The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 29, 1900, Image 3

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A subject of interest to all housewives is fa
spices and flavoring extracts. Unless the best M
are used it is impossible to get satisfactory re
sults in cooking and baking. A first class drug
store is the place to buy these articles, as only
spices and extracts of guarautced strength and
purity are kept.
ftj A trial will convince you.
if Elm and Bridge Streets. M
. . AMI -
. .OK-.
C. M. MIR &
All Leading Companies
Wild Lands, Farms, iron sea
& Lots for Sale or Rent.
New AilvertNemonls.
JamoM. Ad.
Uoblnxon. Ail.
AniHlor. Inciil.
Hopkins, locals.
1". It. H. Headers.
I, mm morn. "Wanted"
Tlonenta Cash Storo. Locals.
Nhorllt Jamieson. Court Proclamation.
J. II. IluliortHon, Trial List and I'on
lirniatiou Notice.
Oil inarkot closwl at f 1.2Ti.
I co orouin soda at Kllluier's.
Oil ami gas Iobhch at this offloo.
Yon van (jot it at Hopkins' store.
School Hiiita at Cash Store, all sion,
f2.(Xt auit. It
The Borough schools open next Mon
day, Sept. 3d.
Tho spinal column of tho hot wave is
still In business you'll olmorvo.
' If yon want to bo happy and have a
happy family, nso Iianfiuct flower. It
You can't afford to miss seeing
"Casey at tho Bat." Court House next
Tuesday evening.
Found --On tho Tubbs run road, a
ladies black cloth cape. Owner can re
cover 8mo at this oflice.
Wanted. Girl to cook and do general
housework. Good wages paid. Write
Postofllce Box B. Tidioute, Tenn'a. fit
If the hot woather is going to hang on
this way noxt summer, our winter's sav
are going to bo invented In Ico trust stock.
Kali styles in hats now in stock at
Hopkins' and a dandy lot they are, too.
They'll not stay long at tho prices ho has
marked them. It
Patrick Joyce Is making an improve
ment in the shape of a largo addition and
bay window to his commodious dwelling
in tho north ward.
Many of tho pictures exhibited at Dr.
Rumberger'a entertainment next Tues
day evening will bo handsomely colored
views. Don't miss it..
The frionds of tho lato Win. Huddle
son dosiro to return thanks to all who so
kindly assisted them in thoir lato be
reavnient.the death of father and brother.
Next Monday will bo "labor day,"
and in this State is a logal holiday, but
in tho country is counted for naught so
far as any especial celobration is con
cerned. Erin has live well developed cases of
small pox and throo dwellings aro under
quarantine. Franklin has had two deaths
from Mack diphtheria within tho past
ten days.
Reserved soat tickets for Dr. Rum
berger'H entertainment for oithor adults
or children, can bo procured without ex
tra costatKillmer's drugstore nextMon"
day and Tuesday.
The ontortainment to be given at the
Court House by Dr. Hiimbergor next
Tuesday evening will bo fur better than
his former ono, although that was a good
one. Don't miss it.
Wanted Active parlies to sell tea,
coffoe, spices and baking powdor to fam
ilies. Liboral commission allowed. Ap
ply to Grand Union Tea Co., 33 West
Ixng Ave., Dubois, Ta. 3t
Civil sorvice examinations for do
. psrtment soryice will bo held in Pennsyl
vania bb follows : Pittsburg, September
19 and Octobor 25; Scranton, October 20;
Warren, Octobor Z; Harrisburg, October
21 and 20.
11. A. Childs, has purchased of G. W.
Robinson a five-acre plot of ground near
tho tnouth of Peters run, and is building
a commodious dwelling house at the forks
of the road, just over tho lino in Tionesta
Following is a list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Tionesta, Pa., post
office for the week ending Aug. 29. 1900:
Mr. Win. F. Miller, Miss Grace Mcln
tyre, Miss Delia Campbell.
D. S. Knox, P. M.
In view of the decision of Judge
Simonton of the Dauphin county court,
declaring the bicyclo tax illegal, the
County commissioners have notified the
tax collectors throughout this county not
to collect tho bicyclo tax for 1900. rJt
oule Xew.
