The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 28, 1900, Image 3

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The fall is the best time of the year to paint
especially this fall. Painters can tell you
why it is best time of year to get best results
from the paint. We can tell you why this fall
is the time to get best value for your money.
During the spring and summer we bought a
large quantity of prepared paints. Within the
past ten days all paint manufacturers have no
tified their customers that the price of paints
had been increased 10 to 1 5c, per gallon owing
to the lailure of the. flaxseed, crop and other
causes. This means an increase of 15 to 25c per
gallon to the consumer. As long as they last
we will sell paints at the old price. If you in
tend to paint within a year it will pay you well
to buy before the advanced prices rule.
Elm and Bridge Streets.
. . AMI . .
C. M. All k IE,
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, irouses
tC- Lots for Sale or Rent.
New AtlvprtisiMiients.
Jiiiiios. All.
Lam triers. Ad.
Ainslor. Looiln.
Hopkins. Iiciils.
DiiII'h College. Ad.
Nic-kol Piute. Koiiders.
Seaboard K'y. Headers.
IllinolH Cent nil H. K. Ad.
Tinncxtik Cash Storo. Ad. and Locals.
Oil niarkot cloned at f 1.05.
Go to Anmler for ainuni tion,
- Oil and gas leases at this otlleo.
You can (jot It nt Hopkins' store
Marvin's crackers are sold only at
T. C. S. U
Suotpuna for rent at 25 cents per day
at Aiuslur's. tf
Frosli primus 5c, good rice 5n at Tio
nesta Cash Storo. It
An elegant uaw lino of nokwear has
just boon opened up at Hopkins' stove It
Go to Amslor for tropical fruits and
vogotahlos for your Thanksgiving dinner.
Think ini; of buying a new lint f Now
assortment just received at Hopkins'
storo. It
Advertising Is the lubricant which
inakos the wheels of business run more
A bov described scandlo thus : "It is
whon nobody ain't done nothin' and
somi body goes and tells."
The street sprinkler M taking Its out
ing now, whilo the snow shovel is rub
bing up for the wintor campaign.
To-morrow's the day peoplo gorge
themselves with turkey, and oyster
stalling, inlnce pio and the liko, and call
it Thanksgiving Day.
Tho ladies of the W. R. C. dosiro to
extend thanks to thoso who so kindly
contributed to the barrel which was sent
to the memorial home rrom this place
.last week.
The houso occupied by John Bush on
the West Side took lire last Friday night
and a hole five or six feet in diameter
was burned in Hie roof, but practically
no damage was done io tho furniture.
Hoar In mind the union Thanksgiv
ing services at the Preshytoriau church
to-morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, llov.
Mr. Murray will preach the sormon. A
general and cordial invitation Is extend
ed. The commissioners of Venango coun
ty and the Franklin bridgo owners have
finally settled their dilleroncos, the coun
ty paying tho company $19,082.92, which
amount covers the court's award, togeth
er with Intorebt and costs.
The I. O. O. F. sont throe now inoin-
bors over the goat roine last evening and
after tho exerclsos wore finished about
thirty of them made a finish of the even
ing's enjoyment by par!akiug of an oys
ter suppor at Hotel Agnew.
When suffering with an appotito, or
for the lack of one, go to Amsier. His
groceries are of tho finest brands, and
his vegetables, fruits, etc., are always
Birictly up to date. Oysters fresh from
the salt sea and of tho mowt delicious
quality. - It
Honry, son of Gus Rhoades of Starr,
Pa., had the misfortune to get his loft
Land crught in the cogs of a 'eod cutter,
last Friday, and so badly lascerafed the
fingers that Dr. Dunn found it necessary
to ampulaie the little tingor at the second
joint. The third finger was badly
crushed but tho doctor thinks it can be
Marguerito Merington, tho well
known dramatist, has converted the fa
mous "Cranford" story of Mrs. Gaskell's
into a play for tiio Ladies' Home Journal
In the evolution she has been remarka
bly successful in preserving the atmos
phere of Cranford, and of Viost con vine
ingly reproducing tho quiet life and the
individual, harmless peculiarities of the
maiden ladies, and tho charm of their
courtesy. Tho play is lor amateur pre
sentation .
