The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 01, 1899, Image 2

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Legal advertisements ten cents per line
each insertion.
We do fine Job Printing of every de
scription at reasonable rates, hut it's cash
on delivery.
Published every Wednesday by
- J. E. WENK.
Office in Smearbaugh & Wenk Building,
Trrais, 9I.OO A Year, Mrlrtly U Aaraace.
No subscription received for a shorter
period than three months.
Correspondence solicited, but no notice
will bo taken of anonymous communica
tions. Always give your name.
$1.00 PER ANNUM.
1893 OCTOBER. 1899
Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
JK) 11
25 JLG 17 18 Id 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 "SO1 31
Burgess. K. C. Heath.
Oounrilmen. Joseph Morgan. J. T,
Palo.W. F. Ilium, Jan. D. Davis, Chas,
Clark, T. E. Armstrong, II. II. Shoe
maker. Justices of the Peace C. A. Randall, S,
J. Sotlov.
OanattMen. E. Moody.
Collector V. P. Amslor.
. School Directors ( 1. V. Uolemau, L,
Afrnew, J. K. Wenk, (J. Jamieson, J. U
Scowdeu, I'alrick Joyce.
Member of Congress J. K. P. Hall.
Member of Senate A. M. Neeloy.
Assembly Dr. S. 8. Towler.
President JudneW. M. Lindsey.
Aocuite Judges Jos, A. Nash, A. J.
Prothonotary, Register & Recorder, te,
John II. Robertson.
Sheriff: Frank P. Walker.
Prcasurer S. M. Uonry.
Cbmmissionera W. M. Coon, C. M,
Whltemai), 1 Ionium lilum.
District Attorney S. 1). Irwin.
Jury Commissioners J. 11. Carpen
ter, Ueo. D. NlUolils.
roner Dr. J. W. Morrow.
Ooitur.v A uditora M. E. Abbott, J. R,
Clark, R. J. riynn.
County Superintendent K. E. Stitzin-
KrHuhir TArnn of Conn.
Fourth Monday of Fobruary.
Third Monday of May.
fourth Monday of September.
Third Monday of Novembor.
Church anil Kabbnlh Hrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
m. ! M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church overy Sab
bath evening by Kev. v. U. itumuerKor.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Kev.
F. W. McClelland, Pastor.
Services in the Presbytorlan Church
evory Sabbath morning and evening,
Kev. J. V. MoAninch officiating.
The regular moutings of. tho W. C. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
piON EST A LODGE, No. 369, T. O. O. F.
1. Meets evory Tuesday evening, irrOdd
Follows' Hall, Partridge building.
lOREST LODGE, No. 184, A.O. U. W.,
I Meots every Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
8. of A., meets overy Saturday eve
ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta,
U. A, It. MeoU 1st and 3d Monday
evening in each month, In A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tionesta.
137, W. K. C, meets first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
rp ION ESTA TENT, No. 1(14, K. O. T.
J. M., meei!i 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening in each month in A. O. U. .
hall Tionesta, Pa.
0 M. CLARK,"
and District Attorney. Olllco, cor. of
1 in and Kridgo Streets, Tionesta, Pa. -
Also agont for 'a number of reliablo
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Office at Judge Hill's roiidouco, Tio
nostit, Pa. All legal husinoss and coilec
lions promptlj' and faithfully attended to.
J W. MORROW. M. D., """"
Physician, Surgoor, A Dentist.
Ollico and Rosidence throe doors north
of Hotel Agnow, Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly rospoudod to at all hours.
T 0. BOWMAN, M. D.,
1j Physician A Surgeon,
Office in building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to,
night or day, liosidonce opposite Hotel
Agnew. '
Office over Heath Killmer's store,
Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt
responded to at all hours of day or
night. Residence East side Elm St., 3d
dore above Jail building.
C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complctechange,
and is now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of
guests never neglected.
V. II. W. UORNER, Proprietor.
Tionsola, Pa. This is the most centrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modorn improvements. No pains will
bo s pa rod to make it a pleasant stopping
place for tho traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
' and alnnt streets, Is proparfed to do alt
Kinds of custom work from the finest to
t he coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. T F. ZAHRINGER,
and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, Is
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Jtc, ordered for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in tho building noxt to Koeley Club
Engagement Between White's
and Joubert's Forces.
Peveral Hoars Hard lighting I: Which
3h IlrltUh Lost About One Hundred
Men Tho Lost to the linen Wiu Much
Larger Report Made to the nrltlsh
War, Office,
LONDON. Oct 31. The war office
here has received a dispatch which
says General White has fought an en
gagement si Ladysmlth, presumably
with General Joubert's force, which was
pushed back after several hours fight
ing. The British lost about 100 men
and the Boers losses were much great
er. The Boers were In larger numbers
and had better artillery.
