' v flarantw Chlldraa Harm m HI lant.' ' I It ia computed the death rate of the world is sixty-seven and the birth rite seventy a minnte, and this seem ingly light percentage of gain is suffi cient to give a net increase in popula tion each year of almost 1,200,000 Bouls. To Dig; FroieB Ground. Holes can be dug in frozen earth ith a new boring implement, which has tubes extending down to the tip of the borer, to receive heated air or fluid to thaw the earth. rhe Companion for the lies of l9M, The principal attractions offered by TnB IToi'Tn's Companion for the remalnin weeks nf lHtJ pmviiie a foretaste ot the (tnoii thluifs to follow in Uii new volume tor 1&J. To ma first Issue in November r'rauk K. Stockton will contribute a humorous sketch, entitled "Some of My Does," and in the iesue for the -eek ot November NHh will appear Kudyanl Klplirts's thrilling storv ot the heroism of soldiers in the ranks, "The Burning ot the Sarah Sande." In the aeven issues to follow there will be contributions by Lorl Oufferln, William D. Powells. J. K. Chsmberliu, the American war correspondent, Mary K. Wil ains, Hon. Thomas B. Keed. the Marquis ot Lome, Mme. Lillian Nonlira and I. ZantrwilL Those who subscribe now for the ISO volume will receive every November and December Issue of Thb Companion from the time of fubseriptlon to the end ot the year tree, the 1 omoanion Calendar tor 1SW free, and then the entire 53 isuesot Trnt Companion to Jan nary L lttW. An illustrated announcement ot the 18U9 volume and sample copies will he sent free to any one addressing TtiE YOUTH'S COM PAN lON. Boston. M as?. The Emperor ot China has to fast sixty, oar days lu each year lor the sako ot re ligion. How's This 1 We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fof any ca-e of Caurrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney A Co., Props, Toledo, O. We, the nnderslKued, have known F.J. Che ney for the la-t 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business trauactlons and financially able to carry out any obliga tion nvide by their Arm. West & Thu ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Oho. Waldino, Kinnar 4 Mabvik, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act. Ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Prioo, "So. per bottle. Sold by all Druggist. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills are the beat. Mex!eo has bad fifty-Ave Presidents since 1821. Ot these, sixteen have died violent deaths. Beat Tebaece Spit and Smoke Your lift Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas actio, full ot life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonderworker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, too or ft. Cure guaran teed, Booklet and sample free. Address (Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York A nutmeg tree ot the largest size will produce no more than five pounds ot nut meg. Lane's Family Medicine. Moves the bowels eaoh day, In order to oe healthy this Is necessary. Aots gently on the liver and kidneys. Cares slok head so he. Price 23 and 50o. Protestants In France number rathei less than two per cent, of the population. Five Cents. Everybody knows that Dobbins' Electrlo Boap Is the best in the world, and for 33 yean It has sold at the highest prloe. Its price is now S cents, same as common brown soap. Bars full size and quail ty. Order of grocer. Alt In the Klondike region eggs are quoted at 1 apiece. Dr. Seth Arnold's Cough Killer knocks Colds. John Daroanku. Hi Fargo Ave., Buffalo, K. Y Aug. 17. 1888. 25c. a bottle. It rains three days out ot five In Glas gow, Scotland. Soldiers From the War Bring the germs ot malaria, fevers and other diseases, which may prove oontagloas In their own families. Eood's Barsaparllla is a special boon to soldiers, because It eradicates all disease germs, builds up the debilitated system and brings back health Every returned soldier and every friend and relative of soldiers should take Hood's Sarsaparilla America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six for $5. Hood's PIHs) cure sick headache, gia. Nelson Day In London. Nelson stock is high in England just now, and this year the celebra tion on Nelson day, October 21, was more elaborate than ever. The Nelson column in Trafalgar Square was spirally entwined with a con tinuous laurel band, which for the first time reached the very top of the shaft, while at the base there was a varied display of shields, de vices, wreaths and other floral tri butes. Motor Car. Notwithstanding that the motor car industry is undoubtedly better de veloped and more active abroad than in the United States, yet some of the American companies