The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 12, 1899, Image 4

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    The Flowers
To Tjurd the Laughing Sod."
And not even Nature would
allow the flowers to grow
and blossom io perfection
without good soil. Now
Nature and people are much
alike; the former must have
sunshine, tatter must have
pure blood in order to have
perfect health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla cures blood trou
bles of all sorts. It is to the human
system whnt sunshine is to Nature
the destroyer of disease germs. It
never disappoints.
Poor Blood-" The doctor said there
were not seven drops of pood blood in my
body. Hood's Sarsaparilla built me up and
made me strong and well." Srsia K. Baowii,
16 Astor Hill, Lynn, Mass.
Dyspepsia! etc.-" A complication of
troubles, dyspepsia, chronic catarrh and
Inflammation of the stomach, rheumatism,
etc., made me miserable. Iladano appetite
until I took Hood's farsaparilla, which
acted like maple. I am thoroughly cured."
N. B. Sklit, 1874 W. 14th At., Denver, Col.
Rheumatism "My husband was
obliged to Rive up work on account of rheu
matism. No remedy helped until he used
Hood's Sarsaparllla, which permanently
cured him. It cured my daughter of ca
tarrh. I give it to the children with pood
results." AUs. J. S. McMath, Stamford, ft.
Hood'l Ptlli cure ItTer Ills, the nnnjrrltatlng and
the only cathartic to take with Hood's Sar.aparllla.
"I sufTered the tortnrea of the damned
with protruding piies brought on by constipa
tion with which I was afflicted for twenty
years. I ran across your CASCARKTS in the
town of Newell, la., and never found anything
to equal them. To-day I am entirely free from
piles and feel like a new man."
O H. Kiitz, 1411 Jones St., Sioux City, la.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. J
Good Merer Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. Wc.lioc. SOo
Ufttsf ''7 CwsT., g.wl, T.r. lt
II fl Tfi B I f Sold and guaranteed by all drug-IIUIU-DAU
CVKE Tobacco Habit
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
La,: Principal Examiner U 8. Pansloo Bureau,
.yratactvii war, lfeadiudicauux claim., ally iiuva
IX J S O I Quiirli.( aad care. '
uml Book af ta.unnnial.and IO '
rf. Dr. a. SEISM S BOSS. Bol D, AUaata. ea.
WAN IfcD t'ai-eot nad beanh that K-I-P-A-Ki-i
will Dot benetlt. Send 6 eta. to Ki pans Chemical
Co., New York, for 10 samples and USMt testimonial..
tsadi mask taisTtnto
Not to Be Overdone.
There are several children in the
"" family, and they were talking ot their
"I am going to plant the seeds Uncle
John gave me," eaid one, "and grow
the most beautiful flowers."
r"a?m ?0'Dg growjiinks' and vio
lets." said another.""
"And I'm going to have roses," said
the third.
But the little boy said nothing.
) He had no seeds to plant.
And presently his mother noticed
that he took no part in the chatter and
her heart smote her.
"And what is Oeorgie going to
grow?" she asked.
"Ferhaps Gcorgie's lip trembled,
but his voice didn't.
"Oh," he said stoutly., "I expect I
can raise a worm or two." Pearson's
A Unman Nature Taatel.
The newsboy had stood on the
corner holding an nndiminishing
bundle of papers for half an hour.
An unvarying and meaningless
sound issued from his lips, but
neither he nor anyone else thought he
was saying anything,
Suddenly the clang, bang and rattle
of a fire engine divided the traffic.
"All about the fire! All about the
fire!" he shrieked.
And every hfth person bought
paper. Puck.
MANY a dutiful daughter pays in pain for her mother's
ignorance or perhaps neglect.
The mother suffered and she thinks her daughter
must suffer also. This is true only to a limited extent. No
excessive pain is healthy. Every mother should inform her
Many a young girl's beauty is wasted by unnecessary pain at
time of menstruation, and many indulgent mothers with
mistaken kindness permit their daughters to grow careless
about physical health.
