The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, March 08, 1899, Image 4

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    In 8t. Jucuuj Uii v,..i
down to the Solatia ncrva in the ouio a
Sciatica, and the effect Is to soothe the
nerve and wipe out the pain.
The shipyards of Great Britain eonld
turn out a big steamship every day ot the
"Better Be Wise
Than Rich."
Wise people are also rich
when . they know a perfect
remedy for all annoying dis
eases of the blood, kidneys,
liver and bowels. It is
Hood9 s Sarsaparilla, which
is perfect in its action. It
so regulates the entire sys
tern as to bring vigorous
health. It never disappoints.
Coltre-" For 42 years I had goitre, or
swellings on my neck, which was dis
couraging and troublesome, Kheuruatisra
also annoyed me. Hood's Sarsaparilla
cured me completely and the swelling has
entirely dlsappeard. A lady in Michigan
saw my previous testimonial and used
Hood's and was entirely cured of the same
trouble. She thanked me for recommend
ing It." Mrs. Anna Sitherland, 406 Lovel
Street, Kalamazoo, Mich.
Poor Health - " Had poor health for
years, pains in shoulders, back and hips,
with constant headache, nervousness and
no appetite. Used Hood's Sarsaparilla,
gained strength and can work hard all day;
eat heartily and sleep well. I took It be
cause it helped my husband." Mrs.
Elizabeth J. UirrELS, Moose Lake, Minn.
Makes Weak Strong-" I would give
$5 a bottle for Hoods sarsaparilla if I
could not get It for less. It is the best
spring medicine. It makes the weak strong."
Albert A. Jaonow, Douglastown, N. Y.
Hood's Pill, cure liferlll.; non-Irritating and
the only r-Hthanio to take with Hood'. Sar.aparllla.
Not Quite Useless.
The eminent surgeon closed his
pocketbook with a snap on the $100
fee a wealthy patient had just paid
him (or a successful operation for ap
pendicitis. "Tell me the appendix vermiform
is a useless organ, will you?" he solil
oquized. Chicago Tribune.
Keyond Her Capacity.
Topil "They don't care to have
me take German lessons, Miss II ig
gins." Teacher "Your parents think it is
enonKh for you to talk in your mother
tongue, do they?"
Pupil "I guess so, but I know I
can't never learn to talk like mother
can." Chicago Tribune.
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which it is
manufactured by scientific processes
' known to the California Fiq Svbcp
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Syrvv Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
.the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
'as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
tecnvn.i.E. Kt. new york. h.t.
Locomotor Atxa.4nd Paralysis
C&n be
Ti,se extreme nervous disorders were
ue&ted with wonderful success by the dis
coverer of Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pole
People, previous to his discovery being otter
ed to the public generally. This remedy is
the only known specific in m&ny diseases
that. until recent years, v ere pronODPUCJ in
curable, tterc is tne proof;
James Crocket, a sturdy old Scotchman living In Detroit, Mich, at 88
Montcalm St., was cured of Locomotor Ataxia by these pills. For miny
years he hat been a chief engineer of one of those big passenger palace
steamers plying upon the great lakes. This is a position of great respon
sibility and the anxiety causes a great nervous strain. Mr. Crocket says:
'For fifteen years I watched the big engines and boilers without a single
accident, and only noticed that I was getting nervous. Suddenly without
warning I was taken sick, and was prostrated. I had the best of physi
cians but grew gradually worse. At a council of doctors, they said I had
nervous prostration, and had destroyed my whole nervous system and
would never recover. For three years I was unable to move from my bed.
The doctor said I bad locomotor ataxia, and would never be able to walk
"The pains nnd suffering I experienced during those years are almost
Indescribable. The friends that came to see me bid me good-bye when
they left me and I was given up The cjoctors said nothing more could lie
done. My wife kept reading to me, articles about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale People. We finally decided to try them. The first box gave me
relief. I continued to use them for about two years before I could get
strength enough to walk. I am nearly seventy-five years old and there is
not a man in this city that can kick higher or walk further than lean
and to-dav I owe mv present good health to I5r. Williams' fink Pills for
I'ale People for they saved my Mt."Vflrtil Evtmxf AVau.
