4 THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. R WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1894 BOROUGH OFFICERS. Burgess. K. C. Heath. Counalmen. Joseph Morgan, 8. Fitz gerald, Win. Smearbaugh, J. T. Dalo, W. F. Ilium, Jan. D. DaviH, L. J. Hopkins. Justices of the Peace C. A. Ramiall, 8, J. Sotley. Constable S. 8. Canfiold. Collector F, 1. Amslor. School Directors O. W. Uolomaii, L. Agnew, W. A. Grove, Q. Jamioson, J. C. Soowdon, Patrick Joyce. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. - Af ember of Congress Wm. C.Arnold. Member of Senate Wm. H. Uvde. Assembly J. E. Wunk. President Judge W. M. Lindsky. Associate Judge Joh. A. Nsu, A. J. MoCray. Treasurer James II. Fonks. Prothonotary, Register A Recorder, dte. John H. Robkrtson. Sheriff. Frask P. WAlkkr. Commissioners W. M. Coon, C. M. Whiteman, Herman Blum. County Superintendent E. E. Stitzin- OKR. District Attorney S. D. Trwin. Jury Commissioners J . B. Carpen tks, Gko. D. SniKi.ps. County Surveyor J. D. Davis. Coroner DR. J. W. Morrow. County Auditors N. E. Abbott, J, R. Clark, R. J. Flynn. REGULAR TERMS OF COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Fourth Monday of May. Last Monday of August. Third Monday of Novembor. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. X ipiONEHTA LODGE, No. 3f9, 1. 0. 0. F. ' 1 Meots every Tuesday evening, in Odd Follows' Hall, Partridge building. 1X)REST LODGE, No. 184. A.O. U. W., I Meetsevery Friday evening in A.O.U. W. Hall, Tionesta. ASHINGTON CAMP, No. 420. P. O. 8. of A., meets every Saturday eve ning in A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonesta. CAPT. GEORGE STOW POST, No. 274 G. A, R. Moot 1st and 3d Monday evening in each month, la A. O. U. W. Hall, Tlonesta. CAPT. GEORGE STOW CORPS, No. 137, W. R. C, meots first and third Wednesday evoning of each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, TionoHta, Pa. ION ESTA TENT, No. 104, K. O. T. M., moels 2nd and 4tli Wednesday evening in each month in A. O. U. W. hall Tlonesta, Pa. P.M-CLAITttorney.at-law, and Dihtrict Attorney. Offieo.cor. of lin and Bridge Stroets, Tlonesta. Pa. Also agent for a number of reliable Fire Insurance Companies. F. RITCnEY, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Tlonesta, Pa. T B. SIGGINS, M. D., J Physician, Surgeon A Druggist, TIONESTA, PA. J W. MORROW, M. D., Physician, Surgeon A Dontist. Olllco and Rosidenco throe doors north of Hotol Agnew, Tionosta. Professional calls promptly respoudod to at all hours. LO. BOWMAN, M. D., Physician A Surgeon, TIONESTA, PA. Office in building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Call promptly responded to. night or day. Residence opposito Hotol Agnew. DR. J. C. DUNN. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Heath it Klllmor's store, Tlonesta, Pa. Professional calls prompt er respondod to at all hours of day or night. Residence East side Elm St., 3d dore above jail building. HOTEL AGNEW, C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly the Lawrence House, has undergone a com plete change, and is now furuislied with all the mod ern improvements. Heated and lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, etc. The comforts of guosta never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, II. W. UORNER, Proprietor. Tionsela, Pa. This is the most centrally located hotel in the place, and has all the modern improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a ploasant stopp' lg place for the traveling public. Firnl class Livery in connection. F REST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jacob Bonder. Proprietor. This hotel has but recently been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, and offers tho finest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and the traveling public. Rates reasonable. pHIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT & SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm and alnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work lrom the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten tion givenb mending, and prices rea