THF FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. C. WINK, - Editor 4 Proprietor. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13. IS99. The Mormons who want bygones to be bygones made mistake in sending a by gone to Congress. In every town entered by oor troops in Luzon there are demonstrations of pub lic rejoicing. The inhabitants are de lighted to be rolioved from the rule of thugs and bandits. The President speaks of China as "great field for American trade and en tei prise." That strikes the business men of America as a sound remark. "The future government of the Philip pines," says the message, "rests with the Congress of the United States." If Con gress does its part as well as the Presi dent has done bis, all will be well. The message reaches the people at a moment whon the war in the Philppines seems to be in the lost stage. Congress may well congratulate the President on having advanced the subject to this point. The action of the Republican majority In the House of Representatives in adopt ing the Reed rules shows that the major ity means business, and that it intends to fulfill to tlio best of its ability the pledg es of the party. Those antis who are quoting William II. Seward, as an auti-expansionist bo cause he opposed the annexation of Tex as in the campaign of 1844, should go a little slow. Seward opposed the annex ation of Texas not because he was an anti expansionist, but because be wa against the acquisition of any more slave terri tory. The purchase of Alaska later con summated by Mr. Seward, showed his attitude upon expansion. The small record of business failures throughout the United States continues to annoy the spirits of those who would seem to prefer seeing business depression and panic under a Republican adminis tration, than prosperity and activity, even though they themselves share in it. The failures for the week ending Decem ber 2, 1809, according to Dun's Review, were only 144, as against 281 for the by no means unprosperous corresponding week of 1898. The Goebelites of Kentucky are downed at last, their effort to steal the Governorship having failed after a most spirited and altogether unwarranted con test. On Saturday morning last the elec tion certificate of William S. Taylor was signed by the election Commissioners and he was declared to be Governor-elect of Kentucky. The official figures of the Vote filed with the Secretary of State Fin- ley are: Taylor, 193,714; Goebel, 191,331. Taylor's plurality 2,383. The money in circulation in the United States has increased 33 per cent, since Mr. Bryan and his deluded followers at Chi cago and all oyer this country in 1896 an nounced that our money never could in crease without the free and unlimited coinago of silver. On July 1, 1890, the money in circulation was $1,509,725,200, and on Decembor 1, 1898, it was $1,085, 930,964, with prospect of crossing the $2,000,000,000 mark by the end of the present month, while the gold coin and certificates increased from $408,449,212 on July 1, 1896, to $778,388,303 December 1, 1899, a gain of 31 per cent, in total cur rency and 50 per cent, in gold and gold certificates. "The future government of the Phil ippines rests with the government of the United States. Few graver responsibili ties have ever been confided to us. If we accept them in a spirit worthy of our race and our traditions, a great opportu nity comes with them. The islands lie under the shelter of our flag. They are ours by every title of law and equity. They cannot be abandoned. If we desert them we leave them at once to anarchy and finally to barbarism. We fling them, a golden apple of discord, among the ri val powers, no one of which could per mit another to seize them unquestioned." President McKinley's Annual Message to Congress. The President's Message. The message of Presideut McKinley, submitted to Congress last week is a strong, able and conservative document. It gives to those to whom it is addressed some sound adyice upon the problems confronting the country and demanding solution at their hands. It is also an ex austive document, treating of many sub jects, in which the country is vitally in terested. As to the Philippines the President goes over the situation care fully up to the presem date.but leaves the iuture solution of the problem, as to what shall be done, in the hands of Congress. ITe speaks, howeyer, for order, peace and libeity with the largest protection of hu man rights possible. Such legislation as is necessary to permanently establish this country on a gold basis is advocated, and it is urged that the secretary of the treasury be given power to sell bonds when necessary to meet any emergency . that may arise. The