&re sold
only in
Addrtsufct On VYiLwim' tttftftiHt Company, SchtnciUdy, NX
a spuie. ....
take the pain aw-y and leave a cute.
The French Canadians comprise thirty
per cent, ot the entire population ot the
Doit Tobacce Salt aid Sarake loir Lift Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonderworker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, We oi II. Cure guana
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Kemedr Co., Chicago or New York)
About CS.000,000 pounds of beet sugar
were raised In California last year.
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury.
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell andrnmpletcly derange thewholesystem
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except on
S inscriptions from reputable physicins,asthe
(image they will do Is ten fold to the good yon
can possibly derive from thera. Hall's Catarrh
Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.,
Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine.
It is taken Internally, an l is made In Toledo,
Ohio, bv F. J. t henev Co. Testimonials free.
f"Sold by Druggists; price. T5o. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
At present there Is only one Protestant
church on the whole island of Porto llico.
To Florida Itrsorta.
The Plant Bvstem reaches the finest re
sorts In Florida, Cuba, Jamaica and Porto
Rico. Tickets by both rail and water from
the East. Five steamships weekly be
tween Port Tampa, Key West and Havana.
Beautifully illustrated literature, maps,
rates, eta., upon application to J. J. Farns
wortb. Eastern Pass. Agent, Plant System,
261 Broadway, New York.
The average length of a whale's jawbone
Is seven feet.
Beauty Is Blood Deep,
Clean blood means a clean skin. Kb
beauty without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascareta, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c
The population ot the Soudan Is num
bered at 3,000,000, nearly all wholly un
educated. Lane's Family medicine.
Moves the bowels eaoh day, In order to
be healthy this Is necessary. Acts gently
on the liver and kidneys. Cures slok head
ache. Price 25 and 50c.
It is estimated that New York City ex
pends 25,000,000 a year la charity.
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if It falls to our. 35c.
Out ot every million persons 12,000 die
from gout.
Educate Tour Bowels With Cascareta.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever
40c, 25o. If C. C. C fall, druggists refund money.
Great Britain and Ireland tare an or
chard area of 226,059 acres.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2.1c. a bottle
In Hollo, Philippine Islands, there Is not
a hotel or a public, conveyance.
I cannot speak too highly of Plso's Core for
Consumption. Mrs. Fhank Mobbs, 21S V. 23d
St, New York. Oct. :). 181H.
At the recent Paris show 1153 different
motor carriages were exhibited.
The l'car Round,
All the year around chronlo or neglected
rheumatism hangs on. It Is worse tn chilly,
damp weather, but never so bad that St.
Jacobs Oil can't promptly cure It.
There were 25,013 marriages In Indiana
last year.
Have used Dr.Seth Arnold's Cough Killer for
Whooping CougUwith good resulta.-D.C.Kmp,
Woman's hair usually begins to grow
gray when she Is about thirty-live.
No-To-Bae (or Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. Sue. IL All druggists.
The entire population of Canada at the
Inst census was barely 6,000,000.
Fits permanently cured. No flts or nervous,
ness after flrstday'snse of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer, fi trial bottle and treatise f res
Dm R. H. Klink. Ltd.. 111 Arch St..Phlla..Pa
It Is a felony to run a orap game la Ten
nessee under a new law.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascareta Candy Cathartic, 10c ortSe
II C C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money
"Benevolent assimilation" has succeeded
"being touched" as common slang.
Cough Lead to Consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
once. Go to your druggist to-day and get
a sample bottle freo. bold in 25 and 50
cent bottles. Oo at once; delays are dan
gerous. It is estimated that about 2,000.000 bi
cycles bave been made In Europe and
The public awards the palm to Hale'a Honey
of Horehound and Tar as a cough remedy
Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one Minute.
In Westminster Abbey 1173 persons havf
been burled.
50 cents
per box
at all
or sent
by iruilev
If it vis only health, we
mljht let it clinj.
But it it a cough. One cold
no sooner passes off before
another comes. But it's the
same old cough all the time.
And it's the samel old story,
too. There is first the cold,
then the cough, then pneu
monia or consumption with tho
long sickness, and life tremb
ling in the balance.
AgCIft '
W i.!l I JfMLtm'l'ilMrg-l
loosens the grasp of your cough.
