THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. 4. C. WCNK, - Coitoh ft Phopnicto. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 190a ANXOrNCEMESTS. Jti'jmblicttH rrimarits, Apnl7, 1900. Announcements will bo published un der this head nt tlio following ratos, which include cost of printing tickets. The cash must invariably accompany the order for announcement: Congress, fju. Assembly, $12. Associate Judge, $12. District Attorney, $5. National Delegate, 3. ASSEMBLY. We are authorized to announce Dr. A. M. DOUTT, of Tionesta Borough, as a candidate lor Assembly, subject to Ro publican usages. We are authorized to announce JOHN J. IIA1GHT, of tlowe township, as a candid to for Assembly, subject to Re publican usages. ASSOCIATE JUDGE. We are authorized to announce W. II. It. DOTTEKER, of Kingsley township, as a candidate lor Associate Judge, sub ject to Republican useges. We are authorized to announco Z. S. HIMES, of Jenks township, as a candi date for Associate Judge, subject to Re publican usages. NATIONAL DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce C. A. RANDALL, of Tionesta, as a candidate for Delegate to tne Republican National Convention, subtest to the decision of the Republican primary election in Forest County, and the action of the District Conference. STATE DELEGATE. We are authorized to announce A. R, MECMLING, of Harnett township, as a candidate lor Delegate to the Republican Slato Convention. Republican Primary Election. Pursuant to a Resolution of the Couuty Committee, passed February 20, 1900, it is ordered thai the Republican voters of For est Countv meet on SATURDAY, Al'RIL 7, 1900, at 2 o'clock, p. m., at the following named places of holding primary elections, to-wlt : Rarnett, at (luring ton. ' Barnett, at Cooksburg. Harnett, at Redclyffe. Green, at Nebraska. Green, at Guitonville, School Houso. Harmony, at West Hickory, Harmony, at Fogle Farm. ' Hickory, at East Hickory. Howe, at Hrookston. Howe, at Cooper Tract. Howe, at Poxhurg. Howe, at Frosts, (which also includes former Byromtown precinct. Howe, at Porkey. Howe, at ('lough's Mills. Howe, at Watson Farm. Jenks, at Marienville. Jttnks, at Duhring. ' Kingsley, at 8tarr. Kingsley, at Newtown Mills. Kingsley, at Kellettville. Kingsley, at Mayburg. Tionesta township, at Township House. Tionesta Borough, at Court House. At which time and place they will by their votes nominate : One person for Congress. One person for Assembly. One person for Associate Judge. One person for District Attorney. One jwrson for ( 'oroner. One person for National Delegate. One, person fur State Delegate. ' Each election precinct will also elect one person for member of the County Commit tee for the ensuing year. The polls will remain open till 7 p.m. Return Judges will convene at the Court House, Tionesta Borough, on the following Tuesday, April jo, I'JOO, at 2 o clock p. in. Attention is called to the Act of June, 1881, regulating primary elections, that Judges and I lerks, belore entering upon the discbarge of tbeir duties, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation in presence ot each other. ' Proper election blanks and tickets will be mailed to the committeemen of the dif ferent precincts In due time. It is tbeir duty to see that these are promptly on hand on the day ot the primaries. F. P. Walker, J. T. Dale, Chairman. Secretary. REPUBLICAN PRIMARY RULES. RULES GOVERNING TF1E REPUB LICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS OF FOREST COUNTY. 1. The candidates for he several offices shall hive their names announced in one or more of the county papers at least threo weeks previous to tin Primary Meetings stating the office and subject to the action ofthe party at the said primary meetings. 2. The votei s belonging to tho Repub lican party in each township and borough shall meet on a day to be designated by the County Committee, at the usual place of holding spring elections, nt 2 o'clock 1'. M.,and proceed to elect one porson lor Judge, and two persons lor Clerks who Bkall lor . a Hoard of Elections to receive votes and determine who are the proper persons to vote and who shall hold the polls open until 7 o'clock P. M. After tho polls are opened, the candidates an nounced shall be balloted lor ; the name of each person voting shall be written on a list a, the time of voting, no person be ing allowed to vote more than once for the same office. 