THl FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. t. INH, - Cditoh 4 PHOPRICTOII WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER '21, 11MHX. Ilcpublirun Ticket. NATIONAL. rir.i..if-WIl.T.IAM McKINLEY. 'v.7-ii -THEODORE ROOSE. VELT. STATE. Auditor General--:. B. HARDEN. BEIiti, Wayne County. (m! )C G Al.l'SM A A. (ROtV, ol Susiihamia Count v, ROB ERT 11. KOERDERKR, of Philadelphia. t'OTNTV. for 0.m,;its., COU ALERED A. CLEARWATER, of Elk Couutv. Axm-iiiMiiA. M. DOUTT, Tionosta llorough. Aotiare.Jin!!jc-'. 11. II. DOTT ER IC R, Kinslcv I p. Vi.WiiW Attorney SAMUEL D. IR WIN', Tionosta Boron gh. Coroner Vli. J. W. MORROW, Tio nesta Borough. on: local ticket. We don't believo in eternally burping on tho mailer, but a low words concern ing our local ticket at this liino wWl not bo amiss. COL. A. A. Cl.KARWATKR, Our matchless candidate foi Cougios,liHS already been spoken of through these columns, n that his tamo and record are quite well kuonu to tho voters of Forest county. Every word of encomium which has beeu bpokcu of hi in is true. Ho isjust Iho right man to send to Con gress I rout this district the poor man's friend an a staunch supporter of the splendid adminisi.atiou of President Me Kinley, whilu his opponent wi'l be just tho reverse, and will oppose all measures 'calculated to enhance the in'.eiests of the people because they emanate from the Republvan s. Me, His vote against the amendment proposed to tho constitution to leulale, coHlrol and dissolve trusts should condemn him be ."ore the people. Vote for Col. Clearwater and secure the election of a loyal ci.izen and a brave Union u:cau as your Congressman. li(. A. M. nofTT, The Republican candidate for Assembly, is so well known to tne voters of Forest coun.y Inut ho needs no special introduc tion at this i inie. lie is a thorough can vasser and a hustler u polities, and we doubt whether he has missed seeing a half ilo:.en Republican voters in Ihecotin ly. At the primaries last spring he was nominated by a sale majority, and is thoiel'ore entitled to the earnest and loyal support of the party at the approaching election, which bo wilt receive. Dr. Doull is a gentleman of pleasing ad diess, a::.ihlo and ooiirtoous in manners, and makes i'r, ends readily w herever he goes. le has tho ubi'ity to represent the county at Harrisburg intelligently and wisely, and, as is veiy essential in a leg islative capacity, will make friends rap Idly anions lilsj colleagues in tho House, thus enhancing his usefulness to his con stituents. During his long residence here, upward o(22 years Doutt has made many !' ionds, and in his businoss transactions is known to be &U ietly hon orable mid upright, and wo could say nothing in his praise that would add to bis reputation and high fctandint; as an bonerable gentleman. That he will fill V..o noi;;oti of legislator with credit to himself and tho people, and to tho entire salisiHclion of his party there is no ques tion. Vote lor and elect Pi . Doutt to the Assembly by a lousing majority. W. H. H. r0TTi:HEIt, the Republican candidate for Associate Judge is one of the old and well-known citizens ofour county, in which bo has resided for upward or .".0 years. Ho was nominated by the Republicans of Forest county at their primaries last spring making a reniaikablo run and attesting bis popularity as a man and citizen. It is Mr.'s first asking for an office in tne cuun.y, ul;hugii ho has hold many township ( lllces of trust, but not of profit, an ol of which he lias discharged with credit to biiiiso'.f and his township. He will uia'ie an ideal judge, one whose mind and judgment will always be iound clear and unbiased. Vote lor Dotterer, and honor yourself by honoring an up right, dignified and plain every-day ci.i