? THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. WKDNKSDAY, SEl'TKMIiKIt 7, 1898. BOnOUGH OFFICERS. Hurgess. K. C. Heath. Council mm. Joseph Morgan, S. Fitz gerald, Win. Smcarhaugh, J. T. Dalo, W. F. lilum, Jas. 1). Davis, I,. J. Hopkins. Justices of the Peace C. A. Kiuulull, S. J. Sotloy. Constable S. 8. Canflold. Collector F. 1'. Amsler. School Directors O. W. Iloleman, L. Agnew, V. A. Grove, U. Jamioson, J. C. Hoowdou, Patrick Joyce. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. Member of Congress Wm. C. Arnold. Member of Senate Wm. II. Hydk. Assembly-J. K. Wknk. President Judge-W. M. Lindhky. voco Jm(Jj Job. A. Nash, A. J. MoCray. Treasurer James II. Fonks. Prothonotary, Register Recorder, itc. -John II. Kohkrtsok. Sheriff. Fuasi k P. WAtm. CbiinMsionr W. M. Coos, 0. M. Whitkman, Herman Blum. County Superintendent E. K. Stitzin- ""MatVict Attorney-. D. Trwin. TKU.Uko.D.Shisuis. C'ounfv "rt,yr '".V VAylf' Coroner D R. J. W. Mobrow. OmNfy Jtlor-M. E. Abbott, J. R. Clark, R. J. Flynn. RBOULAR TERMS 0F COURT. Fourth Monday of February. Fourth Monday or May. lnHt Monday of An?.ust. Third Monday of November. C. M. ARNER & SON, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Agents ..AM)-- REAL ESTATE BROKERS, TlONESTA, 1A. t'OMipanU'i llrprmcalril. North American. - -Boyal, -Hartford, Orient, Phill'a Underwriters, - A r In. 5 9,686,808.08 7,454,943.11 10,004,697.55 2,215,470.92 15,609,932.32 Titles examined and "Briefs" prepared. Farms, wild lands, houses and lots for sale or rout. Particular attention pnid to tho collodion of ronts, interest, &o. Also to tho proper assessment of lands and payment or taxes. Leasing and salo of oil and gas lands a specialty. Church and fiubbnlh Nrhool. Presbyterian Sabbath School at 9:45 a. m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 10:00 a. m. Preaching In M. 13. Church every Sab bath evoning by Rev. K. A. Huzza. Preaching in the F. M. Church every Sahliath evening at the usual hour. Kov. F. W. McClelland, Pastor. Sorvicos in the Presbyterian Church evory (Sabbath morning and ovening, Rov. J. V. McAninch officiating. The regular meetings of the U. are hold at tho headquarters a second and fourth Tuosdays ot h mouth. LOCAL AND MISCELLA NE0US. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TMON KSTA I)D1E. No. 3G0 I. O. O. V . -1 Meets every Tuesday pvoning, in Od.l Follow' Uail. Partridgo building. viniT T.ODGE. No. 184, A.O. U. vv., Meets evory Friday evening in A.U.U. V. Hall, Tlonesta. . . I ItfASlIIXaTONCAM I S. OI A., Ilioois rto jf niug in A. OMJVJIall, Ttow8tiu "rm,n"T7ni-! K ktoW POST. No. 274 f V!i x; "wTnta 1st and 3d Monday M. A.. - . evoning in eacli Hall, Tlonesta. month, In A. O. U. W. CAPT. OEOROE STOW CORPS, No. 137 W. R. C, meets first and bird Wednesday evoning of each month, in A. O. U. W. hall, Tlonesta, Pa. - TlONESTA TENT, No. 184, K. O. T. M , moots 2nd and 4U. Weclnesday evoning in each month in A. O. u. vv. hall Tlonesta, Pa. prM.CLARK.T0Rs and District Attorney. Ol Ice, cor. ol lm and Bridge Streets, Tlonesta. Pa. Also agont for a number of reliable Fire Insuranco Companies. y F.1UTCHEY,rxfyatla Tionesia, Pa. J. II. SIGCJINS, M. D., . . sinnmnn A Druggist, TIONESTA. PA. J W. MORROW, M. D Phvsician, Surgeon A Dentist. Olllco and Residence throo doors north of Hotel Agnew, Tlonesta. Professional calls promptly responded to at all hours. LD. BOWMAN, M. D., . Physician A Surgeon, TlONESTA, PA. OlUoe in building formerly occupied by Dr. Nason. Lull promptly renoim. llMtl'l niglit or day, Agnew. Rosldonce opposite DR. J. C. DUNN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Heath t Klllmer's store, Tionesia, Pa. Professional calls prouipt jv responded to at nil hours of day or night. Residence-East side Elm St., 3d doro above Jail building. HOTEL AGNEW, C. F. WEAVER, Proprietor. This hotel, formerly tho Lawrence House, has undergone a coniploto change, and Is now furnished with all the mod ern improvements. Heated aud lighted throughout with natural gas, bathrooms, hot and cold water, otc. The comforts ol guests never neglected. CENTRAL HOUSE, II. Y. UOUNJSK, rroprictor. Tionseta, Pa. This is tho mostcentraiiy located hotel in the place, and has all the niodorn Improvements. No pains will be spared to make it a pleasant stopping place for tho traveling public, iirst class Livery in councction. PREST HOTEL, West Hickory, Pa. Jacob IScndor, Proprietor. This hotel has but rocontly been completed, is nice ly furnished throughout, and offers the tinest and most comfortable accommoda tions to guests and tho traveling public. Ratos reasonable. pUIL. EMERT FANCY BOOT & SHOEMAKER. Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm and Walnut streets, Is prepared to do all Kinds of custom work lrom the finest to the coarsest and guarantees his work to give porfoct satisfaction. Prompt atten tion given to monding, and prices reasonable. T F. ZAHRINGER, J. PI 'RAUTICAL WATCH-MAKER and Jowoler of 25 years' experience, is prepared to do all work in his line on short notice and at reasonable prices. AlwavM frunrantcos satisfaction. Watch es. Jewolrv. !to.. ordered for parties the lowest possible figure. Jn tho building next to Room. at Will be found Kooley Club JORENZO FULTON. Manufacturer of aud Dealer in HARNESS, COLLARS, BRIDLES, And all kinds of HORSE FURNISHING GOODS. TlONESTA. PA. Fred. Grcttcnborgor GENERAL BLACKSMITH & MACHINIST. All work pertaining to Machinery, En gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit tings and General Blacksmithing prompt ly done at Low Rates. Repairing Mill Machinery given special attention, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shop in rear of and just west of the Shaw House, Tidiouto, Pa. Your patronage solicited. FRED. GRETTENBERGER. i h mm h GENERAL MERCHANTS, Furniture Dealers, AND UNDERTAKERS. TlONESTA. PENN. Oil market (1. on can got it at Hopkins' store, tf. Cash is king at Miles ct Armstrong's. Seo how wo humble the mighty dol lar at Milos & Armstrong's. It Got registered to-dav if vou want to vote at tho November election. Don't take worry with you on your travels; you will find it on tap every where .Er. Wo pride oursolvos on advertising oxsctlv what we intend to do. Miles fc Armstrong. It A cood houso and lot on Elm street for salo cheap. For particulars Inquire of P. M. Clurk. tf The gas office and Dr. Hunter's den tal oflico have been brightened up by i new cmt of paint. Don't go it blind. Compare our Dricos with anv other store in town. Milos & Armstrong. It Tho Burnett Block is being painted and when finishod will make a very de cent looking building. Now hats, neckwear, collars and cull's, un-to date. 10 nor cont. off for cash at Milos & Armstrong's. It " Josonh F. Matt, the piano tunor of Buffalo. N. Y.. will bo in town in a short time to do piano tuning. tf Kansas this year produced one bush ol of whoat for oach man. woman and child In the United States. The Corbolt-McCoy scrap will bo nulled off at Buffalo on Octobea 14-i nothing happens to prevent. The famous "Bucktail" veterans of the civil war will hold a reunion at Got tysburg on Sopt. 0, 10 and 11. Tho peach season is now in full blast and you should leave your order early with Amslor aud got the finest fruit. 2t The Bradford Era predicts that Penn sylvania Republicans will kill two birds with one Stone, this year, and one of tlio birds is a Swallow. (Julto a largo crowd of tha younger young people had a jolly good timo at a corn roast on tho Kolly farm at Old Town last Friday evening. There is more prose than poetry In the statement that a year of joy fades like tho crvstal rain, but a day of sor row. scorns like an age of pain. Ex. Owing to the fact that Rev. Buzza did not meet bis appointmont at Cropp Hill last Sabbath ho will preach thore next Sabbath p. m. at 3 o'clock. Have you soon tUo fine catalogue that tho Clarion Normal puts out this year. If you havo not, send for one and read it, noting well the advantages offered. "You can bo fairly well dressed with a skirt and a necktio," is tho laconic way a fashion writer begins an article We trust it will not become fashionablo, Chas. Leech, one of Marienville's hustling business moo, has erected a large grain elevator and feed mill and the machinery is now being put in place. Men's clothes made to order, as they should be made, for one-third loss than inforior "goods aro purchased for else whoro. Coats tried on bol'ore finishing. J. G. BiaoNY, Agont, tf Tlonesta, Pa. Do not be afraid to Inform your local paper of any little events at your