THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. i. C. WINK, CoiToa 4 Pohiiito. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1800. Ilcpiiblioaii Ticket. NATIONAL. IS tident-lA. A M Mi K I N LK V. !' JYcxiVrrnt-THKODOItK KOONK VELT. KTATK. Auditor lienerat K. U. HARDEN- IlKRU, Wayne County. ( ijc G A LUSH A A GKoCv. )l SiiHoiihanna County, KOD KRT II. FOKRDEKEK. of Philadelphia. county. Assembly A. M. DOUTT, Tionesta RorouKh. AnriateJutt;ieW. 11. II. HOTTER ER, Kingsley '1 wp. hmtrict Attorney SAMUEL D. IR WIN. Tionesta Ildrongh. Coroner HR. J. W. MORROW, Tio. nenta llorough. Mr. Bryan's experience in farming bills fair to rival his carter as a soldier. IiltYAN S HCCOIld notltlCHtloll speech IS chiefly remurkabin lor sileneo on tlio top lea t tlio first. Chaiuman Joxkm lirinly believes lip ha Crokcr ami Hill under bonds to keep tlio peace during tlio campaign. It will bean unfurtunato thing fortius republic if the job of saving it evr de volves upon tlio Democratic party. FoLIt years ago tlio question was tlio cllolco of road to prosperity. Now the question Id If prosperity shall bo thrown awav. Tun Kant ahd tlio West aro for pxpan Hion. So Is the Smith, but it will not voto IIh real sentiments for foar of being called Republican. Tu nit k ift one army that coos up with a great bound when the Democratic party controls the country, and that is tlio army of the unemployed. It is noticoablo that Col. Rryan's speech of aeceptanen is not nearly so warm on tlio free Rilver question as tlio Kansas City platform is. It is not believed that Mr. Rryan will attempt to explain any of his miscarried predictions. Ho will simply go right ahead making new ones. Wiiatkvkr differenee of opinion may exist as to tho paramount issue, it will havo to be admitted that America is tho paramount power in tho world. Tu K only support that has been found for tho declaration against tho ship sub sidy bill in tho Democratic national plat form is among the foreign ship owners, Thk Dingley larilTlaw is a splendid producer of rovenuo and its period is that of tho largest American foreign trade. Republican management speaks for itself. Mu. Ckokkr may not roalizo it, but the young men of tlio country are not Reeking the leadership ot a man who gauges prosperity by tlio ruling prico of English bull pups. Tiikiik is a marked resumption of tho Democratic sympathy for I'orto Ricans, As a sympathetic organization tho Dumo ci alio is a marked suceoss immediately preceding an election. Stkvknson, tho former running mate of Cleveland, Is unquestionably a bitter pill for Populists, The feeling against him is a serious setback to Rry an's prospjets in Nebraska. Phockeiuno upon tho theory that he will bo defeatod again this year, Col. Rryan ought to take out a patent on his political cure-all, in order to prevent David R. Hill from using it in 1001. Mr. Altoklii says the report of a plot to kill monarcbs is lnish. He may havo Insido intelligence, but tlio murder of one sovereign and tho attempt upon the life of another oocurrod within a single week. In Mr. Bryan's speech of acceptance ho continues to put man before tho dollar, At tlio same time ho seems to be per foctly willing to accept a reasonable amount of help from the man behind the dollar. Mayoh Van Wyck's ice trust divi dends, according to his own sworn statO' mont, amount to $T,00) annually. It was liis brother "(Jus," who Is also a heavy stockholder, that drafted the anti-trust plank of the Kansas City platform. Evkry Democratic editor is hard at work trying to convince his readers that tho li to 1 plank of tho Kansas City plat form doesn't mean anything. Rut he doesn't attempt to account for Mr. Rry an's parsistency in forcing it's adoption Rili.y Maso.n is anxious to stir up i row with England on the Alaskan bound ary question. Rilly wants a real big war. Ho is tired of playing the pullba in small connicis anu lliiiiKS ins liro-ln the-rear powers deserve a widor field. iov. Kooskvki.t's denunciation of the Kansas City platlorm cannot be twisted into a ehargo that Democrats aro cowards Even tho convention is not responsible for that platform. Three-fourths of the dch'getes wanted something else, but Rryan reduced tliein to silonce with hi imperialistic club. Tim Kansas City Journal observes that Edward Atkinson has made another alarming discovery. Some timo since he assured us that liberty was about to full Now ho declares, ;n a scientific! srticl that the world's supply ofpola-h is al most cxliaustwd. Without liberty or pot ash how i-hii wo get along? iNlmten