The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, December 14, 1898, Image 3

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Burgess. K. C. Uoath.
Council men. Joseph Morgan. 8. Fibs-
ferald, Win. Smearbaugh. J. T. Dalo, W.
Blum, Jas. D. Davis, L. J. Hopkins.
Justices of the reaeeG. A. Randall, S.
J. Setley.
Constable 8. 8. Canftold.
Collector F. P. Amslor.
School Directors Q. W. Holomaii, L.
Agnew, W. A. Grove, Q. Jamioson, J. U.
Soowdon, Patrick Joyce.
Member of Congress Wn. C. Arnold.
Member of Senate Wm. II. Hydk.
Assembly J- E. Whnk.
President Judge W. M. Lindsky.
Associate Judges Jos. A. Nash, A.
J. MoCray.
Treasurer--James H. Fones.
Prothonotary, Register dt Recorder, te.
John II. Kobkrtson.
, Sheriff: Krask P. WALKER.
Commissioners w. i. i.uua, v.
Whitemam, Herman Bldm.
Count! Superintendent K. K. Stitzin
ger. ,
District Attorney S. P. Irwin.
Jury Commissioners J. B. Carpkn
tks, Geo. D. SiUKLns.
- County Surveyor 3. 1). Davis.
Ooroner-V. J. W. Morrow.
County nrftoivi M. E. Abiiott, J. K.
Clark, K. J. r'LTNN.
Fourth Monday of February.
Fourth Monday of May.
Last Monday of August.
Third Monday of November.
piONESTA LODGE, No. 369,1. 0. 0. F.
JL Meots every Tuesday evening in OilU
Fellows' Hall, Partridge building.
Tx)REST LODGE. No. 184, A.O. U. , W.,
V Meots every Friday evening in A.O.U.
W. Hall, Tionesta.
8. of A., meets every Saturday cvo
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
G. A. K. Meets 1st and 3d Monday
evoniiig in each month, In A. O. U. AN .
Hall, Tionesta. - -
137, W. R. C, meots first and third
Wednesday evening of each month, in A.
O. U. W. hall, Tionesta, Pa.
TIONESTA TENT, 'No. 164, K. O. T.
M., meels 2nd and 4th Wednesday
evening In each month In A. O. U. V.
hall Tionesta, Pa.
and District Attorney. Oilice, cor. of
lm and Bridge Htroets, Tionesta, Pa.
Also agent for a number of reliable
Fire Insurance Companies. .
Tionesta, Pa.
Physician, Surgeon A Druggist,
Physician, 8urgoon A Dentist.
Olllco and Hosidoneo three doors north
of Hotol Agnow, Tionesta. Professional
calls promptly respondod to at all hours.
. Physician A Surgeon,
Office in building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to.
night or day. Kosidonce opposite Hotel
Agnew. ,
Office over Heath it KUlmor's store,
Tionesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt
responded to at all hours of day or
night. "Residence East sido Elm St., 3d
!re above Jail building.
C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor.
This hotel, formerly the Lawrence
House, has undergone a complete change,
and is now furnished with all the mod
ern improvements. Heated and lighted
throughout with uatural gas, bathrooms,
hot and cold wator, etc. 'f ho comforts of
guests novor negloetod.
11. W. HORNER, Proprietor.
Tlonseta, Pa. This is the mostcontrally
located hotel in the place, and has all the
modern improvements. No pains will
be spared to mako it a pleasant stopping
place for the traveling public. First
class Livery in connection.
West Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bendor, Proprietor. This hotol
has but recently been completed, is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers the
llnost and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling public.
Rates reasonable.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. 101m
and alnut streots, Is prepared to do all
Kinds of custom work lrom the finest to
the coarsest and guarantees his work to
give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion givon to mending, and prices rea
sonable. T F. ZAHRINGER,
and Jeweler of 25 years experience, is
prepared to do all worn lu ins line on
short notice and at reasonable prices.
Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, Ac, ordored for parties at
the lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Keeley Club
Manufacturer of and Pealer in
And all kinds of
Fred. Grettcnberger
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Woll Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmitbiug prompt
ly uone ai iiow Kates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop In rear tf and just west of the
Kliaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
Furniture Dealers,
Fire, life and Accident
Ins uba nce Agents
. . AM) . .
Companies Krprmmlrd.
North American. - -Royal,
- "
Phill'a Underwriters, -
$ 9,686,808.08
. 2,215,470.92
Titlos examined and "Bnors" prepared.
Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for
sale or ront. Particular attontlon paid to
the collection of rents, interest, Ac. Also
to the pronor assessment of lands and
payment of taxes. Leasing and sale of
oil and gas lands a specialty.
(.'hurra and Habbulh Mrhool.
Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a.
in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath evoning by Rov. R. A. Buzza.
Proaching in the F. M. Church every
Rabhath evening at the usual hour. Rev.
F. W. McClelland, Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
every Sabbath morning and evening,
Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating.
Tho regular meetings of the W. C. T.
U. are held at the hoadquartors on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
Oil markot f 1.17.
Kanoy dishes at Heath A Killnior's.
Hopkins soils the clothing and shoes.
Amslor sells tho fruits and vcgotubles
Now jewelry at Miles A Armstrong's.
Hopkins soils tho shoes and rubber
goods. It
Santa Claim hoadquartors at Heath A
Killnior's. It
Buy your Christinas candios at Am
slor's. 2l
, Ladies' lleecy lined hose at Miles A
Armstrong's. It
See those elegant gold pins at Heath
A Killmcr's. 2t
The third lot of storm coats in at
Hopkina store this week. It
The annual Ico crop is being hurvost
ed and a fine quality of ice is being put
The furloughs of the members of the
10th regiment expire next Saturday, Dec,
Novor criticise your Christmas pres
ents; whatevor you get might have been
worse. Ex,
It has beon estimated that Walter
Wheaton's murder trial will cost Venan
go county fd.OUO.
The Central Honse office has been
recently papored and painted and now
presonts a very handsome appearanco.
-For a fine, useful Xmas present to
your best friend, got one of thoso super-
lino silk umbrellas at Miles A Ann-
strong's. It
-The river is frozen over at this place
and it Is hoped that the ice will bo strong
enough for crossing on whilo the new
span is being put in the brldgo
Teachers who contoinplate having
Christmas entertainments or making
presents to their scholars will do well to
look at Amsler's stock of caudies. It
-The 7-year-old child of W. II. Motter,
a well-known resident of Eagle Rock,
diod suddonly on Saturday morning at 7
o'clock from inilamation of the bowels.
The two children of Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Range, of Stowarts Run, who were
mentioned in last week's Republican as
ill with typhoid fever, are now out of
danger and able to sit up.
It la again rumored that the Alle
gheny Valley railroad will extend its
Sligo branch to Clarion. The town has
bean without a railroad for sonio time,
and thij would help out wonderfully.
Amslor has a fine line of tropical ana
domestio fruits for Christmas and his
stock of candies and toys is immense.
Don't fail to call on liiui whon making
your holiday purchases, as his prices are
always right. It
The Titusvillo World came out last
week with a haudsomoly printed mili
tary souvenir number which givos a his.
tory of Company K of the 10th Regt., P.
V. I. The work is done in colors and
well executed.
-Tho W. N. Y. A P. Ry. talk of erect
ing a passenger station on the Y at Ir
vineton. About once In so often this
mythical station bobs up and goes out
of sight. We'll beliove in the new sta
tion when we see It completed. Tidioute
There is no reason for our people to
go out of town to purchase holiday goods,
as our merchants have just as fine a dis
plny as can bo seon anywhere and their
prices are just as low as can be found in
the cities. Trade with your homo mer
chants. The season for black bass and salmon
fishing expires on December 31. Pike
may be caught, however, up to and in-
cludins the last day of January. The
season for pheasants, quail, woodcock.
rabbits, etc closes Dccoinbsr 15 to
An Ohio farmer hung up tho follow
ing sign by the public road at the en
trance of tho lane leading to his house:
"Hunt all you please on this farm and
when the boll rings come to dinner."