are reported to have recently booked considerable numbers of orders in Paris and Lon don, and one Chicago firm has an nounced its intention of opening branoh offices in these two cities. From Mrs. Hank to Mrs. Plnkham The following letter to Mrs. Pink ham from Mrs. M. Bank, No. 2,35i East Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., is a remarkable statement of re lief from utter discouragement. Shf aays: " I never can find words with which to thank you for what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has don or me, " Some years ago I had womb trouble and doctored for a long time, not see ing any improvement. At times would feel well enough, and othei times was miserable. So it went on until last October, I felt something terrible creeping over me, I knew nol what, but kept getting worse. I can hardly explain my feelings at that time. I was so depressed in spirits that I did not wish to live, although I had everything to live for. Had hys teria, was very nervous; could not aleep and was not safe to be left alone. " Indeed, I thought I would lose my mind . No one knows what I endured. " 1 continued this way until the last of February, when I saw in a paper a testimonial of a lady whose case was similar to mine, and who had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I determined to try it and felt better after the first dose I continued taking it, and to-day am a well woman, and can say from mv heart. 'Thack'Ood for such a medi cine.'" f . Mrs. Pinkham invites all suffering women to write to her at Lynn. Mass., for advice. All such letters are seen and answered by wooien only. -- HOUSEHOLD AFFAIRS. Bathroom Scale. ' r- . Bathroom scales are now made with a spring balance and a dial as well as a beam with which to show the weight. The dial is at the top of a slender round column six feet high, and the platform of the scale is covored with cork or carpet. - Renovating Velvet and FIuaTi. ,p A simple method of cleaning velvet, velveteen and plash is described in the Ladies' Home Journal by Emma M. Hooper. The rule applies to all three kind of goods, as all have a pile whioh if flattened must be assisted to rise again. With the assistance of a stiff whisk broom, a pan of boiling water and an obligiug friend who will brush up the nap as you hold the goods taut over the steam the wrong side to the water, these materials will look like new. This process removes wrinkles, brightens the color, and makes the crushed nap stay up when brushed against the grain, find will answer for black or colored pile fabrics. If the velvet has a grease spot on it remove it with French chalk before steaming. A sticky spot may be lightly touched with clean cold water before the steaming pro cess. Repairing Bed Blanket. If the housekeeper has not already repaired her blaukets for the cold weather, she should begin to do - so. Thin places iu blaukets should be darned with yarn very much as stock ings are darned. The tops of the blankets which have been bound with ribbon Bhould have the ribbon ripped off after they are washed, and it should be replaced with a buttonhole finish in red or dark blue worsted, to match the stripe iu the blanketing. This is a neat though less showy finish than ribbon, and wears well. It saves trouble to cut pairs of blankets apart. They are then more easily handled when they are in use or when they are folded away than double blaukets are. To Clean Ornaments. TVhen it is desired that pretty draw-, lug room und personal ornaments Bhould be washed, a wooden bowl should be half filled with warm water, in which one teaspoonful of ammonia has been stirred, and enough white soap dissolved to make a good lather. Eaoh article to be washed should be plunged quickly into the water, so that every part may be exposed to the same heat the same time. A fine nailbrush and a camel's hair brush are needed, as well as soft flannel squares for scrubbing. The camel's hair brush will clean the most fragile ornamenta tion thoroughly and daintly. For rinsing, a seooud wooden bowl will be required, filled with water slightly cooler thau that iu which the jewelry or ornaments wero washed. For dry ing the pieces nothing is better than a soft duster. Sawdust, or the cork used for pack-, ing, are excellent polishers for glass, which may bo left to dry, without rnbbing, in a bowl filled with either. Brass and copper should be cleansed with polishing paste never with silver powder. The old-time mixture of rotten stono and turpontine is also good. For silver there is nothing better thau silver powder, but a finer, more lasting brilliancy is attained if each article of this ware is rubbed with slices of lemon before