This fall of the "beaut" reminds us,
That Old Wintor'a almost hero,
And that we must do some grunting,
If we'd keep our sidewalks clear.
Those who waut the .Farm Journal
through our clubbing arrangement must
speak quick, as no subscriptions to that
journal will be taken by us aftor the close
of next mouth. . l'ay up and get In on
the four-year subscription, but do it at
Thero's a ehaneo (or some one to got
a bargain hi a set of the new "National
Dicllounry Encyclopedia and Atlas" by
calling at this office. Tho set is fresh
from tho publishers, and contains 18 vol
umes. Drop la aud see what a bargain
you can secure. tf
A preacher In Southern Missouri, af
tor having announced that he would
preach on tho following Sunday on "Hell
nnd Who Will Go There," received sev
eral lotters from parlshionors threatening
dire votigencs in case he dared (o make
use of tholr names.
Tho Fittsburg A Western railroad
Company Is now changing the road from
liutlor to Foxburg from a narrow to a
standard gauge. The narrow gauge will
remain from Foxburg to Kane for the
prosont, but eventually it will also be
made standard gauge
Tho census of 1900 shows that the cen
tra of population is In Indiana west of
Columbus. In 1800 it was 23 mllos east
of Baltimore and has shifted almost due
west at the ralo of i0 to 60 each do
cado except from 1850 to 1800, when it
movod West by north 81 miles.
Those of our sut serihors who have
not yet taken advaulago of our offer of
tho Farm Journal till Jan. 1, 1905, with
oyory cash-iu-advanou paymont to tho
Kki'lui.can, should do so at onco. The
offer w;ll be withdrawn shortly, but
whilo it lasts you should avail yourself of
tho opportunity. The Farm Journal is
tho host paper of Us class In the world.
-The Meadvillo Poultiy Fanciers have
completed ai rangemeuts for the third
annual show of that club, to be held at
MeadviUo, I'a.,Doc. lOto 11, 1900. Among
the attractions in the way of an advertise
ment will be a three day fox chase with a
liberal prize for tho winning dogs. Tre-
mium list is now ready and can be had
by dropping a card to H. L. Lamb.Soc'y,
Cambridge Springs, Pa,
Trains have been running on the new
schedule since Monday, and as there is
considerable difference In their depar
turo at this station it will bo well to bear
in mind the changes: Train 81 going
north leaves at 8:50 a ni., and train S3 at
4:15 p.m. Going south train 30 departs
nt 11:35 a. m. instead of 12:00 p, m. as
herotoiore, and train 32 departs at 7::l0 p
m. insiead of 7:53 as heretofore. The cor
roded timo tablo will be found in this
Heavy raii.s mixed with mare or
loss snow has given the river navigators
h11 tho water needed for getting their
wares to market, and then considerable
Yesterday morning the river was bank
full and running over, making it neces
sary for all sorts of craft to "tie up" for
awhile. So far as hoard from all boats
and barges that were slarlod last weok
have been well managed and are safely
landed at different points between here
nnd Pittsburg, and it is more than prob
ablo tliat all will reach market In good
--O. C. Longslreth, at his farm in Tio-
nesta township, located between New
mansville and Nobraska, will on Thurs
day, Dec. 20, 1900, offer at public sale one
pair mated roan horses, 6 years old,
weight 3,000 lbs; one pair black horses,
weight 2,700 lbs; two Jersey cows; two
good wagons, Scowden A Clarlc make,
one 31 skoin, one oi skein; two pair
hoavy log sleds; set of heavy team har
ness, buggy, sloigh, bay rake, mowing
machine, fanning mill, bark racks and
boat, chains aud grabs and numerous
other articles, Salo will begin at 10 a. in
Torms easy. Don't forgot the dates.
