The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, April 05, 1899, Image 1

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    Tiie Forest " Repiitu .
I published every WedacsJay, by
"ce la Smearbaugh & Co,'. Bulldin j
Terms, - 8I.OO Vear.
No subscriptions received for a shorter
period than three montns.
Correspondent toiloitoi from all parts of
tha country. No notloe will be taken of
. anonymous oouiuiauiaitions.
go Square, on inch, ooa ioMTtioa.. 100
a Square, one inch, on month. ., W
On Square, on inch, tbree month. . 6 09
One Square, one inch, one year...... 16 0
Two Squares, one year,.., .......... 15 IT
Quarter Column, one year............ Si 00
Half Column, one year. 60 69
Una Column, one year 100 00
Legal advertisement ten oente per line
each insertion.
Marriage and death notices gratis.
All bills (or yearly advertisements collected
quarterly Temporary advertisements must
be paid in advance.
Job work cash on deliver.
j The Empress of China has dispensed
with any peace-note preliminaries anil
proceeded to raise an army of 250,000
United States Consul Hanna, writ
ing from San Juan for-HLe benefit of
tonring Americans, dwells invitingly
upon a conviction that Torto Rico is
destined to beoome a valued winter
resort for bur people as soon as the
removal of the heavy duties on Ameri
can building material opens the way
to the erection of hotels such as our
people are accustomed to use when
traveling for health or pleasure.
Perhaps the congressional snubs
administered to New Mexico's ambi
tion to be a Stato are responsible for
the remarkable decrease in the per
oentage of illiterates. It hns been
known there for some time that the
territory was not dibble for statehood
on the basis of population alone, but
that educational qualification would
have to make a respeotabla showing
also. Accordingly, the sohool system
has been developod very efficiently,
with the result that illiteracy to-day
is little over fifteen per cent., as com
pared with nearly sixty-two per cent
at the last census.
It looks dark for Dreyfus again,
But the belief in his innocence is un
Bbaken, and those who hold it still
Insist that he shall be returned to
Franoe and restored to his rights as a
citizen and to his place in the army,
lays the Washington Star. Less than
. this will satisfy none of them. He
has suffered, he is innocent, and
France at all hazards should.nndo the
wrong. There are so many difficulties
mrronndiug the case that predictions
is to the result are of small value. It
Is said that if the sentence is reversed
t by the court ol cassation a revolution
will follow iu the interests of the
U-my. Should the army in such a
, jontest sncoced that success would
jperato-as a reversal of the court's re
rersfcl, and a reaffirmation of Drey
fus's sontenee, his re-arrest probably
If in reach, and redeportation back to
".hat lonely island. But even should
Ihe army lose, it would still be unsafe
to Dreyfus to appear in France, and
impossible for him to live there. He
tronnl be too marked a man, too inti
mately associated with bloody con
tentiou, although the innooent cans
Dfit. . '
. Withiu the past few days some im
portant data bearing upon the col
onies, protectorates and dependencies
if tho globe has been seut ont from
the Treasury Departmental Washing
ton. In view of the character of re
cent events this data is of timely in
terest. . Some figures taken there
from. are given in the table below
. Colo- Aroa -
Countries. uIhs. 8q. Miles. Population.
Great Britain.... 4? 11,250,412 34 1:059,123
France 32 3,(517,827 52,612,930
Germany . 8 1,020,070 10,600,000
Netherlands 3 802,833 33,911,744
Portugal 9 801,060 9,110,701
.Spain 3 215,877 256.00C
Italy .8 104,000- 650,003
Austria-Hungary 2 23.263 1,569,092
Denmark 3 86,614 114,222
Russia 3 255,539 5.614,000
Turkey 4 504,500 17499,000
ChlAfl 5 2,831,503 ,16,6H0,00C
United States..-. 4 16287 1O.177.00C
Total 121 21.821,332 '603,048,824
According to the information set
forth in the table above Great Britain
has nearly twice as many colonies as
the other. Powers, while her colonial
population aggregates in extent near
ly three-fifths that of the othei
Powers. France cornea next upon the
list, but her colonies are more exten
sive in territory than population.
