JTHLF0RESTJREPUBL1CAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY Zl. There are tome tbingi like drugs that you can get bet- z ter ami cheaper at a drug (tore than anywhere else. One of lliera ia soap we meao toilet soap, of course. Da you remember the old original white castile toip that used to strike terror to our youthful hearts when Saturday evening came rouod, marking the time for the weekly "acrub." We've got that kiud (the oldest and best castile) t 20c per lb 6 ) or 3 J lb cakes for 25c. A dozen different kinds of good toilet and bath soaps at 5 and 10 cents a cake. Packers, Cuticura and other special purpose soaps a full line. Williams' famous Yankee Shaving Soaps mug soap and shaving stick. The shaving siick, by the way makes shaving a pleasure, to those who are their own barbers. Pear's the kind Henry Ward Beecber used unscent . ed 15c, the scented costs 20c. Those who know and want the highest priced soaps, can pet White Rote Glycerine No. 4711, Cashmere Bo quet and Rogers A Galleta soaps. There are no better. The best and purest drugs and chemicals io stock. Elm and Bridge Streets. THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1000. FIRE INSURANCE ..AM).. REAL ESTATE AGENCY --OH-- c j. urn & son, TIOXESTA, PA. All Leading Companies ItfitreaenU'd. Wild Lands, Farm's, Houses tC Lots for Sale or Kent. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. New Advertisements. Trial List. Lnmmerx. Ad. Cluirtnr Notion. Kxecutrix Notice. Court Proclamation, f'ontlrmation Notice, .(aim, dry good. Ad. Clarion Normal. lineal. Notice. Tionosta DriiKUixt. Oil uinrket closed at $ 1.13. Oil and gas leases at this otllce. . Y,ou can pet it at Hopkins' atoro. tf. Just look over our advertisements then advertise. Kli Perkins at tho court house next Tuesfluy night. Many a man resembles a rooster. He docs tho crowing while his wifo does the work. Er. Meadville 1ms raised nearly $75,000 to Bflcuro tho establishment in that city of a malleable iron works. "Many people become unpopular be cans tney do not take auflleient paii.s to conceal what thoy know." -The Wrst Hickory W. C. T. U. will hold a parlor meeting at the home or Mrs. Orion Sitig ns, Feb. 17th. Tionesta Summer School w ill begin May 7, UMiO. Those desiring info-mation adilress It. N. Specr, Tionesta, Pa. tf Pierce Lukehart had his loft forearm very seriously crushed while w-rking in the timber woods on tho headwaters of Queen creek, Hickory township, last Friday. Tertfhors whose terms close late this j ear can have a continuous coutse at the Clarion State Normal until August. This will Induce many to plnn to enter that school as soon as their own schools close. In the February number of the Re vifiv of Iievitwa appears an Illustrated character sketch of the late Pwlght L. Moody by Mr. George Perry Morris.who writes a discriminating estimate of the evangelist and his world-wido work. A man by the nam a of Corn wus mar ried In Indiana county to a lady uy the name of Wheat. Tho choir sang "What Shall the Harvest Ite?" A boy In the audience yelled "nubbins," and ihey forthwith ejected him from the church. Ex. A Franklin woman presented her husband with a sewing machine for a Christwas paesent. He thought It was a (rood J ke and told all his friends what a tine practical woman his wife was. Last week he got a bill for the machine. Kit tanning Eree IWts. . Twenty college girls nave been tell ing the brightest and nioct amusing pranks and lai ks of their school days for publication In the March Ladies' Home Journal. These littla lapses trom school discipline clearly reveal the American girl's mental brightness and excessive love of whnlesomo fun. An exchange says: "It should be the business of the secre.ary of every organl r.tlon to give the local ?aper the names of the newly elected olUcer as soon as the election tak is place. The reason an editoi publishes many notices of one so cioty aod none of others ia because some secretaries are alive to the interests of their societies, while the others are dead." Pete Cams has the honor of captur ing thelargcst wild