General White's dispatch, which was
dated at 4:30 p. m., read:
"I employed all the troops here, ex
cept the obligatory garrison before the
works. I sent a mountain battery, the
Royal Irish Fusiliers and the Glouces
ter to take up a position on the hills,
to clear my left flank. The force
moved at 11 Sunday evening and, dur
ing some night firing, the battery mules
stampeded with some of the guns
which, however, I hope to recover
These two battalions have not yet re
turned, but are expected to return
"I detailed two brigade divisions of
field artillery and five battalions of in
fantry, aided by cavalry, under General
French, to attack a position upon which
the enemy had mounted guns. We
found this position evacuated, but our
force was attacked with considerable
vigor by what I believe were General
Joubert's troops. They had many guns
and showed in great numbers. Our
troops were all in action and we pushed
the enemy back several miles but did
not succeed in reaching his laager. Our
losses are estimated at between SO and
100, but those of the enemy must have
been much greater, the fire of our guns
appearing very effective.
"After being in action several hours
I withdrew the troops and they return
ed unmolested to their cantonments.
The enemy are in great numbers and
their guns range further than our
field guns.
"I now have some naval guns which
have temporarily silenced, and, I hope.
will permanently dominate the enemy's
best guns, with which he has been bom
barding the town at a range of over
6,000 yards."
Hours Again Miclllng the Town and Hrlsk
Fighting In Frogress.
LADYSMITH. Natal, Oct. 31. The
naval brigade arrived here and has
Just commenced firing with six quick
firing guns, with great precision. The
Boer 40-pounders, which had again be
gun to shell the town, were tempbrarily
disabled at the third and fifth reports.
Brisk fighting is in progress on the
right and left flanks.
llrltuth Troop Repulsed lly the liner
Near Mnfcklng.
Bay, Oct. 31. A dispatch received here
from Pretoria, under date of Oct. 28,
says General Cronje, the Boer com
mander, announced there that ithe
British garrison at Mafeklng made a
bayonet attack on Commandant Louw's
laager, near Grandstand, but were re
pulsed, leaving six dead on the field,
and it was believed that many of the
attackers were wounded.
The dispatch adds that Saturday
morning Colonel Baden-Powell asked
for an armistice In ordei to bury the
dead. General Cronje consented to
this, the Boers assisting in placing the
dead In the wagon returning to Mafek
Trnnsvani Onicer Taking Good Care of
the llrltiidi Wounded at Glencoe.
DURBAN, Oct. 30. It Is officially an
nounced that Major Donegan, chief med
ical officer at Glencoe, has wired the
Transvaal state secretary, F. W. Reitz,
at Pretoria, an expression of thanks on
behalf of all the British officers and men
In the hospital at Glencoe for the ex
treme kindness shown them by the Boer
officers and men.
The announcement adds that the
wounded ore doing well and that none of
the officers Is likely to die.
All the flags are at half-mast In
mourning for the death of Sir William
Penn Symons.
not Few Head liners Seen.
LONDON, Oct. 27. A belated dis
patch sent from Glencoe camp on the
night of the battle In that vicinity ad
mits that few Boer dead and wounded
were found on the field and attempts
to explain this by saying: "Through
out the fight the Boers, in accordance
with their custom, burled their dead and
carried off their wounded Immediately
after they fell, those left representing
only the casualties during the last mo
ments of the fighting. Even their dis
abled cannon had been removed, al
though broken pieces of them could be
Knglnnd Hiring Cierniau Ofllcers.
BERLIN, Oct. 30. It is reported from
both Hamburg and Metz that British
recruiting offices are busy engaging
German underofficers for service in
South Africa, offering f 100 per month.
The Widow of General Ilazen Will Soon
Become the Admiral' Wife.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. Admiral
Dewey announced to some of his more
Intimate friends the fact of his en
gagement to Mrs. W. B.- Hazen of this
city. Mrs. Hazen is the widow of Gen
eral Hazen, formerly chief signal offi
cer of the army, who died about 10
years ago, and Is a sister of John R.
McLean, Democratic candidate for gov
ernor of Ohio.
Mrs. Hazen has no children and since
her husband's death has made her
home with her mother. She is a woman
of large means, about 40 years old and
popular in the best social circles of
Washington. The date for the wed
dinc has not been fixed.
lomethlng About the Immigration Which
Took Place Last Year.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. Jn his an
nual report to the secretary of the treas
ury. Commissioner General Powderly
of the Immigration bureau, gives the
total arrivals for the year ended June
30, 1899, as 311,715, an Increase over
the next preceding year of 82,416 or J8
per cent.
