THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WCNK. Coitor Pro phi (Ton. WEDNESDAY, PECEMIJEK 12, 1 900. 1900 DECEMBER" 1900 Su.lMo.l Tu.l We. Th.ffi.$at. 1 JLJLAAAJLJL M n 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Democrats who bet on tips from Chair man Jones are strongly in favor of reor ganization. The message is a thorough business document ami congress seems in a humor to devote the short session to business achievements. Mk'HIiiax increased its Republican plurality in 1900 to over 100,000, and that was tho best way to discourago tho idea of a third battle. Sorni Dakota's plurality of over 20, 000 for McKinley reduced Pettigrew's final remarks in tho seuato to a strictly individual basis. Qkeat things are promised shortly in wireless telegraphy, and it would be a gcod way to colebrato the opening year of the new century. CfBA learns again, from the Pn si dent's message, that the island is work ing out its own destiny with the United States as a disinterested friend. Bkckiiam's plurality in Kentucky is said to be 3518. In every county in the State there was a Cioebel clectiou board, and yet it was hard work to fix up a small Democratic margin. Tun - United Statos astonished the world by the rapid construction of the Pacific railroads and will equally distin guish itself when work is begun on the Nicaragua Canal. In concluding tho message the Presi dent gives the country a striking sen tence: "Let us keep always in mind that tho foundation of our "government is lib erty j its superstructure peace." Fifty thousand Spaniards have emi grated to Cuba during the past year. They take kindly to a republican form of government and evidently have no bard feeling toward tho United Statoi. Tiik misuse of the prefix Honorable is w idespread. As a matter of fact there is only one honorable in tho United States and that is the Governor of Massachusetts, who is given that titlo by law. In all other cases it is a bogus title. In relation to trusts tho President's message goes directly to the point when it says: "Kestraint upon such combina tions as are injurious, and which are within federal jurisdiction, should be promptly applied by tho congress." Hon. M. S. Quay has rented the C. I. Etter residence, 206 Pine street, in liar- risburg, and ptoposes to be on hand next winter on tho hill, and will give the Mar- tin-Flinu gang a light for their lives. He has his enemies down, we are glad to note, and we hopo will keep them down. Bolters should not control stalwarts in any party.- Warren Mail. Tiih information that Tammany has turned against Bryan will not surprise anyone familiar with tho history of that organization. Tammany has no use for a candidate who cannot win elections. It is in politics for the money aud the patronage which politics give. Croker supposed that Bryan would win in the recent canvass. The fact that he did not win ends Tammany's connection with him. Sinck the explosion that wrecked tho great battleship Maine in Havana harbor, in 169S, tho United States Navy has lost the Charleston, which was wrecked in the Philippines j the Saratoga, w hose fate is unknown, and the Yoseinile, which was recently wrecked off the isl and of Guam. Tho Yosmito was the twenty-eighth naval vessel that has been lost through various causes In tho last forty years. That portion of the message tlut deals with the Philippines is espociaily inter esting. "Tho fortune of war," nays tho President, "has thrown upon this nation an unsought trust which should be un selfishly discharged, and devolved upon . , "iijriiuurcuu uiurai, as wen as a material responsibility toward these mil lions whom we have freed from an op pressive yoke." Nothing imperialistic in that utterance. Th e Cuban's are having some exciting discussions in their constitutional con vention. So do every people who have this experience. There wa9 some inflam matory talk in the convention in Philbv delphia in 1787, which framed the Amcri. can constitution. A few Uryans and Alt- gelds got into that gathering, and thi y threat ned all sorts of ills to the coun uy ii me convention rejected tbeir no tions, which the convention did with considerable emphasis. There is a chance still for the Cubans so get a constitution .'Yi"t'a'bt s'cabe worth something. of Senator fe. tern, of the sovern.i -f Minnesota h uu a. vix.ConKrcssman Clias A , r ranfili the vacancy in the U. S. ineir b , , Demor -"u:""1 u.v ' iioii. uusn f)P1v K. Davis. Tho appointee was nomi boiU'd by the "pops" and free silverites lor Vice President on the Bryan ticket but alter the Kansas City convention of Democrats tailed to put him on their lieki-l be pulled out of the raeo in favor of Stevoison. The Kepublican legisla ture of Minmsnia will meet in' January ami elect a Senator, and Mr. Towne will not have long to rattle around in the po sition ho ably tilled by tho lamented , Davis. - caused uv .t.