cat that has been shown in this place this winter. He brought in ono lust Fridsy that weigh ed 28 pound measured i leet and 7 i iches from tip to tip But "Pete" was not satisfied at that, and he and Charley Amann went out the next day and caught another one. The last one was not so largo as the other, but Amann.wlio says be sliot It (an we never knew Amann to lie "unless it was strictly nec essary" l.savs that it looked larger to him than Jumbo ever thought of bring. How ever the cat was kil.ed but Charley' . ... .i . The workman Lodge ol this place will give a box festival at their Hall on the evening of Feb. 23d, to which a gen eral invitation is extended. Tho ladies of the W. C. T. U. have aeloctod Feb. 13' h as the date upon which they will hold their bazaar, at the Kill mor building, corner Elm and Bridge streets. A hen's egg came into the possession of the writer the other day that chal lengesthe neighliorhood to produce a like winter-month fruit that will knock the spurs nfiTor it. Ita dimentinns are : di ameter, 8J In. and 21 in. ; circumference, 8 in. and 61 in. When it's anything in the grocery line you want call on Ams'.ar. There you will II nd it strictly fresh and first class. His stock of canned goods com prises the greatest variety to be found in the city. And for vegetables and fruit of course it is well known he takes the lead. 2t Nearly one hundred thousand copies of the Biggie Books have been sold. No. I la about horses. No. 2 treats of berries of all kinds. No. 3 ia a poultry book a gem. No. 4 tells all about cowa and dairying, while No. 5 ia the most com prehensive book on swine yet printed. Price of each, 50 cents. Address Wilmer Atkinson Co., Philadelphia. The New York Herald very truly says that advertising is not a matter of sentiment or favor, but a simple busi ness, based on the lawa of trade. People advertise where they find it pays best where they get the most satisfactory r turns for their money. The advertising patronage of a newspaper ia the scale by which lta standing in the community ia measured. Who says so T Earm Journal says an, and If Earm Journal says so, it la so. You must have It; ao march up and pay for the IU publican a year ahead. We have a clubbing arrangement by which wo can send ur paper and the Earm Journal lor nearly five years, the balance of 1900, and all of l'JOl, 1902, 1003 and 1004, at the price of our paper alone. Pay up and be happy. Fire was discovered shortly before $ o'clock Saturday morning in the build ing occupied by Schellhammer A Son's hardware atoie at Warren aud did dam age to the amount of $10,000, covered by insurance. The fire is supposed to have originated in the basement ofthnelevator shiift, communicating to the third floor which was used as a tin shop. The en tire building was gutted with fire and water. The Domocnits of the Borough have put up the following ticket, and they think they are going to elect some ol them. We don't want to be mean about it, ao we'll "give them another think :' ' Burgess, W. F. Killmer; School Direc tors, L. Fulton, J. B. Muse; Councilmen, P. C Hill, O. U.Gaston, It. L. Easl tt ; Justices of Peace, J. W. Landers, D. W. Claik ; Collector, Philip Emert; Audi tors, W. M. Hood, Sharp Maxwell; Judge of Elections, 8. H. Haslett; In. spector, Jas. J. Landers. Three boys of Union City were ar rested Tuesday and fined two dollai a and costs for jumping on freight trains of the P. A E. road. If some such example ahoiild be made of daily practiceof jump ing on arid olf trains, in Oil City, of the horde of boys who make a daily prac ico f jumping on and off trains, it would have a wholesome effect and perhaps be the means of saving an occasional life or limb. Blizzard. The same warning will apply In fullest force to the practice about the statl-.n at this place. Tne re peated warnings have heretofore failed. There should be some more stringent metboda employed now. Grace Idona Mealy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mealy of Tionesta township, died at the home of her par nts on Wednesday evening last after a abort illness. The