home. Thoy are just 'the facts that go toward making a local newspaper interesting and will bo always accoptable, if you only sign your name to the communication. Building improvements aro still go ing on. 1I.M. Foreman is rushing his new dwelling houso on May street, and P. M. Clark has built an addition to his office building next to the primary school, which will be occupied as a resi dence by Mr. Cunningham. P. M. Clark, Esq., has a poach troo noxt his kitchen door which tnis year yiolded by far tho finest fruit that has for many years touched this market. The editor had tho pleasure of sampling a few ofthom tho other day, and can vouch for their oxccllenco to the fullest extent. Peaches, pears, plums, in fact any thing in the fruit lino and in any quanti ty desired at Amsler's. Ho always has the biggest stock, the best stock and the lowest prices. Leave your order early for fruit for canning. Tho season is sliort and tho prices are lowest Just now. A two-year-old child of Mr. and. Mrs. John Dodge fell through a stovepipe hole in tho second floor of their dwolling at Lamonavillo Friday, lighting on a hot cooking stove below. Tho little one was badly burned, and has since been tinder tho care of C. C. Yingling. Marienvillc Express. Tl.n Democratic conforees of this judicial district mot in Warron on Tues day, Aug. 30. W. J.'Knupp, who ro ceived tho Democratic nomination from Warren connty, declined, and the res ignatiou was accepted. J. W. Landers of this place and W. P. Siggins of West Hu-korv represented this county at the conference. It was decided by tho con ference not to place a candidate in nomi nation, thus leaving the field to Judge Lindsoy the Republican candidate, who will be elected by a unanimous vote. At a meeting oftho military company held last Saturday night it was decided to erect a stage in the armory lor the company of homo talont who aro reliev ing the drama entitled "Tlio Cuban Spy." Tho play will be produced in a short time and indications art that it will be well rondored. ' The man who deliberately hitches a horse to a shade iren upon which has been bestowed much timo and care by the property owner should be taught a losson, says an exchange A shade tree in front of a residtneo is a much appreci ated blessing, and a person with a grain of common sense will not injure it. Several exchaugos note the fact that gunners are gotting ready lor squirrol shooting. It Is all right if they continue gotting ready for some time yet, but hunters should boar in mind that the Pennsylvania game laws for 181)8 permits tho shooting of black, grey or fox squir rels only from Octobor 15 to December 15. The shingle mill belonging to Col lins, Watson A Co. at Golenza was de stroyed by fire Saturday night at 12 o'clock. Tiiere had been a slight fire on tho roof of tho mill on Saturday evening and it is supposed that sparks from that had ignited somo other part of the build ing. The loss on the mill and machinery will be about f 1,000, with no insurance. Progress is the watch-word at the Clarion Normal. Somo of the new feat ures of the past year are a new Chemical Labratory, $4,000 worth of free text books, electric lights, a new system of tolophonos, iron bedsteads and superior mattresses in all tho Btudonts' rooms, im proved laundry with expert laundorer as manager, new typewriters, a business de partment, etc. Last Friday whilo thoy were thresh ing on the farm of Henry Sibblo, Newton Zahniser, who was helping with tho work, jumped from tho scaffold around thomachino into what he supposed was a pile of straw, but there was not much straw thore and he lit astrido one of the wheels of a horse rake. Ho was very painfully but not seriously injured and is getting along nicely. Tho twelfth annual convention of the W. C. T. U. commences at Endeavor this morning. A very interesting program has been proparod and among tho snoak ors is Madamo Layyah Baraknt, a con verted heathen who is making a tour of this country. Slio will lecture this even ing and a largo attendance is expectod. All are cordially invited. Tho East Hickory public school be gan its session Monday morning last with a good attendance and tho following corps of teachers: .Prof. E. L. Hays, principal and teacher of room No. 4; Mrs. E. L. Hays, No. 3; Miss