New WU'minqton Globe. It's different in
some localities.
Doctors, lawyers, and preachers all
make mistakes. The doctors' mistakes
are buried, the lawyers twist out of their
mistakes, and the preachers are forgiven
but editors most face theirs in cold type
forever. The man who cau keep errors
out of a newspaper can get a very large
salary -that is, if ho has yet been born.
The West Hickory VV. C. T. U. will
give a Red Letter Day entertainment in
the M. E. church of that place, on the
evening of Dec. 10, 1S98. Admission free,
but a collection will be taken. The liter
ary exercises will be followed by a social
hour during which refreshments will be
served, free, to all present. Everybody
is invited.
Emerson shoes at Miles A Arm
strong's. H
The county jail Is empty for the first
time in many months, Sheriff Walker
having extended the "open door" policy
to the prisoners who had served their
sentences on Tuesday of last week. For
est county Is always in line, and right to
the fore. Uncle Sain is not more prompt
in punishing recreants, nor is the Paris
peace commission ono whit in advanco of
us in declaring hostilities at an end.
Umbrellas, mackintoshes, trunks
and bags at Miles A Armstrong's. It
The Washington correspondent of
tho Commercial-Gazette writes: "Repre
sentative Davenport reports that George
H. Higgins, who is contesting the seat
from the Erie-Crawford district, can al
cady show enough illegal votes cast and
counted against him to overcome the ma
jority. Now we are going to tell you how to
season sausage : To fifty pounds of meat
add three-fourths of a pound of salt, one
fourth pound of black pepper, one-half
ounce of cayenne pepper, and one ounce
of sage, Paste this in your hat, or nail It
to the cupboard door, says the Farm
Addison Mealey of Tionesta town
ship showed us a curiosity the other day
in an ear of corn, which beats anything
in that line we have ever seen. It i
what is usually termed a "red" ear, but
on one side the kernels are jot black. Mr.
Mealey contemplates planting some of
the black corn and if bo succeeds in
growing it, may start a new variety of
field corn.
When making your Christmas pur
chnsos don't fail to call on F. Wallers A
Co. They have an elegant assortment of
holiday goods suitable for ladies and chil
dren and you will have no trouble in
making a selection. Their stock of mil
linery is kept right in lino with the latest
Paris styles and their prices are about
one-half what you would have to pay in
tho city. Give them a call. It
Contractor Hagorty, who is drilling a
well for Coopor, Reck A Co. on Cropp
Hill, came near losing his rig by fire
Sunday morning. The drillers were bail
ing the well and some oil splashed on the
lamp and set the derrick on fire. The
roof was burned off, but by tho prompt
action of the men tho fire was put out and
tho machinery and lines were all saved,
and drilling is now going on again.
More perfect weather for the teach
ers' institute, now in progress at the
court house, could not bo wished, and
tho largo attendance of teachers and vis
itors is an evidence of what the elements
can do in that direction. The interest
thus far has beon quite marked, and this
bids fair to be among the best sessions
held for a number of years. Next week
we will endeavor to give a full account of
tho proceedings.
An order of much interest to pension
ers of the Government has been issued
by the Postoflice Department. It Is to
the effect that postmasters of money or
der offices may cash pension checks from
money order funds. Tho order states
that it is not to apply to large cities.whcre
tlieso checks can bo readily cashed
through hanks, "and while postmasters
at tho larger money ordor offices may al
so cash such checks, as an accommoda
tion to pensioners, those who present
checks to such offices may be requested
to have them hereafter cashed through
banks as heretofore."
The trial of Walter Wheaton in the
Venango county courts last week result
ed in tho very unsatisfactory verdict of
"murder in tho second degree." It is
said to have been a compromiso verdict,
or another case of "oleven stubborn
mon," finally coining around to the other
fellow's opinion. In discharging the
Jury Judge Criswell stated the verdict
was unreasonable and that they should
have found Wheaton guilty of murder in
the first degree or have acquitted him.
