The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 12, 1899, Image 3

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Durges.K. C. lloalh.
OouneUmen. Joseph Morgan, J. T.
Dalo, W. V. blum. Jas. I). Davis. Chaa.
Clark, T. K. Armstrong, II. II. Slioe-
J ustices vf the Peace C. A. Kandall, 8.
J. 8etley.
Constabtt II. K. Moody.
Collector F. P. Amslor.
School Directors Q. W. Ilolenian, I.
Agnew, J. E. Wenk, Q. Jamiesou, J. C.
Soowdcn, Patrick Joyce..
Member of Congress "Win. C. Aunold.
Member of Senate A. M. IS'ekley.
Assembly Vr. S. S. To xer.
President Judge W.1U. LisnsBT.
Associate Judges Jos. A. 'Mash, A.
J. MoCrav.
'Preasurer S. M. Henry.
Prothonotary, Register t Recorder, te.
John II. Robkutson.
Sheriff . Fra.ii k P. Walkkb.
Commxssiohers-vVl' M. Coon, C. M.
County Superintendent K. E. SfiTZiN-
District Attorney 8. P. Irwin.
Jury Commissioners 3. B.'CABPBN
tkb, Uko. D. Shikliw. ". -. " V
County Surveyor J. I). Davis.
Coroner Vr. J. V. Morrow.
County Auditors M. J3. A. both", J.R.
Clark, R, J. fi.YNN,
regular tkbms or "court.
Fourth Monday of February.
Third Monday of May.
Fourth Monday of September,
Third Monday of November.
piONESTA LODUE, No. 369, t. 0. 0. F.
1 Moots every Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows' Hall, Partrldgo building.
I ."H)UEST LODOE, No. 184, A. O. U. W.,
1 M eets every Friday evening In A.O. U.
VV. Hall, Tionesta.
S. of A., moots every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonosta.
O. A, R. Meets 1st and 8d Monday
evening In each month, in A. O. U. W.
Hall, Tlonosta. . , '
137, W. R. C, moots first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, In A.
O. U. W. hall, Tlonosta, Pa.
ION EST A TENT, No. 164, K. O. T.
M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening In each month In A. O. U. W.
hall TionesU, Pa.
and District Attorney. Olllce, cor. of
tin and Bridge Stroots, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agont for a number of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies.
Tionesta, Pa.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
J W. MORROW, M. D., "
Physician, Surgeon A Dentist.
Olllce and Rosldonce tliroe errors north
of Hotel Agnew, Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly responded to at all hours.
T 0. BOWMAN, M. D.,
ljt Physician A Surgeon,
Oflloe hfcbuilding formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to.
night or day. Rosidonce opposite Hotel
Office over Heath C Killmor's store,
Tlonosta, Pa. Professional calls prompt
responded to at all hours of day or
night. Residence East side Elm St., 3d
dore above jail building.
C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
- and Is now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with natural gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold wator, eto. The comforts of
guests never neglected. '
J 11. V. UOUNER, Proprietor.
Tlonseta, Pa. This is the most centrally
locatod hotel hi the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be sparod to make it a ploasant stopping
place for the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
, j
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bondor, Proprietor. This hotel
has but reeontly been comploted, is nice
ly furnished throughout, aud oflora the
tin est and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guosts and the traveling public.
Rates reasonable.
Shop in Waltors building,. Cor. Elm
and Walnut streets, Is propart-d to Co all
Kinds of custom work irom the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion given to mending, and prices rea
sonable. T F. ZAHRINGER,
aud Jewelor of 25 years' experience, is
prepared to do all work in his line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction, watch
es, Jowelry, dec., ordored for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
And all kinds of
Fred. Grcttenbcrger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tool, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Rlacksmithingprompl
Ivdone at l-ow Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given spocial attentiou, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of aud just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
1 1 mutt sons..
:k urniture Dealers,
. Insurance iu'i.v
. . AND . .
Companies Represented.
North American, - -Royal,
Orient, - -FMll'a
Underwriters. -
$ 9,686,808.08
Titles examined and "Briefs" nronared
Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for
sate or rent. Particular attention paid to
the collection of rents, interest, Ao. Also
to the proper assossment of lands and
payment of taxes.' Leasing and sale of
on ana gas lauds a specialty-
Church and Mabbalh 8rh.ol.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evening by Rev. R. A. Buzza.
