1 THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. E. WENK, - Cditor 4 Pkoprictoh. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMHER !, 1S!8. MANYoftbe large manufacturing establishments are behind nit' their orders. Perhaps this cu also be trace 1 to the wicked Dingley.law. While the Spauish nation is cn countering such a rough political sea it is fortunate in not being the pos sessor of anything in the nature of a navy. Havana and Mantauzas are yel low fever pest holes, even at this sea sou of the year. Through good man agement we have do troops there ex posed to it. There is no force to poteut as that of a well directed public senti ment. It has compelled a new ttial for Capt. Dreyfus, aud may go so far as to insist that it be a fair trial. The President says the people should stand together to settle the war just as they were united to make it successful. Few will undertake to dny the soundness of this position. Spain's position regarding the Philippines seems to have narrowed down to a financial matter. It is certain that resuming the war on that account would be a pecuniary success. There is no practicable way to re treat from the Philippines, a fact comprehended by the Republican party some time f go. Several years hence Democrats will catch the id.a. 14 Protection keeping the nation out of the world's markets ? Not by 81,000,000 a day, which was the amount of manufactured goods Amer ica sold last year. It is giving us contentment at home and supremacy abroad. TnE national gold reserve is now the largest in the history of the Uni ted States, farm loans are down to 5 per cent, annual interest, aDd the gen eral prosperity is daily increasing. What a "ruio" that Dinglcy Tariff is proving to be! The fact thU the Women's For eigu Missionary Society is making ar rangements to extend its work to the Philippine archipelago is a good in dication that the religious sentiment of the country is favora 'le to Ameri can re ention and control of the isl ands. The old Democratic cry that a Tariff that sought to Protect the American laborer aud farmer wonld lose us our foreign markets has been squarely disproved in the increased prosperity which has become ours even in the midst of war. Republi can policy has won us not only quick victories in war but rapid accretions to our commerce. The great triumphs of our navy in tbe recent war have led the Ameri can people to regard our American sailors with honor and admiration. Before the glorious victory at Manila the American people bad regarded our navy as an unknown quantity foreigners had net regarded it at all. The history of the war of 1812 should have taught them better' To-day they know better. They know that, man for man, our navy bas no super ior, perhaps no equal. This is only in line with American traditions. Birds of 111 Omen. The following from the London Morning Post might weil serve tbe free trade editors of the United'States as an example of intelligent fairness: Two good results of the war seem to be assured. There will be no more tinkering of the tariff, and customs duties are likely to remain as tbey are at present, ( while the United States will adopt a system of taxes for the needs of the Government bas ed on an internal revenue. It has been shown that tbe people have borne such taxes cheerfully, and pre fer to continue such as are necessary rather than to change the tariff. There is no prospect, either, of the currency being on other than a gold basis. The fact that no more tariff tinker ing is desired by the people ol tbe United States seems to be more gen erally recognized by foreign than by domestic Cobdenites. . Similarly the situation as to tbe maintenance of sound currency is much clearer to the view of a London writer than it is to the jaundiced perceptions of the native mugwump, who keeps harpiug on tlio need of currency legislation and lies awake nights cfijuring up daugers that have no existence in fact. Foreigners wonder how it is that the most prosperous country on earth contains so many prophets of evd. They would cease to wonder if they once succeeded in grasping the idea that the American mugwump is by nature and training a bird of ill omen. Otherwise he would not be a mugwump. American Economist. THAT COON STILL ON THETOI RAIL. A ABOUT EVERYTHING REPUBLICAN. Pennsylvania Rolls l'p A Hundred Thousand Plurality For Stone. The electiou in this State was the most hotly coutested that has