The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 28, 1900, Image 2

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RrpubliaiH Primaries, A pril '
Announcements will be published un
der thin bend at tlio following rales,
which include cost of printing tickets.
The cash must invariably accompany the
order fur announcement: Congress, fc!0.
Assembly, $12. Associate Judge, fli
District Attorney, $". National Delegate,
We are authorized to Announce Pit. A.
M. DOUTT, of Tiouesta Borough, as
candidate lor Assembly, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce JOHN
W. BLACK, of Howe Twp.. as a candi
date for AssFmbly, subject to Republi
con usages.
We are authorized to announce JOHN
J. 1IAIGHT, of Howe township, as a
candid te for Assembly, subject to Re
publican usage.
We are aut orized to announce Dn. S.
S. TOWLEK, of Jenks township, as a
eainlidte for Assembly, subject to Re
publican usages.
We are authorized to announce W. II.
H. DOTTEKER, of Klngsley township,
as a candidate lor Associate Judge, sub
ject to Republican usf.ges.
We are authorized to announce Z. S.
IIIMES, of Jenks township, ns a eandi
date for Associate Judtfe, subject to lie
publican usages.
Tue Nicaragua Canal was concoived as
a general aid to commerce, and not as an
extension of tli military power of the
United Stales.
Is the year 1800 the per capita money
circulation was f4.H0. In 18i0 it was -85,
a id in VMM) it is &5.89, the highest In
the history of the country.
Uncle Sam has sixty-one warships un
der construction. His ability to com
mand our Southern seacoast will not rest
on lining the Nicaragua CanalJ with
Gov. Taylor has dono the right and
manly thing by remaining al bis post.
The Kentucky conspirators can not get
rid of him until they forge the last links
of their chains of villainy.
The one-time sock I ess Jerry Simpson
is now accused of having sold out the
Populistic party to the silver barons. In
fact this is assigned as the reason why
Jeiry now reguliirly wpars socks.
When the Filipinos tortured three
American prisoners to death on the pub
lic plaza ofa town they simply added to
the numerous proofs to their total unfit
ness to I e trusted with the affairs of a
civilized government.
The exports of the country continue to
increase, and the Democratic orators,wbo
used to tell us that so long as we bad a
protective tariff loreign markets w-uld
be closed to American manufactures, are
now very silent on the subject.
The calamity men and the I told-yoti-sos
are considerably disappointed al the
record in Cuba during the past year, un
der American administration. The isl
and has not only been made self-sup
porting, but has to her credit for the year
IS'.hj a surplus o 82,200.000.
It must have been a deep mortification
to Col. Bryan, although it may have
opened his eyes, when the South Caroli
na House of Representatives, after listen
ing intently to his eloquent address, vot
ed down, by a heavy majority, resolu
lions of sympathy for the Filipinos. On
tho expansion question, Mr. Bryan finds
the South an "enimies' country."
"W herever our flag is raised, there
is the spiritof 1770, which is that a man
has rights because he is a man. The
question of expansion is simple. We are
not at any parting of the ways. If the ex
tension of our principle, means right and
justice, thev cannot he extended to far."
Father Stafford at the meeting of the
Loyal Legion, Washington, D.C., Feb. 22
The report sent in to the Senate in re
sponse to a resolution of inquiry in refer
ence 1 1 the Delagoa Bay seizure of Amer
lean nonr shows that while the opposi
tion were taking and doing everything
possible to embarrass the administration,
the ail ministration itself was busy look'
ing after the interests of American citi
zens iu South Africa. The "blunders" of
the administration do not materialize into
the campaign 'bunder expected.
"The I nion you tonght for is to day
(stronger, mightier, freer than it ever was
before. The standard you fought for is
stronger than it ever was before. There
has been within the past two years a re
union of all tl e people, a reunion sancti
oned by a common faeritice. Followers
of Grant and Lee have fought with eqcal
valor and have fought in the same cause."
President McKinlpy to his companions
of the Military Order of the Loyal Le
gion, Washington, I). C, Feb. 22d.
We note with much satisfaction the
candidacy of our Iriend Major J. Ross
Keymond of North East for a return to
bis old place tl.e House at Harrisburg
from the Second Assembly district of
Erie county. Mr. Reyinoud served in
the sessions of 'H3 and '95 and he left a
record which should go far toward secur
ing him a re-election. Always at his
l ost, and ever watchful 'f tho Interests of
bis constituents, he was one ot the strict
ly good members of those sessions.