A new system has just been started
among trained nurses in Nw York
City and other oities, which will cer
tainly prove a boon to the majority ol
patients and must eventually prove
. very luorative to the nurses them
selves. There are thousands of peo
ple who aro ill, and yet cannot af
ford the luxury of a trained nurse.
Again there are others who do not need
the services of a nurse all day and all
night. The first class cannot have
them on account of the expense, and
consequently suffer and are ill longer
than if they could have only a portion
of a nurse's care. The seoond class
are not ill enough to need tlao constant
presence of a trained nurse. The
nurse can now be hired to-oome in and
assist at an operation, to visit the pa
tient at certain hours, dress wounds,
- bathe or change or otherwise make
them comfortable in a manner such at
a woman train e'd to such work alono
can do. - Many sick persons are made
very, nervous by the presence of an ab
solute stranger constantly in the room
with them, trWl often prefer to dis
pense with the services. of a trained
nurse for that very reason. Under
the new arrangement such porsont
can obtain all the benefit necessary by
these visits.
A sodden reach of wide and wind-swept lea.
i A sky of shattered steel that palls the sight,
And one long shaft of sun that seems to write
' Yast letters slowly on a slate of sea;
The dreary wail of gulls that skim the crest
Of sullen breakers sliding In to land,
f A wofrld crown empty, full of vague unrest.
And shadow-shapes that stride across the sand.
The gray beach widens. Foot by foot appear
Ktrange forms of wreckage creeping from the waves.
Like ghosts that steal In silence from their graves
To watch besldo the death-bed of the year;
Poor shattered shapes of ships that once stood out
Full-freighted to the far horizon's sweep
To muslo of the cheery sailor-shout
Of men who sought the wonders ot the deep!
Poor shattered ships 1 Tbetr gallant cruUing o'er,
Their cargoes ooral-crusted leagues below.
They rise, unnamed, unsambered, from the flow
Recession of the ebb along the shore.
The flokla tide that bore them bravely then
Betrays their shame and uakednoss to ba
Mute witness to the littleness ot men
Who battle with the sovereignty ot sea.
For me, as well; alone upon the dune, .
Tber sinks a tide that strips tie beaches bare.
And leaves but grim unsightly wreckage where
The brooding skies make mockery ot noon.
Ab, dear, that hopes, like tides, should ebb away,
Unmasking on the naked shore of lore
Flotsam and Jetsam ot a happier day,
Dreams wrecked, and all the emptiness thereof!
Guy Wetmore Carryl, In Harper's Magazine.
T the time I was
foreman for Mason
& Jevona, wool
growers so said
the old managing
director of a
famous ranch com
pany young Wal
ter Mason came
West for his first
visit, lie was a
pale boy of fifteen,
nephew to the
senior partner, and
sent from his home
in the East, under
(ho doctor's orders, to live in the open
air for a couple of years.
There were no comforts or con
veniences about sheep-camps in those
days. A bunk-house and kitchen,
with all the furniture home-made ex
:opt the cooking apparatus; some
rough shelter for the Bheep and a
stable for the horses were generally
the only buildings, and these were
apt to b i sot down in sorao hollow of
the bare, brown plain, to liake like
ovens under the summer sun and
to shnka in the cold blasts of January,
Mason & Jevons had a lot ot such
samps, but the home ranch, on the
Deep Arroyo, was a more pretentious
place. There my men ana I bad
Aye-roomed house, about pasture
ouough for two oows, and a small
garden, "uuder ditoh," for tne grow
ing of potatoes and such luxuries.
We thought the plaoe a wonder of
jorafort.but the sudden ohange from a
good city home to a sheep-camp, with
its extremely early hours, its very
plain fare and still plainer cooking,
was rather trying to Walter; bnt he
never mado the least bit of complaint,
not he. He fell into the ranks at
onoo, ana altnongu ae was not re
quired to work, he sot about learning
the details of sheep-raising by doing
everything with his own hands.
