THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. WtNK, - Editor 4 Phopriitok. WEDNESDAY, OCTOHKR 31, 1900. Republican Ticket. NATION A In JV-i.fWtc-WILLIAM M.KINLEY. Vice Vivti'icViif-THKODORE ROOSE VELT. STATE. Auditor (ieneral E. R. HARDEN HERO, Way 110 County. ln!ej.smen-at-J.atjt'G A LUSH A A. tiROW, ot Susquhanua Count v, ROR KRT II. KOERDEKER, of Philadelphia. CUl'NTY. J-r Comres, COL. ALFRED A. CLEARWATER, of Elk County. Assembly-. M. DOUTT, 'Tfonesla Rorough. AttxariateJuhie-W. 11. II. DOTTER K!l, kingsley 1 wp. jMXtrifi Attorney SAMUEL I. IR- Vt 1, lionesta Itorouuli. (kroner DR. J. W. MORROW, Tio- ne.'Un jjorough. Out out the vote. Clkakwatkii is Ibe winner. Votk for MeKinley and the full dinner pail. Nkxt Tuesday, from 7 till 7. (iet out the vote. Lkt iin liavo no stay-al homo Kepubli cans this year. Clkauwatkk is tho w inner. Clkakwatkh will lio elected, fiol into tho band wairon. Ri:ri ni.icAX cnulrol or tho next Iloue is very intportant. A votk for llryan is a vote to close our mill and lactones. A voth for tho Republican ticket is a voto to continuo prosperity. ltKTTKR-kcep the 'mills open than to open tho soup-houses. Kkkp in mind that Clearwater will lo the next Congressman fiom this district. Cor.. Ukyan finds it necessary to re turn to Chii-ag.) occasionally to reconvert Cue backsliding voter. Ci.kabwatkr is tho winner. Votk for your Republican Congress man so as to sustain tho President in his policies for good government, Thk disturbers in New York are. be ginning to complain because Gov. Roose velt is so explicit in his answers. If Gen. Wood shall iusist upon raising tho wreck of the Main in Havana har bor lie will bo accused by somebody of reviving tho memories of the war. Hkyan is apparently getting ready for defeat. In a recent speech in Indiana ho said: "A wise man gots an idea in his head j ,t foolish man gels it in the neck." Mr. RoosKvurr may be a litt.o'out of practice as a rough rider, but he has un questionably got tho "drop" on the ex pansive, liberty-loving, loyal Western vole. McKini.ev will want a Republican Congi ess to back up his splendid admin istration. Sco that the 28th district fur nishes a member. Col Clearwater is tho man. Wnnx Bryan declared in 18!X that un der a continuanco of tho gold standard tho common-pooplo would not bo able to wear shoes, ho must have been antici pating an epideniso of gout. I r is alleged that Mr. Bryan has an as sislant who mixes with his audiences and asks question for which ho has pre pared answers. This smacks strongly of the vaudeville mode of entertainment. Clearwater is tho coming man. On k of Bryan's policies, that of free trade, produced the distress experienced in 1894-5. What, then, would bo tho amount of suffering produced by a com bination of both free trade and free silver? Tub Democratic test of loyalty is that one must be willing to starve and stag nate under Democratic mismanagement, rather than indorse by his vote one of the most magnificent administrations eyor enjoyed by the American people. Tiik clmngo of tariff policy w hich upset and ch moralized every business and in dustry in ".13 was bad enough. But now it is proposed to couple with it another change which would multiply its disturb ing and destructive power upon business Anil VMIV illil !iut .- O .im H .nn..n . F iiiuuniji aji j ait yiKJnncn IV Change Sound Money for Cheap Money a Hundred-Cent Dollar for a 1'ifty Cent Dollar. Do you want it T It so, vote ior urjan ami you will get it. Wf.'vk got tho winner, and his name is Clearwater. What a bit of consistency thoro is in tlii! Democracy or Clearfield county, under the leadership of Sanguine Bar clay, crying "down wiihHhe trusts," and booming a man for Cornrress who voted for tho continuation or the trusts in tho last Congress. Why don't some of Mr Hall's organs explain his attitudoon the trust question T Voto for Col. Clearwater and we will guarantee that ho will vote as his party voted in Congress, against tni8ts.