zen, deserving of your best support. SAMI KL D. IRWIN, ESQ., is the Republican nominoo for District Auornoy. Mr. Irwin has bo long and so successfully liiled the position that noth ing wo could cay would add to his repu tation as a faithful and efficient officer. The Republicans nominated him without a contest and ho is entitlod to tho warm support ot tho party, which ho will un doubtedly receive at the polls. His qual ili a ions are too well known to need mention by us. Elect Judge Irwin by an increased majority and retain a faith ful and efficient official. nr.. J. w. MORROW, was placed upon the ticket for Coroner, lie has made a good officer in this capac ity and will continue, as such, for he will b9 elected, having no opposition. Dr. Mor ow does not beliuvo in holding in quests and running up largo bills where it is in. I s!i,.iy necessary, and in this way ho h is mved tho county many a dol lar. Civehiin your support at tho polls. F ualiv, vote II ... straight Republican tn fcet fi nil MoK;nky to Morrow. It is the duly of Republicans to do so. Tin: sound inoniy iiihii who voted in lS!i and fails (o do it this year is a mel ancholy specimen of tho quitter. Ci.kakwai kr is the winner. All the living ex-Presidents of the I'nited States arc against Bryan, and all the dead ones, presumably being in the bettor land, are naturally on the Me Kinley side. Cl.KARWATKR is tllO Winner. Ex-TRKsinKXT Harrison rej ?ats that Bryan's oloctiou "would throw govern mental and business affairs into confu sion." The currents of business are al ready showed up fo some extent because now enterprises are postponed until after tho election. Clearwater is the winner. Gen. Gcosvknor's est i in a to gives JIc- Kinley at least si.tleen moro electoral votes than be received in ISM, and if the General's figures vary materially form tho result it will be tho first time he has missed since bis forecasts became noted in national campaigns. Clkarwater is tho coming man. Mr. Cleveland w.ites in regard to a lotUr he sent lo business men on finan cial questions five yea.-s ago: "I have not changed my opinion as then expressed in the least." Tho spec acle of Grover dangling a'ter Bryan and a 45c dollar is not likely to materialize. We've got tho winner, and his name is Clearwater. 1 r is understood (hat in the event of his being elected President, Mr. Bryan w ill review the troops as fast as they are with drawn f'-oin the Philippines and hnvo his "dear friend" .Aguinaldo como over and assist him in tho ceremony. While it might make tho Eagle hang his bead, the perlormance would certainly bo unique in tho world's histoi f. K kkp in mind that Clearwater will bo tho next Congressman from this district. It is staled that (he Flyi.n-Unffey-Martin combination, styling itself the Business Mou's League, is about to start out on a s' uniping tour In tho interest of Democratic and fusion candidates for tho Legislature. It is difficult ti see how U ese gentlemen can posoas Republicans whilo stumping tho State in the interest of Mr. Gullev for United Sta'es Senator. 1'unxy. Spirit. : Zinc and Grimliny make Devoo Lead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by hand. Hill's Speech. The New York Sun assures ns that if tho Hon. David B. J I i ! 1 were perfectly frank with his audieucos in bis present impaigtnng tour, ho would say this: "Mr. Chairman and Ladies and Gentle men : lam not going about tho country eatiugmy words of l&'M and pretending to be horribly scared by imperialism and trus.s, because I bke the business. I have no special fondness for stuinliug on my head and I am too old to relish mak ing a show of mvselt'. Nor do I enioy being bethwacked and belhiimped by Mr. Croker. But I bae resolvsd for my own fake to suppress my feelings. I may bo sore all over, but I will be a Democrat in good and regular standing. 