Miss Carrie M. Lamb, Big Beaver, Mich., writes: 'Dea
Mrs. Pinkham A year ago I suffered from profuse and
irregular menstruation
and leucorrhoea. My
appetite was variable,
stomach sour and bowels
were not regular, and
was subject to pains like
colic during menstruation.
I wrote you and began to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and
used two packages of
Sanative Wash. Youcan't
imagine my relief. My
courses are natural and
general health improved."
Mrs. Nannie Adkins,
La Due, Mo., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
I feel it my duty to tell
you of the good your
Vegetable Compound has
done my daughter. She
suffered untold agony at
time of menstruation be- pCfct
fore taking yourmedictne ;
but the Compound has
relieved the pain, given her a better color, and she feels
stronger, and has improved every way. I am very grateful to
yon for the benefit she has received, It is a peat medicjna
for young girls,"
c. t. . 1
and gets out of mieeiy ian-.y. x-i
The invention of the typewriter has given
employment to 500,000 women.
Boat Tekaet Salt aa Sawas Tew lift) Away,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be snat
netto. tuli of lite, nerve and vigor, Uke No-Tw
Baa, the wonder-worker, that make weak mp
strong. All druggists, SOo or 11. Cure guana
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York
Elehty-flve per cent, of the people who
are lame are affected on the left side.
Ta Care a Col In One Day.
Take t.Motive Bronio Quinine Tablet. All
Druggists refund money if it fails to our. 5o.
Before 1840 men almost universally bad
their faces clean shaven.
Without Knowing" It.
While sitting in a draft without knowing
It we may become sore and stiff from cold.
We feel soreness and stiffness all gone
after using St. Jacobs Oil, hardly know
ing when.
Itussla has about 35,000 miles of railway
besides 7000 now in course of construction.
Or. Peth Arnold's Cough Killer the best aver
nwl in my family. Thomas M., Cor.
luUi and Locust his., Phlla,l'a-, Nov. Jet, UVt,
Boston banks and trust companies have
gained 1106,000,000 lu resources In lour
Fiso's Cure for Consumption has saved me
many a doctor's hill. S. F. Hahuv, Hopkins
Place, Baltimore, Md., Peg. . IStti.
China exports to Europe and America
11,000,000 lans annually, .
Educate Tone Bowels With Caseareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever
I0c,25o. IICC. C fail, druggists refund money.
In Trussla only 6497 of 100,000 attempts
at suicide were successful.
Good Rubber In Mexico.
Experiments made with the native
rubber tree in Mexico have demon
strated conclusively that the cultiva
tion of the castilloaelastica is feasible
and that, after the seventh or eighth
year, a quantity of rubber sufficient
to make the investment profitable may
be extracted annually. Each acre of
the ground available in Mexico for the
purpose can accommodate about 200
trees. Each tree should yield from
one to two pouuds of rubber an
nually, with a value of sixty to seventy
cents a pound, United States cur
rency. The cost of gathering and preparing
the rubber is small, and, with freight
charges, amounts to so slight a pro
portion that an average profit of fifty
cents a pound may be relied upon.
Therefore, the net annual returns to
the planter should be between $100
and $200 an acre each year. The trees
continue to grow larger, increasing
the amount of their product each year.
It is estimated that on a plantation in
Mexico fifteen years old each tree
should yield an average of five pounds
of rubber.
The only objection planters can find
against entering the rubber-growing
industry is the long time they must
ttait after planting before they can
realize any returns. While it is true
that it involves much patients wait
ing, it is considered the safest of crops,
with practically no risk of loss. The
prices quoted are top figures in the
markets of the world.
With such opportunities as Mexico
offers there is little danger of the rub
ber supply failing behind the demand
in the near fntnre, as has been sug
gested by some of the larger dealers.
New York Pess.
A llrltlsh IMaint.
