THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMKER 23, 1898 BOROUGH OFFICERS. Rurgess. K, C. Heath. Council men. Joxpph Morgan, S. Kitr, ponild, Wm. .SmoarlMiiiKh. J. T. Dalo, W. F. lilum, Jan. I). Davis, L. J. Hopkins. Justices vf the react C. A. Hamlall, S. J. Motley. Constable H. 8. Canflold. Collector F. P. Amslor. School Directors U. V. Iloloinan, Ti. Afrnew, W. A. Grovo, Q. Jiiinioson, J. V. Seowtlun, Patrick Joyce. FOKEST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress Wm. C.Arnold. Member of Senate Wm. II. IIydk. Assembly J. E. Whnk. President Judge . M. Linmhy. Associate Judges Jos. A. Nahii, A. J. McCiiat. Treasurer Jam m II. Fonks. Prothonotary, Register Jt Recorder, Jtc. John H. Koiikbthon. VAarOT. Fhasik P. WAt.KSR. Commissioners W. M. Coos, C. Whitkmai. H krman lll.tTM. I County Superintendent E. E. Stitz okh. District Attorney S. D. Trwin. Jury Commissioners J. 11. (!arpkn TK, Oko. D. County Surveyor J. D. Davis. Coroner Dr. J. W. Monuow. County Auditors U. E. AnnoTT, J. R. Clark,' U. J. I-'lynn. REOULAU TERMS OP COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Fourth Monday of May. Last Monday of AiiRUst. Third Monday of November. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. rpiONESTA LODGE, No. 3fifl, L O. O. F. 1 Meets every Tuesday evening, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Partridge building. . "HI It EST LODGE, No. 184, A.O. U. W I Meetaevery Friday evening in A.O.U. W. Hall, Tloncsta. ASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. P.O. 8. of A., meets every Saturday eve ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionosta. CAPT. G EOKO K STOW POST, No. 274 O. A, K. Meets 1st and 3d Monday evening In each month, lu A. O. U. W. UaU, Tioircsta. APT. GEORGE STOW COUPS, No. 137, W. K. C, moets first and third Woduesday evening of each month, In A. O. U. W. hall, TionoHta, Pa. IONESTA TENT, No. Kit, K. O. T. M., meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday evening in each month in A. O. U. . hall Tionosta. Pa. PM. CLARK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and District Attornky. Ollk-o, cor. ol Im and llridgo Streets, Tionosta, Pa. . Also agont for a numbor of roliablo Fire Insuranco Companies. H F. IUTC11EY, J . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tionosta, Pa. T B. SIGGINS, M. D., J Physician. Surgeon ox Drucgist, TIONESTA, PA. J W. MORROW. M. D., riivsician, Surgeon A Dontist. Ofrieo and Uosidonco tliroe doors north of Hotel Agnew, Tionosta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. LC. IIOWMAN, M. D., Physician iV. Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to, night or day. Residence opposite Hotel Agnew. DR. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Heath it Killmor's store, Tionesta. Pa. Professional calls prompt- responded to at all hours of day or night. Kosldonco East side Elm St., 3d dore above jail building. TTOTEL AGNEW. XJ. C. F. WEAVER, Tropriotor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrenco House, has undergone a com plote change, and is now furnished with all the mod ern Improvement. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold wator, etc. Tho comforts of guests novor ncgloctod. C1ENTRAL HOUSE, H. V. HORNER, Proprietor. Tionsuta, Pa. This is tho mostcontrally located hotel in the place, and has all the inodorn Improvements. No pains will be spared to mako it a pleasant stopping place for tho traveling publio. First class tavery in connection. PR EST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jacob Hondor, Proprietor. This hotel has but recon tly been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, and offers the finest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guosUt and the traveling public. Rates reasonable. M1IL. EMERT FANCY BOOT & SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm anil alnut stroots, Is propared to do all Kinds of custom work from tho finest to the coarsest and guarantors his work to give porf'ect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion givon to mending, and prices rea sonable. T F. ZAHRINGER, I PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable pricos. Always guarantees satisfaction. Watch es, J Aolry, Ac, ordered