1 will help inter Bryanistn decently. luo great Unug is to get M .-. Brvan out ol the way. Next November will finish bun and I shall have done my duty to bim and more particularly to myself. Thou, I hope and believe the old stagors will have a chance again. Then, tho Bryan experiment having failed the old Democratic policies and leaders may be held in honor onoe more. And if the Democrat want a tried and faitb.ul man, a lino will always reach mo at Wolferfs Ilo st. I don't care much about being i igiit, but I should like to be President." This is undoubtedly about tho wav Mr. Hill reels. Ho may ta'k differently, but it would hardly be possible for a mm of li's age to undctgoa complete nionlal revolution in lour years. !ioo iu:w.uti, tstoo. Tho readers of this nnnnr will l. pleased to leain that there is at least one ureaoeu uiseaso mat scieneo lias been ablo to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curo is tho only positive cure Known to mo medical fra tornitv. Catarrh bniucr a cimuiiimin,al disease, requires a coue titutional treat ment, nan s uaiarrn uure is taken in ternally, aetinn ilircctt v nnnn II. a 'i,i...i and mucous surface of tho system, thcro- y destroying tne lounuation ot tho dis ease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers thai they ofior One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CH EN EY fc CO., L,, r, . Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. lioad Hotel And Farm For Sale. Tho Forest Hotel, centrally located in the town of West Hickory, Pa., on the Pennsylvania Railroad, is for salo, to gether with all furniture and fixtures, billiard tables, livery, etc. Tho houso is fitted up in good style for conducting a first class hotel. Also a farm of 30 acres on Flenvning Hill, a mile from West Hickory, with a lot or farming imple ments. Th's farm is in the centre of a paying oil territory. Both properties are real bargains. Cali on or address, Jacoii Bkndkr. 10-21-31 West Hickory, Forest Co. Pa. Public 'oiice of Dissolution oi Part nership. Notice is hereby given, that the part nership laUily subsisting between Geo. G. Stit.ingcr of Now Castlo.'Pa., and W. J. Campbell, or Tionosta, Pa., under (be firm nntnn nf Htilyincmr ,t f'u, .. ... ,w ... - " ' ''..ll)l'li( w us dissolved on the (ith day ol October, A. D. ltiou, by mutual consent. All debts owing said partnership are to bo received by said Geo. G. Stit.ingor, and all demands on said partnership are to be presonted to him for payment, at ll'll-H H. WcMllinirlnil Sit Vnur foullo Pa., where, the business will bo conlin- iihu uy too kiwi ueo. u. rsiitzinger. Geo. G. Stit.i no er. W. J. CAMI'lllXL. National I'otirenfioii of 1 he Christian Church at Kansas City. For this occasion tho Nickel Plate Road will sell excursion tickets on Oct. -1st, on any one of our peerless trio of daily express trains wbero sheduled to stoji. Individual club meals are served in all dining cars at prices ranging from 35 cents to $1.00. Sceuro sleeping car reservations in ad vance. Write, wire, 'phono or address City Ticket Office, State St., Erie, Pa., II. C. Allen, C. P. AT. A. 2t Utter to J. U. Eden. TioncMa, Dear sir : When you build a uouso you want a good paint next th wood it goes a long way in taking care of the wood. Tho paint that has the best chunce to bo useful is this first coat: fiit two coats: lirst three coats. The first takes care of the wood j the second takes care of the first; tliethiid takes care of the two. All three become one; and that one is to last forever. "Forover" means aa long cs the houso lasts. The way to make the first painting last, as long as tho house, is to follow it up with repaint ing often enough. Howofton? depends