takeu place for years, the Republican party being obliged to stand the brunt of the vilest slanderers, most villainous abuse and foulest lies ever introduced into a campaign. Against it all the loyal, steadfast friends of free.enlight ened and patriotic government sto;d like a stone wall, and the result is shown in a splendid vindication for Col. W. A. Stone and the entire Re publican ticket by pluralities estima ted at over 100,000. The electiou of a Republican legis lature is also assured by a large work ing majority, thus assuring the elec tion of a Republican U. S. Senator. In Forest county the Republicans elect their entire ticket, and carry the county for Col. Stone by about 2C0 plurality. Dr. Towler's majority for Assembly is 71 according to figures which are complete but not official. Samuel Henry bas 458 majority for County Treasurer. Mr. Arnold has 356 majority in tho county, but is doubtless defeated in the district by Mr. Hall. The Poor House question is prob ably decided in favor of tho poor houe, but the returns were so mea ger that we could not get the vote, Tbe assembly fight was one of the hottest the county has ever had, the fusion of Democrats and Prohibition ists hiving been tho cudgel used to lay out the Republicans. Following are the totals in the county, complete though not official : Governor, Stone DSC, Jenks (i!K) Swallow 34; Con gress, Arnold 1084, Hall 728; As sembly, Towler 1033, Watson DC2; County Treasurer, Henry 1135, Bauer (183. It was a good day's work and tbe results are satisfactory. SIBLEY ELECTED. Reports indicate that Joseph Sib ley has carried tbe 27th congressional district over C. W. Stone by 2,000 to 3,000 majority. ROOSEVELT CAKUIE9 NEW YORK. Col. Roosevelt carries New York for Governor by about 25,000 plural ity. Tho Republicans carry Ohio, Illi nois, Massachusetts, Iowa, Wisconsin, Connecticut, New Jersey, Michigan, California, Nevada, Kansas, Wash ington, North Dakota, New Hamp shire. The Democrats bavo made gains in Congress, but whether enough to reverse the Republican majority must depend on later returns. NEWSY NOTES. The troublo with disagreeable things people say about us is that so many of them are truo. Ex. Nothing cheap looking about the Emerson shoes for men, at Miles t Arm strong's, it As progressive as we are there are very few women who venture to bet on the re sult otan election, but they lay many a wager rogarding the outcome of a foot ball game. Steel rod, fast black umbrellas at Miles it Armstrong's, 75c to f 1.25. It An Arkansas editor, who read that a young lady in New York kneads bread with her gloves on, says : "We need bread with our panU on ; we need bread with our boots on, and il our subscribers in arrears don't pay up soon wo shall need bread without anything on." Umbrellas for ladies, 75c and ft at Miles & Armstrong's. It Dunkirk's heads of families are joining a new in.sarancc order. On tho payment of 20 cents a week, the service of any one of four doctors can bo had in caso any member of tho family falls sick. The doctor gnaranlecs to furnish medicine and give regular and faithful service. Warren Mirror. -Only reliable goods sold al Miles & Armstrong's. it The latest invention in telegraphy will enable an operator to send 3,000 words per minute. We will not attempt to de-si-ribo tho method as it would require a column of space, but there is no doubt or thn truth of tho statement. So says an exchange, but as "seeing is believing"' we'd rather see tho thing in motion be fore believing the story. Men's clothes made to order, as they should be made, for ono-tliird less than inferior goods are purchased lor else whore. Coats tried on before finishing. J. G. IJkioxv, Agent, tf Tlonesta, I'a. Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes. 1A TEE USUAL RESULT. Marie Tama Sunk. The Infanta Marie Tarcsa, the flag ship of Admiral Cervera's sq-iadrnn in the famous sortie from Santiago harbor on July 3rd, when the Span ish ships were sunk by the American fleet, went to the bottom of the sea off San Salvador, Bahamas, on the 1st inst. Lieutenant llobson super intended the raising of the Tarefa, af ter which the was towed to Guanta namo. Here temporary repairs were made to the vessel, and she was start ed for Norfolk some days ago under convoy of other ships, and in tow, when necessary, of the tug J. J. Mer rill. In this way the tug was at hand to save the crew when it was found that the Teresa had to be abandoned. The vfssel sprung a leak in the rough seas and could not be saved from sinking. Thi? Wilson-Gorman Tariff, which aimed to go as far iu the direction of Free-Trade as it dared, put out the fires under American furnaces, closed American workshops and brought about an nupsralleled business de pression. The Republican Tariff which succeeded it has been in opera tion only a little nver a year and the country is prosperous in spite of war. School Reports. TIONKSTA HIGH SCHOOL 2ND MONTH. Room. : $ j 9 o : : s z. : r ; "3 5 5 : : 5 P a : 2 j5 r No. 1 i 63 4!) 