The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 04, 1900, Image 5

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The Attorney General Reviews
the Defeats of the Penn
sylvania Insurgents.
IMana For thr nrpahllran State Con
trntion nt HnrrlKliara; Thla Month
With It malar a In Complete Con
trol. (Special Correspondence.)
Harrisburg, April 3. Attorney Gen
eral John T. Elkin has given the Insur
gents of Pennsylvania something to
talk about in a review ot the results of
the voting by Republicans of the sev
eral counties of the state In the matter
of selecting candidates for the legisla
ture. He has made it quite clear that
the caucus bolters and party wreckers
are not popular with the men who are
in touch with the Republican organt
ation throughout the commonwealth.
He points out where they have been
repudiated In clean cut contests, and
he predicts the success of the nominee
of the Republican caucus for the Uni
ted States senatorship in the next leg
islature. This is what Mr. Elkin had to say:
"I have no doubt that the next legis
lature in both branches will be organiz
ed by the friends of the regular organ
ization. From present appearances
there can be no doubt about the re
election of Senator Quay. The con
test for nomination of members be
tween the regulars and the insurgent
forces throughout the state has been
decided in favor of the candidates of
the regular organization in every In
stance where the issue was fairly made.
I'p to this time 20 counties have nomi
nated candidates for the senate and
members of the house. The stalwart
Republicans have made a gain of 18
members in the nominations thus far
made. We have made a gain of one in
the city of Erie, a gain of three in the
county of Crawford, two in Delaware,
two in Mercer, two in Butler, two In
Cambria, two in Blair, one in Juniata,
one in Union and three In Fayette;
that is to say, in each of the counties
named there have been nominated by
the stalwart Republicans the number
Just Indicated In addition to the regu
lar members nominated and elected In
those districts in 1SD8.
"In 1898 the city of Erie was repre
sented by n Democrat, elected by the
Insurgents and Democrats. Crawford
county was represented by three Demo-
crats. Mercer by three Republicans,
two of whom voted against Senator
Quay during the entire session; Butler
county, in 1SHS, was represented by two
of the most active insurgents of that
term. This year two Btalwart Repub
licans have been nominated. Cambria
county was represented in 1898 by two
Democrats, elected by Democrats and
anti-Quay Republicans. This year two
stalwart Republicans have been nomi
nated and will be elected. Blair coun
ty was represented in the session of
J898 by an Insurgent Republican and a
Democrat, elected on a fusion ticket.
This year two stalwart Republicans are
nominated and will be elected. Juni
ata was represented by a Democrat.
This year a stalwart Republican has
already been nominated and he will be
elected. The same Is true of Union
county. In 1S98 Fayette county was
represented by three Democrats. This
year three stalwart Republicans will
be elected. In the senatorial contests,
so far held, the stalwarts have nomi
nated their friends in every instance.
In Delaware county one member and
a senator voted with insurgents. This
year political differences have been ad
justed, and all the members and the
senator will support the regular organ
ization. This makes a gain of two
votes In Delaw 're county.
"The campaigns throughout the state
have been made on the direct Issue of
majority rule, abiding by the decision
of the caucus and in support of party
organization. Large amounts of money
have been expended by the insurgents
to nominate their friends In almost
every county where primaries have
been held. It is evident that a great
majority of Republicans favor the con
tention made by the friends of Senator
Quay during the last legislative ses
sion. The prevailing sentiment among
the Republicans of the state Is in favor
of majority rule and the re-election of
Senator Quay. It Is not true, as has
been stated in the papers, that the
JjU :
members nominated In Franklin coun
ty are opposed to Senator Quay.
Neither is it true that the defeat of
Senator Farr in his district Is due to
the Quay issue in the state. That was
purely a local fight, and the Quay and
the anti-Quay issue did not enter into
"The only other instance where the
Insurgents have made any gain up to
this time Is in Armstrong county,
where one Insurgent was nominated.
In that county the anti-Quay people
won one member because five friends
of Pnnator Quay Insisted on running,
and thus the vote was divided, so that
the insiiirgonts, nncentrating their ef
forts In behalf of one candidate, suc
ceeded In placing him in nomination.
If the Quay people had concentrated on
two candidates they would have won
in tne contest In tnat county by ten or
twelve hundred majority.
"Whatever strength the Insurgent
forces have i3 in Allegheny county, but
In that county Senator Quay had only
three votes In IMS that remained with
blm to the end of the struggle. This
year he will have not less than three
and In all probability four or five. The
contest In the First legislative district
Is not being made on the lines of Quay
and anti-Quay. The four candidates
there are all friendly to Senator Quay,
and he will receive their votes, no mat
ter who Is nominated at the primaries.