Preaching in the F. M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. W. MoClolland, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAnlnch officiating.
The rogular nieotings of the W. C'. T.
U. are held at the headquarters on the
socond and fourth Tuesdays of each
011 market ft. 13. ,
Fresh groceries, at A msler's. " It
Oil and gas leases at this ofllco.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf.
Two-dollar hats at F. Waltors Co's.
Seo those f 1.50 hats at F. Walters A
Co's. J.
The latest thing in ties at Miles A
Armstrong's. u
New shirt waists 50o mid 7oc at F.
Waltors A Co's. n
New shoes for men and boys at Miles
A Armstrong's. t
Go to TionesU Tlunimr and Plumb-
ing Co. for bicycle fixtures. It
Greon groceries at Amsler's, always
fresh and at the lowest pricos. 1 1
Wall ppcr by sample at lowsst
prices at Miles Jt Armstrong's. It
The grsat Kinzua viaduct is ta ba
taken down aad replaced by a heavier
and more substantial brldgo.
A car load of Daisv raiddlintrs will hn
in at Lanson Bros', milt in a few davs.
Call and got the best for the least money.
Bicycles repaired while you wait at
Tionesta Tinning and Plmnbinir Co.'s
shop, next doer to Hopkins. Agency for
Columbia bicycles. 0 tf
The Bishops ef the Jfuthodlst Enis.
oepal church of the ITnHed Stdltos will
meet at New York. April 27. to make
fall conference assign ments.
You are cordially Invited to inspect
the latest novelties and styles in milli-
. .... TM. i .... t . . i aA
uu.jt, -Luuisuity huu ereuing, fprn lit
at Mrs. B. B. Minim's Bridge street. It
Lanson Bros, txnect in a dar or two
to have in a car load of specially fipe seed
oats, which they Invite the farmers te
call and iuspect before selecting else
rtiere. Tropical and domestlo fruits, fresh
vegetables, grocerios, confectionery, ci
gars aud tobacco of the finest variety and
at lowest prices can always be found at
AyiiBler's. ' n
A Sabbath school conventien for the
Oil Clty.distrlct of the Froe Methodist
churoh, will bt held in connection with
the quarterly niteting to be held, at Tio
nesta in May. RUtzard.
Landlord Weaver of Hotel Agnew
has commenced spring houso cleauing
and the painter and paper hangor are
brightening things up in great shape
about that popular bostlsry.
.A teachers' local institute will be held
at East Hickory school house, Saturday,
April 22, 1899. An extensive program
has been arranged aud it is expected to
make this occasion the most interesting
of the year. Everybody invited.
The new grist mill of Lanson Bros,
is now in nice running order, turning out
custom work at a great rate. Farmers
and other needing anything in their line
can now be accommodated on short no
tice. Bring in your grists, and have
thorn ground while you wait.
Glen Campbell's town Council re
fused to grant a franchise to the 'Valley
Water Co. for the erection of water works
in that piaCe on Tuesday evening. The
horoiigh proposes to put in a system of
theirj.wri.-',.7if,sey Press. That's good
horse sshse. Every municipality should
own its own water works.
Jake Korb has had his two-beaded
call ou exhibition in the Kepler block for
few days past. It is very nicely mount
ed and presents a quite lifelike appear
ance and has attracted, a large number of
spectators, who do not begrudge the 5 or
10 cents cents admission to seo this won
derful monstrosity. No one who has the
opportunity should miss soing it.
Troutlng will be legal on and after
next Saturday, 15th iust. It costs $10 a
piece to catch them before that, date, that
is, if the constable, fish warden or any
other citizen catches you at it and and is
disposed to "make a holler" about it.
Constables are made ex-ofiicio game and
fish wardens, by a late act, and if they
tail to enforce the law .where they know
it to have been violated they are a party
to the offense. Don't break the law.
Report of Mayburg school for bo vent a
month : Number enrolled, 35 ; per cent,
of attendance, 91 ; average attendance, 31.
Present every day: Homer Burdiok,
Roy Berlin, Albert Hartman, Arthur
Harding,. Roy Delo, Robert Burdick,
Earl Delo, Helen Paul, Jessie Burdick,
Ethel Bruce, Laura Hartman, Nora Bruce,
Dorathy Burdick, Lottie Bruce, Mabol
Gifford, Sarah Gi fiord, Hannah Bruce,
Zora Hartman.