for parties at luo KavcHt pimsiuie ugure. " lu uciuunu in the building next to lvceley Club Room. JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer In HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. i TIONESTA. PA. Fred. Grettcnbergor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work nortaininir to Mai'liinprr. Fn. gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Hlacksmithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mil Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of tho Biiaw Uouse, Tidiouto, Pa. Your patronago solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER. S. I HASLET & GENERAL. MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA. PENN. C. IYi: ARNER & SON. Fire, Life and Accident Iks mi a nce A g ents . . AND - REAL ESTATE BROKEBS, TIONESTA, PA. ('orapanirs I(irrnted. North American. -Eoyal, Hartford, Orient, Phill'a Underwriters, - $ 9,686,808.08 7,454,943.11 10,004,697.55 2,215,470.92 15,609,932.32 Titles examined and "Briers" prepared. Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for sale or rent. Particular attention paid to tho collection of rents, interest, Ac. Also to tho proper assessment of lands and payment of taxes. Leasing and sale of oil and gas lands a specialty. Church anil Nabbath fSrbool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. in. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. in. Proaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening D3 Rov. R. A. Huzza. Preaching in tho F. M. Church evory Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. F. V. McClelland, Pastor. Services in the Presbyterian Church evory Sabbath morning and evoning, Rov. J. V. McAninch officiating. Tho regular meetings of tho W. C. T. U. are held at the headquarters on the socond and fourth Tuesdays of each month. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market ft. 15. Hopkins sells, the clothing and shoes. Amslcr sells the fruits and vogotables The turkey will bo tho national bird to-morrow. Now neckwear and umbrellas at Miles ilc Armstrong's. It Hopkins sells Wright's Health un dorwear, the best In the world. It The cheapest placo to buy reliable goods is at Miles A Armstrong's. It Soloct your presents early and have them stored till Xmas, at Mllos A Ann strong's. It Flnnnol shirt waists, tho popular thing for winter, for sale at Robinson's. Prices light. It A good house and lot on Elm street for sale choap. ' For particulars inqulro of P. M.Clark. tf -Undo Sam buys Klondike rubbers. So do all who want tho best. Sold only by Miles A Armstrong. It "Farmer" Dean has resumed opera tions on his lease near Baum station, and will soon have another well down. Tho amount of capos and jackels Hopkins is selling tolls the story. They aro dandies, and tho price Is right. It Whou you want the freshest fruit or vegotablos go to Amslcr. He handles only the boat and his pricos are right. It Clarion county also voted on the poor bouse question at the recent eloction and tho project carried by a large major ity. A mothers' mooting will be held at the home of Mrs. Wyman Monday even ing, Nov. 23, led by Mrs. Dr. which all ladies are invitod. WAN'rni).--Activo agents to soli tea, coffeo, spices and baking powdor to fam ilies. Liberal commissions allowed. Ap ply to Grand Union Tea Co., 3.1 W. Long Ave., DuBois, Pa. 3t Rov. Irving of tlie Evangelical church (the Bowman-Eshor branch of the church) is holding quite a successful ser ies of revival meetings on Church Hill near East Hickory. Wl en you want nice fruit or confec tionery call on Amsler. His assortment is tho finest to be had, and Iw'on have ever bought of him you knovthat his prices cannot be beat. It The East Hickory schools will hold a Thanksgiving literary exercise to-day, Wednesday. Quite a bit of preparation has been made for it. The schools will close there until Monday following. A child of John Thornton of Kellolt ville was buriod at East Hickory on Mon day of this week. It was about four years of age and died from blood-poisoning it soems, contracted through a sore toe and from wearing a pair of black stockings. Merchants would do woll to seo that all their goods subject to revenue are proporly stamped. Tho revenue officers are dropping