importance of up buildingour merchant marine is referred to at length. Congress should lose no time in taking such steps as will insure increasing the amount of our expanding commerce that is carried in American vessels. The study of China as a field for American trade and enterprise is recom mended. The President takes up the bubject of trusts at considerable length, and loaves no doubt as to bis attitude to ward the class which are formed in the interest of the few as against the good of the many. The President's views with reference to our duty to our new possessions are in lino with bis public speeches upon the subject previous to the last election. They are in accord with those of the people, as was amply demonstrated nt the polls. These are but a few of the subjects touched upon. The message Is some twenty-eight thousand words in length On the outside pages of to-day's paper will be found an admirable condensa tion of the document, and we would ear nestly recommend a careful perusal t the same by all who have not already done so. Improve the Allegheny. The Republican has on nianv occa sions called attention to the advantage to be derived by the lumbermen of this sec tion in permanent improvement of the channel of the Allegheny river by the Government, and has frequently com mended the worR already done under governmental supervision as tending to ward the better navigaiiou of this fine stream. We are pleased to note that such journals as the Oil City Derrick is taking up the matter, and calling atten tion to the many advantages that would accrue from such work. In its issue of yesterday that paper says, editorially: Forest county is very much interested in the recommendation of Major Powell, of the, War Department, that $25,000 l e expended by the government in the im provement of the Allegheny river for the coming year. Its prosporjty is directly confined to tho maintenance of navig able channel to Pittsburg at certain sea sons of the year. The Allegheny has re ceived few considerations at the hands of Congress in the way of appropriations in the past, and though Forest is not in Mr. Sibley's district, his well known interest in public improvements of all kinds has inspired a number of tho progressive cit rons of the county to request his co-oper ation in this matter. No organization has ever boen formed in Forest county with view to securing government support in this matter, but the small improve ments that have been made from time to time under governmentsnpervisi.m have been highly appreciated. Theie has been no rafting stage in the river the past fall, but the people of Forest county have been enabled to get out a number of coal barg es and large amount ol lumber, owing to the fact that the improvements started a few years ago made such a thing prac ticable. If they had been compelled to depend on natural conditions in tho river and nothing had been done towards deep ening the channel, and directing the cur rent within circumscribed bounds, it would have been utterly impossible to have floated any lumber to the mouth of the river. There are from 150 to 200 coal barges built in Forest county every year at au average value of $1,200 to $1,500 each. These are floated down the Alle gheny and sold at Pittsburg for use iu the coal traffic between that city and points to the southward. The labor cost in building one of these barges is at least $200 to say nothing of the portion labor raceives for cutting down the timber and converting it into lumber suitable for manufacture, lit sides these several hun dred boat bottoms are constructed every year at a contract price of $000 a pair, which are used in the manufacture of the cheaper coal b ata used for traffic on the lower Mississippi. In addition, at least 500,000 cubio feet of logs were rafted out of Forest county within the past year and tho prospects are good for as much moie the coming year. The success of the busl ness is dependent entirely upon getting to the market and the river affords the readiest and easiest communication. Ex cept that large floods render the Alleghe ny navigable at certain seasons, the bus iness would never have reached its pres ent proportions. The people of Fc rest county are not alone interested in this subject, but it forms an important addi tion every year, to the resources of the State. If it is true, as it undoubtedly is, that gold is now our standard of money val ues, the future needs only the assurance that it will so continue to be, until at least the people shall be so united in their desire for a change therein a to be able to direct the voice of both Houses of Congress, and seenrn the approving sig nature of the Chief Executive. The con fidence that Congress