The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 19, 1900, Image 3

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    lx BUA1IAM LINCOLN once said to a man,
"If you think it's an easy job being Presi
dent, try it yourself." . Same way with writing
advertisements. That reminds us of Lincoln's
story of the man in Langamen county, 111., who
could run faster and fight harder than any other
man In that country but the story appears in
"Ebcn llolden," Bochellcr's intensely interest
ing story which is considered by competent crit
ics superior to "David Ilarum." "We have the
book in stock, also "Janice Meridith," "To
Have and to Hold," "Stringtown on the Pike,"
and other of the late popular works of fiction
There is also a long list of titles in the old fa.
voritcs in good bindings, ranging in price lrom
15c to 65c and many of the pretty little gift
books in gold tops and fancy binding at a small
price. Have you seen the latest thing in sleds
for children. J ust the size of an ordinary sled,
but made like "bobs" ball-bearing too. Easy
to steer and easy on shoes. Will save shoe
leather enough in one season to pay for itself.
Our line of fancy toilet articles, brush and comb
sets, pocket books, perfumes and of toys, chil
dren's books, etc., is better than you ever saw in
a town no larger than
foil eyes arc better evidence, however, which means foj
"Come and see before buying. j
f The ztdvxs Puanxacr. TA
. . AM) . .
C. Mil k m,
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, Houses
& Lots for Sale or ltent.
Now Advertisements.
James. Ail.
hammers. Ail.
AuiHler. Local.
Davis l'liarinacy. ' Ad.
Morris Ciuar House. Ail.
Tionosta Cash Nlnro. Locals.
HnpkiiiM. Two uiK nml locals.
Kdinboro Normal School. Local.
County Coiuinis.sionors. Appeal notice.
Toilet sou at Killmor'H. tf
Oil uutrkit closed at $1.07.
Holiday slippers at T. C. S. It
Solid Bilvoi wnro at T. C. S. It
Go to Amslor Tor aiiiunilion. tf
. Oil and gas leases at this offlce.
Yon can (?et it at Hopkins' storo.
ISrush and comb sols at Kill inerc. I
No paper lrom this ofllco ntt wook.
Amsler has the Christmas candy. It
Usoful presents for ladies at F. Wal
ters A Co.'h. It
Olio gets a rubbor-lined canvas coat at
Hopkins' Btoro. H
I'ure mixed candy lOo pound, Tio
nexta Cash Store. It
Soe Killmor'8 lino of books by the
popular authors. It
Don't miss the special Halo at Hop
kins' store this week. It
Sterling ailvor novelties ami fancy
articles at Kiltinor's. tt
Buy your presonts now. and have
them storod at T. C. S. tf
See tho prettiest Christinas presents
iu town at F. Walters & Co's. It
The borough schools will rloso Fii
dny for a two weeks' vacation,
Might as well bein practicing it. 1 1
will be here before you know it 1001.
If the wallet stands it this wook it is
likely to hold out the balance of tho win
tor. Services will be hold at Mt. Zion
Lutheran church, Gorman Hill, Christ
mas day, at 10:30.
Tretty dolls, lancy articlos, medal
lions, novelties in chinaware, and many
other suitable holiday goods at F. Wal
ters it Co's. , It
Orain A Urey, tho liverymen, have
purchased a roomy and easy riding 'bus,
which they are running to all trains for
Hotol Agnew.
A pio social will be givon at the Ger
man Hill sohool Friday evening, Decom
bes 21, under the direction of tho teacher,
Miss Hello Burns.
Count up the children, count ups'our
money, find out just what you want for
presents. Go to Hopkins' store and you
will find It and have money left. - It
Skating or a few days past has been
excollaut on the crock ice. Tho river,
which was crowded with slush at this
point, is now running pretty clear.
The Winter term of 13 weeks begins
January 1, 1901. Write for catalogue.
Jonx F. B1GLK3, Priu.