in on business men in vari ous parts of the State and all goods found by them without stamps become contra band of war. This is court week in Tioncsta but it is not as lively as usual owing to tho ab sences of any criminal business on hand and the non-attondance of tho grand jury. Only civil oases are beinp tried, and tho petit jurors and a few witnesses are about the only strangors on our streets. Marienville had a small- firo last Wednesday night, which was nipped in the bud by tho prompt work accom plished by the chemical extinguishers. The fire was in the building occupied by Mrs. Whitohill, and the damage done will amount to $100, with no insurance. Thanksgiving to-morrow. The Rk rum.icAN hopes that all will thoroughly enjoy the day, keeping in mind the ob jects for which it has been specially des ignated by tho President. Remember the union services at tbo Presbyterian church at 10:30 a. ni., Rov. Buzza deliver ing the sermon. Dear reader, did you ever try to write a letter to a friend and at the same timo hold a conversation with a neighbor who has just dropped in to tell you the story of his life? If you hare can gathor a pretty fair idea of the chief cause of premature groy hairs on the do voted head of the average country editor. Bradford Era. Official lifo seems as natural as water to a duck to our esteemed friond W. O. Smith of the Punxsutawney Spirit. We see by the lsst published list that be Is on tho Jury for the December term of court in Jefferson county. Doubtles this will give the Brookvillo Democrat oause for a fresh outbrako against boss ism, machine methods, one man power, and what-not. However, in any official station William Will fill the Bill. A good plau for storing chestnuts for winter use is to take a small quantity of salt in a bag with tho nuts. They will then become soft and sweet, and any worms which happen to be among them will bo drivon out. Tho bays will be- como covered with sweat caused by the salt, but this will not impair the qualify of the nuts' in the slightest degree. This plan Is followed by many and is con-id ered one of the best. Ex. The promised thanksgiving blizzard has arrived on time, and this morning opens up like (he regular winter article, the first, really, of the season. The only ease thus far taken up in court this week is that of McArthur, trustee, vs. Tionesta Gas Co., which is now on trial. Tho suit involves the title to a portion of the territory from which the gas company secures part of its pro duction, on Hemlock creek. The case of W. A. Coniioly vs. Hickory twp. was continned to next term. Other cases have not yet been reached. Tho time of year has arrived when the married man has to go down in his pocket for money to buy his wife a win ter bat, but the man who lives in this vl cininy is in luck, fur the millinery firm of F. Waltors A Co. have the most ex tensive display of fashionable ha's and complete lino of flno children's wear, la dies furnishings, novelties and fancy work that Is to bo found outsido of the large cities, aud their prices ate just about one-half what you would pay in tho city. Go and see. It Miss Nannie Morrow has secured rooms in tho Koplor block, where sho Is conducting her kindorgarten. She has quite a large class and from present in dications the enterprise is an assured suc cess. In a short time alio will havo seats and desks for the little ones and the room will then be very nicely arranged. The project is an excellent one and those who have children undor six years of ago should place them in the care of Mini Morrow, and when they are old enough to go to the publio school they will be about two years "ahoad of timo." Tho situation at Kellottville with re gard to tho diphtheria epidemic seems to be encouraging at present. There aro no new cases reported and all the old cases are on the mend. Mrs. Chas. Bauer. just aftor recovering from a light attack af diphtheria, was taken with Pneumo nia, but is better. It was reported that Dr Detar's family, who wont to Fryhurg justaltor the diphtheria broke out at Kellettvillo, had been takon with the dis ease la bad form, but tho report was an oxageration. It was only a oold with bad sore throat; no diphtheria at all. Joo Thomas, our colored nimrod, re ports