The congestion of the throat
and lungs is removed; all in
flammation is subdued; the
parts are put perfectly at rest
and the cough drops away. It
bss no diseased tissues on
which to hang.
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out InfUmmatlon of the
Aatrfoe .
Itam.mb.r wt hart S Medical Tier-art-nant.
If yoa have any complaint what
aval as attire the belt medical advlea
y. can possibly obtain, writ the
doctor frsely. Yon will r.c.lT. a
f romsi reply, witnoui cost.
lit, DK. J. O. ATER.
Lowell. Hast.
Fnn In Sweden.
General Baron Kappe, Swedish
Minister'of War, has just suffered a
penalty for a very amusing slight to
royal ceremony. The day before
Christmas King Oscar summoned a
cabinet council to the palace. At the
last moment General Kappe, who is
notoriously absent minded, having on
his full uniform, as required by the
regulations, forgot to put on his
plumed chapeau, and hastily clapped
his ordinary silk hat on his unfortun
ate head. No one happened to see
him en route till he approached the
palace. The King and the rest of the
cabinet, looking out of the window,
saw the motley AVar Minister ap
proaching, and burst into loud guffaws
at his unceremonious appearance.
They chaffed him without mercy, and
the King, to censure his absence of
mind, put him nnder a three days' ar
rest as provided by the military regu'
lations forbidding the wearing of ci
vilian attire in conjunction with mili
tary uniform.
The English Tramp.
Whoever, queries a writer in the
Saturday Review, analyzing tho way
farer's characteristics, heard a habit
ual tramp sing, or even whistle? As
he comes slouching down the sunny
side of the road his very walk gives
the lie to any romantic notion about
him. He does not walk; be merely
shuffles, weak-kneed and narrow
chested, expectorating freely as be
goos. The wind on the heath has no
call for him. He hates the country,
and regards the open road merely as a
wearisome way from one common
lodging house or casual ward to an
other. As a representative of the true
vagabond, to whom the wind and the
smell of earth and the warmth of the
sun are sheer physical delights, he la
the fj.eatest fraud that ever a novelist
or a cockney essayist imagined. He
is nothing but an unspeakable dirty
and spiritless man, prowling along
with an eye to stealing or begging
enough for a lodging house or to ca
rouse with other members of his tribe.
What Oar Knowledge Is Good Far. 1 1
The attainment of skill is the alpha
a3 it is the omega of science. It was
the attempt to gain perfection in his
every-day work that led primeval man
to take the first steps in that great
movement of which the fruition ap
pears in the final development of our
modern universities. For a man of
highest culture, also, the end and ob
ject of study is, as Aristotle teaches
us, not the attainment of knowledge,
bvt the perfecting of conduct, and
this is trne not only when we con
ceive of conduct as our action in rela
tion to other men, but also if we look
upon it as action in relation to the ob
jects and conditions which surround
ns. From "The Field of Art" in
A Bank of Brides.
Simla, the summer capital of the
Indian Empire, is a pretty pine-treed
place well up in the foothills of the
Himalayas. A feature of Simla life
is the annnal fair held by the native
hills people, an attractive item of
which is a "Bank of Brides" in an
amphitheatre, where sit numbers of
young women who thus calmly an
nounce that they are candidates for
hymeneal honors. Some of these
aspirants to matrimony so patiently
awaiting a choosing are quite pretty,
and have intelligent faces; but those
ot Mongol caste must needs linget
long for a partner, if personal beauty
enters into the equation. Woman'
Home Companion.
Switzerland's Falling Mountain.
The din of falling rocks and rubble
continues at Airolo, Switzerland, when
fresh portions of the mountain break
away from time to time. The ruined
mass of stones, trees and houses
measures not less than five hundred
thousand cubio metres, and the dam
age caused is estimated at over $200,
000. As further downfalls are feared, il
has been proposed to blow down with
mines the whole mass in one great
avalanche, and so end the prevailing
terror. Berne correspondence of ths
London Mail.
1'i'antlnc Shrubs In Spring.
Spring is the best time to plan
ihrubs. A great deal of one's success
lepends on the manner of planting.