on the paint. Re paint whilo tho paint Is still waterproof. All tho wear is outside; there is no wear on the tin ler paint. This is how tho first painting lasts forever: by keeeping it covered: keeping it sound. And this is the cheapest way to take care of a houso But how often to paint depends on your paint. If you paint lead and oil, paint again in I hrco years or loss; if Devoo load and zinc, paint again in three years er more That "less" and "moro" are about as one to two. Devoo lead and nine takes care of a house at half cost, because it lasts twice as long as lead and oil. Yours truly, 11 F. W. Dkvok A Co. Cream of the News. Water will seek its level. That is whero water gets tho best of somepeoplo. .o use going away to nuv a wrap this fall. You can get anything in that lino you want at Hopkins'. It J Thore are times when a cbaritablo heart can do moro good than a cbarital lo hand. -Grand opening of ladies' wiaps at Hopkins' store, Friday, uct. L'ti. -Jt Fels-Naptha soap 5 ets. Gobi dust 20 cts., at T. C. S. n Full lino of underwear at Hopkins. Don't imagine that the hotel runner ruus the hotel. Heavy underwear for men, women and children Rt T. C. S. it J Gentlemen, bring youi wives to Hop kins' store Friday, Oct. 2t. Wi.ile they buy a wrap wo can sell you on overcoat. Doy't argue with a wasp; it always carries its point. Do not fail to attend the grand open ing at Hopkins' store, Friday, Oct. Cli. Largest display of ladies and child ren wraps, from the most reliable maker at T. C.;s. H Don't invest in an alligator hide pockotbook. It's a skin. The largest line of ladies, misses and children's winter wraps ever shown in Tionesta at Hopkins' store, Oct. 2t. It Don't condemn a bridge until it has been ti ied by its piers. Fur collars and collarettes at Hop. kins'. U Don't run into debt a3 long as you can find anything else to run into. -Don't buy a cape or jacket until you see styles and prices at Tionesta Cash Store. it Umbrella's, mackintoshes and rul hers. T. C. S. it Don't believe the man who vows he likes you, nor tho girl who Hays she doesn't. When you want groceries quick, telephone T. C. S. it Don't look for a leak in the gas pipe with a lighted candle. You could tiud it, but the coroner might not bo able to find you. Did you know that you could buy a rainy-day skirt at Hopkins' ? It An injury forgiven is better than an injury avenged. --Every lady is invited to attend the grand opening of ladies, misses and chil dren's wraps at Hopkins' store, Friday, Oct. 20. it" -Ladies jackets, boxecats, plush and cloth capes, suits and rainy day skirts, storm collars and collaretts, scarfs, furs and golf caps and Misses and children's jackets in all the newest shades and styles, at prices below competition at Tionesta Casli Storo. it Going West and Northwest. The best line west of Chicago if you are going to any point in Moiitana,Idaho, Washington Oregon, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada or California, is tho CHICAGO, MILWAU KEE and ST.PAUL RAILWAY. Diroct and short lines between Chicago Sioux City, Omaha, Milwaukee, La Crosse, St. Paul and Minneapolis. Solid vcstibuled, oloctrio lighted, steam heated trains ; free reclining chair cars; compartmont and sloeping cars; the finest dining cars in tbo world. If yon contemplato a trip west or nortwest call on any coupon ticket agent in tho United States or write to W. S. Howell, G. E. p. A., 381 Broad way, N. Y., or to John R. Pott, D. P. A., 4S0 Willia.n street, Williamsport, Pa., saying where you are going, about when you will start, how many there will be in the party, and full information with maps, timo-tables and rates of fare will be promptly furnished, free. Be sure to ask for your tickets via C, M. tr St. P. Ky- 3t TltlAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial in tho Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the Third Monday of November, 1!00: No. 1. L. sj. Clougb, F. W. Taylor and James Crate, doing business as L. S. Clough A Co., vs. Penn Tanning Com pany and Fred Axel Carlson, No. 21, Nov. Term, 18!W. Summons In Trespass. No. 2. W. J. Bloomtield, K. Fequic. not, A.J. and M. S. Carnaban, vs. P. Mansfield, Robert Thomas, Charles K. Book. No 111, Sept. Term, lH'.iti. s,ln,. moiis in Ejectment. No. 3. 