sonable. T F. ZAHRINGER, J PRACTICAL WATCH-MAKER aiul Jeweler of 25 years' experience, is prepared to do all work in his Hue on short notioe and at reasonable prices. Alwavs iruarantees satisfaction. Watch es,' Jewelry, Ac, ordered for parties at the lowest possible figure. Will be found in the building next to Kooley Club itoom. JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of and Dealer iu HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TIONESTA. PA. Fred. Grcttcnbcrgcr GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksm ithing prom nt- ly uono ai i-iow iuiics. riepairiiig Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the BUBW uouso, Tluioute, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER. 1 1 mm k (GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TIONESTA. PENN. C. M. ARNER & SON. FntE, Life and Accident Ins ura nce A gents . . AMI . . REAL ESTATE BROKEBS, TIONESTA, PA. 1'ompanle Krprrmntrd. North American, -Boyal, - - Hartford, Orient, Phill'a Underwriters. - A Mr la. 5 9,686,808.08 7,454,943.11 10,004,697.55 2,215,470.92 15,609,932.32 Titles examined and "Briefs" prepared. Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for sale or rent. Particular attention paid to the collection of rents, interest, Ac. Also to the proper assossmont of lands and payment or taxes. Leasing and sale of oil and gas lauds a specialty. Church and Nabbnlh Mchool. Prosbytorian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. in. i M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab bath evening by Rev. R. A. Huzza. Proaching in the F. M. Church every Sabbath evening at the usual hour. Rev. F. W. MoClelland, Pastor. Services in the Presbyterian Church every Sabbath morning and evening, Rev. J. V. McAninch officiating. Tho regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. are hold at the headquarters on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Oil market $1.07. Read Heath & Killmors new ad. "Vou can got it at Hopkins' store, tf. Now shoes at Miles & Armstrong's. Don't forgot that Amsler handles a select lino of groceries. It Very fine shoes for super-fine ladies, at Miles & Armstrong's. It Misses' and children's jackots, an endless variety at Hopkins.' It Placo your order for fruit wilh Am sler and get the best, always. It Carpets and linoleum at "hard-time pricos" at Miles & Armstrong's. It --Snturday next Is the last day for pay ing taxes if you want to vote this fall. A good house and lot on Elm street for salo cheap. For particulars iuquire of P. M. Clark. tf There's talk attain of draining the Sickle swamp. By all moans let the draining proceed. The Queen Esther Circle will have a business meeting In the Epworth League rooms next Friday evening. Pay your taxes at once and avoid the risk of losing your vote this fall. We truHt no Republican will need urging on this point. Cash is king at Heath A Killmor's these days. The cash system makes great inroads on the price of all articles in our store. It Chestnuts, not overly abundant, are burstinir their burs, and the average school boy don't reach home usually till supper's over. The nicost and best assortinout of men's bovs' and children's clothlug ever opened up in Forest county is now on the counters at Hopkins' store. It Wanted Agents to soil tea, coffee, splcos and baking powder to families. Liberal commission allowed. 1" or terms addross Grand Union Tea Co., 1405 Fifth Avo., Pittsburg, Pa. 9-21-3t Reuublicans should not delay the payment of their taxes another day. The limit of time expires Saturday next, Sopt. 8. See tho collector at once and make sure of your vote this fall. Every Republican voter should see at once that his taxes are paid. Remom- ber you must either pay in person or give some one a written order to pay lor you. Verbal orders will Hot go. The season for fruit is fast disappear lug, but Amsler still has the call on the host that's eoimr. His stock is kept on the movo, and can always be relied on as the freshest the market affords. And at way down prices, too. It Believing it best for our customers as well as ourselves we have