Edinboro State Normal School,
Don't delay the paymontofyour sub
ncription account if you wish to havo tlie
Farm Journal for the next four years.
Doc, 31 is the latest dato. The oiler will
thou bo withdrawn.
See Hopkins' big ad. on the fourth
page of to-day's paper. The special sale
at his store is now thoroughly "on," and
you are invited to call and look into the
matter for yourself.
Try a term of school at the Edinboro
State Normal. It will make you a
better teacher. Circulars on request.
Winter term opens January I, I'M.
It. John F. Biui.kk, Prin.
Romotnber tho teacher's institute
iext week. A good bill of fare for the
entire week has been arranged, and those
who attend the day sessions, as well as
the night entertainments will not bo dis
apKiuled. Why not buy a collarette, scarf or
storm collar for a nice gilt. $3.00 and up
ward at T. C. K. II
Iioncsta. Your own
The census bureau has dispelled
many day dreams in ambitions towns
that are not growing. Towns that sup
posed they wore cities, have been rudely
brought to Ihoir census, so to spoak.
linulord Era.
The display of holiday goods by the
merchant- of Tionosta was novor so flno
as It is this season. Look over the Kk
ruiiMCAN's advertising columns and
you'll bo in formed as to whero the finest
displays are made,
Tho show windows about town con
tain handsome displays of holiday goods
and tho early buyer Is taking advantage
of the opportunity to got tho first chance
at them. The Kkpuulcan advertisers
aro reaping a harvest.
ShorilT Jamieson last Saturday pur
chased of II. L. Dalo, Oil City, his line
driving maro ''Topsey," which, is able to
clip off hor inilo in less than throe min
utes on a good country road. Tho Shoriff
will keep the animal for his own use.
Following is a list of lottors remain
ing uncalled for in the Tionosta,Pa.,post
oftieo for the week ending Dec. 19, l'.WO:
Chauncey Illakcsloo, Esij., Mr. James
S. Kelley, Mrs. Isabel M'Cray.
D. S. Knox, P. M.
-On Christmas Evo, at the M. E.
church, there will be a special program
rendered nt the close of which Santa
Clans will mako his appearance. A tree
will be a feature, and a doll drill by little
girls, and tho Queertown band will bo
Thoro's a chance for somo one to get
a bargain in a set of tho new "Nationa
Dictionary Encyclopedia and Atlas" by
calling at this ollice. Tho set is fresh
from tho publishors, and contains 8 vol
umes. Drop in Hud see what a bargain
you can secure tf
F. P. Amslor will continue his usual
custom on Christmas morning of giving
a package of nice csndy to all boys and
girls under ten yoars of ago who call at
his storo at 9 o'clock on the morning of
Christmas, Don't forgot tho hour and be
on hand promptly.
This will be a great year for old fash
ioned watch-meetings. They may not
only watch tho old year out and the new
one lu, but they may unto tho exit of the
old century as well. Those who go will
novrr have an opportunity again of at
tending another of like nature.
Tho shortest day of the year will
soon be here, it occurs on tho 21st, after
which the days will agniu begin to length
en, and then about everybody will bo
happier. Tho short days aro not popular
with tho masses, but thoro's no way of
abolishing the mthat we know of.
The now opera house at Oil City will
be opened Christinas night with the play
"Nathan Hale," made famous by Nat
Goodwin, Balcony seats will bo sold at
$2 each and those in the lower part of the
bouso will be auctioned off. It is thought
some of thoin will bring $100 each at the
sale, ' .
Bort Havens died at Westlield, Tioga
county, Thursday, of anthrax poisoning.
He was ill but four days. Havens was
employed In a tannery and while hand
ling a consignment of Brazilian hides be
CAine inoculated with the anthrax germs.
He died after suffering indescribable tor
ture. Clarion is more in earnest than ever
for a railroad, and its citizens are about
ready to begin the construction of one
lrom that place to Summerville, Jeffer
son county, where it will intersect the
Low Grado division of (he Pennsy. Suf
ficient stock has been subscribed and it
looks like a sure go this timo.