Before a year was over the outdoor
life had turned his musoles into steel
and burned his face to a brick red;
still, he was only a boy, and could not
be expected to compete with the
seasoned men in an ordinary day's
work. And yet, for all that, be would
come in brisk and smiling at the end
of a long day s lamb-herding, wheu
some of the older hands were used up,
This puzzled the men, for they bad
been generally inclined to laugh at the
boy as a "tenderfoot." The explana
tion really was that Walter never lost
his temper in dealing with the pro
voking, scampering, silly lambs. Now
few things are more exhausting than
a tota' loss oi temper especially
when it is lost for fifteen hours a day
and that is the usual misfortune of
Walter spent most of his leisure
time npon a superannuated cow-pony.
shooting at coyotes with a rifle, but it
was months before be hit one. The
coyote, although he always turns
"broadside on and gives the marks
man the best chance he can, is a bad
target; his thick fur makes him look
much larger thnu he really is. Walter
fired away cartridges by tho box in
But his failnres only inspired him
to try again, until at length he became
an uncommonly good shot.
The men, to whom coyotes were
familiar, uninteresting things, used to
laugh at Walter's persistent hunting.
They dubbed him "Woolly Walter:
The Dread Death-Dealer of the Deep
Arroyo," and were always anxious to
know when he intended to go off and
kill a few Indians.
"Don't be afraid of Indians," the
boy would say, bantering the men in
his turn. "If any of them ever come
prowling round while I'm here I'll
stand them off." The promise was
made in fun, but he kept it in earn
est. During the boy's second summer.
after shearing time, my daughter,
Sally, came out from town, where she
was at school, to pay me a month's
visit. When the day came for her re
turn, nobody could be spared to drive
her to the railroad but Walter. . I had
intended to go, but John Hansford, a
wool-dealer, had sent word that he
was coming that day.
Walter was much pleased to take
myIace, for he and Sally were great
friends, and with only one road to
follow, there was no fear of missing
the way. So, very soon after sunrise,
the girl and boy set out on their forty
mile drive to catch a train which was
to. leave Plattville at five that even
About two hours after they bad left,
and a good deal .earlier than I expected
him, John nansford rodo up, and
without waiting to shako bauds or to
get off his horse, said:
"Martin, you bad better call your
herders into cmp mighty quick.
They say, down at Truebury's, that a
small band of bad Indians is knocking
about the country somewhere north
of here. They've killed a Mexican
herder and burnt his cabin, and now
they've crossed the railroad coming
this way."
I lost no time. "Dick Taylorl" I
shouted, and out ran the ccok, the
oniy otner man on the place at that
time of dav.
"Saddle up hurry," I said, "there
are inaians oetwixt Here and the rail
road. We must gallop to overtake
oany ana waiter."
With his poper cop on his heod and
his hands covered with dongh, Dick
r ashed with me to the stable; out
came the horses; on went the saddles,
and in less than five minutes we three,
all well armed, were galloping north
Meanwhile Walter and Sally had
traveled some fifteen miles. They
were jogging along, laughing and
cuatiering ami watching the shifting
mirages which are always to be seen
at that time of year, when my girl
cnea out:
"Oh. lookl There's a fnnnv nnnl
Then Walter saw what annnarnd tn ha
tue legs oi nve horses trotting along a
--L L
iooi irom tne ground.
Presently the scene changed, the
horses' legs vanished, and thn vnnno--
sters saw the heads and shoulders of
five men. large and- undefined, sailincr
uirougn tue air. sally told me after
ward that this frisrhtened her.
Suddenlv the mirsora cleared, anil
the girl aud boy saw, about two miles
to me northwest, nve horsemen, one
behind the other. Thev war A viilinff
as if to intercept the wagon, and there
was somctniug very unusual in their
appearance. Walter pulled up and
took ont his field-glass.
I don't like the looks of them."
said he. "They aren't cowboys;
i iiey ve no nats. and l think nn dd
I'm afraid they're Indians."
"lurn back." saidSallv. "and than
we shall know if they're trying to cnt
us off."
"That's sensible." said Walter, and
turned at once.
The riders immediatelv hrnlrA intn
a nara gaiiop, and Headed straight for
the wagon. Walter nrn-ad hi hnmn
to a trot, and then the desperate race
Fifteen miles of level rjlain lav h.
tween the team and the home ranch.
Could the horses hold ont? At first
Walter tried trotting, but tha callon.
incr Indians drained so mnch in tha
first mile that he lashed his team into
a run.