11. H. Shoemaker, Health Offi cer of Tionesta Boro., h. J. D. Davis ami Nellie Davis. No. 30, Fen. Term, Iikhi. Appeal by Deit. from J. P. No. 4. James Johnston, vs. Jonathan Albaugh. No. 22, Nov. Term, lH'Ki. Ap peal by Deft, from J. P. No. 5. II. ('. Krb, George L. King ami Joseph Erb vs. Forest County National Bank, No. Ill, Sept. Term, VMHt. Slierill 's Interpleader. No. t). J. F. Proper, for uso of A. M. Do itt, vs. S. .1. Campbell, administrator of John L. Peters, deceased, anil Martha L. Peter.', No. 18, Aug, term, ItJINi. New trial. Attest, JOHN II. ROBERTSON, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa, October 22, 1!I00, Umbrellas, trunks and bags. Tio nesta Cash at ore. It MackintoHhcM ami overcoat, uuhta Can 1 1 .'Store. Tio- t Fall Goods. FLANNELETTS, DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, WRAPPERS, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, AND DRESS SKIRTS. FULL LINE SHOES AND RUBBERS.- ROBINSON. Stoves k " v. FIXEH were ever aeon A I Y . I . j- ftl J, s . . er Mm stack. Ibis is true of quality and beautj as well as quantity. We can fit you out in auything from the smallest heater to tho largest ami hanJioment range, and tho margin of profit in cut to tho lowest possible figure. By all means soe our stock and get prices beforo purchasing Guns and Sportsmen's We carry a nice line of Breech-Loading Shot Uuus, ultra good shooters, but not expensive, Also beet loaded shells, and can sup ply you with anything in line of spoilsmen's goods at lowestprices SCOWDEN & CLARK. MKXDMKXT TO T1IK COXSTITU i HON PROPOSED TO Till", CITI ZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH KOK THEIR APPROVAL OR REJ EC- TION RV THE CEXKRAL ASSEM ULYOE THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYLVANIA. PIUI.ISHED UY 1KDKR OK THE SECRETARY OK I'll K COMMONWEALTH. IN I'l'RSl'- ANCK OK ARTICLE XVllI OK THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION lioioxing mi ttuicntlmcnt to the Constl- ttitlou hi tne l (.nun. inwo.ii;n. Section I. He It resolved by the Sen;it.) anil Houm' of Rcjiresentii lives of the Com monwealth of l'eiinsvlvanl.i. In ncconl- iinii' with the irovbiioii8 of the eighteenth article thereof: Ainemliiieiit Oil" to article Eight, Sec tion One Add at the end ol the lir-it pnrayrai h of mill section, after the words "sh ill be en titled to votn nt nil elections," tin word "Miliii'i t however to mu ll laws rciiuu ing and rcKulaling ihe n'ist r.itloii ot elect ors us the (iennriil Assembly m;iy emu t," so that the mild section shall rend us tol- luws: Section I. Oualitlcations of Electors. Every male riticn twenty ono years of ujre, piisses-iing the followiiiK iii.ili:lc:i- tions, Klinll lie cut tlea lo vote nt nil e:, ".: I.ions, subject however to such liuvs re- liitring unit n gnlnting the rugis oi lectors u ttie n.'u '.Till Ass. mij! may nnit: He shall have Ihs-ii n ol the United Suites ul least ono month. Ho shall have resided In the State oi.e year (or if hiivinn previously bren n quiili fied elector or ikhivm born citi.eii of the. State, lie sluill have turii-fiuni and returned, wllliln six months. Inline-dint-ly preceding the election). He stiall havn reslileu in tne el. ct Ion uis- trlct whero ho shall offer to vole at least two iiioullin