staple crops wore worth up wards of $.:20,iHXI,uoo more to the Amer ican fanner than in 1Ii5. Add to tiiis in crease an advance of f,;j.1,ooo,ooo in tho value rif livo hliH'k, and theio is a round billion of dollars that bus been paid in prosperity dividends by the Republican parly to the farmers for tho single year of IX',1. Wiiilk a mulnlier ol Congress Mr.Hry- an said in a speech in the House: "Sxaking for myself, it is immaterial whether the sheep-grower receives any lieneiit from the tariff or not." There aro many men who are not indill'ereut on the subject, and they can remember the time whan sheep were almost valuless as result of the tariff law Ilryan helped to pass. Til K Dos Moines Leader, an "anti-im perialism" Organ, Rays: "Ijct it lie granted that Imperialism will dy its hundreds; 111 to I would slay its thous amis. Ixjt the November news bo that Mr. Rrvan is elected, an 1 although it niav bring gladness to the far-olf Filip nos, as to tho struggle for their liberties, it w ill bring despair and a short larder to the American business and working man." Rath iion k, tho Havana postolllco of ficial, (Wlaied that if "interfered with" by tho Washington authorities he would make confessions implicating members of tho administration InthoposUl scan- lals there. Do has lsen "interfered with" to the extent of being arrested and locked up. much to the chagrin of the Democratic papers who lnsistod that he would not bo molested. Ho has had a hard timo securing ball. Si'Kakino of how the red sh rts look after the consent of tho governed in North Carolina tho Hartford Times says: 'They rotton-ogg tho speakeis, cackle like geeso in concert, and put out the lights. If tliis doesn't work they mount thoir horses and rido through the crowds, tiring oil' their weapons wildly." These festivo Rryanitos, howoyer, aro in favor of bestowing tho sovereignty of tho Phil ippine upon the Tagal bandits In the name of freedom of man and tho Declar ation of Independence Mu. Rkyan doubtless feels internally oxed over tho praises bestowed upon him sinco his nomination by prominent English papers liko tho Spectator. It must bo naturally disagreeable U) bo tak en for a friend by a nation against which he wants to wage a wordy war in tho hope of gaining the votes of such people n this country as feel hostile to it. Tho English apparently care nothing about Hryau's pro-Iioer protestations, for they lo not believe Mr. Rryan as President would bo militant enough to involve tho Anglo-Saxon countries in bloody war by going any farther than to oiler to medi ate, as President Mckinley did. Why England wishes for Rryan's election is been u so ho is a frco trader. Ry closing the mills of tho United States tho mills of England would do a bigger business. Tho work that Mr. Rryan would take way from the American workman would go to tho workmen of England. Thk Now York Herald recently con fined a cartoon which showed Mr. Rrav- Rryan, tlio Presidential candidate of the Populists and Of tho Democrats, too at the telephone. Mr. Bryau was calling to "Central" for the American working man and "Central" was replying as Central" provokingly will, "Rusy now ! ' Tho St. Louis (, lobe-Democrat now says this picture has been sustained y subsequent actual facts. "It was," savs that paper, "Mr. Rrvan s original ntention to conduct a front-porch cam paign, making ringing speachos to visit- ng delegations, but ho has abandoned tho Idea and in conversation with somo friends recently stated that it was useless to think of such a method of campaign- ug, for the reason, that tho people were ik busily engaged with their regular work to come to Lincoln and near him, and that he would be compelled to go to them." There is an apropos line of Burns about "the best laid plans of mice nud mon,"you know. The Real Issues. Tho real issues that will decido the presidential contest in 10n0 aro business and patriotism. Imperialism, militar ism, or any nthor ism will havo little to do with it. Tho business man, who may always be depended upon to look out for himself, will not want to risk a chango, and as tho interests of tho laboring man aro identical with thoso of tho business man both prospering or suffering to gether that voto will be for McKinloy. And the patriotism of this country may always bo depoodod upon. It was tho unanimous sontimont of the people of this country that we should take up the causo of Cuoa and wrest that fertilo island from the tyrany of old Spain, tho She Wolf of nations. Congress immediately voted J"iO,000,(HK) to tho cause and was ready