The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, September 26, 1900, Image 3

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beginning Monday, Sept. 10, 1900, and con
tinuing until further notice, wc will sell patent
medicines at the following prices:
Lydia Pinkham's Comp J? .75
Kennedy's Medical
o.o.S. Large size
" Small "
Paine's Celery Compound
Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Fenncr's Kidney Remedy
Warner's Safe Cure .90
Pcruna 75
Kilmer's Swamp Hoot 75
Hood's Sarsaprilla 75
Ozomulsion 75
All other $1.00, $125, and 1.50 remedies
at similar rates.
These arc Strictly Cash Prices.
T'he Warm Pii&iwaGr.
Elm and Bridge Streets.
. . AM) . .
C. M. All k SOI,
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, Hoaxes
tC Lots for Sale or Kent.
New Advertisements.
.lami'H. Ad.
hammers. A1.
Mrs. Urey. Alillinoi. local.
Mrs. I.neh. Miliinory loeal.
Tionesta Cash Sloro. locals.
Oil market closed at $1.17.
Oil uiiil gas leases at this ollice.
Yuu can set it at Hopkins' storf.
Now buckwheat Hour 1ms reached I
tho home pinto.
It's titno to pay your tax If you wish
to vole tills lull. Don't overlook it.
Don't fail (o look a! tho litviulifiil as
sortment of opahvarn displayed in Kil1-ni-ir's
show window, u
--Apples aie falling steadily, but it'e
fu'l auywny. r.ostoos, iIib eider press is
Kiioezing the very life out of 'em.
A. J. Camahau finished a small well,
on Jin Vockiolh tract, Oropp Hili, Inst.
vvooU, and Keck, Cooper fc Co., ou the'r
Tubh run lease, shot a very nico pump-
The Car'-on JurknonUm lias changed
lis form of mnko-cp, from a folio to a
quarto, making eight instead of four
pieces, and improving its appearance to
considerable extent.
Yesterday Governor Stuio appointed', i
WiPiani 1. Porto.', of Allegheny rouniy,
Ji'.lo of tiio Supreme Com t, to till the
vacancy cuuxod by tho recent death of
Chief Jus'.ico Groeno. .
Mrs. Lynch, of Endeavor, Pa., soil
ladies' hats so cheap, it simply paralyzes
all competition ; tho reason Is she buys a11
lier goods at Now York cheap for cash,
and nulls cheap for cash. It
M r. Sires will bo at his Tionesta stu
dio eveiy Saturday until fort nor noliu
re idy to attend tho wants of those wish- I
111;? work in his lino. Dou't delay your
Visit on aeeonntxif a cloudy day. tf
Following is a list of letters remain
ing uncallod for in the Tionesta, Pa., pot
otlieo for tho week ond;'ig Soot. 2(5. 1'JCO:
W. P. Blrck, Mr. W'"ir.m Miltc.-, Mr.
D.iv Id Lot on . 1). S. K -N o x , P. M.
While la PiiUburg lat v.cok JuJo
Proper purchased a e y handsome dap
ple mey nia.o, wuich iic says ho will nsjo
fordiiviug. Tho animal weighs 15;X
pounds, but stops ofl'like a Ibjlit 'weight.
Charlie Klllnier's handsome new
dwelling, on Vino streot, is noa. 'nx com
pletion. Itwiilbootio ol tho prel.icst
houses in tho borough when finished,
ond adds woiido.'fiilly to tho nppeaiauc
of 'ho su rouud' i;;s in section of tho
town. '
Th's yea.'s .tpfde cop of Nortli
A'nei icu is icjiucied to bo tho latest,
ever known. The hnrlicu'tural statisti
cians predict 80,000,000 10 100,1 UO.OOO
barrols, which w'll be a supply of moto
than oue barrel to every inhabitant ol tho
United States.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Shaoller has dosinacJ Friday. Oct.
at A u( a inn Arbor lny, and rvco.n mends
that teachers, pupi'saud all o: tiers inter
ested in liio public schools observe tho
day by llio planting of Ircos or oilier ap
pr orpiaie exercises.