coucluded to adont tho cash systom in future. In doing so we have made wonderful cuts in the price of all goods. Come and see if wo haven't. Heath & Killmer. It J. W. Jamieson, Frank Birtcil and J. W. Stroup, who, with Oil City parties have a nice lease near Henry's Bend, finished a good well at that place last Saturday. Anothor will be sunk at once, and we are pleased to report that the boys are in luck, -S. S. Canfield has added a dandy new team of draught horses to his stable. They are big follows, weighing 26 hund red "in their stocking feot," and look as though they could haul a big load. "Shell" is bound to keep in the front rank, and whon you want a bang up liv ery rig or a job of teaming done, he's the man to call on. Tho farmers have had glorious weath er for harvesting thoir buckwheat and potato crops during the past two weeks, and we guess they have taken advantage of it to the full extent. Neither crop is very large, but there'll be enough and to spare, no doubt, when the general round up is made. And then the abundant corn yield will help out very materially. Q. Jamiesan's new domicile on Helen street Is now well under way and will be enclosed hpfore very long. It's to be a commodious structure, and will add con siderably to the appearance of that quar ter of the town. H. M. Foreman's latest vonture in tho dwelling house line is noariug completion, and will be a very conveniently arranged home when fin ished. Here's a pointer for the boys and girls who take up school lifo this term your teachers are your best frionds. Whatever they ask you to do, that try to do promptly and cheerfully. Going to school is business for you, just the same as regular trado is business for the older folks, and if you neglect your business now, whom and how will you finish your life work T Think of these things, boys and girls. Ono tiling that the ladies of Tionesta and vicinity can congratulate themselves upon is the fact that they have in the millinery store of F. Walters & Co.a place where they can purchase millinery that is up to date the latest styles that can be found in tho largo cities and at just aliout one-half the price you would have to pay In the city. They are making prepara tions for a grand fall opening in the near future, aud it will be better than ever. That's saying a good deal. It Fred. Conway of Titusville, who has visited here many times as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. S. S. Canfield, is reported seriously ill with typhoid fever In Porto Rioo. List of letters remaining uncalled for In the Tlonesta, Pa., pos office, for the woek ending October 5, 1898 Mrs. Lizzie Izerman, Alexander Stewart Esq. D. 8. Knox, P. M. A few errors crept Into the item re cording the death of Miss Alice Mealey, In last week's Rktublicam. The young lady was aged 22 years and 1 day. She died on Monday. Sept. 20, and was bur ied at the Walters, instead of the Wash ington church graveyard. Besides the parents, four sisters, two of whom are married one to David Slocum and the other to Charles Sligo and two brothers, survive her. The blcyclo races which were post poned on account of the rain the 22d ult will be pulled off here next Saturday, Oct. 8. Two racos are on the program one 10-mile race and a 1-mile race. The prizes will be a $10 bicycle suit for the first race and a gold watch chain for the second. The entrios are free for all and all bicycle riders are iuvited to enter. Come on boys and lets see who is the local champion. Last Wednesday evening between twenty and thirty Junior C. E'.s met at tho home of their assistant superintend ent, Mrs. Smearbaugh, for the purpose of pearing apples to dry for the missionary barrel. If we are to judge their real and interest In missionary enterprise from the work and chatter of this merrv 1 IU1 party, we will conclude that these boys ana girls win be ready to take their places and do well their part in the twentieth century movement. On Friday evening, alter tlioir apples were pared, Mrs. Smearbauuh save them a delightful sur prise and for a short time they had the pleasure of pulling