THF FOREST REPUBLICAN 4. C. WCNK, - Editor 4 ropmiTo. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, IHOO. Itcpubliraii Ticket. XTATK. Amlitor General K. B. HARDEN- BKULi, Wayne County. ( n;'Stk A. ukuw, oi MistgutiniuiA lountv, KOli KKT II. FOEHDEKEU. of Philadelphia, t'Ol'NTY. - - Assembly k. M. DOUTT, Tioncsta lioroiiKU. Associate. Jiulyc-W. 11. U. POTT Kit EK, Kingslev '1 wp. Ptetriet Attorney SAMUEL P. IR WIN, Tlonexta UoroiiRh. A votk for a Democratic Congressman menus a vote for froo trade, free soup, free silver, free bread, froo poorliousrs ami freedom from wajjo-earninj!. When John null gels Hi rough with the. lloors, if ho has- nothing elso to oecu py bis timo it might be well for him to dovo c a little a: tent ion to India. Exports ol lard have inercasod in value by $!),000,(XK) siuoe tho last Democratic Administration, with its free trade tarill Republican policies are best for (lie farm crs. At the end of four weeks Bryan has not repudiated a word of the Sioux Falls platform, . which Mr. ' McLean's paper cplls a document "written by crazy men." Only fourteen delegates to the Repub lican National Convention of 18o(S sur vive, and of this number mx are Ohioana. Tho iwrservative qualities of politics seems to bo established. i Tint prosecution of Neoly and bis as sociates for the Cuban Hiatal fruds is be ing vigorously continued by the Admin istration, and will not ecase till sentence lias boon pronounced ou the guilty, The Republican party has persistently endoavorcd to strengthen and upbuild tho American navy. Tho Democratic parly has Just as persistently opposed such a policy at every possible opportu nity. Is ISOti, President McKinley aaid : "I hopo that the time will not be far distant when every working man in this country can get work, and get it, too, at fair and remunerative wages." Tho time wasnot far distant, and it is still with us. Thk prosperity upon which the Repub lican party mainly relies for victory is the genuino article It is unexampled in tho history of this or any other country. It is so great and allpervading that tho calamity howlers of ISiKi have lapsed into silenco. Washington The experience of tho United States in tho purchase of vcsroIs during the war with Spain shows tho nation Just what cau bo expected if we wero to rely upon foroign shipping with which to build up an Ameri. an (?) merchant marine, An American morc.hnnt marine, to bo the real thing, must bo Atnerican-built. " , .... Thk "Boxers" 'are members of a Chinese society said to number 12,000,000, and they are plocltrod to tho extermination of the bated foreigner. The Empress of China herself is said to be a Boxer, which moves to the sportive editor of tho Oil City llliz;urd to say that, in case of ser ious complications, ho'd like to see John L. go ag'in' 'er. Cobvoral L. J. Easloy, writing from tho Philippines to his mother in Ohio, says: "If some of those traitors in the United States had kept their mouthg shut we would have had them (tho Phili pinos)whipped long ago. Anyone that upholds anti-expiiision is no bettor than an insurrcctor." This confirms othor siniiler reports of tho Dernocratio sup port given to Agtiinaldo. . DuRlju thirty-four years of roe trado. tho English savings banks increased their deposits by &:JdO,Oun,0UO. Puring thirty three years of protection in the United States (lWiO to S!i3) deposits in our sav ings banks increased by $1,0.15,873,403, and down to 189!) they had increased by $2,225,000,000, including the three Wilson bill free trade years, when money was withdrawn from tho savings banks. On arriving at Manila, Judge Tart in forms tho Filipinos that it is the purpose of the United States to maintain tha sov ereignty of the ihlamls with justice to the inhabitants, and "to secure for them the best government in our power and such a measure of proper control as is con sistent with the stability and security of law, order and property.',' The declara tion meets the approval of a large major ity of tho people of tho United SUtos. Thk question in