-tYtvr(M Journal. t Rkmk.makk the panic, the ilerression, the idleness and want of lS9.V!)fi. That was the result of a change of policy in only one gr. at factor of our rational wel fare. Tho election of Bryan would mean a return to all the causes which led to that panic. It would also add to them two other equally potent causes for panic --a chains f currency nnd a change in o:ir f i liui p l!cv. J, you want thc-io ( ii ites ? b yi"! want nrardt In ljol-l fur worse than tint of l-;.; ufi? Do you wp t id fiics an Utarvati nand millions m Lsist:;;; on charity just as they did in T irso, voto for Bryan and you will Bet it. Votk the straight Republican ticket. Mckinley's Election Certain. The New York Ilerald, which for the past four Presidential elections has made a forecast .f the result b'med upon a thor ough canvass, which proved to le re mark ably accurate, has just priuted the results of a similar canvass for this year. According to the JTerahrs forecast Me Kinley will have 2S1 and Bryan Bit elec toral votes out of a totil of 117. It places the plurality for MeKinley in New York atll.",000; New Jersey 44,000 ; Ohio 35,- (100: Illinois, 30,000; West Virginia, 21, 000; California, I.'t.OOO; Kansas, 12.0(H);' Maryland, o.OnO; Kentucky, 2,,"00; Del aware, 2,0o0. It also places Indiana in the Republican column, as well as a number of other Western Stales w hich are regarded as somewhat doubt in!. Ken tucky is generally conceded to be very doubtful, with the chances in favor of Bryan. But South Dakota, Kansas, Washington and Wyoming, which went for Bryan in 1S1K5, aro regarded as sure for MeKinley this time. Tbechauces are that the Republicans will have a larger majority in the next Congress than they have in tLis. In the present llouso there aie IS.) Republicans and lt2 Democrats. The next House is likely to be by a stronger majority than the present one. The betting is four to one on MeKinley, and very few bets can be securad at those odds. Test Vole on Trusis.- The rulings of the Supreme Court hav ing shown that, as the constitution now stands. Congress can only regulate trusts engaged in interstate commerce, tho fol lowing amendment was introduced in the House or Representatives and pressed to a voie on Juno 1 : Section I. All powers couferied by this article shall extend to tho several slates, the tt rritories, the District of Columbia, and all teiritory under tho sovereignly and subject to the jurisdict ion of the Uuhed Siatos. Section 2. "Congress shall have power to deli uc, regulate, control, prohibit, or dissolve trusts, monopolies or combina tions, whother existing in the form of a combination or otherwise. Tho several slates may continue to exerciso such power in any manner not in conflict with the laws of the United Statos." Section 3. Congress shall hayo power to enforce the provisions of this article by appropriate legislation. Tho clause saving all rights of states was iuserted in tho hope of getting States Rights Democrats to Mipport the amend ment. Nevertheless tho vote stood 118 Republicans for and 130 Democrats against, and the measuro failed of the tiecessary two-thirds majority. Loudly as the Democrats talked when it came to a voto they echoed Bryan's declaration at tho Chicago conference: "We have not met' hero to destroy the trusts." Women and Hie Ballot. Tho sago of tho Puuxsutawney Spirit, utter a deep study of tho question, finds himself or this opinion regarding woman suflurao : Thero is only one thing seriously in the way ol female sutl'erago, and that Is tho fact that women do not want to vote. That the majority of them would vote