But what chance, in thatm far Hfa
had two steady old ranch-horses hitched
io aneavy road wagon 7 Though they
began with two miles' nlArk. tha linht.
footed Indian ponies camo up so fast
mat my gin, as she turned lier head
to watch them, could soon distinguish
the forms. They grew from dark
patches to definite figures of men on
running beasts. Sally could make out
the heads, arms, and flvinor hair nf tha
Indians, the heads of the ponies and
tneir moving legs.
"Ihey re gaining fast. Walter." sha
Walter didn't look at her than. TTo
voice had been jolted ont of her hvth
bumping wagon, and bethought it was
an oi a tremble, lie jnst stood up in
the bouncing, rattling waeon and slurp,!
round the sky-line.
He had some hope that he might see
other riders, and if he did ha wnnM
head for them; though that wasn't the
fwuwfak miufj iu UIB 1UII1U, JUQI
there was not a living figure clear
against the blue or dim acainat tlia
plain nothing but the bare, burnt
prairie and tne gray streak of road.
' "It's all rieht. Sally " cried tha hn-r
not looking down at her, for he feared
.i ia - i . i .
sue wonia go into nystencs, as He Had
once seen an Eastern cirl dn. "Tt'a
all right, Sally; we'll beat them yet."
At mat my gin laugned.
"I guess." she said, "von'ra nnt
such a tender foot as they call you."
She told me that he stared down at
her in surprise for a moment, and then
changed his tune and took her richt
into his confidence.
'I'm looking for a sood nlaca to
fight." he said. "We can't tret awav
from them by rnnning. But we must
keep on until we see some cover witmn
reach." ' -
"Coverl" said Sallv. "We'll be
better off in the oven if it comes to
shooting. They'll crawl up to you
through the oover that is, if it's more
than just a bush or two, for you see
Sally hadn't been born on the plains
without learning a good deal abont
"Well, that's a fact," Walter cried
out "But Hello! what's that?" and
Sally stood up and clutched bold of
him, and they both stared while the
old horses raced onward.
"It's water it's no mirage," said
"Yes, it's real water," said Sally,
"There's a hollow there and the
thunder-storm's filled it.
"Must be pretty shallow," said
Walter, an idea jumping into his
Ho didn't ask Sally's opinion this
time, but, man fashion, he took his
"Sit down and hold on tight, Sally,"
watiHU he said.
WiTfNiiat he turned out of the road
whipped tho horses into their best
gallop and drove straight for the water
which was a shallow pond about three
hundred yards wide and four or five
times as long.
Maybe it was the sight of the water
that encouraged the ranch-horses
anyway, they kept the pace so well
that the Indians were still more than
half a mile behind when the horses
splashed into the pond aud were
brought to a walk. Walter drove
them straight forward until wator be
gaa coming into the wagon-box
Then he tnrned the wagon broadside
to the Indians.
Sally and the boy were now about
a third of the way across the pond
and they had entered it abont midway
between its ends. This snitod Wal
ter's plau exactly; he set the brake
hard so that his horses couldn't move
the wagon against bis will, hung his
cartridge-belt about his neck, jumped
into the water, helped Sally down be
side hira, pulled her littlo trunk over
so that it concealed and protected
her, and theu took his rifle and stood
If you will think, you will soe that
be bad a pretty good fortification,
Tho wagon-box was between him and
the Indiane; the enemy couldneither
ride fast nor run on foot fast out to
where the boy and girl stood more
than waist-deep; they were half nnder
water, and their heads and chests were
well defeuded by the wagon-box and
the trunk; there were only five In
dians aud these could not get near
enough to shoot without offering a far
bettor mark themselves.
The plain afforded no cover for the
redskins nothing but some scattered
bunohes of grass and a soapweed here
and there, bally understood the sit
uation at a glance. .
