The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, July 18, 1900, Image 3

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A subject of interest to all housewives is
spices and flavoring extracts. Unless the best
arc used it is impossible to get satisfactory re
sults in cooking and baking. A first class drug
store is the place to buy these articles, as only
spices and extracts of guaranteed strength and
purity are kept.
A trial will convince you.
Elm and Bridge Streets.
. . AM) .
. OK -
All Leading Companies
Hep resented.
Wild Lands, Farms, Hoaxes
IMS for Sale or Heat.
New Advertisements.
.1 amen. Ail.
iniiiiiri. Ail
Anislor. Local.
Hopkins. Locals.
J. W. Sires. Iwnl.
Tho MeCun Co. Al.
TiouosU C'nHh Storo. Locals,
kobiusou & ItHNftUni. I)i-iMl ulioii
Forest County National Hank. State
ment, also dividend notion.
Zinc and grinding.
Oil market closed at $l.2o.
Ice cream soda ut Milliner's. 11
Now styles in shoes at T. C. S. It
Oil anil nan leases at thin olileo.
-How do .vou like tho "New Way T"
You can net it at Hopkins' store.
Broad, fresh evtuy day.ut Amslers.
Sox for man 'ie dozen at T. C. fS. It
Telephone No. 31 for Irtmli groeories
cheap. T. C.S. It
Don't mi Retting a pair of thoso
bargain shoes while tho July sale lasts
at llopkiiiH' store. It
You'll miss u good ono if you don't
attend tho entertainment at the court
lioiiHe this evening.
Hut-glars Mow open tho safe in the
depot at South Vamlalia. N. Y., last Fri
day iiiirht and soeurod-$l.X).
The grape crop In Chautauqua county
In prospering. Thore will lie a light crop
of rod raspberries, but c urrants will be
If you want your prescriptions filled
by a regularly graduated, registered
pharmacist bring them to Tho Davis
I'liarinacy. tf.
Clillord, tho young son of Andrew
Chit, killed a rattlesnake four feet long
while berrying near his homo at resi
dent, last Monday.
The statement of tho Forest County
National Hank published clswhero in
this issuo is certainly a very cerditable
showing for that institution.
J. D. W. Reck has bought tho Craig
property south of the court house square,
coi-nor of Klin and May streets, and ex
pects to move there some time this fall.
Contractors J. A. Nixon and W. H.
Allen, of Titusville, have been awarded
the contract for the oroction of the new
Pooplo'B National Bank building at Fast
Tho first hail storm to strike this sec
tion this season came last Wednesday
evening lasting several minutes, and
though quite severe, did no material
damage in this vicinity.
A Connecticut man has been placed
in an asylum by I. is children because ho
went alHiut offering to bet all his rnouey
on Bryan. No luuacy expert was neoded
to diagnose his case as hopeless.
The Mt. ion Lutheran Sunday
school will celebrate Childorn'n day Sun
day, Jnly 22d, services to begin at 10:30
a. in. All are cordially iuvitod to attend
this service Rov. C. A. Rhiel, Taster.
Our thanks are due a number of
friends who havo kindly sent in copies
ol the Uki'I'iilican of Juno Gth, request
for which was made in last week's issuo.
It pays to advertise in the Kei-u ulicas.
Tho Tionesta band boys have re
ceived their new uniforms, and they look
very neat, being made of wbito duck
and trimmed with black braid, with caps
to match. The boys ought to play better
A now more fivo-yoar Farm Journal
subscriptions aro loft for those who will
pay a year in advance to tho Rr:i rmirAX
Don't complain if you should put it off
till too late. Tho offer will not last much
Evorythmg in the lino of green
goods, fresh and palatable, at Amsler's
these days, raspberries by the quart or
crate, fine, plump fruit, at lowest possible
figure. Now ts the time to ordur, while
berries aro their liuest. It
J. W. Siros tho up-to-dato photo
graphor, will be at his Tionesta studio
every Friday and Saturday till further
notice. If you desire work in bis lino
don't put it off on account of cloudy
woathor. It
Tho Commissioners of JefTorson
county have purchased a 200-acre tract
of land and will begin the erection of a
county home at once. They expect to
havo It ready for occupancy by June 1st
of next yoar.