Oil is sum pi tig badly. Tho nmrkot
tbopped 3 con s yesier.lay, ami 5 cents
tho day boforo, a" on accouut oMho4,OC )
li;,rrel gushor a. ucic bv the Souib I'enn
Co. in Lewis coun.y, W. Vu., last Satu i
day. It is .he gi'eaest (.osiior s:'ico t:ao
McDonald field was opoued.
Col. A. A. C-earwaio ', of Wi'cos.w as
on Thui'-day noininateil by tho Kepub'i
can conreioes at Dnl'.o's as llioir '.'!'
for Cont-iess. Mr. Clearwa'.er js
veil known in Kano and has many
friends in tiiis fee. 'on w'ti .wou'd bo
pleased Iohoo liit" win out at :'io comiii;?
fall election. Ilo Ims lieon a resident of
Wilcox for ma i.v yoars and is one of tuo
aiatinch Uopiiiil icans oT K'k county, and
would make an excellent member of
Con,:;rcss. Kane lUjumiicnu.
Discovery 1.05
County Treasurer Honry has been
Riving some attention to bass fibbing of
late, and has caught a few. lie's begin
ning on the smaller sized ones uniif he
Hots his muscle properly developed
when ho proposos to land a few like
Commissioners' Clerk Hindman showed
him the other evening.
Mrs. A. C. Uroy has just returned
from Clovoiaud, Ohio, wlioro she has
made a study of the Jatost modes in
trim mod hats. She has her fall and win
ter goods now on exhibition. Call and
examine goods before making your
purchases of a fall or winter hat. The
display of hats has never been Repassed
In this county. It
Miss Claudia Graham, one of tho
graduates last spring of tho bon ugh hiyh
school, who has boon clerking In Freod
man'a dry goods store has resigned that
position and been olocled leachor of the
Jumieson school, beginning her work
Monday. Miss May Smith has accepted
tho position of clerk at Freodman's store.
Ex-Judge S. Newton Pettis du 1 in
tho Spencer hospital, Meadvlllo, on the
lHth inst., after an illness of several
weeks. Judgo Pettis wps olocted to
Congress from his diatalct back in the
soventios, was a woll known jurist aud a
leading member of the Crawford bar as
sociation, lie was also a leading figr"e
in politics during and for soiuo years a -ter
tho war,
A Punxsutawney man who has boon
aillicled with hay fever for many yeais
and who has mado a study of tho malady
isconviucod that Ins'ead of its being
caused by golden rod or the polien from
corn tassels, tho poi-on which produces
tho Irriii'lipg fovor is fouud in the fu.z of
peachos. Tho chances that ,his announce
meutwill in any marked deg'ee efTtct
tho popularity of this luscious .ruit are,
howover, very slight.
Tho Appollo Xcws-Uccortl is respon
sible for this tain, which is stranger tlmn
fiction and perhaps uo more truthful:
The dead bodies of three Italians, track
bauds, were found in tho woods above
Newport Wednesday night. They had
been drinking from a keg of beer. Win n
tho head of the keg was knocked in the
dead body of a largo copperhead suako
virs found, Tho snake had poisoned the
boor. The faces of the dead men Indicat
ed that I hoy had died in great agony.
Hon. A. H. Richmond, of Meadvilie,
who has the distinction of being one of
the greatest criminal lawyers in the coun
try, Mintaine I a paralytic stroke Thurs
day aftornoou of last weok, while seated
in his office talking with a client. Mr.