Of the total arrivals Europe supplied
297,349, Asia 8,972, Africa 51 and alt
other countries C.343. The distribution
as to sex was 195,277 males and 116,431
females; as to age, 43,983 were under
14; 248,187 from 14 to 45, and 19.045 cf
45 years or older. As to illiteracy, 60.41s
could neither read nor write, and 1,022
could read but were unabie io write.
As to amount of money brought, 39.071
had each $30 or over, and 174,613 had
each less than $30. The total amount
of money exhibited to officers was $5,
414,462, The cost of enforcing the alien con
tract labor laws during the year was
$37,725, and of the immigration laws,
Vice-President Hobart I Mnch Worse
and the Wont Is Feared.
PATERSON, N. J., Oct. 31. Vice
President Hobart Who has been 111
at his home suffered a relapse. He had
a succession of -choking spells, result
ing from an imperfect action of the
heart, an old affliction, complicated
with Inflammation of the stomach. Mr.
Hobart has not been able to attend
to his private affairs for the past two
or three days and an Intimate friend
has been given a power of attorney to
sign checks and attend to other matters
of that character.
Vice President Httbart's physician
made a statement admitting that the
vice president was sinking.
The latest word from the sick room
Is that Vice President Hobart was con
scious and had recognized those about
his bed. It was stated that no imme
diate danger jvas feared. In fact, the
general impression seemed to be that
Mr. Hobart would at least live several
days yet.
HI Estate of Seventy Million Dollar
Very Unequally Divided.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. Senator De
pew gave out a statement of the terms
of the will of the late Cornelius Vander
bllt. It shows that the fortune Is esti
mated at $70,000,000. Alfred Gwynn
Vanderbllt will get about $50,000,000. He
thus becomes the head of the family.
The will gives Cornelius Vanderbllt
about $1,500,000. It gives to each of his
remaining brothers and sisters about
$7,500,000, Alfred, of course, not In
cluded. Alfred Gwynn Vanderbllt gives his
brother Cornelius enough of his inher
itance to make his fortune equal to
that of the other members, namely,
$7,500,000. Senator Depew says that Cor
nelius has accepted this arrangement in
the spirit in' which It was offered.
Fragment of a Woman' Ilody Fonnd In
New York City Identified.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. There was. a
report at the morgue that the fragments
of a woman's body found in this city
several weeks ago had been positively
identified. Two, detective called at the
morgue accompanied by a tall woman
dressed in black and about 35 years old.
The woman was taken Into the autopsy
room, and shown the remains When
she emerged she was weeping and one
one of the detectives said to the morgue
"You will not be troubled by us again.
We are. much obliged for your cour
tesy. The undertaker might as well
bury the parts now."
The detectives refused to make any
statement to the reporters present and
the woman would answer no questions.
Had Four Wive In Baltimore.
CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Chief of Detec
tives Oollaran received a telegram
from Baltimore, stating that Walter
L. Farnsworth, the confessed bigamist,
now In Jail here, and who Is said tc
have had 42 .wives, is wanted In that
city for marrying four women under
the name of Sterling Orvllle Thomas.
This Is said to be his real name and
the prisoner does not deny it. Marie
Larson, 718 Sixth street, Philadelphia,
also thinks she is one of Farnsworth'a
wives and has written Captain Collaran
to send her a picture of the bigamist.
Her marriage took place a year ago.
Captain Dwyer In Poor Health.
MELROSE, Mass., Oct 31. Captain
M. L. Dyer, U. S. N., who commanded
the Baltimore at the Manila fight and
who has been assigned to Havana tc
command the naval station there ha
asked to be relieved of that duty. He
has forwarded to the navy department
at Washington a certificate as to physi
cal condition and the request for re
lief from duty accompanied the certifi
cate. While not a sick man. Captain
Dyer Is not In condition to undertake
active work at present.
General Wheeler' Views,
NASHVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 30. A let
ter has been received from General Joe
Wheeler in the Philippines by his cous
in. Van Leer Klrkman, dated Santa
Reta, Luzon, Sept. 18, in which he says
he believes that If the wealthy people
would be assured that they would be
protected in their property rights by the
United States It would have a very good
Six Hundred Sheep Cremated.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Oct. 30. The
sheep pens at the stock yards, covering
an entire block, were destroyed by fire
and 600 sheep were cremated. Four
firemen were seriously Injured by fall
ing walls, and one, Charles Peterson,
may die. Estimated loss $30,000.
