The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, February 14, 1900, Image 2

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Editor 4 Paorairroa.
Kepublican County Committee Meeting:.
The members of the Republican Com
mittee of Forest County are requested to
meet at the Sheiiff's office, Tlonesta, on
Monday evening, February 26, 1900,
(.ourt week), at 7:30 o'clock. BualneM
of importance to the party in this county
will come up for consideration at this
meeting, and it is h 'ied there may be a
full attendance of the members.
F. P. Walkkr, Chairman.
J. T. Dalk, Secretary.
"In Time of Feare."
Tbe People's Need tf the Farmer.
Lms than two veara atro Bundrv and We plow the grtund and sow the seed
various English papers commented acorn- And thus supply the people's needs,
fully upon the spectacle of an unprepared Thev need our corn, they need our wheat.
nation hurrying about the world s marts mat tney may nave nome urtu . r-
in search of munitions and appliances of fby need our beef, they need our hogs,
war. The same papers contrasted the But h,ve no use for ln,y dogs ;
bungling unreadiness of the United Tney neeKj our uorBe to draw their load
States for the then inevitable contest ir,, .. wej or dusty road.
with Spain with the preparedness of the
Great and Mighty Britain for any like 'j . ---- - .
Thev need our wool to make their coals :
emergency. k...- i.;..i, .innr ,i,...k..
Without assuming a knowledgo of the u -"
total result of General Buller a latest at- ' U1ULU -
tack upon the Boer positions, the que- The wants are many and to supply
tion may n .w be asked without a tremor These many wants the farmers try.
of the voice, Was England well prepared g0 pow VOur ground and sow your grain
Both of Bryan's running mates In 1896
m onivtsnd to him this vear. Sewall
objects to his anti-expansion talk, and preparation by results and promiso by
True, in the word of a tx astful British
song, she had the ships, she had the men
and she bad the money, too." But how,
tnthenameofLaing'sNek, Spion Kop,
etcetera, have tbey availed T Judging
Tom Watson has no use for him in any
Thk United States sells more than
twice as much as it buys. Germany buys
$250,000,000 worth year more than it
sells, and Great Britain buys twice as
much as it sells.
Phttiqrew is a sadder and slightly a
more silent man since the Senate refused
to turn the Congressional Record into.
pertormance, the much roalinged Santi
ago campaign was a triumphial inarch by
thesi. eofanythingsofar done by the
British armies in the pending South Af
rican war. Within ten uays auer me
landimr of troops in Paiquiil. tbe two
chief outer defenses had been taken by
assault, and within a fortnight negotia
tions had been begun for that city's surrender.
More than four mouths have elaps--d
siuc. General Buller undertook command
free printing office for Agulnaldo and the 0f tbe English fore, a in Natal. He was to
Hong Kong junta.
Is a short time, according to Joseph
Chamberlain, the British will have 200,000
men under arms in South Africa. If he
had been able to foresee this necessity he
would have modified his recent program.
Thk pig iron produced in this country
last year was worth four times as much
as the gold mined. When the iron is
worked up for the market its value leaves
the production of gold a comparatively
small matter.
Coin Wili.ik Jenkins Bryan is still
gunning for an issue which will stick in
the coming campaign. Tne coon which
once remarKed to Davy Crockett, "Don't
shoot; I'll come down," has not yet put
in au appearance.
I'uiLADKLi'HiA has stopped the inis
ionary efforts of young girls in a Chinese
district because the girls were learning to
smoke opium, one having died from its
results. Ah Sin still has childlike and
bland peculiarites.
The lemarKs of the Hon. Arthur Sew
all, late Democratic Vice-Presidential
candidate, to the effect that he believes
Bryan will undoubtedly be again nomi
nated but that he will be again defeated,
are not considered good Democratlo lit
erature for campaign circulation.
have dined Christmas day In Pretoria.but
he is still fighting on English soil, to se
cure a passage toward tne neieagurcu
town of Ladysmith, wheie another pre
sumably equally well-provided English
garrison lie benumbed under Boer fire
and camp disease.