We recommend those who are inter
ested in publio art in this country to
look at the account given of the deco
rative work carried out at the new
Paris Opera Comique. The exterior
sculpture is by the greatest French
sculptors of the day; for the decora
tive paintings in the auditorium, the
staircases and the foyers a galaxy of
the most gifted French painters have
been employed, aud all this paid for
by the Government, for the public
good and fcr the encouragement of na
tional ait. When shall we see such a
thing in England? It is as if we had
a London theater decorated with
sculpture by Mr. Gilbert and Onslow
Ford, and the halls and staircases
painted by Mr. Watts, Mr. Tadema
and Sir E. Poynter. Instead of that
we have theaters with sculpture done
by stone-carvers and paintings by
decorating "firms." Builder.
Frog's skin, though one of the thin
est, is also one of the toughest
leathers tanned.
self for her own sake and especially
for the sake of her daughter. Write
to Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass.,
for her advice about all matters
concerning the Ills of the feminine
mmm&fi a
Sftf&Wr I ' II.' Jm
v .in e
,V fc.ANf AYi.
We Hast Hava Mora Boys Representa
tive New York Bnslaesa Men Give)
Their Views Upon the Use or I.lqnor
by Employes Intemperance Barred.
fs mast have more boys," hear the vil
lains ery,
s they clhk their Jlnj-ltnir glasses;
"Tls Strang how fast the drunkards
1 hundred thousand graves heaped high
Each year marks off as it passes.
We must have more boys at least twelvs
each hour
We must win by cunning devices.
To gather the brightest of youth's flower
From the garden ot home; Us peaceful
We must use every art that entices.
'Wo must have more boys. Then lot nends
be sent
To make their persuasive offers;
Set the boys to drink; 'A nickel tbat'J
On a glass for a boy, is money lent
To bring dollars back to our coffers.'
'We must have more boys; for only with
Is the army ot drunkards reoruited.
Slay the fathers' hopes and the mothers'
Cse the devil's most deceptive deooys,
And render the boys lmurutej.
'We must have more boys; see the prlsoa
For those we shall school in sinning;
The asylums yawn; the almshouse gates
Gape open to groan the fate that awaits
The boys we saoceed in winning.
We must have more boys. Then let us
To pursue them tn every quarter;
(Vith a hustle and bustle and din we shall
Then hurry and scurry them In to their
Rush them on like sheep to the slaugh
ter." Ram's Horn.
The Handicap of Drink.
A representative of The New York Voice
asked ot several business men, well known
and highly esteemed in New York com
mercial elroles, their views upon the use
of liquor by business men and their em
ployes. The answers given by nil of them
showed marked hostility to drinking habits,
and many ot them remarked upon the
change that has come to pass In the busi
ness world In this respect within the last
few years. The old custom of treating,
that used to play so large a part lu the
transaction of large wholesale deals with
out-of-town oustomers, they all agreed hai
largely disappeared.
Among the men with whom Tim New
fork Voloe representative talked was Henry
Clews, one of the most widely known finan
cial operators in the oity. Mr. Clews said:
"Drinking dwarfs men's abilities, makes
il'em erratic, and Interferes with good
Judgment. It makes them see things with
a distorted mental vision and leads them in
todisastrous enterprises. Competition Is so
keen to-day that a man must keep his head
cool end his judgment unimpaired in order
to protect bis own and his customers' In
terest". Driuk makes a man see either the
brightest or the gloomiest si Jo ot things,
which lo dangerous. On the Stock Ex
change to-day a man who drinks habit
ually Is apt to be avoided, where a fen
years ago the fault was overlooked. Busi
ness to-da7 is conduoted on a different
basis from that of twenty years back. It
was then thought that if a man was con
vivial and made friends, business would be
Induced; and some of the houses in the
"Street" used to have "drinking" part
ners" to take customers out and treat
them; but such a thing is not known any
more. It is no longer necessary for a
broker to open wine for his customers; in
tact, suoh a course is to-day regarded with
lusptclon. Men are apt to think less of a
man for putting temptation in their wav."
Mr. Clews, who is familiar with the social
Justom of the best families of tlio city,
also expressed his opinion that the con
sumption of liquor in the homes ot wealth
has very materially diminished; and also
that "bar drinking" in Wall street has
within the last fifteen years decreased not
less than fifty per eent.