"The regular Republicans have every
reason to congratulate themselves upon
-"!(. .f flio hrlmurlpi tin to this
time. 1 am satisfied that the regulars
will not only nominate their friends at
the primaries, but will elect a sufficient
number to control the organisation of
both the Benate and the house and re
elect Senator Quay at the next session.
There is no doubt that the loyal Re
publicans will not be satisfied with
anything but the election of a stalwart
to a seat in the upper branch of the
national congress. Those who rely on
the election of a Democrat to repre
sent us at Washington will be sorely
disappointed when the legislature
Arrangements ore progressing for the
Republican state convention, which
will be held In this city this mouth.
The delegates have been elected in a
majoritv of the counties, and there is
no doubt that the friends of Colonel
Quay will control the convention by a
large majority. The insurgents have
not ventured to meet the regulars in
open contest for state delegates but In
a few Instances. Of course, the regula
tion delecation from Pittsburg will be
there with the Fllnn leadership, but
their Philadelphia allies of the Martin
school will be in a small minority from
Philadelphia, where the friends of Col
onel Quay, under the leadership of for
mer Senator Durham, are now in abso
lute control of the organization. They
are co-operating with the administra
tion of Mayor Ashbrldge in city coun
cils, and are Riving the mayor full sup
port In all his plans to improve the
city's water supply and to advance the
commercial Interests of the municipali
ty. Not only will they make a better
showing than ever in the delegation to
the state convention, but they will
succeed In their purpose to nominate
and elect a large contingent of the
members of the next legislature. They
are invading the old Martin strong
holds and are making accessions every
day from his lieutenants, who see the
handwriting on the wall, and who
want to get In line with the regular
organization in the state.
The contest for the nomination for
auditor general lies between Senator
Hardenbergh, of Wayne, and Senator
Meredith, of Armstrong. For congress-men-at-large
Mr. Grow Is a candidate
for renomination and Dr. Flood, of
Crawford, and Mr. Oliver, of Alleghe
ny, are also prominently mentioned.
There Is a movement In Philadelphia
in favor of the nomination of a Repub
lican from the Quaker City for one of
the plnces for congressman-at-large.
The leaders of this movement insist
that Philadelphia, with her Increased
population, is not receiving proper con
sideration at the hands of the leaders
of the state organization. They say that
Philadelphia should be given one of
the nominations for congressman-at-large.
No one from the Quaker City
has been agreed upon for this place,
although there are several aspirants.
This matter will probably take definite
shape within the next ten days. No
one can, however, predict the outcome.
"I bad bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gave tne peinm
iient relief until I oegan to take One
Minute Cure. I know it is the best cough
medicine made," says J. Koonst, Corry,
Pa. It quickly cures coughs, colds,croup,
asthma, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. It is the cbi dren's favorite
remedy. Cures quickly. Hoath it Kill
iner. No finer line of wash goods ever came
to town than Hopkins has this spring. 1
Geo. Barbe, Mendota, Vt.,8(iys, "No'h
Ing did me so much good as Kodol Dys
eppsia Cure. One dose relieved me, a
lew bottles cured me." It digests what
you eat and always cures dyspepsia.
Heath A Killmer.
"After doctors failed to cure me ol
pneumonia I used One Minute Cough
Cure and three Lotties of it cured me. It
is also the best remedy on earth for
whooping cough. It cured my grand
children of the worst cases," writes John
Berry, Loganton, Pa. It is the only
harmless remedy that giyes immediate
results. Cures couehs, colds, croup, and
throat and lung troubles. It prevents
consumption. Children always HKo it.
Mothers endorse it. Heath iS Killinor.
Try the "New Way" for hotter prices,
"I had dyspepsia for years. No medi
cine was so clleclive as Kodol Dvspepsia
Cnre. It gave Immediate relief. Two bot
tles produced marvelous results," writes
L. H. Warreu, Albany, Wis. It digests
what you eat and cannot fail to cure.
Heath V Killmer.
John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "I
never used anything as good as One Min
nte Cough Cure. We are never without
it." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds.
Cures all throat and lung troubles. Its
use will prevent consumption. Pleasant
to take. Heath & Killmer.
Tie Union Piano &0rgan Co,
All Goods Guaranteed
Dealers and Agents
Prices CutinTwo
buying your musical
goodu dlreetfrom the
factory, we will send
you direct from the
factory a Fin Beauti
ful Ortcun, wlih a
book mid stool on
Inspection for
bnreno atrvntn. We
nell yon our good,
direct from factory;
therefore saving our
selves a bio; exMiiMe,
of which you derive
tlte lieneflt.