Tho Grand Jury failed to find an in
dictment against George C. Priestly for
bribery in the recent election. And this
will be, or is, the fate of all that kind of
charges so far as regards this fall's elec
tion. It was a "good enough Morgan"
until election, but practically cut very
littlo figure on results. Tidioutc jVcu.
Whon selecting your candy, nuts,
and trimmings for the Christmas treo go
10 Amsler. His variety is unsurpassed
and he can furnish you by the puiny-
worth, pound or bushel. Candies rang
ing in price all the way from 1.") to 75
cents per pound, none of which is inferior
in fpiality.butall strictly pure and whnlo
somo. "t
Mt. Zion Lutheran church of German
Hill, will hold their Christmas exercises
on Christmas Evo, Dec. 21, WOO. at 7: '.0
o'clock. Tho church will be decorated
for the occasion. Exercises will open with
an anthem by clipir, followed by recita
tions, dialogues, duets, and solos. Pres
ents will lie distributed among the Sun
day school scholars, alter which thero
will ho a short address by Hev. C. A.
Klieil. Tho members of the church will
also holt! an informal meeting on Now
Year's Eve. Dec. 31, 1!KK, at 9:30. This
meeting will consist of music, essays and
discussions on the 19th and liUth contu-rics.
No Taper Next tfwfc
The holidays coming on means that no
paper will be issued from this office next
week. The institution will be"linod up"
all right for business, however, and the
receipting for cash from those owing the
printer, of which wj hope thero will ie
an abundance. Our next issue will be
on Jan. 2d, 1!K)1, meantime we extend to
all our patrons best wishes for a Merry
Christinas and a Happy New Year.
Fair warning to all w ho would take
advautageof our fuini Juitriutl offer
ileal will be oil alter the 31st of this month.
So if you wish this excellent journal for
four years, absolutely free, send or pass
in the amount you owe and one dollar
in advance and get it. The same applies
to now advance-paying subscribers. Don't
An editor is frequently blamed for
partiality in the inserting of articles in
his personal local column. But if you d
not givo the editor half a chance how can
you reasonably expect hini to know ev
erything. Hand him tho names of your
guests and tho particulars of the happen
ings of the public interest in your homes-
Aid hlai lor he Is but a man after all.
The "Rummago Salo" Is ths latest
fad for raising monoy. Everyone con
tributes of articlos in his possession
which are unnecessary or haye been su
perceded, and the collection is sold by
auction to the highest bidders. It is n
source of benefit to the purchaser and the
contributor loses nothing, while the soci
ety having the matter in charge gets the
entire rake off
The 1901 edition of the Columbia desk
culendar is being distributed by the
American bicycle Co., Columbia Sales
Department, Hartford, Conn. It will be
sent to any address upon rocoipt of fiva
2-cont stamps. This unique and useful
compilation has been issued annually for
the last sixteen years and it has come to
be regarded as an Indisponsiblo article in
many business offices nd homes.
John A. Mageo, one of Clarion's best
known and most prominent businoss
men, and who was well and favorably
known to many Forest county people,
diod at Morcy Hospital, Pittsburg, on the
12th inst., whither ho had gono to be op
erated upon for a cancerous growth in tho
bowels. Mr. Mageo's friends were legion
and he will bo missed from his com
munity as few other citizens could be.
Of all self acknowledged pup, ics, the
young man who Bpoaks lightly of female
character, and female virtuo, deserves
the highest placo in the congregation of
mmal lepors. TLore is no moie certain
indication of a weak brain and a rotten
heart, than tho tongue which would dis
parago female virtue which would for
get its mother or its sister, in casting its
foul venom upon a purity which it can
never hope to attain. Ex.
