WWNKSDA Y, JANUARY . The Christmas trade this year was phenom enal, every merchant doing a larger business than he did the year previous, which tip to that time was a record breaker. But Christmas buy ing is only an incident of business. It is your every-day trade of the rest of the year that counts. That is what we want to get and shall continue to ofFcr you the very best service and prices possible in our line which is DRUGS, MEDICINES and Sundries, exclusively. Sundries in this case means combs and brushes, toilet accessories, pocket books, fine stationery, perfumery, books, toys, etc., and the famous LOWNEY candies. Tke Mdvis Ftfdli.VdCr Elm and Jlrldje Streets. I 3 I 1 I si: N4 THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WKIiN'KSDAY. JANUAHY 0, 1!1. FIRE INSURANCE . . AMI . . REAL ESTATE AGENCY tM. ADD ft SOI. TlOXESTA, PA. All Leading Companies lieinvsented. Wild La nils, Fur uts, Jfouses & Lot fir Sale or Rent. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. New AdrcrtNcnuuls. J Utiles. All. I.atlltlicrs. All. ltoliltlsnlt. Al. I'nrlnw Ordinance, lifrttli .V. r'cit. All. Hopkins. Ail. unit locals. Tinntsla I'ath fStoic. 1ak1h. Lairrooce A Sinearbaniih. Nuti e. -Oil market cloed.it 11.21. . Oil mill gas leases at this office. You curl Kt It at Hopkins' store. Telephono Anislur !or fresh groceries quick. It Klmvy lined hr.sn fur ladies and genu IT. 0. H. It Talk alwiiit shoo trcrgaina, you not them nt lIotklua. t It .Siocial Kilo of ladios clonks at Tio uosta t'aili Slurp. Sen ll.cir big ad. Now Is I ho limo to get a capo orjack el. Hopkins is lust about Riving them way. It The (lancing C'ub buhl vory pleas- ut party in llovard's ball lu.it Thursday evening. Mosn-s. Clark, King ana Hynii are making tliu animal nil. lit of the accounts oT tlio county cill. Iuls this neck. Jury Commissione a Reynolds anil Ycninnk are i'H(.M;.'eil in filling the wheel for Iheyeai'a ruu ofju-ynieu tliia week. Aiimlcr s slock of groceries was never nuiro complete nor of finer iiuulily. Tvlepboua ordor.t given immodiatd atten tion. U Special services afci uoon anil eve ning aro lielng held by the pastor, Hot. Mr. McAninih, at tbo Presbyterian chuicli ilui iii)i tills week. Following is a 1 1st of le'.lorsrciiisiuinK nncallcJ for In the T.onesla, J'a., post ofiico for the wick cihI.hu Jan. 0, HOI: Miss Murilia Orcst, Mr. Fayette Chi'ds. D. S. Kxox, P. M. J. K. Jones tbo liliml evHii;iel't of Frsnk'u, Pa., is condur- ins services at Die White Church, Sl warts Hun, this week. He w''l sing several salvution annus next Sunday oven n. All are cor iliiilly Invi'eil. There will be a special meeting of the Woman's P.olief co ps, at tboir baU at 2 o'clock this, Wednesday, a'lemoon, for the purpose of installing the rcins'n int; olllcers of tlio Corps. A fj'l a'tend nnre is desireil. There's a heap of s'ekuess of 'ho type kin to grip p'owling a-outid Ibis sect' Ion Just now, about every other person you moot having a touch of It; the sever ity of the touch being generally tncjsur- cb by tlio sixo of the growl. The ice harvest was be;, tin the first of the week In this place and s good quan tify and a very fine quali.y lias already lieen boused. Wiso Is the man who puts up Ice whon ll's lo be bad, for verily it is as uncortain as an insurgent. Tbo dwel'ing occupied by Mr, Swan son, and siliialod near the railroad track ni'lo above town, took tire last Saturday afternoon and burned a considerable bole in tho roof near the chimney before it could be ing'tii-uod. The damage was slight. Tlio borough coutifil lias passed final ly tho