Du i ing the past ten days or two weeks
parties Horn outside have been stationed
hero who seemed bent on making an hi'
discrimlnale slaughter of pheasants, with
a view to bieaking the record for big
counts, and scarcely taking time for
sleep, act'ug like a band of Modoc In
diaus on the warpath. One party boasted
that they had bagged (he limit ton birds
t a man every day they had been here
aud soemod to regard themselves as fine
sportsmen. Game hogs should have no
quarter in any decent community, but
should be looked upon vory much as a
shuep thief or robbers of hon-roosis are.
Tho limit of pheasants and other game
which ono man Is permitted to take In a
dav suould be cut down at least one half
mid then ihee "hogs" should not be per
mi Hod to tun their uosos into the swill
I bo far.
The Oil Well Supply Company, of
Oil City, has begun the building of au
Immenso plant at Siverly, a suburb of
Oil City, whore will be assembled its en
tire manufacturing iuterosts in that city.
The ent're plant will cover an area of 42
acres, and will have a railroad frontage of
3,000 foot. In all, the plant will rontfst
of 15 large building which will be built
of brick and iron. There are now about
100 men and teams at wori .
The school house at the mouth of the
Sheriffs, Howe township, destroyed by
fire two weeks ago, is to be rebuilt im
mediately on the old foundations, only
on a larger plan, as the former building
was much too small to accommodate the
number of pupils, and school will be re
su.ned in a few weeks. The old build
ing was fully insured. Miss Morrison,
tho teacher, is spending her enforced va
vation at bor home in Parthonia, Pa.
The councils of Kane have passed the
curfew ordinance. It prohibits boys and
girls under 10 years of age being on the
streets of the town alter the hour of 8:30
p. in., unloss accompanied by parents or
guardians, between the first day of Nov
ember and the 31st day of March, and
after 9 p. m. from the first day of April
to the 31st day of October. The curfew
bell will be tolled three times 15 minutes
before the time appointed for tho chil
dren to leave the streets, giving them no
tice to go to their homes. The police aro
directed to arrest all persons under the
stated ago found loiteriug on the streots
after the hours named.
They do things up in pretty much
tho proper style over in Jefferson county,
according to the Falls Creek Herald. A
few days ag'i when the fast train on the
II., R. A P. road came to a stop at the
station there a man uamad Roberts and a
woman calling herself Mary Simpron at
tempted to got on, but before they were
safe aboard a second man, Henry Hutton
by name, came on tho scene, saying he
was the woman's husband. He proceed
ed to wipe np the platform with Roberts,
and took the woman away in lively style.
The party expectod to go to Butlalo to
get married. The woman" said she was
not marriod to Hutton, only had been
living with him.
Billy Morgan returned from Pitts
burg yestorday morning, where he land
ed a fleet of fiat boat for Lawrence A
Smcnrbaugh Sunday afternoon. During
Monday, from eight to six o'clock tho
river at Pittsburg raised ten feet, making
things rather lively about the wharfs at
Ilia' place, but having done no damage at
tho time he loft. On tueir way home
Monday night the men saw a flat boat
floating down the river loadod with hem
lock bark which bad taken fire and was
ablaze from one end to tho olhor. There
whs no one aboard the burning craft,
which had evidently boon abandoned by
its crew or had been cut looso from a
licet after getting allame.
Last evening's Cony Leader says:
"Constable Wauuburn of Spring Creek
went to Pittsburg yesterday with war
rants for the arrest of Secret Sorvice Of
ficer W. A. Flyuu and hi associates in
the counterfeiting arrests made at Spring
Creok a short time ago. Tho complain
ant is John lien net t, and the charge is
false arrest and Imprisonment." In this
connection it may be statod Bennett after
boing discharged, was loft penniless on
the streets of Pittsburg. lie had novor
before been away from his native place.
Tho crowds on the streets frightened him
nearly to death and he retuned to the jail
for shelter. Kind-hearted government
officials collected monoy enough to sond
the man home.
