TrU FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. E. WINK, Edit Pkopkicto WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28, IWO. 1900 BVMBER 1900 Su. M3.Tu.We.Th. Fri.lSat. LAJL 46789 10 n 12 13 Id 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tiik best business comes from the best advertising. Toi.koo Josks was a met or for a eont. little Novt mbcr MeKisi.EY luck is evident ajrain the rapidly rising tide of business. in When a inau explains that lie was de feated by prosperity he ought to add that he is glad of it, A party that harp9 on a paramount is sue confesses thst its platform otherwise contains something shady. Mr. Dryax can say, if he writes an other book, that he ran for President in ISSHi and thought he was ruuning in l'.KX). It is stated that the dowager Empress of China is at the head of the Oriental Tammany. If it is as bad as that the case is hopeless. The short session of the fifty-sixth Congress convenes next Morday, and w ill adjourn tine die on March 4th, in auguration day. Am. thAiations of tho earth have in creased confidence in the financial sanity ot .his country since tho recent election, and general business reflects the feeling. ICioht counties in Arkansas were car ried by McKinlcy, again of six overlS'.i6. Bryan loses 3.",000 votes in Arkansas, nearly as many in Missouri aud 13,000 in Mississippi. Ik Bryan had boon elected and that Le onid shower had failed to como eff, there is little doubt that he would have charged that Mark Haniia had diverted it out of a desire to prevent manifestations of joy over the result. Tiik per capita in gold in this country is $10.00, which is greater than that of all the currency in lSti2. On Oc'ober 1 last the total per capita was 27.01, the high water mark, and the money in circula tion has bcou increasing for over a year at the rnte of $100,000 a day. A native from the Gully District "Jerusalem" as it is known was in Erie yesterday. A friend asked him now he was pleaded with the result of the elec tion, "Oh," said the German-Aiuerican "I like Meester MaKiuloe pooly veil, but I (loan dink so inooih of hee's vifo, llau na." Erie Ditpulch. The lowest estimates as to the amount paid by Americans to foreign ship own ers for carrying American exports is $75, 000,000 a year. Iho shipping bill, now pending in Congress, grauts $9,000,0(0 a year for twenty years to encourage do mestic ship-builde.s to compete with foreigners alid keep this immense annual drain at home. Pennsylvania is unquestionably the Empire Stalo of tbo Union. Outside of New York City the census of this year shows that New York State has a popula- tion of but 3,s30,S07, while outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has a popu lation of 5,008,418. Aud this is a fair esli mato of the magnitude, of the two S'ates so far as industrial operations go towards crrtiting great commonwealths no one can question. Fusion evidence on the Senatorial sit uation Is cropping oul! The Phi I add phia Ledgor concodos that Quay will be elected, and bases its opinion on "careful estimates." Information to the same effect comes from Democratic Chairman Alcorn, of Allegheny county, who speaks for Col. Gufl'ey. Wauamaker'a Philadelphia North Americon and Chris. Magee's Pittsburg Times will soon be telling the same story. Joseph Lesiier, of Victor, Colorado, who recently made and issued 100 silver sow enirs, which ho called "referendum dollars," says he has assurances from tho United States District Attorney that his coinage scheme is not illegal, and li has ordered a new die, from which 10,000 souvenirs will be struck ott'iui mediately Tho silver will cost him $0,5UO and Ui making $1,500. Ho w ill sell the coins for $12,500 and redeem them on demand lor tho same amount. If the report be true that Senator Wol cott is going to got an important diplo- luetic appointment tho country will be pleased. The Colorado Senator main tained his faith through the strongest sort of temptation to backsliding which could present itself to any public man Practically all the voters of his State were silver men in 1W, but he remained devoted to the Republican party. II made an intelligent, clean and courage. ous canvasr. in the recent campaign, and though he was beaten, he helped to re duce the silver majority close to tho van inhing point. Senator Wolcott deserves well of tho Republican party. r. n il a no i tes is to uave the awee satisfaction of taking his