Richmond is in tho seventy-sixth year of
his age and has failod considerably phys
ically during the past fow months. Later
reports stato that Mr. Richmond's
trouble was more In the nature of vert'iy
aud that he has recovered from the at
tack. It is a noliccablo fact that many good
items are lost to newspapors every week
by tho modesty of the pooplo who hesi
ta.o to tell the reporier any maito con
cerning; themselves. Tho rit thing to
do is to stop a newspaper man on the
sCreet or any place you meet him whon
you havo beou on a visit, have relatives
visiting you, that your wlfo entertained
company or anything that Is iu auy way
a matter of news. If you have any thing
mean of couiso keep it to yourself, for a ro always others to toll lUiLKutc
An exchange siys that tho Pennsyl
vania Rail-oad company is about to
tackle a job to a certain extent that tho
goueral government nor any soveroign
S' .te has yet underiaken and that is the
suppression of tho liamp nuisance along
its linor. The road will police Its
lines with a thousand men to take care of
tiie hobo element that is becoming more
and more aggressive. Heretofore the
trainmen havs had to look a ,er thoso
very undesirable citizens and evorv
State in the Union should bring up wi
Hi I
a bliort turn, and the company only asks
that their men be invested with an tho; ily
all along tho line to make arrests.
- -James Clack brought to this ofllee on
Friday a land turtle that was moro than
iW years old. It was found in the pino
woods on bis farm, and from the dales
cut on it has not been out ol that vicinity
duKug all these years. The first date it
bears is 1831 and tho iuilials are those of
A. .1. Si'!lin;,'er; Uio next dato is 1V
and the 'nil'e's are those of G. W. Slo
vens, who now resides on tho old O'Noil
farm in R'chiand township. The hit.1
dale is May 11, 1873, and ihe initials me
those of John Rlack, father of Jaiims
IiiacK, on whose farm the turtle was
found, and who died some four yea:s
ago. Mr. Dlack aain took the turde
homo with lrm and in ends kcopi'ii; it
on his fa' m.Kinlen(on llcnthl,
Hopk.utJ sells the clothing and allocs
A piece of music that is certain to
call up recollections of every heart, and
Is equally certain to become one of the
most popular ballads of the day, will lie
given free with every copy of the Great
Philadelphia Sunday JVc.t of September
30 (next Sunday).. The comixisition is
entitled "Just a Lock of Hair for Moth
er." It Is a war song full of tenderness.
Tho words are by Andiew B. Sterling
and the music by Max Dreifuss. The
music store price is 10 cents. If you
want this comp isttion free you had bet
tor order noxt Sunday's Pre. early.
A mother sent a small boy into the
country, and afler week of auxieiy re
ceived this letter : "Iuntbere all l ight,
but forgot to write befoie. A fellow and
I wont out iu a boat and the boat tipped
oyer and a man got me out. I wat so full
of water that I didn't know anything for
a long time. The othor boy has to bo
buried after tuoy find him. His mother
came aud cried all the time. A horse
Kicked mo over aud I've got to have
some money for fiiiu' iny head. We
are going to set a ba.-n on fire to-night
and I should smile if we don't have bully
fun. I shall bring home a lame wood
chuck if I can get him In niv trunk."
A Mcmeuto ot Ednlu ( lapp.
Some timo previous to tho death of the
late Edwin Clapp, of President, hn had
some mammoth views taken of some of
the most romantio bits ot scenery on his
estate and was especially proud ol yiows
of a glen showing rocks of enormous size.
In his unpretentious manner he dubbed
them "his rock picturfs." On Woduos-
dsy Mr. George Lewis, of this city, re
ceived the following letter from Captain
John M. Clapp, brother of the deceased.
George Lewis, Esq:
Mv Dear tsn: 1 semi bv ioain to-ilavto
Mr. Scop's ollics lo "rock pictures" lor
tho l.ipall bearers who act oil as such at
mv brother s lunoral.
Thov are addressed to you will you
kindly distribute them as designated,
Tho one for Captain Cumuiiugs I de
livered to him at Tidiouto.
With many thanks for your attention
and kiudness I ain
Yours verv truly.
President. Sept. lit. J. M. Ci.AfP.
Tho following is a list of tho pall bear
ers referred to in above letter and to
whom Mr. Lewis will doliver the pic
tures on demand:
Captain 11. 11. Cummings, Tidioule;
A. Ritchoy, George Porter, Goorge
Lewis, J. B.Crawford, Harvey Fr:tz, J.H,
Payne, Edwaad F. Magoo, K. Chickering,
C. H. Lay, Jr., W. J. Kirk wood, J. S.
Carlo, Major C. W. McClintock, J. S.