"Well, you've got an Indian-fight
er'g head on you, Walter," she said,
"I guess we've got them where we
want them," said Walter, for a boy
that could knock over a coyote five
times in seven oouun t expect to miss
"I think so," says Sally. "They
can t get within shooting distance at
either end of this pond; they can't
come in where we did withont your
hitting them, aud if they wade across
out of range and try to take us at the
back, all we've got to do is to cross
to the other side of the wagon, and
then they're in more danger than they
W6r L)6ioro
"I think it's all right," said Walter,
On came the Indians, almost up to
the edge of the pool. Walter was in
tending to disable the foremost one
tb.3 moment his pony's hoofs splashed.
when the whole nve suddenly swerved
to the right. Then, as if with one
motion, every Indian vanished behind
the body of his pony, apparently
leaving nothing for Walter to shoot at
except the soles of five left feet. But
the boy was not unnerved by this
manoeuvre. He fired, aud down went
the foremost pony.
The instant the rider was on his
feet Walter covered him with his
Winchester; but Walter was not
anxious to shoot any Indians, for he
knew that he could defend Sally with
out doing so, as he now saw something
moving ou the plain something of
which the Indians were4 not one bit
"Look toward the west," said Wal
ter to Sally.
I see," said Sally, and her eyes
brightened. "Guess what I was
afraid of, Walter. I was afraid the
Indians would just wait and watch us
till we would have to leave this cold
water. Now they'll have no time to
wait until we're frozen out."
Meantime the second Indian bad
come np, taken the unhorsed man be
hind him, and galloped out of range
with'the others. Walter let them go un
harmed. For the aspect of affairs had
changed a good deal more, too, than
tho Indians knew.
The redskins held a brief consulta
tion at a safe distance; then one rode
off toward one end of the pool, and an
other toward the other end, while the
remaining three began crawling from
bunch to bunch of grass toward the
wagon. This did not look so danger
ous to the besieged as the Indians
probably supposed.
That's all very fine." said Walter,
when he noted this manoeuvre, "but
they haven't got half enough time to
get us surrounded. However, (I'll
have to attend to the crawling ones.
Sally, will you just keep your eye on
the two on horseback, and tell me to
look when they stop."
So Sally walked out a few yards.
stooping as she waded, so that the
water was over her shoulders, until
the wagon and horses no longer inter
cepted her view. There she crouched,
with just her head ont, and watched
the proceedings, and grew exultant
and confident as she saw what the In
dians didn't even suspect.
While sue was keeping her lookout.
Walter was making the crawling In
dians very nncomfortable by drop
pine bullets close to them. He wasn't
trying to hit them; Lis hope was to
keep them crawling or lying, so that
they wonld not rise and see what was
coming. There they lay very flat, and
moving with extreme caution nntil
Sally cried out: "Walter, they've
turned back! No, they're galloping
away! They know, now!"
"Oh, see them run!" cried Walter,
as at that moment the three crawling
Indians sprang to their feet, made a
dash for their ponies, and rode off
They had reason. Three angry,
well-armed white men were within
half a mile of them, and riding on like
mad. We had arrived in time.
"Oh, father," said Sally to me, as I
lifted her up out of the water and
kissed her, "Oh, father, I'm so glad
you came in time! Walter wonld
have had to shoot those Indians, and
I don't believe I should have felt
happy again if ho had." Youth'
The Flue Dusts l ied For Various Special
Purposes Fine Sawdusts Exported.
The fine sawdust of hard woods,
that whioh is produced in sawing
veneers, is used for a variety ol
special purposes; fine mahogany saw
dust, for instance, being extensively
used in cleaning furs. There are
sold fifteen or twenty different varie
ties of fine Bawdust from as many dif
ferent kinds of hard woods, those be
ing gathered from the various mills.
While fine mahogany is the sawdast
most largely used in cleaning furs,
various other kinds are also employed
for that purpose. The use of box
wood sawdust for cleaning jewelry is
traditional. Boxwood sawdust is also
used in polishing silver. Some saw
dusts are used in marquetry work.
Some are used in making pressed
mouldings and Ornaments. Sandal
wood sawdust is nsed in scent bags.
5 The production of coarse sawdust
of various hard woods, such as oak
and maple, is greater thau the de
mand for them; such sawdusts may
be burned in the mills where they are
produced. Coarse mahogany sawdust
may be sold for commonplace uses, or
employed as fuel where'it is made;
but for the fine sawdusts of all the
hard woods there is more or less de
mand; for many of them there is a
ready market. The most costly of
fine hardwood sawdust is boxwood,
of which the supply is less than the
Fine hardwood sawdusts are shipped
from this city to various parts of the
Unitod States; they are exported in
considerable quantities to Canada and
some ace sent to England. Sun.