Philadelphia seems to be: "Who f Mayor?" UptodatoMr. Ashbridge thinks he is and persists in refusing to bn managed by "Cheap Joan" Wanumaker and his gang of newspapers which snooze when their master takes snuff. Wo hopo that the backbone of Mayor Ashbridge will remain stiff and unbreakable. Warren Mail. The Mayor's plrlai column seems equal to the occasion, and will doubtless hold out against all the money and nows papo scavengers that can be arrayed gainst htm, . "Have you hoard th news from Ore gon?" This was the query which the Democrats wore ready to put to tuoir fol-low-countrymen on tho day beroro the election in thatstato. But they will not put it. Their organs all over the country were saying that Oregon was a doubtful state, ami that it would be carried by tike Democrat in tho election which has just taken pluce. All the doubt that is now felt by anybody regarding tho majority which Oregon will give Mckinley in November is as to whether that lead will be l ,o0o or only 10,000 or 12,000. The Trust Question. The Insincerity of tho Democrats in Congress iu the.r prttended hostility to trusts was most definitely and conclu sively shown by the vote in the House of Representatives last I- rulay on a res oiution to Hiibiuit to tha several States a constitutional amendment giving CougrosH abHoliiUi power to prohibit or dimolve trusts of any character whatso ever, and conferring tho bhiiib authority upon the legislatures ol the ceveral States, The vital part of the proposed amend ment reads as follows : Section 2. Congress shall have power to define, regnlate, control, prohibit or dissolve trust, monopolies or com ul na tions, whether existing in tho form of a corporation or otherwise. Tl sereial States may wominut to excrciso audi power In any manner nl !n conflict with tho laws of the L'nitod States. To carry this amendment a l wu-thirds' vote was required, and 151 Republicans voted for it and 131 Democrats against it. Throo Democrats votod fur it and two Re publicans against it. The Democrats excuse themselves by the ridiculous plea that tho Republicans wanted to give Congress full power to crush out injurious trusts because it would help thorn in the next Presidential campaign 1 c ; , , . Is not that the motive of all good legis lationto conform to the will of the peo ple and earn their confidence. If the Domocrats are opposed to obnoxious trusts, why should they kill a measure designed for their destruction simply bo cause ft win a Republican measure. Congressman Littlelielu of Maine, in a speech that aroused tho Republicans to groat enthusiasm, told how the Demo crats had boon declaiming against trusts, how Mr. Bryan himself had domanded a constitutional amendment giving Con gress full power to doal with them, and urging them to prove that all this was not hypocritical bombast aud cheap dem agognory by voting for tho proposed res olution. This voto completely unmasked tho Democratic party ou the trust issue, and everything they say during Iho next Presidential campaign on the trust quts tiou will be regard oj as a joko iVimn t a unify Spirit. . Canada's Bad Bargain. ! in grauting British manufacturers an increase in the preferential Tarriff amounting to 33 1-3 per cent., .vilhout obtaining a solitary concession of any kind in favor of Canadian exports, the Dominion Government has furnished a tine object lesson in economics. It illus trates the unlimited possibilities of Free Trado in the direction of egregious folly. Canada's surplus foodstuffs, or any other things which she has to sell, are received in tho British markets exactly as the ex ports of othor countries nro recoived that is, duty free. Thoreforo the Cana dian farmer gels no benefit from the preferential TarritT. How does the Can nadiun manufacturer fare? Very much worse, than tho farmer, for he is forced to aompote with British mudo goods admit ted at reduced rates of duty. Tho Cana dian woolen industry is threatened with extinction by reason of Sir Wilfred Lau- rior's had bargain. The woolen manu fitoturors have