The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, October 31, 1900, Image 3

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Beginning Monday, Sept. 10, 1900, and con
tinuing until further notice, we will sell patent
medicines at the following prices :
Lydia Tinkham's Comp $ .75
Kennedy's Medical Discovery 1.05
S.S.S. Large size 1.25
Small " -75
l'aine's Celery Compound 75
Pierce's Favorite Prescription .75
Fenncr's Kidney Remedy .75
Warner's Safe Cure 90
Peruna 75
Kilmer's Swamp Root 75
Hood's Sarsaprilla '. .75
Ozomulsion 75
All other $1.00, $1.25, and 1.50 remedies
at similar rates.
These are Strictly Cash Prices.
Tub (Ja vis 1ix&iim;icy
Elm and Bridge Streets.
C. M. All & SON,
All Leading Companion
Wild Lands, Farms, Ifouses
0 Lots for Sale or Kent.
New AtlTcrUscnioiits.
Jhiiioh. At).
Hopkins. Ad.
limine. Ad.
AniMlor. IjocaIh.
Mi-Ouon Co. Ad.
'K.E.Dick. Local.
Itoyal M'f'g Co. Local.
Edward Kerr. Atlininiittrator's Sale.
Oil inarkot closed at $1 JO.
do to Auialor for amunition. tf
Oil and gaa lenses at thin oflU'e.
You cb n get It at Hopkins' store.
Uost prlcoa at TioncMta Cash Store. It
Amslur will have oystors to-morrow.
Fels-NnuUia soap at TionosU Cash
Store. 2t
(Jo to Klllmer for window glas of
any si.o. 2t
Hopkins' Grand Clonk nponlug, Fri
day, Oct. 20. 2t
I test rubber shoes sold at Tionosta
Cab Store. It
Shotguns for ront at 2.1 cents per day
at Anislor's. tf
The roads in all directions were nev
er In finer condition than now.
There is a rumor alloat to the ell'eet
that the Pennsylvania railroad will con
struct a branch road from Stoneboio to
Oil City.
"nut tho world never forgives,"
observes one of the characters In a popu
lar novol ; "it is only God-and our moth
ers that can do that."
Dr. W. E.liurgharilt Du Bois writing
In the lieviciv of Reviews for November,
describs the unique exhibit of Amoricun
nogroos at the Paris Exposition.
Communion services will bo hold In
tho Presbyterian church next Sabbath
morning. Preparatory services Thurs
day and Friday evenings of this week.
Nothing any bottor than good buck
wheat cakes these frosty mornings.
Farmers, bring in your buckwheat and
got your cash. tf Lanho.i Rkoh.
Wo pay f-1 per week to man with
rig to introduce our Poultry compound
in country. Sond stamp for terms.
Koyal M'f'u Co., Dept. 38, Franklin, Pa.
The W. C. T. U. has donated "Nine
teen Iicauliful Yoars" to the school
library, and has placed a beautiful por
trait of Miss Williard In the Principal's
Editor Shick and 'Squire C. H. Wil
ton of Marienville have been drawn as
jurors for the term of United States Cir
cuit Court which begins at Tittsburg on
the 12th day of November.
Win. Haslet killed a good sized bear
near Cluitonvillo one day last week. The
"saddle" was purchased by tho Ilutlsr
moat market, whore the "steak" was put
on salo and went like hot cakes.
Hallow o'en to-night, but that docs
not Imply that it Is lawful to do all sorts
ofmischiof. Fun's fun, boys, but don't
got rude and destroy property, because it
is often very expensive business.
The County Commissioners have de
cided to accept the ruling of Judge Lioit
acy, of Forest county, that the verdict in
tho Valley bridgo caso be made $18,870, an
Inercaso of $2,000 over the verdict of the
jury. fanklin Kcics.
Following is a list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Tionesta.Pa., post
office for the ,week ending Oct. 31. 1900:
Capt. C. A. Smith, Mr. Lewis Emmet,
Dawsnn J. Eirby, Ilanna Holmberg.
D. S. Knox, P. M.
The Y. P. S. C. E. of Endeavor held
an echo meeting last night follow
ing the convention at Siverlv. The
entire program was quito fully rehearsed
by tho seven delegates who attended the
convention. After tho mooting a social
was held in the ball and refreshments
wero served. A party of about twenty
five drove up from this plane to attend
the meeting.