Sleep-Walkers' Freaks.
A well-known physician gives an ac
count of an Irish gentleman whoswam
more than two miles down a river, got
athoro and was subsequently discov
ered sleeping by the roadside, alto
gether nnconscions of the extraordin
ary feat he had accomplished.
Professor Fishnoll, of Bale, writes
of a young student of Wurtemburg
who used to play hide-and-seek whilo
fast asleep. His fellow students knew
of his propensity and when he began
walking threw bolsters after him,
whioh healwuys eluded, jumpiug over
bedsteads and other obstacles in his
A man was once discovered at 1
o'clock in the morning in a neighbor's
garden engaged in prayer, evidently
nnder the impression that he was in
ohurch, but otherwise iu a doep sleep.
A young girl given to sleep-walking
was in the habit of imitating the vio
lin with her lips, giving the prelim
inary tuning and scraping aud flourish
ing with the utmost fldolity. It puzzled
her physician a great deal until he
learned that when an infant the girl
lived in a room adjoining a fiddler,
who often performed npon his instru
ment within her hearing. Londor
Guest Itoom Toothpowdor.
Passenger Traffic Manager MoCor-
mick, of the Big Four, tells of a friend
of his who was visiting some relatives.
He was given the spare room and slept
well. In the morning, desiring to
clean his teeth, he looked through his
valise for his tooth brush and box of
tooth powder. Ho found tho brush,
bnt had come away from home with
out the powder. Looking about he
discovered a small jar on tho mantel.
He opened it aud saw it contained a
grayish powder. "Here is some tooth
powder," said he, and wettiug his
tooth brush he dipped it into the
powder and gave his teeth a good
scrubbing. When ho went down
stairs to breakfast he said to his
"Yoa must excuse me for takinc
the liberty, but as I came away from
home without my tooth powder I used
some of that you have in the little jar
on the mantel iu my room."
"Why, Charley," said the hostess.
"that isn't tooth powder in that jar;
it's Aunt Ann's ashes." Cincinnati
Torpedo Moats.
The average distance of disnnvarv nl
a torpedo boat by the searchlight from
a battleship has been calculated to be
781 yards, and the greatest distance
2000 vards. Thus, taken thn ilistnnna
at which the torpedo can be fired
with effect at 500 yards, it will bo gen
erally found that a torpedo boat will
have to cross about 300 vards uikW
fire from the ship she is attacking,
and it win take the littlo craft about
half a minute to do this.
A Foreign Writer's llnrilnn.
"I find your political terms very
puzzling," remarked the foreignet
who was trying to gather material fot
book on American institutions.
'For example, to rotate means to
move in a circle. A ring also means
a circle. Now I am told that when a
ring controls yonr offices they don't
rotate any more!" Chicago Tribune.
The solutions to these puzzles will ap
pear in a succeeding Issue.
73 Twelve Anagrammatlo Cities
Tonus of the Cnlted States.
I. Lion stew. 2. Tin ch ewers. 3.
Oil jet. 4. Tar pole. 5. Lion car.
G. Large bugs. 7. Evil Land. 8.
Ten blue veils. 9. Brown tails. 10.
Labor time. 11. Farrville. 12.
Lively Sam.
74. A Drop-Vowel Quotation.
B-tt-r -tt-ck t-n sh-d-ws th-n b-r-bb-d
" 73. Five Iteheadinent.
- 1. Behead to form, and have aged.
2. Contracted, and have a dart. 3.
Cost, and have a kind of food. 4.
Hasty, and have a kind of tree. 5.
Closed, and have an humble dwelling.
5. To reproach, and have a relation.
76. An Arithmetical Problem.
A engaged B to labor 20 days, with
the understanding that he was to re
ceive $5 a day for every day he worked,
and to forfeit 82 a day for every day
he was idle. At the end of the time
he received $86; how many days was
he idle?
69. Six Beheadments H-air;
s-hare; 1-aid: y-our: s-hut; s-pin.