tally. F. M. Conlerenee Appointments. Following is a partial list of appoint ments of the Pittsburg conlerenee, Free Mothodist church, which was held at Now Castle last week : Oil City District, D. B. Tobey, Elder. Oil City, Rouseville and Salem, C. H. Miller ; Franklin, Reed, Coopertown, Ploasantville, J. M. Critchlow ; Titus ville, Jamison, F. E, Glass ; Tionesta, Newmansville, Gorman Hill, Stewarts Run, F. W. McClelland, F. W. Pond, supplies; Tidioute, Davy Hill, R. A. Robertson; Youngsville, T. J. Stone; LInesvillo, J. K. Dale, supply, one to be supplied; Coal Hill, West Home, M. M. Carey, supply, one to be supplied; Gar field, Mayburg, Emma Ellison, one to be supplied; Hickory, Whig Hill, Wm. Richards, A. C. Dow, supplies ; Kane City, Diamond, II. M. Rounds, J. Rodg ers, supplies ; Spring Creek, Albert Bean; Corry, Minnie Smith, supply ; Bruin, Hillard, Frank Collins, supply. Bradford District, W. A. Sellew, Elder. Bradford, O. Gornell ; Tuna Creek, Boli ver, C. E. Weaver ; Lewis Run, H. H, Bradley; Eldred, Duke Centre. F. Brit nor; Portage Creek, Port Allegheny, 8. O. Yelvington ; Seven Bridges, Sweden, W.C.Ingersoll ; Ulyses; Binghamton Cen tre, J.J. Zahniser ; Galeton, W.T. Under wood ; Emporium, R. II. Williams ; Ridg way, Johnsonburg, F. W. Cox. Clarion District, S. Sager, Elder. Greenburg,'Strattonvillo, J. N. Eager; Tylorsburg, Bowmauville, Marienyillo, H. C. Glass ; Pleasant Grove, Clarington, E. E. Carbaugh, supply; Barns, Sey brook, Byromtown, H. D. Todd; Glade, Warron, J. J. Jinador, supply; Kano, Hiland, J. K. O'Doll ; Brockwayville, Holton, Chas. Copeland ; Brockport, Mountain, John Mailman, supply ; Brookville, Kaletown, Reynoldsville, Parker Wright, Wm. Vanderlln, supplii s; Dubois, Sabula, Penficld, L. A, Sager, 8. Lee, supply; Phllipsburg, H. Stotler ; Fleming, Mead Run, Alex. Smith. F. F. Shoupe, New Brighton, Roches ter District. R. A. Zahniser. Coal Run, aud Roily Koifor, supply, Uniontown, Cool Spring, Greensburg District, Mayburg Items. Dan Jones was in town on business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Castle were at Warron taking in tho fair last week. Mrs. Chas. Criffin and son, Fred, of Rouseville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Richards. Miss Edna Castle will make a short visit with friends In Enterprise. West Waterman was taking in a f w days at the Warien fair. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul have gone to housekeeping up in little Brookville. Wm. Dickey, foreman of the W. L. L. Co. saw mill, left Saturday morning for Brookville. Calvin Delo is on the sioklist this week. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Brown are spend ing a few days with relatives and friends in Brookville. Dave Thompson of Brookville was in town one day last week. A couple men of the dry kiln got to scrapping one day last week, but nobody got hurt. By the looks of things on the opposite side of the creek bank, girls with buck ets and shoes in hand, the butternuts had to suffer, A young man of this place was to see his girl and upon his departure forgot to close the gate. Mr. Castle's cow got in and ate one-half bushel potatoes, which Dad had to settle for. Knight Templars at Pittsburg. On October 8th to 13th, tho W. N. Y. & P. Ry will sell tickets to Pittsburg, Pa., and return at rate of no fare. Tickets good for return to October 17th, except on deposit of tickets with Joint Agent at Pittsburg, not earlior than Oct, 13th nor later than October 17th, aud on pay ment of 50 conts, return limit of tic kets cun bo oxtondod to leavo Pittsburg to and including Oct. 31st. Call on agents for particulars. 