With British forces held in helpless
bondage at Mafeking, on the Modder
river and at Kimberley. and a British
army three times struggling against an
inferior force on the Tugela ; with" artil
lery unestimated, and naval guns firing
lyddite, and thousands of wagons carry
ing provisions and munitions; with
commander who labeled his luggage
"Pretoria, via Cape Town," and only a
fortnight ago said he would be in Lady-
smith within a week, it looks as if, with
all its preparedness, the British army
lacked one groat essential to success,
In brief, the Britons who received tho
chocolate cross and were amply fed,
backed by artilery and led by nobles,
may turn with envy to the starved, un
aided United States regulars and volun
teera who faced tbe entrenched Spanish
fire at Caney and San Juan! The latter
had beeu provided with the heart to "get
there." The former apparently have not
Ten thousand Englith prisoners are
waiting release at Pretoiia. Not one
American was made captive in all tbe
American land operations in Cuba
(Saturday Review, of London, please
copy.) Thilc. Times,
The Kentucky legislature threw out
the vote of Louisville on the ground of in
timidation, in order to count a majority
for Gobel. Yet tbe Democrats elected to
that body from Louisville at the same
identical election, still hold their seats.
By what rule was the vote for governor
throwu out and that for members of tbe
legislature cast at the very time and place
counted ?
In spite of tbe reading in the Senate of
Admiral Dewey's letter statin that he
never made any coalition or agreement
with Agulnaldo, the anti-imperialists
still maintain that Dewey did regard the
Filipinos as his allies. It looks as though
the Democratic campaign managers were
pi oposing to go before the country on the
question of veracity between Admiral
Dewey and Agninaldo.
A Washington dispatch last week
said that at a conference Bryan had con
sented to drop free silver and 18 to 1.
We swallow this with several degrees of
allowance. Bryan without free silver
would not be Bryan. Without free sil
ver Bryan could not be nominated, and
the Republicans want one more chance
at him. After that he will never be able
to divide gate receipts with any county
Harvard's professor of history, Al
bert B. Hart, in an interesting article in
Harper's Magazine, calls attentiou to the
tact, and illustrates his point iy copious
quotations, that the present debates over
the annexation of Puerto Rico and the
Philii plues contain, with more prolixity
and less cogency, the same passionate ob
jections and tbe same rejoiuders which
busiod the minds of the Senate and the
House in the discussion of tho Louisana
Purchase In 1803. Nothing new has been
raised by tbe anti-expansionists of the
present time over those of a century ago,
although those of to-day must admit that
the reasoning of their namesakes was de
fective. The objectors of those days were
simply obstructionists, as badly divided
in opinion as are those of the present day,
havlnir no common principal on which
all could stand.
And thus provide the food they claim.
R. C. II.
Starr, Pa., Feb. 12, 1900. ,
Beware of Olntnieiiss for Catarrh that
fonts iu Mercurj
as mercury will surely destroy the sense j
nf smell and completely deraiiee the
wholeavstem when entering It tlirnugn
thn iniicous surfaces. Such articlea
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they do is ten told to the good
von can possibly derive from them.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.
J. Clifliiev A Co.. Toledo. O.. contains no
niercurv. and: is taken iniernany, acting
directly upon the svstem. In buying
Hall s Catarrtt l ure De sure you get me
reniiine. It is taken internally, ana
maite in toieao. w.. oy r. j. tueuuy .
Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Drugiits, price loo. per bottle.
Hall s t amtly nils are tne oeai.
Hopkins sells the clothing ami shoes.
I had bronchitis every winter for
years and no medicine gavo me perma
nent relief until I oegan to take One
Minute Cure. I know it is the In st couch
medicine made," says J. Koonst, Corry,
Pa. It nuicklv cures conn lis. coids.erou ',
asthma, grippe and throat and lung
troubles. It is the children's favorite
remedy. Cures quickly. lleatn A Kiu
Good flour fl.00 per sack nt Tlonesta
Cash Store.