curfew ordinance which lias been approved by Rureoa F.ilchey, and is to lake ell'cnt February first. The official dociiinoiit is published In this issue that all may read and know its import, (iet ready to "luiu iu" alter 8 o'clock, boys, for "curfew will ring'' sure. The undersigned desiring to have back tho following articles which belonged to his lato wife and wore bought at tbo su!e of bis goods during bis illness by certain parties unknown to him. Will pay the purchasers their money on the return of tho snmo to the Mural House or to lii lit in person. Th article aro : A white silk ninlllor and a largo era brildcroii doiiy. tf P. M. t'LAUK. W4 The Supreme court relusod tho poti- tion for an allowance of an appeal from the Suporior court to the Supreme court In the case of ProHr, use ol Dontt vs. Campbell, administrator of Peters, which wasca-rled up from this county some ago. Mews, liell A Grayblll liavo been (o rushed witli orders at their hub factory at Marinuville that they have atarled an other plant at liowmanvillo, where they have a large amount ol good timber to work up, enough to keep them running for sove'ai years. The many friends of ex-Judgo Ed ward Korr of Iiarnott township will be pained to learn of bis serious illness from stomach trouble. The Judge is one of our oldest and most highly respected cili rens, and we alt hope l is illness may not be as serious as reported, and that he may bo spared yet many years. Prof. Colos, tho slortuy weather man ol Kti gsion, claims to have discovered Unit there has been a great mistake in our enumeration of lime, and that we nre really hundred years ahead on tlio cal endar. That Is, iusload of writing l'.HIl uow wo ought to be writing the year 1S0I. This will help out great many prophols who were calculating on the end of the world coining wilb the close of tbo nineteenth century. The Tidioutn SewM ce'ebrated the now cenlury by eompleto chaugo of make-up from folio lo quarto form and, while it don't look like the old familiar face we were wont to see each week, the chaugo is quilo an imp'ove- inent in many respects, not thojeast of which is tbo xldilioual advertising space which Bro. White tiuils necossaay In h'S increasing business. Contiuuod success lo you, Cuarles. James Landers has bit upon the proper caper to make little prnlit dur lug tbo dull season In lumber and laih. He has procured au Ice plow, built slldo and elevator up near the creek bridge, aud is puli ng a splendid qu!:'y of clchl-liicb ice out on the bank for thoso w ho want it at the taio of 40 cents per ton. The acliemo works well and our citizens are gelling up fine crop of llio sinir at considerably I educed price from former years. Tho year 1001 comprises the latter part of the l-.'uli and tho beginning ot the U'iMi year of American Independence, and corresponds to the year 00 H of the Julian Period ; Hie year &Vil:iWl of ilie Jewish Era; the 2ii."( since the founda tion of Homo according to Va.-ro; the year 2MI of the Jaoauese Era ; and lo the Ihlrly-fourih yoar of ihe poriod o.i tilied "Moiji." Tloyear 1319 orihe Mo hamtuednn Era begins ou the 20ih or April, 1801. The li'st day of January is S.tl.l.ltsd day since tho coinmeneenicni of tbo Julian period. In Ihe year IT01 ibe -e w .11 bo .wo eclipses oftlio sun, ono o; the nioou and Lunar Appulse, none of which will be visible lo America. That was very hanpy company which assembled at Corps Hall last Wed nesday evouhig io wl ness the joint In aLallatlon of IlJlic'Corps and S ow Post olllce.s, and lo pariako of the splendid banquet provided by