 15, '00 Hy County Institute Hy tax refunded to Wagner A Wilson Hv State lax on bonds..............." Hy ain't lirno bicycle duplicates returned Hy blcyclo bills allowed '""Z. Hy 3 pr. ct. com. on flil,7oo.5ii Hy 1 pr. ct. com, on f",5n.Mi .. . Hy J.M.Zuendul 413 12 II 10 153 33 3 50 Ion 00 3sl 75 Ini 41 501 Ol 52 50 :t so Hy balance . 11,870 44 :if,S7l 4:1 Hy 1 14 d ivs s-rvice on Co. acc't ) ItfKl 00 iiy 1., oays service Co. poor acc't 444 5n ny expense allowed Co. poor ac't Ins 01 i.v expense allowed Co. acc t 6; Ml $1,005 4; Hv 114 days service on Co. acc't. $ Ity 111 days service on Poor ac't Ry expense allowed on Poor ac t Ry expense allowed on Co. acc't 300 00 :is8 fin 114 Ml 30 52 i'xa tw Hy 118 days sorviceon Co. acc'l j 413 mi Hy 53 days sorvico on Poor ac't . Is5 fin Hy expense allowed on Poor ac't 8 00 Hy expenso allowed on Co. acc't 27 30 033 SO Hv 30 days service r 11 f -r u..n'i s i..s J i-i "oners uuaru ami turnkey Hy oxpenso allowod l-U Un us : County, In $104 in aofi.ntit : 1 Janua i 7 , 'l" "'""V Bv f,,K ,..,, . lu Countv do herein, ,,nr u . l .l,"'0''y " r "'at wo met Pro I, nX Sheill" l'i '. "'V'"1""1 "' . Ii I n n.t 0 ...1 a,,d e lo1""1 .'., ""''" J miureoi wo uavo set our KIVC. t.. ,,11 I. i l'ii'' I""''1 r'"''.V Auditors. fr ,!,c year ending January Kill. P.llit .Ini-nro Court Crier and Tiis't'a'iis""" Assessors CoinmiMsioners pay Coininissioiier's cierk County Auditors ." Janitor Allegheny work house'.. .'riming Insurance. Coroners inquest. ."" Court auditor Painting roor of ele(-tii'i'n''iiousB'.'.; Keward lor arrest or Hasolino taking ,iry f t.,milty niuidir trial ' 1,273 38 Jim! Ou l,4n5 115 l,3li till "so no I03 so 312 (HI loo 2S is I 65 34S 25 .VI 311 lo no 2 00 25 00 21 00 Reform school 115 Wai ren asyliim 4oll Hoarding prisoners no Fuel, lights and water 500 Postage, Planks and hooks ;( Prothoiiotarv's tsioks, etc 311 Fuel Tionesta twp house h Treasurer's books 3 Courthouse, Jail repairs, supplies 0 Houiitics and probates 315 Jury Commissioners and clerk... DO l'i....l Inriiti rt FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Forest' ASSK1S. Halauce In Ti cas liter's hands .. f I I.S70 Duo trom Huius Copeland 30 Duo from Venango county 1,107 Duo from Hickory township 2I!I Due from Tionesta borough.. ...... .Mil Due from Tionesta l.dg, I.D.ll.e. OS Due from Howe townshiii IIS Due Irom Slate on lire bills 325 Liabilities over asset-s 7,M'S f J5,lioo EXPENDITl'KES of poor fund of Geo. V iiiegard, teamster t SS P. II. Waiters, teaiiislcr 211 . VY. Aloaugh, teamster, Mi Commissioners' clerk loo Hlacksinithing 311 2 1 I'hvsieiaii 50 Matron 112 Steward 337 240 108 120 2 40 210 100 (I 3 1'7 3 240 132 12 11 11 10 Mi 23 7 2 2 5o 13 38 Pig pen and corn crt Ice house Hose Recording deed Reinov'g Sarah J Hood, Warren Fuel Cement and cement work Meat tank Expenses of teams at Titiisville Three c ws , Sewing Insurance Freight Record book Harber bills Plow points Making cider and jelly Harness repairs, etc. Three. Inch water pipe Hoards Disinfectant Hay fork Cahhugo plants Cleaning county home Cuplaiards ," Tables Telephone messages. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of poor ASSKTS. Halauce in treasurer's bauds .... f 4.SS0 Due from ('has. Mosler 25 Due from F. P. Ainsler 15 Due Iroin James Ilia k's estate... 22 Dim from Harnett twp 1,1 Hue from John rt alters 14 Liabilities over assets 25,010 fcio.nno mi I,,, (K) FOREST COl'NTY, ss. We, the undersigned Commissioners of Forest county, ami Forest Countv Poor District, do hereby ccrtily that the foregoing state. nent of receipts and expenditures and statement ot assets and liabilities are em nvt and true, lo the U-st of our knowl e.Jge and belief. R. M. II KKM A N, Iskai I) JollN T. CAllSO.V, skai. Commissioners. Attest M. T. HtNPMAN, Clerk. DALE, tsKAI.iJ K. . III ATII. WE ARE JUST IX Samples Axminslers. Velvets. m Wiltons. Tapestries. j 1 C O I. will lie b) jour ailvatilae lo tunke an early "1 inspection ol ihcm, even thnueh you du not in. letul to ptiroltaae until later. You will find our gootls ami prii-ea compare lavorahly with th ise of any limine in the -ountry, aa we are direci aj-euls fur the largest manufacturers in the Unileil Statrs o j a w Three Plys. Body g Ingrains. Brussels. 