The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, November 23, 1898, Image 2

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Adam Bird wants to be tha next
eoveriior of Missinpi. He is unde
terred by the fate of a Swallow in
Admiral Schley also announces
that he is a Republican. Democrats
are getting scarce except in the be
nighted sections of Missouri.
One of the gains of the war is a
practical knowledge of what is neces
sary for harbor defense. In many
ports ihe work is going steadily for
ward. The increase in the foreign trade
of the United States this year exceeds
in value the entire foreign trade of
the country for any year preceding
The German Emperor has not
staled whether bis interest ia the sick
men of Europe, Turkey and Spain, is
pbilan- throphic, medical or diplo
matic. Ge.v. Miles says the war was
without a defeat for the American
side. Not a prisoner, a flag or a rifle
was lost. The record of success is ex
traordinary. If there was a Nicaragua canal the
Oregon and Iowa would be at Hono
lulu instead of at a Brazilian port on
the way around the farthest end of
South America.
The reported pluralities in the
election last week foot up 733,000
Republican, 486,000 Democratic,
giving the Republicans a lead on the
popular vote of 247,000.
Democratic Congressmen in Ken
tucky who have been counted iu by
the infamously partisan election
boards of that State will . be given
short shrift in the next House.
- .
In 1892 the Democrats of Connec
ticut gave Cleveland 82,787 votes.
The Democratic vote this year was
64,251. It is a fuir specimen of the
effects of the Chicago platform.
Promises having betn made that
the new capitol at Harrisburg will
be raady for meeting day, the legis
lators of 'D'J will not be obliged to go
to church all winter.often three times
daily, Sundays excepted.
In response to an appeal by
Gen. Wheeler over 100 American
colleges have each offered to take two
or more young Cubans to be educat
ed free. The humanitarian side of
the Cuban question is not overlooked.
The Madrid correspondent of the
London Siandard says : "Spain will
decline indemnity for the Philippines
1 the sum offered appears adequate
in the eyes of the nation." Spain
would rather have no bread than half
a loaf.
According to one of the witnesses
before the war investigating connnis-1
siou, many of the sick soldiers at
Moniauk Point were killed "y kind
ness. The volunteer nurses fed them
luxuries which should have beeu
After the Senatorial elections the
Democratic party will possibly be
able to realize what a good thing the
Chicago platform is for the oppo
sition. Not a populous northern
State will be represented in the Sen
ate by a Democrat aud Mr. Kenney
will be the only Democratic member
from the East. Washington Poet.
The Dingley law put (he country
in good condition for war and helped
it every day during the war. It put the
balance of trade in our favor betore
the war and it has held it there un
der the extiaordinary conditions of
the last four months. It was intend
ed as a peace law, but it has done
good service as a war measure.
Mr. Keely, whose motor never
would mote, but who has had the
whole woild on the tip toe of expec
tancy at times, is dead. He expired
Friday last, at bis home in Philadel
phia, of pneumonia. Keeley fooled
a good many scientific men with his
invention (?), but the contrivance
never did auy "moling" to speak of.
Wanamaker says Serator Quay
cannot be re-elected. But Waua
maker is a poor guesser. After try
ing to wreck the Republican party
and making such a miserably poor
fiat of it, he has the gall to try to die
tate who shall be elected Senator
from this State. His methods of run
ning up and down the State rehashing
Swallow's lies were squarely sat upon
by the voter-, and he ought to rialize
l7 this tiow that he's been repudi
ated. ,
The next Legislature will have
254 members. Of these Mr. Wana
maker says 155 are anti-Quay and
for Senator Quay SK). But the peo
pie have learner1 to distrust Mr. Wan
aniaker's predictions. Prominent Re
publicans decure that a majority of
the members of the Legislature are
Quay men. They are more likely to
be correct than Mr. Wanamaker.
Warren Mirror.