Tho Franklin News tolls about a
freak oloction bet that was made between
Arthur Snydor, Republican, and Charles
Allen, Democrat, two pumpers in the
Bredinsburg oil fiolds in Crauberry
township, Venaugo county, Pa. Prior to
tho election they made a bet, the winner
of tho wager to be allowod to cook the
meals ofti.e losor in any shape or man
ner fro the date of olectioa until inaug
uration, on March 4th. Allen, of course,
lost tho bet, and Snyder is doing the
cooking iu tho shauty occupied by the
men on tho leaso whore thoy are work
ing. Alter some study Snydor decided
to cook everything Allen had to eat in a
little whisky. If he fries any potatoes
for Allen he finishos Hum off with a
spray of liquor. When ho makes pan
cakes, thoy have the whiskey flavor. Al
len's broad all tastes of whisky, his cof
fee is flavored with it, aud in fact every
thing he eats Is seasoned with the spirits
frumenti. Uofore election Alien was a
hard drinker, but while in town to-day
he roiused to drink. Snydor's scheme,
he says, is better than the Keeley euro.
Crushed hj Hie Cars.
Thomas Knapp, whose home is near
Nowmansyillo, Clarion county, was in
stantly killod near Dean's mills, Warren
countv. on Mondiy of this woek. He
was employed on tiie Tionesta Valley
railroad, and in attempting to throw a
switch near the above named place, was
thrown in front of the engine which
passed over him and killing him almost
Instantly. The young man was aged
about 21 years. The remains were oon
veyed to his late home near Newmans
ville, where thoy wore interred, the fu-
noral services taking place yesterday af
ternoon. Zinc aud Grinding make
Devoo Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice
as long as lead and oil mixed by baud.
Tlio Editor aud Preacher.
Tho press and the pulpit have more
charily thau all the balance of the com
munity, and the fact is aptly illustrated
by an exchange as follows:
A preacher once aid, "Editors dare
not toll the truth. If you did you could
not live. Your newspaper would be a
The editor replied: "You are right,
and the preacher who will at all times
tell the truth about his members, alive
or dead, will not occupy the pulpit uiore
than one Sunday, aud he will find it nec
essary to leave towu in a hurry. The
press aud the pulpit go baud in hand
with whitowasb brush and kind words,
magnifying little virtues into big ones."
And the minister went away, looking
very thoughtful, wuilo the editor turned
to his work, telling about the unsur
passed beauty of tho brido, whilo in fact
she was as ugly as a mud fence.
Moi the Cuimh mill Work oil' I lie fold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
25 conts.
Sheriff Jaraieson was in Oil City on
business last Saturday.
E. E. Fleming was a business visitor
to Oil City last Saturday.
ti-U JI. KiUmer was in Meadville on
business apart of last week.
Mrs. J. T Carson was a guest of Oil
City friends over last Sabbath.
Mrs. Clara Hayden visited friends in
Oil City and Siverly last Friday.
Smith Setley of East Hickory was a
visitor to the county seal yesterday.
Mis. 8. M. Honry was a guest of
friends in Oil City a part of last week.
Mrs. S. M. Hnry was a guest of
friends iu Oil City a part of last week.
Mcsdamos L. J. Hopkins and J. F.
Proper are visiting friends In Pittsburg
thi" week.
Alfa Dunkle was up from Oil City
last Sabbath on a visit to his sister, Mrs.
G. II. Killnior.
District Attorney Irwin was In
Franklin on business Monday and Tues
day of this weok.
Mrs. Elizabeth Root and Miss May'
Watson, of Golinza, left last Friday for a
six weeks' visit in Rochester and Buffalo.
Clork Robertson yesterday Issued a
marriage license to Isaac W. Young of
Walnut Bend and Hester A. Boober of
Hunter Station.
W. G. Rndgers, who has beon en
gaged at his trade as stone-cutter in
Franklin during the past summer, is at
home for a week's visit.
Adam Emert of Germrfn Hill and
daughter, Mrs. Fred Bristow, of this
place left Monday for Volencia, Butler
county, to visit relatives.
Friends of Mrs. T. F. Ritchey will be
pained to learn that she does not appoar
to Improve In health, but on the contrary
seems to be growing weaker.