R53 M?f
A great many persons are applying
for mail routes under the new order of
things. There can be no subletting in
the maltor, but the bidding between con
testants may be so nharp as to leave little
or no profit to tho party getting the job.
The Oil Well Supply Co.'s large plant
at Oil City was greatly damaged by fire
last Friday night. The loss will reach up
ulose to the $100,000 mark, but Is covered
by lu'surenee. The shops will bo rebuilt
ntnnco. A good many skilled employes
aro throwu out of work for a tiuiu.
Mary E. Wilktus has just finished a
now novel, which has been socurod by
the Ladies' Home Journal. The social
life of a small town Is her theme. She
reveals its romance, its humors and
tragedies with that charming realism
"which characterizes the writings of this
popular novelist.
There will be Quarterly Meeting at
the Free Methodist church, of Stewart
Kun, beginning Friday Nov. 2, and con
tinuing over Sunday. Rev. C. II. Millor,
of Tioncsta, will preach Friday evening,
and Rev. M. II. Miller, the presiding
oldor, will have charsro of the meeting
from Saturday evening. All are cordial
ly invited to attend.
According to our exchanges, two
swindlers are abroad Iu the land selling
towels and table linen. If they call on
you, hit them with the fiying pan. Tho
goods that they deliver are nothing like
the samples tboy display. In somo In
stances they have received orders amount
ing to as blub, as $50, for which they give
about $."i worth of c' cap goods. It always
pays best to patronize homo merchants.
'Pur" Fitzgerald mot with an acci
lent while assisting to load a car of lum
ber for Landers A Wyman at their siding
near Hunter station last Friday after
noon. Ho was removing a skid stick to
let a freight train by, but did not get it
out of the way in time, aud the engine
struck the ond of tho stick knocking tho
young man down and breaking one of his
legs near the auklo. He was otherwise
bruised but not seriously.
Now is tho time to think about your
winter suit. In winter you want a warm
suit. You want a suit that is properly
made, as woll as being made of good ma
terial. You can get neithor in a "linml-ine-down"
Buit. When you want a suit
go to F. E. Dick tho merchant tailor. He
guarantees both Ot and quality of goods.
If foreign inado goods aro desired be can
turnish ttein at prices that can't be beat.
Examine bis samples. It
Mrs. JenniR R. Allendor, of West
Hickory, will disposo of most of her
household goods consisting of furniture,
stoves, beds and springs, book case, sow
ing mncniuo, etc., at auction, on Satur
day, Oct. 10th, beginning at 1 o'clock p.m.
Included In the list will also be a horse,
harness, buggy, sleigh, saddlo, cutting
box, a quantity of hay, and many other
useful articles. Terms, sums of $5 cash,
oyer $5 three months' timo with approved
security. Remember date.
Down In Huntington, West Virginia,
a town on the Ohio river, so the story
goes, there lives twin sisters, who less
than a year ago, wore married at tho sanio
timo to twin brothers. Walter J. Swan
son and Howard E. Swanson. A little
ovor a week ago Mrs. Walter J. Swanson
rave birth to triplets and an hour later
bee sister, Mrs. Howard E. Swanson,
aimiliarly surprised her husband with a
trio of young Swansons. If thi? be a truo
story it is only another evidence of the
booming Republican prospori'y, tor tho
Swansons are all Republicans.
Forest county is ahead of any otiier(
in tho Stato in tho matter of good roads.
This is a protty broad claim, perhaps, but
it's tho facts in the case nevertheless.
.Tenks township is ono that particularly
excels in this respoct. A road built from
Marienville to tho new town of Loleta, in
Elk county, and finishod less than a year
ago is quite a boulevard in point of
beauty, grade, etc. Artist D. W. Clark of
this place laid out the road, which has
less than a five degree grade, and there is
scarcely a rod of tho way that a team
cannot trot upon with ease. The la-t mile
of the road lies in Millstone township
Elk county, and so groat is the difference
in the quality that one can distinguish
within a very few rods where the lino
crosses, making it very evident that the
road commissioners of Jenks township
thoroughly understand their business,
believing in the maxim that "tho best is
the cheapest." This is the case all ovoi
the county, and strangers who have oc
casion to drive over our roads say they
can leJl at once when they strike the
Forest county line by the difference in
the roads. The friendly rivalry between
tho neighboring townships has much to
do with this state ofallairs, while the good
judgmont displayed by thoso having
charge of tho road making is responsible
I for most of it.