Rosa D. Hunter, Teacher.
The Coleman well on the hill oppo
site town was "drilled in" last Thursday
and is a duster. A fair sand was found at
a depth between 1500 and 1G0O feet, but
little sign of oil. The wells on Jamleson
flats are being pumped with a view to
exhausting the salt water, and with pros
pects of making very nice producers of
them when this is accomplished. It was
reported yesterday that one of the wells
had made several nice flows. A compa
ny is putting up a rig near Whiteman's
store on the West Side for the purpose of
cleaning out the eld well abandoned there
many years ago, and which at one time
produced oil.
Hopkins aolls the clothing aud Bhoes
terdny. Tiio child's djess caught
while out with its parents in- the "snftr
bush," who were boiling sap.
Monday afternoon of this week, the
bouse ff Moses Mealy, near Newmans
ville, took fire from a dofective flue and
burned to the ground. The parents were
away at the time, and the children man
aged to savo a few of the household goods.
Mrs. W. W. Grove will be pleased to
have the ladios call and see her new
things in millinery. She has a much
finer stock this spring than ever before
aud is satisfied she can please the most
fastidious. Don't fail to call'hefore you
invest in a new hat. &'mt it
Mr, and Mrs. O. F. Miles have the
sympathy of the entire community in the
death of their infant daughter, which oc
curred early Monday morning of this
weok. The ehild was aged 15 days. The
funeral, which was private, was held yes
terday afternoon, Rev. J. V. McAnlnch
Wm. Mealy, living near Marien
villo, was moving into a house ou the
James A. Scott placo, owned by Cecil
Oroce, on Thursday last,and after a large
part of his household goods had been put
Into tho houso the children built a fire in
a)j old stove that had been lea in the
bouse. The building took fire from this
and burned to the ground together with
nearly all the goods that had been put in,
While taking a little outing one day
last week, Benj. Hunter had one of bis
fret pretty badly bnrned. He was up at
the wells on Jainieson fiats and was sit
ting hear the coal htove with one shoe
partly unbuttoned, when a live 'oal
dropped into the top of it, and bofore it
could bo removed the young man was
qnite severely burned. "Picky" didn't
report to his parents for a few days and
in the meantime inflamation set in, and
now be is housed up and suffering a good
deal of pain.
Lydia Ann, wife of David R. Waltor,
of Nowinansville, died at the home of a
sister at Tylersburg, whore she was vis
iting, on Wenduesday. April 5th. She
was agod 75 years, 1 month and 24 days,
and is survived by her husband, two
sons and three daughters, besides several
sistors. The funeral was held on Satur
day last at the Lutheran church, New.
mausville. Mrs. Walter was one of
the highlyrespected Christian women of
her community, a consistent member of
the M. E. church, and was loved and es
teemed by all who knew her.
Stephen Wilson Ilcrron sliod at Grand
Junction, la., on Thursday at midnight
In his 69tli year. Ho was a brother of A.
W. II. Herron, with tho Adams Express
Company, and the late S. D. Herron, Jr.,
all of this city. He was married in 1865
to Miss Rebecca Kelly of this city, and is
survived by her and three children. Mr.
Herron was employed for several years
with the old . firm of McDouald A Ar
buckle of Pittsburg, but left them to go
West, lie located in Grand Junction, la.,
and has resided there ever since. Pitts
burg Com.-Uazcltc, Mr. Herron was a
brother-in-law of Mr. A. B. Kelly of
Tionosta, and with his wifo had visited
here occasionally.
A sleek new locomotive for the Hick
ory Valley railroad passed np the river
last Thursday. It was very handsome in
appearance, and bore the name of G. W.
Warden, in honor of the genial superin
tendent of the railroad. The new engine
is of the standard gauge pattern, has
three drivers, and Is considerably heavier
than any the company lias had in oper
ation. Business at Endeavor is becom
ing mora brisk as the weather settles,
by-the-way, Messrs. CVheeler A Dusen
bury having started their mills on the
night and day run lost Monday, and it
requires more rolling stock on the rail
road to keep up the supply of stock, and
get it out oi the way when it is converted
into lumber.