Hon. John P. Elkin who cm
ducted the late Republican campaign
with so much ability and vigor, is
very likely t be our next Attorney
General II I is familiar with the du
ties of the office, and well qualified to
nerforiu them. His anpoiotmcot to
the place would be regarded by the
public in general as most ntlmg ana
nronpr. and there ia little doubt but
William A.Stone takes the same view
of it. To a man up a tree it looks as
though John P. Elkin was pretty
nearly all right. Punxy Spirit,
The appointment of Mr. Elkin
would tickle the whole Northwest as
nothing else could, for his friends are
legion in this neck o' woods.
The New York Commercial says:
Gov. D, II. Hastings of Pennsylvania
is known among his frieuds by the
sobriquet of "Big Dan," on account
of his immense stature. Governor
elect William A. Stone is perfectly
eligible to be called "Big Bill" as
governor as he has been in private
life. He stands six feet three iucnes
in bis stockings and is built in pro
portion. Besides being interested iu
manufacturing enterprises, Col. Stone
owns row after row of houses in Al
legheny City, his home, and n-aoy a
tenant, out of employment, can attest
to the generosity and kindness of the
man who will snon be Pennsylvania's
chief executive
The new voting machiuo tried at
Rochester, N. Y., at the late election
was a complete success. Although
about 28,000 votes were cast, the ex
act result iu all the election districts
was ascertained in lees than oue hour
after the pulls closed. The machine
is simple, being a booth in which but
one voter can be at a time. He
presses a button opposite the name of
each candidate for whom he wishes to
vole. The pressing of the button
locks all other buttons for the same
office, making repeating impossible.
As the man steps out and closes the
door the buttous are automatically
made ready for the next voter. The
machine receives, counts and fots
up aggregates as voting progresses.
It preserves absolute secrecy and reg
isters with accuracy.
We have it upon authoriiy of the
Erie Dis;atch that Mr. Higgins has
decided to contest the result of the
election in this district before the con
gressional committee on elections of
the next congress. Upon the face of
the returns Mr. Gaston has been suc
cessful by eighteen votes. As a gen
eral proposition, we are opposed to
contests of this character. They do
more barm than good, almost invari
ably. However, if Mr. Higgins be
lieves himself to have beeu rightfully
elected, it is his duty to make a con
test. He should Dot only make a
contest, but be should leave no stone
unturned to bring the violators of t.ia
law to the bar of justice. Under any
other circumstances a contest would,
we believe, be a mistake. On purely
technical grounds or because of infor-
malit:ts it would find little favor
with the Republicans of this district.
Titusville Herald.
A Notable Message.
Veteran Gen. Joseph Wheeler has
congratulated Geveruor-elect Roose
velt. So ha-t Admiral George Dew
ey, iu a cable dispatch from tbe Phil
ippines. But rejocing over Col.
Roosevelt's splendid victory is not
confined to his comrades-in arms of
the war with Spain any more than it
is to men of his own party affiliations.
One of the messages received at Co).
Roosevelt's home is this, from tbe
most distinguished Democratic citi
zen of Massachusetts:
"My Dear Roosevelt Congratula
tions, young man, on a conv.iss the
most plucky I hav ever known, and
followed by the success which so
iuch pluck deserves, but does not
always achieve."
These a e the words of the Hon.
Richard Olney of Boston, Mr. Cleve
land's secretary of state,and the mov
ing power in the greatest achievement
of President Cleveland's second term,
aiid one of the grandest achievements
of American statesmanship. As the
Boston Journal very foicefully re
marks, it all goes to emphasize the
truth that Col. Roosevelt's victcry is
something more than a mere triumph
of a political party calling itseli by
one name over a political party call
ing itself by anothrr. It is a victory
for certain fundamental ideas of Am
ericanism and of honest government.
Erie Ditpateh.
Late to bed and early to rise prepares a
man for his homo in the hkies. J5ut earlv
to lied and a Little Early Mixer, the piil
that in uk on life longer and bettor and
W iner. Heath & Killmer.
Tue report of Fourth Assistant
Postmaster General Bristow for the
fiscal year ending June 30, shows
that Pennsylvania ranks second in
the unmher of President! offices,
having 284. The total number of
fourth class offices, in the State (lur
ing the year was 4,871, and tbe aver
age salaries of fourth-class psstmast
ers was $172. !)1. Tha whole number
of postollices of all classes in the Slate
was 5,155, and the gross receipts were
$7,721,053. The average amouut ex
pended per capita was $1.31.