The teachers' institute of this county
will bogln December 24th and last five
October has done itself proud in tho
matter of fine weather. Now if Novem
ber will behave as well we may all be
happy whether the gas man likes it or
not. , .
To-morrow will be deer-killing time.
Two doer in any one season is the law
ful allotment for one person. In othor
words we'ro all entithd to two each if
we can get 'em, and we don't soe why we
On and aftor Nov. 1st, the Forest
Telephone Co., will put a three minute
limit on all conversations over their line.
Persons insisting on talking longer at
any one time will be charged five conts
per minuto.
Don't lose sight of the fact that Ams
ler keeps an especially tine stock of gro
ceries, in whiah line everytning is of the
freshest and best brand. It will pay you
to call on him for all such goods because
they are sold at a very narrow margin.
A couple of freight cars were derail' d
and thrown across the track at the lower
ond of the switch at this place Monday
morning, but by prompt work of tho
wrecking crew the track was cleared so
that there was no dolay in any of the
passenger trains.
Death in Wodnosday moruiug last,
relieved the Buffering of Miss Teressa
Kopiuski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Kopiuski, of East Titusville,
whose strange malady has attracted so
much attontion during the last couple of
months. Deceased was just passed 20
years of ago. She had boon a sufferer for
over cloven months from a complication
of diseases which terminated in a slow
petrification ot the body. World.
A party of six boys whosoages rang d
from 12 to 17 years passed through bore
Monday moi ning on their way to "any
old plnce."t They claimed Erie as their
home aud had run away to get rid of go
ing to school. They were a sorry look
ing bunch and their breakfast menu con
sisted of apples, whicli they roasted in
tho stove at the depot. Every one of them
would havo been in a much more com
fortable Iranio of mind had they been in
hearing distance of their home school
Marienville fs to have a national
bank in tho near future, an institution
which tho business people of that thriving
town havo stood in need of for several
years. The Express says "the necessary
amount of stock has been pledged, but
thore is yet an opportunity for any of our
home people to invest who wish. The
bank will be agreatconvouleuce, and our
poople will have the satisfaction of know
ing that our most substantial business
men will be interested with practical
bankers in its control."
Tho public is wa-nod against a new
counterfeit silver certificate that has
made its appearance. It counterfeits the
new Issuo of silver certificates, is a photo
lithographic note, looks well, bears treas
ury numbor 2,418,C0.'t, check letter It,
plate number 20, sories of 1S09 and lias
the usual signature of J. W. Lyons, reg
ister of the treasury, and Elias H. Rob
erts, treasurer of the United States. De
fects In tho bill are white spots on the
right cheek of the Indian portrait, and
lack of lifo like appearances in the left
eye. The paper is also a darker shade of
groon than is tho color ot the genuine
Robert Dean killed a boar iu hisorch
ard up on Kcaver creek, Hickory town
ship, last Thursday night thnt weighod
nearly 400 pounds. The old cuss had been
bolping himself to apples tor sevoral
nights pro lous and Mr. Bean laid in
wait for him on the night in question and
succeeded In getting a bullet into bis
anatomy in about the right spot. It is
said the bruit had shortly before carried
a fine calf off the promises. The Lear was
takon to Oil City where i's carcas furnish
ed steaks for the denizens of the bub for
sevorol days. The people of that district
need a littlo bear meat during this heated
congressional campaign to keep up their
Thanksgiving Proclamation.
The State Department at Wishington
has issued the following :
"By tho President of the United States
of America -A Proclamation.
"It has pleased Almighty God to bring
our Nation in safety and honor through
another year. The works of religion and
charity have everywhere beeu manifest.