If a shrub or tree is worth the trouble
if ordering from a nurseryman, or the
labor of planting at all, it is worth the
well doing. Some plants will lire if
you "just stick them out anywhere"
some will not, but in any case proper
:are and good planting bring their own
reward. Trim off bruised and torn
roots. Prepare a good-sized place for
the roots and make the soil mellow.
Cover the roots with a few shovelfuls
of rich, mellow earth. Firm the soil
round the roots well. This is impor
tant. See that the drainage is good.
Don't put fresh manure iu contact
with roots. Trim the tops, having in
mind the future shapeliuess and beauty
of the shrub. There must be a pro
portion between the root system and
tho branches not more leaves and
branches than there are roots to fur
nish nourishment.
Planning the Flower Garden.
If you are upon a new place that is
bleak and bnro or if till now you have
felt yon could not have flowers make
up your mind now that you will have
some flowers this spring not neces
sarily a great lot that will be neglected
but get a few choice perennials, some
showy annuals and a few nice plants
for the windows. Invite the wife or help you do tho planning
jnd we assure you yon will be amply
repaid for the time and mouey ex
pended, in the satisfaction and pleas
ure obtaiued, to say nothing of the
enhanced money value of the farm or
home lot.
In planning aim to have a stretch of
rreeu between tho road and the house
or feuce which should be the back,
background so to speak; have in front
of this a row of bushes or tall plants
as tho background of your picture,
then the low plauts aud showy an
nuals in front of this. Or if you pre
fer have the showy ones at the Bide of
the house and a little back of a line
even with the point of it.
ff Another plan ia to have narrow bor
ders along the walk or walks leading
to the house. It is not best to cut the
lawn or eveu the small bit of green
you may have in front of the house,
all up with flower beds or to fill it full
of trees or bushes. A small clump of
trees here and there at the side of or
massed in a line with the house will
have a better effect thau to have the
house wholly hidden but do not re
frain from gettiug the plants and
flowers because you can not spend
time or hare not the surroundings
that will permit you to lay out grounds
us you would like better beauty
and brightness without symmetry
than no brightness at all. Have a
flower garden and some house plants
and plan for them now. Farm, Field
and Fireside.
Preparing the Garden.
A dressing of 1000 ponnds of salt
per acre, sowed upon the surface and
harrowed in early in the spring, is
said to be an excellent preparation of
the garden for growing cabbages,
:auliflowers and beets. There aro
low grades of agricultural salt, or salt
too impure to be used as table salt, or
even in curing meats, without rofin- J
ing, which can be bought very
cheaply, and are as good as the better
grades for that business; so also with
salt that has been used in salting
meat or fish. Whatever of the juices
of the meat or fish it may retain will
not injure the land.
We remember when a dressing of
salt was thought to be absolutely
necessary for growing a crop of
asparagus, but now many of the
growers say that it is not important,
vet we think the above amount would
be of no ''njury to this or many other
orops. While 1000 pounds per acre
will not destroy all weeds nor ex
terminate all inseot pests, it is some
thing like the lioeing of an old man
we once knew. He was notoriously
unskilful in his use of the hoe, but he
said if he didn't kill the weeds he
could "discourage them a bit." Where
some of the new and most trouble
some weed pests, like the orange
hawk weed, "devil's paint brush,"
etc., are coming in small patohes, it
may be well to apply two or three
times the above amount tc those spots
to kill the weeds, even though it may
kill all other plants for one season,
yet the killing of the weeds will well
repay the lost use of the land, and it
will be all the more fertile another
While salt is not a fertilizer, strictly
speaking, it often acts as such by act
ing upon other elements in the soil,
and liberating or making available
the fertility that is dormant in them.
We have seen good results from tho
use of salt upon worn-out or run-down
grass lands, though it would not
produce the same results upon the
same field again until more manure
was applied. It is also useful iu ab
sorbing moisture from the air and
holding it in the soil, as can easily be
seen by applying it in a dry season. '
American Cultivator.
Strange Beliefs In Thibet.
One of the most remarkable of all
the strange myths believed in by the
savage people of Thibet is one per
taining to the sun, moon, and stars.