Ihe ladies of the Corps. Many and entertaailng were the speeches lisloned to at tho campflre held after tho exorcises and luncheon wo.e disposed of, and the la-ge pa.ho'-jug dis persed at a lale hour with pleasaulet memorios of the dclighiful occasion. Theso annual events are among the most satisfying and enjoyable of all the ocial functions oftheyear, and the fellow who is luckv enough lo get "bid" lo oue of them never Iola anything but the direst Indisposition iuierfere with Ilia a.ieod ance. The pretty exercises of initia tion were performed wjtli preclusion and grace, eliciting favorablo comment from ail Ibo gues of the two excellent ordc-s. A list of the officers was published here tofore. Sheriff Jamlesou reiU-ned last Sat urday I'm in the Pennsylvania Roform School at Mo-ganza, wliilber bo had con veyed youug Fred Copeland of Slwaits Kiin, recently seulonced for an indefinite period by Justice Randall on the charge of incorrigability and vicious conduct, nreferred bv bis father, Kufus Copolaml. The youug man is Just past 17 years of ago, and despite tho good example aim careful training ofhis Christian parent seemed determined lo bo bail. The eve ning before Christmas he bad managed, with some otbor boys, to procure a quan tify of whiskey and became b.idly Intox icated. Thebotllowastakon from liini, but next dav be demanded its return. which of course was refused. An alter cation ensued, and iu the mix tho young man, who bad gotten possession or a re volver fired twice but fortunately hitting no ono. Tho grieved lattr round thcr was no other remedy and so had the uoy dealt with as above in Ihe hone that a term 111 this model institution wiH bring him to realiialiou of his waywardness. V0U AND TOl'U t'I'.IKMH. -Lyman Cook of Nebraska was a pleasant caller last Saturday. H, L. Weslou and family upent New Yean with friends In Pittsburg. Mr. and Mrs. John Coon of Marlon- villi- are visiting Tionckta Irii nils. Miss Ida Fonos has returned lo her studies at Duffs College, Pittsburg. Jury Couiuiisslonor Keynolds of Harnett was pleasant caller Muiiday. Misa Francos McCollom ol Oil City was the guest of Miss Maltie VYaltermaii last week. Mrs. Asa Lovejoy and daughter, Mary, were gnosis of friends in Oil City ovor Suudav. J. G. Urouiloy of Stewarts Hun was in Morcor ovor Sunday visUing his mo ther who is quite ill. Misa Leila Shugart of Tidioute, was a guost of Mr. and Mra. 1), V. Clark last Thursday and Friday. Misa Nellie Clark was a guest of Miss Edna Corah at Warren, last week, coining home Saturday. Miss Jonnio Vaugn of Oil City who was a guest of Miss Maggie Evans re turned home last Saturday. Miss Evelyn Clark has gouo to spend the winter with her brother, Uruce, and attend school in Punxsutau uey. I'.ruce Hagcity and John Lawrence went to Warren Mouday to enroll as students In the liusiness University. M r. and Mrs. J. II. Koberlson return ed lastovuuing from a week's plena .lit visit at Mr. K'i old.houie in Pottsvilie, Pa. J. L. Itobl son and Miss Mary Uus- sell of Kousevillo, were guests or .Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Armstrong a part of la.it week. W. 8. Siitley has gone to Sharon to work hi Ills trade as sione mason. He miy remain lliero uuring me coming siiiiiine''. Jus. Cosgrovo of f!a;-nett was a pleas- nntcallor MoniUy. Jim repoc.s good deal of sickness In his section ot tbo coun ty, and says I hey havo measles galore out there. The Republican joins ihe many friends of the happy young coupl9 iu con gratulations and best wishes lo Mr. and Mrs- David Blum, upon the event orineir inarriago last Thu'sday evening. May they live Ion'.