Keeper of the Great Krai I Dead.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Georga
Bartle. the oldest clerk of the state de
partment, "Keeper of the Great Seal,"
and a close friend of Daniel Webster,
died at his residence here. He was ap
pointed by Secretary Buchanan In 1815.
Sutliiet Mill Humeri.
MILLBURY. Mass.. Oct. 31. The
Aldrlch Satinet mill here burned, caus
ing a loss of $50,000 and throwing 130
persons out of employment.
Colonel Bell's Regiment Battles
With the Filipinos.
Scooting the Country Dally, Killing Fili
pino In Every Encounter and Making
Prisoners of Others The American
Prisoner Are Doing Well Treated.
Beturn of the 8panlnh Commission.
MANILA, Oct. 31. Three companies
of Colonel Bell's regiment have had
two encounters with the Insurgents
near Labam and scattered them." The
insurgents left four officers and eight
men dead on the field and the Ameri
cans captured three prisoners and sev
eral guns. On the American side one
American was killed and two officers
and six men were wounded.
Captain French took a reconnoitering
party beyond Labam after he had met
the enemy and was reinforced by Ma
jor Bishop with two companies. The
insurgents brought up cavalry rein
forcements and there was a second
fight, during which their leader, Major
Salvador, was killed and many were
wounded and carried away.
Colonel Bell has been given a free
hand around Bacolor. He has 60
mounted1 men scouting the country
dally and they are killing many Fili
pinos in skirmishes.
The Spanish commission which en
tered the insurgent lines a month ago
with money to relieve the wants of
several thousand military and civil
Spanish prisoners, has returned to An
geles. The commissioners report that
they spent most of the time in Tarlac
and the vicinity where there are some
200 sick Spaniards in the hospital. The
Filipinos 'ill-treat and Ill-fed them, re
fusing to surrender them, as well as the
other Spanish prisoners, in the hope
of compelling Spain to recognize the
Independence of the islands.
From Tarlac to Bamban, about two
thirds of the way, the commissioners
travelled by train, on the Manila-Dag-upan
rallWay. The remainder of the
Journey, from Bamban to Angeles, they
made on foot, escorted by handsomely
mounted Filipino cavalry. They were
received between the outposts by a
member of General MacArthur's staff
.and were brought by train to Manila.
There are 14 American prisoners they
say at Tarlac, all of whom are well
treated. Lieutenant J. C. Gllmore of
the United States gunboat Yorktown,
who fell into the hands of the insur
gents at Baler, on the east coast of
Luzon, last April, where the Yorktown
had gone on a special mission to' re
lieve the Spanish garrison, is it Din
gat. The commissioners have brought a
letter to General Otis from a relative
of the murdered Filipino General Luna
who wishes to avenge the assassina
tion by Agulnaldo's officers and who
asks a personal interview with the
military governor.
According to their statement, Aguln
aldo, who is still at Tarlac, with 3,000
troops, wishes to continue the war.
although he has a high opinion of the
American officers and soldiers. Gen
eral Lawton he calls "El General de
La Noche" (The Night General), be
cause that commander has attacked
him so often in the darkness that he
never knows when to look for him.
Agulnaldo Is said to be well supplied
with arms and ammunition and he is
able to get plenty of rice from the
northern provinces.
With the Spanish commissioners came
a large number of women and children,
bringing a wagon train load of baggage.
These are the families of eight promi
nent officers of the Filipino army who
recently applied to General Otis for
permission to send their families to
Manila. Upon the receipt of the mili
tary governor's reply, the nature of
which has not been disclosed, the wo
men and children started under es
cort from Tarlac for the American
lines. When t'hey arrived General
MacArthur compelled them to halt
about a mile beyond our outposts
where they will remain while their
credentials are being examined.
Annual Iteporf of the Auditor of the
PiMtnttlce Department.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The annual
report of Auditor Henry Castle, of the
postofflce department, for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 1899, has been
transmitted to tho secretary of the
treasury and the postmaster general.
The report shows a volume of trans
actions aggregating about $640,000,000
for the year. The revenues of the pos
tal service were $95,021,364; expendi
tures, $101,632,161; volume of money or
der transactions $442,485,354.
Thedeficit In postal revenues was $6,
610,776 the smallest since 1892 and only
one-half that of 1897.
The deficit In postal revenues was
United States on June 30 was 74,384
27,627 of these doing a money order
business. The money order service of
the United States was conducted last
'ear at a loss of considerably over
The House Purchased In Washington
Formally Turned Over to III111.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 26. The house
on Rhode Island avenue recently pur
chased for Admiral Dewey by popular
subscription, was formally turned over
to him by assistant Secretary Vander
sllp and United States Treasurer Rob
erts of the Dewey home committee.