The sun is supposed to be an immense
ball of yak meat and fat, whereon the
spirits of departed ancestors are sup
posed to feast, the light being caused
by its heated condition. The stars are
portions of this immense feast, which
dropping to the earth give birth to
animals for the sustenance of suffer
ing humanity. The moon is a lessei
ball of similar texture, in use while
the larger one is being replenished
for the morrow. They account for its
non-appeorance on cloudy and stormj
days by the fact that the deities are
undergoing a period of fasting and re
ligious abnegation. The parched and
desert condition of sterile regions is
ascribed, to the fact that many thou
sand years ago this immense ball
slipped from the hands of its keepers,
and descending too near the earth
scorched those parts with which il
came in contact before it could be re
covered. New York Tost
Parody on tlia Old Sexton A reply to
Blahop Potter, Who Haa Staled That
"the Saloon la the Poor Man'a Clou"
It Fattens on Their Life Blood.
Nigh to a bar that was long lo" made.
Stood a I.ari'l-LorJ, old Iu his death deal
ing trade.
The day was done and ba paused to wait
The Oilrcty train through his open gate.
A rello of bygone days was ho
And hla looks wore whito as the foamy sea
Aud thesn words came from Hps so ttaiu,
I gather thern In, I gather thorn in.
Gather, gather, I gather thorn lul
I gather them In, for man and boy,
I (111 to the brim, with grief -not joy.
And I curse every home, within this towu,
And fill up with dead the burial ground,
Mother and daughter, father and sou,
I bring down. In sorrow one by one,
But come they stranger or come they kin
I gather thnin In, I gather them In!
Gather, gather, I gather them lul
Many are with me, I am not uloue,
la this denth-deallug trade, aud I make
my throne.
On the tear-stained altar., and hearth
atones cold,
And my scentro ot rule is the license I
Come they from cottage, or come they
from ball.
Mankind are my subjects nil! all!! all!!!
They may loiter in pleasure, or toilfully
I gather them In, I gather thou in,
Gather, gather I gather theminl
I gr.ther them In. and their final rest.
Is thero, out there Iu the earth's dark
And tho old man ccasoj, as the thirsty
Came up to bU bar to drink again!
Then I spake out loud, word quite bold
A mightier one than the land-lord old
Will dash to the earth this fearful sin
And into perdition will gather them in!
Guther, gather, will gather thorn inl
Y. Searls, 1). 1.
Tho Saloon Not a Necemitr.
To the Editor Sir: Tho saloon Is not a
necessity, Thero Is no need of man that
the saloon nils. This very agitation Is evi
dence that the people's conscience is being
pricked beonuse of the public toleration of
an awful evil that U dully perpetrating the
most horrible upon humanity, and
spoolully upon the workingmau, acd still
more, emolly treating the inuosent wife
and oblldren.
Necessity? Why? Because thoro Is
money Iu tho bualness, money for tlioso
who fatten upon tho llfeblood sapped from
the vitals of tho tollers of our laud, nnd
tills eelflsli Interest simply purchnsos the
privilege for the saloon to exist for the
further gain of Us promoters. The curse,
the blighting, devastating curse of the sa
loon cannot ba hidden by the assertion that
the saloon Is the worklugman's club. If It
Is bis club, It is used only by blm to brain
bis wife and boat all the joy, hope and
honor from tho hearts and lives of his off
spring, who have a right by tho sncredness
ot birth to the sheltering cars and protec
tion ot a father in the full control of lili
senses, and of tho home fellowship ot faith
ful parents. Tho saloon robs them of this
The saloon is not philanthropic. It dom
not exist for the sake of providing social
relaxation for the weary. Any association
it affords only serves its deadly purpose
the more. The wife and children need not
only social relaxation, but relaxation from
disgrace and dishonor, abuse and plnohed
poverty, and from the more trying neces
sity of wearing poor If not ragged clothes,
and from the harrowing necessity ot eating
hardened crusts wuilo the snloon keeper's
wife and children revel In their purple and
line linen nnd fare sumptuously every day.
A necessity? An institution a necessity
that robs the nation of over a billion a year,
sends 100,000 drunkards to their graves.
makes 50,000 orphans, 20,000 widows, causes
2000 suicides, a loss to the nation of (10.