A rounion and two days' encampmont
of the Sixteenth regiment, N. 0. 1'., will
bo hold at Oil City in Soptembor. This
will bo tho first reunion of the regiment
since it returnod from its victorious cam
paign in Forto Rico.
Mossrs. Loomls, Klickner and Kim
bor of the Oil City gun club, came up
last Friday afternoon and were guests of
the Tloncbta gunners, parti cipating in a
pleasant hour's sport at tho shooting
grounds on the island.
W. U. Wymau dispatched his first
rattlesnake, a three-foot affair, Monday
while driving along the)public road altovo
Nebraska. The crawling musician sport
ed nlno rattles, which Mr. Wyman now
carrios in bis scalp belt.
There will be an abundant crop of
all kinds of nuts peculiar to this locality
if they escape the blight. Chestnut and
beach trees look exceptionally prosper
ous with full rich blossoms, while acorns
promise an abundant yield.
A largo consignment of coal bottoms
and barges from the Nebraska, Tionesta
and Hickory vards was started for tuo
Tittsburg market last Friday and Satur
day, but whether all will reach their des
tinatiun on this rise in tho river is ques
Tho councils of New Castle have
passed an ordinance providing for the
strict observance of Sunday in that city
The bill absolutely forbids tne sale o,
anything but milk and medical aud stir
gical supplies, and provides a fine of from
f 10 to $&) for violations.
-The Oil City races are on this week,
Thore aro two days more of the sport left.
Thursday and Friday, and for tho accom
modation of people from this soction who
wish to attend a special train will leav e
Oil City for up the river after tho races
to-morrow. Thursday evening, at 8:00
Tho fellow who buys common bard
soap at tho grocorios at five con ts a big
cake, cuts It iuto small cakes, which he
sells at ten cents each as a cleansing com
pound for romoving grease, has been do
ing business in Krie. Should ho drift in
to this town the good housowifo would
do well to give him tho marble-heart.
Tho Post Office Dopartmont at Wash
ington havo established a post office at
Loleta, in Millstone township, this county
and appointed J. C. Campbell postmas
tor. This was done on the recommenda
tion of Senator Penrose. The recom
mendation of a Congressman does not go
in thia district at the present time. Itid'j
way Advocate.
Mr. and Mrs, Conrad Burheu of Ger
man Hill gave a birthday surprise party
to their son Alvin, last Saturday, which
was enjoyed by forty or fiftyof his young
friends. The evening was pleasantly
spent and at 11 o'clock choice refresh
ments were sorved. A number of choice
presents were loft by the guests as re
minders of the pleasant event.
Don't forgot the entertainment at tho
court house this evening. It will be
something out of the ordinary, and far
abovo the average storeopicon exhibition
Dr. Rutnberger will give a number of
views from real life in Tionesta, and all
of them will bo interesting and amu3
ing. Don't miss it. Admission 25 and
l"i cents. Benefit of M. E. church.
There Is a Justice of the Peace down
in Cooper township named Heltzer,
young couplo lately applied to a minister
to get married, but not having a license
tho minister vory kindly remarked, "I
can't marry you ; take your girl and go
to Heltzer." Whereupon tho young man
bristled up and repliod, "Yon go to hell
yourself, tit V Clearfield Journal.
A minister in Center county recently
atartled bis congregation with the follow
ing languago : "Before the stewards take
up tho collection I would like to make
few remarks. There are two hundred
persons on this house, counting saints,
sinners, crooked and straight, including
cryiiis babies. Ifonch person thinks my
sermon worth a glass of boer, or a nickel
let him pay that amount. If each person
pays a nickel it will make total of $10
this evening. This repeated evory Sun
day would pay my salary. A sermon
that isn't worths nickel isn't worth com
ing to hoar, and the person that will beat
the Lord, the pi inter or tho miuistcr is
Kd B. Percival, for a number of year
confidential bookkeeper for L.B.Wood at
Grand Valley, Pa., dropped dead in ths
latter place of heart disease on the 12th
inst. The dim-eased was once a forest
county boy, having lived with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Percival at New
town Mills, and will be remembered by
the older class of citizens yet living in
that vicinity. He is survived by a wife
and one child.