For every variety of fruit or vegeta
ble call on Amsler. His stock is com
plote, fresh ami lino. No stalo goods al
lowed to accumulate, and prices are al
ways at the lowest notch. Groceries of
extra line quality, confoctlonery, and tho
like. You can't go amiss. 2t
If all potatoo patuhos turn out as well
as an acre which Henry Sibble of Ger
man Hill, gives cvidonco of doing there
will bo no famine in that line hereabouts
this winter. The samples which woie
loft here last .Saturday are as line as
we've neon in many years.
The Free Methodists will hold a holi
ness convention 'and district quarterly
mooting In their church at Tionesta Sept.
flth to 9th inclusive We ex poet U tho
proachers from tho district to be presont.
Free entortuiumeat will be provided. All
are invitod. F. W. McClkli.and.
The Forest County Veterans' Associ
ation will hold their fifth annual re
union at Ki.-loavor on tho 6th ol Septem
ber, one woek from to-moriow. All ex
soldiers and sailors, and thoir families are
made welcome at these annual gather
ings, which are usually Iraught with
pleasure for those who attend.
Spasmodic advertising does not bring
lasting rosults any more than feeding a
horso a buMhel of oats at oue meal will
keep It alive for a month. It is the
steady, persistant, systoinatic, stick-to it
advertiser who wins and retains profit
able patronage Look ovor the columns
of this papor and see who they aro.
Frank Major, the condomod murder
er, is pasaing the summer days quietly in
his cell in the county jail, at Meadville.
An attache of the shorilT's oflice says the
prisioner seems perfectly contont and is
so well satisliod with his resent condi
tion that ho has gained soveral peunds in
weight since the doath sentence was
-The roason why mirrors spot and
blur is because they are placed whore a
strong light falls directly on thorn. All
mirrors should bo so placod that the light
shall come to them from the sides. The
silvering of mirrors is a most difficult
process, and I should not advise any one
to try it at home. Septombor Ladies'
Home Journal.
The Woman's Foroigu Missionary
socioty of the Free Methodist Church of
this place will hold a public meeting at
tho church Tuosday evening, Sept. 4, for
which special arrangemonU liavo been
made. Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Sairer of
Franklin will sneaK on missions and
possibly some othors will assist. A full
house is dosirnd. Come all.
A younir son of Georce Swab, who
liyes near Hunter Station, was bitten on
the heel by a rattlesnake last Saturday
afternoon. Local remodies were imme
diately applied to the wound which in
this instance consisted of the entrails of
chicken quickly killed for the occasion,
and tho boy, aired about ten years, was
getting along all right at last accounts
Many men of small income spond f,
10 or ,20 conts a day for drinks, cigars or
other unnecessary things. Five cents
day saved and at tho end of each year put
to interest at 5 per cont. would at the end
of ten years amount to J205.50 ; 20 years
1500. 25 years, ?81o. Ten cents a day so
treated would in the same periods re-
spectivoly amount to $105, $1,200, $1,030
Twenty cents a day would amount to $910
$2,210 and $3,250.
A chicken, which evidently enjoyed
playing the nursery game of "Button
button, whoso git the button?" and then
swallowd tho button, was killed this
morning by Mrs. Susan Baker, of No,
111 Plumer street. In the chicken's craw
was found fourteen white bone buttons
and one crystal collar button. With the
excoption of threo all were whole am
worn as smooth as plato glass. Blizzard,
Mrs. Nelson P. Whoeler gavo a most
enjoyable luncheon to a largo party of
ladies at Bonnibrae, her beautiful hn
dcavor home, last Friday. The guests
mot about 12:30 p. ni. and alter an ex
change of pleasant greetings, they were
informally Invitod to lunchcm. At tw
o'clock the ladies assembled in tho
roomy parlors whore the large doubl
doors opening into tho spacious hall-wey
afforded thoin an excollent opportunity
of seeing and hearing Mr. Leon Vincent
who lectured for an hour on the colobra
tod Scottish writer, J. M. Barrie,
the close of the lecture, Miss Byrom o
Cincinnattl sain: Annio Ijiurie, and was
accompanied on the piano by Mrs
Whoeler. Tho entertainment is highly
coinmonded and is said to bo tho finest
ever given iu this part of little Foiost.