Our country through all its extont has
boon blessod with abundant harvests. La
bor and tho great industries of tho pooplo
have prospered boy ond all precedent. Our
commerce lias spread over Ue world. Our
power aud intluonce in the causo of free
dom and enlightonmont have extondod
over distant seas aud lands. The lives of
our olllcial representatives and many of
our poople in China have been marvel
ously preserved. .We havo boon gonoral
ly exempt from pestilence and other
great calamities aud even the tragic visi
tation which overwhelmed the city of
Galveston mado evident the sentiments of
sympathy and Christian charily by virtue
of which we are one united people.
"Now, therefore, I, William McKinley,
President of the United States, do hereby
appoint and sot apart Thursday, tho 2!th
of November next, to bo obsorved by all
the people of the United States, at home
or abroad, ui a day of thanksgiving and
praise to Him who holds tho Nations in
the hollow of His bund. I recommend
that they gather in their several places of
worship and devoutly give Him thanks
lor tho prosperity wherewith He h,as en
dowed us, for seed-time and harvest, for
the valor, devotion and humanity of our
armies and navies and for all His benefits
to us as iudividuals and as a Nation, and
that they humbly pray for the continu
ance of His divine favor, for concord and
amity with other natsunn, and for righte
ousness and peace in all our way.
"In witness whereof, I havo hereunto
set my band and caused the seal of the
United States to be affixed.
"Done at tho city of Washington this
21ith day of October, in tho year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred, and of
the indepondonceof the United States one
hundred and twenty-five.
(Seal) William McKiki.ey.
"By the President.
"John Hav, Secretary of State."
TO ( I KK A Oi l) IN O.NK lit)'
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to euro. E. vV. drove's siguaturo is ou
each box.
Mrs. C. Amann is a guest of frlonds
in Tidioule this week.
Charley Frank, of Jamestown, N. Y.,
is tho now bartendor at Hotel Agnew.
Mrs. J. L. McAninch, Is here on a
visit to her son, Rev. J. V. McAninch.
--Mrs. J. R. Morgan is a guest of her
sister-in-law, Miss Lizzie Morgan, in Oil
Miss Florence Kli&stiver visited
friends in Oil City a couple of days last
Miss Marion Gayetty, of Oil City was
a guest of Miss Lillian McCiea over last
Mrs. Frank W. Law was up from
Pittsburg last week on a visit to Mrs. J.
H. Fones.
Mrs. J. B. Muse and Mrs. Jas. Has
lot visited frionds in Oil City and Frank
lin last week.
Win. MeKee has moved his family
into his now dwelling house on his farm
across the river.
Will Shoemaker loft last Thursday
for Parsons, W. Va., whore he expects to
work this winter.
Mrs. M. Bloomfield of Trunkeyville,
was a guest of M rs. P. C. Hill between
trains last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Whiteman pleas
antly entertained the domino players
last Friday evening,
Mrs. H. W. Horner and daughter,
Mrs. G. E. Gorow were business visitors
to Titusville on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Rex ford of James
town, N. Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
a E. Oerow at the Central House.
-Mrs. Stiles, of Endeavor, came up
Thursday morning and is the guost of
Mrs. George Warden. Tidiouti News.
J. K. Wheeler Esq., of Warren, dep
uty revenue collector, wasapleasantcall
er at the Republican office this morn
ing. Miss Dolly Carson, of West Hickory,
and friend, Miss Clara Hasson, of Utica,
Pa., were visitors to Tioncsta friends a
part of lasl weok.
Ex-Judge Edward Kerr of Claring
lon, wa3 a business visitor to the county
seat last Friday and was a pleasant caller
at the Republican office. .
J. B. Ha'gei ty is at home from the
West Virginia oil fiolds for a visit with
his lamily, being compellod to quit
drilling on account of the drouth.
Hon. J. T. Maffott of Clarion was
transacting business here yesterday and
found time to give the Republican of
fice a pleasant call during his stay.
Dr. Bovard reports two new arrivals
this mornlug, as follows : A son at Chas.
Wortz's, of the township, and a daughter
at Clark Morgan's, of the borough.
Mrs. P. Wyman Is a guest of bei sou,
W. G.'Wyman. After a couple of weeks'
visit here she will leave for Chattanooga,
Tenn, where she will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. James Smith of Ne
bresks were visitors here last Friday af
ternoon.' The Republican had a pleasant
call trom Mr. S. during the stay in town.
Mrs. Hoskins, of Mercor, sister to H.