the final wash ing with soap and water. On the other hand, oxidized ornaments should never be touched with any of these preparations. Camphor water care fully used will keep them bright and clean, but, ordinarily, hard rubbing with a chamois leather will answer. London Mail. Recipes. Sugared Qriddle Cakes One cup lour milk, one egg, a half teaspoon soda, a pinch of salt, flour for thin bat ter. Bake on griddle iu large cakes. Butter as soou as doue, strew maple sugar, shaved or graunlated, thickly sver. Filo all together and cut down through the layers when serving. Apple Croutes Spread half slices of good bread with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Lay ou each a half ap ple pared, cut across the core and take the core out. Flace one on each slice af bread, the core down. Sprinkle ivith sugar, dust nutmeg over and bake. Serve hot for breakfast, cold with cream for supper. Boast Foreqnarter of Lamb Wipe Ihe meat with a clean, damp towel, place in a baking dish and dust with pepper. Put a cup of water in which fou have dissolved a teaspoonful of salt, in the pan, and place in a very juick oven. In a few minutes the rater will have evaporated and the bottom of the pan will be covered with dripping. Baste the meat with Ibis every ten minutes, and bake fifteen minutes to the pound. Red Cabbage Stews After the cab bage has been carefully looked over and soaked in salt water to remove any insects and to make it brittle, s'aave very thin. Put one heaping tablespoon butter, a small slice ol onion, salt, pepper in a stew-pan. Let cook a few moments. Put in the cabbage and cover. Cook slowly in its own steam, and when nearly ten der add two tablespoons vinegar and teaspoon sugar. Cook ten minute" and serve. Stuffed Peppers Take about half a dozen green peppers and dig out the seeds with a spoon. Flace the pep pers in salted water and put them over the fire to boil. When they are soft take them out and lay on a plate to cool. Boil a few potatoes, mash them fine and add milk and butter, seasoning with chopped onion, pars ley, salt, pepper, a dash of ground cloves and cinnamon. Fill the pep pers with this, and place in the oven to bake; when brown serve. "Are Ton Good Knonajli to Fight?' r This happened in Brazil; Felix Bocayuva and one Zuocharini, of Sao Paulo, are both journalists, the later an Italian. Zuccharini challenged Bocayuva to a duel. "Certainly," re plied the Brazilian in effect, "if you are good enough to fight with a gen tleman. Get a certificate of character from your Consul and I'll meet you." So Zuccharini applied to the Italian Consul in Lio for a certificate of character. Learning the purpose the Consul refused, and one duel was off. ,Nflw York World. A TEMPERANCE COLUMN. THE DRINK EVIL MADE MANIFEST IN MANY WAYS. 4a Appeal to I'nrle Sam. Remarkable Taper Against the I'ss of Alcohol Read at the Lata Sessloa of the Jie York Stat Medical Association. ton take the islands ot the seas; You hold them without thunder; four arm upraised, like Moses's rod, Has made the world to wonder; But silent threat, a little ball Held 'twlxt thethumb and flnger, Jcares half your valor off, nor lets A tithe ot honor linger. "So man shall show his neighbor drlok Thro' which My laws are broken," Jays (tod; but you revise the law, and call the tax a token Ot freedom, grave and godliness. Against all good He's set It: Strong drink is bitter; they who touch, To foster, shall regret It. four land, your own, holds out her tears; Sons, dnughters, sister., mother 3ry out to you with choking tears, While you are saving other. 1 rhe mines are all about our homes, The License Harbors try us. Who'll bottle up the Bottle Fiends, That torture, mock, defy us? rhyslclans' Use of Alcohol. Tho most Interesting paper read at the olosine sessloa ot the New fork State Medi cal Association's annual meeting, tn Mott Memorial Hall, Mew lort City, was written by Dr. J. M. Farrlngton, of Broome County, an "The Passing of Aloohol." . Dr. Farrlngton quoted the commenda :lons formerly bestowed on alcohol bj standard medloal authors, and noted a great ehange within forty years. He declared that those ot the profession who believe iu the general uso of alcohol as a remedy are how In the minority, and said that with the light wblou has been thrown upon this sub eot during the past tew years a physician ubjeets himself to adverse criticism, and has need to apologize for using alcohol In eases la which but a few years ago he would have been eeusurod had he retrained from aslng It. Dr. Farrlngton said further: Life insurance companies have become convinced beyond question that aloohol, used even tn moderate quantities, Impairs the vital