According to katy-did, the first frost
may bo expected on the morning ol Sep
tember 6th. A man who puts in his spare
timo studying bugs and other similar
things, says thai he has learned that the
first katy-did of the season begins her
plaintive, but persistent song just six
weeks before the first frost may be ex
pected. Last year the frost arrivod on
Soptember 2th, according to schedule,
and this year is due on the tith.
A weathor proverb says: "As Au
gust, so the next February fair or
stormy." Another is: "If the first woek
is unusually warm, the winter will be
hite and long." Another: "When the
months of July, August and Soptomber
are unusually hot, January will be the
coldest month." Still another : "A Bar
tholomew's Day (Aug. 24), so the whole
autumn." Again: "If the 4th of August
be bright and cloar, then hope for a pros
perous autumn this year."
The Philadelphia Pre says: "As
might be expected, some of the old sol
diers In this State who have been unfor
tunate in their habits are kicking against
rilling of the pension department at
Washington, by which certain pension
ers are dropped from the rolls when
thoir pension money is found to do them
more harm than good. In other words
these who spend their money for rum
and negloct aud Ill-treat their familios
ro to be denied their pension while
thoy misapply tho money.
At argument court lrt Thursday,
the Franklin Bridgo case was heard on
the question of a now trial which bridge
company is asking. The court has not
rendered a decision. J. F. Propor, J. D.
W. Reck and W. A. Grove, were ap
pointed artist and veiwors iesp:ctiiully,
to view a proposed new road down the
east side of the Allegheny river, through
Tionesta township to the President town
shin lino in VcnatiKO county. The peo-
lo of the latter named township are
anxious lo moet our people at the county
ne with a thoroughly good turnpike
road. ...
The bar association of Kmporium,
aineron county, have endorsed their
fellow townsman, B. W. Green, 10sq., for
ppoinlmeut to the vacancy caused on
the Supreme Bench by tho death of
hief Justice Henry Green. There
would be something qnito apprnpos in
the appolntmot of tho destinguished
Cameron county jurists, asido from his
euiinnont fitness and the splendid legal
ability which his preferment would
bring to the Stato's highest court. Tho
northwest has heretofore been very
ahabbi'y treated in the matter of repre-
enlation on both the Supreme and Su
perior benches.
The Bellol'onto ilaz-Ue, says that Cle
ment Dale, an attorney of that plac?,
will be a candidate for the Republican
congressional nomination in iho 2Sth
district, uprising the counties of Cloar-
fiold, Center, Forest, Elk iind Clarion,
and hopes to enter tho congressional con
ference with the support of the county
conferees. Clarion county has instruc
ted for N. K, Graham of East Brady
Clearfield county has named A. L. Cole
ofDuBoisas its choice, while Klk and
'orest havo Instructed for Col. A. A.
'1 ear writer of Wiloox. The conference
will take place some time in Septomueii
ho date not yot being flxod.
Bob Bnrdotto's advice to the young
men is: "My son, follow not in the foot-
tops of the loafer, and mnko no cxamplo
of him who is born tired, for vorly I say
unto you, thoir business is over-stocked,
the seats on the cornors are all taken, and
the whitling places are all occupied. It
s bettor to saw wood at two bits a cord
than to whittle in a loafing match and
cuss the government. My sou, whilst
thou hast left in the skull the sense of a
jay bird, break from the cigarette habit,
for lo, thy breath stinkith 'like a
glue luctiry, and thy whole apperanee is
less intelligent thanastoiiedumniy. Yea,
thou ait a cipher w ith the rim knocked
Tionesta, now ono of the best lighted
owns in the state, will be in utter dark-
nossa,.er Septomber first, if the council
and tho gas company fail to como to
some agreement as to tho kind, number
and cost of now street lights to be used in
the future. Tho contract for tli6 big
torches expires on that date and tho gas
company thinks it poor policy to furnish
so much for lighting purposos and
refusos to extend tho contract, and the
council wi'l figure on some other means
of lighting up our streets by night. So
that people need not bo surprised to find
themselves in darkness a.,er next Sat
urday, until some other means aro de
vised for getting "more light on the sub
As the game season is coming on
apace, and as people are apt to get some
what balled up on tho opening of that
eventful occasion about this time of year,
we give below the dates when all game
and fish may bo taken, with tho hope
that no one may get too previous and bo
gin the slaughter before the cooler weath
shall sot In, when game of any sort will
keop so much better: Open season-
dates, inclusive Grouso, wocrcock,
squirrel and quail, Oct. 15 to Deo. 1";
rabbits, Nov. 1 to Dec. 15 ; doer, Nov. 1
to Nov. 30 ; wild foul, Sept. 1 to May 1 ;
plover, July 15 to Jan. 1 ; trout, April 15
to July 15 j black bass, May 30 to Jan. 1 ;
yellow bass, Juno 1 to Jan. 1 ; pickerel
and pike, June 1 to I eh. 1. Rabbit hunt,
ing with forros not allowed.