- and be over prosperous and vory happy. Adam Sihblo o( German 11' 1 made h's annuel call at the KRct'lil.ti'a N olllce la Friday to square up for the first year of llio new century. Adam of course, calls of oner !h m once a year, wo are glad to say, but he never misses bis visit about tills fine of tho season. -Miss Maude E., daughter of Mr. and Mis. S. S. Canliold, entertained tihy tln.Mofbei vounj sWiooinin es at the home of her siV.er, Mrs. G. T. Amiinsou, from 7 till 9:30 on New Years ni;;lit, it lieiiiL' bur eleventh bir.bdav. Elegant relrcshnienis were sorved d iriug Hie eveuln;;, and many beiiiiiiul p'eseuls we elettto remind her of ibis happy gathering. Llvcy ISuru Iliirueil. The Oram AL'rey livery barn in rear of Ilo'el Agnow was partially destroyed by lire last Wednesday afternoon. A load of hay had been driven into Hie burn, the team unhitched, and Mr. Oram and bis young helper bad Just begun lo unload tho bay, when a lighted gas torch ciime in contact wiih tho inllaniable sulubmce and almost Instanllv tho entire in'do of tbo building was ou lire. The borsoi and live-stock wero in the basement and were quicklv taken out, but so rapid and fu rious was tho spread of the lire that only few of the vehicles were saved. Two strains of water wei e soon playing on the burning building, and st'-ango to say, succeeded in extinguishing the llainet aflor more than an hour's bard and per sis:ont work, but tho building above the ground floor is practically worthless. The loss lo Mosrs. Oram A Ui ey in feed, buggies, sleigl.s, harness, robes, etc., foois up over f 1,-luO, but this is fully co ercd by insurance through tho Turner Bros, ag mcy of Maricnvillo, they having policies to the amount of $1,000 on the properiv. The barn Is the propoi I; of L. A enow on which ho I as an insurance of f tnO through Ihe Mi. die!! agency at Wai ren. This amount will not mnio than haif reach tho amount of loss. X. A. Grovo boarded h;s driving team at the livery, and lost h'.a handsome new surrey a id a ret of new doubie harness. He had no Insurance on these. Messrs Oram it IVey are sll'l doing business at the old stand, and expect soon to bo in as good condition lo accommo- dat their customers as heretofore. There's a chance lor somo one to got bargain in a set of Ibe new "Na'ional Dictionary Encyclopedia and Atlas" by calling at this office. The set is 1'resli from tbo publishers, and contains P vol umes. Dron in slid eo wlm'. a bargain you can secure. tf J. W. Buxlon o: llns plaeo la in re ceipt of a letter from bis son Clarence, !d which was a clipping from a ban t"an Cisco sporting naper, w here he is now lo- c 'led. The clipping says, "for the in'or nation of thoso who keen a lab on ibo hiekies. there seems to be only about Ave in that sec. ton worth considering. Those are O'Connor, Cobui n, DominlcK Monroe and P.uxtou Ofttie.-o O'Connor is the nick, though Lulon Is a most promising lad. Ho can ride at about pounds, and can put up "finish" strong as any of them. He is thocom'ng li-ht weight, positively, ind would bo good acquisition to a b'g eastern naLle, He is under contract, Imt s ill on tbo market if suillcient Inducement wore offered for his set vires. He -ode "Gold Ore" a mile in 1.40, and Unit with live on tries and foitv to ono against h'm. He is hov ol rciitarkablo Intelligence and natural rider, none of tho jockies being itiuto out-ifeneral him at ihe pot, The voung man's Tmiiesla friends will bo oieased to iiear or his success, nines Ihe Cough and Work alt the t old. f.nxstive