Mr. Dick, tho tailor, has just accept
ed a Hpocial low-price proposition from a
big woolen house, and is able to buy
goods all the way from 25 cents to $1.50 a
yard cheaper than the samo goods cost
him thirty days ago. Mr. ! dek has hun
dreds of beautiful patterns In fashionable
suitings and overcoatings, nnd his low
prices are certainly a temptation. Thoro
is no excuse for wearing ready-made
clothing when fine tailoring can be had
at such low figures. It
L. E. Osgood was down from En
deavor Monday, and pavo us a friendly
call. Lafe was somewhat soro yet from a
little encounter he had with an emery
wheel which ho was working over about
two weeks ago .tt the Newtown mills.
Tho wheel was revolving at about a 3.000
clip when it did just what such instru
ments very frequently do "blow up,"
go into a hundred pieces, and oflon make
serious trouble for the operator. In this
Instance a piece struck Lafe in tho short
ribs, breaking at least one of them, and
from the soreness it caused him ho
wouldn't be surprisod if the whole outfit
was smashed up if the truth could be
Samuel B. Latshaw of Barkeyville
and George E. Coast of Lisbon, Venango
county, wero arrested Sunday near Oil
City and brought to that placo on a
charge of counterfeiting. About fifty
spurious dollars, a quantity of babbit
motal, ascids and materials for plating
wero found with the men. The coins
woro still warm whon the men wero ap
prehended. Monday morning they were
taen for examination bofore United
States Commissioner Geo. A. Chase, of
Titusville, who hold them to bail in tho
sum of $1,500 each. Failing to secure
bondsmen the men wero taken to Pitts
burg to await trial before the U. S.
court. Latshaw is 26 and Coast 55 years
of age.
A.J. Cassatt, president of the Penn
sylvania railroad Company, has issued a
general notice stating that in accordance
with the action of the board of directors
on November 28th, tho employes on the
lines of the Allegheny Valley Railway
and the Western New York "and Ponn'a
railway which are now embraced in the
Allegheny Valley and Philadelphia and
Erio general divisions would after Jan. 1,
1!K)1, be entitled to the benefits of tho
plan for the payment of pension allow
ances which was established by the com
pany in the beginning of tho present
year. The principal features of tho plan
are that all of its employes shall be re
tired and receieve pension and allowances
upon reaching 70 years of age, or who
are 65 years old and havo been 30 years
in the service and have become practi
cally disqualified.
Somewhat of a shilt in mercantile
pursuits has taken place in Tionosta
within tho past week, Messrs. Lawrence
& Sniearbangh, for the past ten years en
gaged in this line .in connection with
their lumber business, 'have disposed
of thoir general f tore to Messrs. K, C.
Heath and Harry B. Feit, the transfer of
stock to take place about the first of the
year. Mr. Heath has been engagod in
business hre for a number of years, and
his partner, Mr. Feit, has for several
years been head clerk in tho largo gener
al store of L. J. Hopkins. Both gentle
men are thoroughly conversant with the
business in which they have branched
out together, and that their elforts to
please tho peoplo in tho conduct of a
strictly first-class, up-to-date store will
bo at once successful, does not admit of
doubt. Success, gentlemen.
Take Laxative I'rouio Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund tho money if it fails
to cure. E. vV. Grove's siguaturo is on
each box.
Miss Louise Killmer i vi-iting
friends in Youngsville, Pa.
Miss May Clark visited On City
friords over Monday uiglit.
Miss Artie Robinson was a visitor to
Oil City yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Kat6 B. Craig, visited her son,
Clifford, at Oil City Monday.
Miss Delva Hand. ill was a jjucut of
O.l City friends a part of last week.
Proluonotary Robertson was a busi
ness visitor to Marieuville last week.
Mrs. J. II. Kolly and Mrs. G. G. Gas
ton were Oil City shoppers last Friday.
Miss Florence Mclntyre of Tidiouto,
was a guest of Mrs. Jas. Caufiuld over
last Sabbath..
Harry Watson and cousin, Miss Bor
tl a Dunham of Golinza were vi-iitors to
Cil City Monday.