-ii. r , r . . . ol thu IWmaMcr Oencral, of Senators1 Congrkssjiax Joseph C. Siblky has introducod resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution fixing the term for President of the United States at six years, and making him inel igible for re-election. The new amend ment would also at the end of the presi dent's term, make him Seuator-at large during good behavior, or in other words, for life. The idea seems to be pretty gen erally accepted as a (rood one, particular ly that portion lengthening the to: in to six years. Some seem to look upon the idea of making the ex-president a life senate; a bad one, and un-American, but these are the scarey ones, who are eter ually bin dened with the fear that some time or other this great republio might in some mysteiious manner lose ;ts iden tity. There would never likely be more than one or two of this class of Senators in the national congress at any one time. Six years is about the proper length for a presidential term. Prosperity Scares Them. The Atlanta Constitution has a bad rase of the shivers. It is real blue over the result of the election. The South, which has been selling its cotton for the past few years at five, six and seven cents a pound, has sold this year's crop at ten cents and feels in consequence wry much elated. The Constitution rebukes it for this hopeful feeling. It tells the Southern people that they are in the hands of tho terrible trusts, and that they should therefore proceed to be as miserable as possible. Says tho Constitution: No matter how high the price cotton may brim;, it cannot bring returns enough to meet the exactions of the trust, if you commit yourself to its tender mercies, llomcmbcr that there is no escape. The laws against combinations are valueless in the hands of men who are pledged to stand by the exactions of their masters. Prosperity has proselyted Democracy in the North and the Constitution is evi dently determined to take time by the forelock and prevent such a catastrophe in the South it possible. It goes on toad vise the Southern farmer not to "be de luded by ten-cent cotton, or even by twenty-cent cotton if such a thing should come," This apprehension of possible gr.od for tune is one of the highest compliments tnat the Constitution could have paid tho Republican administration. It shows that t:e South has felt the wave of pros perity that has swept the oountry and that it has unshaken faith in a continu ance of tho same. And it is further dem onstrated that prosperity is, as it always has been, the greatest foe that Democracy has ever encountered. From tho Hickory Ridge "Jllssourlaii." Floored 1 Swatted on tho gob ! Knocked out in the second round 1 McKinley and the dinner pail got there ! Ooshl Didn't they pasto it to us ever lastingly I 'Twasn't our fault, though, Hickory Hidge done noble. Bryan said he was bound to win, and we bet on his judgment. And it cost us the best squirrel dog in the whole State, by jocks I As we go to press ti e news is that ev erything has gone Republican except h 11 and Texas. For President in 1004, Andrew Jackson of Tennessee. We've got to get back to the old landmarks or we're wiped out. We act nowledge a serenade by the Re publican Marching Club with a brass l and last night. It was darned poor music, but we suppose it was tli9 best they could do. Thanks, We are in favor of reorganizing the Democratic pariy or abolishing the whole shooting match. When it's got so that we haven't any principles ot our own, and have to take them second hand trom a lot of Kansas and Nebraska cranks and eranddaddy-long-legs with yoller hair and their pants in their boots, who don t know anything but tree silver and ca lamity hooting, its time, by jingo, to call a new deal I We'ao tired of holding the sack for the Kepumican sin po hunters. It s going to be a blamed long, cold win ter for us this year. Wood, coal ami corncobs wanted on subscription and wanted right now I Cream of tho News. Some persons are never satisfied with anything in the world except them selves. Finest umbrellas, mufflers, handker chiefs, shirts, etc., at T. C. S. tf it docsn t do always to judge a man by sentiment ; the pickpocket has very touching ways. Why not buy a collarette, scarf or storm collar for a nice gift. $3.00 and up ward at T. C. S. tf If tho women took up with any style that is half as ugly as a stovepipe hsit, the