He is still adding now laurels to his
crown, according to tho Clarion Jackso
nian, which says : "Our famous hunter,
darkey Joe Thomas, recently baggeil an
other rare specimen. This time it was
ot the fowl order. While tramping
through the woods near H aim's mill in
Paint township be spied and shot a bird
whoso wings measured fully six feet
Irom tip to tip. It was of a pale bluish
gray tint and to establish the name and
order of the specimen completely bam
boozled the worthy hunter. Prothouo
tary A. B. Collner was appealed to and
decided vnry soon that the bird is what is
known as the "Blue Heron,'' a rare bird
in this section. Mr. Collner purchased
the bird and will have it mounted."
Tho funeral of the late Charles G.
Scott, mention of whose death at Brad
ford was made in our last issue, was held
on Sabbath afternoon, April 3, 1899.
Apart from the sorrowful natuie of the
solemnities was it a notable gathering in
that it was a striking testimonial to the
standing of Mr. Scott in the community.
Sei vices were hold at tho family resi
dence at South Bradford at 2 o'clock and
at the First Methodist church of Brad
ford at 3 o'clock. Rev, O. J. Gage, pastor
of the U. B. church, assisted by Dr. Web
ster, conducted religions services, and
the Odd Follows took general charge ef
the obsequies and conducted services ac
cording to the ritual of the order at the
church and at the grave. Members of
the Foresters and K. O. T. M. also attend
ed. Rev. Mr. Gage's sermon was a fit
ting tribute to the virtues of the deceased.
The remains were interred at Oak Hill
cemetery. The floral ollerings were beau
tiful, the most prominent being a pillow
inscribed "Husband," from the wile, a
harp with a broken string, from friends,
an emblem from the Odd Fellows, and a
wreath from the Foresters. Besides these
were a number of casket boquets from
other friends. .,
Broke Her Seek.
Mrs. Lucy A. Conard, mother of Mrs.
G. S. Rustler, of Endeavor, Pa., fell
down stairs last night and broko her
beck. She got up about 2 o'clock in the
night and was going from one room to
another, but by mistake got to tho stair
instead of the room door, and fell to the
bottom. Dr. Will Morrow was summon
ed but tho lady was dead wheu he arriv
ed. Shu was aged HO years.
Do you appreciate good laundry
work? if no patronize the Dunkirk
Steam Laundry. Milos A Armstrong,
agents. tf
If you have a cough, throat irritation,
weak liinus, pain in the chest, difllcult
brea'hini;, cruup or hoarseness, let us
sin Kent One Minute Ough Cure. Al
ways reliable and safe. Heath A Killmer.
. Hopkins sells the shoes and rubbers.
'i City en Monday.
Misses Dolly Hood and Elsie Felton
were visitor', to Tidioute last Thursday.
Hon. N. P. Wheeler of Endeavor was
a business visitor to the county seat last
Mrs. VV. A. Schuman of Golinza was
a guest of Mrs. A. W. Richards a part of
last week.
Otto Rudolph of Newtown was a
pleasant caller at the Republican office
last Friday.
U.S. Miles of Plaingrovo, Lawrence
county is visiting his brother, O. F.Miles
of this place.
J. B. Cottle of Marienville, was in
town last wek looking after the 'phones
of the Forest company.
Miss Crain, a professional nurse from
Titusville, is caring for Mrs. John Drake
who is improving slowly.
Capt. J. M. Kepler came up from
Centre county last Friday to visit his
daughter, Mrs. J. D. Davis.
Mrs. R. L. Irwin aud Miss H. G. Ir
win of Franklin, were guosts of their
brother, S. D. Irwin, Esq., a part of last
M. H. 8. Bates of Titusville. was a
guest of her sisters, Mrs. A. B. Kelly and
Mrs. Suie M. Sharp last weok, returning
homo Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas of the
township mourn tho loss of an infant son
on Monday afternoon. The child was
born on Sunday.
Mrs. J. D. W. Reck and Dallas went
to Oil City Saturday to meet Miss Min
nie Reck on her return from tho semi
nary at Fredonia, N. Y.
-Mrs. Perce of Morris, Mo., Mis.
Bates of Spartansburg, and Mrs. Peter
son of Warron, were guests of Mrs. T. F.
Ritchey, Thursday and Friday of last
Hon. A. Wayne Cook will hereafter
personally superintend the lumber oper
ations of Cook fc Graham at what was
formerly the Litch Mills at Brookvillo.