Miss Lou Fisher of Oil City, who was
a guost of Miss May Grovo last week, re
turned home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs Kennncdy Haugh and
Supt. E. E. Stitzingor, of Nebraska, were
businoss visitors to Oii City Monday.
Clerk Robertson yesterday issued a
marriage license to C. E. Lflighner and
Anna C. Nussbaum, both of Tituville.
J. E. Osgoood and Fred Rudo!ph,two
of Kingsley township's staunch Repub
licans, were pleasant callers at this office
on Saturday.
Mrs. Elizabeth Root and Miss May
Watson of Golinza, have returned home
from a three weeks' visit with friends in
Rochester and Buffalo.
A. P. Anderson, assrssor of Howe
township, was down on business yester
day, and dropped in to renew his sub
scription and begin the new century
Nicholas Raymond, of Meadvdlo,
who was compelled to give up work in
tho mantel factory liere last summer on
account ol ill health, has returned to bis
labors again, looking hale and hearty.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelh and Mrs.
Suie M. Sharpe are in attendance at the
marriago of their niece, Miss Fransue
Rates, to Dr. C. A. Black, which occurs
at tho home ol tho bride's mother In Ti
tusville, to-day.
-Mrs. Floyd Proper entortained apar
ty of thirty-throe of hor lady friends at
luncheon at her elogant home last Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Stiles and
Mrs. M. E, Abbott of Endeavor, were tho
out of town guests prosent.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. ifamilton of New
Castle, Pa., woro guests of Mr. and Mrs.
O. F. Miles a part of the past week. Mr.
H. brought his gun and dogs along, and
had a couple of days of fiue sport in the
woods before the expiration of the hunt
ing season.
Sam Clark of Ward, Colorado, iu n
letter to his parents hero, says, "Dad Hu
lings, Davy Hilands and I attend a tur
key shoot every Saturday. Dad and
Davy get five or nix every shoot." He
also says the weather is warm and pleas
ant, with very littlo snow.
News of tho burning of the three small
childron of Emmet W. Grubbs at Golin
za, Green towuship, last Wednesday
morning came In after about one-half of
tho edition of the Republican was print
ed, and in cousqnuento only a part of our
readers were mado aware of the frightful
affair through that channel.
The father had gono to his work early
in tho morning, and it seems the mother
had left the bouse to visit a neighbor,
leaving tho babe, Ruth, aged six mouths,
iu the cradle asleep, and the other two
children, .Tamos aud Twilla. aged respec
tively fivo and three years at play In tho
hnuso. Not long afterward the building
was discovered to be on fire, tho whole
inside boiug aflame. Men rushed to the
rescue, but nothing whatover could be
done to save the littlo ones, who had
doubtless already been burned lo death.
The parents were frantic over tho awful
affair and heartfelt sympathy Is expressed
on all sides for them.
The origin of the firo is not and doubt
less never will be, known, tho most
plausiblo theory being that tho two chil
dren woro iu some manner playing with
the gas fire, igniting some iullamable
substance. Tho bodies of the two older
ones were found near whora a bed had
stood in tho loom. The pot dog's re
mains were also in that quarter. It is
evident from this that tho childron were
cither on tho bed or had crawled under it
to escape, from tho fire.
The charred remains of the three little
ones wero taken from tho ruins as soon
as the fire could be extinguished, and
were prepared for burial. Tho funeral
was held on Thursday last, the three
bodies being interred in one grave al tho
Guitonvillo cemetery.
In an accident at Olean last Wednes
day afternoon, Joseph Kidd, 'lie of tho
oldest engineers, in point of servico, on
thi-i division of tho P. R. R., was killed,
as was also his firoman, A. Patterson,
both residents of Oil City. The. train,
which was going at a slackened rate of
speed, ran into an open switch and eol-
lideJ with a string of loaded coal car".
Tho fireman was instantly killod. and
the engineer was so seriously scalded
that ho diod in about four hours. The
men stuck to their posts till tho last.