Colonel and Mrs. W. J. lluliugs,
daughter and live sons are enjoying a
novel outing. Last week they started on
pedestrian tour, their destination being
ow Drop, this county. They walked
from Oil City to Pleasantville, thon to
Garland and passed through Warren
Friday. They are constructing a house
boat at Dew Drop and in a few days will
break camp and start on a cruise down
tho Alleghony river 'arren Mirror,
One of the nicest fields of wheat in
tho county was that harvosted last week
by Mr. Orion Siggins from a 30 aero
piece of new grouud which was cleared
last year and adjoins Ids large farm at
West Hickory. Good judges estimate
the yield at 20 bushels or upward to the
acre, which is more than the average for
this section, even under more favorable
weather conditions. The Deering people
sold Mr. S. a reaper on the strength of
the work of tlioir machine in this now-
The General store of J. M. Greon, at
Sugar Ruu, on tho W. N. Y. A P. R y.
three miles above Kiuzua was robbed
last Wednesday night of a lot of clothing
and wearing apperal amounting to about
$2i H) worth. The postofflce located in tho
store was aUo robbed of several dollars'
woith of stamps. The frontdoor of the
building was smashod in. Two drillers
slept in rooms at tho Sugar Run house,
facing tho storo, and did not hear tho
noise. There were two large dogs in the
storo. Neither of these were heard to
mako a noise. Mr. Green is tho father
of our townsman Jose W. Groon.
At a meeting ot the patrons of the
Lecture Courso last Friday evening it
was dot-ided to have three entertainmonts
at suitable times dm iui the coming fall
anil winter. The plans for getting the
work under way are about the same as
were used last year. As it is not a prl-
ate enterpriso, but, tor public good, the
committee feels that it will have to
have some encouragement from the citi
zens. This will be secured through the
circulation of a paper to obtain subscri
bers for the course of threo lectures. The
committee appointed to attend to this
work consists of Rev. J. V. McAnineh,
Prof. R. N. Speor, J. B. Muse and A. W.
The storm of lust Wednesday eve
ning took on something of tho uatnre of
tornado up about Fast Hickory, and
did considerable damage in the way of
uprooting and twistiug oil' fruit and
shade treos. The wind seemed to dip as
it cttmo ovor tho hill above the town and
struck the orchard of Alex. Pettigrew
destroying about halt the trees, and
fine chestnut orchard located noar by,
was practically ruined. The storm thou
raisod and dipped again near the Kndea
vor school house where it played havoc
with tho pretty pine grove surrounding
the school building and township house.
uprooting and breaking down many of
the handsome trees about the premises
No damano was done to buildings so far
as heard from.
"Frank Major" Must Hang.
Miss Margaret Kehoo of New York,
sister of Daniel J. Kehoe, is in the city
aud has visited her brother in the jail.
The scene between the sister aud brother
atthoir first mooting, is described as
very touching. Kehoo, who has kept up a
bold front from the first, begins to show
siuns of a more full appreciation of the
real seriousnoss of his condition, and the
coming of his sister effected him deeply
Miss Kehoo, who is a young lndy of ap
parent refinement, is stopping with
friends on Market street, and both she
and her brother are deeply concerned for
tho result of Judge Thomas' deliberations
over the application for a new trial, which
it is expected he will decide on Monday
noxt. Mentlville Tribune.
Judgo Thomas Monday morning hand
ed down an opinion refusing to grant i
new tiial to Frank Major. District At
torney Vance asked the Court for judg
ment. The prisoner was ordored to
stand up and Judge Thomas asked him
if he had anything to Bay why sentence
should not bo pronounced against him
Tho prisoner answered that he had
nothing to say. The judne tlion sentenced
him te be taken to the county Jail and
from there to be hanged by the neck un
til dead. The prisoner s sister was in
court, and was very much affected
Major himself showed noeinotion. There
were very fow people in court when the
sentence was pronounced and there was
no demonstration.