Hlo the ('oiifth nml Workn aft'lhr Cold
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablots euro a
cold in one dav. No euro, no pay. Price
25 cents.
Wanted A bushelman. Stoady work
the vear around. None lint sober man
wanted. Lammkrs,
One Price Clothier,
Oil City, Pa,
South Dakota and Wjuiuing.
Spoeial excursion tickets will be sold
from Chicago via Chicago, Milwaukee
and St. Paul railway, on August 21st,
Sept. 4th and 18th, to Deadwood, Spear
fish, Rapid City and Custer, S. D., and to
Casper and Sheridan, Wyo., at one fare
plus $2 for tho round trip. Good to re
turn until October 31st, 19H). Stop overs
allowed west of Omaha. For further in
formation call on or addross W. S. How
oil. G. E. P. A.. 3fil Broadway, Now
York, or John R. Pott, V. P. A., 4i
William St., Williainsport, Pa. S-15-4t
School shoes, the kind that wear well
at Tionesta Cash Store. U
Hopkiu sellh tho clothing and shoes.
Mrs. Michael Mong of Tionesta town
ship is seriously ill.
Miss Elizabeth Hull, of F.rie, is a
guost of Mrs. Chas. Amann.
Miss Bollo York of Oil City is a guest
of her cousin, Miss Evolyn Grove.
Mrs. J. D. Davis and boh, Kepiar,
spoilt Monday with friends in Warren.
Harold Dean is down from Bradford
visiting among his yoiingTionesta friends.
Miss Mary Ru.nberger returned Sat
urday from a months stay at Chautau
Miss Martha Morrow is a guest of
her brother, Dr. W. G. Morrow, at West
Mrs. Haddock of Leoehburg, Pa.,
was a guest of Mrs. L. f ulton a part oi
h'st week.
Mrs. J. T. Carson and sons, Harry
and Chailes, are visiting in Clarion Co.,
this week.
Mrs. O. H. Killmer returned yes'r-
day morning from a two weeks' sfiy at
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Anderson have
gone to housekeeping in their handsome
now residonce.
Mrs. R. N. Spear returned Monday
morning from a visit to hor formor home
in Cooperstowu, Pa.
Rev. and Mrs.J A. T. Bell of Salts-
burg were guests of Rev. J, V. McAn
Inch ovor last Sabbath.
Miss poarl Cooper of Bradford, the
guost of Miss Minnie Reck for the past
two weeks has returned home.
Miss L. C. Newkirk. of Sandy Lake,
who has boeu a guest of her sister, Mrs.
A.-Carsou, returned home yestorday.
Mrs. J. G. Bromley of Stewarts Run
issoriously ill with typhoid I'ever.and her
infant child is in a precarious condition.
Mrs. G. G. Gaston went to hor former
home, Utica, Pa., yesterday, to visit her
patents and attond the haryost home pic
nic. Mrs. U.S. Bales of Titusvillo, was
a guest of her sisters, Mesdamcs A. B.
Kelly ad Suie M. Sharp over last Sab
bath. Misses Gertrude and Alice Aguew
entertained twonty of their young lady
friends at a lawn party Inst Thursday
Tho infant daughter of Mr. and Mi J.
F. P. Amslor is vety ill, with life hope
of recovery. The child is aged about
three weeks.
Mrs. Jerry Blose and littlo daughter,
of Now Kensington, who have been vls-
itinir frionds in this vicinity, returned
home yestorday.
Edgar Waldo, one of the old 83d regi
ment I ivs. who went out with Co. G. of
this place in 'til, was bu'ied in lld'oute
Monday of this week.
Mrs. S. S. Cunllald and daughter,
Maude, returned Saturday f'om a six
weeks' visit to her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Thompson, at Bradnor, Ohio.