Edith Jackson, No. 2; Mrs. Mable F. Heudor son, No. 1. This school will Boon rank with any in Forest county. Tho Tionosta ball team crossed bats with tho Fagundns team at Hickory for the third time last Saturday afternoon and our boys "dinged" them again, the score standing 32 to 13. It was a hot day and taking both tho weather and tho score into consideration it, must have boon a "hot" game. Lot's havo somo more of 'em, but keop the scoro down tlio "bleachers" can't stand it. All records for fast drilling wore probably broken by the well known drillers, Haslet A Welch, on tli9 well re contly finished for the Proper Oil Co., on Little Tionesia. The well was drilled 1,015 feot, cased and the casing removed again in just eight and ono-half days. The drillers are justly preud of thoir achievement, and if ariyono can beat this record they want to hear of it. Here is a strai ght tip from a newspa per called Bruins. It says: "There is but one right way to advertise and that is to hammer your namo, your occupation, your business, so thoroughly into tho people's heads that if they walk" in their sleep they will constantly turn their step toward your store. Tho newspaper is your friend. It helps to build up the community that supports you." Sheriff Walker is now the proud pos sessor of the best pacing horse in Forest connty (say he and "Hat" Horner). The Sheriff has "swapped bosses" with Mr. Horner, and wbilo both had good goors the Sheriff had to put up good "hoot" in tho deal, but he has a beauty now aud a steed which ho need not bo ashamed to take his best girl or anybody else's best girl out riding behind. This is not a "tip" to tho girls. T. L. Hill received a very severe cut from glass in the Sheriffs office last Fri day. Ho accidently foil backward through ono of tho glass doors of the For est county banner case receiving a cut in the fleshy part of the right hip that was three inches long and four and one-half inches deop. Dr. Dunn dressed the wound and Mr. Hill is able to move around again. Had tho cut been three inches higher it might havo proved ser ious. A very pleasant affair was the reun ion of tho Church family held ot tlio homo of Nathaniel Brewster on Fleming Hill, on Saturday last, the 3d inst. Quito a number of the family were present and enjoyed a vory pleasant timo. Dinner a royal good ono was served In the or chard undor tho trees. Thore was noth ing of any kind to mar tho pleasure of anyone, and all present voted the gathor- inir a comnloto snccoss. Somo friends of YOU AND YOUK FRIENDS. were prosont by invitation. The Derrick's oil report for August shows 417 new wells complotod. There aro 733 rigs and drilling wells, and the wells completed Increased 26 ; new pro duction, 2,705 barrels j there was a net increase of 03 In Now York. In North western Ohio and Indiana 378 wolls wero completed In August. Tho new produc tion was 7,810 barrels, and thero wero 47 dry holes. At the close of August thoio wore 400 rig and drilling wolls under way.a net decreaso of 5 in now operations. The prospects for a good attendance at Oil City's first annual fair from this sec tion are good. Tho management has ar ranged with tho railroad officials and a spocial train will leave Warren in the morning of Thursday and Friday Sept. 15 and 10, returning in tho evening of tho same days. This will give practi cally tho whole day at tho fair, and at such nominal cost that no ono can well afford to iniss it. Tho fair will bo worth going a long way to sco, as our Oil City friends are bound to eclipso all former efforts in tho fair line in this part of the State. Hopkins sells the clothing aud shoes. Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Gaston aro visit ing relatives in Mcndvillo. Ex-Shoriff Osgood, of Tionesia, was In tho city to-day. Saturday's ltlizzard. Miss Besso Laffcrty of Oil City is a guest of Mrs. J. II. Robertson this week. C. M. Shawkoy, Esq., of Warren was shaking hands with Tionesta friends last week. "Auntio" Sarah Ann Dalo, who lias been on tho sick list, is able to bo about again. Miss Grace Davis of Warreu is a welcome guest of her cousin, Jas. D. Davis. "Grandma" Allonder, who has boon ill for some timo, is much better and ablo to sit up. -C. A. Lanson of Los Angelos, Cal., is a suost of his brother. F. R. Lanson. of this place. Mrs. W. J. Bleakley and young son, Donald, of Franklin, are guests of Mrs. A. B. Kelly. Mrs. J. R. Hunter is visiting her friends in Tionesta, Pa., this week. Mill Village Herald. Misses Clara Dunklo and Lucy Hil lings went to Hickory on their wheels Monday afternoon. Miss Hanna G. Irwin and nephew, Arthur, of Franklin, are guests of her brother, S. D. Irwin, Esq. Mrs. W. L. Hunter and daughter, Blancbo, attended the bush-meeting at Hickory over last Sabbath. C. J. Carlson of West Hickory hod the date on bis paper raised to '99 while in town as a juror last week. J. F. Zerboof McCrays, Jenks twp., was a pleasant callor while attending court as a grand juror last week. Miss Elsie Kolly is in Cincinnati this week visiting friends and attending the national encampment of the G. A. R. Miss Susio Hosack, who was a guest orher sister, Mrs. T. E. Armstrong, last week, returned to her home at Pardoe, Pa., Monday. A. Wayne Oook, of Cooksburg, presi dent of the Forest County National Bank, was a guest of A. B. Kelly over Wednesday niglit last. Mrs. Geo. Bugboe of Pleasantvillo visited her cousin, Jas. D. Davis, last week, aud Mr. Bugboo caino over for a short visit last Sunday. Miss Floronco Cook of Cuba, N. Y., who has been the guest of Mrs. Dr. L. D. Bowman for tho past two weeks, returned home Monday morning, Mrs. Wm. Heibenthal and two chil dren of Allegheny, who have been visit ing relatives here for tho past three weeks, returned home Mouday. II, Cohen, of Titusvillo, was attend Ing court in Tionesta a greater portion of last week. Ho wns accompaniod by his young friond Bonnie Rosenstein. Mrs. Gilbert Jamieson of Rockland, Vonango county, who has been visiting Lor sons J. W., and Q. Jamieson of this place, returned home last Saturday. Mrs. F. S. Bowman of Bowmansvillo was a guest of Mrs. J. C. Bowman la3t week, and in company with tho latter visited relatives in Hickory on Saturday. Misses Marguret and Evalyn Bleak ley aro making a two weoks' visit with frionds and relations in Titusville, ricas aDtvilloand Tionesta. Venango Specta tor. Mrs. G. D. Ackerly and daughters, Mabel and Alice, of Jacksonville, Flu., who havo been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the past week, returned homo Monday. Rov. F. M. Small, a former popular pastor of tho M. E, church of this place, now located at New Bethlobem, Pa., was shaking hands with 4iis niony lricnds hero last Friday. Harry Wilson, Esq., of Clarion was in attendance at court here last week. Ho was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Theodore Wilson, who was a guost of Mrs. A. B. Kelly. -Mrs. C. F. Watson, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Show man, Jr., for the past three woeks, re turned to hor home at Golonza, Pa.,Tucs day. Randolph Entcrjmse. Mrs. Geo. Cridor and Mrs. Burkett of Endeavor came to Tionesta Wednes day on their wheels. Tho former spent the day with Miss Kato Canfild, and the latter with Mrs. Chas. Amann. The family of Mr. Cunningham, tho new clerk at Hopkins' storo, arrived here from Garland last Saturday and are now comfortably located in the new dwelling noxt to the primary school. Miss Mildred Horner, who has been speuding tlio summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Horner, of tho Central House, roturnod to school at Erie Mondav morning. Mr. and Mrs. Gerow accomponiod her as far as War ren. Mrs. Suio M. Sharpe has recolvod letter from her son, Harold, who took para in tho battle of Santiago, stating that hot has arrived safely at Montauk Point and is in excellent health. Ho narrowly es caped a run oftho fever by his discretion in dioting. Mr. W. A. Ekis, of Bamett, who was drafted on tho jury here last wcok, was a pleasant caller at tho Bkpuhlcian office, accompanied by ox-Judge White. 