Aa Kdltar'a Life Snvrd by C'baiubrrlnln'a
t'oiiKh Ilenirdy
During the early part of October, 189tl,I
contracted a bad cold which settled on
my lunirs and was neglected until I fear
od that consumption bad appeared in an
inein ent state. 1 was const nuy conga
ine and trvlnir to expel something which
I could not. I became alarmed and after
civ-ins the local doct ir a trial bought a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and the result was immediate improve'
ment, and alter I had used three bottles
my lunars were restored to their healthy
state. B. S. Edwards, publisher of the
Review. Wvant. 111. tor sale by all
"I had d vsi'epsia for years. No medi
cine was so effective as Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. It cave immediate relief. Two Dot
tles produced marvelous results, writes
L. H. Warren, Albany, Wis. it digests
whatvou eat and cannot fail to cure.
Heath it Killmer.
-Patent process flour bl.15 at Tlonesta
Lasn More.
"I think I would sro crazy with pain
were it not for Chamberlain's PalnBalm,"
writes Mr. W. H. Stapletoii, Herminie,
Pil "I have been afflicted with rheuma
tism for several vears and have tried
remedies without number, but Pain
Balm is the best medicine I hve go,
hold of." One application relieves the
pain. For sale by all druggists.
Tbe present demand Tor these goods
is not so Urge as it will be later, but
we want you to know that
aud have tbetu in variety, from tbo
narrowest edge in laces to the wide,
all over embroidery. Newest pat
tern!. See our window.
The New Way!
The coming of tbe year 1D0O marks a new epoch a the com
mercial calendar of success. An epoch that now looks a) if it
were destined to be the greatest uinuey-making period in the
history of the present time.
Prosperity for All.
That you mav succeed yot
I "get ahead" and save every
Where We Help You
That you mav succeed you bend every energy sod nerve to
"get ahead" and save every possible penny.
Whereas. The Hon. W. M. Lindsey,
President Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas and Quarter sessions in anu lor
the county of Forest, has Issued bis pre
cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
quarter sessions 01 me r-eace, virpimus
Court, Over and Terminer and General
Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the
County of Forest, to commence on tne
Fourth Monday of hebrnary, being
the 2tth day of February 1900. No
tice is therefore given to the lor-
oner, Justices 01 tne reace aim 1011
stables of said county, that they be then
and there in thoir proper persons at ten
o'clock A. M., ol said day with their
records, inquisitions, examination, and
other remembrances, to do those thing
which to thoir office appertain to be done,
and to those w hoare bou nd i n recogn izance
to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in tho jail of Forest County, that
they may be then and there to prosecute
against tliein as shall be just. Given un
der my nana and seat mis -.'in uay 01
January, A. D. 1!00.
J. W. JAMIESON, L.S. Sheriff.
List of causes set down for trial in the
Court of Common Pleas of Forest County,
Pennsylvania, commencing on tne
Fourth Monday of February, 1900:
No. 1. W. J. bloomtlold. ri. requig-
not, A. J. and M. S. Carnahan, vs. V,
Manstield, Konert 1 nomas, i nane i.
Book. No. 19, Sept. Term, 1000. Sum
mons in f.jocunent.
No. 2. Sarah J. Dunlap vs. J. Jl.
Church. Priseilla Church. No. 21, May
Term, IS!.!. Summons In Ejscttneat.
No. 3. B. N. McCoy Glass Co. vs. x.
D. Collins. George F. Watson, as Collins
A Watson. No. 22, May Term, 1898. Ap
peal by pltl. from J. I.
Attest, JUIIX II. 1UJI.M.10U."I,
Tionesta, Pa., January 30, 1900.
It's not a "patent" medicine, but is prepared
direct, from the formula of K. H. Barton, M. D.
Cleveland's most eminent STiecinlist, by Iljalmcr
O. Benaon, Ph.D., B.S. BAK-BBN U the print-
est known restorative aim in
yigorator for men and women.