000,000 through fire nnd violence, and
causes parents under Its deadly, stupefying
Influences to overlay 25WJ llt'.lo innocent
children every time we count tilty-two
Naturday nights In the United Wtat'S and U
the cause of ninety-seven per cent, ot all
A necessity? Nover! Revolution moves
slowly, but just assure as the sun shines,
just so surely Is pubiio opiulon closing in
on the saloon. You tnny not see (t aud I
may not, but what sometimes will not hap
pen In 100 years happens luaday, and some
jay, and that day is not so far distant
either, the tide ot sentiment will be
aroused against the saloon and distillery,
because of their constant menace to so
ciety, nnd this fearful Institution will be
Ifted from our body politic and dropped to
the notbermost ho!!.
Until then, welcome, thrlco welcome, to
ny agency that has for Its. purpose tho
lessening of Intemperance, whether it bo
through the coffee wagon, the mercy seat
r tho ballot box. But hall to the glad day
when It shall be no morel
I dosire to have It clearly understood that
the foregoing Is not in any way intended as
a criticism to the remarks of Bishop Potter.
I regard his remarks as intended to bo a re
buke to the professed friends ot humanity
and the morals of the people whose duty It
Is to restriot the saloon and to provide
places ot respectable resort tor the laboring
man. ' William Bbkwer.
Edltor-ln-Chlet of Rnlvatlou Army Publica
tions tn the United Htntes.
"It Never Paid Me Better."
In an address at the recent annual meet
ing ot the United Kingdom Alliance, held
at Manchester, England, Bev. Charles Qar
rett said:
"I met with a brewer, a good man In his
way, who had been a member and office
bearer In our church for years. He was a
man Kindly, generous, ready to help Buy
body In distress, and with a kindly word
for anybody In trouble. He met me, antt
we had a hearty shake of the band. Ho
said; 'Well, Mr. Garrett, I suppose you are
as earnest In teetotallsm as ever.' 'Yes,' I
snld, 'rather more.' 'Well,' he said, ' It's
all rlghth, yon know; It plenses you and it
doesn't hurt me. The fact If, I was never
doing better than I am doing now.' Not
long afterward I saw his second son coma
ont ot the yard In dollrium tremens with
three men struggling with him, a Una
young fellow, and broad-chested. I saw
them as they wrestled with bim, lib veins
standing out like ropes on his forehead,
and bis eyes flashing. I saw blm fall; they
carried htm In. Half nn hour afterward I
heard a whisper, 'he is Is dead," and I went
In to try and comfort the family; and when
I entered the room, there was the body,
and on that side was the mother drunk,
and on tho other side wns the brothet
drunk. As I stood and looked on that hor
rible scene I beard that father's words
agalu, 'It nover paid mo better.' "
Notes of the Croaaile.
According to newspaper reports a tem
perance wnvo Is at present sweeping over
The Ban Francisco Chronlolo nsserts the
existence, under the Htate Capitol at Sacra
mento, of a notorious whisky-selling joint.
The Prohibition voto of Oregon, as offi
cially reported, was 2219 for the hoad ot
the ticket, with an average of 2449. The
vote for Levering was 919.
Oregon Prohibitionists are pushing on
rollment work, nnd report that about two
thirds of their signers are new converts.
The enrollment Is largely in excess of tho
last State vote.
The churches of Lexington, Ky., have
formed a permanent organization to con
tinue the fight already begun against tho
saloons of that city. The liquor dealers
are adopting "boycott" methods against
everyone that joins the movement.
Charleston (8. C.) papers comment upon
the lact that in Yorkvllle, of that State
population 2500 between $4000 and 5000
In cash was paid to merchauts In return foi
goods. The papers explain the fact by
saying that liquor Is not sold In York County,
"Father" Chlmquy, Canada's famous ex
priest, known throughout the Dominion as
"The Apostle of Temnerance," died at
Montreal on January 16. He was born la
1S09 and ordained in 1833. In 1851 the Ca
nadian Parliament extended to bim publlo
thanks for bis work for temporanee.
.,'. ;ia harmony.