venerable moth er back to the cuhernatorial residence i the capital of Illinois, where sho watcher over her son in his infancy. This, was the blessed privilege which Candidate Y'ales placed aboyo all others whe nominated for the gubernatorial office. which his distinguished father held be. fote hi in. Its realization is a political d inesiic episojo well calculated to totic the heartstrings of all iron America The piomiest moment in the lives Um.'itvl itml .VcKinlev was not that they won iho Presidency, but because th honor could be shared for a time wi thir dear old mothers. Victory Is Assured. In spite of the many wild claims of the insurgents. Colonel Qury continues to receive ' assurances of the support or many of tho newly elected legislators, nd fresh recruits re being added to his list every day. Several members elect bo were not deemed friendly towards him have written him cordial letters promising to stand by him aud uphold the stalwart principle of Republicanism in the State. It is clear that Colonel Quay himself harbors no doubt as to the result. Indeed, it is stated on excellent uthoritv that he has received promises enough to make good his predictions of November 8, that he would receivo l.0 votes on the first ballot. Before the leg islature couvenes, it is announced that Mr. Quay and his friends will carry tho ar into Africa, by making three more appearances on the stump. ineywiu deliver post election speeches at Wash ington in Washington county. Towanda in Bradford county, and Somerset in Somerset county. These a-o places here the iusurgeuts have been the most active and Colonel Quay wishes to place imself fairly aud squarely before the people of these three districts. None of the members-elect from these counties have been at any time claimed as the supporters of Mr. Quay, but they are be lieved to be amoiiiablo to reason and hould be willing to acquiesce in any thing that will advance the inteiests of the Republican parly. Derrick. Ofllcial Vote of Pennsylvania. The compilation of the official returns of the la'e election in Pennsylvania has been completed, aud the vote polled lor the various candidates is as follows : President McKinlcy, 712,tit; Bryan, 21,232 i Woolley, Pro. 24,300; Mailoney, 936 j Barker, 038 ; Debs, 4,811. Auditor General Hardenburg, 617.S16; Meek, 410,740; Gill, Pro., 27.90S; Eberle, Social Labor, 2,630; Coughlaiu, People's, 017 ; Stewart, Social, 3,797 ; scattering. 52. Congressmen-at-Large (two to be elect- d(-Urow, ti$3,Ml; Foerderer, 675,099; rim, 411,552; Edwards, 409,918; Hague, io., 24,531; Grunibine, Pro., 24,412; Monroe, Social Labor, 2,057 ; Boot, Social Labor, 2,600; Bingham, People's, 795; Main, People's, 775 ; Slayton, Social, 3,- 2; Kuppioger, Social, 3,9S5; scat eriu, 7. Since 1S92 the Domocratio party has t 122 electoral votes, more than 1,100,- 000 In popular pluralities, 17 Senators, 75 epresentatives, and lOGovernors. Since lH'.M it has lost six States aud gained only oho a net loss os 42 electors. It has been ofeated in every Eastern, Middle and Wf stern State, in three of the Southern States and in all the Northwestern and Pacific Slope Slates, except the mining amps of Colorado, Idaho, Montana and evada. The sound money Democrats attribute tho demoralized condition of the parly to the party policies, while the free silver Republicaus and Populists lay the ause of defeat to the weakness of the Democratic organization. Both are. right. ree silver has been thochiefcausoof the efeat of the Democratic arty in two successive campaigns, aud no party or ganization is strong enough to triumph before the American people while advo caliug the free coiuage of silver at 16 to 1, or at any other ratio. Attorney General Grioos is t'ie only member of the Cabinet who has yet eclined thaPresidenl's pressing invita tion to the ontiro Cabinet to retain their portfolios under his second administra- ioii, and his declination was basod upon personal reasonshe is a poor man and feels that he cannot afford to remain in nice where it costs him more to live than the salary be receives, where there s a lucrative law practice awaiting his attention. There are two other members of the cabinet who are wavorlng between their persr nal desire to retire and their wish to please the President by remain ng in office, while it is understood that tho othor four have decided to accept the President's invitation, although tbey have not formally done so. Letter