II. Shoo.naker, mention of whose illness
has been made In this paper, at last ac
counts was reported in a critical condi
tion. C. V. Reib, of Cooporstown, Pa., and
Frank Burapus of Washington, D. C,
brother and cousin, respectively of Fred
Reib of tins place wore guests of tho lattor
a part of last week.
Allan Gordon, who spent a month
here very pleasantly among frionds, re
lumed to his home in Elkhart, Ind.,
Monday, and will resume his duties as
engineer on the Lake Shore railroad.
Miss Mary Ailinger of Endoavor
sailed from New York yesterday on the
Kaiser Wilhelm dor Gross for Europe,
where in company with Miss Margaret
CulberUon, of Cinoiunati, O., they will
spend tho winter.
H. Shotts.of Tylorsburg, was a busi
ness visitor to Tionosta lost Thursday and
was a pleasant caller at the Repuulcan
office. He is a red hot Republican and
says there are plenty more ol them In
Clarion connty aud that Clearwater will
win in a walk.
The many friends of P. M. Clark,
Esq., will be pleased to learn of his re
turn to Tionesta, thoroughly rostored to
health, and looking excellent. Monroe is
ten or fifteen pounds heavior than he
ever was and says he feels better than for
years past, all of which we'ro glad to
Mary Pearl, the littlo daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Alllo, of Tionosta town
ship, died or. Saturday last of cholera in
fantum. Tho child was aged 2 years 7
months and 2 days. The luneral was
held on Sunday afternoon, the burial
taking place in the cemetery near New
inansville. Tho parents I ave the sym
pathy of all their neighbors in their af
fliction. Slnpi llip iuh ami Work oil' flip Colli.
Laxative Bromo-Quiniue Tablets cure a
cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price
25 cents.
Written ou the Heath of Mrs. James
Asleep in Jesus aud at rost,
From all hor labor and unrest,
Our mother closed her eyes in death,
And ero sho breathed hor latest breath
She said, "toll them all good-bye."
Her life's earthly work here is done,
Her race is finished, her crown won;
Her hands now folded on bor breast
Are clasped within those of the blest,
Whilo to us bore sho said "good-byo."
Sho's met witti loved ones goue before,
From whom she ne'er will part no more.
With sister, father aud mother.
How happy as they greet each other
In hoaven! whilo hore sho said good-bye-How
we miss thee, dearest mother,
Thou hast left us for another
Homo, whero nono :s but peace and joy,
And where no fears can ere alloy,
And yet, how hard tossy good-bye.
Yet ere lomt we hope to meet theo
On the "Shores of Eternity,"
Where with frierlds we'll meet in glad-
Where will come no tho't of sadness,
For in Ileaveau we'll never say good
bye. L. M . J.
Zinc and Grinding make
Iiovoo Lead and Ziuc Paint wear twice
a-t long as lead aud oil mixed by baud.
Ross Run News.
Hurrah for McKinloy and Roosevelt,
they are 16 to I around Ross Run.
Messrs. Ikenburg and Hunter are
through cuttting logs.
C. Zuendell bad a large crop of fine
potatoes this year. Good for you Cris.
Our school is progressing nicely with
Prof. W. E. Smith as teacher. We be
lieve him to be a conscientious, thorough
going teacher, and in every resepct the
man for the place. The Prnf. spent
Saturday and Sunday at Tylersburg,
visiting relatives, and looking after his
interest there.
Rev Breth, of the U. B. church of
Lickingville, Pa , will preach in the Ross
Run school house, Saturday evening at
7::M) o'clock.
Mrs. Sanford wa- the guest of Utrs. A.
Mr. J, Hunter purchased a fine driving
For Congress vote lor Col. A. A. Clear
water, the horo of the battle ol Port Hud
son. Soldiors of the 28th district, tally round
your beorio comrade.
Voters stand by the hero who fought
that our country might live.
A Citizen.
Letter to Furniture Dealer.
Tioncsta, Pa.
Dear Sir : There are two sorts of fur
niture. You know both; lor you sell
'em both. One sort looks better than it
is, and the othor is better than it looks,
thore isn't any othor sort.
The sanio, two sorts of paint, no more ;
and we make 'em both we ma - e tons f
stuff that is :'t worth its freight. Belongs
to the business havo to. Belongs to
your business yon have to.