Mr. Fitch, the owner, went to the
treasury department and presented the
deed which was immediately filed for
record. The purchase price was about
Two subscriptions were received
which completed the payment, includ
ing the expenses Incident to the pro
ject. One for $5,000 came from Brook
lyn and the other for $275 was received
from the Western Union Telegraph
Flour Got t'p Ten Cent a Ilarrel.
NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-An advance
of 16 cents a barrel In nil patent brands
of flour was announced by the United
States Flour Milling company. Thu
same increase has also been made by
other large flour manufacturers. The
advance Is stated to be entirely on ac
count of the rise in freight rates. ,
It Has Klliehtly Fallen Oft In th
ConnelUrllle DlHlrii-t.
Courier says: "The production of cokt
In the Connellsville replo". list .:e. lei
off slightly because of the enforced Idle
ness at a couple of the plant;, but tht
ear supply eased up a little, eppeclall
on the Baltimore and Ohio, and ship
ments made a farther in- es'e of 311
cars over the week previous. Furnacei
at Hazleton have lequet-Uri he :aili)ads
here to rush all their coke, and the same
cry comes from tht Beihvre (O.) and
Wheeling (W. V.) districts.
"The construction of new coke ovens
Is a feature of the coke business at this
time. The H. C. Frlck Coke company
has Just completed the 33 r.ew ovens at
Mutual, 25 at Adelaide and 25 at Calu
met. W. J. Raincy is rushing the work
on the 83 new ovens at the Paul plant,
20 of these having b?en completed.
Ratney has changed his plans at th
Mount Braddock plant on the Falrmonl
branch. It was his intention to build a
new block of 200 ovens on th? tract ol
land across the Baltimore and Ohio and
the Southwest railroad tracks from the
old block of ovens at that place. No,
however, he is rushing up the founda
tions of 140 new ovens between the old
block and the houses for the workmen.
"Our detailed report of the operation
and production of the Connellsville re
gion for the week ending Saturday, Oct.
21, shows 19.109 over.s. of which 18.236
are active and 873 are Idle, the estimated
production for the week having been
189,610 tons, as compared with 194,171
tons for the week previous. The ship,
ments last week aggregated 10,588 cats
distributed as follows: To Pittsburg
and river tipples, 3,395 cars; to points
west of Pittsburg; 5,451 cars; to point!
east of Connellsville, 1,742 cars. This
is an Increase of 311 cars, as compared
with the shipments for the week pre
vious, which were: Pittsburg 3,330 oars;
West, 5,271 cars; East, 1,676 cars."
John Temple Graves Believes a Solution
I In Coloulxutaon.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 2". John Temple
Graves, associate editor of The Journal
of Atlanta, Ga., is a guest at Newtli'i
hotel. He' Is en route from Washing
ton to East Liverpool, O., where he is tc
deliver a lecture. His time Is b ing
devoted principally to his lecture on
"The Last Hope of the Nero," In which
he advocates colonization and absolute
separation from the white race. H
says his plan for the formation of a
negro state on the vacant lands of the
West is approaching realization and that
he Is hopeful of Its adoption and the
solution of the race question.
"The Interior department," he said
"has been making some investigation
along this line -and It has been discov
ered that there are about 200,000.000 acres
of contiguous yacant governnnnt land in
the West that would provide a llvli
hood for many times the present popu
latlon of negroes In this country.
"I find while traveling through the
United States that the sentiment and
Interest Is growing rapidly In favoi
of the colonization of the colored raee.
The people of the North and Middle
West realize more fully thin ever that
the race question must be settled. The
negro population of Ohio, Indiana and
Illinois have Increased until the colored
men hold almost the balance of political
power in those states and there Is an
increasing alarm for the future."
It Could Dance to M unlet anil Frightened
an Italian Organ Grinder.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 30. An Ital
ian organ grinder was nearly scared out
of his wits and half a hundred peop'e
fled with terror from an Inoffensive rhi
noceros which escaped while being un
loaded from a P.'n.sylv.inl 1 railroad
car. The beast was sent here for the
Zoological garden ai:d arrived in good
health and spirits.
Twenty employes of the express com
pany stood about to prevent It getting
away, but when the anlmui staittJ a.l
fled down Seventeenth street. The rhi
noceros went to Market, thi mn aftei
her, thence to Sixteenth and back to
Filbert. In the short Journey it passed
probably a hundred people, a:id put all
to flight! An Italian grinding out a
merry tnne on his organ got a shock
that almost killed him.
The beast has been with a circus and
can dance and do a cake walk. At Six
teenth and Filbert streets It heard the
sound of the music and began to dance.