It creates solid flesh, muls
and strength, clears the brum,
makes the blood pure nn.l
and onuses a general feeling of
health, stretiRth and rcnt v.ed
vitality, while the generative
organs are helped to rci.ain
their normnl powers ai:d the
sufferer is quickly made con
scious of direct benefit One
box will work wonuVrs. su
should perfect a cure. Pietism'
in small sugar conted un let.
easy toswnllow. The dny c:
celery compound-i nervism?
snrsnparillas and Tile linr;
tonics are over. BAR-TT:N i
for sale nt all dmi stores, a 60-dose twi for f.
rent, or we will mail it secnrelv sraled on rc-
Bar-Ben Block, cieveiauu, u
Sold by Heath d Killmer. Tlonesta, Pa.
is our XKW WAY of tloi g business. To sell at the lowest
possible prices, everyone admits, it must be for CASH and not
ou long ci edit. Now we have decided on this plau as the best
one to help you and serve Your b st interests. That wo buy at
the lowest prices we must buy for CASH and to sell at the
lowest possible prices we must sell fa. CASH, and have decided
to mark nor goods on that basis and as we can not have two
prices, we make odo price and that the IjOWCHt for CumIi.
The Quality
will be tiie best, as we always cudcavorad to give you, and we
wi'l not sacriti e quality to reduce ihe price.
With the ad ition of this line we endiavor tu serve you better .ml hive
hntinlii nlv thn hen ir iods 1' rt'Sll fr-m factory and it we can make a hel
ler price Ilia other? do it is because we sell tliem ouly for cash
keep 1 p our other goods as heretotore. Most c r natiy invite you
in and tell us if we have nude a mistake. We desire to remain
Your Servants
We will
to come
Miicct'or to llil.i: V AiniHTISOXJ.
L. &
Dress Goods,
-A M .1. IHT
r. v yi sVjt
Confirmation Notice.
Notice Is hereby oiven that the follow
ing account has been tiled in my olnce
and will be presented at the next term of
court for confirmation.
First and partial ai-coun' of M.h. (j ray-
bill. Guardian of Hertha M. and Wayne
O. Graybill, miner heira of D. C. Gray-
bill, deceased, lat or Jenics townsnip,
forest County, Fa.
Clerk Orphans' Court.
Tionesta. Pa., Jan. 211, l'JOO.
John Dirr. Posevville. Ind.. says,
never used anvthiiiir as cood as One Mill
ute Conirh Cure. We are nevor without
It." OuiL-klv breaks tin couirhs and colds
Cures all throat and lunir troubles. Its
use will prevent consumption. Pleasant
to take. Heath it Killmer.
Reliable man for Manager of Branch
Oftii I wish to open In this vicinity.
Good ODenimr 'or an energetic sober man.
Kindly mention tins paper wnen writing
A. T. MUtvriin, iinminau, u.
Illustrated crtalogue 4 eta. postago.
Notice of Application
Tue wool grower and the woolen man
ufacturer are now having their innings
under the Dingley law. Owing to the
enormous importations of woolen goods
under the Wilson law, woolen manufac
turers have been slow to respond to the
changed tariff. Now, however, raw wool
is not only double in price what it was In
18f6, but tbe American "Woolen Com
puny, which opened its fall line of sam
ples recently, booked over $10,000,000
worth of business the first day.
Kepokts received at Washington show-
ing the strength of the various State
militias, give the following condition in
Pennsylvania: Total number of enlisted
men, 10,030; general staff, 178; cavalry,
210; light batteries, 284; infantry, 0,234;
general staff, six generals, 41 other ofll
eers; 24 non-commissioned officers, 107
musicians; regimental, field and stuff
olllcers, 185; company officers, 473; total
officers. 705; number of men available
for service in Pennsylvania, 912,064.
Mr. Bryan's eastern tour was a great
success. He managed to get on every
side of every question which could be
possibly considered In tb coming canr
paign, and therefore retires to the West
flattering himself that be has given every
body all tie platform on which to stand
long enough to cast a vote for Bryan in
1000. Tbe most striking feature of bis
trip was tbe evidence which be bronght
forth that the silver question must be rel
cgated to the background, that anti-ex'
pansiou is tbe most unpopular proposl
tion he could offer, and that bis chief re
liance now is tbo imperialistic bogie,
whatever that may be.
Ok course some of the Democrats will
shout "Anglo-American Alliance" at tbe
treaty by which England gives up ber
right to dual control In the Nicaragua
Canal which she gained from the Clayton
Bulwer treaty nf fifty years ago. Tbe
Democrats have made this cry before,but
it has not impressed anybody. It will
win no votes for their candidate this year.