Clarion Democrat.
Mrs. J. D. Swailes is visiting br par
ents. Mr. and Mr. D. V. Reed, after a
very successful operation in the Allo
gheny general hospital, Allegheny, Pa.,
where she was enntired for ten weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Dean have moved
to Oil City, where they will take up their
residence for a timo. There is general
regret among our citizens at the depait
uro of these excellent people from our
midst, and the best wishes of all go with
them to their new home.
Friends uere will bo interested to learn
of the marriage ot Miss Louise Dunn,
daughter of the late Win. R. and Mrs.
Olive L. Dunn, to Mr. William Earl Am
brose. The wodding took. place at Cleve
land, O., on the 5th Inst. Mr. and Mrs.
Ambrose will be at homo to their friends
after May 1st, at 325 E. Capitol St., Wash
ington, D, C.
Mr. Carl Gildersleere of Brookstou,
this county, and Miss Clarabollo Par
shall, daughter of Representativn Par
shall, of Warren, Pa., were married at
the bride's borne Wednesday evening of
last week, Rev. J. W. Smith of tho Pres
byterian church, officiating. The wed
ding was the society event of the season
and a very pretty affair, being attended
by over 100 guests. The Republican
joins the many friends of Mr. Gilder-
slceve in extending heartfelt congratula
tions on this happy occasion, and wishes
for him and his fair bride a long and
pleasurable life journey.
Executive Committee, ff. C. T. U.
The executive committee of the V. C.
T. U. of Forest county, Pa., met by in
vilation of the president, Mrs. Orion
Siggins, at her home in West Hickory at
high noon on Friday, April 7, 1S99. After
the ladies had partaken of a bountiful
luncheon the meeting was called to order
and after devotional exercises the roll
call showed tho presence of fourteen
Under the head of unfinished business
the sixth resolution made at tho last an
nual convention, was read, endorsed and
recornendod for publication.
VI. Resolved: That this body endors
es the action of locaj unions in publish
ing the names of applicants for license,
and we recommend to the county W. ('.
T. U. the publishing of tho names of ap
plicants, includimr bondsmen, signers
and attorneys, the object being to dis
suade good men from thoughtlessly giv
ing their influenco to this unrighteous
The timo for the thirteenth annual con
vention, to be held at Marienville was
placed as near as possible to the last of
A ugust. With the exception of choosing
Mrs. A. Stewart of Redely lib, to give tho
response to the welcome address and
deciding that the first part of tho li'st
session should bo occupied by full re
ports from our local unions, the arrang
ing of the program of tho convention was
left to the central executive committee
New superintendents of departments:
Miss Sarah Miller, school savings banks;
Miss Kate Guenther, Narcotics, vice. Mrs.
Litch, who had resigned. Moved and
carried that Mrs. S. V. Heaton be ar
ranged for to bold meetings through the
county after May 10. Her work is to or
ganize new unions and encourage and
strengthen all. Letters were read in
favor cf closing canteens in national so
dium' homes. After some routine busi
ness the executive rommitteo adjourned.
. Rachki, A.S. Whkklek,
Co. Rnc. Sec
I'ou Tonlion of .School Directors.
To the School Directors of Forest count'. : In pursuance of the forty-third
section of the act of May 8, IS4,
you are hereby notified to meet in con
vention at the court house, in Tioneta,
at 2 o'clock p. in., on the firnt Tuesday in
May, A. !., ISW, being the second day ol
the 'month, and select, viva voce, by a
majority of the whole number of direct
ors present, one person of literary ami
sciontmc acquirements, itu'i oi skiii an i
experience in the art of teaching, as
county superintendent, for tho three sue-
reeoing years; sari cerliiy the result to
the State Superintendent at Harrixburii,
as requiredby the thirty-ninth and for
tieth sections 01 sain act.
E. E. Stitzisokk,
County .superintendent of Forest Co.
April 3d, I H'M. 4-12 :ii
-Silk umbrellas for ladies and gentle
men at Milos A Armstroug'i. It
Before purchasing your sprint hat
don't fail to examine tboso 1.50 and $-.00
hats at F. Waltors A Co's. 1 1
braska on W eiine-viay, Aiay o,' l:.
"(!. I. Johnson
Ethel Bowman,
Clvdb Whitkhill,
Kbr vuiM-Mm C'arrd.