will furnish this kind of a guarantee has inspired enter prise, called capital into use, improved the condition of labor, and given no impetus to all our energies. To make this favorable state of affairs permanent, the highest security should be given that the common denominator of all cal culations in value shall remain un changed. President McKinley to Con gress. Immense majorities for any political party are not wholesome. It tends to corruption and loose morals generally. In referring to the small majority by which the Republicans hold the House of Representatives at Washington the Washington Star very properly says : "Nearly all the comment on tne situation in the House includes a reference to the fact that the Republican majority is small. And both the party and the coun try are congratulated on the fact. It is an advantage. It insures caution and conservatism. There can be no pranking when every vote is necessary to pass party measures. Consultations must be frequent and thorough. Leaders must keep in touch with their followers, and followers must be on hand to support the leaders. Tyrany on the one hand, there fore, and negligence on the other, are alike torbidden by the plain dictates of safety and common sense." New neckwear this week at Miles & Armtsrong's. It TV. JJ. T. & P. Kr. Holiday Rates. For the convenience of the traveling public, excursion rates will be made to points on W. N. Y. P. Rv., tickets sold Doc. 23-24-25-30 and 31st, 1899 and Jan. 1st, litOO; good for return passage to Jan. 2d, 1900 inclusive. Call on agents for par ticulars. Biue and black Kersey overcoats $9.75 at Miles Jt Armstrong's. It The Nickel Plate Road offers to students desiring to return home for the holidays, the special rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on tho day school closes and the day immediately preced ing, good returning to and including the date school reconvenes, but not later than Jan. 10ih,1900. New jewelry for holidays at Miles & Armstrong's. It DeWitt's Little Early Riders purify the blood, clean tho liver, invigorate the system. Famous little pills for constipa tion and liver troubles. Ileaih A Kill mer. New "Holiday ' goods at Miles A Armstrong's. It "One Minute Cough Cure is the best remedy I ever used for coughs and colds, it is unequalled for whooping cough. Children all like it," writes H. N. Will iams, Gentryville, Ind. Never fails. It is the only harmless remedy that gives immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneumonia, bronchit is and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Heath A Killiner. Hopkins sellh the clothing aid shoes. 10O KKWAKK, ltx. The readers of this paper will be pleased to teat n ttiat there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in nil its singes, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to me medical Ira ternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iu ternally, acting directly apon the blood and mucous surface of the system, there by destroying the foundation of In dis ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist ing nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case'that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills are the best. NOTICE. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on two 25 cent bot tles or boxes of Baxter's Mandrake Bit ters, if it fails to cure constipation, bil iousness, sick-headache, jaundice, loss of appetite, sour stomach, dyspepsia, liver complaint, or any of the diseases for which it is recommended. It is highly recommended as a spring tonic and blood finritier. Sold liquid in bottles and tab ets in boxes. Price 25 cents for cither. one package of either guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Heath is Kinmer. Mr. J. Sheer, Sednlla. Mo., saved his child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. It s an infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bronchitis and tnroat and lung troubles. Relieves at once, ties lb A Rillmer. k Bank Statement No. 5038. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FOREST COUNTY NATION AL BANK AT TIONESTA. in the State of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business December 2, 1899. RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $100,875 26 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 077 93 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds'. 1,158 33 Banking-house, furniture, and nx tu res 7.911 m Due from approved reserve agents lia.MS 63 Checks and other cash items ... . 