3. After the polls are closed the board shall proceed to count the votes that each candidate has received, and make out the returns accordingly to be certified by the Judge and attested by the Clerks. 4. The Judge or one ef the clerks ap pointed by tlio J uilge ofthe respective election district, shall meet at the Court House, in Tionesta, on tho Tuesday fol lowing the Primary Meetings at 2 o'clock P. M., having tho returns and a list of voters, and the person having the highest number of votes for any office, shall be declared tho nominee of the Republican party. 5. The Return Judges shall be compe tent to reject by a majority the returns from any district where there is evidence of fraud, cither in the returns or other wise, and shall reject them where there is evidence of three or moro persons vot ing at the Primary Meeting who are not Republicans. 6. Any two or moro persons having an equal nunilier of votes for the same ol lice the Judges shall proceed to ballot for a choice, the person having the highest DinnlxT to be the nominee. 7. The Return Judges shall appoint Conferees Representative, Senatorial and Congressional whose acceptance of said appointment shall be a pledge to support the nerson who may receive the largest number of votes cast for that of fice. 8. The Return Judges may at any time change the mode and manner of selecting candidates as they may be instructed by the people at their primary meetings, due notice being given by the County Com mittee. 9. The Chairman of the County Com mittee shall be required to issue a call in pursuance of the action of the County Committee. Til K Republicans of Forest county should bear in mind that next Saturday afternoon the primaries take place, and that they Miould not fail to attend and support tho candidates of their choice for the offices for which they are announced. It is expected that none but Republicans take part in these primaaies, and it is ex pected tho different hoards shall conduct the election in strict accordance with the rules which will be found on this page. Let us have a rousing turnout ofthe Re publican voters. A Bryan and Sulzer ticket would be able to talk at both ends almost incess antly. Naturally, tho Democratic donkey will resent the advent ofthe automobile. Followiho Ins well-established sys tem of political rotation the Hon. Carl Sehuns will support Mr. Bryau this year. Unclk Sam's now 2 per cent, bonds are quoted at 101, which establishes a record of high credit never reached by any other nation. As might have been expected, the Democrats in Congress have worked oyer to the uncharitable sido in Tuerto Rican affairs. Therk is not enough in the Van Wyek Presidential boom toj-istify Us promo moters paying the transportation charges to Kansas City. Thk Hon. "Coin" Harvey has been mads to suddenly realize that he is not adaptod to the work of writing Looks for a prosperous people. From present appearaiices tht. people ofthe Transvaal will not only dofend thoir country stubbornly, but will trek again to the uorth, if defeated. The Hon. Joe Bailey, the steady com pany of tho Constitution, has opened his campaign iu Texas, and there is an epi demic of hot air down that way. Is order to be secure, the Kentucky Democrats should institute criminal pro ceedings against everybody who persists iu voting the opposition ticket. Thk party that thrives on labor strikes and business failures is naturally oppos ed to the prosperity produced by a pro tective tariff and a stable currency. H(4v tiie Hon. William C. Whitney and othor Democratic magnates muat smile when they witness their party asso ciates working the anti-trust campaign racket. Ex-Consul Macrum's examination by the House committee was a completo liz zie for yellow journalism, and shows the disreputable tactics that the Domocratic papers intend to adopt during the Presi dential campaign. Whkx Jack Chinn, the Kentucky pis tol politician, takes the lecture platform he should not carry his manuscript in his hip docket. The timid in his audience might dodge under chairs. Thk tin plate industry of this country