powers and shortens life. Ball road companies have lenrued that even a moderate use ot alcohol affects unfavorablj the brain and muscular power, and, there fore, require all englueers, conductors, brakeraea and switchmen to be total ab italners. Religious soclotles that formerly made use ot aloohollo wine, in the celebra tion ot the Lord's Supper, have discovered that the use ot it nt the communion ser vice hits, In many Instances, aroused the appetite for Intoxicants tn reformed per sons, and thus have started them again oo the declivity to ruin. Churches have like wise learned that the use of aloohol as a beverage is the greatest barrier to the pro gress of religious truth. Therefore, a ma jority of the Christian societies have ban ished Intoxicating wine from their com munion rites, and use only the unfermentei! juice ot the grape, Publio state ceremonies, such as the in luguratlon of the President of the United States and of the Governors of States, which were ouoe scenes ot bacchanalian revelry, have so far been modlflod lu doterence to public sentiment that In many instances no kind of alcoholic beverngo Is furnished. Social gatherings and banquets, where formerly champagne and other mild Intoxtcauts flowed freely and were con sidered essential, are now frequently con ducted without any form ot alcoholic drink. The attention of tho civilized world has been called to the conspicuous fact ot the accuracy ot the Are ot the gunners ot out battleships tn the recent war with Spain. The oontrast between the lire ot the men ot our navy and that ot Spain was chiefly to be attributed, no doubt, to the custom that prevails on the ships of the latter, where dally rations ot grog are furnished to the men; while, since 1862, when thai custom was abolished by our Government, ao rations of grog are allowed at any time onboard our ships. The custom just al luded to as followed by Bpatn is truo of all the navies ot the world but ours. Yel Great Britain has abandoned the doublf rations of grog when a fight Is on, and then no liquor is allowed. Dr. Farrlngton appealed to bis beareri to assist in driving aloohol from the do main ot medicine. Orxuniied Society's Criminal Neglect. What does society as society do to pre vent its members from becoming criminals? KotMog, absolutely nothing. Tho church and the mission and philanthropy and eharlty and our reformatory systems, or ganized through Individual effort, do a great deal, but the law does nothing; It sanotlons and tolerates every evil which brings forth crime as a natural product, and throws upon religion and humanity the burden of Its responsibility. There will be a great public awakening upon this matter as no distant day. We permit a man to bo come a drunkard, license him, as it were, to beoome one, make a profit out of him tot beooming one, and then when ho does as act which is the Inevitable result ot his un conscious condition, we pass statutes grad ing oft the sort ot punishment that he shall suffer for doing that which nothing but the miraculous Interposition ot Provi dence could have prevented blm irom do ing. We say to him. "You can go crazy, the law Is with you; but when you are crazy you must act like a rational creature; II not, the law Is against you." Ex-Congress-man Hon. Isador llayner, of Maryland, at Hebrew Benevolont Society Banquet, Bal timore. Carrots For Claret. A story showing how easily tho uso ot liquor In oases of sickness can be dispensed with Is told by one of our exchanges. The other day a dlstraoted mother brought her daughter to see a physician. The girl was suffering from "general low ness." The dootor prescribed tor bar a glass of claret three times a day with ber meals. The mother was somewhat deaf, but apparently heard all be said, and bore off her daughter. In ten days' time they were back ngnln, and the girl was rosy, cheeked, smiling, and the picture ot health. The doctor congratulated himself npon the Jteen Insight he had displayed tn his diag nosis of the case. "I am glad to see tbut your daughter is so much better," he said. "Yes," exclaimed the grateful mother; "thanks to you, doctor! She has had just what you ordered. She has eaten carrots three times a uay since we were here, and sometimes oftener and once or twice uncooked and now look at her!" Notes of the Crnsade. Drink Is responsible for the condition ol 60,000 persons now la British lunatic asylums. Says the Chicago Chronicle: Wo repeat that there Is nothing more profitable than a wide and extensive revlvnl la this coun try ot agitation for prohibition ot the Uquoi traffic ' The word bas gone forth throughout Rhodesia that selling liquor to natives must be stamped out, and the