But this is aside. We put into cans,
with our name on, the very best paint
there is in the world ; Devoe load and
zinc. It is twice as good as lead and oil:
lasts twice as long. And we take the
risk of it there isn't any risk.
Yours truly,
12 F. W. Devok A Co.
Cream ef the New.
Do not groan over the wicked iicbs of
the worl 1 but mend your own.
Fels-Naplha soap Sets. Gold dust
20 cts., at T. C. 8. . It
The twelfth census will cost the gov
ernment about $15,000,000.
Heavy underwear for mon, women
and children at T. C. S. It
A short day is better than a short
dollar. William McKinley.
Don't buy a cape or jacket until you
seo styles and prices at Tionesta Cash
Store. It
Some women will leel very lonely in
hea en if there is not a cook stove or a
scrnbbing brush there.
Over in Westmoreland county it Is
not unusual for farmers to have their
stoek driven off and butchered.
Largest display of ladies and child
ren wraps, from the most reliable maker
atT. C. S. It
-It is all right to iterest yourself in
other people's affairs, but not to the ex
tent of boing meddlesome,
Ladies jackets, boxccals, plush and
cloth capes, suits aud rainy day skirls,
storm collars and collarette, scarfs, furs
and golf caps and Misses and children's
jackets in all the newest shades and
styles, at prices below competition at
Tionesta Cash Store. It
tory, Mayville, N. Y., Sept: 22, loot),
George W. Bentley of Mayville and
Miss Daisy D. Kenniston, of Tionesta,
Pa., by Rev. G. W. S. Ayers.
The bride is a popular young lady of
Tionosta anil has many friends here who
will join In extending best wishos, al
though the news of the wedding came to
us rather late.
Notice !
Administrator's Sale of Heal Estate
Estate of John A. Kellogg, deceased.
Bv virtue of an order' of the Orphan's
Court of Forest county dated Oct. 20, A.
D. 1000, I will expose for public sale on
the premises on the 22nd day of Novem
ber, 1000, at 1 o'clock p. m., the lobowing
niece of land situate in Barnett township.
Forest county, Ponn'a., via :
All that cortain tract or piece contain
ing 76 acres be the same more or loss, ly
ing in warrant No. 3305 and bounded
north by land of Steiner, Bartlett A Aiken
and W. R. Coon estato lands; east by
Patterson Bros.; south by James Reagan
and Thompson A Darr lot and west by
small pioce now or formerly W.R.Coon's
Torms of sale made known on day of
salo. Edward Kerr)
10-31-3 Administrator.
Whereas, Tho Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
Presidont Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for
the county of Forest, has issued his pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
Quarter Sossions of tho Peace, Orphans'
Court, Oyer and Terminer and General
Jail Dolivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on the
Third Monday of November, being
tho lflth day of November, MM). No
tico is therefore given to the Cor
oner, Justices of the Peace and Con
stables of said county, thnk they be then
and there in their proper porsons at ten
o'clock A. M., of said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those things
which to their office appertain to be done,
and to those whoare bound in recognizance
to prosecute against the prisoners that aro
or shall bo in tho jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and thero to prosecute
against them as shall be just. Given un
der my hand and seal this 22ud day of
October, A. I). 1JKKI.
J. W. JAMIESON, l.k.1 Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial In tho
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on the
Third Monday or November, !KM):
No. 1. L. S. Clouglr, F. W. Taylor and
James Crate, doing business as L. S.
Clough A Co., vs. Phiiii Tanning Com
pany and Fred Axel Carlson, No. 24,
Nov. Term. 18US. Summons in Trespass.
No. 2. W.J. Bloomlield, E. Pequig
not, A. J. and M. S. Carnahan, vs. P.
Mansfield, Robert Thomas, Charles K.
Book. No 1!, Sept. Term, IW.Hi. .Sum
mons in Ejectment.
No. 3. II. li. Shoemaker, Health Offi
cer of Tionesta Boro., vs. J. I. Davis and
Nellie Davis. No. 30, Fe'i. Term, Iihhi.
Anneal by Deft, from J. P.
No. 4. James Johnston, vs. Jonathan
Albaugh, No. 22, Nov. Term, lm Ap
peal bv Deft, from J. P.