That's a bad old girl at Dawson,
who, whenever she loses her temper,
throws a lighted lamp at an imagi
nary vuemy. Withiu the past year
three fires have occurred in that icy
town which were caused by Mrs. Belle
Mitchell's uncontrollable temper, the
latest having taken place on October
C, and suited in the destruction of
$500,000 worth of property. In each
instance she hurled a lamp at a wom
an with whom she had been quarrel
ing. Belle and the Chicago cow,
which kicked over the lantern, would
make good comp minus
Killing- the MmljoMra.
Armed with pitchfork and with corn-
With his feelings boiling over:
Frothing, fuming, ell'rvesing,
Went the doughty Wannmnker,
Crying out for bitter vengence.
"1 will toll tho people," said ho,
"How a monstrous Mudjokira
Has been sapping at !he;r substance
Eating out thoir vory vitals,
Mobbing them of independence.
And I'll teach this Mudjokiva
Not to monkey with tho buzz-saw.
When 1 want a thing, I want it,
And 1 11 k'ek if I don't get It.
Wheu they turned mo down for Peurose
They committed a great error.
If they do not make me captain
1 will scuttle thoir old vessel."
Thus spake bold John Wanamaker
As he went upon the hustings.
Savagely he swung his corn-knifo
Viciously he jabbed his pitchfork
At tho phantoms of his frenzy,
Like the valiant Don Quixote.
And he thought when he had finished
There would hardly be a grease-spot
Of the former Grand Old Party.
Rut imagine bis amazament
When the votes were cast and counted !
Not a tiling had he accomplished,
Save his own elimination
From the councils of his party.
And the monstrous Mudjokiva
Which he sought to cleave asunder
And reduce to very mince-meat,
Was as vigorous as ever.
runx'i Spirit.
U. S. Oyster Supper.
On Friday night, Nov. II, en oystar
supper was served at Porkey, Pa., by
the Union Socioty, the proceeds of which
are to be used iu buying an organ for the
organization. The favorablo turn out
was much appreciated by the society.
Owing to the rage of diphtheria In Kol
lettville, our sister order, the Dewey
Club, was not represented. Three mem
bers and three ex-members of tbe May
burg "Sly" Club were present. The suc
cess in disposing of cakes was mast ex
cellent. Tbe guess cake brought about
f3, while the "last nickle" cake brought
$6.25. It is a feeling throughout the com
munity that Union Society has been a
long needed organization, as it furnishes
both instruction and amusement for its
members. Its career, though short, has
been brilliant and enterprising, and its
steadily increasing membership is en
couraging to all interested. Tbe colors,
which are blue and white, emblematic of
peace and purity, express the spirit ot
the society. Our next "doings" have
been indefinitely postponed. Sec
Hie Kev.Irl R. Hicks
Annual Almanac and monthly paper,
Word and Works, aro now known from
sea to sea. We are pleased to call tbe at
tention of our readers to the almanac for
1899, now ready. It is a splendidly print
ed and illustrated book of llti pages and
the storm forecasts and diagrams and as
tronomical and scientific matter are su
perior to anything that has ever been
seen before in a '25 cent book. His month
ly journal, Word and Works, is one of the
best literary, homo and scientific maga
zienes in tbe country, beside containing
his monthly storm forecasts with expla
nations. The subscription price of Word
and Works is f 1.00 per year and a copy
of tho Hicks Almanac is sent as a premi
um to every yearly subscriber. Single
copies of Word and Works, 10 cents.
Price of Almanac alone, 25 cents. Send
your order to Word and Works Pub. Co.,
2201 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo.
I wish to Inform the people of Tionesta
that the gallery will be open for business
on Wednesday of each week, I will be
there myself and make all sittings. Un
der this arrangement work will be
promptly linished. We expect to do
good work at reasonable prices, there
lore ask a share of your patronage.
J. W. Sires.
A cough is not like a fever. It does
not have to run a certain curse. Curo
it quickly and effectually with Ono Min
ute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all
ages and for the most severe cases. We
reenm mend it because it's good. Hoath
ft Killmer.