young lady was on a visit to her sister, Mrs C. F. Feit, at Wolfe's Corners soma three weeks ago, and was attacked by that dreaded disease dipthe ria in a malignant form. She was taken 1 1 her borne, and after some days' severe su tiering, was recovering when pneumo niasetinand she expired in a abort time. The deceased was aged 19 years, 7 months and 24 days, and was a bright, cheeiful young lady, greatly boloyed and respected by all who know her. When 14 yeors of age she was converted, and when death came to her she was prepared to go. Besides the heartbroken parents, she is survivod by several brothers and sisters. The bereaved family h.'s the sincere sympathy of all in the neighbor hood. Mr. and Mrs. Mealy wish to thank the neighbors anu friends who ao kindly gave them every possible aid and comfort (luring the trials through which they have just passed. YOU AND I0UU FKIEXD. Hart Lawrence spent Monday night in Oil City. Mrs. I). W. Clark was an Oil City visitor yesterday. Hon. N. P. Wheeler was down from Endeavor a few hours yesterday. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Chad wick, Thuracay, Jan. 25, 1900. a son. W. W. Hogue of Tidinute was a bus iness visitor to Tiour-sta on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Grove were vis itors to Oil City relatives over Sunday. Miss Elsie Newkirk of Sandy Lake ia a guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Carson. Benjamin Stover of East Hickory has been granted a pension of flO per month. W. W. Gelvin went to Forest county Tuesday on business. Meadville Ga zette.. Miss Inez llrownell was recently elected a teacher In the Warren publio school. Dr. Towler and son Harry were over from Marienville a few hours of last Wednesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Swab at Hunters station, Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1900, a daughter. Mrs. Q. Jamieson and Mrs. J. H. Fnnes and daughter, Hazel, were Oil City visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Turner ol South Oil City were guests of Mr. and -Mrs. John Sannerof this place last Tuesday. A marriage license was issued to S.O. Sliker of Clarion county and Mary Mong of Tionesta twp., Forest county, Jan. 23. Mrs. Charles Wright, of Spencerville, Ohio, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Johnson, for the past tlireo weeks, has returned to her home. Many friends here of Miss Zmna Tate, a former Tionesta young lady, will be Interested to learn ofber marriage on the 25th lust., at Marseilles, III., to Mr. Luther P. Osgood. Mrs. Johu Swanson, who has been s aying with the parents of her husband at Jamieson at ttion for the past six or eight months, departed last waek for South Bend, Ind., where she will join her husband who has located there. James RalTerty, one of Green town Bhip's oldest residents, died at his home noar Colinza on Saturday last. At the same time one of his children, aged about throe years, also died. Both were bur led In one grave on Monday. Mr. Raf- furty was aged about 65 years. D. F. A. Wheelock or Warren, Win E. Mitchell of Lockhayen, and F. F, Whittekin of Tionesta were in Clarion last Monday. They came to make a sur vey of some property in dispute in Mill- creek township on the line of Jefl'erson county. They left for Brookville on Tuesday morning. Clarion Republican. Don't forget Ell Perkina at the court house next Tuesday evening. Secure your seats at once, before the best are all taken. Itev. Dr. MacArthur has been se cured for the third of the aeries of lec tures by the committee having the course in charge. The date ot this lecture is set for the 14th or Feb. The County Auditors' report appears in this issue. It Is considerably more extended than usual this year, owing to the Poor Accounts which appear for the tirst time in the make-up. Take a glance at it. You will find It quite interesting. And the showing for the county is all right, too. Lizzio Beatty, aged seven years, whose parents live a short distance above Dawson station on the W. N. Y. P. road, was ver' seriously, and perhaps fa tally injured