THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WCNK, Editor a Proprietoh. WEDNESDAY, MAY 23, 190a Ilcpiiblican Ticket. STATE. Auditor General K. B. HARDEN 11ERU, Wavno County. ( n(jreitsmen-(it-Large O ALUS HA A. (iliOiv, ot Snsquliamia Conntv, KOH KRT II. FOERDEKER, of Philadelphia. f'OINTY. Aasembly-A. M. DOUTT, Tionesta iiorough. Asuoeiate Juttffc-W. II. II. POTTER KR, Kingsley '1 wp. District Attorney SAMUEL 1). IR WIN, Tionesta Borough. Gkskkosity to tho Boers will bo the Lost and safest statesmanship. Tiik Democratic platform-makors will soon be making room for a tittle sympa thy for the Sultan of Turkey. It is safe to predict that the Philadel phia platform will not bo framed by a committee of professional gloom mana gers. Thk Invitation to the soliisli Mr. Bryan to retire in favor of the unselfish Mr. Cleveland had not boen accepted up to the hour cf going to press. Unci.k Sam is showing the Cubans how to run the post offices and one lesson will point out the proper treatment for officials who violate their trust. Tim Now York Central Railroad and its employees have reached a satisfactory understanding, and the walking dolo gato and the Democratic politicians are correspondingly sad. Ojm.y at its peril can the Democratic National convention vary Its platform from that adopted at Sioux Falls. The Populists are making the pace with the Democrats hitched behind. Tn k reliefof Mafeking will end the ho'se sausage period of the war in South Africa. After this prolonged test horse meat as an article of diet must at least be pronounced self-sustaining. An orator at one of the recent Populist conventions remarked : "The future suc cess or m'nkind hinges on this movement of ours." The phrase seems to be a scrap lelt over, from the bilver eloquence of im. Colon kl Wattesson says his news paper will support the Democratic nom inees this year and is prepared to meet evory attack of the opposition. Tho Col onel should lose no timo in' going to work upon the excollent arguments the Courier-Journal set forth it IStHi. The typo of newspaper known as the "yellow journal," a sensational, brazen, scandalizing sheet, with amazing ego tism and the insects of tho scavenger, soems to be confined to New York and Philadelphia. Pittsburg is free from tbo pest, and Chicago has no violent case. Piuury, Spirit. I) why's swing around the circle has tsken him back to Washington, ne has seen a considerable part or the West and much ol the South, and has been greeted with enthusiasm everywhere. So far as can bo learned, however, there has been no politics in the Dewey receptions. It is the victor or Manila Hay who has been received and welcomed, and not the pres idential aspirant. In 1894 there were only 211,8,596 bushels of wheat raised for home con sumption , in ISM the quantity retained was 4.-.2,530,2S5 bushels. In 1894 there were thousands of people tjo poor even to buy bread. In 1899 every body could buy bread. These two comparisons rep resent the different conditions of the country under Democratic and Republi can administrations. Mb. Clauk or Montana, who has been holding onto his Ill-gotten seat in tho United States Senate like grim death, sprang a genuine surprise on his col leagues last week by resigning his place, lie was immediately re-appointed by the acting Governor of Montana. It seems they have a law out thfre which makes the Lieut. Governor the "whole thing" when tho Governor is out of tho State. The Governor had gone to California leaving the Lieut. Governor, who has full power in such events, to look after matters. This he proceeded to do by appointing his friend Clark to the vacancy. The Governor is very indignant and declares the trick will not work, but others claim it Is regular and will stand. It is a case of wits and mil lions against the U. S. Senate with chan ces lavoring the former. The Prophetic Dubois. Yielding to the spirit of prophecy ex Senator Dubois of Idaho, chairman of the Executive committee of the silver Re publican party, has permitted the coun try to ee the rosult of the presidential campaign souio six months in