The McKinlsy administration has mado
a great triumph by inducing England to
surrender a privilege which many Presi
dents, including Cleveland, tried te get
that country to give up. Thia triumph
troubles tbe Democratlo bosses, but the
people like it. will win
many votes for the Republican party In
The conservative and always roliabie
element of the Senate Is calling things by
tnelr rieht names now and the words
"treason" and "traitor" are applied with
out hesitation and without any attempt to
soften their meaning to men who, for
purely partisan and selfish purposes, at
tempt to spread upon the records of Con
gress tbe utterances of men making war
upon the United States. The loyal, self-
respecting citizens of South Dakota, irre
spective of former party allegiance, must
blush for their State when they realize
that the most conservative but always
loyal element of tbe conservative Senate
has found it necessary to characterize one
of their representatlnes In that body by
such terms as were applied to Senate" Pet-
tigrew when be attempted to insert Agui-
naldo's utterances in tbe Record for tbe
purpose of making them frankable docu
ments for use in the political campaign
of the Populist and Democratic parties.
A Texas tiaper is responsible for tbe
following on "Poor Old Kentucky
"Man born in the mountains of Ken
tucky is of feud days and full of virus,
He fishetb, fiddleth, cusseth and figbteth
all the days of bis miserable life. He
sbunnetb water as a mad dog and drink-
etb much mean whisky. When ho de
sireth to raise b be planteth a neigh
bor, and lot he reapeth 20-fold. He
rlsetb even from tbe cradcl to seek tbe
scalp of bis grandsi re's enemy, and bring
etb home in his carcass the ammunition
of lis neighbor's wife's cousin's father-in-law
who avergeth the dead. Yea,
verily bis life Is uncertain and he knows
not the hour when he may be jerked
hence. He goeth forth on a journey half
shot, and cometb home on a shutter shot
He rlsetb In the night to let the cat out,
and it taketh nine doctors three days to
pick tbe buckshot out of him. He goetb
forth in joy and gladness and cometh
back in scraps and fragments. A cyclone
blowetb him into the bosom of his ueigh
lior's wife and his neighbor's wife's bus
band bloweth him into Abraham's bosom
before be batb time to ex .lain. He emp
tieth a demijohn into himself and a shot
gun Into bis enemy, and bis enemy's son
lioth in wait for birn on election day, and
lo I the coroner ploweth un a forty-acre
field to bury the remains of that man.
Woe, woe is Kentucky, for ber eyes are
red with bad whisky, and her soil is
stained with the blood of innocent moonshiners."
Eureka Harness Oil fs the best
preservative ot new leuttier
and the best renovator ol old
leatluT. Ilolln, nofteiiB, black
ens and protects. Use
Harness Oil
on your bmt harness, your old hsr
nms. snd your cnrrlSKtop, and they
will not only look better but wear
longer, hold everywhere in cmn ail
sixes front hull ints to five callons.
NKte by STiMllSU Oil IV.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
tion will le mado tu the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Forest county. State of
Pennsylvania, on the'iiith day of frehrti
ary, JiHKi, at 'J:w o ciock, p. m unaer ine
Actor Assembly. 01 tne uommonweaitn
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to
provide tor the incorporation and re illa
tion ot cortain corporations," approved
April 2!)th, 1874, and the supplements
therein, for tiie cnartor or an inienanii
corporation to be called "Watson Farm
Methodist Episcopal Church," the char
acter and object whereof is for the pur
pose of the support or public worship, ac
cording to the faith, doctrine, discipline
and usages or tho Metuouist Episcopal
Church, and for tills purpose to nave,
nossess and en oy all the rights, benefits,
and privileges of the said Act ot Assem
bly anu its supplements.
the proposed L'liarter is now on nie in
the Prothonotary s omce.