Both wore married and aro survived by
their wives, but leave no children. None
of tho passongers were injured, but bag
gageman L W. Bessey had his ankle
sprained. The train was in charge of
conductor Jack Walsh. It is thought the
switch had been tamp' red with by a
young man who had been observed
in the vicinity a sun t timo previous to
the accident.
Milon Tucker ol Harmony town
ship was a pleasant caller at tho Rcrun
I.H'AN' oflico last Thursday. Mr. T, lives
near tho Fogle Farm, one of the good
paving oil properties of this section, am!
which is owned by Col. Cartor of Titus
ville. Embraced in the operations of
that place are li wells, winch are
pumped daily by two men, nsiii'i four
"pone's and four boilers, fired with
gas. Over 40.000 feet of wire rope is re
quired to reach tho wells, and so perfect
are all the arrangements for doing the
work that tho two men aro ahlo to take
care of tho entire plant. Homo of the
wells yield less than half a barrel, but it
co-its no more to pump them than to let
them stand idle, and they all help in the
general c lit put. As showing tho la-tin
qualities of this territory, Mr. Tucktr
mentioned tho fact that the old Fogle No.
I, drilled more than :ir years ago is still
producing as much as some of Ihoso
drilled within the past four or fivo years.
. The Proposed Curlew Ordinance.
Following is tho textol the Curfew Ord
inance which the Borough Council has
under consideration, and which has pass
ed socond reading :
Prohibiting persons under sixteou years
of ago from bring, (and the parents,
guardians or others having the legal
care and custody of such persons from
allowing and permitting such persons
to be) tu the public streets, lanes, alloys
or public places in the Borough of
Tione.ita, Pa., at night after the hours
of 8 p. in. from from October 1st to
April 1st and alter the hours of 9 p in.
from April 1st to October 1st, and pre
scribing penalties for the violation
Skc. 1. He it enacted and ordained by
Town Council of the Borough of Ti'-nes-ta,
Pa., and it is hereby eu icled and or
dained by authority of the same, That it
is hereby made unlawful for any person
uiub-r sixteen years of ago to bo or re
main in or upon the public streets, alleys
or public places in the Borough of Tio
nesta at night after the hours of 8 p. m.
from October 1st to April 1st and 9 p. m.
from April 1st to October 1st, unless such
person is accompanied by a parent, nuar
dian or other person having the leiral
custody of such minor person, or bearing
a written statement, dated tliat day, and
signed by parent or guardian, declaring
that said child is on a necessary errand.
Tho bell of said borough shall be tolled
nino tunes, fifteen minutes before the ap
pointed time.HS a be known as
tho "Curfew Bell." atler which all such
persons shall be required to be home off
the streets, except as liereinbe.'ure pro
vid. d.
Ski:. 2. It is hereby mado unlawful
for any parent, guardian or other person
having the legal care or custody of any
person uudor sixteen yoars of ago to al
low or permit any such child, ward or
oti er persons under such sge, whille in
such legal custody, to go or h in or upon
the streets, alleys or public places in said
borough within the time prohibited in
Section 1, of this ordinance, as therein
Sec. 3. Each member of the police
force, constable and special policeman,
is hereby authorized to arrest, any person
violating the provisions of Section 1 of
this ordinance and retain such person tor
a reasonable time in which complaint
can be mado and a warrant issued and
served. Upon the first violation, the po
lice otlloor shall take the person into cus
tody and doliver him or her to the parent
or guardian having the legal custody as
aforesaid, and the fact of the said taking
ohall bo reported by the olllc -r at head
quarters nn 1 entered upon the docket of
any justice of the peace, and may bo used
in evidence upon a subsequent violation ;
upon a subsequent violation the person
shall be arraigned for trial hi fore any jus
tice of tho peace, and, upon conviction, be
lined not more than Five Dollars (J5.00)
and costs and upon failure to pay the
said fine and costs, be confined iu the
borough lockup lor a period not exceed
ing five days.