to 31. Juan. Tionctla, Pa. Dear Sir : It is your business to know what materials to put into a house as well as to plan it. Of course, you know the effect of zinc on lead in paint toughens Do you also know the greater effect of zinc ground in 7 For a painter can't grind; he can only mix. Devoe lead and zinc is thoroughly ground in oil. The result is an intimate mixture. Your painter can only mix ; he can't grind ; there's no need of grinding by hand, He should buy lead and zinc ground together in oil. Devoe lead and zino is that; tbo pro portions are right besides. It outlasts lead and oil two to one, end costs no more even less; for hand-work can't compete with machine-work. Yours truly, 16 F. W. Devoe & Co. The Seaboard Air Lino Railway, "Florida and West India Short Line," is positively the Shortest route to Sa vannah, Jacksonville, Tampa and all Florida Points. Double daiiy service and through Pull man drawing room and bull el sleeping cars from New York, Philadelphia, Bal timore, Washington snd Richmond Round trip winter excursion tickets are now on sale at all principal poins to Jacksonville, Tampa and all Florida points. Trains arrive and depait at Pennsylvania Railroad stations. For fur ther information call on or address W. C. Shoemaker, General Eastern Passenger Agent, 1206 Broadway, New York; C. L. Longsdorf Now England Passenger agent, 306 Washington street, Boston, Mas.; W.M. McConnell, General Agent, 1134 New York avenue, Washington, D, ('., or the General Passcniror Agent at Portsmouth, Yd. .L. S. Allkv, E. St. John, Cen. Pass. Agt V.-P. AG. M. Go Home and Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving. The Nickel Plate Road will sell tickets from any station to any station on its line Nov. 27th, 2th and 2'Uli, good returning until Dec. 3rd, inclusive, at ono and one-third fare for the round trip. Write, wire, 'phone or call at or address City Ticket Office, '.CO Stale St., Erie, Pa., II. C. Allen, C. P. V T. A. -80-U LUTZ AGAIN CONVICTED. Jury Was Out 00 Honrs on Srconil Trll nd IT Dr on lh' lr'ra( WILKES-HAHKE, Nov. 2;i.-John Cuts was found guilty of murder iu the Brst degree after the jury had been out XI hours aud had taken 3i ballots. This is the second time he lias bceu convicted. The first time the jury was out 17 days iud when the veridct was returned it n-canie known that a juror who had held .ut for second degree had signed the irst degree verdict under compulsion Dn the strength of this Judge Halsey ranted a new trial, the one just ended. Lata was calm when he heard the rerdict and hardly looked up. sitting aith his head bowed as he lias done lince the trial liepau. lie will probably So sentenced on Saturday. Luti luur- lercd his wife a year ao. His ueieiisc ivns insanity. Drove Sluse 9.1,000 Mile. M CONNELLSBI RG. Pa., Nov. 24 With a record of having travelled a mtllciciit iinnibec of miles to have taken lim four times around the globe, lnvid E. Little of this place has resigned as tage conch driver between hero and Mereorsburg. in Franklin county, after I service of fifteeu years. Pilling tiles -oar Little carried over 13,000 passon tors across the Cove Mountain, among :hcin some of the distinguished men or :ho country. He has crossed the mountain) in his daily trips over Si.dOO times, lias driven 93,000 mules and has lived in th .oacli and ou the mini 3,00 days of teu lours each. Iu all this time he has nsver missed connections with the trains on :he other side of the mouutiu. Uoubla Elopement) Alt Hand Forgiven. ALTOOXA. Pa., Nov. 2t.-Williiun II. Weaver of Gnsport eloped a few days )go with Mary llourdess, whose mother ind refused to give her consent to tuo (vedding. Weaver took his sister Rosetta into his confidence. She begged him to icfi-r his departure one" day. When he was ready to go Rosetta and her sweetheart, Robert White, announced that they wanted to elope also. The four went to Cumberland, Md., where they were married. They were promptly for given all around on their return. Ilealffiiml Ilrcaiiae the Deaonn Mept. SHARON, Pa., Nov. 24. The Rev. W. C. Jones, pastor of the First Congrega tional church in this city, has resigned, llloging as th-; reason that some members jf his church slept during the services. 