St I. r. hitch EY, solicitor
it I
In this line our assortment is unlimited;
comprising Blue aui Black Sorgt, Brillisn
tine, Blue Broadcloth, etc , and in wash goods
we have tiie Oucrl line of Lancaster Uing
hams, Dress Ginghamf, Piques plain and
fancy Percale, et-., that was ever shown iti
Tionesta. Come and see
- v, VjfJrd I
Just as much as glasses on a Ten-
Day-Old baby, when they compare
their stock and prices with that to
be found ' j33D
TP. tcr rrtt4 WFa rmrr
We handle the famous Fisher find liii linn)
son brands. Anyone who wears times knows
that these are two of the lust makes on the
market. We can fit anybody at prices that
can't be beat , '
We handle the finest line of canned goods
that is sold in town. All uho buy from us
will tell you so. Come and see nur stock nf
Potted Meats, Condensed Soups, dc. The
class of eoods we handle is A 1. None better.
Lawrence & Smearbauah.
Odlcial Watch Inspector and Kepairer
for the W. N. Y. A P. and i. S. A M. S.
Send or bring j-onr work to us.
Strayed Away.
Last summer some tim9 a bull which
would now be about one and a half years
old, strayed from the premises of J. I.
Dean, Fork Run, Kingsley township.
The owner will give a suitable reward
for tbe return of the animal or informa
tion leading to bis whereabouts. It
Try the irrocerv depaitment Tio
nesta Casll.iit.ore. H
Dr. James'
Headache's gone be
fore you know it if
you use
Dr. James'
Headache Powders.
No stupefying drugs
to deaden the nerves
nothing at all that
could possibly harm
the weakest constitu
tion. "Dr. James Headache Powders
brought me instant relief afier a
dozen other remedies had utterly
failed." Bav. N. J. Harbit.
Alabama, Wis.
At Your Druggists.
4 Doses 10 Cents.
Charter Notice.
In Ute Court' of Common l'leim, for the
Count n of twett.
Notice is horehy given that an applica
tion will be made to the said Court on
Feb. 20. liKlO. at 2 p. m.. under the Act of
Assembly of the Commonwealth of I'enn
sylvania, entitled "An Act to Provide for
the Incorporation ana Keguia'ion 01 cer
tain Corporations," approved April 2i,
174, and the supplements thereto, for the
Charter of an intended Corporation to be
called The Zion Church of the Evangeli
cal Association of North America in For
est County, Stato of Pennsylvania, the
character and object whereof is the sup-
ixirtor the public worship nt Aimignty
God and the spread of Scriptural holiness
through the world, according to the faith,
doctrine, discipline and usages nf the
Kvangelical Association of Aortn Ameri
ca, and for these p.irposes to have, pos-
sea and enjoy all the rignts, oen nis ana
privileges of the said Act of Assembly
and its supplements.
The protiosed charter is now on nie in
the Prothonotary's office.
Pabmlep. S IjINDSky, solicitors.
Notice of Appeals
Notice is hereby given that tho County
Commissioners ot rorest county win
meet at ihoir odlce In the Court House,
in Tlonesta borough on the llltli, Uth and
15th days of February next for the pur
pose of'holding a Court of Anneals from
the assessment of 1900.
K. M. Ukhman,
Jno. T. Cabson,
Atteat: County Commissioners.
J. T. D.vlk, Clerk. 4t
Cure Where
Executrix Notice.
Estate of Ell S. Holoman, late of Tio
nesta Borough, Forest county, Pa., deceased.
Letters testamentary on the above es
tate liavintr been eranted to the under
signed, all persons owing said estate are
requested to make immeuiaie payment,
and those having claims against the sa e
will present them without delay for set
tlement to Julia L. Holkman,
Tionesta. Pa.. Jan. 30, 1900. Executrix.
Administrator's Notice.
The undersigned having been appoint
ed administrator of tho estate of 8. C
Smith, late of Harmony Township, For
est County, deceased, all persons owing
said estate are notified to make immedi
ate navment. and those having claims
against the same will piesent them, duly
authenticated, for settb mcnt. Persons
owing the decedent on tax duplicate for
mrj, are also nonnea mat immeaaie set'
tlement will be required.
Geo L. Kino, Administrator.
West Hickory, Pa., Jan. 15, 1900.
Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug
fies to let upon the most reasonable terms.
Io will also do
AU orders lea at the Post Office wil
receive prompt attention.