70. Four Famous Women Eosa
Bonheur; Grace Darling; Jenny Lind;
Joan of Arc
71. A Charado Carnation,
72. A Square
First and Probably the Last For I'nrle
Sam Will Bo Tested This Vear.
The first and probably the last
monster gun to be built in this coun
try is nearingcompletion at Watervliet
arsenal, and, if nothing goes amiss,
may be submitted to its firing tests in
the fall. The finished guu will be
five feet three' inches at the muzzle.
Its total length will be a few Inches
nnder fifty feet. The powder chamber
will be eighteen inches in diameter by
nine feet in length and will hold for a
full charge over half a ton of brown
powder. The projectile will weigh
2370 pounds. It will leave the muzzle
with a velocity of 2000 feet per
second, and at this velocity the flying
mass will have .a striking energy of
64,034 foot-tons, or sufficient to lift
sixty-four of the biggest freight loco
motives ten feet in the air. At the
muzzle the shell would puuch a six-teen-inch
hole through an iron plate
over a yard in thickness, aud at.
two miles distance it would pass
through a twenty-seven and a hawf
inch plate.
Notwithstanding its great power
Undo Sam will probably never bnild
another, for while the superiority of
this kind of gun was incontestable
eight or ton years ago, it does not
compare in efficiency with ordnance
of the modern type. For a given ap
propriation Undo bam can, by build
ing twelve-inch guns, secure over
twice as many guns of much greater
penetration and efficiency.
A French Pickpocket.
There is a dilettantism even in
thieving. A Parisian pickpocket who
is now enjoying a well-earned rest
from the excitements of his profession,
has revealed some of his very curious
methods. At ono time he donned the
Uniform of an officer of marines, dec
orated with the Legion of Honor, and
found his way into the society of
naval officers; much to their detriment
and to his own enrichment. At an
other time, in the guise of a priest, he
visited ecclesiastical establishments,
and nnder tho pretext of charity re
lieved the holy fathers of their little
superfluous cash. Then again he
would array himself in ordinary civ
ilian dress, representing himself as a
silk merchant, and would have bales
of that commodity sent to bis address.
Then the dealer in bicycles became
the victim of this versatile swindler.
At last, as his repertoire necessarily
became limited, and as his fame had
preceded him to one of his intended
victims, he had the misfortune to be
rocognized aud handed over to the
police. Westminster Gazette.
The rteggnrs' Queen.
Mendicants are to have their nominal
queen at one of the forthcoming
carnival masqueiades. The person
selected to sot as Peine des Gueux is
not, however, of the begging fraternity,
and her title only syitbolizes an old
fashioned custom, which is to be re
vived. She is a young woman of
eighteen, or thereabouts, who, every
day, helps her parents to sell cow
heel and calves' heads in the central
markets. Her reign is to begin and
end on the Mi-Careme festival, when
she will shnt np shop, and, arrayed in
gala robes, will be carried in triumph
around Paris, with an accompanying
king and maids of honor. Such fetes,
with their symbolic attractions, form
the chief amusements of the Paris
market people, who rise early and
work hard throughout the year.
Paris Correspondence of London Tele
graph. The Flare For Advertlnements.
The newspaper is the legitimate
place of the advertisement. Custom
has established it, and the successful
advertisers, without exception, aro
those who use its columns. People
are educated to searoh tho news
paper, and because this is so it is the
one proper place for the advertise
ment. Circulars, handbills, dodgers,
etc., are but makeshifts and unclever
imitations f the original article.
Newspaper Maker.
Whon the frost is white on the fodder
The haws In the tbornbush withered and
When the near Holds flash In a diamond
And the far bills glimmer, opaline palo,
Ob, merrily shines the morning sun
In the barn-yard's southerly corner.
When tho ruts In the cart-road ring like
And the birds to the kitchen door come for
their men),
And the snow at the gate is lightly drifted
And over the woodpile thluly sifted,
Oh, merrily shines the morring sun
In the bura-yard's southerly corner.
When the brimming bucket steams at the
And the axe on the beech-knot sings like a
When the pond Is loud with the skaters'
And the horses stamp in the littered stalls,
Oh, morrily shines the morning sun
In the barn-yard's southerly corner.