1 1" charges Icncon John S. illmuis with sleeping fifteen out of the last sixteen Sundays. One Sunday the l!ev. Mr. Jones detect ed Mr. Williams napping while he was preaching. The pastor at once cut his "cmioii short and dismissed his congre gation. He then handed in his resigna tion. ( olunibln-Montour lload lo U Unlit. BLOOMSBI'RG, Nov. 23. The erec tion of the Columbia vlontour electric railroad in the near future is now au as sured fact. At a meeting here the nec essary amount was subscribed and the work of building will soon be begun. The road when completed will connect Riv erside, Danville, Pdoonishurg, Espy, Ber wick and Nesconeck. Tight Mine rniKfil Heath. LANCASTER, Nov. 23. A tight shoe caused the death of Howard S. Shade iu this city. A month ago a blister ap peared on his right h-cl, but no atten tion was paid to the matter. Blood pois oning and lockjaw developed, causing Shade's death. IHoJ After Having Ills Tooth Foiled. CHESTER, Nov. 23. Motorman John Torrcns of the Chester Traction company while nppiireiitly in robust health, had a tooth extracted. I'pon returning home he reclined upon a couch and died soon af terward. Colliery Employe Killed. MOUNT CA R.MEL, Nov. 23.-James Campbell, aged IS years, sou of Coun cilman Campbell of this place, was in stantly killed while at work at the Rich ards colliery. His clothes caught in the iprocket wheel operating the jig aud he wi-ii-U-d aronnir several tunes. fire Attributed to Holiber-. LEWISBl'RG, Nov. 23. Early Wed nesday morning the general store of W. p. Dubler, at Montaudoii, opposite tins place, was destroyed o)' tire. 11 is oe- lieved that the store was urst robbed and then set on fire. Shooting Affray Eiiiln Futntljr. BETI1LKHKM, Nov. 23. Frank Schaffer. the young luucntlcr who was shot at Northampton on Monday by a Hungarian, who is now in the Easton jail, died at St. Luke s hospital here Wednesday. iti:ms in urief. MEDIA The managers of the house of refuge of (lien Mills have purchased the farm of Jesse V. iSincillcy, which ad joins the grounds of the institution. The tract contains 'l.t acres, and will be used for farming purposes. BETHLEHEM Il'iiry Stitling, a ci gar maker or Sellers! me, who umpea from a moving freight tram at that nlace and was horribly mangled, has died at St. Eulte's hospital. LANCASTER. Ma Cohii and his son Barney have been hel'J lor trial at court here, chnrged with attempting to defraud the creditors of the cl'W Colin, who op erated two stores here and recently tailed. CHESTER Thulium Ewmg, au em ploye of Roach's shipyard, had his cloth ing caught by a set screw ami was thrown against an engine of which he was in charge. He was rescued iu tfrue to save his life. READING Eugene VBurket at Wilkes-Barre and .Many Laiinenliauin of Nanlicoke, while woiking their wity toward I'hiladcphia on freight trains were caught between the Mumpers of two cars aud badly squeeze. Both were In jured internally. WILKES-BARRE-fcy a heavy ex plosion of gns in the No. 2 Delaware and Hudson colliery at I lymouth George Hester, James Cunningham, William T. Jones, John J. IIowclls and John M4 CormacU were burned. IIARRISBURG-II I. Gray, a brake man of the middle di-non of Pennsylva nia railroad, sustained probably fatal injuries by falling from the Granville bridge to the dry rivel bed, a distance of 50 feet, While in the act of stepping from the train to pass signal?. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Ro ward for any case of Catarrh, that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, have known E.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions and financially able to carry out anv obligations made by their tirm. Wkst C- Traux, wholesale druggists, To ledo, O., WAI.PINO, KISNAI it MARVIN, wholesale droirgists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami mu cous surfaces of the system. Price 7."c per bottle. Sold bv alf druggists. Testi monials free. Hall's l'amily Pills are tho best. it BESTYETTE" COATS! COMFORTABE, DURABLE,1 RBASOUABLB. sold i;v The Sea Hoard Air Line Railway, "Florida and West India Shrt Lino," is positively the shortest routo to Southern Pines and Pinehurst, N. C, aud Camden, 8. C, the famous winter resorts of the Carolinas. Winder excursion tiokets are now on sale to Southern Pines and Pinehurst, and similar tickets to Camden may bo purchased at principal points south cf and including Washington, D. C, Dou ble daily servlco and through Pullman drawing room and buffet sleeping cars from New Yoak, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Richmond, Trains arrive and depart at Pennsylvani t Rail road stations ; a'so direct connections via Steamer lines aro niado at Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. For further informa tion call on or address W. C. Shoemaker, General Eastern Passenger Agont, ' 1206 Broadway, New York. C. I Longsdorf, New England rassengor Agent, 30tl Washington street, Boston, Mass.; W. M. McConnell, General Agent, 1434 New York avenue. Washington D. C, or the General Passenger Agent at Portsmouth, Va. Li. 8. ALLKN, K. St. Job it, Gen. Pass. Agt. V.