The Italian did not kttow what brought
the crowd, but he kept on turning his
crank until suddenly there was a roai
of laughter and he turned to find the
beast -standing still, . solemnly looking
at him. Emitting a terrific yell, he
dropped the crank and ran. The animal
was caught and put back In the cage
with little diftlculty.-
I-arge Order For Steel Kail.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 27. Within a week
orders for steel rails aggregating 1,500,
000 tons have been secured by the rail
makers. The price is $38 and delivery
is to be made during 1900. Prices have
been advanced, making standard sec
tions $35 In lots of 200 tons and over $37
to buyers of 100 to 200 tons, carload lota
$38 and less than carloads $40 per ton.
Light rails are to be $37 per ton.
Will Teach In Honolulu.
BEAVER FALLS, Oct. 28.--Miss
Grace Patterson, daughter of D. O. C
Patterson, of this place, received notice
from Washington that she had been ap
pointed to a government position at
Honolulu. She has taught school In
that country and Is well acquainted
with the language, manners, customs,
etc., of the country. She will sail about
the middle of November.
Will ll Hurled With Honors.
Company D, Tenth regiment, have
asked that Charles P. Kerr, who acci
dentally shot and killed himself at the
home of J. ,M. Cavonder, where he was
calling, be burled with military honor,
and this will be done. Company D will
turn out in a body.
Forest Fire Rasing.
GREENSnUKG, Pa.. Oct. 27. Forest
fires are raging all around this pbice
and the atmosphere is filltd with snv ke.
The falling limber has Impaired the
working of the .telephone linw through
t!e country.
Pointed Paragraphs Chronic
ling the Week's Doings.
Long Dispatches From Tarion Parts of
the World Shorn of Their Paddings and
Ouly the Facts Given In as Few Wolds
as Possible For the Benefit of the' Hur
ried Header.
On the advice of his physician Admi
ral Dewey has cancelled all his engage
ments and will try and regain his lost
health quietly In Washington.
The high Joint commission will not
meet again until the Alaskan boundary
question has been permanently settl.-d.
Of the $1,000,000 required to make the
Dewey arch permanent, $250,100 has been
Colonel Edwin V. Sumner, Major
Story, Captains Gibson and Slorum
have been detailed to proceed to South
Africa and observe and report upon mil
itary operations in the Transvaal.
William P. Lord, ex-governor of Ore
gon, has been appointed by the presi
dent as minister to Argent na.
General Clprlaito Castro, the Insurgent
commander, has assumed control of the
Venezuelan government.
Russia has at last agreed to arbitra
tion with the United States the claims
resulting from the seizure of s alers in
the Bering sea, which have been pend
ing for about eight years..
Alfred E. Louehay, a train man, was
Instantly killed at Middletown, N. Y.
Rev. P. M. McCabe, a well known Ro
man Catholic priest, died at Waseca,
Five men and a boy were badly burned
by an explosion in a coal mine near
Wilkes-Bai re; Pa.
Berlin newspapers stronely object to
the proposition of dividing up Samoa,
claiming that Germany's interest in the
laiand is gerater than that of England or
the United States.
Murray Gilbert shot and killed his
sweetheart. Janle Hall, at Paducah,
Ky., and then killed himself. Jealousy
prompted the tragedy.
Dlca-tnus forest fires are raging in
the Raniapu mountains in Rockland
county, N. Y.
Miss Annie Ekels of Rochester, N
died of lockjaw, from vaccination. She
was vaccinuud in accordance with the
compulsory vaccination law.
John Hiiiklrs was kll.e.l and several
other people Injured by the fall of an el
evator in a Chicago building.
Juan Garcia, a Cuban, killed his
sweetheart, Bessie Maheney, at Peo
ria, Ills., and then killed hlwelf be
cause her parents objected to their mar
"Buck" Skinner has been found guil
ty of mansmlaughter In tho fir.-t de
gree for killing William H. Kennedv at
Grant Allen, the author, died In Lon
don after a lingering illness. He was
born in Kingston, Ont.
Charles T. Llpthart, a wealthy car
pet manufacturer of Pittsburg, died very
suddenly In New York city.
The house purchased In Washington
for Admiral Dewey was formally turned
over to him by the committee.
Fire in the plant of the Palmer coop
erage company, New York city, de
stroyed property valued at $75,000.
Canadian yachtsmen may challenge
for the America cup next year. If so,
the vessel will be built in Nova Scot a.
General Andrade, ex-presldent of Ven
suela, who was driven out of that coun
try by the insurgents, is in Bridgeton,
Colonel Pando has been elected pres
ident of Bolivia In succession to Senhor
Severo Fernandez Alonzo,
John Black, ex-mayor of Milwaukee,
died In that city of Blight's dis-ase,
aged 71 years.