In the light of reccut election returns in
old Venango we may not be surprised at
any kind of a vordict.
Do not hesitate to send us personal
items of tho doings of friends because of
any over modesty on your part. You
must not do it to seek notority, but to
give pleasure to others and to add to the
enjoyment of your guest. If friends
come to visit, you want them to have the
meat enjoyablo time possible, and a no
tice of their presonce will bring many
a pleasing call and attontion, which
would not be gotten otherwise. And any
item of local interest we are glad to get ;
send them. Don't think that because you
are not a brilliant writer that you can't
do it. Send us the news and we will fix
it up. Ex.
Toys! Toys! Goto Heath A Kill-
mer for toys. It
The Carnaham Brothers struck a
(rood woll on tho Bloomfield property
just back of the Trunkeyville railroad
station last week. It was shot Monday,
and started pumping at five barrels an
hour, at which rato it still nearly helds
up. There are three other wells on the
same property, one doing thirty-live bar
rels, but the new well has set operators
cuessinir as to what may dovelope. On
the Mansfield to the south Book is get
ting ready to drill, and Hunter A dial
ings are putting up a rig to the west,
The Carna'uan's will also drill on their
south lino, on Jones Run, to offset the
Book drilling. Tidioute News.
Large sixes in ladies' undorwear at
Milos A Armstrong's. It
If it be true, as reported, that a rep
resentative of tho Stato board of health
gavo such a fearfully exaggerated account
of the prevalence of smallpox in Bod
ford, Pa., as to call for tho most pro
nounced denial from the people of that
place in an indignation meeting of the
citizens, and that Instead of 200 cases,
thero are but six or seven, then a severe
halt should be called on the doings of the
aforesaid s. b. of h. For the largo ex
pense this "hoard" is to the State, it is
very difficult to figure out where it lias
ever accomplished very much, or ever
stopped an epidemic of any kind. It
seems liko a very hlgh-prid luxury
A fine line of albums at Heath A
Killmcr's. 2t
The suicide of William Armstrong,
one of Harnett township's oldest and
most highly respected citizens, on the
2d inst., caused quite a sensation. The
deceased was upward of HO years of age
and lived with his son, Benton, on the
old homestead. In the forenoon, as had
been his custom, he had gone up stairs
to tako a nap, and not returning at din
ner time, a momborof the family went to
his room to call him. Here he was bund
dead. He placed a rope around his neck
fastened the other end to a rafter over
head, and apparently rolled out of bod
It is supposod the old gentleman's mind
had become weakened with age, and in a
fit of despondency he committed the act.
Tho shareholders of the Forest County
National Bank of Tionesta. i'a.,will meet
on Tuesday. January 10. 1H!9, at i! o'clock
p. m., at the office of tho Bank, for the
purpose of the election of directors for
tho ensuing vear.
12-7-3t A. B. Kelly, Cashier.
Mrs. L. Fulton visited friends in Oil
City a couple of days last week.
Sam O. Allen, Esq., was down from
Warren Saturday on legal business.
Mrs. Belle Christie is a guest of her
brother, A. V. Richards, far a few days.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Abbott,
of Endeavor, Pa., Friday, Dec 9, 18U8
a daughter.
Miss Kate Canfield spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. H. II. Bruner, at
West H ickory.
Edward Corah is down from Warren
on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Dr. F. S.
Hunter, this week.
Mrs. Herb Tall of Hickory was a
guest of her sister, Mrs. A. Hepler, of
this place, last week.
County Treasurer Fones has been
housed up for a few days past, but is
feeling some better at present.
Clifford Craig, who is employed as a
pumper by the National Transit Co., of
Chipmunk, is home for a visit.