Itromo-Oulmne Tabids cure ..iltl in one dav. No cure, no pay. Price '" cents. Please 'otc. flavins disrioped of our mercantile i....i...i.. in rl'iiitietn to Messrs. ilea'b A r'eil we a-tk llioi-e bavins iintcttletl store acconnls v. itli us lo cull and adjust the same Our iwoks will be kept at tlio store fur a short time for this iui H)si. Lawui NCK A SMKAU UALOll. January 8 l'.Wl. East Illcknrj Insinuation. The installation of Post officers and tit exorcises at Post headquarters on Satur day evening last was success in every respect. The large ball' was tilled to overflowing during the supper as well as during the exorcises. It is impossible to state tho number that partook of the big oyster suppor. The affair netted about J.10 after paying expenses of somo $12 or $11. Our mustering officer, Conuade (.'. A. Hill of Tioncsla, performed his work iu perfect oviler, and lo Ibe erfect kalis- faction of ail concerned, alter w hick com rade 1 1 1 1 1 gave some wl olesome advice long the G. A. U. line, paying grand tribiiio to our ladies for the ample man lier in which the feast was prepared. Ho gave a bit of bis experience wbilo in ac tive service, all ol which was appreciated by the vast assembly. Coinrado W. E. Withe oil was selected by the P. C. as Adjutant, W, A. lim ns was appointed Quartermaster Sorgt, and T. P. Harry Sergt. Major. The Q. M. made a few brief but pointed r . 'marks which were pleasing to all. The ground floor of the hall having been prcpa;ed ror the occasion we were at this Juncture invited down to see our young friends execulo the scenes of "In Dixie Land." It is simp'y beyond oui ability lo give pon p'cai e ol this play, or '.o do justice to tliosa w ho so nobly ami per 'ectiy executed the work. We re proud to k uow Ibat wo have such bright and earnest workers among us. II :equied about oue ho ir and forty uiitiir.es lo go through tbe scenes in four parts. The efl'or'.s and labor necessary on t tie pa t of our friends to perfect lurise'ves iu Ihe'.r many parts of this play should bo an linn for considcral.on, id that ad was done by our f lends for the linaticiBi benefit of our Post. Ladies and gentlemen, we highly and most sin cerely appreciate your kindness to us as Post and members of the G. A. R. He al o desiro lo k'-idlv thank our lady friends fo. Hie luimcnso labor peiToimcd In pie, taring our ToHst or gcinl things lor our benefit. Cjiuiado Hill bears with hi. n our ihmbs for his complying with the Department detail and for Ihe sol- iorly manner iu which he perfomied the work committed to his bands. To ail, boih old and young, who con- tribu'.cd lo the success of our eutertain meiit by their money and presence, we lender our thanks for your every act of kindness, and as the twentieth century h.i'l have passed into history may our posterity still bo singing, "And the star spangled banner iu triumph shall wave, o'or tbo laud of tho free and the home of the brave. J. A Statu ok Ohio, Citv opToLkdo, I Lvi'um County, i Fkank J. Cii knkv makes oath thut ho is liio senior partner ol the firm of F. J. Chonev A Co., doing businoss in tbe City ot Toledo, County and Stale afore- i.', and that sanl nrni will pay tne sum of ONE HUNDRED DULbAKH l"r each ami every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the use of halls tA TAllttll Cl'KK. FRANK J. CIlKNf.V Sworn to beforo mo and subscribed in in v presence, tins tit It nay ol uicomoer, D. 1H. skau A. W.OLEASON, t J T . ft . I. 11(11 V J lioitc. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally ami ae's direcllv on the blood and mu cons surfaces of the svstcm. Send for testimonials, tree. I rf am of the Sews. -A man does not got up early every time because he wants to. He mav nave to go lo market to get meat for breakfast. Only best groceries sold cheapest at r. c. s. -A mechanic who can use his tools in both hands enual'V well usually Is not much account.. If you a e lo d.ing for bargains in slioes.lin s'c.tin and so on, don't buy un- t . vou sen v. ;iat I'nnkius has. It At ono soason of the year all homes are scarce lu masse, aim nun is iu mo jelly season. -Heavy panis, coats and shirts at T, C. S. " Xolliing is improved as much by I'.ttlo fixing up as an old pair or shoes be ing blacked up. -Hopkins Is soiling odds and ends in ladies and m'sses slices at p ices that are d.iwn out of stg-'t. H It lately depruls on the amount of retiioiso acciimt"a,cil ou imisimas, whether run will swear off for the century AH new goods, and sold oheapust at l.CS. u Fools otien make monoy. Somo men's mansions w e e bui't from the gold bricks they have bought. -See those ove coai.s and ulslors at T, C. 8. -Tbo man that didn't get a necktie Christmas ! trnlv a forlorn subject, wor thv of sv-n:atliy. -In a good many cases tbo last of tbe ceoLsaiid the last of the century will be almost simultaneous. Underwear for a'l sold cheap at T, C. S. U To avoid being napped every kid sin. ul. 1 go armed lo Ibe teeth. Wt rnbbe-s and felts sold only at T, C. N. ' 1' Nearlv eve. mau looks tough with out i.'s coat. Don't miss the sale of ladios wraps st T. C. S. Lots of time is wasted in barber shopi by wa'tiug on boys who have nothing lo shave. It is very easy lo buy a Imy a present if be smokes. TO CI'KE A COl.ll 1M ONE DAY Take Laxative ISromo Quinino Tablets, All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. vV. Grove's signature is on each box. Tree nt Charge. Any adult sutl'ering from a cold sclll on tlio breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any naturo, who will call J. 1). Davis, will lie presented with sample liotiloof Boscbee's German Syrup free of charge. Only ono bottle given to one person, and nono to children with out oribir from parents. No throat or lung remrdvrvi rhad sue a sale us ISt sehec's German Syrup in all parts of the civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles w ere given aav. an. I your druggists will tell vou its ' sin was marvelous It is really tbe ! only Tlirt.nt and l.uiii; Kemetly iienerally j endorsed by nliysiciuiis. One 7o cent botilo will cure or prove its valuo. S.ild by dealer iu all civilized counttios. ' tiet Gruen's I'riM) Alinauac. 2-eow BEAR STAMPEDES A HOTEL. He Was I'.t of tho Landlord and Ilroke Out of Ills t ;. WILKES-r.ARRE. Juu. 7. A big bear broke into the Franti hotel at Ply mouth Saturday night, stampeded the guests and catching one tried to tear him to piece. After a hard light the man es rnpttl, Imt had bis right hand bitten anJ rigli arm torn and scratched tn the bone. The bear is owned by Landlord Daniel Ilniioviin of the hotel and Is a vicious brute of 4X) pounds weight. He broke from bis caite. and attracted by the smell of conking charged into the hotel and en tered the first room he came to. where a number of the guests were sitting. At the sight of the bear they all tried to t out of the opposite door at tho same time and failed. One man. E. J. Hnnllck of Troy, N. i., failed becaime the Uar caught him. hen ensued a wrestling match all ovor the room. The bear lilt and scratched, the man punched and kicked. They fell to the floor and rolled over and over, and filially by a lucky chance Uurdick got no opportunity to jab his knee in the bear'i abdomen with such force that the beat released his hold and Ilnrdlck mniiaged to esenpe. The other guests, who had wutcbed the struggle through the doors, shut them when Uurdick run out and im prisoned the bear. Later he was cap tured. Uurdick hnd his wounds dressed and was put tu Isil. His injuries are severe. THIRD STRIKE IN A YEAR. Mount Pleasant Employe Take tip 'h Gr evatice of Driver V.ny and Qu'l. SCUAXTOX, Pa., Jan. 7.