advance or tho casting or tho ballots. Ha makes known to begin with, that "there is no change to speak or in tho silver senti ment in the silver producing State?, and that Itryau will carry them by substan tially as great majorities aa in 1890." Ho linds that "tlio chances for tho Republi cans to carry Colorado, Utah, Idaho or Montana arc less than they are to carry Arkansas" that is to fay, there is no chance whatever to carry these States. On the day possibly tlie very hour thai ex-Senator Dubois was engaged In promulgating this prophetic rorecast tho Republican Slate convention was in ses sion at Denver. Tlio telegraphic reports unite in -aying that tho convention was one of the most harmonious ami enthu siastic ever held, and that a very consid erable proportion of the delegates in at tendance was made up of Republicans who supported Bryan four years ago. Tho temper ol the convention was shown In tho cordial reception accorded to Senator Wolcott, who, in his speech as temporary chairman, spoke at some length upon the situation in the Sttte and Nation, highly eulogizing Pres ident McKlnloy and indorsing every act of tho administration. Senator Wolcott said President McKinlry was the truest Amerban alivp great In pea e ami great in war. Resolutions were adopted which un qualifiedly Indorse Presidont McKinley and his administration, which is credited with bringing prosperity. They com mend the policy pursued in the Philip pines and Porto Rico, and express the hope that President McKinley will be unanimously renominated. They de clare opposition to trusts, whilo inviting capital to the State. Tho resolutions also say: We com mond iu tonus or unqualified praise the attitude or our junior Senator, Edward U. Wolcott, upon all questions affecting tho commercial, industrial and financial welfare or our country. Our confidence in him has never been be trayed, and we uphold and sustain him in Lis every official act. The following telegram was ordered sent to President McKinley, after which the convention adjourned : The Republicans of Colorado, in con vention assembled, unanimously and en thusiastically indorse your administra tion, and pledge the support of a united party to the great principles represented by you. Mr. Dubois may be a great prophet, but he is not much of au observer. He has somehow overlooked a few facts. He has failed to note the strong reaction to straight Republicanism that has taken place in the silver producing States since the election ot President McKinley, and the advent of the abundant money and good prices so completely demonstrated the soundness of tho policy which begins by providing work and wages for every body and ends by guaranteeing that tho wage earner's dollar shall be equal in value to the best dollar on earth. Re publicans in the silver producing States have bad three rears in which to inane up their minds that William McKinley was right when be said in 189(5 that it was the mills, not the mints, that should be first set agoing. American Eeonomist. Hickory Memorial Day Program. Decoration day program, 1900, Ell Ber lin Post, No., 629, Dept. of Pa., East Hickory. The following details have been made by Commander W. A. Burns. Committees: Invitation J. II. Berlin, J. Shunk, G. S. Hindman, W. P. Siggins, Geo. Hud dleson, J. E. Stoughton, W. E. Witherell. Decoration Minister, II. Dowuey, II. Groco, Chas. Southworth ; West Hickory, W. P. Siggins, T. P. Harry; Church Hill, Win. Albaugh, D. Rustler, Ira Barnes ; East Hickory, B. F. Stover, S.C. Wbitmore, W. A. Bums. Program J. Albaugh, W. E. With erell. Marshall J. II. Berlin. Memorial services will be held in tho M. E. church at East Hickory, Sunday, May 27, at 2:30 by Rov. Rich. Every body inyited. Tho general Decoration Day services will be held at Whig Hill May 30, at 10 a. m. sharp. As usual the post and friends will meet in the grove nenr the M. E. church at the above hour and inarch to cemetery. All Sunday schools and orders and citizens are invited to get into line with us on marching to and from the cemetery. The Sunday schools are requested to provide