3t Photographs. I wish to inform the people of Tionesta that the Gallery will be open 'for business Friday and Saturday of each week. I will bo thoro myself and make all sittings. Under this arrangement work will be promptly finished. We expect to do good work at reasonable prices, therefore ask a share of your patronag e. It J. W. Sires. Hopkins sells the clothing and shoes, YOU AND YOUtt FRIENDS. A. B. Kelly is in Chicago on business. Miss Emma Klinestiver of Nebraska, is ill with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hart, of Oil City, are visiting Tionesta friends. Harry Klinestiver of Tidioute spent Sunday with Tionesta friends. Edward Gra; am has moved into his neat new house ou William street. David Mintz was down from Marien ville on business a few hours last Friday. Miss Nettie Gioring of Ploasantville is visiting hor siBter, Mrs. K. C. Heath. H. W. Carr came up from Pittsburg for a few days' visit with his wife last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Dean were Bradford guests of Tionesta frionds over last Sabbath. Miss Luella Saul of North Warren was a guest of her brother, Station Agent Saul, over last Sabbath. Mrs. Jennie Gailey of Euon Valley, Pa;, is visiting her father, J. F. Overlaud er, for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Green of Titus ville were guests at the residence of Hon. J. A. Pproper the first of the we'k. On last Sunday, 25th ult., a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burt of Stewarts Run. Platsantville Record. Mrs. R. 8. Somers, of Fremont, Neb., and Mrs. John Dak in, of Cleveland.Ohio, aro guests of Mrs Dr. L. D. Bowman. Miss Kate Canfield returned home Saturday from a week's visit with her sister, M. H. H. Bruner, at West Hick ory. Mrs. Charles Burkett, of Jamestown, N. Y., is paying a visit to her sister, Mrs. H. P. Shoemaker and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Hopkins and daughter, Edith, and Mrs J. A. Proper visited Warren friends last Friday, and attendod the fair. ' Mrs. T. W. Corah and son Edgar, came down on the excursion from War ren Sunday and spent the day with her dauehter, Mrs. Dr. F. S. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Harr and son, of Chipmunk, on tho W. N. Y. A P. R'y, were visitors at the home of their daugh ter, Mrs. Jas. Canfield, last Sabbath. Miss Lida Armstrong of Grove City, Pa., who has been a welcome guest of her brothers, G. V. and T. E. Armstrong, for the past two weoks, returned home yesterday. Rolatives at Warren of Harry Shaw key, who is a member of Co. I, lGth Reg't, now doing duty in Porto Rioo, have re ceived intelligence of Ills serious illness with fever. Mrs. C. A. Lanson and daughter, of Los Angeles, Cal., arrived Friday and joinod Mr. L., who has beon here for some weeks. They will go to housekeep ing in a fow days. -Mrs. F. M. Morgan and two children of Oil City were guests of Mrs. J. R. Morgan a part of last week. They return this week to take up their abode in Den ver, Colorado, expecting to make tha' their futnre home. Rev. J. E. Hillard, whose congrega tion at East Hickory is delighted to know that the Erie Conference has returned him to that place for another year, was a visitor to town Thursday, and gave the Repcblcian office a pleasant call. Rev. J. V. McAninch and Mr. O. F. Miles are In Harrlsburg this week attend ing tho State convention of the Christian Endeavor societies. Mr. Miles repre sents the Oil City and vicinity societies, and Mr. McAninch occupies a place, on the program as one of tho speakers. Archie Zahniser, who for tho past year has been pastor of the F. M. church at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., visited his father the first of the week while on his way to attend the Chesbrough seminary at N. Chili, N. Y. He preached with consider able ability in the F. M. church here Monday evening. Will Craig, who is the trusted mana ger of tho National Transit company's pump station at Chipmunk, is at home for a two weeks' vacation. He reports his brother, Clifford, who is employed at tho same place, as getting along nicely and that he expects to have charge of a station in a short time. Mrs. T. F. Ritchey and Miss Emma Lawrence of this place, aud Mrs. Will G. Morrow and Miss Laura McKean of Hickory are attending the Presbyterian home missionary society convention at DuBois this week. They go as represent atives of the Tionesta and Endeavor Pres byterian churches and C. E. socioties re spectively. Messrs. E. D. Rulledgo aud H. J. Knox, two of Warren's crack shotgun manipulators, came down Monday after noon and spent a couple of