886, 888, EAST ST., NEW YORK
Guaranty Rheumatic Remedy
Is Guaranteed to Cure
This preparation Is put up in cartons contain
ing two bolt V which haw to be mixed, nnd is
sold by dni&ists at $1.25 p peckRce. It has
been tested 111 hundreds of cases of Rheumatism
and has never failed to make a permanent cure
when the directions have been fully complied
with. In ordinary cases from one to three pack
ages will effect a cure, but in cases of long stand
ing, where the Uric Acid crystals have settled in
the joints and they hare become stiffened, it will
take from ten to twelve packages to dissolve the
crystals and effect a permanent cure, bhould
your druggist uot have it and decline to get it for
yoa,ortry to sell you "something just as g'd."
write us, and upon receipt of prire we will l-od
by express, prepaid ; and if it fails to benefit or
effect a cure, we will refund the money.
It is also the only positive cure known for Kig9'
disease of the gums, which is caused by Uric Acid,
and it is recommended by all first -class dentists.
Guaranty Rheumatic Remedy Co.
38 W. Gcncsec sr., BUFFALO, N.Y.
LilV I'
Fred. Grcttenbcrgcr
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIm, Uas or Water Fit
li 118 and General Hlaeksmi thing prompt
ly tlouo at Low Rate. Ilepairiitg Mill
Machinery iven npccial attention, and
Katisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just went of the
Shaw HoiiHe, Tidioute, l'a.
Your pntronago solicited.
Kit EI). i RETT EN It ER( ICR.
Mercantile Appraiser's List
For Forest County, Pa.,
A. D. 1900.
Xamea. JSusmcss. lstoflice.
Amsler, t . w., merchant. Marieuvilie.
Amsler, K. E., merchant, Pigeon
Andrews, Mrs. M.,tnercbaut,KellctlviIle.
Adams, J. A., butcher, Tionesia.
Arncr, C. M. A Son, brokers, Tionesta.
Agnew, L., billiards, Tionesta.
Amsler, F. P., merchant, TionesL.
Amann, Clias., merchant, Tionesta.
Itauchman liros., butchers, Marieuvilie.
Huhl, (1. W., merchant, Marion vllle.
Huhl, ti. V., eating house, Marieuvilie.
Huhl. Miss Lizzie, milliner, Marionvillo.
Herg, C. J., merchant, Duhring.
Branch, L. K., cigars, Claringlon.
llaxtor, John W., merchant, lillfoyle.
lluwmau Lumber Co., morchmt, Vow
inckle. Ho m is, J. M. A Son, merchant, Duhriug.
Black, John Y cigars, Pigeon.
Hiiuer, Chas., merchant, Kellettville.
llerlm, Eli, merchant. Whig Hill.
Itehrns, A. P., merchant, Starr.
How man, T. J., merchant. Knit Hickory.
Bender, R. P., merchant. West Hickory.
Homier, Jacob, cigars. West Hickory.
Hovard, G. W., merchant, Tionesta.
Butler, J. H., butcher, Tionesta.
Carringer, M. C, merchant, Marieuvilie.
Carringer, M. C, broaer, Marienvillo.
Clough, L. 8. A Co., merchant, McCrays.
Cohen, 1)., merchant, Marieuvilie.
Croasmun, W. A., merchant, RoilelyfTe.
Cook, A. Jt Sons, merchants, Cooksburg.
Caldwell, John 8., cigars, Byrointown.
Collins, T. I)., merchant, Kellcttvillo.
Card. Chas. V., merchant, Mayburg.
Cropp, William, merchant, Tionesta.
Crouch, Walter, merchant. East Hickory.
Cooper, W. H., ciagrs, West Hickory. '
Carson, A., cigars, etc., Tionesta.
Collins A Kreitler, merchants, Nebraska.
Collins, Watson itCo., merchants, Uolinza.
Collins, T. 1)., merchant, Mayburg.
Cbristenson, C.A , carriages, Marion ville.
Day, U. J., m reliant, Kellettville.
Day, B. J., billiards, Kellettville.
Davis, Jas. D., druggist, Tionesta
Dawson, J. A., merchant, Stewarts Bun.
Knelt', Fred, merchant. Marienvillo.
Fidlor, John, cigars, Marieuvilie.
t niton, L saddler. Tionesta.
Forest Lumber Co., merchants. Maple
Guth, John, jeweler, Marionville.
Gilbert, M. N cigars, West Hickory.
Gorman, L. A., merchant. Perry.
Gerow A Gerow, cigars, Tione la.
Gildersleeve, 1. 11., merchant, Brookston.
Hammond, Crosby it Co., merchants, Mo-
Howard, H. C, jeweler, Marionvillo.
Harp, 11. H., merchant, Marieuvilie.