last Friday. A pan of grease was upset from the stove upon the child and took fire, and betore the flames could bo extinguished the little girl was terribly burned. Dr. Morrow of West Hickory is the attending physician, and he reports bin patient in a very criti cal condition. There is practically nothing new to report in oil mattera hereabouts this week. About all operations have ceased for the time bcin., or until the weather is more protitious for that class of work. The well on Adam Emert's farm, German Hill, is dry, the drillers having pulled tho casing and abandoned the bole. About the most ticklish thing that has happened tho oil producer within the past week is the advance in price of 2 cents a barrel on his product. Editor Denuison of the Bradford Era hits the nail on the head in the following in his "Random Notes" column : The profits of advertising are not diiect, as the returns from a sale. Nevertheless, .vi.on the proper medium for bringing an advertisement before the publio is se lected tbe profits are usually immediate, although, of course, they come iu a round-about manner. If at times they seem delayed it is because ti e merchant's announcement did not reach the people wii se patronage be seeks or because there is no passing demand for the spec ial linn of warns which he mav have for sale. In either case the profit is sure to come eve tually; for tbe purpose ot ad vertising is to awaken interest in the tradesman's goods, and onco having aroused the interest the wary merchant will perceive tbe necessity of sustaining It a result sure to be attained by a per sistent use of a great newspaper's adver tising columns. Local Institutes. The teachers of Harnett twp. will bold their second local institute at the Green wood M. E. church on Saturday, Feo. 10, 1900. Program as follows: 0:30 A. M. Informal Session. Devotional Exercises, Kev. Montgom ery. Address of Welcome, Ell Kubns. Response, Luke Shu maker. Geography, Laura Dunkle.Lolo Kuhua, L. C. Urenneinaii. The Place of tho Text Book, S. A. Mah le, Effle Boer. 1:3) p. m. The Need of Institute Work, Supt. E. E. Stltzingcr. The Teacher as an Educational Factor, Luke Shumaker, Olivia Stewart. Physiology, R. A. Reed, Rose McC'los Key, Flora Williams. The 1900 Calendar issued by the NJckei Plate Road will le mailed to any one sending address to the General Passenger Agent, Cleveland, Ohio. No. 11 It List of Jurors, Feb. Term, 1900. GRAND JURORS. Atcock, Joseph, laborer, Haruiouy. Baughman, John, laborer, Juks. Bradabaugh, J., engineer, Kingsley. Berlin, J. II. farmer, Kingsley. Burhenn, John, farmer, Kingsley. Blum, W. F., blacksmith. Borough. Clark, W. Sn farmer, Tionesta tp. Dickson, Frank, superintendent, Howe. Gillespie, Fran If, jobber, Kingsley. Hartman, W. A., laborer, Kingsley. H tiling, Seth, laborer, Green. Harrison, Perry, farmer, Kinaaley. Jamieson, Quintain, lumberman, Boro. Kiser, Harvey, farmer, Green. May, W. L., shoemaker, Barnett. . Ogdn, William, jobber, Jenks. Rodgera, W. G., stonemason, Tionesta tp. Miriver, J. A., farmer, Tionesta tp. Tobey, Myron J., laborer, Kingsley. Turner, F. P., Insureuce agnt, Jenks. Wilton, C. H., justice peace, Jenks. Wray,amuel, farmer, Jenks. Williams, F. L., laborer, Barnett. Wilson, Gu contractor, Jenks. PETIT JURORS. Bean, Cbas., farmer, Hickory, Brewster, R. B., laborer, Kingsley. Bashline, G. D., laborer, Kingsley. Collii a, J. B., clerk, Kingsley. Cook, T. B., lumberman, Barnett. Dobson, J. W., laborer, Barnett. Dale, A. It., lumberman, Borough. Dickrager, Win , farmer, Hickory. Eldridge, ("lias. D., farmer, Jenks. Faller, Philip, farmer, Tionesta tp. Guitou, John, laborer, Jenks. Huber, L. W., farmer, Barnett. Hunter, Charles, laborer, Tionesta tp. Heath, John, laborer, Jenks. Keen, Joseph, laborer, Tionesta tp. Lamb. W. t. laborer, Howe. McGaffin, James, pumper, Howe. Moyer, John B., laborer, Tanks. McCormick, H. B., sawyer, Howe. Mute, J. B., editor, Borough. Mclntyre, W. H., laborer, Burnett. Morse, J. I., blvksmith, Kingsley. Monday, George, larmer, Tionesta