Amslor's supply of green groceries
never runs down, and a good article,
fresh and toothsome, in fruit-t and vege
tables can be had there any time. Try
nun. K
New hats this week at Miles A Arm
strong's, it
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes.
Men's clothes made to order, as they
should be made, for ono-third less than
inferior goods are purchased for else
where. Coats tried on before finishing.
J. U. liiooNY, Agent,
tf Tionesta, Pa.
Hopkins sells the clothing and shoe".
Soothing, healing, cleansing. DeWitt's
Wilch Hazel Salve is the implakalde en
emy of sores, burns, and wounds. It
never tails to cure piles. You n;ay rely
upon it. Heath & Killmer.
Republican Members of the Senate
and House Say They Will
Vote For His Ke-election,
Wanamakerism Given a Stinging Rebuke
In the Home of the Ambitious Million
aire, Where His Political Aspirations Met
With an Overwhelming Condemnation in
the Seventy-five Thousand Plurality
Given Colonel Stone by the Quaker City
Republicans, and Now Their Represent
atives in the Legislature Turn Him
Down Hard.
(Special Correspondence.)
Philadelphia, Nov. 22. Quickly fol
lowing Colonel Quay's formal an
nouncement of his candidacy for re
election to the United States senate
members of both branches of the legis
lature In this city, the home of John
Wanamaker, have come out In publlo
declarations ot their Intention to vote
for the re-election of the senior sena
tor. It has been a source of keen dis
appointment to the Wanamaker man
agers to read these hearty expressions
of good will for Senator Quay, after the
malignant and desperate assaults that
have been made upon him personally
and politically. The fact that many
members of the legislature who had
been counted upon to oppose Senator
Quay have already proclaimed their
purpose to vote for him surprised the
amateur politicians who havje been
prominent in tha Wanamaker organi
zation. Here are a few significant expressions
from both senators and representatives:
Senator John M. Scott, who served in
the house for some time, and was hon
ored with an election to the senate
in the Sixth district, talked interesting
ly on Quay's candidacy.
"It will be a pleasure for me," said
he, "to vote for Colonel Quay for Uni
ted States senator. His stalwart Re
publicanism and his superb leadership
must commend him to the members of
his party. Who can forget the gallant
fight made against the Democracy
when, in the bitterest campaign In the
history of this country, he succeeded
in landing the party triumphant in the
Harrison-Cleveland contest of 1SS8? In
this memorable campaign he set to
work from the outset right In the heart
of the 'enemy's country.' and It was
but a short time before he had Tam
many Hall at bay. When the Tam
manyltes saw defeat staring them In
the face they once more attempted
their desperate tactics of counting out
a successful Republican candidate for
president. They found that for once
they had met their match Quay was
there, and that tells the story.
"Senator Quay's service In the Uni
ted States senate for Pennsylvania, for
her industries and her people, are a
matter of history. There could be no
higher tribute paid to him than the no
ble words from the Hps of President
McKInley, when at the doorsteps of his
own home In Canton. O., he addressed
a delegation of Pennsylvanlans who
called upon him in the last presidential
campaign. Major McKInley at that
time referred to Colonel Quay's speech
In the senate In opposition to the Wil
son bill, which was the longest address
ever made In that body, and which
would, no doubt, have lasted many
days longer had not the Democrats
yielded to Senator Quay's demands In
the Interest of Pennsylvania's Indus
tries. Senator Quay's labors In behalf
of the commerce of his native and
nelghbo-Ing states, by his staunch ad
vocacy In Washington of measures
looking to the Improvement of the Del
aware river and harbor and of the
water highways In western Pennsylva
nia are In line with his watchful con
cern of the Interests of his constitu
ents. In Senator Quay Pennsylvania
has In the United States senate a man
of marvelous influence with Republi
cans throughout the nation, and es
pecially with his colleagues In congress.
Any legislation that may be needed by
the commmerclal and Industrial Inter
ests of Pennsylvania will be backed by
Senator Quay, thus equipped as could
be no other man that might be sent to
Washington from Pennsylvania.