just as intelligently as men providing they took sufUcient interest in public affairs to post themselves, is also beyond question. But politics is positively dis tasteful to women, especially tho kind of politics which admits of universal suffrage, government by the people. If tho ladies manged affairs they would want Kings and Queens, and Princes and Lords and Pukes, and magnificent couits something to da..lo. There is not enough dress parade about a republic, where everybody is a part of the soverign power, to suit tlie ladies. In a number ot Western states women were given the right to vote within the past decade. At first a number of tl.em took a slight in terest. Tho interest declined rapidly every year, until now their right to vote is almost wholly unexercised. There may occasioualy a question arise that will iuterest thein sufUciontly to cause them to register, but such occasions will bo rare. Freueh women, during the reign of tho Bourbon kigus, proved themselves to bo subtle politicians, skill ed in all the ai ts of intrigue, but they were attracted to it by the pomp and gilt tor of royalty, and bothered themselves little about political principles. To the vast majority of women politics is a bore. Au Indus! rial Leader. Tho Gertnantown Telegraph, one of the oldest agricultural and family newspa pers in the State, speaks very flatteringly of 0110 of the Republican nominees for Congress-at-large, Hon. Robert H. Foer deror, in tho following language: American business lii'o is full of in spiring examples, show ing w hat ability, industry and persevcrence may do. Phil adelphia is distinguished for the number of its strong men in all lines of trade, but it is doubtful ir among these is to be round more than one having tho remarkable traits so thoroughly devoloped and which characterize tho young giant in thclealher industry, the story of whose achieve ments reads like a fary (alo. Robert H. Foerderer is in very truth the architect or his own fortune He began his career as au apprentice and f.-oin I ho start made it a.point, nover to be overlooked or forgot ton, to master every department of the work in which he was engaged. Ho gave attention to ovory detail and to-day, the employer of over four thousand men he makes it a rule constantly to keep in the closest personal touch with all the vast mechanical appliances of his extensive establishment. Ho may be seou in work man's gab inspecting, criticising, di reeting, instructing, like a hired super intendent, and all the while his personal relatidfis with employees is of tho kind est character. It is no wonder Mr. Foer derer has succeeded, and no wonder that those nearest to him are his best friends and the warmest supporters of his candi daey for high public place. Ills work men know him and value his friendship, and their significant testimony should lead their fellows throughout this great city and Stale to give him the largest vote fur CorigvesMrnij-at-Lar.o ev r ie"oivod by any nominee of'th? Kepiibliean party in this or any other State. Mr. Foer- dcer Is ('flue tvnoof men who command piivale and public respect because of their true character. As a representa tive at Washington he will bo sacrificing Ins personal interests in order to effect ively scivo the whole people.' A co ?f TKMroRAKY announced in a head line that "few Repuulicaus were found by Roosevelt iu Bryan' wako." Repub licans do not feel like intruding at Bry au's wako. It is conceded that Demo crat have a right to conduct tho cere mony. 9 fOO REWARD, SI . The readers of this paper will be pleased to leai 11 that thoro is at loa-sl one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s Catarrh l ute is the only positive cure known to the medical fra ternity. Catarrh leing a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting direct! v apon the blood and mucous surface ot the system, there by destroying the foundation of lh dis ease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing luture in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One. Hundred lVillars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, K. J. CH EN EY A CO.. Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 7"h!. Hall's Family Pills are the best. (.'(Mid lloicl And Farm For Sale. The Forest Hotel, centrally located in the town ol West Hickory, Ta., on the Pennsylvania Railroad, is for sale, to gether with all furniture and fixture, billiard tablet, livery, etc. luo house is fitted up in good stylo for conducting a first class hotel. Aiso a farm of 30 acres on Flemmiug Hill, a mile from West Hickory, with a lot or fanning imple ments. Th'S farm is in tho centre of a paying oil territory. Both properties are real bargains. Cnli on or undress, Jacob Rknif.u. 10-2 l-3t West Rickory, Forest Co. Pa. A MIGHTY FORCE FOR M'KiNLEY. Young Republicans of Pennsyl- Will Labor at the Polls on Tuesday Next. TO WORK FOR THE WHOLE TICKET ThnnHnln of Oiilt Men Arc ApiM-nt- rd to 'I'll lit the rti-mot'rury S'mll Have o Opiiurtuntty to Ilejolca When tho Hetiirii Conic In. Republicans everywhere throughout Pennsylvania ore preparing for nest Tuesday's election, so that they may perform a solemn duty to their fam ilies, to state and to their country to vote the whole Republican ticket. There are many thousands of ac tive, progressive young men who will not be content with merely casting their ballots for MeKinley and Roose velt and the entire Republican ticket, but they propose to labor all day to get others to the polls to do likewise. CLUB MEN ACTIVE. In an address just Issued to mem bers of Republican clubs J. Hnmpton Moore, president of the State League of Republican Clubs, gives tills timely notice: "In the approaching election for president of -the United States the forces of the Pennsylvania Stato League of Republican Clubs are ex pected to play a most Important part. The recent convention held In 'Phila delphia demonstrated the enthusiasm and earnestness of the workers of the league, nnd Justified the expectation that excellent results would be forth coming In the interest of MeKinley ami Roosevelt, and the whole Rr publi can titket. "It is not my purpose as president of the league to enlarge upon th? i:d vantages of the Republican party pol icy. All gocd citizens should be united upon this point. It la my duty, how ever, to issue this final call to nil Re publican club members of the state to put their best foot forward in the fiiTht which is to be determined on Nov. C. "Shall MeKinley or Rryan rule this country? That is the question. If you are for MeKinley, work for him; vo'e for him; urge your neighbors and friends to work and vote for him. Per mit no citizen who Is Interested in the commercial and business, life of the community to fail in his full duty as a citizen. Make him ccme out to vote; see that his vote is counted, and see that It Is counted upon the right side. "What you do for MeKinley nnd Roosevelt do also for your own state candidates. Oive your loyal support to K. II. Ilardenhergh, the Republican nominee for auditor general, nnd to Oalusha A. Crow and Robert H. Foer- derer, the Republican nominees forcon-gressmen-nt-lsrge. They aro worthy and deserving men. who are entitled to and should receive the full Repub lican vote. VOTE THE WHOLE TICKET. "Do not be deceived In any of your congressional districts. Stand for the regular Republican nominees. If the president nf the I'nitod States Is to be William MeKinley c.i-e that a congress man Is elects who will support him. Mr. MrKIrdiy to the head and front of the Kr publican organization of Hie United States. His