was established over the vehement pro tests of the Democratic party. That po litical organization has fought every pros perity-producing policy proposed and ex ecutod by the Republicans. Bishop Pottkr willingly and man fully acknowledges ho was wrong in his opposition to expansion. The opinion ofthe man who has tho courage to admit his errors is much more valuable than that of tho person who stubbornly st'iets to a mistake. The Hon. James K. Jones, chairman of the Democratic national committee, declares that he is no longer connected with the round bale trust. Like the Hon Mose Wetmore, Chairman Jones secured the right to denounce trusts by selling out to one at a handsome profit. Hkke is another of those monstrous trusts raising the wages of its employes! The national Tube Company of McKees port, Pa., advances the pay of its 4,500 employes 10 per cent. If Colonel Bryan doesn't muzzle this trust monster there's no telling whore this salary increase bus inoss will end. February exports of American menu factnred goods exceeded $1,500,000 every business day of the month. This was an increase of f 100,000 a day over the value of similar exports in the precedin Feb ruary. That's the kind of expansion we want, and the mote of our own markets we have to supply tho better it will bo for both men and mills. TnB Republican Administration lias achieved a master stroke of diplomacy in securing the written consent of England, Germany, Russia, France Italy and Ja pan to the maintenance of the "open door" in China. This moans, as Secretary Hay says, "tho untratnmeled developo ment of commerce and industry in the Chinese Empire, and a source of vast benefit to tho whole commercial world." It means more than this. It means peace in the Orient and a great triumph for American diplomatic power. President McKinloys Administration is to be con gratnlated. A British trust seoks to uoutrol the raw cotton supply of the world, and has already secured a slice of tho Egyptian product. The CoaUt, of Paisley, and the Fine Spinners Co. are in the deal. Liver pool has recently been losing its grip on the cotton market, and English spinners have been compelled to buy at top figures, hence the combine. A Glasgow paper suggests that if tho Egyptian corn crop can be controlled there seems to lie no reason why similar tactics should not be adopted to secure tho American pro duct. Ha-innrknblc t'urr of Klieiiiiialisin. Kenna, Jackson Co.,W. Va. About three years ago my wife had nn attack of rheumatism which confined her to her bjd for over a month and rendered her unable to walk a stori without assist ance, her limbs being swollen to double their normal size. Mr. S. Mattox insist ed on my using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I purchased a fifty-cent bottle and used it according to the directions and the next morning she walked to breakfast without assistance in any manner, and she has not had a similar attack since. A. B. Parsons. For sale by all druggists. The llexl In Ike Vrlil. We believe Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy is tho best in the world. A few weeks ago we suffered with a severe cold and a troublesome congh.and having read their advertisement in our own and other pa pers we purchased a bottle to see if it would effect us. It cured us before the bottle was more than half used. It is the best medicine out for colds) and coughs. The Herald. AndersonvilJo, Ind. For sale by all druggists. W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, "Dn Witt's Little Early Risers did more good than any pills I ever took." The famous little piils for constipation, billiousness and liver and bowel troubles. Heath A Killmer. Some Things tho Public Should Know. A few rulings of the Postmaster Conor- al are hore presented lor the benefit of the public, in reference to registor busi ness. All valuable matter sent by the mail should be registered. The depart ment pays an indomnity for Registered letters mailed at and addressed to a Uni ed States Postofllce which are lost not to exceed the value of ten dollars. All classes of mail matter, lucluding drops or local letters, may be registered, but not matter addressed to ficticious names, initials, box number, or address written with a pencil. The