-P. AG. M. I am the mother of eight children aud have bud-a great deal of experience, with medicines. Last summer my littledangh ter had tho dvsenterv in its worst form- e thought she would die. I tried ev. eivthing I could think of. but nothing seemed to do her a-iy good. I saw by an advertisement in our papor that Cham berlain s I one, Cholera anu Diarrhoea P.emedv was highly recommended and sent aud got a bottle at onco. It proved to be one of tho very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my lit tlo daughter's life. I am anxious for ev ery im n her to know what an excellent medicine it is. Had I it at first it would have saved mo a great deal of anx iety and my littlo daughter much suffer ing. Yours trulv, Mrs. Goo. F. Burdick, Liberty, R. I. For sale by all druggists. The Census ot 15)00. A booklet giving tho population of all itios of the Unitod States of ii'i.OOO and over according to the census of 1!XH), has just been issued by the Passenger de partment of the Chicago, Milwaukee oi St. Paul Railway, and a copy of it may lie obtained bv sending vour address, with two-cent stamp to pay postage, lo the General Passenger Agent ot tlio Chi cago, Milwaukee ot. raui runway, Chicago, 111. ll-14-Ht mm IF Yeu had m 6S As long ea !i!n fellow anil had HROAT THE WAY BOYH BE J onsiimo WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT. i 25o end BOo. All Druggists IMS TONSIUNS CO. OANTOrl, a Fred. Grottonborgcr GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and fienoral lilacksmithlng prompt ly dono Hi Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, fa. Your patronago solicited. KRED. GRETTEN BEROER. 1 PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCL'SIONS TO CALIFORNIA Pullman Excursion Sleeping Cars through to San Erancisco evory Monday and Friday from Oncinna'i, and every Wednesday from Chicago via NEW ORLEANS AND THE SOUTHERN ROUTE Pullman Excursion Sloeping Car through lo Los Angeles every Friday from Chicane. VIA OMAHA AND THE SCENIC ROUTE. Through Sleeping Car fi om Chicago with out change, aud through sleeping car res ervations from Cincinnati, via Illinois Central and the New Through Lino to HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS, BY WAY OF MEMPHIS. Particulars, folders, and general in formation of agents of connecting lines, or by addressing E. A. RICHTER, T. P. A. 812 Park ISuilding, Pittsburg, Pa, A. U. HANSON, Q. P. A., Chicago. II0 M ! ?X ALL m lilt'M m S CENTRAL B IATN" PROOF, COLD "WI2STIZ) PROOF, ROBINSON. How about your FALL SUIT AND OVERCOAT? You cannot a (lord to buy HEADY-MADE CLOTH ING when you can get fine tailoring at my prices. I liavo some beautiful goods to show you. REPAIRING. PRESSING AND CLEANING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE Itriiiir In Your (suriucntM nuil have tlieiu lixcd up for llic winter. F. E. DICK, JII.IU 11 VT TAlIiOlC. "Silver Plate that Wears1 Made in artistic and original patterns only. Your silverware will be correct in every way if it is "1847 Rogers Bros." Or either of 1 lie follo'ving linos o Sterling Silver : GorliiimV, TowleV, AVliil "Wnti-ion St NhwoI'm Solil by 32 SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA Ofllcial Watch Inspector and Repairor for the W. N. Y. A P. and L. S. A M. Ry's. Send or bring your work to us. STAMIAHO Oil. CO. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnvnnA snnrllnir it Nkatrh and dcficrtntlnn mnf qulolily ascertain our opinion froe whether an Invention is prohahiy jmtentnMe. ronimtinira tlonimtrictlyrontliiential. Hnndbookon l'ntents .put frnA. (llril'Ht mpnev for MPf-uritlir DHtetltH. I'litimta tiikon throuvh Munn ft Co. receive tnti-itu nottc. without chnrno, Iu tue Scientific American. A hnnrtsomely llliintratol weekly. I.nrtrent p! c-illal Ion of any nrlentiBc loiirniil. 'lVrnm, f:i veiir: four miintha. L Hold brail newn.lnnlbi raN&Co.36,BfMdMi'' New York Uraocti om. tas v t.. wnnninmon. i. l. To Broken Artl. cles use Our Ice returned if wc fail. Any one sendine sketch nuil tlocriptioti of nny invention 'will promptly receive our opinion free concerning (he piilintnl.ility of same. ' How to obtain a patent" sent upon ropiest. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patents taken out through us receive tirrinl noicc, without charge, in The Patknt Kkcord, on illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. bend for wmpls copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent A ttornefs,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. ii V 'fi that's rh-h anil brll- vvMH 50 YEARS' Majors l&llfCciiicflt Z..'fbljZ- -i Remember ffi4.Lf MAJOR'S f . y''- CEMENT. V7 J . f MAJOR'S . LEATHER ZkkJ CEMENT. First Fall Chat. For the approaching fall anil winter season our exhibit of attractive mivclties in Men's and Young Men's Apparel will be the largest aud most diversified ever shown iu this market. ALL THE FASHIONABLE SHADES AND FABRICS IN THE VERY LA TEST PA TTERNS We show in profusn variety. They are made according to tho Highest Standard of Manufacture and contain that FINISH that givis our garments their ivrll deserved popularity and succes. We will place upon sale several xisw i imti bu s iar buns axi oyi:k ATS. which, to a v. iil immitalion, we i.M)::uwi:iit 101: fall vi:vtiii:k and cool evenings is tixv ready and as we buy aud sell only for CASH we can defy competition and beg you to see our goodd and prices. SIIOI.S THAT LOOK WFXL AX1 WKAIK Ul'LL aro our strong points iu foot wear and o liavo llieru for La dies and Children, tnon and boys W are always pleased tn servo you. TIONESTA CASH STORE, ;vsn iMijii 3ivui:ns. niONE34, Every Lady vTfyyf Tvtf yyy?yvf f ? ytTTTTt At 23, :;, 50, 05, T.m- aiul SI.00 per nrl. l ino A'npkiiiM at ftl.OO to $5.00 per Doi. Tabic piuldlu, extra wide and heavy, GOc. Fine Towel and other fJiieii. Lawrence & ao, Jip:is. A. 15., Cashier, A. Waynk Cook, Prusldont. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, phu.'otohs O. W. Kobinsoii, K. Kitohov. J. T. Way no Cook, P. Vhoolrr, Collections, remitted for on day of pr.ymont at low ratos. Wo oromiso our custom ors all tho houeflts eonsixtoiit with consorvative b klni?. Interest p"id on lln:e deposits. Your iatroiiare respectfully solicited. SJIier. To the Good I'cojile of Tioncnta and Vicinity: I now employ Mr. F. L. Clawson in my Tiotiesta store. Mr. Clawson comes very well recommended, being a good workmsii, as well as bi-inp sober, industrious an) consoienti us Bring in your watch, clock, in fiict, anything pertaining to tho Jewelry line, tliAt needs repairing, and I will guarantee satiufacliou. Our motto is, "Not How Cheap, Hut How Go-d for the Money." C. C. ULLER, lJrnnc-li Hioru, THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CM FIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, (Jood Carriaires and Bur fies to let upon the most reasonable terms, le will also do job TEciisra- AU orders loft at the Post Olllce wil receive prompt attention. 1 1 mm k GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA, PENN. will not as yet describe in print. KEPLER 11LOCK. Takes pride in the appearance of her Table Smear bauqh. WM. SM KAKBAl'flll, Vice Prosidun). NATIONAL 1JANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 50,000. Win. Smoarbaiigh, J. II. Kelly. Dale, lennsylvania HAILltOAD. IIUFKAI.O AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking ciTcet, November l', 1!KX). No.3( HudUlo Express, daily except Holiday 11:35 a. m. No. 32 Oil City and Pi'tsburir . Ei ress,daily, except .Sunday .7:30 p.m. I''or Ilickory,Tidiouto,Varren,Kinzua, Brad ford, Olenn and tho East: No. .11 Olean Exprowa, daily exeept Sunday 8:C0 a. m. No. S3 Pitlsburv; Express, daily except Suuday 4:15 p. m. firtTimo Tables and full information from J. W. McCKEA, Ajicnt, Tionoata. J. 11. UUTC1IINHON, J. K. WOOD, General Manager, tiou'l Passenger Agt. NEW LIVERY Having puri-liased Iho livery barn lo raU'd in rear of Hotel Agnow and after adding many now and up-to-date rigs we are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to the people of t. lis vicininity and guaran tee lo lit you nut in first-class style. We will make a specialty of furnishing rigs for Funerals, Weddings, Receptions Ftc. WM. ORAmT" ARCHIE UREY. comk amsi;i:is. Pr. dL vgust MQKcm OFTICIAF. Offico .t National Hank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Lyes examined free. Exclusively optical. HOW about your stock of Stationary f We do high class Job Printing.