( apt. J. J. Haight of Cooper Tract,
was a visitor to Tionesta last Thursday.
He visited friends at his former home in
Pleasantville bile in this section.
Miss WinKred Montgomery ol Wil-
kinsburg, Pa., is a guost of her former
schoolmat Mrs. W. 11. Rogors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kelly.
Votorans G. AV. Robinson and S. l-
Irwin and Citizen A. B. Kelly, are the
Tionesta representatives at the G. A. R,
national encamnmont at Chicago this
W. G. Adams, of New Castle Is a
guest of his brother, J. A. Adams, for a
fow days. Mrs. Adams is entertaining
her friond. Miss Clara Breno of New
Harry Bruner has arrived safoly in
Seattle, Wsh., and in good hepith. He
likes she coutiti v very much and tins
been offered a lucrative position which
he will occupy as soon as rested up.
About twenty-live of our young la
dies onioyed a picnic with a number of
East Hickory young ladies near that
place last Friday, going up on the morn
ng train and returning 'n the evening.
Judge Proper and daughter, Miss
EuRotta, Miss Ida Paup, teacher room
No 4 in tho Tionesta schools, and Miss
Cornelia Hill of Alleghony City, a guest
at the Proper residence, wore at Lilly
Dale from Friday until Tudsday.
Landlord Weavor of Hotel Agnew,
who has boon suftoriug n'om the effects
of a sunstroke reeeived about tiireo
woeks ago, is not yet able to attend to
business, but is slowly improving, and
expects to have sulliciently recovered to
leave his room iu a fow days.
William Hood, W. H. Hood, Mrs.
, G. Canton and Mrs. R. L. Haslet and
daughter Margaret, stork 1 Monday to
attend tho Vtiea Harvest Home iu e-
naugo county. From there Win. Hood,
Sr., and his daughter, Mrs. Carson, will
co to Lone Rock, Wis., to visit friends
for a couple of weeks.
Ralph Dale, son of U. L. Dale of Oil
City has been a guest of liveiyman Oram
during the past week. He had his
team of ponies with him and his many
boy fi iends have enjoyed some glorious
rldos over the surrounding country. In
matters "horsey" Ralph is considerable
of a 'chip oil the old block."
Clerk of Coi'Hs Ro bet. son has grant
ed a marriage license t ) James H. Shoo'
maker of Tionesta and Miss Flora Belle
Osgood of Endeavor. Tho ceremony
expected to take place to-morrow at the
home of the bride's puronts, Mr. and Mrs,
L. J. Osgood. Tho many friends of the
young couple both here and at Endeavor
will wish thoui a prosperous and happy
wedded lifo.
Tost for I)i 'v ljg Water.
There is a simple test for the prosence
ofsewrragein the water. All drinkln
water should be tested In town or coun
try Irequontly, as there aie other Impurl
ties besides sewerage which are quite as
deadly, aud every cistern of water is lia-
bletebea source or blood poisoning,
savs Farm, Field and Firemde. To de
tect this impure condition is very simpl
aud unfailing. Draw a tumbler of water
from the bip at night. put a piooo of white
sugar into it and place it on the kitchon
mantel sholf or anywhere that the tern
perature will not be under sixty degree
Fahrenheit, in me morning the water,
if pure, will be perfectly clear; if con
tn minuted bysowerageor other linpuri
ties, the water will be milky. This is i
simple and safe tost well known to chem
Base Ball
In their game with 'J idioute last Wed
nesday afternoon the Juniors of this
place lairly mopped the ground with the
Tidiouto nine. The game started with
pretty much the same nines iu the field
that played here the week previous, but
after the second inning additions from
the first nine were made to the Tidionte
club until only two of the juniors from
that place were lea in the game, never
theless our boys came out 'way ahead,
the acoro standing 24 to 4.
But the game of the season, and
doubtlea the bost ball playing that has
taken place in the not th western couuties
this year was pulled off at Pleasantville
last Saturday afternoon between Tionesta
aud the club of that place. Pleasantville
has ono of the strongest teams iu this
section, and have been winning laurals
wherever they have played. The gauie
starteo at 3:15 with Tionesta at the bat.