tp. Niely, W. H., farmer, Jenks. Nasli, Frank, la'iorer, Kingsley. Neil, Sye, farmer, Harmony, Osgood, L. J., filer, Hickory. Osgood, W. B., laborer, Kingsley. Parrish, J. W., laborer, Jenks. Painter, J. L., laborer, Jenks. Parsons, J. J., farmer, Jenks, Patterson, M. V., lumberman, Jouks. Rover, Frank, laborer, Barnett. Rock, Frank, laborer, Jenks. Richards, J. O., driller, Kingsley. Slaughenhaupt, W. E., laborer, Barnett. Snyder, Frank, laborer, Jenks. Smnllen, W. P., clerk, Jenks. Walker, F. P., livery keeper, Borough, Wolf, John, farmer, Tionesta tp. Wolf, L. W., laborer, Howe. Zuende), George, farmer, Kingsley. Zeller, H. C, merchant, Jenks. Zuendel, T. F., farmer, Kingsley, From the Far West. From a personal let'er from John F. Root, of Oslrander, Washington, to hia old friend, George Bovard, of this place, wo are permitted to-make the following extracts ; I was just thinking of the good old times I used to have on Tionesta creek and in Tionesta, and how ofteu I have run into your store to get some little ar ticle. I sometimes wish I was back there, th -n, again, I don't like cold weather. Out here we have had very nice, warm wrather; in lact, black raspberries have matured aud ripened this winter, dande lions aro in bloom, grass is growing, trees are budding and some fruit trees aro nearly blooming. We have a great deal of rain, but no cold weather. Wt- ure putting in logs on the railroad at the rate of about 60,000 feet per day. Five donkey engines in the woods skid the logs to tho railroad where the logs are put on the cars, aod h '.uled by an engine to the Cowlitz river, five miles, and there rafted. Here tow-boats come and take the rafts to Portland, fifty-one miles. We put about 300,000 feet in a raft and get for them ff.50 to $9.00 per M, log measure. Tho lengths run from 24 to 170 feet. Wo live near the banks of the Cowlitz river, 9 miles from tho Columbia river, and 81 miles from the Pacific ojetui. E. S. Collins is making great improve ments out bore. He built a largo store, blacksmith shop, carpenter shop, saw mill, steamboat warehouse, railroad sta tion on the Northern Pacific, and 8 or 10 dwellings. Last year he bui.t about a mile of new railroad and rebuilt about a quarter of a mile of old road. We have a tine church, bui t by Mr. Collins, have preaching and Sabbath school regularly, and prayer-meeting every Wednesday evening. We have also a good day school with an attendance of 38 or more scholars daily. Remember me kindly to all old Iriends. Annllier Xerr Railroad. For the information of persons who may desire to secure employment as railroad buildor, the Era is pleased this morning to announce that the contract foi the construction of the Sheffield A I ioneta railroad has b-n aw rded to Crage A Trench, of No. 61 Terrace, Buffa lo, N. Y. This road is to be 24 miles long and will run from Mayburg, at the terminus of the T. A S. C. railroad, to Sheffield, Pa., connecting at that point with the Tionesta Valley railroad and the P. A E. branch of the Pennsylvania. The nontractors have established their headquarters at Sheffield, Warren coun ty, Pa., and will put 500 men at work as aoou as camps can be built to accommo date them. The clearing, trestle building and heavy rock work will be commenced in the spring as soon as the froet ia out of the ground. This construction company wat incor porated January 6. 1900, with IJ35.000 capital. T. D. Collins of Nebraska, Pa., In president. Bradford Era. So far as we hare been able to ascertain the dis tance is only 10 miles. That Is the only objection we have to the foregoing item. Notice. On and alter Monday, February 5,1900. all Patent Medicines will be sold by the undersigned dealers, at the prices mark ed by the manufacturers of the remedies. G. W. I'OVAKD, H RATH A KlLMKR, J. D. Davis. Wood-Choppers Wanted. Tho undersigned will pav one dollar twentytive rents per cord for rutting 4-oot wood. ZTi.OOO cords to be cut this season. Apply to C. W. Freeman, Kush eoua, McKea'n Co., Pa., Foreman lor Eltsha K. Kane. 3t "PI tli Perkins The oommitiee of the lecture course have been fortunate in securing Eli Per kins for their