Announcement has been made of the
engagement of Dr. C. A. Black and Miss
Fransne Bates, daughter of Mrs. H. S.
Bates, of North Brown street. Titusville
Lester Parker, of Garfield, Warren
county, and Miss Mary Shaffer, of Mar-
ienvillo, this county, have been granted
a license to wed by the Clerk of Elk
Messrs Jos. Joyce and Harold Her
man, of Tionesta, are among the latest
students to arrive at the Commercial de
partment of the Normal School. Clarion
W. H. Sanner, of Colorado City, Col.,
is here on a visit to his parents, Mr. aud
Mrs, John Sanner, This being his first
visit home In twenty-six years the joy of
his parents can be imagined.
Mrs. George E. Zuver, one of the old
and respected residents of Pleasantvllle,
died at his home Tuesday evening of last
week, of Infirmities of old age. Her bus
band and several sons survive her.
Jim Shoomakor, who is working at
his trade as painter, in Parsons, W. Va.,
came home Monday for a visit with his
wife at Endeavor. Jim presented the
Rkuhmcak with a neatly varnished cane
which ho says he cut on the Kelly's Ford
Geo me W, Mnng, returned last Fri
day to his work in the oil fields near To
ledo.Ohio, having spent a couple of weeks
at his old home hi Tionesta township,
During bin stay he bad the pleasure of
assisting in the capture of a fine doer.
Judge Crisswell, ex-Prothonotary
J. R. Robertson and Attorney N. F. Os
mor, of Franklin, spent a part cf last
week here in quest of game. They ro
turned Friday, not with a baggage car
full of game, but having a decent mess
all 'rourid, with which any true sports
man should be satisfied. Chas. Amann,
who has been training a dog for JuJe
Crisswell 'entertained the latter while
Mrs. A. B. Kelly and Mrs. Suie M.
Sbarpe gave a very pleasant luncheon to
their out-of-town friends last Friday.
The invited guosts were Mesdamas Daw
son, Broitenstoin and Warden of Tidi
otitc, Mesdames Sliles and Abbott of En
deavor, Mesdames A. J. snd Orion Big
gins aud Misses Jennie and Jnstina Sig
Kins of West Hickory, and Mrs. II. S.
Bales, of Titusville, and Mrs. 8. D, Irwin
and Miss Bortha Lawrence of Tionesta.
John Mooney.a well known emplove
of the Oil Weil Supply company, of this
city, left Saturday for West Newten,
Mass., where on next Wednesday, Nov.
28, he will be married to Miss Alice Nor
ris, a highly respected young lady of that
place. On his rotui j his many friends
will tender him a reception at th.1 home
of his brother, James Mooney, of Hick
ory. He will be at home to bis friends at
204 Washington avenue, the first week in
Dece m be r. Denick.
A Chestnut Farmer.
E. W. Warner, of Wiliiamsport, is the
owner of probably the oddest farm in
Pennsylvania. It is a chestnut farm lo
cated In the mountain district of North
east Lycoming county near the Sullivan
county line. The trees, of which there
are over 300. are set in rows exactly as
fruit trees aro in au erchard, and Mr.
Warner gives tliem as much or more at
trition as do the owners of fruit trees.
The original saplings or sprouts wore
cullod from a wide area of chestnut thick
et, trimmed into shapo, then grafted with
the American sweet chestnut, a native
nut of Pennsylvania.
The result has been marvelous. This
year was the third bearing season for the
trees, and some of the nuts were astonish
ingly large, some of them measuring
more than an inch across and growing as
many as seven in a bur. The flavor of
the nuts it was feared, might be impaired
by their size, but the kernels aro as fine
and sweet as the choicest Pennsylvania
chestnut picked up in the fields. In order
to prevent tho trees from bearing too pro-
lifically, and thus endangor the growth of
the Irea Mr. Warner went through his
orchard and whipped off at least one-half
of the fruit.