Robert Fulton, who has for a couple
of months past been employed on a pipe
line near Wheeling, W. Va.,has returned
Mrs. Clara Hyden, who has been
nursing the sick children of M. L. Range
at Stewarts Run, has returned to her
home at Sivcrly.
-Miss Cornelia Korh of Troutville,
Pa., returned home last Saturday, after a
visit with her uncle, Christopher Korb,
ofTionesa township.
Harry P. Shawkey was down from
Warren for a few hours' visit on Monday.
Harry has fully recovered from his at
tack of typhoid fever which ho contrac
ted while serving Uncle Sam at Porto
Rico, and is looking stout and hearty.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Range, of Stew
arts Run, desire to extend thanks to their
friends and neighbors for tho many kind
nesses shown them during tho sickness
and death of their daughter, Anna, and
during the sickness of two of their other
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Scowden and Mr.
James Van Horn of Meadville were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scowden
during the past week. The gentlemen of
tho party have enjoyed the shooting on
our soventy-five hills immensely, and
returned home with a fine lot of game.
A large party of sleighriders took ad
vantage of the fine running and drove to
West Hickory last Friday evening, stop
ping at the Globe Hotel, where Mlno
Host Moulin had prepared a most sump
tuous supper for the party, which con
sisted of about forty persons young and
middle aged. After regaloing themselves
in the excellent spread set before them a
pleasant hour was whifed away in con
versation and dominoes, and the lotuin
home was begun shortly after 11 o'clock.
The party was the origination of the la
dies, and in matters social it seems they
are taking the initiatory this winter, but
as they never mako a failure in what
they undertake it's perhaps as well it
should be so.
Remarks by tlio Fox.
Said a rabbit to a pheasant bird,
"If rightly I remember,
This shooting business has to cease
The fifteenth of December."
"You're right," replied tho pheasant bird,
'For my part I can't see
Why there's an open season
For shooting you and me."
"Because you are no earthly good,"
A barn-owl made reply,
As on an old dead limb he stood
And winked the other eye.
"You fellers have no room to kick,"
Tho wise bird sadly said,
"For I must go the whole year 'round
With a price upon my head."
"Although I am a useful fowl
And live on snakes and mice,
And seldom show my faco by day,
That seems to cut no ice.
A rotton legislature has,
In spite of all these things,
Made me thn meanest outlaw
That navigates on wings.
"Tut, tut," observed a sly old fox
Emerging from a log,
Where he'd been hiding for a wcok
From Mike O'Connor's dog,
"This world, you know, was made for
And not for things like us.
We have no right to live at all,
Much less to raise a fuss.
"For man you seo is merciful,
And wise and just and good.
What though be make tho whole earth
And revels in its blood ?
Is he not great creation's lord,
And is be not a peach T
Aye, he's the only pebble on
Tho universal beach.
"The big fish eats the little fish,
The strong the weak destroy.
The moral codo that fits the case
The conquerors employ.
And might makes rightthe worldarnund
No matter what wo say.
So let the old world wagglo on
For ever and a day."
runx'y Sjiirit.
An Invitation.
Heath if' Kiluner desire to extend a cor
dial invitatioif to the teachers of Forest
county to visit their store whilo attend
ing institute this week and look over
their stock of Christinas goods. They
have the largest assortment of toilet cases,
perfumes, fancy dishes, etc., that was
ever shown in Tionesta, and the prices
this year are wonderfully low. When
you are not busy just mako our store
your headquarters and look over our
stock. It is a pleasure for us to show
goods. Hratii A KlI.LMKR.
Here Is Tour Chance.
L. J. Hopkins has mado arrangements
with one of the largest cloak manufac
turers in the country to have a magnifi
cent line of ladies capes and jackets on
exhibition at his store in Tionesta during
institute week. These capos and jackets
will be sent here for tliis occasion and all
not sold will be returned at the end of
the week.
This is a chance for a jacket at a bar
gain. Any profit at all will be Ix'tter than
sending them back.
Don't fail to come and look them over.
Ut L. J. Hopkins.
Hopkins sells the clothing aud shoes.