this a pretty fair sort of season for game Thus far, Joe aud his faithful hounds have manugod to capturo 42 coons and any number of smaller vermints. His record for last Friday, he informs us, was eight rabbits, and not being quite satisfied with tho score, he went out Sat urday again and shot nine. Clarion Democrat, Joe's many friends herea bouts will bo pleased to learn that he still has a cinch on the raccoon industry, and that his trusty old riflo with which ho always clnimod ho could skin, disem bowel and havo ready for the stewpan a black squirrel at "0 yards, is still in good running order. J. T. AnJerson of East Hickory killed a large wildcat within 20 rods of tho center of the town last Sunday even ing, and did it with a stone. He heard a strango noiso as ho was passing along tho road and looking back saw his catship in the act of springing oyer the fence in his direction. A woll directed stroke from a stone turned the cat oyer, but enly in creased its fury, and as the monster poked his head through the fence and let out a terrific "yowl" another stone from the young man's hand struck the cata mount square between the eyes and end ed its earthly caroer. Mr. Anderson will got a bounty of 2 for his good marks manship and sand, besides a dollar or so for the pelt. The life of a village postmaster is by no moans one of pleasure and tho follow ing rules posted by the official in the of fice of a neighboring town are to the point : "No lottors will be delivered un til they are roceived. If you don't get a loiter or paper on the day you expect, hare the postmaster look in all the boxes and down in tho collar also. It ought to hi there somewhere and ho likes to hunt for it to please you. If your friend don't write, cuss tho postmaster. He is to blamo. If he tells you there is no mail for you, put on a grieved expression and say : 'There ought to be eome.' He Is probably hiding your mail for the pleas ure of having you call lor it two or three times a day. Ask him to look again." No pleasanter affair could well bo im agined than was the banquet giyeu by the Relief Corps last Wednesday evening in honor of tho company of young poople which so nicely rendered the drama of the Cuban Spy recently. Upward of sev-onty-live guests were present at tho Corps hall, and from start to finish the pleasure of the gathering was unhampered. Dom ino and card parties were formed and comprised a large sharo of the evening's enjoyment, while music and just a mere hint at torp'iichorean pleasure prevented anything like monotony from marring tho happy occasion. A lunch was served which was entirely in keeping with the woll-ostablishd reputation of the ladies of the Corps. The party dispaarsod about 12 o'clock With many expressions of thanks for the royal entertainment of the evoning. Nobody ever slights an Invita tion from the W. R. C. of Tionosta who has ever tasted of their hospitality. . Confections, cigars and tobacco, at A tnsler's. And in the matter of fruits and vegetables, his place, as usual, is headquarters. It Miss Mable Spear, daughtor of Mrs. Mary Harrington Spear, died at the Pres byterian Hospital in Allegheny City Nov. 15, 18S, after an illness of typhoid fever of about throe weeks duration, pleurisy being tho direct cause of death. She, whose life has so soon ended, only having seen tbo light of 23 so minors, was an earnest, consistent member of tho Presbyterian church of Evans City, her former home. Being a zealous worker for the cause of Christ and suffering hu manity, bIio has ceased from her labors, but her works do follow bor. Thero aro left to morn n ber loss besides a large cir cle of friends, a mother, 3 sisters, Haiti, only recently removed from the hospital, Cora and Lucia, and one brother, Albert. The funeral srvices were held at the Presbyterian church in Allegheny City, conducted by Rey. Bruce. The remains were intered at tho family burying ground on German Hill, Forest Co., Nov. 17, '98. Those accompanying the remains from Allegheny wore Mr. Charles Har ringlou and Mr. Zoigler ; from Oil City, Mrs. Lowry and Mr. Garish. Sho was a niccoof Mrs. Helen Pel Ion of this place. A new lot of mackintoshes at Hop kins' store this week, and they turn wa ter. It YOU AM) YOUll FRIEND. Miss