flowers for the occasion. Sing ing, recitations, or any program they wish to follow on the occasion will be cheerfully endorsed by the Post. All S. S. superintendents and teachers will report ta the marshall by 10 a. m. in the grove, Tor Instructions. At the cemetery the following will be the program: 1st, hymn by the schools; 2d, prayer by chaplain ; 3d, hymn by the schools ; 4tb, general order red by the Adj't ; 5th, guards posted at graves of dead ; 6th, singing by the schools ; 7th, roll call or dead by Adj't; 8th, dirge by band ; 9th, first and second comrades ad dresses ; 10th, song or music by the band; 11th, geneial strewing or flowers by the assembly; 12th, ro-forming ol lints and return to grove, whore the ora tion will be delivered by Comrade Feit. Dinner, a basket pio-nic, after which a few hours will be occupied by tho S. S. services as they may elect. Also short addresses by our friends and comrados. An urgent general invitation is exten ded to everybody to be present to help us in the solemn duty. Bring full bas kets. We desire all old soldiers to touch elbows with us by gotting in line with us on the occasion. J. ALOAuair, W. E. WlTHKKELL, Committee. Memorial Day Program. Capt. George Stow Post, No. 27 1, and ('apt. Stow Relief Corps, No. 137, will leave Tionesta at 7:30 a. m., go to the Evangelical church at 9 a. m., decorate the graves, return to St. Bartholomew church at 10 a. m., decorate the graves and have such other exercises as may be agreed upon, after which return to Tio nesta. At 2 p. m. form in line at hall with tho children of the Sabbath Schools and citi zens, march to cemetery, "decorate the graves according to ritual, repair to Court House, and complote the ritualistic ser vices. The sorvicos will be intorsperced with music. Hon. W. W. Wilbur or Eben Ford Post or Warren, Pa., will do liver the Memorial address. Tho child ren will gather and provido tho flowers under the direction of the Woman's Re lief Corps. All are cordially invited to join in tho observanco of the day, espec ially all soldiers and their friends. G. W. Robinson, J. N. Dunn, J. B. EnKN.; Committee. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseasew put together, and until the hist few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local diseane, and prescribed local remedies, and bv constantly failing to cure witli local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to bo a con stitutional diseaso, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, inanufoctured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is thn only constitu tional cure on tho market, it is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tcaspooutul. It sets directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Thcv offer ono hundred dullars for any case it tans 10 cure, fsenu lor circulars and tes timonials. F. J. CHENEY A Co .Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's'Family Pills are the best. I consider it not only a pleasure but a duty I owe to my neighbors to tell thetn about tho wonderful cure ell'ficted in my case by the timely use of Chamberlain's ('one, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I was taken very badly with flux and pro cured a bottle of this remedy. A lew doses of it effected a permanent cure. I take plcasuro In recommending it to oth ers suffering from that dreadful disease. J. W. Lynch, Dorr, W. Va. Sold by all druggists. Cream of the News. Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes. Best selection of new trousers at Tionesta Cash Store. It The Moadville tax levy for city pur poses this year is 11 mills. Syrup 25c gal. and N. O. molasses 3Tc gal. at Tionesta Cash Store. It We noyor outgrow our juvenile eon tempt for the person who runs and tells.