The convention to nominate tho next
Democratic candidates for Rresident and
Vice President will convene iu Kansas
City on July 4th. This is two weeks later
than the Republican National conven
tion, the enemy selecting that date in or
der to take advantage of any mistakes
the Republicans may make. But they
might as well give that up. It's like the
boy with apple core -there ain't going to
beany. William McKinley is going to
be unanimously nominated at Philadel
phia, and, on his record as one of the
grandest Presidents the country bas ever
had, will be thoroughly re-cloctd in
(very t'l'iyv-. t.
cures piles and hea.s everything. All I
1 l 't . 1 I .... , ...... a. ....,, -r . I. I
11, II'''' 1 . " I " HI'' V'tll'lll'V fll II I
Republican County Committee Seels.
The Republican County Committee of
Forest couulv met. pursuant to call of
Chairman Walker, at the Sheriffs office
Monday evening. The Chairman being
unable to attend, Secretary J. T. Dale
called the meeting to order and presided
over its deliberations. The first matter
taken up was the fixing of the timo for
holding the primary election. After
some discussions Saturday, April 7, 1!00,
was unanimously agreed upon as the
date. The following places for holding
primary elections were also unanimous
ly agreed upon :
Barue'.t township, at Clariugtou, Red
clyffe and Cooksburg.
Geen township, at Nebraska and Gui
tonvillo. Uarmouy township, at West Hickory
and Fogle Farm.
Hickory township, at the Township
Howe township, at Bronkston, Pigeon,
Watson Farm, Lynch, Cooper Tract,
Porkey and Clougu's Mills,
Jenks township, at Marlenvil e and
Kingsley township, at Mayburg, Kel
lottville, Newtown Mills and Starr.
Tiouesta township, at Township House.
Tionesta borough, at Court House.
Tho custom of carrying or leaving cig
ars for the purpose of treating voters at
or before the primaries was severely con
demned by the committee.
Tho Alliance Tale Denied.
The Democratic romancers who have
been shouting that the United States bad
entered into an alliance with Groat Brit
ain have now been hit from another
qua' tei. The officials of the State De
partment in Washington denied it as t m
phatically as they could have done any
story which bears upon its face such
marks ofabsurdity as the alliance yarn
presents. The British foreign office now
makes an explicit and emplntic denial of
the whole tale. The only thing which
gave the story any plausibility was the
ntimation from Lord Roseberry a week
or two ago that England had made cer
tain advances toward an alliance with
he United States and Germany, but the
British government has shown that the
tale bad not the slightest foundation in
There was no real necessity for
disclaimers from Washington or'Lond n.
No sane person In e ther the United
States or great Brita n ever believed
there was a shadow of truth in the sto
ries. Au agreement which would put the
United States and England In harmony
on matters of great International con
cern would be sure to be brought to the
notice of the public very quickly through
the regular channels in this couotry. It
would have to take th form or a treaty,
and treatiea have to go before the Senate
for ratification or rejection. If ratified
there is often some further legislation
needed to put thorn in operation, and in
this matter the House bas o be consult
ed. All this not only takes time, but it
insures the greatest amount of publicity.
An alliance can not be put in operation
by the uiere fiat of the officials ot the
Sta'e Department at Washington and the
corresponding Oificers of the govern
ment at London.
Of course the reason why tho Demo
crats have been circulating those tales
about an alliance is that tbey suppose the
si ries will somehow reflect on the patri
otism of the aduiiu'stration, and injure
the Republican parly in the election this
year. Not even the most obtuse of t e
Democratic leaders ever imagined there
was nny basis tor the alliance tales. Such
an agreement, even if it could be put into
effect without the consent of the Senate,
would be of no benefit to the Uniteu
States. All the favors which this coun
try wants in international affairs it cn
get without tying itself to Great Brttain
or any other nation. The United Statts
has a free band in the Philippines. It has
gait ed all it wanted In the matter of trade
with Cbiiia. There is no issue at the
front or in sUht which would tempt the
administration to make any overtures to
any European nation which would in tho
faintest degree hamper this country's
treedom of action ou any question which
bas any chance to come up in the near
future. All Ibis is as well known to sen
sible Democrats as ii is to Republicans,
The alliance tale is like the Morey lettei
fraud of ls80 and the rest of the Dtmo
cratic ante-election mendacity which has
been put forward from time to time with
the hop of deceiving the unthinking or
the ignorant, and thus win a few votes
lor the Democratic tiekpt.