The subject was also brought up In con
versation with Mr. Chester 8. Lord, who
has for eighteen years been the managing
editor of the New York Sun. Mr. Lord de
cidedly believes that a newspaper man in
these days of intense competition oan not
lucceed If be allows his powers to be im
paired by the use of liquor. With regard
to the condition of affairs in the office oi
Ibe Sun, be said:
"Intemperance will not be tolornted in
Ibis office on the part of anybody. The
Dnly men whom I have been compelled to
let go during the last three or four years
owe their dlsmi-sal to intemperance."
President John ClaAin, of the great
wholesale bouse of H. B. Clullia Company,
ipeaklug ot drinking among employes,
"We can not afford to keep a man who
irlnks habitually no matter how good a
nlosman he may be. There is a marked
cbnngo for the better in this respect
throughout the entire business section ot
New York, and I think throughout thi
eountry. Competition is so active that
svery concern must be on the alert for
trade, and intemperance on the part o'
talesmen will not be put up with."
Horrors In a Casual Paragraph,
A casual paragraph in a daily newspaper
reads: In a recent treatise on alcoholism
by Trull It is stated that in England seventy-five
per cent, of all cases of pauperism
are due to drink, and in Germany ninetv
per cent. In Germany drink leads to 1600
oases ot suicide a year, and supplies the
lunatic asylums with 3000 victims.
Notes of the Crusade.
Drink buriussorrows that rise again to
"Tuev that give themselves to drinking,
and that club together, shall be consumed;
and drowsiness shall be clothed In rags."
Prov. xvlil., 21.
A writer In the November Atlantic in an
trticle on '-Colonial Lessons of Alaska,"
says: "Whisky is the greatest curse ot the
people of Alaska American, Russian and
native., t nave not a wora io say in ihvoi
of Its use."
Lord Roberts says that the total abstin-
snee movement In India Is worth 3,-
000,000 to the Indlnn finances. Lord Rob
erts further said to Mr. Calae when in
Calcutta: "Give me a teetotal army, Mr.
Calne, and I will take it anywhere."
An Indian outbreak near Juneau, Alaska,
Is reported. Cause liquor sold iu viola
tion of the law.
A bill is before the Illinois Legislature
to establish to State hospitals for drunk
ards, to be supported by a special tax upon
the saloons of the State.
Miller the total abstainer, who won the
six-day bicycle race In New York, has won
a similar race In Ran Francisco, covering
2192 miles in the six days.
A bill bss been introduced In the Legis
lature of North Dakota to create a r'tate
office, Commissioner of Temperance, to be
charged with the enforcement ot the pro
hibitory law of the State.
It Is announced that the necessary funds
for opening the "Squirrel Inn" on the
Bowerv. New York Cltv. have been sub
scribed. This is the Institution in behalf
ot which Bishop Potter was spoking
when be used the expression about the
saloon a "poor man's club" that has
caused so much discussion.
The city ot Galeshurg, Illinois, has been
carried for oo-llcense alter a suarp cam
The British Government laboratory last
vear analyzed 1510 samples of so-called
"temperunce" drinks. Of this number
over oue-third were found to contain more
than the two percent, of alcohol allowed
by law. Some of the samples contained as
much as six or eight per eent.
A New York paper quotes a bottlo dealei
oftbeelty as saying: "The quotatotlons
for old bottles fluctuate as much as the
market prices on any other commodity,
ltnnnntlv there has been nn enormous ae
for beer bottles, oaused by the brew
ers" desire to rush their goods to Porto
Rico and the other new possessions of the
United States. We could not get hold ot
kottle enough to fill our rden."
4 ki
The foreign commerce of Austria-Hungary
Increased 1 59,1X0,000 during IStlS.
Beaaty fa Blood Ottp.
Clean Mood means a clean akin. No
beauty without it. Caseareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Caseareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug
lists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c
Indians in Alaska have shot Government
reindeer, mistaking them tor wild game.