Anna Bleakley of Franklin is a guest of Miss Elsie Kelly. Mrs. Suie M. Sharpe is visiting her sistor, Mrs. II. S. Bates, at Titusvillc. Miss Etta Ramsey of Utica, Pa., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. G. G. Gaston. Mrs. Roily Hartson, of Richmond, Ohio, is the guest of her friend, Mrs. Geo. Holeman. Mrs. S. J. Campbell and daughter, Mrs. U. C. Gioring, visited Oil City friends last week. Mrs. Amann of Warren and Mrjj. Ir'. Z. Jones of Tidiouto were euosts of Mrs. Chas. Amann a part of last woek. Hon. F. W. Hays ol Oil City was ouo of tho prominent attorneys who had legal business at court here this week. Mrs. I. E. Dean's many friends are pleased to know that she is again able to be out after a serious and protected ill ness. A goodly sized gathering was pleas antly entoitained at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smearbaugh at dominoes last Friday evening. W. S. Johnson of Johnstown, Pa., is a huxinoss visitor to Tionesta this week, and is meeting many of his old-time friends in this vicinity. Mrs. C. D Baker, of Cortneaut, Ohio, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. F. Ritchoy. Dr. Baker, who came with his wife last week, has returned home. Hon. P. M. Speer was up from Oil City Monday and transacted some busi ness at court. Ho found timo to give tho ltKPUitMCAS a friendly call whilo hero. A daughtor of W. P. Lyons of Flem ing Hill has been quite ill with rheuma tism, with which is connected a very se rious heart trouble She is somewhat bettor at present. Mrs. Fred Infield was a guest of her sistor, Mrs. T, E. Armstrong over last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Infield have moved from Dushoro to Mt. Jewett, Pa., where Mr. I. is working at his trade as harnessmaker. Tho REruiiLK'AN acknowledges pleasant culls this week from D. P, Weaver ofBarnett, Gus B. Evans and' A. E. Southworth, Rov. J. E. Hillard, W. A. Counoly and Jos. Green of Hickory j John W. Black of Howe, Alex Neely of Harmony. George Birtcil, Tiouesta's soldier boy, has been suffering quito severely with stomach trouble for soma time past. Although not confined to tho house at all times, he is considerably weakened and don't feel any too much like going on a long march or fighting Spaniards. Goorgo A. Jenks, Esq., recent Dem ocratic candidate for Governor, is en gaged on an important suit in our courts this week. The strain of his campaign and Col. Stoue's heavy plurality seem to havs rested lightly on his shoulders, aud the brilliant lawyer possesses bout as much vim as ever. Mrs. Joseph Green of East Hickory is slowly recovering from a severe at tack of Pneumonia, from which she has been sick for more than a month past. Mrs. William Foreman of East Hickory is improved somewhat as compared with her condition of a short timo ago. She is able to sit up a little. Mrs. J. L. Petets is a guest of her son Will Ball this week. It Will be surpris ing news to many of our townspeople to learn of tho death of her husband, which occurred some weoks ago, aftor an ill ness of several months, aud the sympa thy of very many friends in this section will go out to her In this bereavoment. Mrs. C. W. Farber and young son, of Fort Mead, S. D., is a guest of her cousin, Miss Clara Dunklo. Mr. Farber, who is a lieutenant in the 8th cavalry,has been ordered to Cuba and Mrs. F. ex yects to accompany him thero to spend the winter. She was a former resident of Tionesta and will bo remombored as Miss Mabel Polk. OBITUARY. Herbort W. Kiker was born at Ellicott, Chautauqua county, N. Y., October 12 I860, aud died at West Hickory, Pa., Nov ember 15, 1898, aged 32 years, 1 montli, and 3 days. He first came to Hickory about twolve years ago. For the last ton years he bad lived there with his mother ; he and his brother John being the support of the family which consisted of Mrs. Riker, Herbert, John, and a younger sistor.Ncl lie. He had received a common school edu cation and had always been a laboring man. Since living at Hickory he had worked in the tannery there with tho ex ceptien of about three years.during which timo ho had been employed on the Carter stock farm. About six years ago whilo working in tho tannery ono of his fingers becamo sore. The ailment whs painful, and