Ge.v. Siiafter's assertion that the in
surieclinu in the Philippines is practical
ly ended agrees with the opinions cf all
the military chieftains in the islands
whose views have reached the public.
This idea seems reasonable. Tbero lias
been no fighting for the past five or six
weeks except of the guerrilla order. Ag
uinaldo has disappi aed so completely
that there are rumors that he has escaped
from the islands and is somewhere on
the mainland of Asia. All the leading
fighting men ou the tebel side have eith
er been killed in battle with the Ameri
cans or have been assassinated by order
of Aguinaldo. Virtually, all the heads of
the so-called civil government of the
Filipinos are in American hands as pris
ners, somn of whom gave themselves
up voluntarily. Most ol the Philip, i'ie
Iorts, closed since the Spanish war days.
have been thrown open to the commerce
ofthe world in ths past three or four
weeks. Technically, the rebellion in the
island is still "on," but nobody looks
for any serions fighting hererfter. Judge
Taft's civil commission will have the
whole field to itself when it goes to the
The result of the primary election in
Jefferson county last week was a most
sweeping victory for the friends of Sena-
i tor Quay, who carried the county by
nearly three to one, having all the way
from 1,500 to 2,000 majority over the Bill
Flinn contingent, who entered tbo field
for the avowed purpose of stampeding
the straight Republicans. Iu his contest
for tbe endorsement lor Congress in his
county Hon. W. O. Smith was victorious.
carrying tbe county by upwards of 1,300
majority ovor his opponent. This result
makes the whole wostern pari of the
State bappv. and his legion of friends
earnestly hope the district conference
may display tho wisdom of making him
the nominee for the fall campaign. Witli
Mr. Smith in Congress that district wouid
rank among the first In tbe State in point
crabillfr t-r iti rerrescnitatlre.
lew ttouies cured me." it aigesia wnai i
.. am. A n . I .1 am... as, ill'SlllinBII I
YU Cnk nill. 1 U,ll r, w j njn j.iin.
I 1 - a.. U . 1mM " I
The Methodist Episcopal Church and
the Twentieth Century.
The passing of a century has long leeu
regarded with solemn interest. Institu
tions gird themselves anew, and men
look forward with earnest hope. The
bishops ofthe Methodist Episcopal church
realizing that the past one hundred years
of our church history hs been one of
continental conquests and taking into
account the number, and resources of
the church, send out a call for renewed
consecration of soul and substauce to
crown the second Christian millennium.
Besides more earnest spiritual service
they urge that the Metuodist Episcopal
church in the three years following Jan
uary I, lS99,lay upon God's alter $20,000,
000 beyond the usual contributions.
The question is what will be done with
themoueyf The answer is: It will help
make the three hundred educational in
stitutions of the church more effective,
it will go for tho evangelization of our
great cities, an overshadowing national
problem : it will becomo invested funds
to prevent the poveity which so largely
tails upon the aged and outworn minis
ters; it will be used for the 1 aymeut of
debts ou church property. Each ooi.trib
ntorto the fund is at liberty to designate
to which of the above objects his money
shall be applied.
If twenty millions of dollars seems a
large sum, it must be remembered that
the Methodist Episcopal church has now
membership of three millions, and the
annual income of the individual mem
bers ofthe church must aggregate many
hundreds of millions of dollars. It must
also be remembered t. at each year the
church now contributes twenty-three
millions and that Christian work in tht
twentieth century must le carried lor-
ward on a far larger scale.
Many annual conferences are already
at work doing their part, and some where
toward four millions of the twenty mil
lions havo already been given. Th Erie
Conf renco Twentieth Century Thank
Offering Commission, appointed at tho
last session, call the devout attention of
the ministry and membership wltnin our
borders to this groat work and summon
all to help.
Methodism's millions must be mighty
lor sublime enlevements.
s. II. UAY,
Chairman Com. on Correspondence.
Womaa as Seen by Seller of Ron"
and Clocks on Installments.