Goorgo Gordon and Charles Thomas
confined in Clarion iail awaiting trial
made good their escape on Monday nigh
of this week. About 2 o'clock at night
a torrillc explosion that shook tho whole
town took place, which upon inyestiga
tion was found to be at the iail. These
two prisoners occupied cells in the sec
ond storv. and evidences would indicate
they had confederates on the outside. .
sheet bail apparently been let dow
and a quantity of dynamite raised
to the grated window above. This ex
plosive bad boen used to blow the win
dow out, and it bad suecoedod in doing
so. togcthor with a good portion of the
stone wall, allowing the prisoners
make their escape. They were tracked
toward tho Clarion river a short distance.
but otherwise, no traco of thorn has been
found. The sheriff of Clarion county
offers a reward of f-0 each for thecaptui
of the runaways.
Zinc and grinding.
Forest County Veterans' Association
moots at F.udeavor, on Thursday, Soj
0, prox., tho tinin fixf.d by thn associa
tion. The following iSjtnrades havo been
appointed to draft Memorial resolution
Daniel S. Knox. J. W. Morrow and S. D,
Irwin. The President. W. K. Witherell
has appointed Berlin Post as a ten
oral committee of arrangements.
S. D. Ik win, St.
Zinc, ami grinding.
Miss Martha Morrow is visiting Pleas-
utville fsionds.
Mrs. S. II. Haslet is visiting frionds
ii Oil City this week.
W. G. Gaston, of Cochranton, is a
guest oi his sou, G. G. Gasb-n.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. C. Bowman were
visitors to Oil City last Saturday.
Miss Lou Richards of Mayburg is a
guest of Oil City Irienda this week.
Miss Mario Dunn is a guest of Miss
Mildred Dean at Oil City this week.
Mia Elsie Folton returned yesterday
from a two months' stay in Franklin.
Mrs. Chas. Amann and son, Paul, are
isiting relatives in Warren this week.
Miss Birdie Solinger of Edenburg,
is a guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. R. Osgood.
Miss Catharine Souatt, of Pittsburg,
is a guest of bor sister, Mrs. T. J. Cullen.
Miss Lena Grove of Titusville is a
guest of her cousin, Miss EuRetta Proper.
Mrs. II. M. Zahniser is in Vandor-
grift, Pa., on a visit to her son, J. W. Do-
Miss Jeanotte Vaughu, of Oil City,
a guest of her friend Miss Maude
Miss Grace L. Carle of Oil City is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Q.G.
Miss Virginia Siggins is up from Oil
City on a visit to bor friend Miss Edith
Clifford Craig, day operator at Tidi-
oute, was down to si his mother over
unday night.
Mrs. P. Emert has been quite ill at
io home of her sister In Oil City aiuee
the 4th of July.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Coleman are up
from McDonald, Fa., on a visit to the
former's parents.
Mrs. Geo. H. Schnell uee Blanche
Agnew, of Youngsvillo, Pa., is visiting
Tionesta friends.
Mrs. W. L. Klinestiver and rou
rank are paying a visit to friends hero
and at Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. Killinor spent
unday with the latter's mother, Mrs,
Dunkle, iu Oil City.
Miss Nannie Morrow has beeu the
guest of Mrs. N. P. Wheeler at Endeavor
uring the past week.
Ralph Williams of Franklin was a
guest of his aunt, Mrs. C. w. Clark, a
part of tho past week.
Jake Siggius, who has been drilling
ere for some time past, has gone to the
West Virginia oil Holds.
N. O. Weaver of Oil City speut a few
davs of the past week with his brother
harles, at Hotel Agnew.
Mrs. Brownie Batos Skinner of
Oueida, N. Y., was a guost at the home of
her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Kelly, a part of last
Philip Williams, one of the ifllciont
clerks at Robinson's store, is spending a
short vacation with friends in Vander
grift, Pa.
Adam Wilson, of Belyidier, 111., and
Carrio Fraucos Smith of Clarington, were
cranted a license, in Jollerson, to wed
last week.
Richard Irwin, of the staff of the
Franklin .Siecliitor, Is in Tionesta for
fow days' visit with his uncle, S. D. Ir
win, Esq.
J. K. Mealey of Tioua, who is visit
ing his mother, near Newmaesvillo, gave
tho Republican office a ploasant call
last Fiiday.
Mrs. Charles Bonner ana son Charles
returned to their home in Chicago
Thursday after a ploasant visit with Tio
nesta friends.