pupport comei from the organizntion of the Republican party In the various states. Pennsyl vania, the L'rertpst c.t the Republican states, should ho stalwart in Its sup port, and should not elect a single congressman who is not iu thorough sympathy with the Republican party, and with the president, who is its in Fpi ration and fountain head. "It Is a safe rule to stand for tho regularity of nominations. The State LeiKe stMid:-. not only for the main tenance of Republican principles, but it stands for the rule of the majority. Wherever a congressional candidate has been regularly nominated he should receive the support of all tho members of the State League. SHOULD BE NO WAVERING. "The loss of one congressman In Pennsylvania may turn the next house of representatives. The president of the United States, the chairman of the national executive committee and the chairman of the national congressional committee have each urged that there be no wavering on the part of the Re publicans of Pennsylvania. "Lot us hope that the expectations of the leaders of tho party in state and nation may be realized, and that the Stafp league may be able, after the returns are In, to claim the honor of having swelled the majority to on wards of THREE HUNDRED THOU SAND VOTES. "The only danger that confronts the party is inertlon nnd apathy. The State League has never heretofore failed to do its part. lis enthusiasm has been a welcome factor in this cam paign. Let us hope tho result will Justify Its h.bcr. "Romero h?r from now until Nov. 6 the important question for you, your neighbors and friends Is "M'KINLEY AND CONFIDENCE. DRY AN AND UNCERTAINTY. Which?" Fall Goods. FLANNELETTS, DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, WRAPPERS, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, AND DRESS SKIRTS. -FULL LINE SHOES AND RUBBERS.- ROBINSON. Stoves & .U FIXER LiIXI? were ever seen iu Tionosta than we have now iu stock. This is true of quality and beauty as well us quantity. Wo can fit you out iu anything from the smallest heater to tho largest and hauilsoniest range, a&d the margin of profit is cut to the lowest possible figure. Iy nil meaus see our stock and get prices before purchasing Guns and Sportsmen's We carry a nice liue of Breech-Loadiug Shot CJuus, estrtt good shooters, but not expensive, Also best loaded shells, and can sup ply you with anythiug in line of epoitsiaou'a goods at lowest prices SCOWDEN & CLARK. AMKN'DMKXT TO TIIK COXSTnT 1'ION l'H()ll)s:Ci TO TlIKt'lTI ZKNS Ol-' Tills COMMONWEALTH KOR Til KIR AIM'ROVAL OR UK.JKO TIOX 1JY TlIK OKNl'.itAL ASSKM Hl.YOK TIIK COMMOXW'K.VLTII OK l'KNNSYLVAXIA, 1MUI.ISIIK!) 1JY OltDKR OK TilK, .-'i:i',il!-T.K Ol' TIIK COMMONWEALTH, IN l'l KSl ANCK OK A RTICLK XV1U OK TIIK COX.STITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing hii nmeadiiient Jo the Consli tutlon of the Commonwealth. Sim lion I. He It revolved by the Setlnto midlloUMMif Itrtiivcriihitivt'R of thcO'HM- niiiuwi'iilth of IViiMsvlviinlii, in nnonl- nnie with the provisions of the elKhletitth iirtirle thereof: Amendment Oil'1 to nrtlolo Mubt, Siv. tbm On Add lit the end of th.' Ilrst pnr.ii;r:iph of anl sertion, nfler the words "shiill lm en titled to vote at. aM elfi tioiis, tin words "siiidi'i t however to such laws reouirtiin Mini ii'ifiilal tuts the n-ulst ration of rlei ors as the ( jenercil Assembly may en n I," so that thn said sertion shall raid us nl Iowk: Section 1. Qimllfle'iMoim of Mii-inrs. Kvery mule i:ilien twenty 0110 yeiirs of iite, possessing i no louownm ipiiioei tioiis, sSinll be entitled to vote lit nil rlr;: tions, subjeet however to sueh Iji.vs r iiiiiriii: noil reifiiliitiiiir thn ri'tiisTMlou of electors ii t1".