No. 5. H. C. Erb, George L. King and
Jovoph Erb vs. Forest County National
Bank. No. 40, Sept. Term, !!. Sheriff's
No. 6. J. F. Proper, for use of A. M.
Do !tt, vs. S. J. Campbell, administrator
ol Mobn I.. Peters, deceased, and Martha
L. Pel err, No. 18, Aug, term, IS!;. New
TiononU, Pa, October 22, liwo,
9 CfiJhrv
This lgnture is on every bex of the gonuin
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tabieu
the remedy that core a cold In one da
Mr. Sirea will be at his Tionesta stu
dio eveiy Saturday until further notice
ready to attend the wants of those wish
ing work in his line. Don't delay your
visit on account of a cloudy day. tf
Don't fail to atteud the grand opening
of ladies wraps and furs at Hopkins' store
Friday Oct. 26. 2t
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes.
Floux sack 1.10tl.i5
Corn meal, feed, 100 tb i.on
Corn meal, family, 100 tb 1.25
Chop feed, pure grain 1.10
Oata 32( .35
Corn, shelled .55
Beans bushel - 2.50
Ham, sugar cured 13(ci) .14
Bacorf, sugar cured 12(u,.134
Shoulders .10
Whitefish $ kit .50
Sugar 6J.07
Svrup 25 .50
N. O. Molasses .35 .50
Coffee, Roast Rio 14 15
Coffee, blended Java .25
Tea H5 .50
Butter 22fcj) .2.1
Klce 0i(u).0h
Kiigs, fresh .20
Saltfl barrel 1.26
Lard 11
Potatoes, 1j4 bushel, .50
Lime barrel !H1.00
Nails V k"R 2.75
Anything ?
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and I f A IWirTC I Telephone
204 Sycamore I JAlVlHaJ. J "7 n ,
Streets. 1 ' Oil City, Penn'a.
Almost $1,000 Invested iu heavy material
to bo made withiout lining.
11.1 i H backs, self backs, Venetians, Moltnns, etc. This would prove that
there's a bi stock here inspection will prove this.
Price commences at (1 19 for an All-Wool Onoka Twilled Cheviot, well
worth $1.50.
A very dark Blue(almnst'Blne Blar:k)venetiao really a good value at
$2.00 the price, $1 25.
A regular $1.7i Brown, plaid back, golfing a little "olT" in col m at
A heavy 5l inch, Black Melton C oth at $1 50 thin is an 18 z. clih
and a very desirable weight to he mad) without lining
At $1.50 some very pretty GidGog in a good rango of colors think
we can ear, without egotism, that oftn been asked to pay $2 00 for a
cloth not a whit better in quality..
At $1.75 there's haDdgnme, dark Oxford Cheviot sell lined.
Handsome lot of Sep'rate Skirt Lengths Plaid and Self Back with a
Venetian face, at $2.75 per yard.
A line of high grade, extra heavy, Golfiugs, at $3 25 uite for golf cape.
Fall Clothina.
The talk to-day is in regard to your
fall suit. You expeet to get one, don't
you ? You expect to get it where you
can, according to your judgment save
the most money, taking quality, style,
fit and construction into consideration.
Men's All-Wool Striped KuitH Satin piping, antra good quality lining,
perfect tailoring, at $10.
Men's All-Wool Fall HuitDin good aisortmont of ptliertig, correctly
constructed, gray, browu and blue, $10.
Men's Blue Serg- Suits Satin piped, serge linii g, ntyle, fit and tail'.riug
perfect io every particular, $10.
Rut Aitn't lliinlr hppmlAA vn'rn tint mH OprtiRin ir thorn lA.ilar that am hnn,'t
got plenty of the better suits at $12,
a i i t . I. :.. .
asu we press ou Keep mem in irjmn net-,
41 & 43 SENEGA ST.,
Arlington Hotel ili
Take your choice from
mammoth stock of under
wear. Our four large
windows filled with under
wear gives but a faint idea
of the extent of our stock.
100 different lines of
winter underwear m price
from 39c to $5.00 per
Combination suits in all
the celebrated makes.
Hosiery to match.
Got It.
$15, $18 and $'J0.
. '
recti) oppoalti us, '