Klein, M. A. Noss, George T. Spettiguo.
Noblit Family Rev on.
The second annual reunion of tho .Nob-
lit family was held at tho home of the
parents at Barnes, Pa., on the ltith of
September, 1000, Members of the family
boan arriving as early as the 12th and
by 10 o'clock on the 16iu all of the chil-
dion, with the exception of one, had ar
rived at tho old home. Greetings and
handshaking wore in order until dinner
was announced. The old store room had
been fl xod up with evergreens and flowers
until it looked liko somo cozy nook in a
green house. The long tublo was loaded
wiUi choicest mid most delicious viands.
Tlicie wero seated at table 31 of the fam
ily connection. If all had boon present
there would have been 4'J, all deceudonts
ofW. O. and C. Noblit. Those of the
children present were: M". J. M. Chan
dler, Pay ton, Ohio ; Win, T. Noblit, Jer
sey Shoro, Pa.; Geo. W, Noblit, Pigoon,
a.; G. E, Nobiit, Tarpon Springs, Fla.;
Mrs. Ida M. Chalice, Clean, N. Y.: Mrs.
Vinuie Hoover, Mrs. Rose Thompson,
C. Noblit, D. E. Noblit, Barnes, Pa.;
John R. Noblit, who lives at Sugar Mill.
a., being the only one of the 10 chil-
rcu absent. This family has remained
unbroken for more than 31 yocrs. Geo.
"Wnns Hie T' iic."'
A booklet w .th this title, just published
by the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul
Railway, should not only be in tho hands
of every travolor, but shoubl have a
ploee on tho desk of every banker, mer
chant or other business man.
Tho four "Timo Slandarda" which gov
ern our entire liuio system and which are
moro or less familiar lo tho travelingpub
lic, but by many others little understood,
are so fully explained and illuhf rated by
series of charls.dingrains and tables that
any one who chooses can become conver
sant with the subject in question. There
are also some twenly-fburtables by which
almost at a glance, tho timo at any place
being given, the hour and day can bo as
certained in all the principal cities of the
A copy of this pamphlet may bo had on
application to Goo. H. Heafi'ord, General
Pussengor Aont, Chicago, enclosing two
coot stamp to pay postage. 3t
Fp'r War 7.
The following letter, daied Stai.-, Pa.,
Sept. 22, UKKi, eiplrins 'Iscir, and guilty
parties should lake wf irng acoidinly:
Ei. P.f'.i'UiiLfcAS :
';: I wish vou wou'd p'ease lei!
tho pooplo of my neighborhood that I am
tired of raising ch'ckeus aud fru't for my
neighbors w tuout pay for It. I am there
fore compelled .0 lay some t-aps In my
orchard, aud anyono that sneaks through
my oichard darn or midnight and
gots hurt has to lakn it as it comes. I be
lieves that poopie that claim to have relig
ion should not let their child, e i sneak in
other people's 01 cha 'd at midoight aud
poil aud steal fruit and chickens. Any
one tlial is owmpelled to cross my farm
at night cin doso by go!u through the
lane and along tho fouce, but not through
my orchard. tti' Kaman
Jailer fo J. A. Arirms.
If .?, I'd.
Dear Sir: Porterhouse, so much ; neck,
so much ; all the way between.
Just so with paint. Pevoo load and
zinc is the porterhouse. Nobody wants
tho neck ; 'ho botween, some say, is good
enough for them.
But Devoo costs less, not more, than
between : Lead and oil is bc'ween ; it is
lie old-fashion paint. But zinc has eomo
In. Zinc toughens wl ite lind. Devoo
lend and rinc is the paint.
If you paint in throe years you do it for
looks, lievoe does not wear out iu throe
Yours tru'y,
F. W. Dr.vos .V Co.
Hi avy pants, shirts and underwear
now ou sulo at T. C. S. It
F. K. Weston of Mayburg was a
pleasaut caller yesterday.