iiiiinediatt'Iy prei etlin;( the election. If twenty two years of iiiicanil iiiiwr.rils be shall huve paid within two yen is it State or county tin. which shall liaie Ih-en ussu-sed at least two'.l.s iilnl paid ul least one month before Ihe elec tion. Amendment Eleven to Article ICIilit. Section Seven. Strike out from s:ild section the "but no elector shall be ilcprtwd of the privilege of voting hy reason of his name not belnir registered," mid mid l i said section tliM follouinK words, "but laws repuliitinir and rennlrinir llie resist nitlon of oli;tors may be enucted lo apply to cities onlv, provided that such -laws I'e uniform lor cities of tho siiine class, so that tho suld section shall reud ail lot- lows: Section 7. Uniformity of Election fjdWH. All laws rcmilntliiK the liuldlnu of elections by the citizens for the rci.-is-trillion of shall lie iioltoiin throughout the State, but, laws r. !i.l.itin and reipilrinir the rcisi rat inn of elect.ns may bn enacted to apply to ell ies mil y provlileil that such laws lv. ui.llonn (..l cities of the samo class A trim enpy of tlie.luint Resolution W. W OKI EST, Secretary of the Coiiimoliweiill li AMENDMENT TO Till'. CONS 1 ITC TloN PROPOSED TO TIIKCII'I ZEN'S OK Till S COMMON W A L'l'M EOlt THEIR APPROVAL OR It E.I KC TION HY THE OENKHAL ASSf.M I1LY OK THE COMMONWEALTH i)K PENNSYLVANIA, ITHLISIIEI) HY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OK THE OOMMONWEAI.'l il. IN Pl'UHIT ANCK, OK ARTIi:LE XVllI OK THE CONSTnCTloN. A JOINT RESOLUTION rrnposlnir mi iimi ivliiiiMit to the C,:ntl tulion of Die ii 1 1 in i in wi'l 1 1 li Section 1 He it. rcsolvi'd by the Sen nif nliil House nf ItcprcsriilaiiYf k ol llir C.imm.iiiwi'altli of Peiiiisvlviiiii.i In (i.-ii em I Assembly met, Thai. I lie full. .win:: is proiii.i it ns an ameiiihcent to tlx- Cimsti tiitiiiii of the CiinimoMweallli r.f Vnnsl vnniii In ni cordalic.e with the prut Ulons ul the Eighteenth nrtirle Ami iiiliin nt Slilkn out sr. tiiiii four 1. 1 nt i ii !, elc.lii, liil iiiseit In phire thereof, ns (..Ih.v.s hei tii.n 4 All el -, t ions by t h. en iens linll he by or by such r in. ! I. .id ns limy tin pres.-i il., hy hnv l'mvlil. il, That wwf.:y in votlna hii pn-,i rvi il A li lie ooi, . !), not it, s'lliitlon W W (;, V. .cl. rtlll y ul I Iu C Jltill.l.lIWi illllt Ranges. r ; . .. V iu Tionosta than we have now in Supplies. "Silver Plate that Wears" Made hi artistic and original patterns only. Your silverware will be correct m evei y way if it is Rogers Bros." Or either of the following lines of Sto. liiiir Silver : Gorluim'M, TowloV, AVliUintj'K, Walton z IVtvt'IV, Sold by 31! SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA. OHicial Vatch Inspector and Repairer for tho V. N. Y. .t P. and L. S. M. S. R.v'h. (Send or bring your work to us. 1' a , .... ... 3SvV b(irH?.iiMl p'rfr lt'k- 4, -' o wur-tt klutt of fi coin- f i Ereka n.'t only niakr tin1 hnru-:i iin.l Ih I t UIV(r standard Horse a ikm Chancel Fred. Grcttcnborgcr GENERAL BLACKSMITHS MACHINIST. All Wfrk iiertaitiiiifr to Machinery, En Kines, (il Well Tools, (ias or Water Fit tings aniKieueral HhicksiiiithiiiK prompt ly dono at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery jjiven Kpoeial attention, and satisfaction uarantei .1. Shop in rear or and just west of thn Shaw Houi-ie, Tidioiitc, Pa. Your palronago Holicitod. ERED. C, RETTEN I5KROKR. D. P. FREDERICKS, 11. D. (Piaclice limited to Eye, Ear, iN'oso and Throat.) Wednesday A Saturday, !l a. in. to 3 p. m. Monday eV Thursday, '.) a. ni. to II a. in. other hours by niipoiutiueiit. Ilcroalter I will funiisli my own glasses ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA iS Ilmrsc lfK 1c Is'IUt, hut main-H IliO t j y I.ullitr tuft anil iiiislilf, pne. Il In (;:!