to appropriate ton limes that amount if necessary. Wnen we declared war against Spain the United States assumed all the com- plox obligations that such a declaration involved. Eyery condition growing out of it must be met in a manner becoming a great nation. Thore must be no shrink ing, no evasion of duty. We were in uuiy Dounu 10 suinu uy me nag or our country wherever tho hand of destiny gave it to tho air of heaven. To withdraw our troops from tlio Phil ippines and permit the inhabitants of those islands to become tho targot of con flicting interests and to pray upon thorn solves like woundod wolves, would be to dishonor the fla and to brand ourselves as weaklings and cowards. That the sentiment of the American poople is distinctly averse to such a pol icy we havo not tho slightest doubt, and tho party that appeal to to retreat and to evade tho responsibilities which our interference in beealf of Cuba put uism us, w ill surely go down to inglori ous defeat in Novcmljer. I'unx'y Kjiiril. I(M KKWAIMl, I(K. Tho readers of this paper will be pleased to loam that there is at least one dreaded disease that scienco lias been ablo to euro in nil its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tho only positive cure known to tho medical fra ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional diseaso, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly npon the blood anil luiicoiiH surface of the system, thero by destroy ing tho foundation of the dis onsf, and giving tho patient strength by building up the constitution anil assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much fsith in its cura tive powers that they offer Ouo Hundred Dollars for any case 'that it fails to cure. Solid for list of testimonials. Address, V. J. CH EN EY A CO.. Tolodo, Ohio. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Hull's Family Pills are the bet. New hats this week at Tionesta Cash Store. n Pugnacious Pastime, What is there in our national pattimo of handball that tends so to arouse the latent pugnacious instinct lying dtcp within the soul of every man to trans form lit in for the time Into howling, lighting demon. There must Ik soma mysterious inllnonce as yet little under stood that Impels the peaceful, law-abiding tax-payer and citizen to rise in the grand stand and shriek, "Kill him, kill him," when tho umpire renders decis ions not according to jtopular approval. The man who, half choked with anger, hurls insulting epithets at tho inomber of tho out-of-town team will sit in the front pew in church on Sunday and listen to the sornion, his placid countenance il luminated by a amileof seraphic sanctity. Rut put him in tho grand stand and lot ouo of the home players niutl'an easy one at third, and Dr. Jekyll immediately be comes Mr. Hyde, and hi language Im parls distinct odor of brimstone lo tho surrounding atmosphere. It might bo supposed that ball nines composed of church members exclusive ly would be ablo to got along without quarreling, but it appears not. The Pitts burg Xrwt relatos the storr from Hunt ington, Conn., of a ball game betwoen tho members of tho Cougregational church of that town which ended in a free fight and a call for the police. It was a decision of tho umpire, of course, that made tho trouble. Tho superintendent of the Sunday school, who was playing right field, questioned the dvvisslnn, which was upheld by the leader of tho choir and three deacons on the side lines. Thoreiion the su)ei intendont sinoto the musician, and witli the mixing in of tho deacons, the assistant supcrinten lent, who naturally went to tho assistance of tho superintendent, several members In good standing and tho sexton, tho tight was fairly on. Tho beloved pastor, who endeavored to neparato the combatants, was put out in the llrst round. Tho sin ners in tho grand stand provided vocif erous applause. Rut the police, who are always nosing around to spoil somoliody's fun, appeared and all hands were hauled to the station houso. Why doso baso ball arouse our sleeping savagery? Let tho mighty minds of tho nation grapple with the question. Daily tho citizens of this country at ball games waste enough pugnacity to whip the whole Chinese army. letter to J. I). Davis, Tmnesta, Ji. Dear Sir: Perhaps you would liko to take the agency for tlio foremost paint in tho world: Devoo lead and ziuc. It is right to put betoro you the facts a to why it is the foremost. (1) Rest materials; load, zinc, dryer, color, and linseed oil, ONLY used in it. (-) It contains nothing else whatever; no water, no alkuli, no