protested in vain against having the ground out from under their foot in this foolish fashion. Other Cana dian industries will be crippled, many of them ruined, by the inllow of cheap British goods. The Dominion wonders why its population increased so slowly. Freo-Ti ado statomenship furnishesan an swer to tho quory. ,.licrtcu Economist. I Party Prophets fooled Again. I It is sometimes woudered why the Democracy habitually faces and dwells in the past. It cannot bu becauso of its own consistent record of panics and of constitutional construction that averages one-third of a century behind the times. The true reason must be becauso tho Democrat, when ho faces tho future aud trios to prophesy, generally gots thiugs wrong, and is made ridiculous before his prophoey is forgotten, by events that turn out just the othor way. In fact tho only Democratic manifestos that have a touch of timeliness about them are the party's predictions. They are liablo to be proved all wrong within a year of their utterance. For instance, not a year has elapsed since iho Demo cratic press and oratorical talont was cocksure that Republican extraviganco was heading tho country toward debt increase and bankruptcy. And already the surplus is growing so stsadily that the Secretary ot the Treasury has called $5,000,000 bonds for redemption. We are sometimes at a loss to understand how a Democrat can look an arithmetic or a bal- anco sheet in the face. JV. Y. Press. . A Convection Souvenir. While it is known by everybody that McKinley will be renominated by the republican Notional Convention to be held in Philadelphia during the week of the 18th, iuterest is uo less high ou that account. It is ad mi ted that the conven tion will be among tho greatest in his tory on account of the importance of its results. Every one will therefore be anxious for a souveuir of the gathering. Appreciating this the great "Philadel phia Sunday Press" has arranged to give free with every copy next Sunday (June 17) a novel and attractive convention snuvonir. On a ground W by 28 inches Is printed a handsomo picturo of the con vention hall, and in the pannels appear tho foreo of tho loading Republicans who will bo promnont in tho work of tho con vention. Both, as a work of art and on accout of its historic value, this picture is certain to be eagorly sought for and highly prized. If you want it you had better order next Suuday's "Press" to day. Count Fairs For 1000. . Butler, Sept. 4-7. Clarion, Sapt. 4-7. Cbarlield, Sept. 11-14. . Conueaiitvillu, Sept. 4-0. i Indiana, Sept. 11-1 1. New Castlo, Sept. 25-2J. Mercer, Sept. 25-27. Oil City, Sept. 11-14. Penna. State Fair, at Bethlehem, Sept. 11-14. , Summer Out lugs. ttoforo dociding when aud whore to spend a portion of the hot season this year, send for the booklet issued by tho Nickel Plato Road, entitled "Suinmor Outings," including many picturesque Kiint on the south shore of Lake Erie and the classic shores of Lake Chautau qua. Sent to anv addiess upon applies tion to B. F. Horner, General Passenger Agent, Cleveland, O. No. lol-Ut Half Riilcs to Philadelphia. On account of the Rciiuhlicm National Convention, at Philadelphia Juno Kith, tliew.N. i. oi p. it v. in connection with Iho Pennsylvania R. R. will hell tickets at half rate, good going June 1 Ith to 1'Jth, and for return passago until Juno .ot u. MARRIED. HENDERSON-JACKSON. Thursday, June 7, at high noon, Mr, John T. - Henderson, of East Hickory, Pa., and Miss Edith Jackson, of near McOraw, Pa., by Rev. J. E. HU lard, of Sum mer illo, Pa. 1 The wedding- was a quiet one and was celebrated at Miss Jackson's home, near McGraw, Warren county. Mr. Hender son is the son of James Henderson of East Hickoiy, formerly a commissioner of this county. He but recently returned fiom the State of Louisiana, wl'ero he had been employed by a lumbering firm.' Ho will return on next week to tho South west, but will go to Grandin, Mo., where he will hold tho position of superintend ent in a lumbering business at a cood salary. Mrs. Henderson will