What Do tlie Children Drink. I
Don't give them tea or coffee, nave
you tried the new food drink railed
biiAix-O? It Is delicious and nourishing,
and takes the place ot coffee. The more
Gatm-0 you give the children the more
health you distribute through their sys
tems. Ubmn-O Is made ot pure grains,
and when properly prepared tastes- like
the choice grades of coffee, but costs about
,V as much. All grocers sell It. 15c. and 26c.
German railway receipts tn January In
creased 1 1,550,000 over January, 1893.
llow'a This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that canuot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chrnkv Jt t o., Toledo, t.
Wo, the undersigned, haveknown F. J. Che
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per
fectly honorable In all inistueaa transactions
and Anancially able to carry out auy obliga
tion made by their Arm.
West TttUAX, Wholesale DruKslste,Toledo,
VTAi.niNO, Kisnan Marvin, Wholesale
Dnigirists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act
ing directly upon the Wood aud mucous sur
faces of the svstem. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all DrugKlsts.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
The new Lord Mayor ot Belfast, Ireland,
Is a German Jew.
Enclose Ten Cento
And get by mull trial bottles Hoxsle's Cronp
Cureand Hoxsle's Disks for Croup, Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis. A. V. Hoxste, lluffalo.N.Y.
London bakers are trying to do away with
the "hot cross bun."
Mrs. Wlnslow'sSoothin Syrup for children
teething, softens the Kums, reduces intlaraiua
lion, allays pain, cures wind colic. Si io.a bottle
Not Keally I'erO.llous.
A correspondent sends ns an inter
esting account of the trust reposed by
our neighbors in British good faith.
At a time when war between Great
Britain and France seemed possible,
if not probable, it was feared that it
would involve a bombardment of
Havre. Insurances were accordingly
effected at Lloyd's by Frenchmen at
Havre against any damage which
might in snob, a case be done to their
buildings. Such an nnderwriting
contract would be nnenforceable at
law, but the Frenchmen who paid
their insurance felt certain that the
British underwriters would not take
advantage of any legal point, but
would pay np as, of course, they
would have done. Aftor all, this lit
tie incident should serve to show that
"nerfide Albion" is very often not
much more than a phrase. Wcstniin
ster Gazette.
Spalding's VM
"aj r
ot quality"
m .Bk, at a
on Athletic Goods
Insistupon Spalding's
Esndsom Catalogue Frei.
A. O. bfALDISO a U1103,
fs York. Chicago. Dearer.
A Fair. Face May
Marry a Plain Girl if She Uses
sets la very pitta alter the cooing
res. It relaxes the stiffened muscles.
The Roman Cathollo population ot the
United Kingdom is about 6,500,000.
To Cure Cooetipattoo Forever.
Take Caseareta Candy Cathartlo. lOo or ISa
DC.CC. fait to cure, d rim-mat refund money
The population ot the world Increases ten
per eent. every ten years.
Fits permanently onrel. No fltsornervnu.
nessartertlrst day's use .if Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Kestnrer. S- trial bottle and treatise free
Da. K. U. Klin a, 1.M..KI1 Arch Stllhlla..Fa
Cornstalk pith is of high value In the
manufacture ot smokeless powder.
Mo-To-Bao for fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
Ben strong, blood pure. too. il. AM druf gists.
The highest price ever paid for a race
horse was 150,000 tor the famous Orrnonde.
Last's Family Itledlclne
Moves the bowels each day, la order to
be healthy this Is necessary. Acts gently
on the liver and kidneys. Cures sick head
ache. Prloe 25 and 60o.
London's Asiatics,
London bas a floating population
of some ten thousand Asiatics equal
ing that of a small town; and, if a lit
tle malodorous sometimes, and in
clined to linger outside the pale of
modern civilization, it is interesting
to make their acquaintance, note
their habits and the places they fre
queut. Even their vices have a cer
tain element of picturesnaeness, and
especially among the Chinese some
of their ceremonies obtrude upon the
atteution. For high life among the
Asiatio population yon must go to
Bayswater, which is spoken of among
foreigners as "Asia Minor." Here
reside the rioh Orientals who are en
gaged in commerce or have come for
purposes of ednoation or pleasure,
These are the small and cultured mi
nority. For the large majority, the
Asiatics of the slums, you must go out
to Poplar and Shadwell to the neigh
borhood of the East India Docks by
preference. It is here the Oriental
is to be seen in all the richness of his
infinite variety. Paris Messenger.