When the hay lies loose on the wide barn
And a sharp smell puffs from the stable
When the pitchfork handle stings In tho
And the stanchioned cows tor the milking
Ob, merrily shines the morning sun
In the barn-yard's southerly oornor.
The steers, let out for a drink and a run,
HeoK the warm corner one by one,
And the huddling sheep, In their dusty
Nose at the straw In the pleasant light,
When merrily shines the morning sun
In the barn-yard's southerly corner.
Charles G. D. lloberts, in Youth's Coa
"I feel all run down," said tho
jocular citizen as the cyclist rode over
Jenkins "How do you like Miss
Doneup?" Hawkins "Oh, she's not
as bad as she is painted." Judge.
Penelope "Has your fianoe a san
guine temperament?" Perdita "Yes
he even thinks I am going to marry
"It's a good town, and it'3 like your
bald head, Weary, "sud Dusty Rhodes
to his partner; "thero's no lock-up
Llstl" sho said, "ob, Hat to mo!"
He listed to her.
And when be bad listed low enough--
lie kissed her.
"Every genius gets in debt," "Of
course, it takes a plain, ordinary,
humdrum, commonplace man to keep
oat." Detroit Free Tress.
Pigg "Say! Why do you call that
fellow 'Asphyxiate?' That is a peculiar
nickname. " Penn "Because his last
name is Gaskill." Priuoeton Tiger.
"As soon as Jibson was appointed
to office he had his picture taken.'
"Cabinet?" "No; ordinary clerk
ship." Philadelphia North Ainericant
If you oall a man a lion
lie will nlwnys be your friend,
But just hint that he's a bear, and
lie will hate you to the end.
Cleveland Leader.
An orator said to his audience: "1
am speaking for the benefit of pos
terity," when some one shouted: "Yes,
and if you don't get done soon, they'll
be here I"
Mrs. Tracey "Do yoa realize, my
dear, that you have never done any
thing to save your fellow men any
suffering?" Tracy "Didn't I marry
you." Spare Moments.
Doctor "Well, Mrs. Smith, if con
venient to yoa and to your husbaud,
we'll soy Thursday." Mrs. Smith
"It'll suit me, and so it'll suit hi ni
ne's wery tame!" Judge.
Orator's Frieud "Dense throng, .
wasn't it?" Orator "Dense? I
should say so! I tried every story I
had on 'era, and didn't get a 6inglo
laugh." Chicago Tribune.
Did yoa hear why- the Smiths
quarrelod?" "I understand Smith
insisted that tho cost of their sitting
in church should como out of Mrs.
Smith's allowance for clothes."
Dorothy (noticing with great dis
tress a rip in her doll, whence tho
Bawdust was spilling out) "Oh,
mamma, please do something quick!
Dolly 's just sawdiisting herself to
death." Judge.
Blobbs "What nonsense it is for
newspapers in their accounts of wed
dings to describe the brides being led
to the altar." Slobbs "How so?"
Blobbs "Why, most of the girla
could find their way in the dark."
Tit Bits.
Court Proceeding; by Telephone.
A litigation was' up in a magis
trate's court at Castulian Springs,
eight miles from Gallatin. It wan
during the cold weather, and J. Tom
Durham, of Gallatin, was counsel for
one of the litigants. The trial was
held iu a country store in which thero
was a telephone. Eight miles' ride
through the cold was too much for
the constitution of the lawyer. A
happy thought suggested itself to the
attorney he would use the telephone,
conduct tho suit and remain in hid
office by the fireside.
The case was called, all the wit
nesses were present and the suit be
gan. . Attorney Durham arranged for
an assistant, who was to stand at the
telephone and net as interlocutor,
while he did the rest. The attorney
carried ou a careful and rigid ex
amination of the witnesses, even cross
examining the opposing sides. At
the conclusion of the evideuce Lawyer
Durham made a strong aud effective
argument, which was repeated to tha
oourt by the man at the telephone at
that end of the line. Nashville Buu
ner. A Cause For Commotion.
A pow-opener in England greatly
astonished a group of women who
were constructing evergreen mottoes
aud wreaths for Christmas by an
nouncing that she had found "a stray
hen a-laying iu the pulpit." Their
excitement was c.iltnod whon she pro
duced large green "N" which had
"strayed" from some text or leseud.