heaviest penalties possible have been exacted to ef fect this object. The papers report that arrangements are making for the establishment In both Cuba and Porto Klco of large distilleries to be owned and operated by Americans, these to be followed by breweries. The Brewers' Journal congratulated the trade In its remarkable prosperity, seeing bow that, In the face of the mercantile and financial depression that bus prevailed during the past year, the Internal Revenue figures show an Increase in the sales ol malt liquors during that time ot 3,000,000 barrels, . Two hundred thweand persons nre arrested annually In weat Britain ami Ireland tor drunkenness" That part ol the dark continent which Is Irnnwn a fthr.riAqla la hnfflmiinir to prnnnlri with the liquor question. From time tqf time we reaa in ituoaesian papers oi canteen-keepers being convicted and fined heavily for selling liquors to natives. The much sickness due to over-indulgence by soldiers of tbe volunteer army in strong drink; the waste of their small pay due to tippling and drunkenness; tbe mur ders and outrages committed by some ot them while under the influence of liquor, the rioting and disgraceful conduct ol many of the young men when in their cups, have brought out the suci estlon that a good armg should be a temperance army, A Nation of Dyspeptics. From the Mountaineer, M'aVialla, y. Daiofa, The remorse ot a guilty stomach is what a large majority ot the peoDle are suffering with to-dav. Dyspepsia is a eharaoterlstto Amerloan disease and It Is frequently stated that "we are a nation of dyspeptics." Improper food, hurried eating, mental worry, exhaustion any of these produce a lack ot vitality tn the system, by causing the blood to lose its life-sustaining ele ments. The blood Is tbe vital element In our Uvea and should be carefully nurtured. Rojtore It to Its proper condition, dys pepsia will vanish ana good health follow. For example, In the oounty ot Femblna, North Dakota, a few miles from Walhalla, resides Mr. Earnest Snider; a man ot sterl ing Integrity, whose veraolty cannot b doubted. He says: The Pociort IHtagrttd. "I became seriously 111 three years ago. The doctor gave me medicine for Indigos tkon, but I oontluued to beoome worse. I bad several physicians nt Intervals who gave me some relief, but the disease would return with all Its accustomed severity. "I read in the newspapers articles re garding the wonderful curative powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and finally concluded to try the pills. Five months ago I bought six boxes. Tbe first box gave me much relief, and after using four boxes I was cured." ' These pills are recognized everywhere as epeciflc for diseases of the blood and nerves. For paralysis, locomotor ataxia, and other diseases long supposed incur able, they have proved their efllcaoy In thousands of cases. Moscow's (Ruisla) orphan asylum Is tupported by a tax on playing card Hon.'W. J. Onnnell, Ex-Congressman from Srbraska. and at present Omaha's City At (nrnev, writj! Towhom This Cornea, Greeting: I take pleasure in recommencliugthe virtues of the remodles prepared by the Dr. B. J. Kay Meitl al Co. Having known of some remarkable .Mires of Omaha people affected by the use of Dr. Kay's Rennvat r and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm, I believe that theee great remedies art worthy of the eonndence of tho public.' Thousands of the moi-t prominent people in America know that the above are farts and no remedies have affected so lame a percent of cures. 8end for our large Illustrated bonk It has great value but will oe rent free. Dr H. J. Kay Medical Co., Saratoga Springs, N V., and Omaha, Neb. Parts, France, has a street without f oame. It Is paved and lighted. Beanty la Blood Ottp, Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Caacareta, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten rents. AH drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c,25c,S0c The Cuban Newspaper. The Cuban newspaper is a mis nomer. It is a paper, but the lack ol news is as conspicuous as it is in most of the country weeklies of the "States." The make-up of the papet is what we call in tbe North "black smith work." The style of type and the head lines are as ancient as the history of Cuba, and the general ap pearance of the paper is an offense to good taste. The so-called news is as unsatisfying as is the food known at the Spanish bean; possessing bulk without substance. For instance, La Lucha will say in the notes regarding the work of the American Commis sion, "To-day Mr. delivered to General Blanco (or some one else) a sealed paper of importance." This is all. What the character