07 33 37 No. 2 1 52 4i 05 31 40 No. 3 43 40 00 2(1 40 No. 4 ! 42 30 04 20 3( No. 5 j 20 27 03 15 27 Total... 210 204 05 137 180 PBKSEKT KVKRT PAY ! No. 5, It. N. Speer, principal nolle Jamieson, Vivian Morris, Emma Sals giver, Florence Hagerty, Nettie Clark, June Herman, Caroline Everett, Sarah Morrow, Ida, Fones, Harry Bankhead, John Jamicson, Chas. Jnmieson, Cbas. Dewalt, Gordon Haslet, Karl Wenk. No. 4, Ida Paup, teacher Alice Arner, Florence Fulton, Katio Osgood, Helen Smearbaugu, Martha Overlander, Helen Fredrikson, Mary Fredrikson, Eva Da vis, Goldie Hill, Lcona Scowden, Zell Morris, Lenora Booker, Maude Butler Maude Grove, Maude Anderson, Etta Rodgers, Blanche Buxton, Maggie Ev ans, John Ritdiey, Roy Bovard, Clyde Foreman, Louis Swanson, Fred Blum, Paul Clark, Frank Joyee, Archie Hole man, Newkirk Carson, Arthur Stroup, Earl Hunter. No. 3, Ethel Bowman, teacher Fern Bowman, Charley Charleston, Isabel Joyce, Colyn Clark, Josephine Smear baugh, Harry Jamicson, Thomas Fulton, Willio Clark, Roland Armstrong, Philip Blum, Samuel Haslet, Edward Joyce, Georgia Armstrong, Walter Sailor, Kate Arner, Bertha Vought, Nollie Carson, El va Lanson, Grace Armstrong, Bertha Thomson, Evelyn Clark, Beitha McKce, Anna McChesney, Dale Anderson. Dor etta Swanson, Charley Rodgers. No. 2, Martha Morrow, teacher Clif ford Foreman, Budd Armstrong, Harvey Johnston, Paul Carson, John Shoemakor, John Armstrong, Roy Hood, Harry Car son, George Hunter, Charles Sotley, Per ry Hill, Jako Walter, George Swanson, Dallas Reck, Nelson Russell, Harrison Blum, Ray Anderson, Gonavieve Doutt, Mary Noble, Blanch Mays, Ethel Clark, Mysta Rodgers, Louie Foreman, Marjo rie Thomson, Olive Childs, Sarah Carson, Bolle Hood, Flossie Holchkiss, Mary Sotley, Marie Dunn, Emma Arner, Ber tha Swanson, Maude Canfiold, Evelyn Grove. No. 1, Kathleen Joyce, teacher Nim Craig. Vivian Foreman, James Grove, Lee Thomson, Fred Clark, Chas. Carson, Chas. Weaver, Eugoue Shoemaker, Ar thur Armstrong, Harry Rodgers, George Ellis, Ed. Lawrence, Robert Huling, Beujaman Weuk, Roy Noble, Joseph Weavor, Earl Salsgiver, Martha Arm strong, Nina Setley, Mildred Overlander, May Bush, Hattie Fox, Ida Fox, Nellie Davis, Kittio Bradbury, Armorel Hotch kiss, Bertha Scowden, Merle Dunn, Maude Green, Beula Clark, Hazel Fones, Dolva Reib, Goorgia Bristow. 8IIKFFIKI.I1 JUNCTION SCHOOL. Elenor D. Love, teacher Eurolled, 18 ; Present every day : Olive Wray, Gertie Graybill, Madge O'Dell, Forest Camp bell, Fred Graybill, Raymond O'Dell, Charley Nash. UROOKSTON RC1IOOLS. No. 1, NinaSalado, teacher Enrolled, 42; Percent of attendance, 01 j Present every day : Oscar Carlson, Julius Swan son, Harry and George Swan, Clarence Miller, Arthur Wont, Uadvlga Golnick, Amelia Straler, Warner Buckstrom, Ruth Carlson, Ebba Sjcrnquist, Caroline Kosinski, Frances Miller, Mary Strucker, Kate Lathuiga, Elsie Sjcrnquist. No 2, Margie Whitchill, teacher En rolled, 36 j Porcent of attendance, 87; Present every day : John Kopp, Harry Carlson, Arthur Draht-nn, fiolmcr Buck strom, Helen Kopp, Iiortba Kopp, Verna Strucker, Esther Dahl, Bort Wallein, Charles Carlson, Florence Dickinson, Junes Anderson, Hadviga Strucker. No. 3, S. M. Whitmer, principal En rolled, 24; Porcent of attendance, 04; Present every day: Fred Kopp, Peter Peterson, Alia Anderson, Pbena Hag lund, Bertha Anderson, Letlie Carlson, Lena Anderson, Anna Kopp, Ellen Swanson. WOLCOIT SCHOOL. Lillie Bradbury, teacher Enrolled, 12; Average attendance, 8; Percent of at tendance, 71 ; Present every day : Mar ion Squire ai d Silas Shrivcr. -Cash is what counts. Rightly bough is half sold. See Miles A Armstrong's. It Tho trial of Walter Whcaton, accused of tho murder of George Carter, near Oil City, will commenco at Franklin Mon day, November 14. Gillespie A Pcttit, Whealon's attorneys, bavo not yet se lected an attorney to assist tlioiii. Mead ville Tribune. Buy y ur rubber goods at Miles & Armstrong's. t Thr IlrM rinnlrr. A pieoe of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the atl'oclod parts is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain In the chest or aide, or a lame back, give it a trial. You are c ruin to Iw more than pleased with the prompt reKef it affords. Pain Balm is also a certain euro for rheu matism. For sale bv O. W. Bovard. Hopkins soils the clothing and shoes. Overoomo evil with good. 