A lllllpoatlng Machine.
Successful experiments have been
made in Faris with a new billpoBting
machine, which does away with the
use of either a ladder or paste. It can
be used to post bills at a height of
fifty feet from the ground, and la be
ing put into practical operation.
Wire nails are so cheap, it is said
that if a carpenter drops one it is
cheaper for him to let it lie than to
waste his time in picking it up. One
keg out of every five sold is never
used, but simply goes to waste.
An Ohio Judge bas decided that one
cannot be prosecuted . for forging a
document unless a revenne stamp is
affixed to it.
WITH a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical Ills which vanish before proper
efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort In the knowledge that so many
forms of Illness are not due to any actual disease, but simply to a constipated condition of the system, which
the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptfy removes. That Is why It Is the only remedy with millions
of families, and is everywhere esteemed so htirhly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to
the fact that It Is the only remedy which promises Internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which
It acts. It Is, therefore, all-important. In order to get Its beneficial effects, to note when you purchase that you
have the genuine article, which Is manufactured by the California Pig Syrup Co. only. .u,uju,
Of the art of advertising Is to correctly Inform the public of the merits of
always prove most effective In time. The valuable reputation acquired by
the California Fig Byrup Co. by reason of the excellence of the pleasant
laxative remedy. Syrup of Flirs, which It manufactures, confirms the state
ment, which the company freely makes, that the best of remedies only
should be used when needed by the hum.-in system. The more one takes
of salts and pills the more constipated the system becomes, while on the
other hand one enjoys , both the method and the results when Syrup of
FUrs Is taken; It is pleasant and refreshing: to the taste, and acts gently
yet promptly on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleenses the system effec
tually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and overcomes habitual consti
pation permanently; also biliousness and the many ills resulting therefrom.
The great trouble with all other purgatives and sperlents Is not that they
fall to act when u single dose is fatten, but that they act too violently and
Invariably tend to produce a habit of body requiring constantly augmented
dopes. Children enjoy the pleasant taste and gentle action of Syrup of
Figs, the ladles find It delightful and beneficial whenever a laxaAlvt remedy
is needed, and business men pronounce It Invaluable, as It may be taken
without interfering with business and does not gripe nor nauseate.
Is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which It Is manufactured by scientific procesees
known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and therefore we wish to im
nrpss on all the ImDortance of Durchaslrur the true and original remedy.
When buying note the name, California
every package.
Of Greater New York, Boston, and
many other places use Carter's Ink
exclusively and won't use any other.
That speaks well for
. and gives you food for thought.
1 1 Alexandib Re
CURE D-Sampl bottle, 4 day'
treatment, postpaid, 10 cents.
M ROT Co. , IMS (ireen wlch St. , N. V,
lj Unta HHtHt ALL tIKt ra LH.
Bast Counh 8rmp. Taatas Uood. Cm
id time, fnta bt drwrfrl'ts.
Prove a Foul Bar
The sumnur day is ovr,
And weary with honest toil
Home, through the fields of clover
That springs from the fertile soil.
Plods now the sturdy farmer
"With grimy hands, and though
Soiled too, indeed, is his tult oi tweed,
But little cam he, I trow.
A WORD OF WARNING. Then art many whin sospt. sach rprstntd to bt" just g
as tool as tht ' Ivory ';" they ARE NOT. but llkt all counterfeit!, lack tht peculiar an
rtnarkablt qualities of Hit gtnulnt. Aik for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upoa (ttli)( It. &
crnM. int. t; rw rua u. n. rwiuut VI
Endurance of Arabian Porters.