proved to be tuberculosis. Tho lin ger was cut open and tho bono scraped, but amputation of the entire finger bo came necessary later. Then the wound being slow to heal, by tho advice of his physicians ho went to a hospital in Buf falo where his hand was healed. The doctors told him, howover.that there was danger of a reappearance of the disease. His health was never good afterward. During tho past summer ho had been quito unwell. On the Monday of the wetk'"previous to his decease he had come homo from the stock farm where ho had been working, and on Wednesday was confined to his bed and rapidly grow worse until his dcatli as above recorded. He was buried in tho now cemetery at West Hickory, the funeral services, held in the M. E. church tliore, being conduc ted by Rev. J. E. Hillard. Mr. Paul, Su perintendent of the J. J. Carter Stock Farm, had cliargo of tho funerel. The at tendance at the sorviccs was very largo. Thanksgiving, The menu at the Central House for Thanksgiving dinner will be as follows: Blue Points, Cream of Chicken Soup. Celpry. Olives. Baked White Fish, Bordor.u Sauce. Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Fillet of Beef, llorso Radish. Steamed Leg ol Mutton, Currant Jelly. VKOKTABI.KS, Mashed Potatoes. Baked Squash. Boiled Beets. French Cabbage. Parsnip Fritters. Boiled Sweet Potatos. RKI.1SIIKS. Chicken Salad. Veal Pie. DKSKKT.V Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Mince Pic, Plum Puddiuj;, Brandy Sauce. Lemon Jelly, Vanilla Ico ('ream, Fruit Cake, Choose, Angel Food. MUNKN. Tea. Coffee. Milk. EWSY NOTES. Punxsutawney is having a mild epi demic of diphtheria. Klondike rubbers are guaranteed at Miles Armstrong's. H Lieutenant Peary, tho Artie explorer, writes home that no further word from him may he expected for several years. The Hope has cleared for the ice fields all right. Ladies' capes, jackets, and skirts at Miles A Armstrong's. It Six substantial new brick buildings now occupy the site of the buildings de stroyed by fire at Spartansburg early last summer. The boro also had a oae story brick lockup built. All we ask is to show our goods and prices. Miles & Armstrong. It Before a youth starts out to fight the bread-and-butter battles 'f this cold and friendless world he should determine In his own mind whether he wishes to be come a good whistler or a good ofBee boy. Ho can't be both. Now goods every day at Hopkins' store. It A famous cook says if you boil your sweet potatoes first, then slice and sprin kle witli sugar and bake in the oven you will for tho first time realize what real baked potatoes are. Sweet potatoes are cheap enough just now to be within the reach of all. Pants, shirts, hats, and caps; new, cheap, at Miles & Armstrong's. It The dato for the Spanish evacuation of Cuba lias been definitely settled as Janu ary 1. All the Spanisli troops then re maining in the island will bn quartered under the protection of the United States, in camps especially designated, pending embarkation for Spain. Don't be without a storm coat. Hop kins sells a dandy for $5i00. It kVeseeit stated that railroad compa nies are contemplating dispensing with tickets for passengers, in order to escape the imposition of calpers. Registers are to be placed in trains after the mannor of street cars, and woe be to the conductor who will fail to pull the cord. Emerson's shoes for men, at Miles A Armstrong's. It Tho now State capitol at Harrisburg, it is stated, will be ready for the opening session of the legislature early in Janu ary. Much of the interior construction will be of a temporary charactor, but the building is almost entirely undor roof aud the work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. Lineoleum outwears oil cloth. See Miles & Armstrong. It Tho Seneca Nation of Indians have adopted a new constitution in which many radical changes are wade in the government of their reservation. They have patternnd after the new town laws of the State, and will hold thoir elections bi-ennially, which will oecnr in the fall instead of tie spring, as heretofore. Carpets iroin 25o to C5o at Miles & Armstrong's. It Boys, if you take the trouble to work out.the following problem, it will show exactly what people think you are : Place the year of