Mrs. C. F. Weaver and Charles were
Oil City visitors Monday.
J. T. Brenuan, Esq., of Warren, was
a Tionesta visitor over last Sabbath.
David Coleman, of the Ohio oil field,
visited bis parents here the past week.
Mrs. G. T. Anderson and Mrs. J. W,
Green were Titusville visitors Monday.
Mrs. Tho. Maya left yesterday for
Salina, Venango county, to visit her
J. E, Patterson, one of Erie's promt
nunt business men, is a visitor in town
this week.
Misses Mary E. and Loriue Daugh-
erty ol Kittanning are guests of Mr. aud
Mrs. L. Fulton.
Miss Mary Densliugqr of Oil City was
a guest of Mrs. C. F. Weaver, at Hotel
Agnew, a few days past.
Mrs. Burdelta J. McNeol and young
sou John, of Chesley, Outario, are guests
at tho home of Dr. J. W. Morrow. '
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Nicholson of Oil
City have been guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Grove during tho past week.
Elmor Fleming was a business visi
tor to Cony, Pa., Saturday. He is inter
ested in an oil well d. illing near that city.
A. D. Christie and Laura Walker,
both of this couuty, have boen granted a
license to wed by tho Clerk of Jefferson
Mrs. Mary Gaskill of Alliauco, Ohio,
Is visiting her mother, Mis. Sabllla
Reck. She is accompanied by her cous
in, Mrs. Mary Buchakaor, also of Alii.
Ex Judge Nash of Pigeon, M. E. Ab
bott of Endeavor, A. U. Mechling and
K. A. Kuhus of Barnelt township were
pleasant calleis at the Republican of
fice this week,
We are glad to note the return of
Chf lie Swar zfagea to town. Chariio is
0110 ol'our best young men, which is ful
ly a tested by the hearty hand-shake
with which bis friends are greeliug him.
Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Horaor returned
last week from Allegheny Springs, the
hotel at which place has been In their
charge during the past sojson, which was
a very successful one at that popular re
-The serious illness of his baby girl
has called Will Saul home irom his sta
tion on the maiu line of the P. R. R. His
sister, Miss Lou Saul is down from
North Warren, also on account of the
child's illness.
Tho venornble Samuel Stewart is
critically ill with the infirmities of old
ago. The old gentleman has multitudes
of friends here and in this section of the
country who hope that ho may recover
and be spared for many years. Tilus
ville Courier.
('ream of (lie News.
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes
Bad 'em per not only wrinkles the
face, but it wrinkles the heart as well.
Shoes aud Rubbers at Tionesta Oash
Store. It.
Clara llaiiuu, presideut of tho Red
doss society, who has been iu Galveston
giv'ng out relief supplies lo the suQurlng
inhabitants has been taken seriously ill
whilo on duty at the supply house.
Chilly weather reminds one of the
need of ;;ood underwear. See prices at
T. C. S. It
There is some foar that Mclvinley's
letter is not pleasing tho Domocats.
Cash methods cuablo us to defy com
petition ou suits, shoes and underwear at
T. C. S. it
-It takes the Democrats a good while
to get thoioughly warmed up ou Mark
Killmer has Just received a fine as
sortment of now dishos. Go and see
tiiem. It
What we are is of more importance
than what we believe.
"Owl Calf" calf shoes are the kind
that wear. Sold only at Tionesta Cash
Store. It
It is a good plan to believe nothing
lo the prejudice of others until you are
obi ged to.
"Yilols" brand clothing at Tionesta
Cash Store. It
Slop ihe 01111I1 mill Work oil the Cold.
Laxative Bromo-Quinino Tablets cure a
culd in one day. No cure, no paj Price
Mouth Dakota mid Wyoiaiiig.