'Overcome your roughs and colds with One Minute Cough Cure, It is so good children cry for It, It cures croup, bronchitis, pneu monia, grippe and al! throat and lung disease. Heath A Killmor. Many a household Is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cure for crulp, such as tine Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are pro tected agaiust emergency. Heath A Kill mor. Do you appreciate good laundry workf if no patronize tho Dunkirk Steam Laundry. Mile A Armstrong, agents. tf Have you arot $25.00 T Have von cot M OOT Have you got $100.00? If so, why don't you deposit it with tho Conewangb Building Loan Association Association of Warren, Pa. Thev will pay you 6 per cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payablo semi-annually, and you can with'draw your principal in full at any time alter 0 monius, ft-6-ly. Soothing, healing, cleansing. DeWitl's Witnh Hh?aI Sulvn la thn I m il ill? ah)A An. my of sores, burns, and wounds. It never fails to cure piles. You may rely upon it. ueaiu a im inner. Fa km Wantcd State cash and time price. Anson H. Ri-sseix, 0-21-31H. AkroD, Ohio. without harm to the suticrer th better. lingering colds are dangerous. Hacking cough is distressing. One Minuto Cough fllrn mitntrlv nlirn. if Wliv .iiAn. whan such a cough cure la within reachT It is Constipation prevents the body from ridding itself of waste matter. Do Witt's Little Early Risers will remove the trou ble and cure Sick Headache, Billioul m ss, Inactive Liver and clear the Com plexion. Small, sugar coated, don't gripe or causo uausca. Heath C Killmer. You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf When you ask for DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salvo don't accept a counterfeit or Im itation. There are more rases of piles being cured by this than all others com bined. Heath A Killmor. ou can got it at Hopkins' store, tf. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with Ono Min ute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for tbe most severe cases. Wo recommend it because it's good. Heath t Killmor. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration on the Es tate of W. B. Howell, late of Harmony Twp., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to, or having claims against, said estate are requested to present tho samo to P. M. Clark, Administrator, Oct. 27, 1S08. TieiAL LIST. List of causes set down for trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylvania, commencing on the third Monday of November, 1S08 : ). Soth C. Mc Arthur, trustee under the willot'Abncr Hammond, deceased, vs. Tionesta Gas Company, No. 44, August Term, 1807. 2. Caroline L. Hoysradt et. al., vs. Tio nesta Gas Company, No. 45, August Term, 1807. 3. Dodd, Mead A Co., vs. W. T. Hart, No. .18 Februarv Term. 1807. 4. The St. Albans Mfg. Co., vs. Tionesta Mfg. Co., Limited. No. 1. Feb. Term, 1808. 5. Charles M. Titus et. al. vs. Wm. Braddish et. al No. 3, May Term, 1807. 6. Jamos McClanahan vs. J. B. and M. C. Watson, No. 52, Feb. Torm, 1808. 7. Grand Rapids Carved Moulding Co. vs. Tionesta lu'i'g Co., Limited, No. 20, May Term. 1808. 8. J. F. Proper for use of A. M. Doutt vs. John L. Peters and Martha L. Peters No. IS, Aug. Term, 180(1. 0. S. II . Ilaslett A Sous va. W. H. Jones. No. 18, Aug. Term, 1808. 10. W. A. Connelv, et. al., vs. Hickory Town hip, No. IS, May Term, 1808. 11. A. C. Randall, use of J. C. Cowing, vs. F. F. Hart A Co., No. 0, Fob'y Term, 1808. 