- Oe'jeva! Assi iiihl may mulct: lie shall have ln-cil i elll.eli ol tho United Slates at least one month. He shall have resided In tho Statu ono year (or If having previously bi-o.i a 1 11 11 1 1 -fled elector or native bom citizen of thn State, h! shall have removed therefrom and returned, within six months, Imme diately prec.cdinu the election). lie shall have resided In VI 10 nle I mi dis trict v hero ho shull oiler to vole at least two months liiiino.iinti !y .rei ei!inK the election. if twenty two years of aeand upwards lit! shall have paid within two years a State or noiinly tax. which shall haw; Ih'cii nssu-scd at hast two mouths and imlil at least olio month hufolu tile i In: ion. Amendment Kleven to Artieli' Kiht. Section Seven. Strlkn out from said neet Ion the words "but no rlec:or Rhall be ileprUod ol t!ia privilege, of voting by reason of his nam.; uot lieintr rei;istered," and "luid to said sertion the following words, "but laws ceKiihitintr anil requiring the registration of uleetors may lx enacted to aptily to ll leu only, pinvided that, hiiiIi laws be. uniform for ollies of the same el, i-,s." so that thn said section shall read as bil low : Section 7 Unllorinltv of Election Ijuvs -All laws regulating the holding of elections by the citizens for the renin trillion of elector-, shall be utiifoim throughout the State, out laws rc;iii.illnK nnd reiiilrln thu reisl ral Ion nl eli ct.ois limy bo enacted to ajiply to cities only provided that such laws be uniform for cities of the same, class. A I run copy of the Joint Hesol nttori W. W (iRIKSr. Sccretiiry of the Coinmonw colt l AMENDMENT TO Til V, C( )XS I'lTI' TlOX I'ltOl'O.-Elt TO TilKCITI ENS OK Til! S COMMON WALT!! FOR THEIR AI'I'ROVAL OR I! K.I id ' 'HON 11Y TIIK I '. MX K HAL ASS KM IILY OK I'lIIC COMMOXWEALTII OK I'ENXSYLVAXI A. l'l ' ULLSi 1 Kl 1 nV ORDER OK TIIK SEt'liK i'A It Y OK THE COMMON WEAI.'I II, IN I'lMISlT AXCE OK ARTICLE XVIII OK TIIK COXSHTUTIOX A JOINT RESliLrTlOX I'riii'osliitr nn allien, Inirnt to I he CiTiti t ul ion of I he Com mini wca ! t h Section 1 He it nmilveil by the Sen-nti- and IIoiis of Ieirescnlativcs of the ('iiminonu call h of l'eclis-. Iv;iti'. i In 1 ;, 11 ernl Assembly me!, That the fo'lowln:: Is pioneil 11s an aineiidn.ei't to the Omstl tulionof the Commoiiw call It of I'cnnsvl anla in mi 01 da lie i: ." t iie pi ml simis ,J Ihe Kitthleeiilh arli -ie th -reof A memlmi lit Slitke out Bci lion four of aillch-ci;;lit, 4 1 id in sci I la ;, c tl.,.,. .( , s t. lio.. !' Seillolll A.l el-!, t'l lis f Ihl ot'lTIS slmli be bv billol i.r by -11. ti olhci itc-th. d lis Moiy le I ' I cm 1 , b. ., 1 by l.i.t l'l ov elcil. That -c-erecy in voting be p:es,ivci( A ti .10 iiop) ot 111!1 Joint IfiSiiiilton W V (,i li:ST'. Srui clary ol lb.- OoMioionwi aith Ranges, Supplies. Vv"-V 0V". - f "Silver Plate that Wears' Made hi artistic and original patterns only. Your sHv-rnare will be correct in eva v; 3 y if it Js Or cither of lite following liucs of Stuj ling Silvor : Got-htun'si, Tom Ic'is, . WhUiiitr'K, Hold by- :i2 SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA. OiTi;i:tl Watch Inspector and Ropairor for th.) W. N. Y. dc P. and L. S. .V M. S. Ry's. Sond or bring your work to us. mm mmrM' t. el-' a ,. mm V 1' 1 'lTiv TfTil ii,,,, .1. 1. . . .1 ..... a),. v..a; evt.rv.,.br. js-i-t IT A -V D A It l : V tfcr'-' - i Fred. Grottcnborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Oas or Water Fit tings and General KlnckHmilhiiiK prompt ly done nt Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery (riven Kpeeial attention, anil satisl'ai'tion guaranteod. Shop in rear of andjuwt west of tho Sh'iw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your pntronacro solicited, I Ki:i). (i lili'TICN MERGER. d. p. Fredericks, h. d. (Piactico limited to Eye, Eur, Nose nnd 'throat.) Every Day, from II a. in. to 12 tn. Afternoon hours by appointment only. Hereafter I will furnish my own (.'lasses ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, FA Hi' U'.i.'