your birth on a pioceof paper, add your ago at your last birthday last yrar, not this year, multiply the result by 1,000 and subtract 682,423. Substitute fot liguros loiters of the alphabet, a lor 1, b lor 2, c for 3, etc., and read the result very carefully. Have your umbrella made to suit you at Miles A Armstrong's. It When Col. Theodore Roosovelt was in Jamestown the day before the election, ho learned that one of the Rough Riders, who lives in that place, was in au impov erished condition and very sick. The Colonol promptly made out a fine large check, which he presented to the soldier with tho understanding that nothing was to bo said about the donation until after the eloction. Tho act in itself was sufficient to show what kind of a man was elected as Now York's governor. Ex. Learn to laugh, not giggle j a hearty laugh is better than medicine. A well told story is as good as a sunbeam in the sick room. Learn to keep-your troubles to yourself. Learn to stop croaking about your neighbors; they aro just as good as you aro. If yoi cannot see any good in tho town you live in, pull out and leave, and tho people will thank you for it. Learn to meet your frionds with asmilo. A good humored man or woman is always welcome, bul the pessimist is not wanted anywhere. He is a nuisance. Ex. The following item on iiame is trom tho Bellofonto Gazette, and fully explains itself. That is, it hits off the situation in tills section about right: Game does not seem as plenty in Cpntre county this year as last owing undoubtedly to the en tire absence of all kinds of nuts. Pheas ants, which promised to bo unusually plenty, can not bo found in their usual haunts, but it is possible that they are yet on top of the mountains where they can Iced on huckleberries. Squirrels are unusually scarce while rabbits are equal ly hard to' find. Nearly everybody is out for deer now but so fur we have not heard of any "big catches." The latest invention is a pipe line made of nL'ss. The glass manufacturing firm whoso plant is located at Port Allegheny, McKean county, is piepariug to make glass lubes that can be used for sending oil or gas across the country ; for carry ing oil soworago, supplying cities with water, etc. The glass pipe does not corrode, it is impervious to tho eloctrolo sis in under-ground conduits, and, it is claimed, is less likely to leak than iron pipe. Tho Bradford Era is informed that an Ohio company is putting in such a line and that a practical tost of the system 'or a distance of ono hundred miles will soon bo possiblo. When a girl of sixteen is seen upon the streets sho has a cute way of tossing her head as though she owned the earth and was going to the middle of the next block to get it. Alter she is eighteen the world sho owns is about as far away as tho world's fair was to tho most of us, and at twenty hho gives up all hopes of ever gettin ; it at all. By the time she is twenty-live she lias a faint, vaijue sus picion that there is a ureal deal of insin cerity in tho world, and the thing lor her tn do is to get a position and .something useful. Alter a while she gets married to a man who isn't at all the sort of sho dreamed of. Then she coneludus.slie will bo bettor oil' in heaven. Ex. MARRIED. G I LLES PI E E M E KT A t Salamanca, N. Y., Nov. 21, lSm, by James O. Spencer, J. P., Mr. Fred Gillespie and Miss Iva Emert, both of Whig Hill. Forest county, Pa. HULINGS-K AHLE-Ia Tionesta, Nov. 18, 18!, by Rev. J. C. Bowman. Mr. Artiiur K. Hulings and Miss Tillie Kahle, both of Uowmanville, Forest county, Pa. CARPENTER WORTZKEY In War ren, Nov, 12, 1898, at residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Smith, by Kov. E. F. Edmunds, Mr. W. Carpenter, of Du bois, Pa., aud Miss Elizabeth Wortz ney, of Tionesta. M r E LR A V Y ST ROU P In Tionesta. Nov. P), 1898, by Rev. R. A. Buzza, Mr. Guy McEIravy and Miss Elizabeth Stroup. both sf (iuitooville, Pa. The Men Behind the Guns gave uh the victory and sent Spain back to her hand organ. 