benzine, no petro leum, no fish oil, no barytes, no whiting no adulterant. Your state chomist not only has an alyzed tlio paint, and verifies (1) and (2); but he Is going to buy it and analyze it occasionally, and thus watch over tho in terests of your customers. (4) It is proportioned for weai. (.") It is mixed intimately and ground liuo. (j) It is fuU-measuro cubic inclios a gallon. (7; It is sold at so low a prico as to make it cheaper than lead and oil. (S) It wears twice as long, and there t'oro costs less than half as much by the year. ('.)) You can refund the nionoy if any customer is dissatisfied. (10) We are rosponi'ulo; have been in business 145 years without a break, and aro the largest palnt-nianufacturers in tho U. S. Yours truly, E. W. Dkvok A Co. Cream af the Sen s, A wise oae says one of tho most hopeless things on earth is a boy who won't work. Jolly glasses, glass cans, etc. at Tio nosta Cash Store. It People in tho Stato of Pennsylvania paid nearly fi'010iX,0uO for life insurance during the year .'SID. A woman always prepares threo times as much for a picnic than is neces sary for fear she will not have enough. Beautiful jardinierrs at Killmers. It A batchelor says It is far better to be alone in this world of sorrow than to live next door to an amateur cornet player. A marriage license was recently granted in Williamsport to a colord man aged ninety years, and a white woman aged thirty-three. The number of men available for military service in Pennsylvania Is &1U, And out of this number 9,222 are organized for service. We always appreciato the kindness of friends who furnish us items of live news. They accomodate not only us but our host of readers : The bachelor editor of the Greens- niirg democrat says : "Many a young girl makes the mistake of thinking that becauss alio would die for her beau she truly loves him. In this restless, throb bing age it is necessary for her to ask herself in all seriousness, 'Would I take In washing for him?' " 50 new porch rugs at Hopains'. Two sizes 7.rK! and $1.25. H Crackers and milk constitute the chief diet of John I). Rockefeller, whose income is estimated at $l(i,.'SS:! a day, Not that Mr. Rockefeller could net afford a piece of pio occasionally, tnt his stom ach is weak and crackers and milk are best adapted as a steady diet. liliizard. Why Zinc ? While lead chalks oil; zinc prevents it, novoo lend and zinc ground together, wears twicoas long as load and oil. Smith Dakota and Wyoming. Special excursion tickets will be Bold from Chicago via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railway, on August 21st, Sept. 4th and lSlh. to bead wood, Spear fish, Rapid City and Custer, H. D., and to Casper and Sheridan, yo., at oue fare plus it for tlio round trip. Good to re turn until October 31st, 1!K. Stop overs allowed west of Omaha. For f urther in formation call on or address W. S. How ell, U. E. P. A.. :il Rroadway, New York, or John K. Pott, D. 1. A., 4W William St., WilliamsiHut, l'a. 8-15-4t Reduced In Order to Close Out our Shirt Waist wc oiler them at the followliiff price: I .r.O and I .(() .75 ami .85 .!) anJ 1.00 1.25 Nome Special Value In Nuiiiiuer IlrestN t.oorix. It Mill pay yon to Invent Ignte. ROBINSON. Xlngnra Falls Excursion via tho Nickel Plato Road, Saturday, Aug. lSlh. Tickets good returning until tho 22d, incluslvo, on any of our peerless trio of daily express trains where sched uled to stop. Eor rates and time of train at Intermediate stations sec bill, write, wire, 'phone, call on or address city tiekot olllce, 0J0 State St., Krlo, Pa. II. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A. No. Kill-It IlomcscfkrrV Excursions. On the first and third Tuesdays in each month during HRki, from Chicago via Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul rail way, to points in Iowa, South and North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Colorodo, Utah, Nebraska, Oregon and Washington at the rato of ouo faro plus two dollars for the round trip, good 21 days. For further information call ou or address W.S. Howell, O. K. P.A.,:Wl Rroadway, Now York, or John U. Pott, D. P. A., 4St William street, Williamsport Pa. The Nickel Plato Road will run a special excursion to Niagara Kails, Saturday, Aug. 18th. Tickets good for five davs. For rates and time of train at intermediate stations, see bills or write, wire, 'phono or call on nearest agent, or cull on or address city ticket office, !I20 State street, Erie, Pa. II. C. Allon, C. P. it T. A. No. 163-lt To Whom it May Concern. Whereas, my wife, Jennie