By a wild throw two scores were made
in this inning by the latter. Pleasant
ville then came to bat, and by a similar
blunder on the part of the visitors, scored
three runs. Alter this both teams stead
ied down nnd played ball, and a liner exhi
bition of the great national game could not
be put up by auy of the league clubs.
ot a man in either nine ever reached
third base after the first inning, ails' the
game ended as iu begun Pleasantville S
and Tionesta 2 scores.
The features of the game were McMil
lan's nice work in the box, fanning out
'ionosta's heavy hitters, Quiun's sleek
throwing to bases for Tionesta, nipping
out five of Pleasantville's base runners
between first and second, and a pretty
ouble by BanKhead, Jastrom and Blum
for Tionesta. It is s uprising to note
how poorly the sport is patronized by the
Pleasantville people. Tioneta had al
most as many people on the ground as
the home town turned out.
(Jrond Kntirtalumcnt.
Dr. Rninbeiger.assistod by local talent,
will give an entertainment in the Court
House Tuesday evening, Sept. 4th, HKW.
Tho entertainment will consist of illus
trated readings and songs. By means of
powerful sturoplican beautiful pictures
10 feet square will be thrown upon a cur
tain, illustrating the songs and readings.
This entertainment is entirely different
from the one given recently -the pictures
all being new and the greattr number
beautifully colored.
Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.
Marching Through Georgia.
Lewi, Kindly Light.
Down on the Suwaneo Ribber.
Village Blacksmith.
Night Before Christmas.
Two Vagabonds.
The Rayon.
Admission Adults 25 cent, children
15 cents. Reserved seat tickets lor oitlier
lulls or children without oxtiA charge
at Killmer s drug st ire, Monday ana
Tuesday, Sept. 8d and 4lh. Doors opeu
at 7:30, performance at 8:0. A number
of amusing pictures and also views in the
neighborhood will be shown.
TO ( I KK A lOl.ll IN ONK lAV
THke Laxative Bronio Quinine lablets.
All iiriiL'L'tsta rotund the money il it tails
to cure. E. V. Grove's signature is on
each box.
(ream of the News.
-A tongue may Intlict a deeper wound
than a sword.
So those 82.00 school suits at Tio
nesta Cash Storo.
Piiiixsutnwney had
flOO.OhO lire
Time can make us old in years, but
be cannot ago our hearts.
As to prices on groceries quality
considered Hopkins never lakes a back
seat. Trv him. It
-It is a mistake for any man to place
tc low an estimate on the public's Intel
ligonce, llhzttird.
-You can tell a great deal more about
the character of the housekeeping Irom
the ondition of the kitchen and collar
than from the way tho parlor looks.
Soe that you are registered by Thurs
day, Septembor tith, PM), if you want to
vols in Novombor.
-A large invoico of clothing, right
up to date, aud at very tempting prices,
ust opened at Hopkins . It
Wheutisfust approaching the $1.00
maik and is likely to reach it before the
close of the present year.
People may not believe it, but the
nmilliv nrodiict of theso United States is
i i
much greater than tho hog product.
-Hopkins has his fall stock of shoes
in, and don't want you lo buy anything
In that line till von have seen what he
has to offer. It
A woman can talk as sweet as peach
e and cream to another woman she hates
while two men would engage In
slugging match before they exchanged a
dozen words.
Last Niagara Falls ami ToronH Fair
The Pennsylvania R. R. ( o. will run
their last exonrsion to Niagara Kails and
tho Toronto lair, Tuesday, September 4th
Special train will leave Tionesta at 7:K)
a. m.. via Oil City. Fare, Niagara Falls
and 'etui n, $2..'i0. Toronto and return
$3.50. Train will arrive at Buffalo 12:30
Niagara Falls, 1:15; Lew;stoi, 1:45 p. m.
where Toronto passengers will tako one
of the Niagara Navigation Co.'s palace
stoel steamors, giving a sail of eigh
miles to tho mouth of the Niagara river
and forty milns across Lake Ontario to
l in Oueeil l;itv Of ( annua
Returning. Niagara Falls ti-kot will
ho good for passage on special train leav
Ing Niagara Falls 7:45, Buffalo 8:30 p. m.
Tuosday, Sept. 4th, and on all regular
trains Kept. 5th. The.eare five steamers
dailv, except Sunday, between Toronto
and Lewiston.