My wifo has used Chamberlain's Pain
Bslin for rheumatism with great relief,
aud I can recommend ll as a splendid
liniment for rheumatism and other
household use for which we have .found
it valuable. W. J. Cuyler, Red Creek, N.
Y. Mr. Cuyler is one of the leading mer
chants of this village and one of the most
prominent men in this vicinity. W. O.
Piiippin, editor Red Creek Herald. Sold
by all druggists.
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes.
Happy is the man or woman who can
oat a good hearty meal without suffering
afterward. If you cannot do it take K
dol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you
eat. and cures all tonus of dyspepsia and
indigestion. Heath A Killmer.
A saviiut without a risk is a gold
mine. Such are the shoes bought at
Miles t Armstrong's. It
Have you got SJ5.00T Have you got
$50 00? Have you got $100.00 T If so, why
don't you deposit it with the Conewango
Building Loan Association Association
of Warren, Pa. They will pay you 6 per
cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payable
semi-annually, and you can withdraw
your principal in full at any time after 6
mouths. 5-5-ly.
"A word to the wise is siif!icient"and a
word from the wise should be suflicient,
but yon ask who are the wiso? Those
who know. The oft repeated experience
of trustworthy persons may be taken for
knowledge. Mr W. M. Terry says Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy itives better sat
isfaction than any.othei- in the mark?..
He lias been in the drug business at Elk
ton, Ky., for twelve yours ; has sold hun
dreds oi bottles of this remedy and near
ly all oilier co.igh me. cities manufactur
ed, which shows oonclrsively that Cham
lierlaiu's is tho most satisfactory to the
people, and is the My all druggists
"Givo me a liver regulator aud I will
regulate the world," said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of Do Witt's
Little Knrlv Risers, the tannuis little
pills. Heath A killmer.
Before the discovery of One Minute
CoughjCure ministers were greatly dis
turbed by coughiMg.'couregations. No
excuse lor it now. Heath t Killmer.
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes.
As the season of the year when pneu
monia, la grippe, sore throat, coughs,
colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung
troubles are to be guardod against, noth
ing "is a tine substitute," will "answer
the purpose," or is "just as good" as One
Minute Cnuh Cure. That is the one in
fallible remedy lor all lung, throat or
bronchial troubles insist vigorously upon
having it if "somothing else" is ottered
you. Heath it Killmer.
I was reading an advertisement ot
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise rceutly, which lrads me to write
this. I can truthfully say I never used
any remo ly equal to it for colic and diar
rhoea. I have never had to use more than
one or two doses to cure the worst case
with irrysolf or children. W. A. Stroud,
PopoinokeCity.Md. Hold by all druggists.
MOHNEY KIFER At the M. E par
sonage, Clarion, Pa., April 4, ltfiil, hy
the Rev. J. N. Fradonburgh, Reuben
T. Mohuov of Bvromtown. Pa., and
Ellio E. kifor of Scotch Hill, Pa.
Divorce Notice.
Coi'nty of Forest, ss.
The Commonwealth of PennJiitvania to
the Sherifl' of xuid County, (Jreeting:
Whereas, Charles Sjoqumt did nn the
7th day of October, IHIW, prefer Jhls pe
tition to our said Judges of the said Court
of Common Pleas for said County, pray
ing for tho causes therein sat forth, that
ho might bo divorced Irom the bonds of
matrimony entered Into with you, Anna
Sjoqnist. "Vo, thertfore, comma-id you,
tho said Anna Sjoqnist, that, setting aside
all othur business and exemses whatso
ever, you be unci appear in your proper
person before our J at Tionesta, at
a Court of Common Pleas there to he
held for the County of Forest, on the
Third Monday of May, IS'.ty, to answer
the petition or lihel of the said Charles
Sjoqnist, and to show pause, if any you
have, why the said CJiarles Sjoqnist, your
husband, should not be divorced from
th? bonds of matrimony, aure-ably to the
Acts of Assembly in such case made and
provided. Herein fail not,
Witness the Hon W. M. Lindsay,
President J ml ire of our said Court, at
Tionesta, the il day f March, 18!.
.J, It. Robertson, l'rnthonotary.
Licence Applications.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing applications for licence tiled
in my otlice ond will be presented April
18, 1S80, at the Court of Quarter Sossions.