- 'Ml i i -.0"n I'' last IV. Ice l.s long jl ;!iafelW , " ' 1 r.itn.irily wail-U ki I I,. I.-: l rT:rv ii,;rc iu rmn i '.''l,. r First Fall Chat. For the approaching fall ami wiuter season out exhibit of attractive novolties iu Mcu's and Younj,' Mun'a Appard will be the largest and most diversified over shown in this market. ALL THE FASHIONVBLE SHADES AND FABRICS IN THE VERY LA TEST PA TTERNS We show in profusi variety. They are made according to the Highest Staudard of Manufacture aud contain that FINISH that gives our panuenls their well deserved popularity and succesi. We will place upon salo several XKW Fi:.iTl Hi:.S IV SUIT AM) OYIIIUOVTS, which, to avoid immitation, wo will not as yet describo in print. i i:ak fok fall iviiitiii: and cool evetiinys, in now ready and na wo buy and sell only ' for CASH we cnu defy competition' and beg you to see our goods and prices. SIIOI S THAT LOOK WKIJ, AXI WtMK H'KLL are our strong points in foot wear and e have thorn for La dies and Children, men aud boys W are always pleased to 9ervo you. TIONESTA CASH STORE, OASSII ISA1UM1X MAIilUS. TIIONR :14, Seasonable Goods For Fall and Winter will soon arrive. Keep your eyes on this space. Lawrence & A. Waynk Okik, Preiidcnt. A. R. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wayno I'ook, X. P. Wheeler, Collections remitted for on u.iy of pnyineiit at low late. We prouiiKo our ctiHtoin em all the benelitM ccnsiMtont with eonaorvativn b kinir. Interest paid on time deposit. Your putronniro respectfully solicited. Tiller. To the Good People of Tioncxhi and Vicinity: I now employ Mr. F. L. Clawson in my Tionesta store. Mr. Clawson comes very well recommended, l.ciiig a good workman, as well as being sober, industrious and cunsiurnli iiis. Bring in your watch, clock, in fact, anything pertaining to the Jewelry line, that needs repairing, nut I will guarantee satisfaction. Our motto , "Not How Cheap, Hut How Good for the Money." c. c.Uller, TIOIsrEST-A., F.A.. i'v."-t.."'--i-V? .1 -i, it.": s i. "VCV -'At''' iX- THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OK TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CWIELO, PROPRIETOR. pies to lot upon th( mot rea-sonabln trrm.s, ii. .... ii i i I1W W 111 HIKO 111) CTOT3 TTlA.ri2SrC3- All orders left at tho Post Office wil rocoivo iroiiiit attention. 1 1 mat h mi. GEKERAl mERCHRNTS, Furnituro Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONK.Vl ,, l'HNX. KKPLKK BLOCK. Smearbauah., Cashier. Wv. S.mi:ahh.m;oii, Vicfi PrcNidcui. NATIONAL JIANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. DIKliTTOIt.S O. V. ltobiiiHon, Win. Snieai bluish, T. V. Ritchey, J. T. Pale, J.H.Kelly. Pennsylvania PLT'KAI.O AM) ALI.KCHKNV VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking ellect, Oi tobor 1, liKKl. No. 31 Ituffalo Kxpress, daily except Sunday L!;(Xlnoon. No. Od City and Pittsburi? lixbreHS,daily.oxceit Sunday ..7:53 p.m. For JIickory,Tidiouto,Warron,Kiiizua, lirndford, Olean and tho Kast : No, 30 Olean Kxpretts, daily except Sunday 8:-l5 a. in. No. 32 Pittsburir Kxpress, daily except Sunday 4:05 p. in. OetTinm Tableland full information from J. W. McCUKA, Agent, Tionesta. J. IS, HUTCHINSON, J. It. WOOD, Uonoral Manager. Oon'l Passenger Agt. NEW LIVERY Having purchasod tho livery barn lo cated in rear of Hotel Anow and after adding many now and up-to-dato rigs we aro now prepared to furnish livery rigs to tho people, of t'.iis vlcininity and guaran tee to lit you out in first-class style. We will make a specialty of furnishing rigs for t'uuorals, Weddings, Receptions lite. WM. 0RAM ARCHIE UREY. OFTIGIAK Ollico i .fc National Bank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Kxeluslvelv optical. HOW alioiit your stock of Stationary? Wejdo Iiihii class Job Printing.