It will be two or three years yet before
the trees will be pormitted to give all
their strength to fruit. By that timetbey
will have altained a good rugged size,
ablo to withstand wind and lo bear the
wolght of the burs. At the end of that
time, too, Mr. Warner expect that the
novel farm will be a paying investment,
as the fruit from it can hardly beexcolled
in size. Kt. ,
Hopkins soils the clothing aud shoes.
Cream of the Sews.
Good advertising is the business tonio
which keeps the commercial body on its
Best shoes and rubbers sold only at
T. C. S. It
The man who carves the goliler will
soon have bis own troubles.
Best line of hosiery and underwear
atT. C. 8. It
Speaking of Armenia, there will bo a
great slaughter in Turkey this week.
Hopkins' line of gloves aud mittens
is the most complete in town and his
prices are always rght. Go and examine
his stock before buying. It
An amatuer that can sing aud won't
sing ought to have a medal.
Heavy pants aud undoiwear, Macki
naw boots, T. C. 8. It
The beautiful snow often covers a
multitude of disgraceful side-walks.
Syrup 25c gallon, N. O. molasses 35c
gallon at T. C. 8. It
Wowen are always in quest of some
thingbut a conquest seems to suit them
Glassware and Haviland China at T.
C. S. It
Devise not evil agaiust thy neighbor,
but watch him closely in a horse trade.
Don't forget that you can save money
on every purchase at T. C. S. It
Strive uot with man without cause,
but punch him if be doeth the dirt.
Feft boots and rubbers at prices to
auitallatT.C.S. It
Envy not the well dressed man ; he
may be wearing his room-mate's clothes.
Best felts and rubbers aro sold only
at T. C. S. It
If thy wife is godly, length of days
may be In her right hand, and she may
also have a roiling pin up hor left sleevt
Don't buy underw ar until you see
prices at Tionesta Cash Store. It
- -Fresh groceries sold cheapest at Tio
nesta Cash Store.
Wisdom is the principle thing, but a
little coin on the side will not come
Buy your heavy winter shoes of
Hopkins. He handles nothing but A 1
qualities and you know that if he says
they're all right, why, they're all right,
or he'll make it right. Try him. It
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets,
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. vV. Grove's signature is on
each box.
"The Atlanta Special."
The route orthe "Atlmla Spocial" is
via the Seaboard Air Line Railway,
"Florida and West India Short Line,"
with through Pullman drawing room
and buffet sleeping cars from New York,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ngton
and Richmond to Athens and Atlanta
whore direct coonuectinns are made in
Union Depot for Montgomery, Macon,
New Orleans and all points South aud
Southwest. Trains arrive and depart at
Pennsyluania Railroad stations. For
further information call on or address W.
C. Shoemaker, General Eastern Passen
ger Agent, 1206 Broadway, New York j
C. L. Longsdorf, New England Passen
ger Agent. 800 Washington stioet, Bos
ton. Mass.; W. M. McConnell, Geneial
Agent, 14:!4 New York avrnue, Washing'
ton, D. C, or the Genoral Passenges
Agent at Portsmouth, Va.
E. St. John, L. L., '
V.-P. A G. M. Gon. l'ass. Agt.
Thanksgiving Day Rates
via. the Nickel Plato Road ou Nov. 27th,
28th and 29th, good returning until Dec,
3rd, nt a faro and a third for the round
trip, tickets sold from any station to any
station ou tho line of the Nickel Plate
Road. Wiite, w Ire, 'phono or call at or
addros City Ticket Office, 920 State St.,
Erie, Pa., II. C. Allen C. P. A T. A.
Free nt Charge.
Any adult suffering from a cold settled
on the breast, bronchitis, throat or lung
troubles of any nature, who will call on
J, D, Davis, will be ; resented with a
sample bottle of Boschee's German Syrup
free of charge. Only one bottle given to
ono person, and none to children with
oit order from parents.
No throat or lung remedy evi rhad such
a sale as Boschee's German Syrup In all
parts of the civilized world. Twenty
years uieo millions of bottles were given
away, and your druggisls will tell you Its
succoss was marvelous. It is really the
only Throat and Lung Remedy generally
endorsed by physicians. One 75 cent
bottle will cure or prove its value. Sold
by dealers in all civilized countries.