Arab carriers bear great loads npon
their backs and go at a trotting pace
from 6 a. m. to 6 p. m. During the
month of Bamadan the Korau forbids
the taking of food between suurise
and sunset, and this law is said to be
held sacred and rarely violated. Not
only do these porters continue their
arduous physioal exertion during the
twelve laboring bourn of the day
without taking any food during that
period, but the Frenoh inspectors who
are in charge of the gangs told our in
formant that they could work better
during the month of the fast than at
any other time of the year, because
their energy was not needed for
digestion. At eventide these Arabs
have a moderate meal ot wheatmeal
porridge, mixed with large proportions
of butter (it is to be had cheap) or
olive oil. Their expenditure for food
is not more than bix or seven cents a
day, and the only luxury which they
permit themselves is a cup of very
strong black coffee and a cigarette.
Fig Syrup Co., printed on the front of
Francisco, Cal.
New York, N. T.
Strength, Vitality, Manhood.
A Great
It Contains 1 InTalnable Prescription for
I nn J i ICC ft
PRICK ONLY $1 BY MAIL (sealed). Oew edition, with latest obserrRiions of the author.)
Head this QKEAT WOKK now and K SOW THYSELF, for knowledge la power.
Address The Peabfldy Medical Institute, No. 4 Bulfrach fit., Boaton. Maas. (Established in 160.1
'hlef Consulting; Physician and Author, Graduate of Harrard Medical Colies-e, Class 1804. Buraeon
'ifth MaaxachusetU Keg. meat Vol. Thr lost Specialist la Aat.rtea, whe tarsi fl kr
Hhers Fall. Consultation In person or by letter, S to 6 ; Sundays 10 to 1. Confidential.
The National Medical Association '.warded the Oold Medal for this Grand Prize Treatise, which
la truly A BOOK KOB EVERY MAN, Younr. Middl,aed. or Old. Married or Single.
The Diagnostician, or Know Thyself Manual, a 4 page pamphlet with Uytlmonials and endorse
ments of the press. Price, fiO cents, but mailed FREEforOOdavs. Send now. It is a perfect VADE
MECUM and of great Talue for WEAK and FAILING MEN by a Humanitarian and Celebrated
Medical Author, distinguished throughout this country and Europe. Address aaaboTe. The press
rerywhera highly endorse the Pea body Medical Institute. Read tha following.
The Pea body Medical Institute has been established In Boston J7 yean, and the fame which It has
attained has subjected It to a test which only a meritorious institution could undergo.-Aoalen rnl,
" Tb ftototljr Acd(caJ Imtituti has manj Imitators, but no eg ualt, "-(( on flral
In the housewife's hand awaiting
It a cake of Ivory Soap, &
j l l . ir:. J:-. ..
AngwcncuiiaH1 iiwuuitwsr,
Tis this that gives us hope."
So he take the shining treasure,
And laughing with delight,
Cries i "See it float, the msgic boat
That makes my home to bright.''
The idler exists on one cent's worth
of bread, with a little olivt oil, whioh
be buys for au additional five cents.
Vegetarian Messenger.
Fatality of Newtleail Abbey.
Another link in the chain of ill for
tune which has followed the famous
Newstead Abbey was forged the other
week. It seems that a curse rests on
the Abbey, and that the eldest son ot
its owner has never succeeded to the
estate. Byron sold it to Colonel
Wildman, in 1808, who died child
less. The trustees sold it to Webb,
the famons sportsman, whose eldest
son died that weok. Byron had the
skull whioh was reported to have be
longed to the ghost which haunted the
Abbey, and he used it as a pnnou
bowl. Webb buried the skull, hoping
to lay the ghost. London Correspon
dence iu New York Tribune.
Machinery exports from the United
States to Mexico in the last six mouth
were $2,720,000.
any article,
and truthful statements
Medical Treatise on Happy
'Marriages, tlie cause ana cure oi x
liaiinterl Vitality. Nervous and Physical .
Debility. Atrophy (wasting), and Vari
cocele, also on ALL DISEASES AND
ever cause writing. True Principles of
870 pp. Viuxo, with An-.
acuta and enrol! Embosaed, full (lit.