Special excursion tickets will bo sold
from Chicago via Chicago, Milwaukee
and St. Paul railway, on August 21st,
Sept. 4i li Rml ISlh, to Deadwood, Spear-
fish, Rapid City and Custer, S. D., and to
Casper and Sheridan, Wyo., at one fare
plus 82 for tho round trip. Good lo re
turn until October 31st, P.HiO. Stop ovois
allowed west of Omaha. For further in
formation call on or address W. S. How
ell, (J. E. P. A., 3H1 Broad vay, New
York, or John It. Pott. V. P. A., 4WI
William St., Williamsport, Pa. 8-l"-4t
I am the mother of eight childron and
have had a great (teal of experience with
medicines. Linst summer my little daugh
ter had the dysentery in its worst form-
e thought ihe would die. I tried ev.
eiything I could think of, but nothing
seemed to do her aiy good. I saw by an
advertisement in our paper that Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy was highly recommended and
sent and got a bottle at once. It proved
to be one of the very best medicines wo
ever had in the house. It saved my lit
tle daughter's life. I am anxious for ev
ery mother to know what an excellent
medicine it is. Had I it at first it
would have saved 1110 a great deal of anx
iety and my little daughter much siill'er
ing. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. F. Burdick,
Liberty, K. I. For sale by all druggists.
A Sf.f'f toft'isl hl fr?4, with iliuM-i and frara.
"I ilare nut hopi" he mM, "fT fruit f ot earci
Hocr ImtU the liarrcst liven In ollirr years."
yt err the Aunift mion lia-l u-nxvn oiJ
Fair ft'X'l his fleldn, t wavering sra of gold
ftp rcarrd tKiu:;QiiilfliP
In dark i!sw one Iri :-,t 1 indly vri;
"S'j w 'jk trr tolri" Ik- f ih-' l. prrl anco nont
Or If tiny did, no annwvrin hn.iilw.- stirred. "
Yet In an Inmr hit f.r'ur.,! wer? at stake;
One rut a ltie In p.'iil I t IiU rite
I!.'iM! that word lie sraki-l
'Little I hare to fl", o I.-rd!" one crieJ
"A wayward h.r.rt that oft Lath thee denied;
('.uM-.t tii"U witli nirh a gift lie Satlflc-df"
Yi't wtwn fie nul tod nan-d lis mournful plaint,
Cod t""k the hre that seellK-d so p-jur and faint
And from it made a ulntt
( UruitiaTi Hni!,e in Sp".!- V.i
Court Minutes.
Court met at 2 o'clock p. m. Monday
with Presideut Judge l.indsey and Asso
ciates McCray sod Crawford on the
The hotel license granted to J. R. Itarr,
of Barr's Tavern, Marienville, was trans
ferred to James Ahairah and F. R. Larri
mer. The Court rendered his decision in the
application of the Franklin Allegheny
Bridge for a new trial, the county of Ven
ango lieing the defendant. 'The rule lo
show why a now trial should be granted
was made absolute unless the defendant
files a written stipulation within twenty
days from date, agreeing that the court
may enter judgment on the verdict for
the sum of $18,870.00. In case said stip
ulation is filed within the time mention
ed the rule is hereby dischaiged." The
jury in the last trial of the case here gave
a verdict in favor of the bridge company
for the sum of $ 16,870.
The suit in equity of H. M. Portor vs.
Tionesta Gas Co. was decided iu favor of
the plaintiff This suit involved the pos
session of the gas well situated on a loase
foimcrly made by Porter to the Gas Co.,
but which had expired.
The usual returns by constables were
made, and the grand jurors were charged
by the court, F. E. Metcalf, Esq., or
Harmony tow. iship was made Fo eumu
of the jury.
The drawing ol a jury by whom Jo
seph licsa'ino will be tried lor the killing
of Antonio Marino took up the time of
tho court till six o'clock Monday even
ing, almost the entire panel being ex
hausted before the twelve were securvd.
Thev are as follows :
F. X. Kreitler, lumberman, Groen
W. J. M diney, faruior, Green town
Herman Blum, tanner, Green town
Fred Carlson, farmor, Howo township.