Hinies, Z. S.ASon, butcher, Marieuvilie.
Hoyt, O., merchant, Cooper Tract,
Hdliday, J. W., butcher, East Hickory.
Haslett, S.H.ASoiis.merchants, Tione-la.
Hopkius, L. J., merchant, Tionesta.
Herman, H. M., merchant, Tionesta.
Heath A Kilmer, merceants, Tionesta.
Hunter, A. M., merchant, Kellettville.
Hernon, Mrs. Mary, merchant, Klulalia.
Irwin, J. K., cigars, Ciarinaton.
Inviu, J. K., billiards, Clarhmtoii.
Jackson, A. S., cigars, Marieuvilie,
Jackson, A, S., billiards, Marienvillo.
Johnston, Mrs. John, merchant, Watson
Klepler, G. W., cigars, Nebraska.
Kifer, Geo. W., cigars, Marieuvilie.
Kribbs, W. W., merchant, Marienvillo.
King, G.W.ASon.butchor.West Hickorv.
Lobaugh, Samuel, cigais, Marienvillo.
Leech, Chas, S., merchant, Marienville.
Lauiona Bros., merchants, Latiionaville.
I .ieet z, Joseph K., merchant, Giifoyle.
Lawrence A Siaearbaugh, merchants, Tio
nesta. Lanson Bros., millers, Tionesta.
McMastors, M., Jeweler. Marienville.
McDonald W C merchant, Nebraska.
Miller A Co., milliners, Marieuvilie.
Marienville Hardware A Machine Co.,
merchants, Marienville.
Morrison, R. M., merchant, Marienville,
Mensch, J. II., merchant, Marienville.
Mint?., David, merchant, Marienville.
Marshall, R.N. A Co , merchants, Red-
M eelil i n g & London merchants, Claring
ton. Morris A Neill, merchants, Sbetficld.
Morgan, J. K., merchant, Tionesta,
Neil, A. D., druggist, Marienville.
Noblit, Geo. Y., cigars, Pigeon. ;
Powers, J. V cigars, Marienville.
Patterson, M. V., merchant, Marionville,
Powers, J. H., cigars, Marienvillo.
Robinson, O. W., merchant, TiouesU.
Iteyner, T. J., merchant, Marionville.
Roehrig, John, saddler, Marienville.
Randall, Chas., cigars, Tionesta.
Smith, A. K., merchant, Marienville.
Smith, J. T., saddler, Marienvillo.
.Smith, Mrs. M., merchant, Marienville.
Stewart, II A., cigars, Mai ienville,
Sigworth, W.H., undertaker, Marienvillo.
Shawl, Andrew, cigars, McCrays.
Sutton, Leroy A Co., merchants, Marien
villo. Shields, W. D., merchant, Clarington.
Shipe A Delhi, merchants, Marionville.
Southworth, Mrs. Jennie, notions, East
Siggins, V. P., merchant, West Hickory.
Smith A Setley.merchants, West Hickory.
Scowden A Clark, merchants, Tionesta.
Sloneeipher A Neil, opera house, Marien
ville. Tionesta Cash Store, merchants, Tiouosta,
Towler, S. S., druggist, Marienvillo.
Turner, J. A., merchant, West Hickory.
Vanborn, A. M., merchant, Pigeon.
Wagner ifc Wilson, merch'ts, Marienville.
Wanner, Joseph, merchant, Marienville.
Walton, P. M., merchant, Marionvillo.
Wheeler A Dusenbury, merchants, New
town Mills
Wheeler A Dusonbury, merchants, En
deavor. Wilkins, W. G., druggist, West Hickory.
Walters, F. & Co., mill nets, Tionesta.
Weaver, Chas., cigars, Tionesta.
Whiteman, Chas., merchant, Tionesta.
Watson Lan js L'b'r Co. .merchant", May
burg. Zuendel, II. A., merchant, Starr,
The above is a list of all persons ap
praised to pay a mercantile tax in Forest
county. They are hereby notified that an
appeal will be held at tho otlice of the
County Treasurer, in Tionesta, Friday,
April 6, liXK), when and where they may
attend if they see proper.
W.C. Brown, Appraiser.
To Rejxilr
Broken Arti
cles nso
Ciood Stock, Ciood Carriages and Bug
pies to let upon the most reasonable terms.
He will also do
job TE.A.niisra-
All orders left at tho Pont Ollice wll
reeeive prompt attention.