Skc. 4. Any parent, guardian, or other
person as aforesaid, violating the pro
visions of this ordinance shall upuii con
viction thereof be fined not more than
Five Dollars (Jo.00) and costs, and upon
failure to pay said tine and costs, be con
lined in the borough lockup lor a period
not exceeding live days.
Skc. 5. It is hereby made unlawful for
any por-on to forgo or present to a police
officer or magistrate, charged with
carrying Into effect the provisions
of this ordinance a fraudulent or
forged writton statement, whero the
said written statement is presented
as required by Section lMl'tliie ordinance.
Any person so forging or presenting a
fraudulent or forged written utatemont to
said police officer or magistrate may,
upon information, arrest, tiial aud con
viction, be fined not more than Five Dol
lars ($5.00) and costs, aud upon failure to
pay tho same, be couth ed iu tho borough
lockup for a period not exceeding five
Mtnpa Hip CimihIi ami Works oil' the ( old.
Laxative. Broino-Quiiiuie Tablets euro a
cold in one day. No euro, no pay. Price
25 cen ts.
Officers of Post '.
Al a recent meeting of Kli Berlin Post
the following olllcers wero elected for the
onsuing year :
J. Aibaugh, P. C.j J E. Stouu'hlon, S.
V. C,; Win. Aliaugh, J. V. C. S. C.
Whitiunre, Surgeon; Junas.Sliunk. Chap
lain ; S. Mcrvin, Q. M.; J. II. Berlin. .
D.; B. F. Stover, O. G.; W. R. Suinil. G.
Public installation of officers w ill be
hold at the K. O. T. M. hull, at East Hick
ory, on Saturday evening, January 5th,
1901. Commander C. A. Hill of Post 274,
will ser e as installing ollicer. A general
invitation is extended to t verybudy. A
camp-liro will be held and open to nil.
Oysters and supper w ill bn s-rved, the
proceeds to go to the relief loud of the
Tost. Tallies spread at 6 p. m. Come,
everybody. j. a.
Zinc nml (riiiiling make
Dovoo Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by hand.
ISuznnr anil Pioinenailc Concert.
Grand ba.iar aud promena lo concert,
in aid of St. Mary's church, Crown, Pa.,
Rev. J. E. Keegan, Rector, opens Christ
mas ninht and closes New Year's night.
To be held in St. Mary's Hall, Crown, en
tertainments and dancing every evening,
assisted by lirss class artists. Booths and
clipping parties aro novel features. Ad
mission free.
The Nickel Mate Road
oilers to students desiring to return home
for the holidays, tho special rate of. a fare
and a third for tho round trip. Tickets
sold t lie day school closes and the day
preceding, good returning to and includ
ing day school reconvenes but not later
than Jany. 8lh, 1901. This rate available
only to students holding certificates froiw
the head of t,.o school. Write, wire,
phone or call on neaiesl agent, i'si in
or address City Ticket Aueut, !'-'"
street, Erie, Pa., H. C. Allen. '. '
A. N". 272-2t
This'sipnnluro in on every lw t the K'-'""
Laxative DromoQuinjnc Tablet.
tho iviuedy that cure tola la day
Holiday Goods.
It's a sight to see the Gift Goods at Hop
kins' store this week; don't miss it.
Toys, Books, Chinaware, Mechanical
Toys of Every Description.. Surely.
Santa Glaus Unloaded there this year.
Come early. Come often. Bring the Chil
dren. You are all Welcome.
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and
204 Sycamore
Want to keep before you the reasons why this store's
a good place to do your
Every piece stamped Bracelets,
Nail Kilos, Pocket Knives, .Shoe
liorns,Paper Knives.Hair Urnshes,
Match Safes, Thimbles, Baby's
Brush and Comb Sets. Whisk
Brooms, t'all Bells, Hat Brushes,
Hair Brushes and Comb Sets, Iar
ners, blotters, Shaving Brushes,
They'll be needed soon of gauze
hand-painted or spangled carved
ivory or wood handles very dainty
and pretty Kan Chains at too and
Many beautiful designs Th', 5tV,
75c and f I.