Jim Hood, who has boen In the W est
Virginia oil fields for the past yesr is at
home on a visit to his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Hood.
David Mintz, M. F. Kellogg and
Landloid Powers of the Keystone House
Marienville, we're business visitors to
Tionesta Monday.
Mr. aud Mrs. A. H. Gallup of Alle
gheny Springs spent a part of last week
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gorow at
the Central House.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Muse leave this
eveuing for a week's visit with the fam
ily of our former townsman, J. H. Har-
dison, atGenova, I nil.
Prof. Emersou Proper of Brooklyn,
N. Y., and Mr. Carl A. Babtiste, of Bos
ton, Mass., are welcomo guests at the
home of Hon. J. A. Proper.
Ben W. May of Chicago was here a
few days of the past week visiting his
wife and children who are spending the
summer months in Tionesta.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Shields, of Clar
ington, while spending a tew days of last
week in Pittsburg, purchased a beautiful
Fischer piano. Brookinlte Jletablicnn,
Lou A. Morgan, who has had the
management of filer's branch store here
for some months past, loft Monday for
Chicago, where he has secured a good
Miss Blanche Pease returned from a
month's visit at Clarion, Grove City and
Slippery Rock, whore she attended the
annual commencements of tho schools of
those places.
Miss Lucy Huling of the Bull Phone
company is spending her annual vacation
at Dunkirk, N. Y. Miss Ada Huling of
the Cash Store, spent a part of last week
at tho same place.
V. S. Miles, clerk in the Tionosta
Cash Storo, has gone to his homo in Plain
Orove, I.awronee county, for a short va
cation. He was accompanied by bis
nephew, Lloyd Miles.
-Misses Fiffa and Ruth Clark, who
havo been spending a two weeks' vaca
tion with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. D,
W. Clark, returnod to tlioir duties in
Philedelphia last Saturday.
Miss May Clark has resumed her du
ties as dav operator at the depot alter a
throo weeks' vacation. Mr. F. I'. Han
son of Bradford, who has been working
in her place, will remain here as night
Mr. aud Mrs. George W.Sawyer of
Tionesta, Pa., have been tho recipients of
marked social attention since their coin
ing to Charlestown. On Monday, Mr.
Sawyer was tho guest of his old frieuds
iu the volunteer tire department. On
Tuesday ho was entertained by G. A. R.
boys. On Wednesday, at the invitation
if his brother Charles W. Sawyer, he
with the uiemliers of the Hurdlo Club
enjoyed the pleasure of a shore dinner at
Revere Beach. Charlestown, Mass., AV
Miss Daisy Craig on Mouday evening
very pleasantly entertained a number of
hex young friends, the occasion being
her seventeenth birthday. The guest of
honor was Miss Anna Myers of Oil City,
who is visiting Miss Daisy.
Misses Wbeolor and Ailinger and
Miss Culbertson of Cincinnati gave a
luncheon Wednesday at Endeavor, at
Bouniobrae, the Wheeler home. It was
a very complete function, covers being
laid for twenty. Tidioute was well rep
ro sen ted, Newt.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brody and two
hildren, of Pittsburg, are guests cf Mr.
and Mrs. T. J. Cullen or a couple of
weeks. Mr. Brody is one of the partners
n the Tionesta Mantel Manufacturing
Company and is very favorably im-
ressed with our beautiful little town.
Tabitha Fry Graham, mother of our
townsman Edward Graham, died at the
home of his daughter, Mrs. George W.
First, in Moadvillo, Pa., July 11th. Mr.
and Mrs. Graham had gone on a visit
and arrived on the day the deceased's
fatal illness began. She was aged 82
years and was a woman of high Chris
tian character.
Paris (roen the Deadly Potion.
A coroner's juiyhas decided that the
death of Mrs. Rebecca Burton whoso
dead body was found in a vacant house
u Barnett township ou Sunday, July
8th, was a case of suicide. The evidence
before the carouor showed that the de
based had spoilt the Fourth with rela
tives in Clui'ingttMi, and on her way
homo had stopped at what is known as
the Coon house, where she procured a
quant'tv of Paris Green. She went ou to
the Campbell house where she took the
poison with suicidal intent. The body
was found by her sister and several
others who were searching for her. Fol
lowing is the verdict ol the jury:
An inquisition indented and taken in
Barnett township. Forest county, Pa.,
the Nth day of July 10 0, at the bouse of
J. B. Campliell, belore me John H. Bar-
1011, a jusiice oi luerence, itr uie-vutiiitv
of Forest, upon the body of Rebecca Bur
ton, then aud there lying dead, upon the
oaths of David Weaver, Dr. J. J. Brewer,
A. M. Zeuts, i n cent Zen Is, L. A.
Kulius, John Chitister, J. B. Campbell.