Latest style shirts at Miles A Arm
strong's. It.
The only difference between meddling
and investigating is that you always in
vestigate and the other fellow meddles.
For Christmas dishes go to Heath A
Killmer. Their assortment is the most
beautiful ever shown in Tionesta. It
If you can't spend a fortune in holiday
gifts, you can at least take up as much
room in a bargain crush as a millionare.
It will pay Hopkins better to sell
those jackets at a very small profit than
to pay express charges back on them. 2t
A butcher in a neighboring town has
put up a large mirror near tho door of
his shop, so his women customers will
not be watching the scales when he
weighs their purchases.
Klondike rubber boots, which are
guaranteed to wear, at Miles A Arm
strongs. It
The longest single-circuit conversation
over the wire has just taken place be
tween Little Rock, Ark., and Boston, a
distance of 1,900 miles. Talk over that
length of wire is not cheap.
Heath A Killmer have tho finest as
sortment of toys in town, and they are
all new. It
The Clarion County grand jury recent
ly reported against taking the Parker
bridge, which was appraised at $25,000
by viewers appointed bv tho courts of
that and Armstrong county, as a county
If you think of buying a jacket call
at Hopkins' store. It
It is quite certain that the next sesiou
of the Oeneral Conference of the M. E.
Church will bo held in St. Paul, Minn.,
in 1900. Chicago has offered to raNe $25,
000 for expenses of tho conference, but
St. Paul comes back with an offer of
-All hoys who need a new, up to date
suit of clothes are requested to call at
Miles Armstrong's store any day be
fore Xmas. Prices to suit the times. It
In Japan a man can iive like a gentle
man on $300 a year. This sum will pay
rent, the wages of two servants, and sup
ply of food. Ex. Butif tiie man has to
earn the $-100 by labor he won't have a
minute to spare for playing gentleman.
Heath A Killmer have an elegant
display of toilet cases, toilet articles of all
kinds and their line of perfumes can't be
beat. Go and see. It
An exchange says it takes a rich man
to draw a check, a pretty girl to draw at
tention, a horse to draw a cart, a porous
plaster to draw the skin, a toper to draw
a cork, a free lunch to draw a crowd, and
an advertisement in your home paper to
draw trade.
A good house and lot on Elm street
for sale cheap. For particulars inquire
of P. M.Clark. tl
Enough orders for steel rails are now
on hand at tho Carnegie company's offi
ces to keep the great plants of the Edgar
Thomson steel mills at Homestead busy
in tho rail departments at full force and
on double turn until July 1. The com
pany does not care to euter the steel rail
Good, warm reefers for boys at Miles
A Armstrong's. It
An exchanga says that a girl in a
neighboring town says such long prayers
every morning that by the time she gets
down stairs her sister has the breakfast
prepared. In ihis way the girl's prayers,
that hnr way in life be made smooth, are
answered at the first jump out of the box.
Don't miss tho chance for a bargain
in a cape or jacket at Hopkins' store next
week. t H
Boys who have formed the cigarette
habit are like wormy apples they drop
long before harvest time. They rarely
make failures in after life, because they
do not have any life. The boy who be
gins cigarette smokinn before his fif
teenth year nover enters the lilo of the
world. When other boys are taking hold
of the world's work he is concerned with
the sexton and undertaker.
Ladies' and gentlemen's Xmas hand
kerchiefs at Miles A Armstrong's. It
A remarkable case of poisoning oe
currcd at Oil City a few days ago. Clif
ford, tho 31-year-old son of P. J. Hallo
ran, drank tho contents of a bottle of
cough mixture belonging to his grand
mother. Tho mixture contained two
grains of morphine, besides other drugs,
an amount equal t3 10 doses for an adult.
After working eight hours a physician
succeeded in getting the little fellow out
of danger.
Hopkins sells the shoes and rubbers.
He criticised her puddiugand he didn't
like her cake; he wished she'd make bis
cuits "like his mother used to make."