Georgo Patch, laborer. Hickory town
A. K. Hinos, butcher, Jeuks township.
Matthew Elliot, laborer, Kingsley
George Snyder, laborer, JenKs town
F. F. Whittekin, surveyor, Tionesta
W. P. Lyons, laborer, Harmony town
J. C. Delo, laborer, Kingsley township.
D. P. Miller, farmer, Howe towuship.
Mr. S. Morasca, ofSheflield, a bright,
intelligent gentlemau, is acting as inter
preter for the court.
Tho murder occurred at or near Lynch,
In Howo towuship, ou Sunday, May JO
last, where tho principals were engaged
at grading on a now railroad from May
burg to Shellield, and both men were na
lives of Italy, The prisoner gives his
birthplace as Naples, where he says he
has a wife aud several children living.
He gives his ago at 31 years, and says be
hits been iu this country lor the past two
years, Shawkoy and Munn of
aro defending the prisoner, and have as
their interpreter Frank P. Caro of War
ren. The Commonwealth is represented
by District Aitoniey Irwin and Hon. O
C. Allen of Warron.
The jury, which is iu charge o. Con
stable llanos of Howe township, are
driven to the County Home tach even
ing, where they have very comiortable
sleeping quarters.
ltienrfct Witness sworn in this case
was Carlos Black, tho prosecutor, who
was at the Italian camp where the kill
lug occurred. Ho saw the slabbing ; we
wore in front of building talking; heard
an uproar inside ; the next thing (wo or
three inou came out in a hurry followed
by the oue w ho was killed and prisoner
after him; prisoner grab, ed him aud
stabbod him in the neck. 'I his between
7 and 8 o'clock in evening. Dead man
was stabbod with kniie in neck from be'
hind ; ho ran thirty feet be ."ore he fell;
prisoner was banging ou o him. Alter
prisouT did stabbing did not iry to ruu
William Bairdsley, the second wttnoss
sworn, coroborated the above testimony ;
aud also swore bo saw no kuilo or weap
on orany kind in hands of dead man;
saw knife iu hands ot prisoner some
hours before killing occurred.
It. Nosmith, the third wiur s was also
present when the slabbing was douo, and
remained until victim died, which was
botwoeu 1 and 'i o'clock Monday morn
ing. Ilo called for holp aud arestod tho
prisoner and wa'ohod him until morn
ing. He talked to prisoner during the
night, who asked him if tho victim was
dead or alive.
Francis Messolino, kwo. ii : Am ac
quainted Willi prisoner; saw him ou day
inside of shanty ; also sw Antonio Mar
ino inside shsiuy belwoon 7 and 8
o'clock in the evening ; saw knife in
possession of prisoner when they were
eating supper; it belonged to prisoner;
saw prisoner put knife up his sleeve on
May 2t)tu ; prisoner done Blabbing I
went away and did not see him any
mote; never hoard prisoner make any
threats ; the two meu quarreled in tho
centre of shanty and alter tho quarrel
prlsoiior got knife aud put it up bis
When this report closed last evening
tho prosecution had rested, and tho de
fense opened tbo'r side of the case.
Thcro may bo some rebniti'1 cvi.ience,
but the caso wi'l doubt It s be given to
thejury to-day.
The grand jury had not finished its
business last evening, but will doubt
less got Hi rough to-day. True bills were
found iu all the gambl'iig eases
to i ui: a oi.i in dm: imv
Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists rotund the money if it fails
tocurjo. K. vV. Grove's signature is on
each box.
We can teai-h you to beeome a compe
tent short hand reporter, by mail. A
standard system, lvisy to learn ; easy to
read; easy to write. SiieressrtiHrHnteed.
Send ten ei'iits in stamps) lor tirst lesson.
Write for particulars. Address Ihe
The Warren itusiness University, War
jen, Pa.
I'.'.i1!! ." trgrs.'.ruTJf'.r
A lilt at H M If IO If ALL
K r'tlir(in', H-tIrt' ?H' (b onmiteM, T"
nrlu-1 1 miiirifr), ( "M Srt t.n!v. rtt'.eti-
"(Y.Ma." FormintT Fovr. GRIP.