292 52 Fractional paper currency, nickels, ami cents 00 35 Lawful money reserve iu bank, viz : Specie 7,855 80 Kedcmption fund with U. 8. rreas r(o per ct. of circulation) 5bz 60 $253,445 59 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fund 6,29 21 Undivided profits,less expenses and taxes paid 3,741 99 National bank notes outstand ing 11,250 00 Individual deposits subject to check 124,245 05 Demand certificates of deposit... 819 01 Time certificates of deposit 58.090 33 $253,445 59 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, ss : I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. B.KELLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of December, 1899. C. M. Arner, Notary Public. Correct Attest : Wm. Smearbauoh, G. V. Roiunson, J. T. Dale, Directors. It Cures the Cougb. DR. JAMES' CHERRY TAR SYRUP Made from the pre scription of an old physician. Tested by years of use. Pleasant to take docs not (settle in the bottle. Last dose is the samo strength as tho first. The one safe, never failing remedy for coughs and colds of every description. At all Drug Stores. 25 cents a Bottle. Don't Accept Substitutes. Uller's UP-TO-DATE TIONESTA BRANCH .STOKE IS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS. Bring in jour work now, as we will giiou he settled & ready to turn it out as quick ly as it can rightly be done. Remember First in First Served. Our motto if, "Not bow cheap, but how good for the money." If you don't see what you want ask for it, a' d if we haven't it here we can fur nish you a nice selection from Tidioute stock and should it be something spec ial we can ordi r it direct, & we will guarautee the prices right, quality considered. I will com j down NEXT TUESDAY at 12:00 p. m. with ao extra trunk full of neat, up-to-date stock and this will remain until the following day, WEDNESDAY, at 4:19 p. ra. only. DON'T FORGET THE DAY. EYFS EXAMINED FREE BYMR.Wmi.KUTZ. C. C. ULLER. Practical Watchmaker & Jeweler. Tionesta Branch. pecial! Strictly all wool 10-4 Gray Blankets at $2.5 per pair. These will sell rapidly. II you wish a pair dou't do lay. Blankets in all weights ami colors at prices that are right. In Selecting YOUR CHRISTMAS - PRESENTS, don't forget thitt we have the largest and best selected stork of W.itTGHES SlLVEZWSSE and LEATHER GOODS, id Western Pennsylvania, and that 00 one can under sell us. JEWELER, 32 Seneca St., Oil City. Official Watch Inspector aud Re pairer of the W. N. Y. A P., and L. S & M. S. Railways. COME ON NOW WITH YOUR r GRIST! Lanson Bros Are pleased to say to the Farmers and others that tbey have everything now Id fine operation at their new, up to-dale Roller Process Flouring Mill. And w'll bo plonsed to turn out the Finest Grades of Whe t and Buckwheat Flour for Customers. FEED MILT,. The Feed Mill is also in fine trim and turning out the Chicest in that line at the rate of fifty bush els per bour. A I irt Class Holler Miller is in charge of the plant and hi? work is guaranteed (0 give per fect satisfaction. Bring less than five bushels of Y heat or Buckwheat if jou wish it "gristed," but we will exchange for ema ler amounts. Bridge St., - Tionesta, Pa. NEW LIVERY Having purchased the livery barn lo cated in rear of Hotel Agnew and alter adding many new and up-to-date rigs we are now prepared to furnish livery rigs to the people of t j is vicininity and. guaran tee to fit you out In first-class style. We will make a specialty or furnishing rigs for Fuuorals, Weddings, Receptions Etc FRANK P. WALKER, H. L DALE. COME AXD KEE VS. Estray. Came to the premises of the nndornimi- ed in Hickory twp., Forest Co , Pa.,some nine iiuii spring a uiacK yearling bolter. The owner is hereby notified to come for ward, prove property and take same way, otherwise she will be disposed of m me law airecia. v. withkrall. .nueavor, fa., Dec. 1, I8!9. WANTED SKVERAL BRIGHT and honest persons to represent us fla Mnmtfrnr (n tMa atwl K. p,.. - " " ' 1 rn- ij y ll 11 II ties. Salary m a year and expenses. uuai(jiii, LMii-imtj( in; uiort) no less Hal- nee, any bank in any town. It ia main ly office work conducted at home. Kef- - " nuui encu ftniJ I J tl'H envelope. Tun Dominion Co., Dep't 3. iu-ii-irj. ROBINSON. What Shall I Buy for Him? A suggest! ve list of things pleasing and acceptable to boys and men, published for puzzled women by tho McCuen Company. If they como from hero they are right. Men know that. HOME COMFORTS, Smoking Jackets, Breakfast Coats L-iunging Robes, Bath Robes, Night Shirts, Pajamas. FOIl THE STREET. Dress Gloves, Driving Gloves Walking Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Fur Gloves. "The Way Mufllet." Have You Seen It? THE McCUEN CO 25 AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY. PA. 4 THAT- WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full line of GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED I if! I