Little GciiU' shoes cheap at Tionesta
erne ,
, f asii More. it
BY VIRTUE of Sundry acta of the
General Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania relating to the sale of
Seated and Unsealed lands in tho County
ot Forest, etc., for taxes due and unpaid,
I will oflet at publio sale at the Court
Houxe, io the ltorough of Tiouosta, Pa ,
on the
being the Eleventh day of June, 1900, at
10 o'clock a. in., the following described
pieces of land, or such parts thereof as
may be necessary to satisfy the amount
of taxes and ousts due and unpaid against
the same, and continue tho same from
day to day as the same may bo found
Terms of Sale.
The amount of taxes and costs must bo
paid when the property is struck oif, or
the sale may lie avoided and tue property
put up and resold.
All trncia aui oihrrwlar marked itrr Mvrr
lUrd fur mxrs fur 1898 ana 1899.1
Barnett Township.
Acrai. firrutwirOffMi. Am't.
44!) John Decker 101 03
210 William Wray holra 18!H 200 10
115 IJ J Raid 14 04
2471 Clark A Kreitler, East
part 25!) 80
100 Daniel S.inor 52 50
35 William Wrav heirs '0!) 21 01
42 Oil City Fuef Supply Co
11 Watson 1103
205 W M Barnes n" Pearsall 44 25
200 W D Shields 11 Klder '! 10 00
Harmony Township.
102 S F McCalmont 4(1 f5
110 Mrs J F McCalmont 33 39
22J Thompson W S 11 Cart
wright 6 48
75 Hugh Miles 21 00
41 JO Guild 1103
50 A J A J R Siggins tl J R
Siggins 12 00
100 TJHowman 11 Cornell v'(K) 14 40
100 Siggins A Helm li T 11 14 40
95 Siggins A Helm 11 Page
A Urown 25 20
23 John Siggins fl Carson 13 23
50 O Sham burg tl Patzgraflf 10 80
5 G Shauiburg tl Moore '90 1 80
Creen Township.
503 Robert Duncan 171 50
04 Lacy 45 58
i -f 154 Peter M vers fl Nulnh 6 30
95 A R Kelly 11 May ' 16 48
1(16 E O Emerson tiConners 22 16
56 Lacy 23 52
106 1st Nat'l Rank of Holli-
dnysburg 21 81
187 May tfc Kelly "Saddle
Rag" Tract 26 18
j 641 T D Collins 175 00
54 T D Collins fl Wallace 26 46
48 Mrs Fayetto Claik fl
Walters A Frill 10 08
1511 (hmd only) O W A J F
Proper 26 28
1321 Proper A Lacy 83 16
183 T I) Colling A Co 102 48
51 So
Kingsley Township.