I in uit to tliirtv Hill's N.
Itjr Ix Alert. Uv sslMi by LuMil ouu FrwluiiiO
This signature is on every hex ot the f enuint)
Laxative Brorao-Quinine Tablet
the remedy that care) a cold la oe day
Sot ire to Stockholders of the Forest Tel
phone and Telegraph Co.
Makiknvillb, Pa.. Sent 19. 19un.
The annual meeting ol the slock holders
of the Forest Telephone and Telegraph
Company, for the election of officers, etc.,
will be held in the office of Dr. A. E.
Stcneclpher in Marienville on the 15th
day ot Octoler, lyuO, at 1:30 p, m. Proxies
must be in letrsl form in order to be
ronnted. By order of the board of Di
rectors. A. E. Stox kcii-akr, Pres.
J. B. Cottlb, Sec.
Flour ? sack 1.10f j,I.5
Corn meal, rood, i KK) fb " i.iu
Corn meal, family, f 100 lb 1.25
Chop feed, pure grain I. in
Oats 32 .35
Corn, shelled .55
Beans bushel 2.50
Ham, sugar cured 13fi ,H
Bacon, sugar cured I2fa.i:i
Shoulders ' 10
Wbitetish kit .50
Sugar 61(.(7
Syrup 25(g) .50
N. O. Molasses .Hft'ij .50
Coffee, Boast Kio 14 (c 15
Coffee, blended Java .25
Tea :(q .60
Butter .25
Ii' Oofg.Og
Egg, fresh .15
Salt V barrel 1.25
Lard .10
Potatoes, bushel .50
Lime 1 barrel 90 1.00
Nails "8 keg 2.75
Our Shoos Are Made for us uiul Every Pair Uiiarau
teed by Ihe Manufacturer.
Sole Agents for the
Sole Agents for the
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and
204 Sycamore
I I A MFC I Telephone
I UattlVlUaJa. I "A
A word about fine
Dress Trimmings:
Selection ol material fors gown is a small item of concern, after all, as
oiopared with the usual vextioug question -f "How shall I trim it?" The
llendid selection of trimiuiugs shown here will go a great sy toward
helping yuu to solvo the query,
20-inch Arabian, all-over, with lace aud bands to matib.
20-iDch Corded Taffeta, in black and white.
Black Velvet (edged with white), applique all over, ou Brussels net.
Bluik Taflota Applique, all over with bands to match
Black a id White Shirred Chiflbn.
White Shirred ShiU'uu, with ruflle edged with black.
Tucked Silk Mouseliue, in black aud white.
White Tafleeta, with white and gold brai I applqu d all oer
All over heinet.i tclihd Taffeta, with alternate rows of Val. insertion,
Spangled net all over, with Sequin bands to match.
Veuise all-over, while or ecru, with hands to match.
42-iuch black brussels net, all silk.
White and black sliirrad liberty silk.
Chillou appliq ie all-over, with bands to match.
Tbo above do nut really do justice to the Trimmings they must be
seen to bo appreciated.
Fall Top Goats.
Some say it pays to look amuu I. If everybody would -do so,
we would'nt have coats enough to go around. The easiest cus
tomers we have are those who have looked around. ' Now is
your time to buy
Precedent shows that September weatbai' is uncertain you
may look for storms and winds from now no.
Immense Showing of painstaking selections; labrics of real
worth ; neatness and Gtuess in every garment. All of thee at
right prices, and the privilege of "Your Monty Back" if yuu
want it.
41 & 43 SENEGA ST.,
Arlington Hotel
of Fall"
We have now ou display the ex
quisite creations of Fred M.
Walton in Fall wii.ur i.tck
wear for Men and Women con
sisting of
Come in and look i the h au'i
ful new silks in all the atiov- it
cent shapes, and our clerks
teach you to lie any f ihe c
rect new knots.
O o-
for Ladies, Misses and Children
for MEN and BOYS.
Oil City, Penn'a.
directly opposlw u.