I have been able to get the nan I want
ed and I believe I am putting him in the
right place, at least I have confidence in
Tionesta and vicinity to the extent of
putting in a nrst class watch meker ana
Jeweler, wlio will uo everything unaer
my supervision, and I will give this vi
cinity a thorough test as I beliove it will
pay. I believe the people would prefer
to trade at home if they can net as good
satisfaction and I know that a trial will
convince them it will be more satisfac
tory. 1 bave been fortunate enough to
secure tho services of Mr. L. A. Morgan,
a practical watchmaker and jeweler who
lias nan over n years experience, mr.
Morgan Is very woll acuusinted.not very
distant, having worked Tor V. Shopperle
of Oil City, and C. W. White of Titus-
ville, and he certainly lias tne besto. ref
erence and I will guarantee you that all
work will bo rightly done. I will be
down to take charge of Tionesta store in
a very fow davs. Mr. Morgan
will follow after I return. The store will
be open all day except meal hours.
Thanking you for past favors, Hesptfully,
Itiing Tour Railroad Ties.
Landers A Wyman pay 20 cents cash
for Nos. 1 and 2 pin oak and chestnut
ties j 48 and 30 cents cash, respectively
for Nos, 1 and 2 white oak ties, aud six
cents per foot for while oak logs nine
inches in diameter at top end, any longib.
Address, Tionesta, Pa. It .
Uncle or otlior ncho rc
iiitiiiiN; Mill JointH, laiini
and Koro mtiMclcN, iiikI
rliiniiat In iiIiih vuiiImIi
ntter iikIhc
Everything new and up to date
for making
- AND -
on hand for sale a full stock in
our line.
Bridge St., - Tlonesta, Pa
Fred. Grcttcnbcrgcr
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmilhing prompt
ly done at Low Bates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
a V
The oUU'Ht) iicM Hpiniet
i In 4'Ollllt v.
W '
pjj Tins JLiiii'c
rS The llKt Alvortlwinr
it Ciriilntioii. W
lliiille iiikI Ilp
iii nil 3tal tWix.
11. H
Itewt) lrnoilitlfN For Turn
iiriiOutl'Miie.Toli l'rlnt
liiffonShori fo !.
The Fonmr MEFumicdN
Both Pa l'ers Foit $1.00 In Ad vaxce. '
Having purchased the livery barn lo
cated in rear of Hotel Agnew and after
adding many new and up-to-date rigs we
are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to
the people of t. lis vicininity and guaran
tee lo fit you out in first-class style.
We will make a specialty of furnishing
rigs Tor Funerals, Weddings, Receptions
com i? and hi:i: IS.
We can teach you to become a compe
tent short hand reporter, by mail. A
standard system. Easy lo learn ; easy to
read ; easy to write, huccefs guaranteed
Send ten icntsfin stamps) for first lesson
Write for particulars. Address the
Th Warren Business University, War
ren, Pa.
TJOW about your stock of Stationary?
x A We do bigli class Jon mining.
cflect Jan. 10, 1900.
Trains leave Tio
nesta for Oil City
and points west as
follows :
No. 31 Butl'alo Express, daily
except Sunday- 12:00 noon.
No. 33 Oil City Ex ress, daily
except Sunday- ' 7:46 p.m.
For Hickory.Tidiotito, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, Glean and the East :
No. 30 Olean Express, daily
except Sunday 8:15 a. m.
No. 32 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday 4:19 p. m.
Get Time Tables and full information
from J. W. McCREA, Agent, Tionesta,
R. BELL, Gcn'ISupt,
Oen'l Passenger Ticket Agent,
General office, Mooney-Brisbane Bid
Cor. Main and Clinton Sta., Buflalo,N.Y
and honest persons to represent us
as Managers in this and close-by coun
ties. Hillary $!NHJ a year and expenses.
Straight, bona fide, no more no I ) sal
ary. PosiUon permmient. Our refer
ence', any batik in any town. It is main
ly ollico woik condiicied at homo. Ref
erence. Enclose self-addressed stamped
envelope. Til H Dosiniu.n Co., Dep't 3,
Chicago, III. 10-1 1-iW.
The Sires photograph gallery will be
open lor business on Saturday of each
week. Don't forgot the day. if