5145 222 O W Proper It Watson 81 05
3133 50 John A A Jackson Stew
art '99 4 20
3142 M of 64 llleakley A Connelly
tl Rleakiy '99 11 05
5186 390 Woll A Co 63 82
5188 H of 320 Williams Sinclair 22 58
6188 60 T P Uonjamin fl Snoblett
oil and gas 3 45
5214 100 Anchor Oil Co 15 54
5105 300 Marcy Oil Co 1 oiIAgas'99 5 10
5108 1098 " " " '99 18 67
5109 16.10 " " " '99 27 72
51 10 300 " " " '( 6 10
5128 1377 " " " .I9 23 39
6129 UKHi " " '19 17 10
6131 1000 Forest Oil Co 200 10
6187 197 Lewis E E A Conger '99 13 39
6234 895 Corncn CAM oil gas 31 05
5187 911 BrennanTJ flStarrow'SH) 622
5187 60 S Wilson fl Wolf A Co '99 4 08
Hickory Township
5203 570 Wilkins Crocker a Long 180 40
1 of 120 Longweil Fee 0 5(1
6-16 of 10 Dr Colbert 11 Reed 1 28
5232 2 Francis Hrnry 1 64
5191 75EmerIina Jacoh, estate '99 8 20
5191 53 Orion Siggins 8 70
5192 50 Orion Siggins 11 Clapp 12 30
3689 3i K) J M Clapp II unknown 65 60
45 O Siggins fl Chuich 1148
1 O Siggins fl Middleton 2 08
3089 350 C Percival A Jas Hoy 86 10
6192 15 105 of 624 acres HP Church
hill 99 6 15
6192 10-105 of 62 1 aeros F W Mor
g n '99 4 10
5192 10-165 of 624 acres J W Wil
lard '99 4 10
5192 10 105 of 624 acres W W
Marks '99 4 10
5192 42-105 of 624 acres Geo P Grif
fith fl Harbor Creek
Oil Co '99 17 22
15 M K Riddle fl Church '99 1 23
6210 28 S 8 Holbrook 6 88
Tionesta Township
2 O Siggins fl Hepburn
101 Pboenix Oil Co CI 00
1 of 170 John A Dale 11 Stone 9 88
2824 180 Gilmore A Dull 09 30
2836 1072 Hannah A Giltillnn 247 64
2828 265 J W Fielder '99 61 60
98 Samuel R Philips Heirs 30 20
40 J V Vanvrankin '09 7 04
3822 1084 Woods Heirs 308 00
45 4th Nat.Bank of Pittsburg 17 35
200 A li Kelly 38 60
109 H II May Saddle Rag tract 16 78
2825 1001 Hammond '99 132 00
K Curtis 195 S F McCalmont 61 23
00 J T Rrennan fl Fanne-
stock 0 24
1 ot 26 Rrennan A Kelly fl W G
A Co 2 01
2821 50 A B Kelly fl Allon Hoy 7 70
3824 152 W Pvobinsnn fl Walker 23 40
240 W A Grove 11 Irwin 36 90
2823 108J acres Oil City Fuel Sup
ply Co (Subs. 5 A 32) 2(1 02
2823 200 Oil City Fuel Supply Co 46 20
2823 810 Oil City FS Co Subs 8 A 16 78 64
23 Oil City F S Co 9 65
2 C A Randall 11 G G
terfiold 77
61 J F Oyjrlander 3 8.'
76 Agnew, Proper Jam-
ieson 1171
17 Agnew, Proper Jam
ieson 2 61
100 . (J Sickles 24 64
36 H R Sigworth fl Kelly '99 3 18
105 J F Proper fl Forest Tro-
per '99 21 RO
54 G G Gaston fl Morgan '9!) 4 74
24 " " " '99 2 10
1 of 100 Rrennan A Kelly fl IUI1 7 75
2833 ) 401 ATScholiold II Curtain
2835 j t oil gas '99 2 64
Jenks Township.
W. Sub. lerea. Wirrtnte, r Owtwr.
5142 11 140
3179 61 55J
3179 59 1 12
3179 30 30
P Boy n ton
II Leroy A J Link
25 48
lain fl O W Proper 70 71
Henry Rossmnn 142 07
J F Proper fl II L A
J L 27 SO
Mrs I.Mibella Price 9 10
3181 30
3181 30
3182 3-4-5-6-9-12
Mrs Isabella Price 9 10
Baker Hammond A
Cass Sunstein
JAR Ashley
R J Blood tl Blood
L J Marks
Robinson A Bonner
6 91
fl Thompson 29
Anna Hill 18
CBClarK A Kreitler 4 17
3174 42-47
John Cooper 1899
Eaton fl Eldridge
William Robinson
Cvrus Blood Estate
I'"P Blood
P P Blood
P P Blood
S S Towler
65 Mrs L M Hunt 36 40
100 Emma J Curry 18 20
20 A M Montillious A .
Others S4
581 Marcy Oil Co 1 oil
gas ISifl 2 83
903 Marcv Oil Co 1 oil
gas 18!9 22 05
74 11 Mclnnis Estatofl
J. Mclnnis 9127
903 Salmon Creek L'b'r
Co 1899 104 34
7 100 Proper Agnew A
Kelly 18 20
Vacant 132 O W Proper 11 Wood-
burn 24 03
3170 160 John Wray SB Rey-
ner A Others 18.i9 15 08
r144 13 80 Cocil Gross 6 40
:W42 100 Mj-s Berg 18 20
2022 North Ponu Oil Co 35 49
3801 86 Means A White 15 67
Vacant 50 F F Whittekin fl
Jack 9 10
Vacant 100 Proper A Agnew 18 20
3(164 140 Zoller A Buhl ll W
I) 25 48
3063 1 10 W A Grove A Co fl
W A D 25 48
141 127 Knupp A Yates 11
Ray 23 12
3661 74 Horton Crary A Co
tl Mclnnis 94 27
3181 27 114 JasGoodtlLAL'iH) 11 10
Howe Township.