1 1 HEATH & JOT, Successors t : LAWRENCE & A. Wayne Cook, President. A II. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA. CAPITAL STOCK, MKKCTORS O. W. Robinson, T, V, Ritchey. J. t. A. Wayno Cook, N. V. Wheeler, ersall'"..""."''". ' " ''V f Pry"10"1 Bt ,OW W '"""i"0 " era .11, ho benc.ltH consistent with conservative b king. Interest ,ld on time deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Fred. Grettcnbergcr GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, o.l W'ell Tools, (in or Water Fit HigsaniKieneral Hlacksmilhi!igproim. Ivdo.iB at Ix.w Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery Kiven s,,e,-iul attention, ami satislactiou giiarantecd. Shop in rear of and Just west of the Shaw House, Tidiouto, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED, fi KETTEN BERliKR. D. P. FEEDERICKS, K D. (Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.) Olliee IIours-n a. 111. to 1 p. m. (Except Thursdays.) Careriilattciilion given to furnishing nil kinds of glasses. ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA - I'M . Our it; rcturnH il wt t.-til. sketch nint it. AllV Otit- n-iulln Jitiff will Pi e 1 Hi 0 ,7 01""i0" fr "-ncerninu ., . WU-ntataliiv ol n,,c. .. jiw lo 0, j latent" tnt rt-mest. l-at.-nt. aet-t red woiee.willumn.t,, Ygs, In Thk 1'atk.n r Rliosi. nn ll"lratl an,l wlilt-Iv circulate,! jmirual consultt-,1 l,y ManuUlm, is and I.neMo.s, ' bcud lor sample copy FREE. A.ld.cs, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Watcnt Atttirniys,) E, Building. WASHINGTON, O. C. - i.i. ijii 1.1 any invention 50 70 00 03 03 on 25 5;i 25 05 -11 E ;pcn,st.s to '"' convention 63 83 Dtiiis Com. eonvniiti.... Inlerpretor Hasalino trial' Daiiiagcs-Oshiirii child ... Making duplicates Express and drayage ', W ashing Hridge repairs NlltirMMkM 1 1 1 1 1 1 . a ... v . " Miscellaneous j. S,'-K) IHt w,untv for the vnar ,. t ?f?lJ? 4 1 sii 7,i S7 2."i 50 75 til 07 " - n wiaiiwuijr ( ijufi. lUUII.lTIKS. Honda outslaiuling Ml 1-5.000 00 Forest county for the year ending Jan. 7, IMil. Ml Dishci !l mi no ;s 04 mi Painting roof of barn . Painting llnora Paints and oils Hogs Onlers of relief . Warren asylum tino 2,1 50 remain labor tin 50 Wheel scraper 50 Ml S ate Inst, lor foohlo minded 30 32 Livery and team hire 101 70 Surveying 2 Ml Hitls and chairs 7s3 05 Plumbing and material 41(1 6(1 Out disir rebel 2MI 84 Carpets, window shades, etc M 02 Masonry 152 35 Labor on larm and grading 424 5s Range and hardwara 131 25 Cutting and packing Ice 27 00 Supplies for county home Isl 08 Glass 00 Kxpen-io ol Com., to Warren 10 42 Service of breeding stock 4 03 Manuro 25 Mi Sleds Ill ini Window sci ecu .'. 50 Contract of conntv I le 4,011 87 C. M. Itoblnson, architect 113 35 Com exp, visiting homes iu Hlair and Elk counties 42 fit) Commissioner pay 1,018 60 Bringing paupers 'to Co. Home.., 14 75 50 40 25 ,'ai 50 02 40 Ml Ml Ml 20 Ml !'8 45 05 SO SI 25 15 73 5o no Ml 00 50 Ml tin 113.433 34 funds for the year ending January 7, lltOI. I.UIIII.ITIKS. Roods outstanding 1 1 (Si mi 7 5 50 Isi ji ,...f UI.OMI Ml II.II.KI IT. llEC'E IIT OF OUK NEW of Carpets S3IEAUI3AUGII. mas., Cashier. Wm. Smkakhaikiii, Vice Presidoii) NATIONAL BANK,. PENNSYLVANIA. - - t50,000. Win. Snioarbaugli, J. II. Kelly. Some Choice Bargains FROM THE BIG SALE About 2") dozen Men's Futicy Madras shirts, stiff bosom, re duced from $150 and S2 00; this lot will be closed quickly at 50c each. A lew more Fur Gauntlet gloves, were 83,50 tn $7 per pr., the lot will be closed at less than one-half price. About 2.i Men'a Duck Water proof coals, wore $2 SO lo $(i ; nun-half price only. Wonderful values in Under wear nt 25c, C9c, 4!e and C!o and a'l the higher grades of im ported underwear in proportion. Some great Clothing values to close out our winter stock. Overcoats at S3 50 and 80,50. Suits at ?4, $5 and 87. THE McCUEN CO. 2i AND 29 SENECA ST. . OIL CITY, PA. A Ml 21 CO 20 00 10 0O 12 H7 4 85 111 21 40 i,(KI0 OS 40 37 lo Ui 3 Ml 6 08 55 M I 75