'I'll tell you what a woman wilr and
will not do in my line of business, said
the ninn who was selling clocks and nigs
on the weekly installment plan, "lou
cau always figure as n starter that she's
going to haggle about the price. If I'd
offer one of those fS clocks for $2.50, the
average woman would want something
off. As soon as the weekly payments be
gin she'll nuike a neighborhood hunt for
plugged coins anil smooth pieces and
work them off on the collector. She'll
also stand him off for a day or two every
pay day. nnd even when the money la
ready she'll hang to It to the last.
'That s what you can figure on l'J
times out of 20, but there s a big onset.
It's rare that women ever skip out and
take yuiir property along. They could do
it in scores of cases, but their conscience
forbids. It's conscience and not fear of
the law. I've had ThO cases where fam
ilies moved, but ofter a little the wife
would send the new address. I lost a
family once after they had paid 50 cents
on nn ,S clock. They shipped their goods
liy rail and went off west. I got a bless
ing from headquarters because of their
skip, but somehow I felt that it would
be nil right in the end. So it was. After
seven months had passed we got a letter
from North lakota containing a money
order for the balance due, and the wom
an explained that she'd have sent it soon
er but that her husband had died nnd her
oldest hoy had been scut to jail. I sold
rug Inst year to a family that moved
next day, and a dozen creditors tried in
vain to trace them. After a week or so
the wife ran after me' on the street to
tell mo where to cull and added: 'It was
the old mail's doings. He took a skip to
iK-ot the grocer, butcher, baker nnd drug
store, but if I iiidnt puy for that beauti
ful rug 1 could not say my prayers at
uight.' "New York Sun.
W here a none Lived.
The late Professor Ilyrtl of Vienna
was present one day during the examina
tion of tin aspirant for the medical degree
by Professor Lnnger. Finally the latter
hnnded the student a small bone, saying:
"Mr. Candidate, here is a bone. Don t
look at it, but tell me from feeling it what
kind of a bono it is, whether it belonged
to the left or right side of the body and
whether it was pnrt of a man or woman."
The poor student blushel from embar
rassment. 1 here wns a large audience
present, nnd he saw failure staring him
in the face. He cast n helpless glmice at
Ilyrtl, who moved nbout in his chair rest
lessly for a moment nnd then sprang to
his feet. "And tell me, Mr. Candidate,"
he cried out, the spirit of anger lighting
up his large blue eyes, "after answering
the questions of my dear colleague, the
name of the original possessor of this
bone nnd where and In what street he
This unexpected outburst saved the day
for the oor candidate, but Professor
Longer ever after declined to couduct au
examination when Ilyrtl was present.
Atlanta Constitution.
"I had bronchitis every winter for
vears and no medicine gave me perm a
nenl relief until 1 uegan to lake uni
M inute Cure. I know it is the b st cough
medicine made," says J. Koonst, Corry
V. It ouick v cures coughs, coids.erout
asthma, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. It is the chi drpn's lavorite
remwlv. Cures quickly. Heath A Kill
Good flour $1.00 per sack at Tionesta
Cash Store. "
Editor's Life Paved by ( hambrrlnln
t'anifb Itemed?.
During the early part of October, iHWi,
contracted a bad cold which settled on
my lungs and was neglected until I fear
ed that consumption nad appeared in
incipient state. J was const ntly cough
ing and trying to expel something wiiic
I could not. I became alarmed and after
giving the local doctir a trial bought
bottle ol Chamberlain's Cough Reined
and the result whs immediate improve
merit, and after I had used three bottles
my lungs were restored to their healthy
state. B. S. Edwards, publisher of the
Review. Wyant, HI. For sale by all
"I had dysrepsia for years. No mnd
,'lnn iva mi tl(.ilivA ns Koilol lVKtftfim
Cure. It cave Immediate relief, two ImH'
les produced marvelous results," write
U H. Warren. Albany, Wis. It digests
what you eat and cannot fail to cure.
Heath Klllmer.
Patent process Hour bl.15 at Tionesta
Cash More. It
"I think I would go crazy with pain
were it not for Chain berlain's Pain Balm,"
writes Mr. W. H. Stapleion, llerminio,
Pa. "I have been alliicted with rheuma
tism for several year and have tried
remedies without number, but Pain
ISalin is the best medicine I hive go,
hold of." One application, relieves tho
pitlu- F"'f t'alo I ' all drtrg.-ist'l.