Tur-quois, Garnet, Emerald and
Pearl Sellings.
In a neat box with glass cover
2.")C, 5t)o and Cic also separate
Twenty-live different shapes 10c
Five dozen Marked "Laundry"
two shades of greun, red and blue
special pr ce, 'i'tc.
Santa Claus
Willi tho Lirgest and Mist
Kver Shown
Photo Frames,
Toilt Cases,
Manacure Sets,
Shaving Sets,
Smoking Sets,
I invite you to look ever my stock
Before Parol in sing.
If, us nine people out often assert, I lie be t gift is
a useful kM, we area Christmas store of first Impor
tance. HOU-il: COATS -The kind that keep him home evtuings Fancy
two-toned golf plaids, beautifully made almost, every combination uf col
ors. Tricots iu ull shades. S3 50 up.
It.VTII HOHI'IS All combiu itions and colonics ( mil ami tassel
at neck and waui $5, $( l.i $12
JIIIX'S CaljOYI'M Au untitled dnus i;love as low as $1; Fi oe8
Brn'. imp irtud kids, $1 50 and $2 00 ; tny and tsu .Mocha' filk liind,
wool lined and lur lined, 81. 50 82, "'l 4 50 Men's fur aunt'eU,
84 50 and 85.
IIAXUKl'IHCIIIIOI -l'erv Iminlkerchiel pure In-I, linen and
full large size-i, eucli au men like. Linen i ttial Imn Ikerelib fs, one I alt'
dozen iu box, 81 50; linen initial iianiJkrrchiel, 3 iu box, 81 50; plain lui
ens 25c, 35c anil 50c
JIUFFLICK 1 be iUilted Oxford miilll r has the call fii.-i Hni;
neat und drcsiv without clumiiue.iH. Sumo made reversible. 50c to
SHI It 'I' F II lire.-!- t-liii i.i make an acceptable gift. ''Mauliattau''
(Ireim iiliirM 82 t 8-!; Ivirl it U'iIsoii'h pleaieii drex thiriM, 83
4 Olili.l ICS and CI'FFS Are u rtainly acceptable to uny man. C.
,tC'' brand collars, 15c; lv kv. V. brt'n !, 25c.
ISItl'li!L.lS Men's umbrella-', not dry (nii ' (store kind. Finn
l.uckhorn natur"' stick, wilh Merlin -ilver trimmings aud genuine smoked
ivory handle. 2 50. 83 M), 85. 87 5(1 t . ?10,
47 dWStNtUASI..
Arlington Motel
VIA f Villi (A.
Find a rapid sale on these due,
possibly, to the big variety and
prices al which they're inaiked.
It's a lot of money w 've invested
in Umbrellas, but the selling price
will cut the slock down considera
bly belore the li'ilh. Umbrellas at
$ i nml it), but surprising w hat nice can bo bought lu re al popular
prices say J 1.75 lo t'i.
Spoke before about the w ly w e
have these arranged on a rack in
centre aisle, merely a convenience
but h's the variety of designs mnl
the way they are priced we
special attention lo.
Received, by express, sizes an '.
colors necessary to complete our
glove stock Horn Kin amkidi.p-
s.i, now we're leady. To make the
I gilt more presentable we, last sea
son, inaugurated thocu-toin ol giv
ing a box tree, where the gloves or
handkerchiefs are wanted for auil't.
Ask or a box.
Any leather, almost -any price,
ISeaiitiful Assortment of
in the City.
Stationery, I Celery Trays,
Fancy Box Paper, I Toys,
Books for Adults j Doll Carriages,
and Children, . Trunks,
Chinaware, j Drums,
Cups and Saucers, ! Tool Chests,
Dinner Sets, j Games,
Vases, i Air Guns,
Salad Dishes, Sleds, Etc., Etc.
- - OIL CIT), PA
directly oppoHlt t oh,