3197 HI J Rosenblatt 18!K) 59 05
:U97 37 11 Rosenblatt 1899 19 08
:II97 37 II Waldhoimor 32 12
4791 1 125 T D Collies ll WJD957 89
-.2ti6 1-3 of 852 T D Collins tl W W
Cook 216 51 I
ilOH 228 Salmon Creek Lbr
Co 1899 121 30
4823 453 Pittsburg A Forest
Co LumlKrCo 359 00
)105 1031 Marcy Oil Co 1899 1
oil . giiM 19 58
M08 228 Mar. y Oil Co 1800 1
oil a gas 8 06
5105 1031 Salmon Creek Lbr
Co 189!) 5 IS 50
11 85 107 J Mitllin 13 28
Vacant 2-5 Reed A llrciineniun
11 Doblm 3 12
Vacant 17 Reed A Rrennumaii
11 Dobhs 2 14
Vacant 400 E N Lee Receiver
South half 124 00
2910 11 10!) W Williuk 11 J Wil
liams 13 51
2910 13 100 E N Lee Receiver 12 10
2808 23 50 E N Leo Receiver 6 20
2808 21 50 E N Leo Receiver 6 20
2850 2 110 PJ Swain 13 01
Vacant 138 R J Blood fl C H
Blood 17 11
Vacant 50 John Fertin MET
Co 189!) 20 60
Vacant 50 John Fertlg fl E T
Co 1899 . 26 60
Vacant ;il F"rtig McKinney A
Satturliold 31 07
2878 3-5 of 1 160 O W A J F 413 10
2878 2-5 of 1 160 W II Frost llsteward 295 61
3193 1101 T D Collins 74100
4823 181 " " 134 07
U95 207 " " 202 (Hi
1192 1122 " " 88104
4790 890 " " .V 00
4821 618 " " 459 79
2977 lof35 01 WillinkW A Coul-
ter N 7 5!)
2730 51 110 G V Robinson oil
and gii a 6 83
2977 1 of 34 61 E N Ii Receiver 7 69
3801 18 Means A W hite 2 22
5107 350 L S Clonglt A Co 303 80
5106 450 " " " 390 60
2916 19 ) ol 111. W Williuk fl Stew
art 1898 0
2916 20 ) ol 108 W Willink fl Stew-
ait 1898 5 18
Vacant 21 W S Colo fl Nugent 1 92
4792 596 T D Collins 73 91
1195 350 T D Collins 229 40
si:,vrri:i jvin is.
Barnett Township.
War. Arref. f imotet or Ovsw. Aai'l
3147 250 Croasmun W A 1S98 14 00
225 Croasmun W A '98 12 00
25 Dunkle Henry '98 4 38
271 Dunkle Honry'98 3 85
5701 105 Flick J R 18 76
85 Mageo F A 12 75
3146 50 Brown Jennie E '99 6 00
1221 Coon W R estate '99 2 1 47
Creen Township.
3825 50 1st Nat'l Bank of Hollidays-
bu rg 17 50
3185 106 1st Nat'l Bank of Holldavs-
burg 26 58
3SI9 60 Longstrot i heirs 7 50
1 Thompson A Bean 28
3820 89 Waltoi s Orris and Charles 10 18
60 Bonner J estate '98 1 50
3820 25 Thompson J A '99 2 19
Tionesta Borough.
i Mead Roberts 5 80
395 Sickles GG 29100
1 Smith Mrs Maud '99 06
i Fisher J J '99 15 30
Howe Township.
2808 200 Coulter AUncai her (Subs
A 120) I N9N 0 00
2735 45 Haight J J 1898 4 80
4790 840 RarnesIlEheirsloilAgas 12 49
3194 321 Murphev ct Uthers 39 78
3180 100 Swain PJ 12 40
3186 68 Swain P J 8 4 )
3195 10 Clark N F 2 86
3194 320 South Ponn Oil 1898 66 18
KM) Morris A Neil 18is 30 00
2991 200 Kkas M L oil only 1898 12 00
3802 11 Beinis A Son 1S!I9 1 46
4545 106 Chambers A Fisher 1899 38 00
5102 7-10 of 1218 acres South I'enii
Oil Co 1899 01 75
3194 3-10 of 322 acres South Penn
Oil Co 1899 2(1 67
2022 600 South Penn Oil Co 189!) 2 50
3194 576 South Penn Oil Co 1899 7 73
3803 1008 Shipely Thus Heirs 1-6 oil
A gas 10 71
Jenks Township.
60 Clough M rs L S 189S 7 56
1 E A U Hall 9 10
1 Glenn W G 2 73
lof926 MeansOooADcinpcey CG 84 26
55i Nevison'James 25 48
3046 1146 Vanhorn A G.olemuud 20!) 1!)
227 Daniels J W 130 50
4 Keed T J now T Flynn '99 4 !K)
Hickory Township
5199 50 Albangh J II 8 20
100 Bull N G A William 1898 19 92
5191 53 Dayton Jesse 1898 4 35
330 Davton Josse 1898 27 00
Island 5 Dale John A Heirs 8 20
Island 7 Hannah J L 1898 2 0;
5190 50 Keister A Church 8 20
5233 50 Patterson I) L 12 30
340 Little Hickorv Oil Co l.Sfffl 82 00
96 MoCutchcon Claiissa 1899 10 57
6203 570 Mercantile Oil Co 1899 49 20
Tionesta Township.