12. Robert Power vs. D. D. Reid, No. 14, Feb'y Term, 1808. Attest, JOHN H. ROBERTSON, Prothonotary. Tionesta, Pa., Oct. 10, 1808. Our brush should be used daily in place of the ordinary hair brush, hair washes, or hair grow ers. If you do not find, after six month trial, that DrScott's ELECTRIC Hair Brush will do all we claim for it send it back and your money will be refunded. You can buy the number one size for One Dollar. It Is Guaranteed to Cure Nervous Headache In five minutes 1 Bilious Headache in five minutes 1 Neuralgia in five minutes ! Dandruff and diseases of the scalp I Prevents falling hair and baldness I flakes the hair long and glossy I For sale at Dry Goods stores sod Druggists or sent on approvalpostpaid, on receipt of price and ten cents for postage. Our book. - TUB PnCTOrTS HTOKT,"tentfrrrm rvu.f. ptftm full infvrmattnn concemlnQ Vr. Xooff Elrcirlc H'Un. $Z. 15. and (10. Klrrtrlo TofwU, !, l r, Sl.Ml. f- and (3. F.Uctrto t in Bnukrt, X Eleetrte Safety haznn, t2. Electric rtantert, cti. GEO. A. SCOTT, " 841 Brotdwajr, N.Y. Late to lied and early to rise prepares a man for his home in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, tbe pill that makes life longer 'and better and wiser. Heath A Killmer. PROCLAMATION. Whkbkas, The Hon. W. M. Lindsey, j President Judge of tho Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions in and for the county of Forest, has issued his pre cept for holding a Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court, Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, at Tionesta, for the County of Forest, to commenco on the Third Monday of November, being the 21st day or November, 180S. No tice is therefore civen to the Cor oner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables of said county, that theybothon and thero iu their proper persons at ten o'clock A. M., oi said day with thoir records, inquisitions, examination, and other remembrances, to do thoso things which to their olllco appertain to be done, and to those whoare bound in reeognixanoe to prosecuto against tho prisonora that are or shall bein thejail of Forest County, that they may be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given un der my hand and seal this '25th day of October, A. D. 1808. FRANK P. WALKER, L.S. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VIRTUE ofa writ of Alias Fieri Fa cias, issued out of tho Coutt of Com mon Pleas of Forest County, Pennsylva nia, and to me directed, there will bo ex posed to gale by public vendue or outcry, at the Court llouse, in tho Borough of Tionesta, Forest County, Pa., on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 21, A. D. 1808, at 1 o'clock p. m., tbe following described roai estate, to-wu: C. M. LOOMIS, Cashier, va. II. C. WHIT- TEK1N, Alms f ieri f acias, ko. 21, Novombor; Term, 1808. (Waivera). F. W. llaya, Attorney. All the right, titlo, interest and claim of the dofandant of, in and to all that certain piece of land situate in tho Borough of Tionosia, county or Forest, aforesaid. boundod as follows, to-wit: Lot "C," bo- ginning at a post at the corner of May and Elm streets, thenco by May street south eigmy-rour (leg roes east litty-one feot to a post, thence by lot "11'' south six degrees west ninety feet to a post, tnence norm eignty-iour degrees weal fifty-nine feot to a post on Kim street, thence north twelve degees east ninety two foot to the place of begluning. Con taining one-sixth ot an bit 3 ot land. Lot "B , described as follows: Beginning at a post, corner of Lot "C." thonce south eighty-four degrees east sixty-six loot to a post, thence south six deerees west ninety feet to a post, thence north eighty four degrees wost sixty-six feet to a post, thenco north six degrees east ninety feot to the place of beginning. Containing twenty-four square rods. Improve ments: Two-story framo dwelling house and out buildings. Taken in execution and to be sold as the property of II. C. Whittekin at the suit of C. M. Loomis. Cashier. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly complied with when the property is Rtrieken down : 1. Wl'ien tho plaintiff or other loin cred itors becomo tho purchaser, tho costs on the writs must bo paid, aud a list of liens including mortgago searches on tho prop- eity sold, together with such lien credit or s receipt lor tho amount of tho pro coeds of tho sale or such portion thereof as ho may claim, must be furnished the Shentl. 2. All bids must bo paid In full. 8. All sales not settled immediately will bo continued until 2 o'clock p. in., of tho next day, at wnicn time an property not settled im will again bo put up and sold at the expouso and risk of tho person to Wliom U 1st sold. 'Seo Purdon's Digest, Ninth Edition, page 4lt and Miiilh s forms, pago . FRANK P. WALK tit. Sheriff. Sheritl" a Olllco, Tionesta, Pa., October 24, 1808. TIMETABLE, in effect Oct. 30, 1808. Trains leave Tio- nosta for Oil City and points west as follows : No. 31 Buffalo Express, daily except Sunday 12:06 noon, No. 