For sale by all druggists.
I Tonkins sells tho clothing and shoe
Tbe present demand for these goods
is uol so large as it will be Uler, but
we waul you to know that
and havo them iu
narrowest edge iu
11 over embroidery,
terns. See our window
John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says. "I
never used anything as good as One Mill
ute Cough Cufo. We are never without
it." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds
Cures all throat and lung troubles. Its
use will prevent consumptiou. Pleasant
o take. Ueatu & Kiumor.
Eureka Harness Oil is ths best
preservative of new lemlirr
ami tbe best renovator ol old
leather. H oils, softens, black
ens and protects. I'M
Harness Oil
on your Nut hamms, your old har
ness, snit visir t-arrlAKi-lop, and thfy
will not only lutik IxMlor but wmr
kmtivr. NoM everywhere In wis all
Sim from half pints lo live khJUous.
UMte bj Tutsi oil iu.
Pt. James
, Powders,
It is when the nerves are
irritated and disordered that
headaches come
May lie any one f n down
primary causes, but the result
is always the same.
Dr. James'
Headache Powders
Soothe and restore the nerve
force make it impossible for
headache to exist.
Perfectly harmless no
unpleasant after-effects.
Do not affect the heart
in any way.
At all Drug Stores.
4 doses 10 oeuts.
Cure Where
Guaranty Rheumatic Rzkedy
Is Guaranteed to Cure
This oreosiation is put iid In cartons contain
ing '.wo boll lis, which have to be mixed, and la
aolil by druj?jji!-li at $1.15 per package. It hat
been tested in hundreds of cases of Rheumatism
and has never failed to make a permanent cure
when the dtrectiuns have been fully complied
with. In ordinary cases from one to three pack
ages will effect a cure, but in cases of lung stand
ing, where the Uric Acid crystals have settled in
the joints and they have become stiffened, it will
take from ten to twelve packages to dissolve the
crystal and effect a permanent aire. Should
your uruggtsi not nave 11 ana iiecune io gci u inr
yon. or try to sell you "something just as K""d,"
write us, and upon receipt of prire we will Jfcnd
by express, prepaid; and if it fails to beuefit or
enect a cure, we will refund the money.
It la also the only positixr cure known for Rigrjs'
disease of the gums, which iscaused by Vric And,
and it ia recoiniueutlcd by all first-class deutists.
Guaranty Rheumatic Remedy Co.
38 W. GiNCtcc ST., BUFFALO, N.Y.
1 1 T tl .
J at
-. --19 1 1,.;. - i
Gooil Stock. Good Carriages ami Cuir
tries to let upon the inont reasonable terms.
tie will also do
A 11 onlera lea at the Pimt Offlee wil
receive prompt attention.
Administrator's Notice.
The undersigned having been appoint
ed arlminixtraior of the estate of S. C.
Smith, late of Harinonv Township, For-
et County, ileeeaHed, all persons owing
said estate are notiliml to make Immedi
ate payment, and tlioae having claims
againHl the xaine will piesent them, duly
aulhentieateil, for aetll ment. Perwns
owing the decedent on tax duplicate for
IH9!i, are also notified that immedate set
llement will be required.
ko Jj. Kino, Administrator.
West Ilii kory, Pa., Jan. 13, W00.
Bring Yuiir Railroad Ties.
Landers A Wynian pay -i cents cash
for Noa. 1 and pin oak and chestnut
ties ; W aud ;(n cents cash, respectively
for No. 1 aud 2 whito oak ties, and six
cents Mir fool for white oak logs nine
inches in diameter at top end, any lengih
AdilreftM, Tionesta, Pa. It
Unliable man for Manager of Branch
Ofliee I wix'i to open In this vicinity.
(lood opening for an energetic sober man
Kindly mention thin paper when writing
A. T. MOKKltt, Cineinnati, O.
lllustruled crtalogue 4 els. pontage.
Uncle or olui im1i i-
liuiiiiK; Htlll" lointH, Inmo
fllltl OIOIM' IHIIMCll'H, 1111(1
I-ImMIIIIUI io lllillM Vllllifsll
nl'tcc liMiiii;
1 edge and belief.
At,u?:". . r
J. H.
variety, from tbo
lacts to tho wide.