-r. New suits for men, boys and chil dren at Tionesta Cash Store. It The small boy's grandmother always believes in letting bim cat all the pie he wants. Air. Table oil cloth and linoloum aro new this week at Tionesta Cash Store. It Pittsburg has been chosen as the place for holding the Prohibition State convention, on August 8. Shoes that fit the human feet are sold cheap at Tionesta Cash Store. It Mrs. Adaline Jones Whitney died Monday morning at Jamostown, N, Y., agod 100 years and 19 days. Those who pay for what they In.y can save money at Tionesta Cash S ore. 1 Tho directory census of Chicago shows n population of 2,001,000, an in crease sinco 1890 of 1,000,000. - -Don't forget that you can got good prunes, 80 A 90, at 5o lb at Tionesta Cash Store. It Ono good way of keeping the boys and girls in tbo home is to haye plenty of attractive reading matter there. Large package of gold dust 20 cents, 7 bars best foaps 23 cents at Tionesta Cash Store. It The really clever woman is the one who can laugh a. a man's jokes witlvut having them first explained. Kx. Anisler's line of groceries can't be beat in eithor quality or prl.-o in this neck o' woods. Try him and see. It See George Killmer'a stock of tollot brushes. He has the finest assortment in town this can be said of everything lie handles. 1) Eight cases of smallpox are reported al Mosioitown, Crawford county, Pa., and two at Kerrtown, near Meadville. Asking a prominent farmer y&ster- day ir everything was killed by the frost, he replied: "No. The cattle and sheep are left and a good many children. . Have you tried the delicious ice cream soda dispensed at the Davis Phar macy T I X L Ice cream used exclu sively. It The Senate has unanimously passed Senator Penrose's bill granting a pension or fifty dollars a month to Mrs. Harriet V. Gridloy, i.f Erio, widow of Capt. Chas. V. Gridlev. For the five months ending May 1, tho total receipts of State Treasurer Boa- corn's office amounted to $8,725,030. The receipts for the same period last year wore nearly $3,000,000 loss. "I am so glad the winter is over," remarked a recently wedded wifo tho other day, "because tho cows will be sent out to the pasture, and they say pasteur ized milk is so much healthier. It took great confidence in the good judgment of tho people to make the prices wo offer but we are glad we had it and it increases every day for low prices are bound to make large Bales. Ti'-nosta Cash Store. It Summer Excursion Book. Tho W. N. Y. P. P.y. is making great preparations for a heavy excursion travel, this season, the company has just issued a booklet giving a listof the Niagara falls, loronto and Thousand Island excursions to be run during the season, together with other intrusting matter in connection witn the excursion resorts mentioned. These books can be had by sending 2 cents postage to S. H. Newton, 614 Mooney Building, Buffalo, N. Y. It The Mckel Plate Road vill soli low rato excursion tickets to North Manchester, Ind., account annual meeting of Herman Baptists (Dunkards) at one fare for the round t ip. Tickets good on May 29th to June 4th inclusive, beyond a radius of 100 miles, and on May 31st to Juno 8th within a radius of 1(H) miles from North Manchester, Ind. Good returning until June loth. or by de posit until July 5lh Inclusive. Address II. C. Allen, C. P. A T. A., 920 State St., Eri-, Pa. 5 0 4t Eureka Harness Oil Is the best preservative of new leather uaii the best renovator o( old leather. It oils, softens, black ens and protects. Use Eureka Harness Oil on your best harness, your old har ness, and your carriage top, and they will not only look Ix-ttrr but wear loneer. Hold everywhere In cans all sixes from half pints to live KaUooa. IIUl b; BTitUlHU OIL CO, i dnfW "f r si Pr. James' llealnchc Powders. BE CAREFUL. When the drupglst of fers you a substitute for Dr. James' Headache Powders refuse it. Demand Dr. James' if you want your headache cured. Dr. James Headache Powders ore perfectly sola and reliable. At all Dtur Stores. 