cost of registering mail matter is eight cents iu addition to postage, which must bo prepaid by stamps affixed to the same. Postmasters or clorks are forbidden to address mail matter for tho patrons of the office, to enclose it hi an envelope, seal it, or affix the stamps. All letters or parcels for registration must bo enclosed iu strong wrappers or envelopes, and, if letters, securely soaled and plainly ad dressed with postofllce, county and State, and tho name and address of the sender, with postage s'ampa attached sufficient to pay register fee and postage in full. Tho same rule applies to all other kinds af mail except the ceiling, and when pre sented at tho window by the sender, or by some one for hi in or her, should wait until they got a receipt for the same. Registered inattor cannot be delivered except to the person addressed, without written ordor from the addressee duly verilied.and if a registered lotter or pack age bears the endorsement to be deliver ed to the addressee in person it cannot be delivered to anv one else. If a return re ceipt of registered matter addressed to a foreign country be do-ired a demand tor the same must be written across tun lace of the registerer article. Registered mail to Canada should bear the county and province, those to Mexico the name of the Mexican slate where the office of de livery is located. The sender ot a regis ter is entitled to a receipt for it at the time it is accepted for registry, and from the party addressed when delivered j if not received in due time should inquire at tne otlice of registry about it. Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes Administratrix Notice. Wlieras. Letters of Administration on tho estato or Matthew Cox, late ot t io nesta, Pa., deceased, having beon grant ed to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said estate are horebv notified to make prompt payment, and those hav ing claims against said estate will present them, without delav to. U KLRN r. JS. COX, Administratrix. Tionesta, Pa., Feb. 19, 1900. Tho Maur Wiv'' mak am riirfit nrieaa Step in and see them at Tionesta Cash L ' . 1 . more. ii In almost every neighborhood there is some one whoso life has been saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Choleri and Diar rhoia Remedy, or who has been cured of chronic diarrhoea by tho use of that med icine. Such persons makp a point of toll ing of it whenever opportunity offers, hoping that it may be the means of sav ing their lives. For sale by all druggists. The "New Way" makes new price. Others follow who cau. Seo thorn at Tio nesta Cash Store. It DeWilt's Witch Hazel Salve is un equalled for piles, injuries and skin dis eases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salvo. Bewaro of all counterfeits. Heath ifc.Killmer. . "Queen Quality" shoes sold only at Tionesta Cash Store. It Mrs. J. K. Miller, Newton Hamilton, Pa -writes, "I think Dowitt's Witch Ha zel Salve the grandest salve made." It cures piles and beais everything. All frail n Ion t imitations are worthless. Heath A Klllmer. D. P. FREDERICKS, VL D. (Piaclice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.) ARLINGTON BLOCK, OIL CITY, PA. Hours, 0 to 12. Afternoon hours must be arranged for by telephone or letter. License Application. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing applications for license havo been tiled at my office and will be presented April 17, 1900, at the Court of Quarter Sessions of Forest County, Pa. 1. J. II. Powers, Ke, stone House, Marienville, Pa. 2. J. H. Fidler, Hotel Forest, Marlen villo, Pa. 3. J. R. Barr, Barr's Tavern, Marien ville, Pa. I. J. S. Caldwell, Diagonal House, Byromtown, Pa. 5. L. E. Branch, Central Hotel, Clar ington, Pa. 6. (. E. A M. L. Gerow, Central House, Tionosta Borough. 7. E A. Weaver, Hotel Agnow, Tio nesta Borough. 8. M. N. Gilbert, Globe Uotel, West Hickory, Pa. Certified from tho record. J. H. Robkrtson, Clerk. March 26, 19on. wax Kothin rliw n. mnrh TJ to th charm of t h tint win V room or loii1oir n the noftly rmh- n tut liirhl from COHDOVA ('iinrllM. M . r ouii nn win romrtimr more to the artiHttc MjccftuM of tho Innrhnn. I trn or dinnr. Top hent dworAtivs ranrllmi for the nimilfmt or the raoMt (ftlahoriita fnnrtion nr ent- . tarn or m a tin ion. Mari in all colon fttid thn moat delicate tints bj lTAAKI OIK O. and sold everywhere. Dr. James' Head acne Powders. QUICK RELIEF Got a headache? Never been able to find anything to relieve it ? Never mind Try Dr. James Headache Powders. Absolutely harmless couldn't hurt a baby. ut they will cure headache. Don't Take a Substitute. At all Drug Stores. 