Forest Co., Pa.
1. J. It1 Powers, Keystone House,
Marienville, Pa.
2. J. II. Fidler, Hotel Forest, Mar
ion vill", Ph.
3. M. E. liraybill, Junction House,
Elulalia, I'a.
4. L. E. Branch, Central Hotel, Clur
ington. Pa.
5. J. S. Caldwell, Diagonal Houso.By
romtown. na.
(I. H. W. Horner, Central H uuse, Tio
nesta, Pa.
7. Charles F. Weaver, Hotel Agnow,
Tionestii, I'a.
8. J. W. Power, Hotel Marion, Mar
ienville, Pa.
Certified from the Record March 27,
1S!I!I. J. H. Robertson, flork
Contains a complete novel In every nnm
ber, lu u1 it It Ion to a hiree quantity of useful
aud entertaining readluK mutter.
So ronttnumd mlnrlem, trhUh mr ao
bJctionabl to moot reader.
It should be In every household. Suli
icrlptlon, $3.00 tier year.
Ageuta wanted lit every town, to whom
th uiont liberal lnducuuieula will be oflurvd.
3. B. LIPPINC0TT COMPANY, Publisher.
Will handle all kindsof Farm
Machinery, ltm:gio-, Wuj;ims,
etc., this season,
I'all and roller bearing, mak
ing them tfiH lightest draft
machines on the market.
HARROW'S IKir l.etc.
Anything in ded on the faun. Prices
will be at the lowest powilr, liiure.
Easy terms if timo is desired, t all or
write. tin
Go see the line of isrpets Hopkins is
showing this season. The small price on
them will make y-u wish your carpet,
all worn out. We' have many patterns iu
Hod j- ISriiMsd
and Tapcslrj.
Ingrains In Three-ply,
Ingrains in Two-ply.
All wool, Halfwool,
or Cotton.
We are here to match any price that
comes up and think our slock as com-
filete as any in tho country. Come and
ook them over.
L. J. Hopkins.
Established in 18G5.
The Mammoth House-Furn-
ishing Store of
as the best and cheapest place
to procure all the needed ar
tides for Housekeeping.
I ltO tV TI X WA III),
I, AM FN, i i:s,
And in fact Everything used in
ood Sold on ilnsy Pay
ment Name as lor fash,
and Delivered Free all
over the Country.
Carpels Sewed, Uned
and I.ald Free of Charge.
Drive over to I'leasantville and take tho Trolley cars to Titusville. You will enjoy
the trip and if you want to do some tradi ng you will find big stores ami
big stock in the "Quauu City."
This is a Good Time
For You
To go around lu tbc dillcrent clothing stores sbc. test
the sincerity ot their advertising nee bow much lie
sides the truth they put in print. You know every
store claim to huve the bik'gevt values; every store
claims to have llio best styles; every store claims to be
the best entitled lo your patrntiuge. "fin no more than
right you should decide who's right and who ain't.
Look arouod. Fiutl out. Dou't take any body's word
for these thin4 because words dou't care who use them
' and the papers don't care either so loug an they get paid.
We Want You to
Look Around.
We want you to exaiuioo the children's suits that are
advertised ai wonderful bargains at 81.CH, fl.'.W. Chil
dren's pautii, 1 He, and 2t pair, and other catchpenny
priced then we wunt you to examine ours, aad find out
which are lli- best values, whl h are the ones you want
. to buy. Money back for the asking if tint satisfactory.
34 SENEGA ST., -
Arlington Hotel directly opposite ue.
Furniture Elegance
costs much less than it used to.
Up-to-date methods on a very large
scale make the difference.
You can buy really elegant furniture
for a comparatively small price and real
ly good furniture for a price that seems
almost ridiculous if you go to the right
Call in and let us prove that this is the
right store.
We are in the carpet business''
have a fine stock of carpets if
degrees of quality. The degr
with oooi, and thon go.on up.
t . J 1. f
lhtlnty China
Gives Constant Pleasure
ugly ware offends the
eye and gives visitors the impression thai
yon are none too careful in the choice of
your house furnishings. There is no ex
cuse for buying ugly ware when we are
selling pretty patterns at such low prices
vS1 tR? .fiAlf.-J-il
7- .'.-.T'l.-S.r: -"i v .
' v. .