WE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE LARGEST HTOCK IN THE COUNTY, ANDFOR THAT REASON OUR STuCK IS ALWAYS FRESH, AND WE TAKE PRIDE IN KEEPING IT SO. IF YOU DO NOT TRADK WITH US GIV BUS A TRIAL AND HE CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. CHAS. M. WHITEMAN. ervntm est known restorative and in vigorator for men and women. It create. solid, mucrle and (trengih, clears the brain, mnlcea the blood pure nnl and causes a general feeling of health, strength and reliev ed vitality, while the generative organs are helped to re(;cia their normal powers and the sufferer is quickly made con scious of direct benefit. One box will work wonders, six should perfects cure. Prepared in small sugar coated tablets easy to swallow. The day of celery compounds, nervitrr:. sarsaparillas and vile liouiJ tnnie am iwm RAD-T1 is for sale at all drugstores, a 60-dose box for Ci Cents, or we will mail it securely sealed on r- -ieiptol price, cks. barton and prnscn, Bar-Ben Block, Cleveland, U Sold by Ilenth Killmer. Tionesta, Pa. Commissioner's Notice. In the Court of Ccmmon l'lcaa of Forest County : Delbert E. Logan, 1 Libellant,(NOi38Febrimry Rachel Wan, Terl". lm- RpHpondeDt. J To the above named Respondent or her A Hornet : Notice is hereby given that the under signed was appointed Commissioner in the abovo entitled case by th. Court of Common Pleas of faid county, on No vember 20, loW, and thnt he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his of fice iu the Realty Block, Warren, Pa., on December 20, 18!9, between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. in., aud 10 o'clock p. ra., at which time and place you may attend and be heard. Warren, Pa , Dec. 1, 1899. J. VV. WiortiNs, Commissioner. WHITEMI a tiil01 "patent" medicine, but la prepared dirwMrom the formula of H. E. Barton, mTd, Lieveland s most eminent spccinlist, by Iljalmer u. ocuson, ra.u.. B, 8. BAR-BEN Is Ihe Fred. Grcttonborger GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit lingsand General Klacksmitlilug prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given Hpeeial attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear or and just west of the Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENUERGER. To be at the Top Co8l3 an t'lHirt. Every j; mil thing costs an effort, aud reading our "ads" ia the price j ynu pay fwr t lie iurrhsiig ndvautage yon j possess over your less enlightened neighbor. No Bluff goes with us. j "Good will needs no bosh." "Honest trail- 1 iug needs no tally." Oura is uo "soft soap" I ertahlishniont. We do not talk cusiometi : into buyiog. We do not hnvs to. The Clothing ! wo sell lalks, and customers buy it on their j own sound judamcul and gt t their money I hack it the goods are not right. You who know us know thnt we nmke no prompts without producing the proof. We ore a safe etore. KNOWLEDGE of the GOODS cmbinetl with SPOT CASH does tho whole thing and j vory customer gols n share of the heuefit. Suits and Overcoats fouud here are Better Mado as well as ; Ceeoper than others will show you. Set the good's and judge fur yourself. Underwear and Shoes are of the same QUALITY. Aoveltles iu Shirts Xcolswear and Ifnbrlalirry. . Ituy Sci-viooable (ilftn and I hoy ulll be Appreciated More. "A MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL." Miles & Armstrong 'PHOITB 34r. HERE WE ARE AGAIN and X-JIAS is almost here. IIIMTII A KIL 31 lilt nre on top again with the Largest aud Most Complete Line of Holiday Goods in Ti inesta. We have everything t'i make a nice present 4432&Tm loiai Boeds, Santa Ciaus iiescqnaiiers, ".inrne. - JD'HUG-S &c IPA.TE1TT MEDICI1TES mznontM. - Dress Goods. lb. & S. In this line our anortruent is unlimited; comprising Blue and Black Serge, Brillian tine, Blue Broadcloth, etc , and in wash goods we have the fiuest line of Lancaster Ging hams, Dress Ginghams, Piques plain aud fancy rercals, et that was ever shown in Tionesta. Come and see. Shoes. We handle the famous Fither and Richard son brands. Anyone who wears shoes knows that these are two of the hrst makes nu the market. We can fit anybody at prices that can't be beat. Groceries. We handle the finest lino of cauned goods that ia sold in town. All who buy from us will tell you so. Come and nee our stock of Potted Meats, Condensed Soups, etc. The class of goods we handle is A 1. None better. Lawrence & Sterling Silver Novelties, Beautiful Dishes, Perfume? Toilet Oases, Vases, Books, Stationery, Confectionery, Pocket Books, Dolts anct Dolt Carriages, Games, Sleds, Drums ancC Every thing in the Toy t-ine. Wc ore also the leading Druggists, and c rry the Most Complete Line. Come Hinl look over our stock. - tionesta, va, Smearbauah.