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers), daily except Sunday 4:50 p. m, No. 33 Oil City Exj resa, daily except Sunday 7:40 p. in, For Hickory.Tidioute, Warren, Kinzua, itradioru, uiean and me -ast : No. 30 Oloan Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. m No. 32 Pittsburg Express, ' daily except Sunday. 4:19 p. m No. 60 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvinoton) daily except Sunday 0:50 a.m. Got Time Tables and full information from W. II. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa ft. liKijij, uon'isupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger & Ticket Agent, General office, Moonev-Brisbane Bid Cor. Main and Clinton Sts., Buffalo,N.Y THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CftWFI ELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriages and Bug pies to let upon tbe most reasonable terms, lie will also do (JOB TE-AIMIIIsrG- All orders loft at the Post Office wll roceive prompt attention. ANTED S EVE R A L TRUST worthy persons in this state to man age our business in their own and near by counties. It is mainly offlee work conducted at home. Salary i traight $000 a year and expenses definite, bonatlde, no more, no loss salary. Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Hess, Prest., Dept. M, Chicago. THE CREATEST i&!PBY5irR EVER H U.i RUBBER SriOEb r. 1-i 1 SERPENTINE Ei ASHC STAY prevents crac!.'r. ;.t .:;.:- .-.c::r the sole. A . . rc.. .:y which overcrir:vC .1 i'l. 'j Btai'dil C'.Uit i:l OVi7i ':.,. sol.d -r MILES & ARMSTRONG, THE MAN BEHIND THE Is not moro necessary to Victory than THE GOODS BEHIND the PRICES Aro necessary to make our Sales Unexcelled. O .r Store is FULL of the BEST GOODS wo can fio.l in the BEST MAUKETS.'ati i wo u not iusiat ou your buying, we do INSIST on your SEEING our Goodi and noting the PRICES. Prop ess marks the path of all true enterprise and steps far in advance in all lines of Manufacturing. The S.VJIFi nOOS for I.I.SS MONEY, or IIHTUKIl GOODS for I lie KAMI? .1IOM.V. OVERCOATS and SUITS, Better Made, better Lined and belter FitlWig are what wo mean to show you, at tho prico to suit you. Made lor order if you wish. Iu Underwear and Hosiery, For Men, Women and C'hildred, wo lead. All best brands nre here, and. nil sizes in stock, at lower prices than others ask. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Al l MH.mVE Ut. Our reputation for up-to date styles and reliable quali ties is back of all theso. Note the style and prices. SHOES, Leather and Rubber. We sell the best, only, and guarantee to Ct and please you, and make good any faults. Meu's Shoes, Work ing Shoes, School Shoes, Wotueii! Shoes, Fine Shoes, Baby Shoes. Carpets and Rugs. MATTIXU AND LIXOMll .ll. By the roll or by tbe yard. We cut and match, make and lay them on the floor if you wish. TItlMiS, TEMvM OIi:s AND DAGS. Well made aud strong iu every way except the price. Umbrellas, Mackintoshes, Rubbers, Canvass Coats. To Open the Season Wc Oiler Special IturgaiiiH. Miles k Armstrong: Reliable and Up-to-Dntc t'lolliJers, flutter, Furnishers and Shoers. A Big Drop! Iu prices is usually accompan ied by a falling off in value, but that is not the cause of the BIG DROP in our prices. The cause of it all is because we aro selling strictly for cash and cau afTord tu drop the prices. We Handle the. DRUGS, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY To be found and our Stock is Always Complete and of tho Finest Quality the Market Affords. HEATH- & KlUOTfc TlHtON 31, - - TIONESTA. fVk. Lawrence & Smear bauqh. DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS, GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY ! GOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. :OQUHTBY PSODUOB MB QME TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. XO. A. H, A. Waynk Cook, rrosiilont. EOREST COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, TIONESTA, PENNSYLVANIA. CAPITAL STOCK, - - - $50,000. DinKCTons A. Wayne Cock, a. W. Robinson, Wm. .Smearbauli, N. P. Wheeler, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.ymont at low ratos. We promise our custom ers all tho beuefits consistent with conservative b kiui. Interest paid on time"' deposit. Your patronage respectfully solicited. GUN 5038. Kelly, Catthior. VM. SMKARIlAtJOH. Vice Prenident.