Newest pat-
ftff CftlAf R.5f0ffAflVf
It' not a "patent" meilicinc, but U prepared
direct from the formula of K. E. Ilnrton. M. I.
Cleveland' most eminent siecinlist. hv lljalmce
O. Uenson. Ph.U, 11.8. BAk-UCN is I he
est Known restorative ntui ill
vigorntor for men nml women.
It create. aolld flesh, tnu.ilr.
and strength, clears the brain,
makes the blood pure nml
and muses a general feeling of
health, strength nnd reiKv.fd
vitality, while the gentrutive
orgnns are helped to vi;aiii
their normal powers r.uj the
aufferer Is quickly niailc enn
cioua of direct benefit. One
box will work wonders su
should perfect a cure. 1'i ersrcr
In small srnrar ovited tablet.
asy to swallow. The days c
celery ct-mpounds, ticrvu:r.
mrsnparillas and tII" lii'tti
ton lea are prrr. B4.K-PKN i
for sale nt all drag stoTa. a cO-doso box lor !.'
cntn, or re will mail it !e-ure1v sealed on rr
leiutoi Wice, iKS. BARTON AMI FKNSN,
!lsr-Bcu Block. UcviUino, 0.
Sold by Heath J; Killnier. Tionesta, Pa.
Just as much us glasxes on a Tcn-
Day-Old baby, when they compare
thoir HtiK'k ami iiricca with that to
Ollicial Watch Inspector and llcpairvr
for the W. N. Y. A P. and L. S. At M. S.
.Send or briny; your work to us.
Executrix Notice.
lvttale ol 'Eli S. Ilolemau, lato
nesta lloronuh. Forest county, Pa.,
LetUira testamentary ou the above es
tate having been granted to the under-
signed, all persona owing Hani cstu'.K are
requested to make immei'iiate payment,
ami those having claims almost, tno mi e
will present them without delay for set
tlement to J r I.I A L. HoLK.MAV,
Tionesta, Pa., Jan. 30. ItfOO. Exeetiirix.
I havo been ablo to get tho 1 an I want
ed and I believe I am puttiiu him in the
right place, al least I have euntidunee In
I mne.sta and vicinity to tho extent nt
putting in a lirst class. Watch nieker and
Jeweler, who will do everything tinker
my RiiperviHu n, and 1 will give Huh vi
canity a thorough test as I believe it will
pay. I believe the people would prefer
to trade at home it thoy can net as gooii
satisfaction and I know that a trial will
convince them it will lie more satisfac
lory. 1 have been fortunate enough to
Hiicuro tho service ol Mr. L. A. Morgan,
a practical watchmaker and Jeweler who
ha nail over n yearn experience. Air
fr,.(..,, Iu un.w t.'itll ani" Iml .w.r ua.i,
.lluu..t 1,1,'ln.. af,'.ln.l 1. V Wl ,,
in;ii''iu .,i e w wi.iio r tiium.
villn, and he certainly ha the best o ref
erence and I will guarantee you that all
work will tie rightly (tone. 1 will lie
down lotake chargo of Tionenta at ore to
day, Wednesday, Feb. 21. Mr. Morgan
will folio alter I return. The store will
be open all day except meal hour.
Thanking you for past favors, Kesptl'ully,
emisT miuJLIVERY
Everything new and up to dale
ior making
ou hand for sale a full stock in
our line.
Bridge St., - Tionesta, Pa.
Fred. Grcttcnbcrgcr
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well TooIh, fJa or Water Fit
ling and (Jeneral lllackKiiiithing prompt
ly done at Low Kate. Repairing Mill
Machinery given upecial attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Hhop in rear of and (list west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronago solicited.
Couuty Commissioners.
ipg JeW Way!
The comiog of the year 1!)J marks a new ep n h n the coni
mercial calendar of success. An epoch that now looks a if it
were ielineil to he the greatest innneyniakiog period iu the
history of the present lime.
Prosperity for All.
That yon inav Micofoii you heml every tuergy oiul nerve to
"get ahead" and save every possible penny.
Where We Help You
iunurXI'iW WAY of doi p business. To sell al the lowest
possible prices, everyone admits, it ruuet be fur CASH aud not
on Idii" ci edit. Now we have decided ou this plau as the best
otii! to help you and serve voar b st interests. That we buy at
the lowest prices we must buy for CASH and to sell at the
lowest possible prices we must sell fo CASH, and have decided
to mark oir piiotls ou that basis and as we can not J ava two
pticcs, we make oue price and that the IoivkMt for CunIi.