go witli him. Miss Jackson is well known as one of tho teachers of the county. She has taught iu tho East Hickory schools for tho past four ye irs, very satisfactorily and very successfully. Miss Jrckson is a young woman of splendid character, possessing many excellent qualities, not only ot mind, but af heart and oflifo. Mr. Henderson is to bo congratulated. We are sorry to lose John and his bride, but our best wishes go with them to their new home. May thov p'osper. Wo bespeak for them there the same degree of de served popularity they have always en joyed hero and predict success lor t em iu all the future, noar and remote. Cream ot the Sews. Buy your strawberries by tho crato at Amsler's. 2t. Thoro is nothing like work for a heavy hoart. Ex. Blanke's coffees iwe sold enly at Tio nesta cash store. It Whon a boy begins to wa.h his nock without being licked to do it, it is a sign he is passing through his first love affair. "Standard" ico cream in any quanti ty at Killmer's. It If a mau hai a good scheme and makes money out of it people call him a genius j if he loses they call him a fool. Sumuior pauts and working shirts at Tionesla Cash Store. It "De quick man," according to a col ored philosopher, "ain't alius do bos' ban' ter do er pioce o' work. De bes' rain conies from do slow clond." Summer underwear for mon, women and children at T. C. S. It The P. R. R. station at Brockwayvillo was burglarized ou Monday night of last week. The burglars blew open tho afo and secured $200 in cash for their venture. Killmer's assortment of totlet arti cles is unsurpassed. It - Capt. S. E. White, of Columbia, S.C., au old Confederate soldier, will erect a monument to the dead Indians who helped the Confederate cause. Don't forget that Tioncsta Cash Store makes tho price'. It A school teacher in a nearby town, says au exchange, recently asked his pu pils the definition of the word dry-dock. Imagine his surprise when ono of the youngsters answerod , "It is a doctor go ing after a drink.". Oi-nfiifsn C'nniifit He Curi-il by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure doafneis, And that is by constitutional remodics. nearness is causoil by an Inllamed con dition of tho mucous lining of ttio Eu stachian Tube. Whon this tube gets in- iiamcu yon nave a rumbling sound or imparled hearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is tho result, and un less thn inllamation can be taken out and this lube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forovor ; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inllamed condi tion of the surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Catanh Cure. Sond for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75. Hall's Family Pills nro tho best. Yellowstone Park ami Alaska. Extended tours under tho management of the American Tourist Association, Reau Campbell, General Manager, 1423 Mar quet building, Chicago. Pullman sleep ing and dining cars leavo Checago, Tues day July 10, at 10 p.m., via Chicago, Mil waukee it St. Paul Railway. Tickets include all expenses everywhere. Ad dress Geo. H. Heaford, General Passen ger Agent, Chicago, III. The Nickel Plate Road will sell excursion tickots to Philadel phia, Pa., on June 14th to 13th incltisivo, at one fare for the round trip, account Republican National Convention. Tick ets are good roturning to and including June 2ii, 1900. Write, wire, ' or call on H. C. Allon, City Passenger Agent, 920 State St., Erio, Pa. 82-6t The Nickel Dale Roud offors low rates to Des Moines,Ia., account annual convention Music Teachers' As sociation. Tickets good going June 17th t 21st. inclusive, and good returning not later than June 2.1. liioo, at ono faro for tho round trip. Write, wire, 'phono or call on II. C. Allen, City Passenger Agent, !)20 State St, Krlo, Pa. 83-:-l Little Folks Lovu it THE ILLS OP CHILDHOOD have no terrors for mothers win) have DR. JAMES' Sooiiiing Syruii Cordial. iu the Absolutely harm less Contains no laudanum. Cures cliolcia-infantum, diar rhoea, HiMimier complaint; re lieves colic ; corrects sour stom ach eases pain of teething At Drug Stores. 