4 closes 10 cents. Cure Where Others Fait IN"0 HEAD, IJilC-lt Ol Otlmi llcllC ! iiMiiuw; Ktill joint, luinc iiikI Kore hiiimcIcm, mid 1-lM'iiiiMt t k imiiiM "Vfiiiiwlt WANO ELECTRIC OIL. THE THF MESSENGER SHOE. with the T MA r MARK-OOP VtOMT. QUE! YiZZ!2" 53 BeSSGr S .110111 U JM1 With ltUv Our complete Illustrated catalogue, ahowlnemany styled of grade vehicles, harness, robos, hlitukoU, and horn equlpim with detailed donor! nitons of each, mnllod free. W rite for it learn how cheaply you can buy when tho profits are cut oif. THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS CO., P. 3000 YEARS GUARANTY RHEUMATIC REMEDY was not known as well as it is now. Consequently many suf fered from Rheumatism. There is no need of that at the present time, as we guar antee to cure Rheumatism or refund the money. At Druggists, or 88 W. Genesee Street, BUFFALO. N. Y. S. fi. HAW & K, GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TTONKNTA. pknn. Fred, (xrcttenborger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work iiortaininir to Machinery. En gines, Oil ell TooIm, Oas or Water Fit- lings ana General KlacksmllliltiK prompt ly done at Low Kates. Repairing Mill Machinery Riven Kpeeial attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop In rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENREROER. To Repair Broken Arti cles use Remember MAJOR'S HUKBKR CEMENT, MAJOR'S LEATHER CEJ1EKT. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug fies to lot upon the most reasonable terms, le will also do Ail orders left at the Post OIHcewil receive prompt attention. D. P. FREDERICKS, 11. D. (Pi act ice limited to Eye, Ear, Ne and Throat.) ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. Hours, 9 to 12. Ofllce hours by ap pointment only. Notice of Appeals. Notice is hereby given that the County CoiiiniixHionerH of Forest County wiil meet at their ollice in TioneKta, Pa., on the lllth day of June, Hhki. for (ho pur pono of holding a court of appeals from the BMKesHinent of money at IntereHt. R. M. Herman, Joiix T. Cakhon, J. T. Dale, Attest: Commissioners. M. T. Hindman, Clerk. 3t SHORTHAND BY MAIL! AVecan teach you to become a compe tent short hand reporter, by mail. A standard system. Eay to learn j eay to read; easy to writo. Success guaranteed. Send ten cenNdn stamps) for first lesson. Write for particulars. Address the The Warren Itusinvss University, War reu, Pa. tffpf Majors KIND YOUR BOY WANTS. KIND YOU WANT YOUR EOY TO HAVE. x A i'ouiiilctc Line of Shoo fur Utile Ijiulirs and (ciitlciiieii. ROBINSON. When you buy a cnrmj'e, buggy or harness. Choose from the biggest stock and fullest assortment, ami pay only the cost of making, wiiH but one moderate profit added. Our plan of soiling direct from the factory insures satisfaction your mrary back if you're dissatisfied with a your purchase M.l enables you to ,$V. ?S - if Jobber's and deal 0. Box 772, Columbus, 0. SSESVKVu "Silver Plate that Wears" Made in artistic and original patterns only. Your silverware will be correct in every way if it is "1847 Rogers Bros." Or either of the following lines tf Sterling Silver: "CSorluimV," "AViiiiinjr'K," Wat mm Sc Ktvl'H, Sol J by Ifrm vmvFmtz9 32 SENECA St., OIL CM Y, PA. Official Watch Inspector mid Repairer for the V. N. Y. A P. and L. 8. A M. S. Rys. Send or bring your work to ns. Tiib Union Piano & Organ Go, DEW YORK ,k I i Goods Ouarantoocl ucalci'3 and Agents Prices Cut inTwo WHEN buying your musical giHHlH direct from the foctory, wo will wntl you direct frmn the factory a Fine Brautl ful Organ ltli n book nuil Htool ou limpcctlnu (or $49.25. V-l-'- we: Imvo no afffntH. Ww nell you our fromm direct from fiu-tory; therefore havImk our sHvetf a big expi'iiM), of which you thrive tho beucfH. J, JS "2 THE UNION PIANO & ORGAN GO. 880, 888, E. llllth St., NKW YORK. NEW LIVERY Having purchased I lie livery barn lo cated in roar of II otol Agnew and aftor adding many new and up-to-duto rign we are now prepared to furnish 11 very rigs to the people of tiiia viciiiinity and giuian tea to lit you out hi lirst-cliiR titylo. We will make a Bpecialty of fumiahing rigs for Funerals, Weddings, Receptions Etc. WM. ORAM, ARCHIE UREY. com k and si:i; us. URING IN YOUIi That need repaireng if ymi wish good Wurk at r if: lit prices Our Motto is, "Not linw cheap, hut how good for the money." He in em her we cao take care of all y ur wauU in the Jewelry linn iu strict ly up-to-date fashion. ALL WORK and GOODS GUAR ANTEED as REPRESENTED. . ;;;:.u.