Michael Creegan, aged 40 years, and
Patrick O'Rourke, aged "0 ye.irs, were
Instantly killed at a railroad crossing In
Blnghamton, N. Y.
Brigadier General Guy V. Henry. U. S.
A., late governor of I'orto Rico, died of
pneumonia in New York city, aged 00
Mrs. Patrick McNamee, aged 70 years,
was accidentally drowned In the canal
at Corning, N. Y.
G. F. Hall, a Boston merchant, has as
signed with liabilities of $196,847.
Havana merchants have p tnloned the
war department for storage warehouses
in connection with the wharves of that
President -lcKlnley has Issued a
proclamation designating Thursday,
Nov. 30, as Th anksgiving day.
By the falling of a wall at the Mid
vale' Steel works in Philadelphia, one
man was killed and three others bad
ly Injured.
Three men In a handcar were ran
down and Instantly killed nar Atwater,
Captain Charles H. Lester, U. S. A.,
retired, died at his home in New York
city, aged 56 years.
Cornelius W. Smith, president of the
New York State Fish, Game' and For
est league, died at his home in Syra
cuse, N. Y., of heart failure, aged 54
years. He was a lawyer and had done
mtich for sportsmen's interests in re
vising and perfecting the game laws.
The V. M. Osborne Farm Implement
company's plant and the W. S. Cooper
Brass works In Philadelphia were de
stroyed by fire. Loss on the former
$100,000 and on the latter $140,000.
Ottrnar Mergenthaler, the inventor of
the linotype typesetting machine, dl d
In Baltimore of consumption. He was
born in Germany on May 10. 18..4.
John Codman Hopes, a lawyer of Bos
ton .and a writer on historical subject-',
died from pnulysls at his home in
Colonel Edward Wynian, a well known
liosroii meiihant. Is dead. In 1875 he
Served us ald-de-camp with the rankof
colonel to Governor W. Gaston.
Tom Hay Jen, a negro, aed 24, killed
Andrew Wjods, a young white ina-i,
near Fayette, Mo., over a game of crap.
Hayden was arrested, but taken from
the officers and lynched.
Three hundred canlbals were killed
and t-V wounded In a battle with a Bel
gian Vtpedltton in the Congo Free
State. I
William Hlgglns, aged It, was killed
mt the West Shore railroad at Nwwburg,
H. Y. The body wui thrown 100 Net
into a creek.
, Two Important Vacancies In ths Regular
J Army to Be Filled.
I WASHINGTON, Oct. 2?.-The death
, of Brigadier General Guy V. Henry, TJ.
1 S. A., late governor of Porto Rico, In
New York city, has the effect of leaving
Vacant the command of the department
of Missouri. It has the further import-
ant effect of creating another vacancy
In the grade of brigadier reneral In the
regular army. General Henry standing
fourth In line.
The grave selected as the final rest
ing place of the psllant soidier is on
the slope at the east front of the Lee
mansion, near the graves of Sheridan,
Crook and Ord.
Deal For 100,000 Ton of Tig Iron.
PITTSBURG, Pa., Oct. 30. The Na
tional Steel company has closed a deal
for 100,000 tons of Bessemer pig Iron
at $23 a ton. The order Is distributed
among several blast furnace compan
ies and must be filled within eight
months. A small lot of pig iron was
sold here at $26 a ton.
HI Grandmother Preparing For Him.
WINDSOR, Eng., Oct. 31. Prepara
tions are being made at Windsor castle
for the visit of Emperor William of
Germany, who Is due to arrive heve
Nov. 29. His majesty will occupy the
same state apartments as he did In
1891. He will bring a considerable
suite with him.
Florence Mnrrvat Dead.
LONDON. Oct. 28. Flo e rf Marryat
(Mrs. Frances Lean), the well know a
author, Is dead.
MA tl HtrOHT
Nt York Vonov Market.
NEW YORK, Oet. $0.
Money on call, 6i"3o per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 5(ii5'4j psr cent
Sterling Exchange. Actual husinoss in
banker' bills at 4.btVi'ii4.VJ!i for demand,
and J4 s:t!ji 4 M'i for sixty days. PosLSd
rates. $4.S4J4.S!4.
Commercial bills, $4.82!.
Silver certificates, 6t 3d v jO.
Bar silver, otic.
Mexican dollars, 47c.
tr vor- I'rodune Market.
FLOUR-Wlnter patents, $3.60f3.85; win
ter straights. J3.luu3.3U; winter extra,
S2.55Cu3.00; winter low grade, I2.25ij2.40;
Minnesota patents, $3.954. 2D; Minnesota
bakers', tJ.OH3.16.