25 cents a Bottle. Don't Acc.-I a Putitute. D. P. FREDERICKS, M. D. (Piadice limited to Eyo, Ear, Noso and Throat.) ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. Office hours by appointment only. Summer Goods. If you waut comfortable warm weather garments without having to do uncomfortable warm weather sew ing, we can be of service to you. SHIRT WAISTS, correct in style, finish aud price WRAITERS-A1I colors, all sizes, a winner for $1.00. SKIRTS-Duck and Crash, 75c to fl.50. SUN BONN ETS-Lad ies & Misses 25c A good assortment of lawns, piques, Pe.eales aud giugbams. with the When yosi buy a can the biggest stock n:il cost of making, with phti of soiling direct your ino-.icy back if your purchase and n savemG Heaters prom Our coin pleto Illustrated catalogue, showing many ftv'esof hUh Rrada vehicles,, robes, blankets, and horse equlpmcinw, with detailed descriptions of each, mulled free. Write for it and learn bow cheaply you can buy when tho Jobber's uud dealer's profits are cut oif. THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS CO., P. Wax to tht I'hurmof tho itrnwir. room or honriuir th mft Ij r.uli. t Mizni irmn rmtiHiv a i mm pa. thnt will t'outnlmte morn to (at 1 nisiif .nocww oi infl imiriifoti. intic Hticc tftrt of tho Imirhfon, b ordimifr. Tht hpt decor. ie J iiW for the itirupltt-tt or ttie L t eAlorntu fmu'tion fur rut- " cn tot a or iu a n mon. Mailt) in all colon jf C1AMAKI) OIL . and sold prywher 3000 YEARS aoo GUARANTY RHEUMATIC REMEDY waa not known as well as it is now. Consequently many suf fered from Rheumatism. There is no need of that at the present time, as we guar antee to cure Rheumatism or refund tho money. At Druggists, or 88 W. Genesee Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. s ii mm & Ma M .MMAMMM U MVaVMaf GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. tionksta. tknn. Fred. Grcttcnberger blacksmiTh&rmachinist. All work iiortainin( to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General BlacksmithiiijJipi-ompt-Ivdone at Low Hates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of tho Shaw House, Tidiouto, I'a. Your patronago solicited. KRKD. GRETTENIJKUfSEK. To Itopnlr Broken Arti cles use Major's Remember MAJOR'S HUHHKR CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEMENT. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. iiood Stock, Wood Carriages and ling gins to lot upon the uiot reasonable terms, lie will also do job TELiniisra- AU orders loft at the Post Office wil receive prompt attention. Notice of Appeals. Notice is hereby given that, the County Commissioners of Forest County wiil inoctnt their olllce in Tionesta, Pa., on the l:ith day of June, I'jiki. lor tho pur pose of holding a court of appeals from the assessment of money at interest. K. M. Hkkma.n, John T. Carson, J. T. Dai.k. Attest: Commissioners. M. T. lIiNDMAN, Clerk. :jt ft! LI liU V " 1 S E3I ROBINSON. malms ingo, bugjy or harness. Choose from fullest assortment, and pay only the but one mtxlerate profit added. Our the factory insures satisfaction you're dissatisfied with enables you to . fI 0. Box 772, Columbus, 0. "Silver Plate that Wears" Made in artistic and original patterns only. Yotsr silverware will be correct in every way if ii is : "1847 Rogers Bros." Or either of the following lines of Sterling Silver: "Gorlmin's," "Tom-Ic'h," "AVhilinsrV," SolJ by- 12 SiENKCA St., OIL CITY, I'A. Official Watch Inspector and l'.epnirer for the V. N. Y. A 1'. and L. S. A M. S, Send or bring your work to us. Tf.e Union Piano & Organ Co. T!tW YORK i- 1 1 Goods Ouurantoed Dealers and Agents Prices Cut in Two t V . w i-i SS. 11 a m. m m tmyltifr ?nur iiniHlml b;oh1h dlrtvttnun tho factory, we will nil ?'ou dim't from tho nctory a Fine Bouil (ul UrKiin, villi a liiM.k unit atool ou !uHK-ctlon for $49.25. 1 4 vi. 