of the com munication was or any other informa tion relating to it that would in anj way make it an item of news is not given. The editorials sometimes pos sess some pith and point, but the news columns are a barren waste. How much of this is due to the cen sorship and how much to the lack ol energy and a "nose for news" can not be said. The resident laughs at the paper Irom the "States," but it will be noticed that if he knows how tc read he wants the said paper as soon is he can get it, and, while he will tell you he does not believe a word he reads in it, he gets very angry when the paper reports something some official of the United States has said derogatory to the Spanish character. It is all a pack of lies, but he believes it just the same, and he bases his thought and action npon the contents of the very journal he affects to de spise, St. Louis Globe-Democrat. General Greene's Stars Ready For Blm. When General Greene reported his arrival with his staff to General Cor bin a very pleasant inoident occurred. He had learned of his promotion to be a Major-General npon his arrival at San Francisco, failing to receive the cablegram sent him to Manila, but he still wore the single star of the Brigadier-General's rank. General Corbin, however, furnished him with the two stars which marked "his promotion, and then the party went to the White House, where they talked with the President regarding the situation in the Philippines. General Greene would not, however, disouss these matters for publication. Washington Post. - Safety Among; Indians. The venerable Bishop Whipple, ol Minnesota, who knows the Indians ol that State well, tells a story of how, years ago, he was holding a religions meeting near an Indian village camp. His baggage was scattered about the lodge and when he was about to go out he asked the chief if it were safe to leave his belongings there while he went to the village to hold the ser vice. "Yes," answered the chief, without a gleam of humor, "perfectly safe. There is not a white man within .a hundred miles." Springfield Repub lican. IHspotlng of Bewace Three years ago Paris bejOvto dis pose of its sewage after the miicr ol Berlin by turning it into fields planted with orchards aud vegetables. One fourth of the sewage is already thne disposed of, and it is hoped that iu two years the whole of it will be. New Saddle Post, The horizontal part of a now bicycle saddle post is hinged on the upright portion, and a spring extends from tho end to the top bar of the frame to sup port the weight of the rider. - ina He turn of the Roller Skate, Those who enjoyed the fascination ot the roller skate when it was ou earth the first time, will doubtless be glad to know, from good authority, that the amusement of roller skating Is likely again to beoome popular. Rinks are being fitted up in different parts of the country, and the demand lor roller skates has revived. It is suggested that the roller skate furnishes a very agreeable substitute tor the bicycle during those months irhen the latter must necessarily be "laid np." Tearooms anil Architect. The inevitable tea table has left its trace npon the architecture of the day. The woman who is helping to sake or mar the plans of the new home now says carelessly: "By the ray, John, I suppose we can easily ;hrow in a dear little room with queer vindows and a fireplace and a built n settle for my tea table, can't we?" Tohn replies easily: "Oh, yes. No trouble about' that, A there, Mr. rianns?" "Oh, no," says the wretohed architect with a lickly smile, "none at all." But he las planued houses before, and he ;oes away iu despair and kicks tho log aud euubs the typewriter, and, perhaps, if he is of a despondent tern peramanent, he throws himself into Ihe lake. lie knows that eveu if be cau win madam's unqualified ap proval in the matter of the back stairs tnd even please her in the construe 'ion of the closets, he can never, never init her in case of that tearoom. Chi sago Times-Herald. . Tho King and the Comet. Cassini, an Italian by birth, was the jest known of the astronomers of the Paris Observatory when founded by Louis XIV., and, in consequence, pos terity has very generally supposed he as the director. That ho failed to Ije suoh was not from any want of istuteness. It is related that the Uonaroh once visitod the observatory So see a newly discovered comet ihrough the telescope, lie inquired in what direction the comet was goiug to move. This was a question it was impossible to answer at the moment, because both observations and com putations would be necessary before the orbit could be worked out. But Cassini reflected that the King would not look at the comet