"The personal qualities of Senator
Quay, his scholarly attainments and
loyalty to his friends commend him to
all who know him.
"This a patriotic year. Colonel Quay
was a brave Union soldier with an hon
orable record In action, and he was
honored by congress with a medal of
honor for meritorious service while on
the field of battle. Pennsylvania hav
ing Just honored another brave soldier.
Colonel William A. Stone, by electing
him with a magnificent majority to the
governorship, it is fitting and proper
that the Keystone state should send
Colonel Quay, a soldier, to the senate
In January next."
"I shall vote for Senator Quay, and
I have no doubt but that he will be
elected and that his election will meet
with the approval of the people of
State Senators George A. Vare. Fran
cis A. Osborne and Chartes L. Brown,
of Philadelphia, and Representatives
Maclver, Selby, Adams, Whlttlngham,
Gransback, Noblltt, Salter,- Relbel,
Fahey, Lloyd, Keyser and a dozen
other Philadelphia members of the
house have within the last few days
come out publicly In favor of the re
election of Senator Quay, and declared
their intention to vote for him.
And so it is, the feeling among Re
publicans in favor of Senator Quay's
re-election Is such that no tactics to
which his opponents may resort, nor
the expenditure of any amount of
money, can defeat him.
A Kure Hlgn of Croup.
Hoarseness in a child that is subject to
croup is a sure indication of the ap
proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's
Couirh Komedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse, or even after the
croupy cough has appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Many mothers who
have croupy children always keep this
remedy at hand and find that it saves
them much trouble and worry. It can
always be depended Uon and is pleasant
to tako. For sale by O. W. Bovard.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf,
Have you got $25.00 T Have you got
$"0.00? Have you cot $100.00 T If so, why
don't you deposit it with the Conewango
Uuilding Loan Association Association
of Warren, Pa. They will pay you 6 per
cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payable
semi-annually, and you can withdraw
your principal iu full at any time after 0
months. ft-5-ly.
Prom New Zmlmnl.
Rkkpton, New Zealand, Nov. 2:t, 1S!W.
I am very pleased to slate that since I
took the agency of Chamberlain's medi
cines tho sale has betn very largo, more
especially of ihe Cough Remedy. In two
years I have sold more of (his 'particular
remedy than of all other makea for the
previous live years. As to its etllcacy, I
have been informed by scoros of porsons
of the good results they have received
from It, and know its value from the use
of it in my own household. It is so pleas
ant to take that we have to place the bot
tle beyond the reach of the children. For
sale by 11. W. liovard.
Emerson shoes are sold by Milos A
Armstrong's. H
Tho sooner a cough or cold Is cured
without harm to the so Merer th better.
Lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking
cough is distressing. Ono Minuto Cough
Cure quickly cures it. Why sull'or when
such a cough cure is within reach? It is
pleasant to the taste. Heath A Killmer.
Constipation prevents the body from
ridding itself of waste matter. lioWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove the trou
ble aud cure Sick Headache, llillioui
n ss, Inactive Liver and clear the Com
plexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe
or cause nausea. 1 loath it Killmer.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf
When you ask for DoWitt's Witch Ha
zel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or Im
itation. There are more cases of piles
being cured by this than all others com
bined. Heath it Ktllmor.
You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf.
i4j 60 YEARS'
... .
Copyrights Ac.
Anton sending a -sketch and description may
ulcktr uoertnln our opinion fro whether mi
Invention in probnbly pntentabla Communion.
ttonsntrtctlrconttdontifti. llruidbnok on I'HtonU
tent tree. iiHieat tenor ror necunnit patent.
Patents taken tnnmirh Munn A Co. recelr
iprvml notice, without charge, iu the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Tjirvest etr.
rotation of atiT soientine Journal. Titinu, fci
pr: Tour rnontna, l eoia by an nowtneaier.
Bruuuh OMio. (E6 F ft.. Wasblniiiun, 1. C.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the Es
tate of W. li. Howell, late of Harnioi.y
Twp., deceased, having been granted to
the undersigned, all persons indobtod to,
or having claims against, said estate are
requested to present the same to
P. M. Clark, Administrator.
Oct. 27, lS'AS.
effect Oct. SO, 1898.