William Rairie, Harvey Gould, Homer
Fulton, John Uplinger and James Cuz-
zins, good ana lawtul men el tne county
aforesaid, who being sworn to inquire on
the part of the Commonwealth, when,
whore, how and after what manner the
said Rebecca Burton came to her death,
do say that in Barnett town hip, county
aforesaid, in a certain vacant housi of J.
B. Campbell, in the upstairs part ot saul
house, lying on the floor dead, tho s id
Koliocca Harton being alone am volun
tarily poison herself with Paris green.
The New Hnilieail Deal.
When the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany assumes control of the Western
Now York aud Pennsylvania railway, on
August 1, that road and the Alloghony
Valley road, also controlled by the Peun
sylvania, will be merged into oun grand
division. 80S miles long, and will be
known as the Buffalo and Alleghony
Valley Division of the Pennsylvania
Railroad. The headquarters of the new
irrand divisin will be at Buffalo. Charles
B. P.-ico, of Pittsburg, who is now gen
eral superintendent of the Allegheny
Valloy Railroad, will be made suporin
tendontof the Allegheny Valley division
of the new grand division, with head
quarters in Pittsburg. James P. Ander
son, now general passenger agent of the
Alleghony Valloy road, will become di
vision nassentrer agent and will retain
his headquarters at Pittsburg. K. P
Bates, general froight agent, will bocome
division Ireiuht aiiont. with otlices as
now, iu Pittsburg. The auditing depart
ment of the Alloghony Valley road will
be moved to Philadelphia, and T. F
Brown, the present auditor, will go there
There will be a fow other changes uniting
the officials of the Allegheny Valloy in
Oil ole.s.
Heck A' Wassim, on the Derickson
tract Stewarts Run, found a duster last
week, ami have pulled the casing.
Proper it Grove talk ol putting down
another well on the Watson tract, out
near Farmer Dean's operations, iu the
edge of Venango county.
Proper Bros, finished a small well last
week on the Emerson tract, ail joining the
Winker farm, Gorman Hill.
Tho Morgan Co. well on tho Nelson
Cole place, Green twp., will finish to
morrow or next day.
Fleming Co., on Sowers iuii, shot
their well yestorday. It is thought it will
make a small producer.
Zinc and grinding.
Dissolution Notice.
Tho partnership heretofore existing be
tween J. W. Hobliison ami U. J. (iaston,
tloina husiiiess under the linn name of
Koliiusou A (iaston, i hereby tnrminatoil
by mutual agreement, taking efl'ort June
1, l'.NH). All business of saiil tirm will bo
ailj usterl by U. W. Kobinsun.
(. V. Kobi.nson,
i. i. UASTON.
The business will hereafter lie con-
iluctwl bv (1. G. (iaiton. who solicits a
c-ontinuaure of tho patiouae of the peo
-Zinc and grinding.
llrookvillo, Pa., by John SV. Walkor,
J. P.. Mr. t W. Ishiuan and Miss
Cora Cook, both of Clarington, Pa.
MII.LKK CO:K July 1 '.. m
Itrookvillo, Pa., by John V. Walkor,
J. P.. William t. Miller and Miss Mel
da Cook, both of Clariiiiitoii, Forest
county, Pa.
Hickory. July 14. !!". by W.J. Fore
mini, J. P., Mr. llernard V. Stoughton,
of Kast Ilirkory. Pa., and Miss Catha-
lena K. Worlzkoy, of Whin Hill.
ATKINSON WIS K At Pittslield, Pa.,
July IS, I'MHi, by t'. J. Ilmiiinoiiil, J
P.. Fnilerirk W . Atkinson, of Kcllott
villn, and Miss Maud Wise of Tidioute,
M W.K IRWIN-On July i. VM', by
ilpv. Albeit S. Stewart. Sainiu-I I..