again, and would rery soon forget what he had told him; he therefore described its future path in the heavens quite at random, and with entire confidence th any devia tion of the actual motio rom his pre diction would never be noted by his royal patron. Atlantio Monthly. Coughs Lead to Consumption, Kemp's Balsam will stop the oough at jnce. Go to your druggist to-dav and get a sample bottle free. Sold In W and 60 cent bottles. Qo at once; dolays are dan gerous. The Mexican States of Yucatan and Cam peche are now connected by railway. Ho-To-Ilae for Fifty Cents, Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak laen strong, blood pure, t0o.ll. AUdrurgmia. A Oerman has Invented a thimble ot felt t gum for the use of pianists. A Llfo Saver of Children Is IToxsle's Croup Cure. It checks this dreaded disease with a few five and ten minute doses. No opium. No nausea. SO cts. Telephone lines use 13,000,000 pounds ol lopper yearly. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AU DniKtfUU refund money It It tall to ours. 3jo The people ot London are computed tc ipend 16,000,000 dally. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c or SB It (X ft C fall to cure, druggists refund money. After physicians had given me up, I was laved by Plso' Cure. Ralph Eiiieu, Wll llamsport, Pa., Nov. a, 1893. Artificial limbs are usually made ot alllow on account of its llgbtnoss. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children teethina. soften the irum. redim Inflnmm. tion, allays pain, cures wind colic 26o.a oottle Machinery for a mint at Chenctn. China. das Just been set up and tested. Educate Tear Bowels With Caicarat. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. lOo, 24c If a C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Tbe vineyards of Italy cover nearly 3,000, XK) acres. PEACE VERSUS PAIN We have peace, and those who are sorely afflicted with f NEURALGIA will have peace from pain and a pericti cure uy using , ST. JACOBS OIL. "I have been n.lng CASCARETS for Insomnia, with which I have been sfnicted for Over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets have fiven me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. I shall certainly recom mend them to my friends as being all they are represented." Thos. Giixard, Elgin, 111. Plesttnt. Palatable. Potent, TW flood. Do Oood, Merer Rlcken. Weaken, or Gripe. Vk, MM. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. . aUrllI Wnu4j CHf . tkt, i.t. w Twt. II Mfl.Tfl.Rir Bolil and tmriniwil by all drug HU'lU'DAw guuto CliHE Tobacco ilabllT The Best BOOK thr WAR bound and umpt- loiialrillnitnteill price Ji, free to anybody Mnilinl iwoannn.liiub-irriptlon. at Si each to tbe Overland Monthly, HAN H(ANl'IHCO. gainple Overland, tc ViraSTED-Can of bad health that R-I-P-A-S-S Vf will not beneftt. (lend t cts. to Ilipana Chemical Co, Nw York, for lu namplen and luui) testimonial! -PATENTS-- Procured on cash, or easy lnlalmrol.VUWLEB ft llUKNH. Patent Attorney, i7 Brodwy, N. Y D Q VfEW DISCOVERT; gin B I J I O I tai.trali.t and ch-m nt km Stud far to ef tMtiinoai.i, mni I O days' t.t. Free. Pr a Sana's soss. ati.ai s.- c2 at A. Lunttt ntnt Ail liU fiilS. Best Cough Bjrup, Tula Ooud. Css cM pnlfl by drorrl'U. CANOY 7 Jtf. CATHARTIC yt VVTM Dl MAUN mWmWt tv'""l' There are frauds in soaps as well as other things. Sometimes a grocer will offer you a substitute for Ivory Soap, because his profits are larger on the substitute. He and the purchaser are losers in this transaction. The dealer ultimately loses the customer, and the customer suffers from the mischief of the substitute. A person accustomed to Ivory Soap will not be satisfied with any other. Ask for Ivory Soap and insist upon getting it. A WORD OF WARNING There art auny whit sa. ack rf reseat ""( i (ood as th ' Ivory ';" thy ARE NOT, tut lilt all cuntrflts. lack h peculiar and rsnarlubl ulltltt of th pnuln. Aik far " lvry "Sat aa Insist ua tttlnf It evrjki las, k, ft. Vm Railway's Ileadv Relief Cures and pre rents Cofds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Pronchltls, Tneumonla, Swelling ot the Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations, Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Headaoho, Tootbaoue, asthma, Difficult Breathing. Radway's Ready Relief la a Sure Cure for Every Tain, Bpralu, Bruises, Tains In the Oaolt, Cbesit or Limb. It was tbe First and Is the only Pntn Remedy that lustantly itops the most excruolatlng pains, allays inflammation and cures congestions, whether of the lungs, stomach, bowela or jther glands or organs, by one application. OR INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL USE. A half tn a traauocnful