men would tefuse to marry them. Furs make nico presents for ladio?, SeethematT.C.S. tf A little girl when asked by a friend, with whom she was spending tho day, "What kind of food does your father like?" replied, "Oh most any kind mam ma hasn't got." Fx. Pretty holiday display at F. Waiters A Co.'s. Their goods are exceptionally fine, but not expensive. Call before making your selections. It Titusville and Meadvllle will be con nected by trolly next summer. Medallion photos and frames at Killmer's. tf. The world is full of peoplo who say they will when they mean they won't. Holiday goods that are useful at T. C. S. tf The cost of taking the census of the United States is estimated at gl5,0t0,0ii0, Fancy holiday goods without fancy prices at T. C. 8. tf Tho receipts from the war revenue act for tho first four months of the pros ent fiscal year were ? W,3!8,S06. Do you admire nice china ware? See it at T. C. S. tf The. Pennsylvania has ordored 800 new fire extinguishers from a Buffalo firm for use in passenger coaches and station buildings. A wine-glass full of strong borax water in a pint of raw starch will enable you to do up collars and cuffs as stiff and glossy as any laundry. Best place to buy useful presents at T. C. S. tf What our future will be d pends largely on what we make our present. Littlo can beexpeclod of the adv tisiug which stops with the ad. itself. lJ-j-jt A. 15. Kelly, cannier, HELD FOR MURDER. Kt. I). E. Stuart Lt Co on On Charge nntl Arrentetl on Aaolher. WILKES PARRE, Poo. 8. A ' war rant for murder was served Thursday ou Rev. I. E. Stewart, formerly pastor of the Baptist church at Wyoming, and he is now in jail awaiting the hearing, which is fixed for Monday. Stuart is the minister who was arrested in Phila delphia on Nov. IS on the charge of Im foiming au unlawful operation on bin wife. Constable Kulp was the prosecu tor, ami lie also had a warrant for mur der, w hich he did not serve. Since then Stuart has been under bail here await ing a hearing on th- operation charge. After several postponements it took place Wfore Jtlrtge Woodward, and n.8 the commonwealth failed to substantiate its charges. Mr. Stuart was discharged. Two doctors testified that there had becu no operation. The father of the woman, William Harris, thou had a warrant sworn out charging the minister with murder. Al derman Perkins before whom he was taken, refused to accept bail, and as the witnesses for the prosecution wore not ai hand, he adjourned the case for a henrin'g on Monday. The suspicion of murder is based on 4 he knowledge that on the day his wif. died Mr. Stuart hi ught a bottle of carbolic add and that ho was alone in tho room with her foi the two hours prowling her death. This is according to the story of the woman's arut, in whoso house she was. The anut was called to the side of the young wifa, by the shout of tho husband for help. She found the wife's throat and inoutb bcrnod by the carbolic acid. She died in a few minutes. Tho husband could no! satisfactorily explain how his wife got the acid, lie said ho did not see her take it. LEFT ALL TO CHARITY. Womai Who lived In I'oTerty left Weiiltli to Church. M'KEESPORT, Doe. ".-Alone, just as she had lived, Mrs. Pauline Auberle died. She was buried hero Wednesday. She left au estate vulued at fJoO.OMt, all of which goes to charity. ror many years Mrs. Auberle had lived in comparative poverty. She was dread ed by her neighbors because of her vio lent temper. She was known to own property, but it was not imagined that she was as wealthy as she is now shown to have boon. She accumulated her for tune from the profits obtained from a roadside i-aloou and by lending money. Most of her wealth is in realty, secured by the foreclosure of mortgages. Mrs. Auberle was 72 years eld and wat born In (icrmuuy. She has brothers and sisters living in England and Wales, but has had littlo communication with them for ninny years. Her husband died .'1.1 years ago. Since his death Mrs. Auberle had lived most of the time alone. Oc casionally she adopted children, never having had u.iy of her own, but the home was not attractive, and they left her as they grew up. According to her directions all of the estate, with the exception of a few small bequest to relatives, goes to St. Peter's Catholic church. Part of it is to be used in tho erection of a Herman Catholic church and the remainder in the estab lishment of the Auberle Home for Or phans and a hospital for children. Colonl Ilpiiiiott'o Will Manila. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 7. Judge Ilauna has lilcd an opinion in the or phans' court sustaining the validity of the will and codicils of Colonel Joseph M. Uoimott. The court refused to send the case to the common pleas for trial by jury, and dismissed the appeal from the decision of the register of wills. Mr. Bennett bequeathed nearly tne whole of his fortune to the University of Pennsyl vania and the Methodist Orphanage Home. Among the properties beqiiethed to the university is the Chestnut Street Opera House. The estate is worth about 52,51 K,000. l'.oy Meet! a Frightful Death. FRANKLIN", Dec. 7. The body ot Lewis Cawley, aged 1( years, was found under the pulley w heel of the engine in a boiler house near his home in Petro leum Center, this comity. No one was present when the accident happened, but it is supposed that in passing from one side of the boiler house to the other he was caught by the belt and hurled into the machinery. His head was cruslieo into a jelly and his brains were seat tered over the door. Ills body hud stopped the machinery. Electric rinnts to Chungs Hand. STEUBEN VI LLE, Dec. 7.-Negotia tloiis are under way by which Eastern capitalists will purchase the SteubenvilU Gas amid Electric plant and the Steu benville Traction company's line in thit city. The light plant has a city contract for 10 years, it is the intention to ex tend the street railway up the river tt Toronto ami Empire and touch at Brown's island, which will be made summer resort. The deal will involvi $200,000. Mo Itrquliltlon For Ithoile. IIAItKISHUKG, Dec. 8.-Govemoi Sitone gave a hearing in the matter ol protest ngainst the issue of a requisition for William Rhodes, arrested in New York for alleged fraud in a real estate deal in Philadelphia. Bartow Weeks ol New York appeared for Rhodes and con- vineed Governor Stone that it was au attempt to collect a debt by a criminal proceeding. Governor Stone accepted this view of the case and refused the re quihiliun. S!x Hurt 111 Mine Kxplntlnll. WILKES BAR HE, Dee. 7.-WHte number of men were driving a pJnve in th" Maxwell mine of the Lehig.'j :iui! Wii'.. i s-I'.siito Coal company at As'-. an explosion of gns occurred burne d six men aud ilainngod the mine ic Foine extent. Martin Moran and John I'otsko may (lie. Tho explosion wa caused by one of the men igniting feeder of gns not known to exist. Deafness Cannot He Cured by local applications, as they cannot reacn me diseased portion ol the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbfl mucous lining of the Eu stachian Tube. When this tube Bets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imported bearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and tin less the jnflnmation can bo taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever j nine cases out ol ten are caused by catarrh, wnicn is nounng nut an lnllamed conul tion of tho mucous surfaces. Wo will givo One Hundred Dollars for any cave of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, henil ror circulars, tree. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Xotice. The shareholders of tho Forest County National Bank of TionesUi., Pa., will meet on Tuesday, January Mb, liKil, at t o'clock p, in., at the othco of the Bank, lor tho purpose of tho election of directoi a for tho ensuing year. 11! d ot A. B. Kelly, Cashier, out urecD'a rnzo Aimauau. CHEER UP! Christmas is coming and if you are looking for SEBYICBABLE FIESEHsTTS. gift that your friends wil appreciate when the holidays are a thing 0' the A Few Suggestions. CIIINAWAUE, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, NICKELWARE. - UMBRELLAS, MUF FLERS, NECKTIES, GLOVES, HAND KERCHIEFS, POCKET BOOKS, BOOKS, io fact almost everything except toys. CALL AND SEE. "The Atlanta Special." The route of tho "Atlanta Special" is via the Seaboard Air Liue Railway, "Florida and West India Short Line," with through Pullman drawing room and bullet sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond to Athens and Atlanta where direct coonnoctions are made in Union Depot for Montgomery, Macon, New Orleans and all points South and Southwest. Trains arrive and depart at Pennsyluauia Railroad stations. For further information call on or address W. C. Shoemaker, General Eastern Passen ger Agent, 1SKJ Broadway, New York; C. L. Longsdorf, New England Passen ger Agent. SOti Washington street, Bos- ton, Mass.; W. M. MeConnell, Geneial Agent, 14;M New York avenue, Washing ton, D. C, or tho General Passenges Agent at Portsmouth, Va. E, St. John, ' L. L., V.