Get Green's Prizo Almanac. 2-eow
International Lire Stock Ixposillou
at Chicago Dec, 1st to 8th . The Nickel
Plate Road will soil excursion tickets on
Dec. 1st, 2nd and 3rd at one fare for the
round trip plus $2.00, good returning un
til Dei;. 9th inclusive, on any one of our
peerless trio of daily express trains where
scheduled to stop. Write, wire, telephone
or call at or address City Tick' t Office,
920 Stato St., Erie, Pa., H. C. Allen, C. P,
A T. A. 202 It
New patterns and colors in 31-inch
percale at 10c. a yard. Just tho thing for
heavy dark shirl wsists. Lawrence A
Htnoarbaugh. It
otary's office, Tionesta, Pa., Nov. 22,
I'lOO, by S. J. Setley, J.P.,Go rge Ehret
of Coal Hill, Clarion county, and Miss
Wilda Deshuor of Lickingville, Pa.
H ESS G REEK EW A LT In Tionesta,
Nov. 27, 1900, by 8. J Setley, J. P., Os
ten P. Hess of Duhrinir, Pa., and Miss
Martha Greencwaltof Lickingville.
Nov. 27, 1900, by S. J. Setley, J. P,
Amos Bowersox of Brinkerlon, Clar
ion county, and Emma May Walter, of
Tionesta, Pa.
Ghci a pecillied Bread-winning Education.
P. DUFF SONS, 244 Fifth Av.nuo,
This signature Is on every box of tho genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet
the remedy that core a cold In one day
During ilie civil war as well as our late
war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the
most troublesome diseases the army had
to contend With. In many instances it
became chronic and the old soldiers still
sutler from it. Mr. David Taylor of Wind
Kulgn, Greene Co., ra., is one of these.
He nes Chamlierlain'n Colic, Cholera
nd Diarrhoea Remedy and savs he never
found anvthini; that would 'livehitn s-ich
quick relief. It is for sale by ail drug
Flour sack 1
rn meal, feed. 1i 1(H) tb
i 00
I 10
.32(3. -35
.13 .14
.Zr(q .50
.35 'u .50
14" (0,15
Mty .50
aioit .25
.05(0). 08
. & .25
Corn meal, family, UK) tb
Chop feod, pure grain
Corn, shelled
Means bushel
Ham, sugar cured
li'icon, suirar cured
Wbitefish kit
N. O. Molasses
loffeo, Roast Rio
Coffee, blended Java ,
Rice ,
Kggs. fresh
Kalfp barrel
Potatoes, bushel,
l.l me harrel
Nails keg
Xj. tT.
Come and
And if you will come in and give us a
chance we will prove to you that we
have the best assortment, largest ,
stock, and lowest prices on Overcoats,
Men's. Boys, and Children's Clothing,
Shoes and Rubber Goods, in this neck
of the woods. No trouble to show
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and
204 Sycamore
High Grade Damask Sets Cloth and Nap
kins to Match-$3.00 to $17.50 Set.
CLOTHS, 2 x2l ami 3 YARDS.
CLOTHS, ViXli and 3 YARDS.
Clothes for
Wo talk much about Overcoats of late
because it's tho most needed article in
Men's wear just now. There's more
danger of your taking cold now than
later on. It's a necessity that should
not be neglected. Our range in prices
makes it possible for everybody to own
an overcoat. Starting at $5.00 for a
good warm one, we lead you along at
50c. and $1 advance until you reach
tho limit you care to reach, and, re
gardless of price you pay, we guarantee
to irivo vou the best overcoat values
in the city.
41 & 43 SENECA ST.,
"Arlington Hotel
Take your choice from
mammoth stock of under
wear. Our four large
windows filled with under
wear gives but a faint idea
of the extent of our stock.
100 different lines of
winter underwear in price
from 39c to $5.00 per
Combination suits in all
the celebrated makes.
Hosiery to match.
2t AND 29 SENZC?: S"l
Oil City, Penn'a.
directly opH or ,