-The Hoc employes of the Mniiut Pleasant cnl llery of the Klkhill Coal und Iron coin- any are uguin on strike, the third time iu a year. They decided to strike Suturday uiglit because the superintendent refused to give a driver hoy tile rate or wages tne boy cluimcd be was entitled to Till company anticipated the strike by post ing n notice thnt the colliery from tbli date would be flint down. This will savt the iifhYiuls from any dealings with the union. The company w ill keep the col liery closed until the men rescind their strike order. The men nre thrciitenitig to call out all of the 7.1 US) employes of the 12 col lieries of the Elkliill company if the lockout is persisted ill at the Mount Pleasant mine. TRIED DOUBLE KILLING. llilsban I In Fit of Tmifliornrr Irsaltlt Slionls Wife nut M-K.' H '- HUTIir.KHKM. .Inn. 3 In a fit ot temporary ini-niiity, I'..ra . Ache nl this place, a ciifiinuakei', aiicd -15 years. attempted murder iiinl suicide by shoot ini; bis wife twice uml tlieu seuilinK a bullet Into bis own body. The trailed' took place lit their Inmie on Wednesday. Mrs. A rne was found mux in a pool of blood upon the hrst linor in one ol the rooms of the house, while in an up- Btuits room lay the husband, who bail cniuiiiitti'd the awful deed. lloth husband r'.ui wife were removed to St. Luke's linspitul in a critical con dition. Hunk Itnli1! ry nt Vitnonnbe!a cttv, riTT.-'lU llt:. Jnu. 7.-A bank robbery was ct minuted at .Mi.nifi'.-alicia -ity 'arlv Siitiu-'iay niiii'iiiiii;. 'l'lic bank la oi:t'ti tty aii 'Xiiinier iv i o. iwo men, supposed to be negroes, made an attack the WTtti'lirtnn and several shots wer excliuiiKi'd niter an entrance had been ft'ictctl into the lunik building. After the Vt-nti'lnmin hu 1 tired nt the men, they fled, mid jumping into a cnrriiiite, drove anny- 11 i.i not Known how tuucu bisity was taken from the bank. tutu Fiie tlr1'! '" O u strlKe. Wlf KKS-r. I!ltl'. Jan. 5 Sonic ol the nit n at work lihtinL- the tire ill the Delaware, l'ine ltidire ainl I.uuiil Hun mines are on strike for mure pay. Thej are on the incut snirta nun uecuirc uiey work lonci-r boiirs tlimi the day shift and (ret no more pay. Ihe company refused to prnut their demands. 1 he day shin will double up and the work on the tire will not stop, nltliiiiicli the force is some what crippled. The pinnress of the lire hns been stnyed and it is expected that It will be extinguished in a week or two. MARRIED. BLUM ANDERSON At the homo of the bride's father. Mr. P. A. Anderson, Thursday evenlug, Jan. 3, l!K)l,by Kev, J, V. McAnlnch, Mr. David II. Blum and Miss Jennie S. Anderson, all of Tionesta, Pa. This signature is ca every box ot tbe genuine Laxative DromoUuinine Tablet. tn remedy that cures a cold In one day a '.ft 4 5;3tsi:i ) k i( o. U Ma . Is ft perfect fuml'y reni.-i'y for thrnnt dit..,,.., a.--.oro ThiT.it, Ho.