-P. A G. M. Gen. l ass. AgU Free ot Charge. Any adult so tiering from a cold settled on tho breast, bronchitis, throat or lung troubles of any nature, who will call on J. D. Davis, will be presented with a sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup free of chargo. Only one bottle given to one person, and nono to children with out order from parents. No throat or lung remedy evt r had such a sale as Boschoe's German Syrup in all parts of tho civilized world. Twenty years ago millions of bottles were giveu away, and your druggists will tell you its success was marvelous. It is really the only Throat and Lung Remedy gonerally endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent bottle will cure or prove its valuo. Sold by dealers iu all civilized countries. Get Green's Prize Almanac. 2-eow The Nickel Plate Road will sell holiday excursion tickets on Dec. 22nd, 21rd. 24th, 20th and 31st and Jany. 1st, at a fare and a third for the round trip, tickets good returning until Jany. 2nd, inclusive, on any one of our Peerless Trio of daily express trains, where scheduled to stop. Write, wire, 'phono or call on nearest agent. Call at or address City Ticket Office, 820 Stale street, Erie, Pa., H. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A. No. 271-2t The Seaboard Air Line Railway, "Florida and West Jndia Short Lino," is positively the Shortest route to Sa vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa a'd all Florida Points. Double dai y sei vice and through Pull man drawing room and bufTel sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington and Richmond. Round trip winter excursion tickets are now on sale at all principal poins to Jacksonville, Tampa and all Florida points. Trains arrive and depait at Pennsylvania Railroad stations. For fur ther information call on or address W. C. Shoemaker, General Eastern Passenger Agent, 1200 Broadway, New York ; C. L. Longsdorf Now England Passenger agont, 30(3 Washington street, Boston. Mass.; W.M. MeConnell, General Agent, 1434 Now York avenue, Washington, D. C., or tho General Passenger Agent at Portsmouth, Va. L. S. Allkv, E. St. John, Gou. Pass. Agt V. P. A O. M. 16: ; . . CURES WE want to so Impress upon your nfnd the nhove fact, thut when jou or yours hiivo Sore Throat you will lit. eve I ulna of 'i'onslllne in tho ono euro which never fulls, foro Jlouth, Croup uud Ciulnpy anj J usl us quickly cured by TOHSSUBi 2SCAND60S. ,LL DRUGGCT3. TBS TONSII.IJVB OO. CABfOM, Ok D. P. FREDERICKS, 11. D. (Piactico limited to Eye, Ear, Noso and Throat.) Every Day, from 9 a. in. to 12 m. Afternoon hours by appointment only. Hereafter I will furnish my own glasses ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA TIONKSTA MAHKETH CORRECTED EVERY TUESDAY, BY RELIABLE DEALERS Flour "0 sack 1.10l.fi5 Corn meal, feed, 100 tt 1.00 Corn meal, family, 100 lb 1.25 Chop Iced, pure grain 1.10 Oats 32 .35 Corn, shelled .55 Beans "ji bushel 2.50 Ham, sugar cured 13ft) .14 Bacon, sugar cured .12(.1:;$ Shoulders .10 Wbiteflsh "0 kit .50 Sugar 0i.O7 Syrup 25Tu .50 N. O. Molassos 35'c$ .60 Coireo, Hoast Rio 14 15 Coll'ce, blended Java .25 Tea .50 Butter 22f.$ .25 Kice 05(.0( Kggs, fresh c .25 Salt-0 barrel 1.25 Lard .11 Potatoes, -f bushel, .50 Lime V barrel !01.00 Nails V keg 2.75 Wanted-An Idea Who can think of some simple Uilng to patent? Protect your lla; thrr mr tiring yu wealth. ney, Washington, I). C.fur their s'i.Hjl prlM Oder tud Ut ut two hundred IutcuUuu wauiwl. past WE ARE IT! ROBINSON. Our stock is now complete for the hoi iday trado, and consists of tho largest and best selected STOCK of Diamonds, IVatolics, Clock, Gold and Plated Jewelry Sterling Sil ver, Silver Plated Ware, Silver and other Xoveltles and leather Good lver Shown In the City. If you want goods ENGRAVED don't put it olt, but Imv them now before it is too late to have tho work done. The LEADING JEWELER 32 SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA JOE LEVI. We Have th Exclusive ilG&YGr for the ALFRED DOLCE, WARM LINFO FELT GOODS, iu all colors for LADIES', JOE LEVI, on. cm, pa. Fred. Grcttcnborgor GEBEKAL BLACKSMITHS MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, un well 'tools, uas or water t il tings and General lilacksmi thing prompt tv done nt Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and saiisiaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just wostof the Shaw House, Tutioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTKNBERGER Notice. Notice is hereby given that an annlica tion will be made to tho Governor of the Stato of Pennsylvania on tho 27th day o December, 1000, by G. W. Kobinson. L J. Hopkins, J. C. Bowman, A. B. Kelly T. D. Collins, Thomas J. Cullon. R. F, Alexander, et al, under the Act of Assem bly ot the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation ana regulation of