She did not wash the dishes and she did
not make tho stew ; and she did not
meud tho stockings "as his mother used
to do." Oh, well, she wasn't perfect, but
she tried to do her best, until at length
her time had come to have a little rest ;
s when ono day he growled and whined
tho whole day through and through, she
turned him up and fanned his pants, "as
his mother used to do."
- Another lot of ladies' ami gent's
mackintoshes at Hopkins store. It
If every citizen would make a point of
thinking and speaking well of his or her
neighbor, associate or friend, the village
they live in and tho people they im-et,
what a delightful cotnmiiuit wo would
have. Don't gossip. Any gossip is idle,
evil gossip is criminal. Drop toe miser
able, cowardly, "they say !" Be sure of
your ground before you start a report and
then be sure that repetition or circula
tion is for somebody's good. If it isn't,
keep still. We are all open for criticism.
No two persons look at a matter from the
same point ot view. There Is some good
in everybody, and that Is what we should
be looking for. The evil always lin-'s a
way out. Just peg away, mind your own
business and keep everlastingly at it.
Santa Clans will open up his pack at
Hopkin s store this week. It
Go to Miles A Armstrong's for scarf
pins, studs and buttons. Latest novel
tics. It
Having h d a long acquaintance with
If. B. Fcit, the genial little clerk at Hop
kins' store, I have made arrangements
with him to act as my aneiil in Tionesta
and vicinity lor the distribution ot Christ
mas poods for the year 1S!W.
tf Santa Clats.
Silverware, looii.o clock or hat rac k
makes a suilalile gilt. See Miles A Arm
strong's. It
L. J. Hopkins 1 1898 1 L. J. Hopkins
To Talk About Clothing you roust have clothing to talk about Our
couoters are loaded with clothing.
Of every description Boys' Over Costs
as low us $1 00, an I as high as $10 00 Men's over cats, all styles and prices
No trouble to find just what you I
waul iu clothing iu our stock. j
We have the goods. '
Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens.
Established in 1865.
The Mammoth House-Furnishing
Store of
as the best and'.cheapest place
to procure all the needed ar
ticles for Housekeeping.
And in fact Everything used In
Good Sold on Kasy ; Pay
ments same as for Cash,
and Delivered Free all
over the Country.
Carpets Sewed, Lined
and Laid Free of Charge.
Drive ovor to I'leasautville and take the Trolley cars to Titusvillo. You will enjoy
the trip and if you want to do some trailing you will find big stores anil
big stocks in the"Uuecu City."
Silk Suspenders, Dress Shirt Shields,
Fine Neckwear, Jewelry,
Umbrellas, Collars and
Gloves, Cuffs.
Among all the articles suitable
for yuhMide gifts for a man, there is uothin more truly appreciated than a
House Coat. Come iu and see some rich color effects, and at prices that will
please you.
The LadieS are especially invited
to come In and see our wares. We assure you that your iriends will be
pleased wi'h gilts secured here. Last, hut not least, your pocketbook will
say its wishes were consulted in a most satisfactory degree.
34 SENEGA ST., - - - OIL CITY, PA.
Arlington Hotel directly opposite us,
Light or Dark, Dress overcoats,
Storm Coats, all of the Latest and
Best Stvles
Furniture Eleyance
costs much less than it used to.
Up-to-date methods on a very large
scale make the difference.
You can buy really elegant furniture
for a comparatively small price and real
ly flood furniture for a price that seems
almost ridiculous if you go to the right
Call in and let us prove that this is the
right store.
CAitrm' news.
We are In the carpet business. We
have a fine stock of carpets in varying
degrees ot quality. The degrees start
with ooon, and then go on up.
t ' 'I
Dainty China
Gives Constant Pleasure;
ugly ware offends the
eye and gives visitors the impression that
you are none too caret ul in the choice of
your house furnishings. There is no ex
cuse for buying ugly ware when we are
selling pretty patterns at such low prices.
Smoking Jackets,
House Coats,
: KlMtewk
f ."1