4 doses 1 0 cents. Cum Where inhere Fail. d$$m i n u 1 : tT.iJ ill H I.I An Idea of the proper thing in Hats, Shoos, Shirts aod Furnishings for men cau be obtained bj looking at our wiudow display. A Question as to the cost, will be Our prices aud tlyloj 886 and U jrotj art thinking of buying Piano write for nanus win vc lent on approval, wncn bo ucsircu. THE UNION PIANO AND ORGAN CO., Pleau Mention Tblt Paper Wbca Wrillif. Th Tallest Mercantile Building In the World, Owned and Occupied ticlushrelr By U. It'a not a "patent" medicine, but U prepared, qirect.from the formula of K. E. Barton. M. D. Cleveland' most eminent ppecinlist, by Hinlmer O. Benson, PU.D., B. 8. BAR-BEN u the great. est Known restorative aim in vigorator for men and women. It creates aolld flesh, muscle and strength, clears the brain, wakes the blood pure and and causes a general feeling of health, strength and renewed vitality, while the generative organs are helped to rct,nin their normal powers and the sufferer Is auickly made con scious of direct benefit. One box will work wonders, six should perfect a cure. Prepared In small sugar coated tableli easy to swallow. The days ot celery compounds, nervurnr. sarsaparillas and vile liquid tonics are over. BAR-F.FN : for sale at all drug stores, n 60-dose box fcr .'C cents, or we will mail it securely sealed on re iutof price, CKS. BARTON AND PFNf .", Uar-Ben B'.ock. Cleveland, U Sold by Heath it Killmer. Tionesta, Pa. AUDITOR'S REPORT ot Green town ship for year ending March 12, liKM), I. D. Thompson, Trea. in ac- jmmt. with Rnml It'liml 1)R To ret'ns trom uns't'd land sales $ fl"0 00 Ain 1 iroitMi. v. Kiepier .. i;n ;v Ain't from Will Wertz 100 00 Returns from Il.Wlnecard. Col... 1.15M 67 Ain't Irom K OT M 30 00 OR. Ily orders redeemed, 2 percent, com Bui. paid C. F. Klinetiver , ,,(t:l7 0 .... 3S 74 .... ItiO 41 $2,I:U3 21 J. D. Thompson, Treas, in ac count with poor fund DR. Am't from (1. W. Klepfor 09 5." Am't from Tionesta lloro careA. J. Salladrt Ain't from Henry Winegard Col. Hal. due Treas fin 62 805 611 3 .v. 920 4: CR. Ry orders redeemed... $ till 20 2 percent, o-un 18 22 f 02!) 42 Henry Winottard. Col. In ac count with Road Fund PR. To am't of duplica'e Jl.OlW 0:1 Returns from Road Com'a 38 00 Returns work tax Co. 245 53 $1,3S0 54 CR. Dy Treas. receipts $ SCO.oo 5 porcont oil on $842.10 42 10 8 percent, com on fcSOO.OO 24 00 Treasurer s receipt 414 i7 5 percent com. on $414.07 20 73 Land roturns 13 31 Exonerations 11 30 Treasurer's roceipts 10 00 Bal. due Treas 44 43 fl,380 4 Henry Winegard Col. in ac count with poor lunu DR. I 877 1 8 it-:; - - pviMimtntliilltl ta :a BraasaaT; fnr ii'iiii iimlitii::: 1:2::: mmmmnir L Bal over paid Treas 3 53 I 880 71 CR. By Treasurer's receipts $ 74H 61 5 percent off on $7Ki.!H 30 20 3 percent com. on $746.61 22 40 Treasurer's receipt 50 05 5 percent com on $50.05 2 05 Exonerations 6 26 Land returns 4 15 $ 880 71 FINANCIAL STATEMENT. KKHOURCKM. Cash on hand in road fund f 1'SO 44 To balance 2,757 12 $2,917 66 LIABILITIES. Road orders outstanding $2,525 17 Poor " " 161 89 Am't due Forest county for sup- fiort of lunatics at Warren asy urn 22- 50 $2,017 66 We the auditors of Gren Twp. have examined tho above accounts and tind them correct. Chas. Harrison, Uko. Klinestivkk, Jr. Attest, Auditors. Frkii, R. Ki.inestivkh, Clerk. Notice to the Public. All persons indeljt' d to the firm of Miles it Armstrong are requested to set tle before April 8th. After aliove date the accounts will be left for collection. T. E. Arkktkoso, 3t O. F. Milks. Cash is the sledge hammer that ocns the market to the poor man at Tionesta Cash Store. It a revelation to you. are both wiuuera. ROBINSON The Union Piano and Organ Go. 888 East 134th St., NEW YORK CITY. JUST STOP AND THINK WHAT YOU WILL. 8AVIJ whrn rim buy your l'lano dtn-rt Imm t!ti tnrtory. Of It MOTTO la to ae you thtt intiliMi'mau' rortu nnii ex pennm. We do not employ Api'ntii. thervfuru. we wive oumi'lvm a hljr vxpenflcol wlilrh you (n-t t he benefit. We will aell to you A IHUtMlRADE UINIUIN ll A.1), fully wumititeil, with nil of the intent lmprovementi!. DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY TO YOUR HOME for " W Mak Planot tHOQ nn anil . . . .FROM $U0.UU Upwards. $183,00 full particulars, Catalog, Prlccj, and Estimates. 