RYE No. 2 western, 64c, f.o.b. afloat.
State rye, ti2c, c.i.f. New York car lots.
RYE FLOUR $:i.4ui3.75.
BAItLbX Mailing, 4'oj6')c, delivered;
New Vnrk feeding. 418l3c. f.o.b. afloat.
CORN MEAL Yellow western, SmUSJoi
city, 80'uSlo; brandywine, $,:.30'!2 J5.
WHEAT No. 2 red, 75'sc f.o.b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, Tsc f.o.b. afloat
Options: No. 2 red Dec. 74V ; May, 78S.O
L'OKN-No, 2, 4oT4iC. f.o.b. ntloat. Option:
No. 2 red Vec. 3t'c; May, Stc.
OATS No. 2. 2sfec; No. 3, 28c; No. t,
while, 31ije; No. 3 white, 3eM-c; track
mixed western, 2SVu30c; track whit,
IU',-u 35c.
Ha 1' Shipping. 65570e; good to eholc.
POKK-Famlly, U.7512 00.
BUTTER Western creamery. 17i(24c;
factory, 14'V'ilic; Eigln,' 24c; Imitation,
creamery, 15o2ic; stale dairy, lti21c;
creamery, 17'i:'4c.
CHKK.SK Large, white, 12',ic; small,
do, 12V; afttge, colored, 12'c; small, do,
UVc; light, bknim, tupe; part skim. 7tf
be; full skims, ti(u7o.
EGGS titate and Pennsylvania, S14U0;
wcilern, H'ulic.
Hnffalo Provision Market.
BUFFALO, Oct. 10.
WHEAT No. 1 hard, 74V'; No. 1 north
ern, 7G-c; winter wheat, No. 2 red, 74c.
CORN No. 2 yellow, toc; No. 3 yal-
low, 3'JC.
liA'ts No. 2 white, 290; No. I mixed,
H i' E No. 2. t3c.
FLOUR Spring wheat, best patent pr
bbl., M.ZoiJi.ju. luw grade, 2UU4.60; win
ter, best family. I3.i'tu4.uu; graham. 13.60
BUTTER State and creamery, I4(J
I4vc: western, do, 2JVi'u24c.
CHEESE- ancy, full crsano, 13V4tll3o;
choice, do, HV-Ul2c; light skim, DitflOo;
klm, b'a'Jc.
EUUS State, 2iKU20Vo; Wuitern, 13S9
Kan liuffnlo Live Mtock Market.
CATTLE Extra export steers, $5,800
6.0O; good, do, $i.fif'i j.75; choke, heavy
DUtchers, Jj.25'y5.40; light, handy do, 14.60; cow and heit'er. extra, $J.5u(u4.65;
calve, heavy fad, J.ii'u4.2d; vuai. fi.ODii
SHEEP AND LA MRS Choice to extra,
wether, $!.Uu4.&; fair to choice heep,
3.ii)'u4.ou; common to fair, J3 40y3.76;
choice to extra spring lambs, Jo.2in6.40;
common to fair, (I tij'uoOO.
HOCJd Heavy, $ 4i( 4 45; medium and
nlxet. 4.3."ii4 46; Yorker, $4.2oul30; pig.
miiTalo Hay Market.
No. 1 timothy, per ton, $H.WaH.0O; No. 1
do, $12 5U'u l.l.iK); baled hay, 13aU; baled
traw. I.'.o.ys.w; bundled rye, 1 12(13.
I'llca Clir Market.
I TIC A, Oot. SO.
C'llKUSK-The following sales were of
ficially reported on the I'llca Board of
Trade today: 3.110 boxes Urge, colored at
ll'c; 34u boxes do at Uc; 75 boxes do
at ll'-jc; 31 lnxe la rue, white at lll,0;
6Si boxes email, o!.,r,a ut ll;c; GO botes
do ut l.'1 .e: Mil boxes smait. unite ai
ll'V; 4" boxes tlo at Zr; 110 boxes do at
; 3-i boxes on a I 12'se. The last two
quotation are of doubitul accuracy.
HLTTER Sules wtfre Si package l
Little Tails Cheese Mnrket.
CHEESE These f iles w.-re made: 100
boxes Inrte. coioreil at 11'. c; 410 box
mall, white ut lie: i"J boxe.i do at llKc;
'M boxes do at 12c; :I;'J boxen am. ill. col
ored at 11c; 15 box.s tin at U;e; 254
boxes do at 12c; 1 boxes tains, colored
at 11c; 125 hnxee do at Uc; I5tf boxes twin
whit, at llo: 3 boxt. tlo at 11 He; 234
boxes do at 12c.