.l.c.ii l, v.s-. j.-.T.i n First Fall Chat. Vor the approaching fall aoil wintor season our exhibit of attractive novelties in iiJeu's and Young Men's Apparil will be tho largest ami most tl ivorsttieil over shown in this market. ALL THE FASHIONABLE SHADES AND . ' FABRICS IN THE VERY LATEST PATTERNS We show in profits" variely. They ar tnaile according to the Highest Standard of Manufacture and eontaiu that FINISH that civra nur parmonls their well deserved popularity and success. Wo will place, upon calo several XKW FIMTllILS IX SUITS a vi:iuo.iix which, to avoid itntuiution, we will not as yet describe in prim. ii)i:inviMK roii vxi.i. iviiatiii.k and cool cvouiugs is uow ready and as wo buy and sell only for CASH we can defy competition and beg you to see our ' goods and prices SIKH'S THAT LOOK WKLL IXO WIMK H'KLI. arc oar strong points in font wear and e hare tlicni for La dies atid ('l)ililron, men and boys Wi ar? always pleased to serve you. TIONESTA CASH STORE, O.tSII ItAlUMIX TIAIii:i(S. lMioNi;;'!, Jjl. Seasonable Goods For Fall and Winter will soon arrive. Keep your eyes on this space. Lawrence & .yo. A. R. A. Waynk t'oon, 1'rcsidniit. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRFCTOIU4 A. Wayne. I'mk, Q. XV. Robinson, Win,' .SiiieiiitiRU(li, N. T. Wheeler, T. I'. Ritehey, J. T. Halo. J.H.Kelly. Collections reiiiilte I fur on day of pt.ytneiit at low rates. Wo proiiiixe our custom ersall the boneliU eoiiHistont with conservative b kin. Interest piid on time dnposiu. Your patronage re.sieetful!y Hulieited. . OMmnuiaaiialaMtDBHiMaaaMBaaBMMai BHMMiiwiMWMHa To the Good l'cojJe of Tionexlri and Viriiuly: I now employ Mr. F. L. Clawsou in my Tintiesla store. Mr. Clawson comes very well rt cotninendeil, heitijj a good workman, as well as being sober, iniiutdrimis and conscientious. Uring in your watch, clock, in fact, anything ptitaiuiug to tho Jewelry line, that needs repairing-, ami I will guamntco satisfaction. Our motto is, "Not How Cheap, But How Good fir the Money." c. c.Uller, lIl'lllM'll Sl-, TIOISTESTA., PA. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CWIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, (iond Carriages aud Bug gies to lot upon themost rensonable terms. Ho will also do JOB TEnCnSTG- All orders left at tho Post Office wil receive prompt attention. 1. 1 mm k mi, GENERM MERCHANT?, Furniture Dcalora, AND UNDERTAKERS. 'TIONESTA, PRNN.. KKI'LKU IJLOCK. Smearbauqh., Casliier. W. SMKAKnACOII, VIee rrotiideiij. NATIONAL RANK, PENNSYLVANIA. 850,000. lennsylvania ItUKKAI.O AND ALLECHKNY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking effect, Oi tobor , 1!)0. No. ill Rurtalo Kxpross, daily except .Sunday 112:00 noon. No. 113 Oil City and I'ittshurn V.xi roKS,daiiy,exoept Sunday ..7:53 p.m. For Hiekor.y.Tidioiite, Warren,, Rradford, Oloau and tho Kiust: No. 30 Olean Kxpress, daily oxeept Sunday , 8:45 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburg lix press, daily except Sunday 4:05 p. in. 'etTiinu Tables and full information from J. W. McCRliA, Agent, Tionesta. J. R. HUTCHINSON, J. R. VOOO, General Manager. tJeu'l Passenger Agt, LIVERY Having purchasod tho livery barn lo cated in roar of Hotul Agnow aud after adding many new and up-to-date rigs wo aro now prepared lo livery rigs to tho people of tU is vieiuinity and gmian teo to fit you nut in tirst-elaan stylo. We will make a upooialty of furnishing rigs for Funerals, Woddings, Receptions Ktc. WM. ORAM, ARCHIE UREY. Pit. tXuausv Modern OFTICIAK Olli. e , .. National Hank Ruilding, OIL CITY, PA. Kyos exaiiiinoil free. Exclusively optical. HOW alKiut your stcsik of Stationary T Wi' iln higli class Job Printing.