certain corporations," approved April 2!). A. V 1S74, and the suplements theroto, for a charter of an intended corporation to be caned "ine Mionesta Mantel ManulaC' turing Company," the character and ob jnct whereof is the manufacture and sale of mantels, furniture and intorior wood work, and for these purposes to have. possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges or the said Act of Assent bly and its supplements. T. F. Ritchey, Solicitor, SB! WW fc VA ii 'l if WWiSfi ilwl's rl. li nd 'l"Maw',!,,', Ko "' i UvV'WiHj' "'"'.v "trice isoid ST A M A It l 'S s-'i i:p jlv ' rTTTT'-sviIT'Vn V, HI1MHT.UHW.H . I'.MM'rT I VI. , . "m ' T.. - A "VV . W "Will III I Every Lady CHRISTMAS TABLiJ LULsTElsrS At 25, 33, 50, 5, 75e and $1.00 per yard. Fine XapkhiH at $1.00 to $5.00 per Do.. Table padding, extra uldo and heavy, GOe. Fine Towels and other Linen. Lawrence & so. A. Wayne Cook, A. 11. President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, in MfcroHa A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win. Smearbaugh, N. P. Wheolor, T. F. Uitehey. J. T. Dale, J. H. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.yinent ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. Interest p-id on tin.-fl deposits". Your patronage respectfully solicited. AH In. The store of the people is in holiday nttire. This is the last week in which to shop at your leisure. Tlentv of clerks, nlen- ty of goods, plenty of time. .13 HOUSE COATS, BA HI ROBES. BEAUTIFUL UMBRELLAS FOR MEN AND WOMEN, MUFFLERS UANDKERCIIIES.OPERA HATS LADIES' SOFT FELT HATS, BAGS AND SUIT CASES, COR RECT GLOVKS, FULL DRESS AND FANCY SHIRTS, OUR FAMOUS ENGLISH NECK WEAR in the corrojt new colorings and shapes. THE McCUEN CO, 2i AND 29 SENECA Si.. OIL CITY, PA. TJller. To the Good People of Tioncsta and Vicinity: I Dow employ Mr. F. L. Clawsoo iu my Tionesia store. Mr. Clawson comes very well recommended, being a good workman, as well as being sober, industrious and conscientious. Bring in your watch, clock, in fact, anything pertaiuing to the Jewelry line, that needs repairing, and I will guarantee satisfaction. Our motto is, "Not How Cheap, But How Good for the Money." C. C.ULLER, TIOKESTA, IFA. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Hug gics to lot upon the most reasonable terms, lie will also do JOB TEIlsTa- All orders left at the Post Office wil receive prompt attention. S. I. HASLET k GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. OPEN DEC Takes pride in the appearance of her Table Smearbauah. r03s. Kelly, Cashier. Wm. Smkahdauoii, Vice President. NATIONAL RANK, 150,000. at low ratos. We promise our custom Pennsylvania uviritoAi. Ul'KPALO AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking ellcct, November 2.', I'.HM). No. So Bufflilo Express, daily except Siiudav lLlloa. in. No. ; Oil City and Pbtsburg Ex ress,daily,cxccpt Sunday ..7:.W p.m. For 11 ickory.Tidlouto, Warren, Kin jiua, llrailford, 'Jlean and tho East! No. 31 (Mean Express, daily exept Sunday . 8:S0 a. in. No. 3;t Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:15 p. in. Oct Time Tables and full Information from J. W. Mt'CKEA, Agont, Tioncsta. J. 11. HUTCHINSON, J. K. WOOD, tieneial Manager. (Jcn'l Passenger Agt, NEW LIVERY Having purchased tho livery barn lo cated in rear of Hotel Agnew aud after adding many now ami up-to-dato rigs wo are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to tho people of t.ils vicininity and gu uan teo to fit you out in llrst-class stylo. We will make a specialty of furnishing rigs for Funerals, Weddings, Receptions Etc. WM. ORAM, ARCHIE UREY. C O.TIF, AM Sl.i; I S. 0 &UGUST MQ&G& OFTIOIAK Oflico k National Bank Iluildiug, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined freo. Exclusively optical. ILLINOIS CWRAL R. B. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCUSIONS TO CALIFORNIA Pullman Excursion (Slopping Cars through to San Francisco every Monday and Friday trom Cincinnati, and every Wednesday from Chicago via NEW ORLEANS AND THE SOUTHERN ROUTE Pullman Excursion Sloeping Car through to Ixis Angeles every F'rlday from Chicago. VIA OMAHA AND THE SCENIC ROUTE. Through Sleeping Car fi om Chicago with out change, and through sleeping car res ervations from Cincinnati, via Illinois Central aud the New Through Lino to HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, BYWAY OF MEMPHIS. Particulars, folders, and general in formation of agents of connecting lines4 or by addressing E. A. RICHTER, T. P. A. 812 Park ltuilding, Pittsburg, Pa. A. II. UANSON, G. P, A.. Chicago. H OW aliout your stock of Stationary t wo uo tngti class Job mutiny.