in half a tumbler ot rtter will in few minute cur Cramp, tipaMiii, iuur Stomarh, Heartburn, NervouMifiw, KWitlen lee, Sir ilea.Ui h. Iurrlin. Uyat-utery, Colic, Flatulency nd 11 internal plu. . , 1 her in not a n-iiiritul aitent tn 111 wor d tbt sill cur fever unit aitii end all other lunLrloim, illion and other fever. lilnl by II AliWAY' I'll.l.S, o qulrkly HAMWAY'lt ItKAllY KKI.IKI'. Sold by lrnaii. , UADWAViV tO., ft. V.tm Mrecl, ew Varh. COLDS" Fifty Cents a Year ! The edger onthly Is a richly illustrated and beautiful periodical, covering the whole field of popular reading. , ATTRACTIVE covers of. the LEDGER MONTHLY are elegantly printed or lithographed in colors, making COVERS them worthy of preservation as works of art, and each cover is alone THE ORANGE GIRL, by Sir Vlt Bewnt, SERIAL and is now running. The short stories in each 3l-lVi- nu number will be by the most entertaining and SHORT STORIES' distinguished writers of the day. " FASHION Up-to-date fashions nre a strong feature of the LEDGER MONTHLY. This department, with DEPARTMENT Illustrations from original drawing by the best ui-niKncra oi laaiiions, m a irue guiue ior every woman. SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS are devoted to Embroidery, DccorAttve Art, Home employments for Women, etc, - The LEDGER MONTHLY Is replete with PICTORIAL pictorial illustrations appertaining not only to the reading matter, but with oi special Deauiy ana interest, appealing to the ortistic taste and the desire for the beautiful, such as "The Prayer, by jean I'aul belinger, recently purchased for $800. f THE GREAT Th0 L15021 MONTHLY is the Great Family Magazine. For sale by all news- FAMILY MAGAZINE dealers, price 5 cents ; yearly subscrip tions 50 cents. Sample copies sent to any address on receipt of 5 cents. .JW-.....- r This Mijazinc Is Too Expensive to Stnd Sample Copies FIEE. A Sample Copy cm be Seen t the Office of this Paper, Address y ROBERT BONNER'S SONS, Publishers, Ledger Buildinq 104 William Street New York. City PAINTrWALLSiCEiLI?.GS MURALO WATER COLOR PAINTS FIDEC0nlTISWLLSIII0CEILIIICSK,r;,';i;::!MURALO paint draler tnd do yonr own decnrattnjr. This material I a II A It It FINISH to I pplld with a brash and hmotnta a hard a Cuut. Milled tn twenty-four tint ud work qullr wU with rnld or hot wst.r. IVHENU FOR HAMPI.K COLOR CARDS nd if yon rannot nnrrbm this malarial from your local dealers let us know and w will put you In th way of obtaining it. THE NL'RALO CO., NEW BKIGIITOX, S. I., MOW YORK. Wa iMlfrfTsyy "East, West, Home is Best," if Kept Clean With SAPOLIO JUST THE BOOK YOU WANTS: CONDENSED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE, m II traaU npon about svery subject aodsr U no. it contain ISO pages, profusely IllustraUd. sad will ba snt, postpaid, for 60c. In (tamps, postal aots or sllrsr. When nadlnf ra sonbf 555 AN ENCYCLOPEDIA F'S will olr up for you. It has a com piste lodes, as that It may be F" fl fl Z art referred to easily. This Iwok Is rick nine of ralnabl l" II 1 1 Tm 1 J Km - Informatics, printed In aj laterestinf maunsr, aud Is " well worth to any a saany Umas u small sum of FIFTY CENTS which ws aa for It, A study of this book will prorsof Incalculable benefit to thoss whoas education, ha bssa nrflecttd. while Ihe volume will alo be found of treat Telue to tho who canaot rssdlly command the knowledge they harescqulMd. BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE 134 Leonard St.. N. Y. City. i Sath Sj., CHEAP PARIS no ynii uraur a unue o ww luw f hii I m nuini. I 100,000 ACRES Improved and nn- prnvet tanning id to ha dlvlilnl nd 'Id on lnn time and raay payment. llttl each year. Coui nd e nsor wrl'e. THK lHt MAN MOSS HI ATE BANK, banilac Cutr, Mini, or r THE TRUMAN MOSS ESTATE, Cr.wcll, Hsstlae C., Mick. TOPPED FRrX Pirnsittly Csnl laaaatty Prnt. ty . KLINE'S CHEAT lERVE RESTORER W HE WM laatlt. Jpm mnd 3t rrj' isw. lftr MtfroejaaaM rW irtt u'S ma, Trtfttiiw and St tritl bttl I to rtt ttitatu, tttj M7f "P' tia'i-lf i rt4. I) to Dr. Kliaa, I.i4. liHltvaa ' emit of UoslUi., Ml Artb tu, rhUaJtlp.lfc, F. W frtTfl jTnrf fflrl or vnmu mil, poll filltHl-oIIuirvriirltsin tw fltamnud rlnK, iM (T"l1 patMrn. for ftrlhnf K'narVajt-- (tAHKIItl.lt FT HI ri;i-lN (.I k. ainno dlrntla at tenia si priK rtPitii naniaj; wsj mat rrtm. ?hw atitd aunt numty; will mill ring: w can let! from rnwla tittmnBd. I'liMitd iiu lalatt back. tjARHKLDUt U Hi., IHpt. tl, MoarlTllla. IV fENSIONK.W,a 'Successfully Prosecutes Claim. Lai Principal Bzamlner V 3. raiialou bureaus Jynluuut r, UaiijuiUcatUif claim, ally duos. worth the price of the magazine. illustrations ILLUSTRATIONS sjfjfc-TsVrsfi afc iTtafujI jstfilam. I BUIta.