Mayo anil Miss Alien Irwin. IhuIi ot
Kedolylle, Pa.
(Piactiee limited to Kye, Kar, Nose
and Thrnat.)
Ollice hours by ni l kji iitiuenl only.
We, the undorsigned, do horoby agree
to refund the money on two 2- rent bot
tles or boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit
ters, if it fails to cure constipation, bil
iousness, sick -headache, jaundice, loss of
appetite, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver
complaint, or any of tlie diseases for
which it is recommended. It is highly
recommended as a spring tonic and blood
purifier. Sold liquid in bottles and tab-
Jets in boxes. Price 2.5 cents for either.
one package of either guaranteed to give
satisfaction or monev refunded. Heath
Hopkins sella the clothing and shoos.
Flour's sack 1.20ra,1.70
Corn meal, feed, 19 100 ft 1.15
Corn meal, family, 100 It 1.25
Chop feed, pure grain 1 15
Oats :w .40
l orn, shotted .55
Beans "f bushel 2.50
Ham, sugar cured 13fu .It
Bacon, sugar cured .12(u..l2i
Shoulders .10
Whitetish W kit .50
Sugar 0ti(cj.07
Syrup .' 25(a .50
u. Molasses .vvo .ot)
Coffee, Roast Rio 1 4 1 5
Coffee, bleudodJava .25
Tea :(& .50
Butter Vldit .14
Klce Oorq) .OS
Eggs, fresh (a, .15
Salt barrel 1.25
Lard .10
Potatoes, bushel, old it new .. 25r1.00
Lime barrel 90l.(K)
Nails keg 2.75
L. J. Hopkins.
We Have a Lot of Goods That
for Fall Stock. The Price
In many instances the price is hulow halt regular price, but this is our hub
fortune. The goods must be anlil. Now is your chance to jet
aois at you ii own rim i:.
- L. J. Hopkins. - -
203 Centre and
204 Sycamore
Taking all Wash Goods out of the
shelves and putting them on
the centre aisle counters at
greatly reduced prices.
About 7 pieces 1C Percale at 6o
lined soiiie time a?o.
On the same table about 20 piece6 Dimity at n'3c, light and dark colors.
Adding to those every day qualities that sold formerly at 7c, and 10c
Wauling something belter there's a lot of Dimities at 10c that's very far
nuperior to ones usually sold at that
were 12 jo aud 15c.
The 25c English Madras or Zephyr
uity for you to buy Finest Imported
domestic ones.
Store closes now at 5 o'clock except
"pien You Travel
Take your Trunk with you and if you haven't such an arti
cle we will furnish you ouo as low as $2.75 to $15.00.
Mll AIti; TOP C'AXVAS Tltl M4S.
So much lighter and better
style barrel tup,
STI.ATll Jt T1U MiS.
Just the article for your "across
The must popular traveling
much aud easy to carry
We haven't everything that's made in salchbls but
we've got euough to please you and at right price, f 1 00 to 112.00
Never full, always room tor one more artisle. Some
with leather binding, others aithout, 5ic, 75c, 11.00 to 51.50
41 & 43 SENECA ST.,
Arlinicton Hotel
People's Store.
Aud here are the
goods) the people want
Fine ant medium grades, fell
cut in price.
Madras, Oxford-, Silk. 50c
$100.1150 All silk 2 50
and $3 00
50 oiuplete lines, 2-")i! t-i it 00
per garment Fancy half
hose in all the latest ci'l--rieg-
Series, Flaunels, Hohairs It
they come fiotn us they nrcill
Prince of Wales, Ra Wing's.
Imperials, Wash Fabric or
Must bo Sold to Make Room
ia Going to Sell Thorn.
Oil 'City, Penn'a.
what's left of tho 15o pieces arNer-
price, in fact the former prices of these
Gi' ghams nl 15c presetns an upportu
Ginhatus at the price usually paid for
Monday and Saturday eveuing.
appearing thau the old
2.50 to 815.00
the pood" trip,
3.;0 to 110.00
article made holds
fl.S'J to U.OO
dirwily opKxillen.