-o M titli and tiulnsy qnlcUIy ylt ld to m virtue, it la uot slow and tedious In Us m bntjrlvcaalmost Instant rell 'f. Tonnlllne 1- oiiiln ly linrmless. It ptimclii tiloueas a reuiarkanie and modern ciire tor and ell similar troubles. it AND 60C AT ALL DRUGGIST. TUB TOJ.SlI.INB CO. CAHTttST, O. CIOIN10SXA MAItKhTH OOItKECTKU EVF.KY TUKHDAY, BY RKLIAM.K DICALKItS Klour f suck 1.10r$1.6fi Com inesl. feed, la 100 th ..on Corn meal, family, f 101) lb 1.21 Chop feed, pure (rain l.lu Oats 32gi Corn, shelled M Beam V bnsliol 2.50 Ham. suirnr curoil l'l'-u .11 Bacon, suear cured .12(i.loi Slioulders .10 Wbitotisb V kit .ft" KuLntr fii.07 Svrun irifK . N. O. Molasses .iVi'in .50 I'otleo. Koat llio 11 fa, 1 Coffee, blended Java 'I'ea .Wfi) Butter .2- ltieo O.V.i-0 Kt-'L's, frcsli i.! Sail W barrel 1 I.ard II Potatoes, V bushel, M I.lnio f barrel Isjl.tsi Nails V kec 2.7S WANTED! Reliable man for Manairer of Branch Hllce wo wish to open in this vicinity If your recoid isO. K. here is an oppor tunity. Kindiy Hive ntsnl referenct) when wriliuK- This A. T. Moiuas Wiioi.ksai.k IIoisk Cincinnati, Oliiu. Illustrated catalogue 4 eta. stamps. J. HOPKINS j Following our custom Jan. 1st wo make a rand Cleanina Up Sale! of all Odds and Ends. Our Profits aro iu the Remnants. Lx riiey must all go, no matter about the price. We have about One Dozen Capes In Cloth or I'lusli. Irle Don't fount . Them. We havo eight or ten . Ladies' Jackets. XIe . JooU, Latent Ntj They All i. All you have to do l get a Cape or Jaeket i to "Want It." t.'ouie to Ilopkln "tore and yu will take it home with you. THEY MUST BE SOLID! - - L. J. Hopkins. - - 03 Centre and I JAMES. I 204 Sycamore Streets. Considerably Little lot of Ladies' Men's ODD Men's $1.00 all-wool Ecru Ribbed....... 5()c Men's $1.00 wool fleeced Men's 50c Ecru Itibbed cotton adies 50c Fleeced cotton 5 PIECES 15c PRINTED Red, Na7, Light Blue, Pink jatterns copied irom 1 ranch r Dressing Sack. LADIES' FLANNELETTE Extra heavy, twilled and fleeced skirt patterns, '25c. Ladies' very heavy fleeced skirt patterns, witli 9 in. ruffle, mostly dark colors, 50c. Ladies, 7oc Heavy, MADE, ace trimmed 50c. Ladies' Fleece lined Knit Skirt, MADE, 50c. lAfll I 1AM V V IL.L.iriTi Killmer '0 ft Druss, Patent Medicines, I) ruggi sts Sund i 'ies, T(ilet .J'ticile.s, Groceries, China, ware, W ndovv Paints. Glean Up of all odds and ends in men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings. Some rare chances here for bargains lots of odd pieces. Just as good style, as good value as ever. But haven't all sizes and that's where your chance comes in if we've got what you can use. , BOYS' REEFERS. . With wiHu reefer coliti s, si s 3, 4 'n) b-w-.5. AU cloth in finp Chinchilla ami Astrtc.' es, f..is.tii:il t re. tn ?(5 00 You au buy one now for ijlti.OO. -. BOYS' VESTEE SUITS. Stl" 3, 4 aud 5 oulv, all Wool Cheviot, Ot-snei n 'ni " i suis that were $4 00, gj 00 and ffi 00 (it. I to i ii.ji y s sizes throuifb, s ,il if vou cati u-.) ilium tln v're lui' tins at price, $2.00. BOYS JACKETS AND PANTS. ai ONE HALF I'KICE. Iu size 6 hii.I 7 only. We've alioill 25 o! lb" sir.ts in tlnse sizes, j;.niil wo tii.ii g nsls units ?ht aro w-irtli 8500. I.. I.S.lMl in Inryr nzi I! can us'i a 6 ' r 7 it's yu msrkeil price. 41 & 43 SENEGA ST.. ArlliiKb'U Htiml IRON CORNER of past yews after They go. With the Hsi. We Are Cioiug lo St-tJ ; - . Telephone 257, Oil City, Penn'a. Less than Cost. and Children's Underwear. SIZES. . .. c 25c '25c FLANNELETTE, 12jc, and Ilelio grounds with Polkadot. tunnel, and nice lor waist or UNDER SKIRT PATTERNS, lannelet bkirt with ueep rume, Li lAIWICC u. unitiuw, uuumira Carrios u full lino of Glass li)tc. Wilt ! ft (II) I r ts . uil titli S I at.il V-tll - s r elitctlv HALF the plait I f l;risllv .'pl.ttsile ,n OIL CITY, PA,