'Bzjitfj&rz we: Imvo no agi-ntH. We hII you our frond " ll t direct from fiuttiry; therefore Hnvln our- at'lvea a mi; expt'iiw, of nlilrb you derive the Ix'iietlt. THE UNION PIANO & ORGAN CO. 8S0, 8S8, E. l.Hth St., NEW YORK. NEW LIVERY Having purchased Iho livery barn lo cated In rear of Hotel Agnew and after adding many now and up-to-dato rigs we are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to tho people of t'jix Ticiniuity and guaran tee to fit you out In first-class stylo. We will make a Hpecialty of furnishing rigs for Funerals, Weddings, Itoception Etc. WM. ORAM, ARCHIE UREY. COJIK A!I NEI3 US. I5MNG IN YOUIl That need repaircng if you wish good work at right prices Our Motto is, "Not how cheap, but bow good for the tnooey." Kemember we can take care of all y ur wants in tho Jewelry lino iu strict ly up-to-dato fashion. ALL WOKK and GOODS GUAR AN TEED as REPRESENTED. C. C. ULLER, 1l-ltll-ll Stoi'C, TIOITESTA, I?J. Pf If! HV"VlaBBBWkPffhlayiklaCaBB&i "World-Known," Fur men, for every weather, made iu all latent styles of every leather Boom fv the Tom ffl THE Z&TUM. Look for trade mark and take uo other. The piico only ljj3.00, and thev are only sold at TIONESTA CASH STORE, Hvsi lMiti'v lor taroccricN. azul Clollilng. TIIONE34, .... KEPLER I5LOCK. Seasonable Goods. Lawns, Laces, Embroideries, Ladies' Gauze vests, Summer Corsets, Etc., Etc. Lawrence & .:,!. " : inn., 't:i:tirifiil i:: !-"!i'i:tia:;: jss til Q Tha Tallest Mercantile Building In the World, M Owned and Occupied Exclusively By Ui. JVO. A. IJ. A. Waynk Cook, Pre.sidont. F0KEST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DI H EOTO KH A. Wayne Cook, G. V. Itobinsoii, Win. HinenrbttU(h, N. T. Whoelor, T. F. Kiu-hey. J. T. talo. J. II. Kelly. Collections remit tod for on day of pr.ymont at low rates. We promise our custom crs all the benefits consistent with oonsorvative h kintr. Interest piid on timn dppoKitH. Your patronago respectfully solicited. MOTTO We Make If roe art thinking of buying a Piano write for full particular, Catalog. Prices, and Estimates. Piano will be tent ou approval, when ao desired. THE UNION PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Please Meation This Paper When Wrltief. 888 and 888 East 134th SI., NEW YORK. mm wil Everything new ami up to dute for making FLOUR a - AND - .A-Ii-W-A-YS on haml for sale a full stock iu our line. MERCHANT MILLERS. Ilrldyc tit., - Tionesta t Pa. Shoes have no tijual. Iu black and brown Kibo Kid, light and heavy solo, in all thn most fusliiuuublo leath er aud latest ntylcs. Smearbauah, Wholesale Prices ill n Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or cxprcss-ie and we'll send you one. It has 1 100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on. nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTCON1ERY WARD & CO, Mlrhle.a At. Sl.dl.ou ou. Hlio. R03S., t'athicr. W'M. 8.MKARIIA1101I, Vice Prcsidont NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. The Union Piano and Organ Go. 886 and 883 East 134th St., NEW YORK CITY. Jl'ST STOP AND THINK WHAT YOU WIIX SAVIJ when you buy your IMano dlnt't from tlm fiu'tnry. Ollll la to tiivH yon tli nil'lilli-man a iirolllil nnil px- penwn. We do not employ Aj?'i". tliHrWnro, m- aiive ouiwIvmi a ttf tr (xh-iik,oI which you w tli Ix'mdt. We will K'll to you A HIGH-GRADE UINION IMAINO, fully wnrranti-il. with nil of th lntnt linproviMiientH, IIIKI.CI rKiim int: FACTORY TO YOL'R HOME for r $183.00 Pianol (100 fin and . . . FROM vllZO.JU Upward!. TIME TABLE, in oll'ect May. '11, 1!MX). Trains leavo Tio ncsta for Oil City ami points west as follows : No. 31 tiull'alo Kxpress, daily except .Sunday 12:06 noon. No. Z'i Oil City Express, daily except Hunilay 7:5:1 p. in. Sunday special for Oil City, ! a.m. K p.m. For IIickory,Ti!lioiile,Warron,Kinzua, I'nvllord, ( Dean mid tho Kast: No. 3iH)!kiiii Kxpress, daily exept Sunday - 8: Ioa. ni. No. M I'itisbiirg Express, dmly except Sunday 4:05 p. ni. Get Time Tables and full information IVoiii J. W. McCKKA. Audit, Tionesta, P. It. 1JKLL, Ueii'l Snpt J. A. l-'ELIiOWS, (jen'l Passenger A Ticket Atent. Oonrul ollhw, MiMiucy-Urisbano Itld Cor. Main and Clinton !Sts., UiilUdo.N. Y