The great Toronto Fair aud Exposition
Is held August 27tn to September 8th, and
nrom mos to lie li hrger limn ever mi
year. Do not miss it. General admis
Minn onlv 2."ic. Nothing like it in Amer
ica. Absolutely the cheapest outing you
nan l:ikn. and the most enlertainiiien
for the money. Get full program ol each
lav's doimrs Irom Pennsylvania it. n
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf.
nrsonage. Jamestown, N. Y.. Saturday
SnL isth. Rev. M r.Tliompson
Mr. J. Ji-strom of Tioiicsl-, anil Miss
Cot a Alabaugh of East Hickory, Pa.
This signature i on every bex of the genuine
Laxative Dromo-Uuirune Tbieu
the remedy that care a cold la en day
Colorado and Utah.
Special excursion tickets to Denver,
Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Glen-
wood Springs, Colorado, and to Salt l-ake
"lty and Ogden, Utah, wltl bo sold from
Chicago, via Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul railway, on August 21st and Sep
tember 4th and ISth. 1900. For further
n formation call on or address W. S.
Howell, O. E. P. A., 31 Broadway. New
York, or Jno. R. Pott, I). P A., 48
William St.. Williainsport. Pa. 8-1 5-t
lour Vi sack 1,
.38 .40
.13(0, .14
.25(0, .50
.K.'fa) .SO
14 (4 15
..ISfTu .50
,20($ .22
.05 ($.08
.(9 .12
Corn meal, foed, pi 100 lb
orn meal, family, Vi 100 lb
Chop feed, pure grain
Corn, shelled
Means pi bushel
Ham, sugar cured
Kaeon, sugar cured
WhitefishW kit
Sugar ,
N. O. Molasses
Colloo, Boast Rio
toffee, blended Java
Eggs, fresh
Salt barrel
Potatoes, bushel,
Lime f barrel
Nails i keg
L. J. Hopkins.
We Have a Lot of Goods That
for Fall Stock. The Price is Going to Sell Them.
lo many instances the price is bolow
fortune. Tho goods uiunt be sold. Now is your chance lo get
- - L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and
I T A TVHO I Telephone
sycamore UH11LJ. I "A
am... I II IH1
A great deal of money
is usuallf made in
liut we intend lo forego the usual profit in order lo give you a
treat, ami incidentally make our store even more popular than
it already is, by offering h
Ladies' Initial Ili'iiint itched
Kxtra Fine inutility, For 5c.
French Flannels
Are going to he even more popular than ever tbn fall. You
can find them here in the very latest idcHS and colors l'olka
Dot, Fleur de Lis or Plain in (Jlovor, Ilelitrope, Light IMue,
Dark Blue, lied, Old Knee or Golf Green, 75c.
The Best
The best way to save money often
tu ity cotuos for money saving are
this fact is being demonstrated in our men's suits at $7.50 Uuuld taku thu
eutire side out of this paper lo tell yo.i of all the good points aud the better
points, than you'll fiud in clothing sold elsewhere.
Some poople invest a d investigate lster. Are you one uf lluine people?
Do you jump at conclusions? If you do -don't you d.u't always tight mi
a solid foundation. Make sure of mm thiug Hiiythiug that you buy at
Lammers' is first clans best clan and at the bead of the thus, all hew,
nothing old, old ag" i honorable and old whisky valuable
No place dure for anything old, hut old histories, thes always welcome.
We've auolbet lot ot those Percale Shirts good colors aud patlnrus all
41 & 43 SENEGA ST.,
rlitiKton Motel
Semi- '
(!.. 1 niphu an-) moriiing make a
light weight Overcoat come in handy.
2(H) of th latest prodactiune
high clasa clotniers are beiug men
ficrd at our sale.
7 50 bdiI $8.50 Overcoats,
Sale price $5 50
$11.0(1 and (10.00 Ov rcoats
Salo price 7 00
12.00 and $13.00 Overcoats,
Sale price i$9.00
$15.00 and $18.00 Overcoats.
Sale prico $10.00
Do you know that we do iml allow
a garment to leave our establish mi nt
unless it is a perfect fit.
Must be Sold to Make Room
halt regular price, hut this is our mi-
aaV bW r- -e
Oil City, Penn'a.
in by upending it when the oppor-
plentiful. The mu,t triking evidence f
dirertly opposite n.