second entertainment, and he will meet a large audience at the Court House in Tionesta next Tuesday evening, Feb. 6th, if present indications are worth a cent.. Mr. Richards at the Gas Office has sold a large amount of tlia reserved seat room already, exclusive of the course tickets, and those who would prefer a ticket of this kind should call on him at once. Many general admission tickets have also been sold, and word conies from Kellettville and other places that many will avail themselves of this opportunity of hearing the man of whom they have read ao much. He'll he here sore for lie says so himself on a postal card to Prof. Spear, chairman of the com mittee, as follows : "Iain always pres ent when I lecture. If all trains brea down I will walk up from Pittsburg and let my truth and veracity follow on a freight. My subject w.ll be 'Philosophy of Wit, and Stories Around the Stove.' It will be along scholastic lines and con tain as much fun as your strongest man can stand." Don't fail to bear the im morta Eli. Reserved seats 50 cents, gen eral admisaion 35c, and children 25c. West Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. John Vail were Tidioute visitors the first of the week. Miss Josephine Carson bade frl nds at Hickory "Au revoir" to surprise friends and relatives at Nebraska. Mr. J. A. Turner went to Tidioute to spend Sabbath with ia parents. Miss Justina Siggins, after a lortnight's w res lie with a severe cold, is convalscenl Geo. Hood was in Oil City on business this week. Mrs. A. J. Siggins entertained a few friends at dinner Thursday. Miss Hel 'n Wilkinsentertaiued ten of her young friends at u birthday party last Tuesday, it being her tenth birthday. Services, which were held by Rav. Mc Auinch of Tionesla at Endeavor, lound leverat faithful attendants from "West Town." Church and League were postponed on account of revival services at East Town, which are being conducted by Rev. R. L. Foulke. The snow storm of this week was wel comed by everyone, especially the lum bermen. Several members of the W. C. T. U. aud others attended au oyster supper given by the Endeavor W. C. T. U. on Tuesday evening. Mr. W. G. Wilkins is our new post master. By all appearam es he is a very busy man, having the post otrice, tele phone central and drug store to look af ter. He is being ably essisted by hia postal clerks, Mrs. W, and son Fred. The lath mill, which has been tooting ita whistle under tue management of J. O. Carson, has ceased Its soothing noise for lack of bolts. "Lucky." - Births and Deaths. The number of births and deaths in Forest county during the year 1H99 is shown in the following table taken from the record in the Prothonotary a office: Township. Bir.ha. Deaths. Jenks, 35 16 Hickory, 15 2 Green, 23 8 Kingsley, 17 4 Tionesta, 18 5 Howe, 56 15 Barnett, 26 7 Harmony, 13 00 Borough, 3 3 Total, 05 60 A Beautiful Monument. One of the largest snd most expensive monuments in Warren county has lately been erected on the lot of H. A. Jamie Bon in Oakland cemt-tery. It Is of Quin cy, Mass., granite, sarcophagus pattern, with ornamental columns and caps beau titully carved. Surmounting thia pedes tal is an einblainatic statute ot Uope that ia 8 feet, 6 inches in height, making the total height of the monument twenty feet from the ground. It is from I. e Foley Bros., Olean, N. Y Warren Mir ror. Statbok Ohio, City okToi.kdo, j Lucus County, J Frank J. Chunky makes oath that ho is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City ot Toledo, County and State afore sai ', and that said firm will pay tiie sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eac h and every case of Catarrh that can not be cured by the uso of Jl all's Ca tarrh Curb. FRANK J. CHENF.Y. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this Ulh day ot D- eember, A." I). 1890. skai.. A. W. GLEASON, Xotary I'ubtie. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces ol the system. Send for testimonials, tree. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. Hold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. NOTICE. Wo, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 cent bot tles or boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit ters, if it fails to core constipation, bil iousness, sick-headache, Jaundice, loss of appotite, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, or any of tne diseases for which it Is recommended. It is highly recommended as a spring tonic and blood purifier. Sold liquid In liottles and tab lets in boxes. Price 25 cents for either, one package of either guaranteed to irive Mtisiaction or money refunded. Heath A Killmer. TEE FACT -THAT CMS. E WHITEMAN, WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full line of GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED. WE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE COUNTY. AXD jfOgTHAT REASON OUR STOCK IS 'ALWAYS FKESH, AND WR TAKE PRIDE IN K EEPING IT SO. IF YOU DO NOT TRADE WITH US G IV E US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. CHAS. HI. WHITEMAN. --Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes. IWs Your Chance! "Clean Up" Sale of Ladies Jackets is on here now. We are going to close out our entire line regard les of cost. Following is a list of sizes that we have in stock. One Size 33 Illaek, One Size 31 " One Size 40 " Two Nlze 40 One Size 40 " One Nize 32 light covert, This is a rare opportunity to get a good Jacket at a very low price. Come in. Look Them Over. . J. Hopkins. JAMES, - Dry Goods. February Usually one of the most quiet mouths of tli" year, from a commercial stand po'nt. This ia a thorougely progres sive store, and we're determined to make a good showing during thia month. G 'nils and prices, the lever with which to efl'ect thia. There's a splendid showing here of NEW SPRING COTTONS, and tho? who do their shopping along this line tarly, will have the privilege of a spleudid assortment Those at a distance can shop hy mail, to the same advantage as though they were here in person. Wanting samples at auy time, write ns. saying about what ia wanted a- d we will be pleased to send them. WILLIAM B. JAMES, Telephone ir7, 203 CENTRE X 204 SYCAMORE STREETS, OIL CITY, PA. THERE are TWO CLASSES of MEN whom this ev ut will iuterest those who need Overcoat now and who have been waiting for "Lammers'' to make a cut in prces, aurt thee who. while not requiring new garments this season, will gladly purchase for neit winter f r the sake of the handsome saving to he made. Our motive iu making such reductions as are Indicated below is one of ordinary b isiness prudence. The regular season is over, spring goods will soon claim floor room, and our policy hs always been to stdl without regard to profit rather than l carry overstock. But what YOU want to know is simply "What is this sale worth to me in dollars and cents?" Here is the answer: Blue and Ulack Overcoat-, with velvet collars, deep cloth facing, and a good $8 00 worth, for only 8.1.7"5. Heavy liijht colored divert OvercoHls, stylish and substantial, aod as good as you'll find anywhere for 810, we offer for $7.50. Blue and Black Kersey Overcoats, rirhlv gotten up with velvet collats, substantial sleeve linings uod good body liuiuga emiteel in appearance coats that will give the best of attisfactinn usual 112 itarineot, for $8.90. Fine qu ilities of Kersey and Mltoo Ovorcoats, in black, blue aud medi um shades, linn I throughout with satin, satin sleeva linings, silk velvet col lars coats worth ever? pennv of Jl." we i.fir al$11.50. 1'ijally trot I vilu will be f o.m i i i .ur spl-ulid assrtmeot of Ulster nd Keeliirs We m1" in I k,1l i'i rem r all clithiui trmght of us, frea. LAMMERS', 34 SENEGA ST., Arlington HMd TheDunlap Golf Hat For meu, wunjeu AuS bote has captured the entire Coun try. Iu the iarge cilie or ders can not be filled fast enough ou thia popular style. We have them in correct colors. See our windows. PRICES: Men's -Women's Boys' - $2.50 $2.50 $1.50 Sole agents lor Dunlup'N Men's and Women's Huts. THE McCUEN CO. 25 AND 29 SENECA ST. , OIL CITY. PA. was $13, now $ 8. 1C, 12. C, " 4. 12, 8. 10, 7. IO, 7. OIL CITY, PA. diraetly oppoMleiu.