-.,.,..i..,,,,. i k' Y C. C. ULLER, Itl'lllK'Il SlOI'C, TIOIsTEST., FA.. "World-Known," For nu t), for every weather, made in all latest styles of every letitiit r. Boom av the Tqe$ Style iv the Smxm9 EMi LV THE ZcEMTlE Look for trade mark and lake no other. The price only $3,00, and they arc ouly sold at TIONESTA CASH STORE, Itcst 11 a cc for (irorcrics, and CJlollilng. T1IONE34. - KEPLER HLOCK. L. & Dress Goods, Iu this line our assortment is unlimited; cnmpriniiijr Blue ami Black Sorgr, Brillian. tine, Blue Broadcloth, etc , and iu wash goods we have the finest line uf Lancaster Ging hams, Dross Ginghams, Piques plain and fancy Purrals, et ., that was ever shown in Tionesta. Come and eeo. Shoes. V'e handle the famous Either and Richard son brands. Anyone who wears shoes kuows that these Bre two of the brst makes on the market. We can fit anybody at prices that can't bo beat Groceries. We handle the finest line of canned goods that is sold in town. All who buy from us will tell you an. Gome and see mir stock of Potted Meats, Condensed Soups, vie. The class of goods we handle is A 1. None better. Lawrence & ;;;jiii:iii!::t.; nri:iii. ?i;H: :ii :;'.ItT :h "ii,j;;i';:i:;i'i:"ip;.. ThdTatlett Mercantile Building in the World, orn;d and occupied txclu5ietj Bj Us. JVO. A. H. A. Watnk Cook, President. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, ni KKCTOR8 A. W'ayno Cook, G. W. Robinson, Win. HinearhaUKh, N. T. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dalo, J. II. Kelly. Collections re in I Uod for on day of pr.ymont at low rates. We promise our cualoui era all tho benofits consistent with conservative b kinif. Interest piid on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Villi 14 ' . . in .n4w'- .;v III It Amu j -:. II too are thinking of buying a Piano write for full particulars. Catalog, Price, tad Estimates. Pianos wiil be sent on approval, when so desired, THE UNION PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Plctse Mention This Piper Vacs Writiif. 88S and 888 East 134th St., NEW YORK. gwt ivntt Everything now ami up to date lor iiinking F LO U R-aBR&xz - AND - ll-iriifllna F E E ALWAYS on hand for sale a full stock in our line. - MERCHANT MILLERS. Bridge St., - Tionesta, Pa. ueen Shoes have no equal. Iu black and brown Kibo Kid, light uod heavy solos, in all tlio most fashiouabln loath i ra and latent Hylvs. Smearbauah. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or cxprcssare and we'll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on neatly j 0,000 things that you cat and uc and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTCOMERY WARD & CO., Mlcbtsua At. A MudlsonHU. C UIi-aco. B03S. Kkij.t, Catdiiur. Wm. Smkarbaugh, Vice rrosidont NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. The Union Pimo and Organ Go. 886 and 888 East 134th St., NEW YORK CITY. JU5T STOP AND THINK WHAT YOU WILL. 8AVR wh'-n ynu buy yinir J'lano cllnvt (mm tlw liu-tnry. OUK MOTTO la to nave you tlir nilcliilnnan a prullte and rx ponwM. Wo do not employ Afrriittt, t hen-fore, we wive nurmlvm a lilKtxrx'nm'.nf which you if't the iH'ticnt. We will K-il to you . II I ' U I III 1 1 II tlT.f . A 1 ' ' nMJii-UKAUc ivj. I ' i v , vw, tA a , gli tullr wiirnoiK-il, with nil of llii- loliKt liniinivpmrntR, DIKHCT FkOM'HR $183.00 FACTORY TO YOUK HOMB lor Mr We Make Pianos (100 fin and . . . gUOiUU Upwards. TIMK TABLE, in clloct May. 20, I'M). Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No, 31 Jtiillaio Kxprcss, daily except Ntinday 12:0finoon. Xo. 3S Oil City Kxi ross, daily except Sunday 7:40 p. m. Sunday special for Oil City, Ha.m.ASp.m. For Miokory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, Bradford, Olpnn and the East: No. 30 Olcan Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 . m No. 32 I'ittsburir Kxpress, daily except Sunday 4:19 p. rn. Get Time Tallies and full information from J. W. McCKKA, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. U. BKLL, Oen'lSupt J. A. FELLOWS, Uon'l Passenor A Ticket Agent, (uiicral ollli-o, MiHiiioyltrisliiiiit) t(l Cor. MiUu and Cliulou SU., Butlalo.N.Y