886 and 688 East 134th St., NEW YORK. Wholesale Prices to Users. Our General Catalogue quotes them. Send 15c to partly pay postage or exprcssage anil we'll send you one. It has 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly 70,000 things that you eat and use and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTGOMERY WARD & CO., Mlehlf u At. Madlmm u, klrac. FINANCIAL STATEMENT of Howe 1 Twp. for vear endiiiir March 12, t'.HK). J. W. Black, Treas., In account with noor fund I'll, To bal. from lust settlement $ 5o7 04 Am't roe'd trom Col 100 00 Am't cash from O. It. tiranl 1.1 60 Millcreek T 1 ... 102 74 " Jenks TP 33 00 " " collector 7(H) 00 Ordor No. 34 from coiu'r's 541 33 $2,0X8 61 (15. Ry orders redeemed $2,027 66 Commission t0 83 Balance 12 $2,088 61 J. A. Nash. Collector. DR. To bal. from lat settlement $ 116 22 Ouplieato SOU 80 023 11 CR. By ain't paid Treas..! $ Abatement Coin on $500.00 500 00 28 00 15 00 Am't paid Treas 2 0 00 Com. on $200.0 10 00 Return tax 1 Exonerations '07-08 10 50 Balanco 137 00 $ 023 11 James Scliwerdlield.iioor overseer, DR. To orders drawn $ 205 06 CR. By 60 days services 120 on Expenses 85 00 205 06 Onlas Hoyt, poor overseer To orders drawn $ DR. 64 73 CR. By 10 days services. Expenses 32 00 2i 73 ? 51 73 ASHKTS. Ain't in Treasurer's hands " Collector's " " Com 137 00 375 no MABILITIKS. J. C. Oeist F. . Enple David Mint. J. W. i'.Iium .$ 300 no C (HI 1 30 12 (si $ 310 30 J. W Black. Treas.. in account with road fund DR. To bal. from last settlement $ loo 67 Ain't from 4. W. Noblit 1,150 05 ' " liquor license 57 00 " " County Treas 3on 00 " " Collector I,4o0 (Ml " cash from Mrs. Andrews 1,500 in) Balanco luU 23 $3,581 05 CR. By orders redeemed Com. J. W. Black , $3,472 72 1(10 23 $3,581 95 J. A. Nash, Col. To bal. from last settlement. Cash road duplicate Work road duplicate J) It. ..$ 00 30 ... 800 89 ... 078 48 $1,484 70 CM. By am't paid Treas Com Cash paid treasurer Com 1 Abatement Taxes returned ('aali paid treasurer Com Exonerations for '07-'08 Balance ,...$ 60 00 15 (SI ... 500 00 25 (HI 28 (HI ... 47 50 ... 100 (SI 5 no 48 14 ... 218 12 $1,481 76 ..$ 218 12 .. 2,040 (SI $2,258 12 ASSETS. Ain't due from collector.. Ain't duo from county ... LIAniLITIKS. Outstanding orders: Harve Butler A. H. Bailey W. L. Htroup Rev W. II. Zellers Phi Ekas F. R, Lanson J. C. Bowman Mrs. Andrews C. F. Fox J. W. Black Climax Road Machine Co. ,.$1,000 (10 .. 615 28 .. 350 85 ... 1,500 41 ... 060 70 ... 1,000 00 ... 2,000 (Ml ... 1,500 (SI 1 35 ,.. loo 23 ,.. 800 INI 0.R:i7 82 We, the undersigned auditors of Howe township, having examined me auoye accounts do hereby certify that they are correct to tlio best 01 our Knowledge. W. I.. Stroi P. L. A. SC'UWKRDKIKI.D, Atto t. Auditors. J. C. Okist. Clerk. March 21, 1000. Patent process Cash Store. Hour l. 15 at Tionest 1 The New Way! The coming of the year 11)00 marks a new epoch n the com mercial calendar of success. Au epoch that now looks as if it were destined to be the greatest uiouey making period in tho history of the present time. I Prosperity for All. Tout you mav fticceed you lieml every energy rod nerve to "get ahead" and save every possible pe uuy. Where We Help is our XEW WAY of doi r business. To scdl at the lowest possible prices, eierj'oue admits, it tnutt be for C'A.SII and not on louu ci edit. Now we have decided on this plan ns tint best one to help you ami serve vour b et interests. Thai wo buy at the lowest prion we must buy for tTASH and to sell at the lowest possible prices we must sell fo C2ANII, and huvedeeided to mark tur goods ou that basis ami as we eau not have two prices, we mako oue price and that the Lowest for C'umIi. The duality will be the best, as wo always endeavored to give yi u, aud we wi'l not sacrifice quality to reduce ihe price. GROCERIES. With the ad 'itinu