...z generative organs la
u tau.t of the unhappinsii in tha
Th husband cant understand these troubles. The male
Mrs. Pinkham
has been curing
. ... .
xnese serious ins o; women for a I
quarter of a century. Failure to I
secure proper advice rhould
excuse the women of to-day,
the wisest counsel can be
without charge. Write to
Pinkham for it. Her address
is Lynn, Mass. (
Among the multitude of wo-
men helped by Mrs. Pinkham
and by Lydia E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound, is Mrs.
h.iNG, babina, Ohio. She writes :
kindly allow me the pleasure of ex
pressing my gratitude for the wonder
ful reliet J have experienced by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound. I suffered for a long time
with falling of the womb, and those
terrible bearing-down pains, and it
seemed as though my back would never
stop aching; also had leucorrhcea. dull
headaches, could not sleep, was weak
and life was a burden to me. I doctored
for several years, but it did no good.
My husband wanted ma to try your
medicine, and I am so thankful that I
did. I have taken four bottles of the
Compound and a box of Liver Pill a and
can state that if more ladies
air inai mey wouia oiess me aay tney saw your advertise
ment. My heart is full of gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham for what
her medicine has done for me. It is worth its weight in gold."
Caribou Hllnded by Duelling.
The Indian guide Jim Taul was once
hunting on the Gaspereaux plains,
Now Brunswick, when he saw a large
bull caribou coining straight toward
him through a clump of stunted
spruoe. The animal frequently col
lided with the trees and seemed to
take no notice of the Indian. . "Sar
tin," said Jim. "I tink dat caribou
was drunk. Bambye wheu he git
pretty close I shoot him. Sartin he
was mighty ole caribou, for he was
blind aud had no teeth and no horns."
In the mating season it is not uncom
mon for caribou males to be blinded
by thrusts received in their furious
duels for the mastery of the herd.
The Lutherans in the United States
have about 4000 congregations, 8000
ministers and a membership of G00,
000. Go to your grocer Co-day
and get a 15c. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health
IoaUt that rnnr rmetjr f Ivm fon GRACt O.
Accept uu inuuiion.
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Mrtain curt for Conaumptiaa in Urtt lUra. aai
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Chief Consulting Physician and Author, Graduate of Harvard Medical Collejre. Chun 1W4. Surireoii
Fifth MMUchusetta Regiment VoL Th Boat Rpeelallst la Aai.rica, who tar
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The National Medical Aawielallon awarded the Gold Medal for thl. Grand Prise Treatise, which
" !!! A BOOK F01t EVKKV MAN. Youn. Middle-(red. or Old, Married or Single.
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physician only knows of them theoreti
cally and scientifically, and finds it hard
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Will von
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nd art s truly wonderful mertlclu. I bar ofto
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Pleaaant. Palatablf. Potent Taate flood. Po
Good, Nrr Sirkan. WMkrn.or Orlpe. Ko, Soe. (do.
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t groatsc 5e ewaiivti Big I'smr ; 4. ftrfHltr,
uUhta-atl, Wit., lit Wall, hftrlff. nd H. l.afJT.
H4 Wlag. Uimm., tvr grtwltif K Nih. IUlMr'1 sen
pt err. If ton 4bLt writ Ihcos. VI t trUfe to tle
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le pbffafrar fi- nHi, tun Hash. M fltttxp.
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l.rfM,! AaarMa la II. W.rU. All kind,
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K.jrr PUf., IMalnffiiM, Mr& J.rl.r'. wax Work, fair?
Pl7 r.imr Bcu.ry, plaj. for llala llitruwi milr,
TittlMm Vlranta. M.-('n M.larlali, Amalwr'. Oui.l.
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ma m i l, mtx ii,
9n M'rmt H Mrrrl, . Nrir Torh I'ltr.
Sand Poatal for Promlnm List to th Dr. BctU'
Arnold aiadlcal Corixiraliuo, Wuonaucket, B. 1.
DDADCV "w discovert: .m
IT KM I O I qoloa ralM aa4 enraa wont
. Book mt iaattaiMlali aad I O 4 a '
Tt: Dr. 1. H. Ilini MM. Box D, Atlanta. .
V ANTED- imo! badheallh tliat B-I-P-A-N-ft
t f will not henent. Hand I eta. to HipanaChamlr-al
Co., Kaw York, for 10aaniil and louv toatlinonlal..
'io'"1,.- I Thompson's Eyi Water
'ALitAXnia Rr.:
tnatinnt, poatpald, 10 rem.
ihm Co. , MUnti Willi Wt. , N. Y.
lUrrWTTn'M this papek whkn reply.
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