hours with the Tiouesta gun club at the clay pigeon traps, returning on the 4:19 train. Both are thorough sportsmen and experts at the trap, whose visits bore will always be a pleasure to our club. II. W. Horner, the genial proprietor of the Central House, has gone to Morrill, Wis., where he will visit friends for a couple of week and from there he will go to Tomahawk Lake, in the big woods of Wisconsin, for his annual hunt for deer. Mr. Horner is a famous deer hun ter and expects to bring home several ad ditions to his already large collection of antlers and mounted doer heads. We wish him snccess in his hunt, and hope he will not forget to send a bunk of ven ison down this way. James T. Brcnnan, Esq., lias associ ated himself with the gonoral fire Insur ance agency of J. H. Mitchell Ac Co., of Warren, Pa., aud ban moyed his office fixtures to that place. His household ef fects will be kept bore for a few weeks yet, and he will be here about once a woek during that time. Mr. Brennan has made a success of the real estate and insurance business during his long resi dence in this place, and the firm of which ho becomes a member gains a most valu able acquisition. The removal of Mr. and Mrs. Brennan from amongst us is very generally aud sincerely regretted, and in their departure they bear with them tho best wishes of all our citizens. Farm For Sale. The farm located ou the Balltowu road about two miles from Tionesta, contain ing ."0 acres of land, more or less, is for sale. About 30 acres aro cleared, and there is a large houso and barn thereon. Good well of water, a fine orchard and all necessary outbuildings. Can ho Imtmht on easy terms. For further particulars adilress Mrs. A. E. I.KKl'Kit, 7-20-tf 17.19 Summit St., Toledo, O. School Reports. TIONKSTA HIOH SCHOOL 1ST MONTH. S 1 GO a R5 p o 3 s 3 Room. 5 i 2 -5 : 1 No. 1 No. 2. ... No. 3..... No. 4 No. 5 Total , ..I 53 .. 52 .. 44 ! 43 .. 30 45 4!( 43 42 28 207 95 96 97 95 95 96 29 30 24 23 15 121 38 48 39 39 20 IS PRKSENT KVERY DAY : No 5, R. N. Speer, Principal Vivien Morris, Bessie Morgan, Claudia Graham, Florence Hagerty, Pearl Elliot, Nettie Clark, June Herman, Sarah Morrow, Emma Salsgiver, Chas. Dewalt, Karl Wenk, Archie Clark, Chas. Jamieson, John Jamieson, Harry Bankhead. No. 4, Ida Paup, tencher John Ritch ey, Roy Bovard, Jessie Graham, Clyde Foreman, Archie Holeman, Newkirk Carson, Earl Hunter, Arthur Stroup, Chester Grover, Florence Fulton, Mar tha Ovorlander, Mary Fredrikson, Helen Fredrikson, Maude Sotley, Eva Davis, Goldie Hill, Zell Morris, Lenora Booher, Maude Grove, Maude Anderson, Mary Lovejoy, Etta Rodgers, Blanche Buxton. No. 3, Ethel Bowman, teacher Charles Sanner, Gertrude Hill, Maude Grover, Forn Bowman, Frank Armstrong, Carl Carlson, Isabella Joyce, Colyn Clark, Floyd Saylor, Chas. Charleston, Jose phine Smearbaugh, Harry Jamieson, Thomas Fulton, Archie Davis, Willie Clark, Roland Armstrong, Philip Blum, Walter Saylor, Edith Hopkins, Elva Lauson, Grace Armstrong, Bertha Thomson, Evelyn Clark, Anna Mcches ney. No. 2, Martha Morrow, teacher Ben no Carlson, Clifford Foreman, Budd Armstrong, Harvey Johnston, Andrew Armstrong, John Shoemaker, Roy Hood, Harry Carbon, Charles Setley, Perry Hill, Georgo Swanson, Dallas Ri-ck, Gen avieve Doutt, Myranda Johnston, Ethel Clark, Myrta Rodgers, Louie Foreman, May Mays, Leuore Ritchey, Olive Childs, Sarah Carson, Bello Hood, Flossie Hotch kiss Mary Setley, Emma Arner, Bertha Swanson, Essie Scowden, Evelyn Grove, Maude Canfield, Marie Dunn. No. 1, Kathleen Joyce, teacher Curtis Proper, Earl Hotchkiss, Nim Craig, Vivian Foreman, James Grove, Leo Thomas, Fred Clark, Chas. Carson, Chas Weaver, Eugeue Shoemaker, Ar thur Armstrong, Harry Rogers, George Ellis, Lee Grover, Robert Huling Ben). Wenk, Chas. Johnston, Martha Arm strong, Mildred Overlandor, May Bush, Hulda Charlston, Nellie Davis, Lenora Emort, Kittie Bradbury, Bertha Scow den, Merlo Dunn, Bulah Clark. XEWSY NOTES. When riding a bicycle the legs should do the nocessary work. Severe exhaus tion Is the result of working the arms, body and head. They are here and they are dandies those