The Quality
will be tno best, us we always cudcttvorod to give ycu, aud we
wi l not sarrili e quality to reduce the price.
With the ad iliu of this line we end javor t serve you better au i h ive
bought nly the hesi R iods FrNll fr-'tn factory and it r can make a bet
ter price tha others do it is because we sell them only f.r cash. We will
keep 1 p our other ponds as herelof ire. Most 0 r lially invito you lo come
iu and tell us if we have made a mistake. Wo desire to remain
Your Servants,
NiifccsHorN lo HIM: V VIU.TKO.J.
L. &
Dress Goods.
In this lino our assortment is unlimited;
I'iniprisiiig Blue and Hlick Serge, Brillian
tine, Blue Broadcloth, etc , and iu wash jromls
we have t ho finest line of Lancaster Uitif;
hams, Press Ginghams, Piques plain and
fancy Perrals, et ., that was ever shown in
Tionesta. Come and see
We handle the famous Fisher and lvichaid
son brands. Anyone who wears shoes knows
that these are two of the btst makes on the
market. We can fit anybody nt prices that
can't be beat.
We handle the finest lino of canned goods
that is sold in town. All who buy from us
w ill toll you 80. Come ami see our stock nf
Potted Mi'Bls, Condensed Soups, tic. The
class of goods we handle is A 1. None better.
Lawrence &
lM Tll 11'M llO
3 i llO iMMIIlt.Y
Xlui XiirffCKt C'ii'ciilnt ion.
Tin llfxl AlvrtlKliitf
ICt'liiiblc iiimI ITp-lo-Diiic
iu all Mattoi'K.
IIcki litcili licix for Turn
ijUTii Out l'Miio,Tol lrini
iiiy; on Slioi'l TVoi ic.
The FdLUM JQVimih
A. Tt M K ' f. .
f ' J -
Tim FQ&E8T MEFumzctfx
BoTir 1a l'Eita Foil
Having purchased the livory barn lo
cated In rear of Hotel Agnew and after
adding many now and up-to-dato rig we
are now prepared to furnish II very rigs to
the people of t ! vicininity and gunati-
tee to fit you nut iu lirst-clas style.
We will make a specialty of furnishing
rig for Funeral, Wedding, Receptions
co.tii: .ni) si:i: is.
We can teach you to become a compe
tent short hand reporter, hv mail. A
standard nytetn. Easy to learn j easy to
read ; easy to writo. Wucees guaranteed,
Send ten cnt(in Muinn) lor first lesson.
Write for particulars. Address Hie
The Warren Jtnsinnss University, War
ren. Pa.
HOW about your Mock of Stationary?
We do high das Job Printing.
Eyes examined tree.
Exclusively optical.
- WKptipOI
II : "t
$1.00 Ik Advance.
efleel Jan. 10, 11100.
Trains leave Tio
nesta for Oil City
and points west as
No. 31 Itullulo Express, daily
except Mundav 12:0(1 noon.
No. ,i:t Oil City Exj reus, daily
except Sunday 7:40 p. in.
For Hickory,Tidiouto, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, (Mean and the East:
No. 30 Olean Express, daily
ex-ept Sunday 8:45 a. m.
No. 'At Pituburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:10 p. m.
from .1,
mo Tableud full information
W. MrCREA, Agent, Tionesta,
R. BELL, Gen'lSupt,
Gon'l Passenger A Ticket Agent,
General office. Mnonev-Brisbane Bid
Cor. Main and Clinton Sla., Buflalo.N.Y
and honest person to rcpresont us
as Managers iu this and close-by coun
ties. Salary $110 a year and expenses.
Straight, limit lido, no more no 1 s.s sal
ary. Pospion permanent. Our refer
ences, any bank in uny town. It is main
ly olllce woik c.imdiioi'ed al h me. Ref
erence. Enclose self-a(i(lreed stamped
envelope. This ItoulMON Co., Dep't 3,
Chicago, . III. 10-ll-Wl.
The Sires photograiih ga'lery will be
open for business on .Saturday of each
Week. Ifon't lorgnt Ine day. tf