M. Reardon, has loft my lied and board without Just causa or provcatiou, I hereby give notice to all persons not to trust her on my account, as I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted by her. L. R. Rkardon, Clarington, Pa., Aug. 11, 1M0. "Silver Plate that Wears" Made in artistic and original patterns only. Your silverware will be correct in everyway if it is Rogers Bros." Or either of the following linea of Steiling Silver: GorlutmV, Towle's, AVliilinV, WntNon NewclV, Sola by- 32 SENECA St., OIL CITY, PA . Official Watch Inspoctor and Rnpairor for the W. N. Y. & P. and L. S. A M. S. Kys. Sond or bring your work to us. Uller. To the Good People of Tionesta and Vicinity: I now employ Mr. F. L. Clawsoo in my Tionesta store. Mr. Clawsoo comes verj well recommended, being a good workman, as well as being sober, industrious nuJ conscientious. Bring in your watch, clock, in fact, anything pertaiuioi; to tbe Jewelry line, that needs repairing, and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. Our motto is, "Not How Cheap, But How Good for the Monej. C. C. ULLER, lti-lliiIi Klor-o, In every town and village may be had me fiiica 5 Axl urease that makes your horses glad. frfiiitilaira! Oil .. Iff iKft m. M K i,7 mi G.I Prices! waists at $ .40 waists at i0 waists at .75 waists at 1.00 NEW LIVERY Having purchased tho livery bam lo catod in roar of Hotel Agnow and after adding many now and up-to-date rigs we aro now preparod to furnish llvory rigs to tho people of t'uis vlclnlnity and guaian teo to lit you out In lirst-class style. We will inako a specialty of ruiiilsliing rigs for Funerals, Weddings, Receptions Etc, WM. ORAM, JRCHIEUREY. com? am ki:i: rs. 3000 YEARS AGO GUARANTY RHEUMATIC REMEDY was not known as well as it is now. Consequently many ml fered from Rheumatism. There is no need of that at the prosent time, as we guar antee to cure Rheumatism or refund the money. At Druggists, or 88 W. Genesee Street, BUFFALO. N. Y. AM EN DM ENT TO TM K CONSTITU TION PKOPOSK.D TO THK CITI 7.KNS OK THIS COMMONWKAI.TM FOR THEIR APPROVAL, OR RK.IKC- TION' RY THK tlKNKRAL ASS ISM BliYOF TIIK COMMON WICAII'II Oh PKNN'SYLVANIA. PUBLISH Kl RY OBDKR OK TIIK SECRETARY OK TIIK COMMONWEALTH. IN PUR 8UANCE OK ARTICLE XVIII OF Til E CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing an amendment to the Consti tution or me Lonimonweaiiii. Section 1. Be It resolved by the Senate and Houso of Representatives of the Common wealth in General Assembly met, That tho following is proposed as ameiidiuonts to tho Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in ae cordanco with the provisions of the i lgh. teentn article ttioreoi : Amendment One to article Eight, Sec tion One. Add at the end of tho first paragraph of snul section, alter tne worus "snail ie en titled to voto at all elections," tho words 'subject however to such laws requiring ami regulating me registration oi electors as tho General Assembly niav onaet," so that tbe said section shall read as follows : Section 1. Qualifications of Electors. Every male citizen twenty-ono years of ago, possessing tlio following )uatmca- lious, sliHll he entitled to vote at all eloc tions, suhbv't howovor to such laws re quiring and regulating tho registration of etoclors as tne ueneral Assembly may enact : He shall havo been a citizen of the United States at least one month. lie snail nave res mod in tlio state one year tor if having previously boon qunlilied elector or nativo born citizen of the Stato, ho shall havo removed there from and returned, within six months. immediately preceding the election). He shall have resided in the election district where ho shall oiler to vote at least two months immediately preceding Hie election. If twenty-two years of age and upwards lie snail nave paid within two years State or county tax, which sliall have been assessed at least two months and paid at loast one month before tho elec tion. Amendment Eleven to Articlo Eight, necllon seven. Strike out from said section the words "but no elector shall bo deprived of the privilege of voting by reason of his name not being tcgistored, and add to said section the following words, "but laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may be enacted to apply to cities only, provided that such laws lie unilonn for citios I tho same dans, so tlint tho said section shall read as fol lows : Section 7. Uniformity of Eloction Laws. All laws regulating the holding ot elections ny tne citizens or lor the reg istralion of electors sliall be uniform throughout the State, but laws regulating and requiring the registration of electors may lie enacted to apply to cities only, providod that such laws be uniform for citios ot the same class. A truo copv of tho Joint Resolution. W. W.ORIEST, Secretary of tho Commonwealth AMENDMENT TO THE COTSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OK THIS COMMONWEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR RE J EC TION BY THE GENERAL ASSEM BLYOKTHE COMMONWEALTH OK PENNSYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OK THE SECRETARY OK THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PURSU ANCK OK ARTICLE XVIII OK THE CONSTITUTION. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Cnnsti tutioii or ttie commonwealth. Section 1. Be it resolved by the Sen ato and House of Representatives of tho Common wealth ol I'ennsylvams In Gen eral Assembly met, That the following is proposed as an amendment to tne uonsti tution of the Common weaith of Pennsyl vsnia in accordance with the provsions of the Eighteenth article thereof. Amendment. Strike out section four of article eight, and insert in place theroof, as follows: Section 4. All elections by the citizens shall be by ballot or by such other meth od as may bo orescribed by law ; Provid ed, That secrecy in voting be preserved. A true copy of tho Joint Resolution. W. W. GUI EST, Secretary of the Commonwealth. w 1 Mv"SPSiaVSlBSJPfBJfpSJJfBQSJB "World-Known," For mcD, Tor every weather, made in all latest styles of every leather ItOQM aV TttE TQES Look for trade mark and take uo other. The price i only 113,00, and they are only told at TIONESTA CASH STORE, HoHt rinre for (jrorericH, and Clothing. T1IONK34,' .... KEri.EK BLOCK. Seasonable Goods. Lawns, Laces, Embroideries, Ladies' Gauze vests, Summer Corsets, Etc., Etc. Lawrence & S3S&9IESuSiSS22SSS9 The Tallest Mercantile Building In th World, Owned and Occupied Enclutively Bj Us. xo. A. II. A. Way.nk Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, A. Wityno Cook, N. P. Wheeler, . e.'.i.ii:iiitini:itji ui i3 tm'& - trs ':j!!:;uimilimil Uii.i::: :si.i i ' jii.'.',"iuf ! i i.) v.a r.-f Collections remitted for on day of jtr.yiiient at low raton. We promiso our custom ers all the heuetlUi consistent with conservative b kinir. Interest piid on lime deposit. Your patronage respectfully Bolleited. OHJST MILL, Everything new and up to date tor making F LO U R rtaSS - AND - ALWAYS ou hand fur Bale a full stock ia our line. MERCHANT MILLERS. HrUIye St., - Tionesta, Pa. THE SUMMER SESSION OP THE EDINBORO STATE NORMAL SCHOOL ItoiiiM Tm-Mlny, .July :t. A school fr,r the busy teacher and the ambitious student. The following cours es of study will bo pursued : I'sycliolojjv, Pediu;ogy, Science, Mathematics, Lan punires, Literature, Ktliics, Civics and common branches. You cannot allbrd to miss this opportunity. For ciacnlars and information address JOHN F. BIULKU. Principal. Kuimuoko, Pa. Silioes have uo equal. Ia black and brown Kibo Kid, light and heavy soles, iii all tho uioat fanhiouahle Icalh f rs and latest styles. Smearbauah. WlislGsale Prices to Users, Our Cieneral Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or txprcssagc and well Bend you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you cat and use and wear. We constantly carry ia stock all articles quoted. MONTCOMERY WARD A CO., JH Irk lean Af. MxHmbM., ('hb-aco. no.ts. Kklly, Cofhicr. Wm. Smkakbai;qii, Vice President NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. numerous Q. W. Kobinson, Win. Snioarlmugh, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly. lennsylvania UAILltOAD. IH KFAI.0 AND ALLEGHENY VAL LEY DIVISION. Taking efTect, August 1, I'm No. 31 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday 12:00 noon. No. 83 Oil City and PlitsliurR Kxrress, daily, with Pull man sleeper attached, oxcopt Hunday 7:5:1 p. m. Sunday special for Oil City, For Ilickory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Olean and the Kant: No. 30 Olean Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. 111. No. 32 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:05 p. in. Jot Time Tables and full information from J. W. McCKKA, Atront, Tionesta. J. n. HUTCHINSON, J. It. WOOD, General Manager. Uou'l Passenger Agt. Fred. Grettenbcrgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and Ueneral Hlacksinithiug prompt ly done ut Ijow Kates, ltepairiug Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop iu rear of and lust west of tho Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. UKETTKNBERUER. W MAM A-U