'Tin ho here. The inon behind tho desk, the counter the cutting board and on the work bench, bring victory to our store by consch n tious hard work and keeping everlast ingly at it. For decent, respectable, ready to wear clothing for men or boys, we serve you as only a few of the largest metropolitan houses are capable of doing. Quantity and variety of our styles do not sutler in comparison with thesii large stores aud here a first cla-s cutter -. tries them on you and marks any needed al terations, which are maue in our own shop by first class tailors. Fall suits for men, boys and children now ready. MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SUITED. I toys' Suits $1.9$ and lip. Men Suits $ l.OH aud up. THE McCUEN CO. 25 AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY. PA. OFTICIAK Office ) fc National Bank Building, OIL CITY, PA. Eyes examined free. Exclusively optical. WANTED SEVE R A L TRUST worthy persons in this state to man age our business in their own and near by counties. It is mainly ollice work conducted at home. Salary straight ?900 a year and expenses definite, bonafide, no more, no less salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M. Chicago. L. J. Hopkins 1 1898 L. J. Hopkins CLOTHING ! TAXjIC about clothing. OVER COATS. To Talk About Clothing you must have clothing to talk uhnul Our counters are loaded with clothing. lOVERCOATSi Of every description Boys' Over Coati as low as $1 00, an.i as high an $10 00 Men's over c ats, all etyles and prices Vttti'B ff;VY SUITS, WOOL! TtJJNK Of IT. OXI.Y $5.00. WI&TIMK WEIGHT. No trouble to find just what you want in clothing in our strck. We have the goods. THE PRICE SELLS THEM. Hats, Caps, Gloves and Mittens. COMB -AJSTJD SEBlTJS. L.J.HOPKIN Don't Get Caught! When buying your winter suit or overcoat, look out for ihe in an who offers Bnemiis, worth $12 fr $2 iS. and py the uewspayers a liberal amount to advertise his bargains. When you want to buy an article don't b.' governed too much by the price, look to ihe value, the texture, the trim mings and make of the goods. Our performances are always in strict accordance with the promises in our "ad" aud wbila we aro not perfect, and are liable to make errors we stand ready at ill times to make good auy mistake by cheerfully giving your MONEY 34 SENECA ST., Arlington Hotel LAlffMBES', The Brut Plant pr. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberhun's Pain Balm and bound on to the aff'ectod parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a psin in the chest or side, or a lame back, eive it a trial. You are e rtain to le more than pleased with the prompt rel ef it affords. Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheu matism. For sale by G. W. Bovard. Hopkins sells the clothing and -hoes. Overcome evil with good. Overcome Vmir ftrillirhii ami ...lilu urith 4lna firtiitA Conch Cure. It is so good childron cry ior it, jt cures croup, hronchitis, pneu monia, grippe anil all throat aud lung disease. Heath A Killmer. Many a household Is saddened by death I ecause of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cure tor cruin, such as fine Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are pro tected against emergency. Heath it Kill mer. Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes. Do you appreciate good laundry work? if i.o patronize the Dunkirk Steam Laundry. Mile- A Armstrong, agents. tf Farm Wantcd State cash and time price. Ansos 11. Russell, W-21-.Sm. Akron, Ohio. Administrator's Notice. Estate of John E. Johnson, late of Dnhr ing, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration upon the e-tale of said de cedent have been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to Raid es tate are requested to make payment and those havieg claims or demands against the i"atne will make them known with out delay to P. B. Andkksom, Administrator. Kane, Pa. J.Y.V.YP TIUiF.lCT -THAT- CM!!. M. ill WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full line ot GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED. I Hi I WE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE LARGEST STUCK IN THE COUNTY. AN D FO R T HAT REASOlf OUR STOCK IS A LWAYS FRESH, AND WE TAKE PRIDE IN KEEPING IT SO. IF YOU DO N( )T T RAPE WITH US Gl E US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Charg. CHAS. ffl. WHITFJAfi. Light or Dirk, . Drew overcoat, Storm Coals, all of the Latest and Best Styles. THE PRICE SELLS THEM. BACK OIL CITY, PA. directly opposite oh.