of this line we end savor to serve you better and have bought nly the best, g.ods Fresh from factory mid it we can iimke a bet ter price thu olhor? do it is because we sell them only for cash. Wo will keep t p our other goods as heretofore. Most ordially invite you to come iu and tell us if wo have made a mistake. We desire to remain Your Servants, TIONESTA CASH STORE, Sure tssors to TliHN V A lUJSTKOMJ. Xi. & S. Dress Goods. In this lino cur assortment is unlimited; comprising Blue and Black Hergr, Brillian tine, Blue Broadcloth, etc , and iu wash goods we have the finest lino of Lancaster Ging hams, Dress Ginghams, l'iques plain aud fancy Percals, et ., that was ever shown in Tionesta. Come and see Shoes. We handle the famous Fisher aud Ivichnid son brands. Anynne who wears slmrs knows that these are two of tho Ixsl mskis on the market.. We can fit anybody at prices that can't be beat. Groceries. We handle the finest lino of canned goods that is sold in town. All who hoy from us will tell you so. Oomo und see our Block of Potted Meats, Condensed Boups, etc. Tho class of goods we handlo is A 1. None heller. Lawrence & Other Jewelers 5 v mviAHh UU Ur HLAUt Just as much as glasses on a T011-Dsy-Okl baby, when tliey compare their stock and prices with that to bo found a' 32 SENECA St.,OILCIlV, PA. Official Watch Inspector and Repairer for tho W. N. Y. & P. and L. S. fc M. S. Rys. Send or bring your work to us. MIINQ IN YOUK- WATCHES, JEWmim That need repaircng if you wish good work at right prices. Our Motto is, "Not how cheap, but how good for the money." Remember we can take care of all y .ur wants in the Jewelry line it) strict ly up-to-date fashion. ALL WORK and GOODS GUAR ANTEED as REPRESENTED. C. C. ULLER, llt'UlM'li SIOH', TIONESTA, 3?J. WANTED! Reliable man for Managi-r of B;anch Ollice I wis'i to open In this vicinity flood ouening for an energetic sober man Kindly mention this paper when writing A. 1. .MOKKiN, l incinnau, J. Illustrated crtalogue 4 et. postage. Hopkins soils tho shoes and rubbi 1 You Smearbauah. NEW LIVERY Havini; purchased the livery barn lo cated in rear of Hotel Agnew and after million many new and up-to-date rijr wo are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to tho peoplo of 1 11 vicininity and guaran tee to lit you out in first-class stylo. We will mako a specialty of furnishing ritf for Funerals, Weddings? Receptions Kto. WM. ORAM, JRCHIEUREY. coMi: axifsii: is. SHORTHAND BY MAIL! We can teach you to become, a compe tent short hand reporter, bv mail. A standard system. Easy to learn j easy to read ; easy to write. Success guaranteed. Send ten cents (in atampsjfor first lesson. Write for particulars. Address tho The Warren Business University, War ren, Pa. H OW about your stock of Stationary? We do high class Job Printing. TIMETABLE, in ellect Jan. 10, 1!HK. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 31 liullulo Express, daily except Sunday 12:06 noon. No. 33 Oil City Exj ress, daily except Sunday 7: 16 p. 111. For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren,, Bradford, Olean and the East : No. 30 Olean Express, daily except Sunday - 8:45 a, 111. No. 32 Pittisburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:19 p. 111. GetTimo Tables and full information from J. W. McCREA, Agent, Tionesta, Pa. II. BELL, Gen'lSupU J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger A Ticket Agent. General ollice, Moonev-Brisbano Bid Cor. Main aud Clinton Sta., Buflalo.N.Y WANTED SEVERAL BRIGHT and holiest persons to represent us as Managers in this and closo-by coun ties. Salary $'.I0 a year and expensos. Straight, bona-lido, no more no less sal ary. Position permanent. Our refer ences, any bank in any town. It is main ly ollice work conducted at home. Ref erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Tnu Dominion Co., Dep't 3, Chicago, 111. 10-11-09. Administrator's Notice. Whereas, Letters of Administration on tho estate of James O. Rall'erty, late of Green township, Forest county, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are rcques rd to make immcdiato payment, ami those having claims against the same will present them for settlement without delay to Lkon Watson, Administr. tor. Nebraska, Pa., March 8, 1'Jon.