Trains leave Tio
nesta for Oil City
and points west as
follows :
No. 31 HutlUlo Express, daily
except .Sunday 12:06 noon.
No. til Way Freight (carrying
passengers), daily except
Sunday 4:50 p. in.
No. 83 Oil City Ext ress, daily
except Sunday 7:40 p. m.
For Hickory, Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua,
Bradford, Olean aud the East :
No. 30 Oloan Express, daily
except Sunday 8:45 a.m.
No. 32 Pittsburg Express,
daily except Sunday. 4:10 p. in.
No. 60 Way Freight (carrying
passengers to Irvinoton) daily
except Sunday 0:50 a.m.
Get Time Tables and full information
from W. H. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa
It. BELL, Gen'ISupt.
Gen'l Passongor A Ticket Agent,
Gonerat office, Mooney-Brisbane Bid
Cor. Main and Clinton Sta., Buffalo, N.Y
Good Stock. Good PnrrlAfrns And Ruff
ties to let unon tbe most reasonable terms.
Tie will also do
All ordors loft at tho Post Office wil
receive prompt attention.
wortby persons in this state to man
ago our business in their own and near
by counties. It is mainly office work
conducted at home. Salary (traight fOOO
a year and expenses delinitn, bonatide,
no more, no less salary. Monthly $75.
References. Enclose self-ddresicd
stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess,
Prest., Dept. M, Chicago.
Geo. Walklmon k Co.,
prevents cracking at the sides near
the sole. A simple remedy
which overcomes a long
standing defect in
overshoes. .
. . . SOXiIO BTT . . .
Gives a specialized Bread-winning Education
P. DUFF & snxs, 244 Fifth Avenue,
nrrsBUKO. pa.
Warren, Pa. 1
Make Tweeds,
and Yarm of pure
wool, without aliod
dy, nocks, waste or
AJM any mixture wuat
Trade Marks
Is not more necessary
to Victory than
Aro necessary to make
our Sales Unexcelled.
Underwear and
Hats, Caps, Shirts,
SHOES, Leather
We sell the best, only, and guarantee to fit and please
you, and make good any faults Men's Shoes, Work
ing Shoes, School Shoes, Women's Shoes, Fine Shoes,
Baby Shoes.
Carpets and Rugs.
By tho roll or by tbe yard. We cut and match, make
and lay them on the floor if you wish.
Well made and strong iu every way except the price.
Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, Rubbers, Canvass Coals.
To Open (lie Seanon We OtTer Special HnrgnliiN.
Miles k Armstrong:
Reliable and Up-to-Dulc CioililerM, Hattcro,
Furnisher nntl Nlioer.
A Big Drop!
"In prices is usually accompan
ied by a falling ofl'iu value, but
that is not the cause of the
in our prices. The cause of it
all is because we are selling
strictly for cash and can a (Turd
to drop the prices.
We Handle the.
To be found and our Stock is Always Complete and of the
Finest Quality the Market Affords.
heath &
Lawrence &
A. Waynk Cook,
A. B.
A. Wayne Cook, G. W. Robineon, Wm. Smonrbaugh,
N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale, J- II. Kelly.
Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low rates. We promise'our custom
ers all the benefits consistent wilb conset vative b kini. Interest piid on time
deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
O r Store is FULL of the I5KST GOODS we can Go. I
in the BEST MARKETS, aud we do not iusist onyoor
buying, we ilo INSIST on your SEEING our Omuls sud
noting tho PRICES. Progress marks the path of all
true enterprise and steps far in advance in all lines of
The sxni: noons for i.i:ss jioxicy,
or KUTUKlt .OOIS fur the
s ami: moxky.
Better Made, better Lined und better Filling aio what
we mean to show you, at the price to suit yot. Made
tor order if you wish. In '
For Men, Womeu and Childred, wo lead. All best
brands are here, aud all sizes in stock, at lower prices
than others ask.
am i xni.invE tii.
Our reputation for op to date styles and reliable quali
ties is back of all Nolc the styles and prices.
and Rubber.
Wm. Smkarbauoh,
Vice President.