ladies' capes and jackets, at Hop kins' store. It E. B. Grandin, the well known oil man who resides at Tidioute, is seriously ill at Kane, Pa. Mr. Graudin is afflicted with asthma and is at Kane with the hopes of deriving benefit from the mountain air. Farm Wantco State cash and time price. Anson H. Russkll, 9-2t-3m. AkroD, Ohio. Chautauqua lake steamboa's have car ried 150,000 people over the lake during the past summer, which was the largest number ever known, and the traffic on the lake has reached a quarter million dollars. Bring the little girls to Hopkins' storo and get a dandy coat or jacket for just a little money. It A writer on dancing estimates that waltzes aro equal to about 14 milesofheel and toe work. And yet many a girl too frail to walk down into the kitchen can cover about 14 miles of ball room floor per evening. For best values in clothing "ready made" or "made to order" always go to Miles it Armstrong's. It If you wish to bo up-to-date you must carry your pet cat or dog with you when out cycling, letting it rest on your back or shoulder. That Is a new fad among tho freaks in New York city and it is re ported as growing. Men's clothes mado to ordor, as they should be mado, for one-third loss than inferior goods are purchased for else where. Coats tried on before finishing. J. G. Biuonv, Agent, tf Tionesta, Pa. An exchange says it is deemed strictly hygenic to leave bed clothes hanging out of tho windows until tho middle ol the day, but somo of those who do it have never had a glympse of them from the opposito side of the street Shoes that "never rip" for men and boys, at Miles A Armstrong's. It Tho Pennsylvania Bucktails, whose fighting qualities are famous throughout the State, and especially hereabouts, will hold their annual reunion at Kenuett Square, near Philadelphia, on the 13th and 14th of of October. The MuKean county Miner is authority for the state ment that there are 318 Bucktails remain ing, scattered over 29 States. Peaches! Poaches! Peaches ! They aro getting scarce and the price is going up. Order early at Amsler's. It How lo I'mri-iit Croup. We have two children who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an at tack is coining on my wit gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it al ways prevents the attack. It is a house hold neeossity in this county and no mat ter what else we run out of It would not do to bo without Chamberlain's Cough Itemed y. More of it is sold hero than all other cough medicines combined. J. M. Nicklo, of Nicklo Bros., merchants, Nickloville, Pa. For salo by 1. W. Bo vard. Old fashions in dress may bo revived, but no old-fashioned medicine can re place Chaniborlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhn'a Remedy. For sale by (J. W. Bovard. School shoes at Miles Armstrong's. MARRIED. WOODS M CANNA -On Tuesday eve ning, September 20, IH',18, at tho home of the officiating minister, Rev. Geo. B. Robinson, Clarion, Pa., Mr. James Woods, Jr., of Marieii ville, Pa., and Miss Klsie E McCanna, of Fisher, 1'a. Tbrre lrtr la ('nullall. From Benjr-miu Franklin. "When yon are sick what you like best is to be chosen for a medicine in the first place; what experience tells you is best, to be chosen in the second place; what reason (i. e. Theory) says it best is to be chosen iu the last place. But if you can got Dr. Inclination, Dr. Experience and Dr. Reason to hold a consultation to gether, tbey will give you the best ad vice that can be taken." When you have a bad cold Dr. Inclina tion would recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it is pleasant and sale to take. Dr. Experience would rec ommend it because it never fails to effect a speedy and permanent cure. Dr. Rea son would recommend it because it is prepared on scientific princples, and acts on nature's plan in relieving the lungs, opening the secretions and restoring the system to a natural and healthy condi tion. For sale by G. W. Bovard. When you call for Dewitt's Witch Ha zel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept anything else. Don't be talked into ac cepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, lor burns. Heath A Killmer. Bank Statement No. 5038. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FOREST COUNTY NATION AL BANK AT TIONESTA, in the State of Pennsylvania, at tho close of business September 20, 1WW. RESOURCES: lyoans and discounts $98,113 41 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 175 80 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12,500 00 U. S. Bonds on baud 2,223 34 Premiums on U.S. Bo ids 2,166 66 Banking-house, furniture, and fixtures 3,250 00 Due from approved re 9 ve agents 44,482 39 Checks and other cash items ... . 47 73 Notes of other National Banks.. 105 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, ardce ts 147 70 Lawful money reserve in viz : Specie 5,602 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas'r (5 per cent, of circu lation) 562 50 $169,376 53 LIABILITIES: Capital stock paid in $50,000 00 Surplus fu.id 2,265 05 Umii vided profits.less expenses and taxes paid 1,485 65 National bank notes outstand ing 11,250 00 Individual doposits subject to creek 83,613 88 Demand ce -tificates of deposit... 192 01 Time certificates of deposit 20,570 44 tl69,378 53 State of Pennsylvania, County of Forest, 88 I, A. B. Kelly, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and bolief. A. B. KELLY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September, 1898. Jas. T. Brennan. Notary Public. Correct Attest : T. F. Ritohey, J. T. Dale. G. W. Robinson, Directors. Notice. A Oar Xnvnmhnr 1st. 1898. the HHVllieilt of bounties on foxes and minks will be discontinued in Forest county, 'the law having been declared unconstitutional. C. M. Whiteman, Herman Blum, Commissioners. L. J. HOPKINS. Come and See! Misses9 Jcigkets$ G&ILHEY9S GQdTS. All L. J. HOPKINS. Well Dressed Boy 0 Km tlmlr nurentH- nridn. and our Bovs' so you will be proud of thorn. All the dainty novoltios for the little fellows ; stanoh ly inado suits for the School Boys, and suit just like men weir, for the big boys. In the whole stock there Is none of the choap, poorly-made stutT-tho kind thai proves most expousive because least durable. Neither d i we charge fancy pioe for the good kinds. We are right betwoeu those extremes, wo nave nonu uuw m well-mado, up-to-date kinds, and suit them at popular prices. We'll be glad to show you these new things they will prove interesting. Xen Sailor Suit, Xew MlIlj Suit, New Reefer Suits, POhM? With every Boy's Suit a -blade kmfn. i LAMMERS', 34 SENEGA ST., Arlington Hotol WANTED SEVE R A L TRUST worthy persons in this state to man age our business in their own and near by comities. It Is mainly office work conducted at home. Salary ttraight fOUO a year and expenses definite, bonafirle, no more, no less salary. Monthly $76. References. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope, Herbert E. Uesa, Prest, Dept. M, Chicago. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby eiven that letters of administration U)xii the estate of J. B. Agnew, late of Tionesta Borough, de ceased, have been granted by the Regis ter to the undersigned. All persons in debte4 to the estate are requested t make immediate payment, and too having claims aeainst the same will pre sent same duly authenticated to JENNIE U. AGNEW, AdDl'I, 9-21 -6t Tionesta, Pa. -THAT WEST TIONESTA, PA., Carries a full line ol GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED. i :l: i WE DO NOT CLAIM TO HAVE THE LARQK8T STOCK IN THE COUNTY, AND FOR THAT REASOM OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH, AND WE TAKB PRIDE IN KEEPING IT BO. "IF YOU DO NOT TBADB WITH US GI E US A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Chary. CHAS. Nl. WHITER1I. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stoek. Good Carriages and Bug gies to let upon the most reasonable term. He will also do JOB TE.A3L"IlsrC3- All orders left at tho Post Office wil receive prompt attention. Splinter New I Department is tho best place to fit them up Sew Ioulle-Kreaited Suits Xew Long Trouper Suits Xew Heeler. strong, well mad and warrented two :i: i OIL CITY, PA. directly opposite as.