106 Agnew Proper AJamieson 30 80
HJ!? 1 408 Anderson John 139 98
92 Bleakley Jas 21 25
28-13 I
28.-S5 I
53 Faller Joseph 17 31
60 llughai Sarah I8!I8 1 50
5 Hunter Geo S 1898 4 49
1 Hunter Geo S 1898 :
2 Overlander J F 1898 3 3(1
100 Titus Chas 19 K
25 Byers Philip 1898 2 97
100 Sbairer A Cropp 1899 11 74
8 Smith Sanner 18!i) 4 40
i Overlander J F 1K99 20 40
130 Lincoln Oil Co 189U 30 8(1
1 10 Clark Adda 1899 9 5
5 Clark Adda 1899 08
Kingsley Township
5134 932 DarrahACo 103 46
5213- 31(1 Heard ABU Land 51 76
6268 120 Heard All) Land 39 'M
5214 290 Heard A It H Land 4039
6217 1241 Heard A B 1 iJtnd 85 62
5217 1241 Lamb A Co I oil and gas 21 00
5186 36 Lawrence A Smcabniigh 3 89
5212 1 of :t!J Scl oolev J C 31 :S4
5131 1157 Watson A Freeman 159 95
5135 170 Watson A Frr oman 72 84
5268 80 Wheeler A Dusenbury oil
and gas 4 44
6197 12 Wneelor A Dusenbury
timber onlv 38 85
510(1 100 Collins A Uardison 1898 10 45
5187 330 Overlander JF 1899 27 81
5208 I Bennett II L 11 Carter '99 3 50
5193 70 Bluerock George 1899 9 94
Harmony Township.
60 BrowuSam 13 00
84 Beattv David 21 60
i Bender Mrs E IS9S 20 47
100 Dale A 11 II Wisnor 1898 1 1 oo
8 Erb Grant 1898 2 11
100 Fisher Itn 36 30
60 ;reen J K 8 75
52 Green JK 11 65
35 Green J K 0 It
1 MeChesnoy Hannah 18!kS 1 45
62MillsJM 19 50
30 Mills Case a Co -14 05
4 P. nnell J 11 3 25
100 Pittsburg a Cherry Run
Oil Co ll Allender 28 80
60 Pittsbnrg a Cherry Run
Oil Co ll Sloan 17 2S
165 Pittsburg a Cherry Run
Oil Co 47 52
264 Pittsburg Co. (I barra 95 32
5 Kutr Jacob IS9S 1 27
100 Robinson G W 1S98 13 50
125 Siggins A Helm IS98 . 2880
25 Siggins ll tl 1" A B 1898 3 63
134 Shamburg tl 38 58
89 Shambnrg G 11 Holbrook 25 20
218 Shiiiiiburg G li Sweet A
SherilV 62 71
40 Siggins John 1S98 4 04
1 Sctley Ernest IMI9 1 80
1 Setlev Ernet.t 1898 2 3d
38 Wood W H 11 Copeland 11 37
82 Wood W II II Copeland 20(H)
100 Tilus C M 1899 11 00
40 Warren A Venango Oil Co
18HI 10 15
Paul Hoses 18!) 4 93
By virtue of an act of Assembly enti
tled "An act to regulate tho collection ol
taxes on unseated lauds," approved tho
6th day of June, 1887, Interest will bo
charged on IS'.W tuxes from January 1,
1899, to date of pay ment,a'il on 18!i9 taxes
from January 1, 1900, to date of psymeut,
at the rate of six per cent., per annum.
rive per cent, will bo added on all taxe
on seated l mds.
S. M. HENRY, Treasurer.
Tionesta, Forest Co., l'a., March 5, 19(H).
to 4
.. .... -
I . i - - - ""-a"
We have a Fine Line in Stock !
And they are not high in price cither. Now is the time
to buy if you care to save money. Our line of
Heavy and Shelf Hardware
Was never so Complete as now. Drop in and look over
the stock. You will find anything you want, and prices
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Guns and Sportsmen's Supplies.
We carry a Dice line of Breecli Ii'mdittR Slmt (iudr, extra good
shooters, but not expensive. Also hest leaded sliell.-i, nnd tan sup
tdy you with anything in lino of f pn Isinen's goods at Imvest prices
A. B.
A. Waynk Cook,
A. Wayne Cook,
N. P. Wheeler,
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yniont at low rates. Wo promise our custom
ers all tho benefits consistent with conservative b kinij. Interest pnid on time
deposits. Your patronago respectfully solicited.
Is your paper,
old; it 19 the
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of America havmy over a million and a lm!l regular readers.
B YEARS (remainder of inon, 1001 inoa and 13) will be sent by mail
to any address f..r A DOLLAR BILL.
Sample ol FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIGGLE BOOKS free.
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Ranges, Cooking
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A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical,
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