'Mr. Ekis is a comparatively now citizen of our county, but has already cloarod up a nice farm in Barnott twp. C. F. Cropp of Cropp Hill went to Meadville Monday to attend the funoral of his niece, Mrs. Emma Colo, who diod there last Sunday agod about 21 years. She was a daughter ol Philip Cropp, who was formerly well known here. Mr . and Mrs. S. J. Campbell havo is sued invitations announcing tho mar riage ol their daughter Maude to Mr. Ed. II. Kirchartz of Boaver Falls, Pa., tho ceremony to lake pluce at tho homo of the bride's parents, in this placo, at 10 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, Sopt. 14. Floyd C. Collins, a 10-year-old boy who made his home with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Richal at Stewarts Run, died from appendicitis la.t Saturday evening and was taken to Leesburg, Mercer county, whoro ho was buried Monday. Tho little fellow will be sadly inifsed by Mr. and Mrs. Richal, who were very fond of him. Egbert Walters Dead. Egbort B. Walters, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walters, well known residents of West Tionesta, who was Injured by being hit on the head with a stone while attend ing a dance at West H ickory on the night of August 19th, died as a rosult of his in juries, on Wednesday evening, Aug. 31st, at 9:30, aged about 21 years. Rev. Buzza conducted services at his lute home on Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after which tlio body was laid to rest in Riverside cemetery. A wreath of beautiful flowers, the gilt of admiring friends, was placed on the casket and borne with the body to its last resting place. Coroner J. W. Morrow empaneled a jury on Thursday, and so far, although upwards of twenty five witnesses have been examinod, all efforts to find out who the guilty party is that threw the stone, causing the unfor tunate boy's death, have thus far failed. A post mortem hold by Dr. L. D. Bow man on Thursday evening resulted in finding a fracture of the petrous portion uf the temporal bono, and an obscess at tho base oftho brain. The doctor save it as his opinion that deceased came to his death by reason of injuries caused by be ing hit on the back of the head with some blunt instrument. Tho parents of the unfortunate bov. who are thus bereft of one very near and dear to them, have the sympathy of all in their boreaveinent. Court Minutes. Following are the cases disposed of by the court after our Issue of last week : Com. vs. John Hondel, charge, larceny of horse, Robt. Mealy, Pros.; verdict of not guilty, by direction of court. Com. vs. Joseph Hawthorne, charge. larceny of a bicycle : verdict, guilty. Com." vs. Chas. Russel and Joseph Hawthorne ; lound guilty of receiving a lot of stolen hides belonging to West Hickory tannery. Motion in arrest of judgment granted and sentence suspend ed pending application fur a new trial which will be disposed of at argument court in October Chas. M. Titus vs. Win. Braddish. et. a!., ejectment j veidict for plaintiff. GRAND JUROR'S RKPORT. That we have acted upon three bills of indictment j of which three were found true bills. We beg leave turther to report, that we have visited and inspected the Connty buddings and find them in good oondi- Ion, with the exception of two cell doors and find a portiou of sidewalk in bad condition. We further report we find the road leading from Tionesta creek to Guiton ville and Nebraska, in Green township, to be in bad condition, and recommend that it be repaired. W. J. Hunter, Foreman. Nebraska Ni.tes. Fred Klinestiver, who has bean ill lor about two weeks with typhoid fever, though very wepk, is doing as well as can bo expected. John Hepler is also sick at his brothor-in-law's. Bert Han- hold, with the same disease. Mcado McCann, a yo, ng man em' ployed here during the summer, is ser iously ill with the fever at his home near Newmaiisyille. Mr. F. X. Kreitler has gone to Ciucin nutti to attend the . A. R. encampment, For some three years Joshua Thomp son and seme ot his neighbors have been losing cattle by a mysterious disease, During the past week Mr. Thompson has lost 2 good cows. It is thought thoy ate some poisonous herb, but nolhing dofi nito is known as to cause of death. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have been in Ne braska for the past 10 days taking photo graphs and groupes. Thev hBve a tent on the picnic ground on the island and are doing quite a good business. Owing to illness in this place the pub lie school will not open for two weeks at least. Everel Collins has returned to Wash ington state. Geo. Silzle is clerking in tlio store here in place of Fred Klinestiver. Oil (if j Fair. The W. N. Y. A P. By. will sell excur st n tickets to Oil City and return, Sept. 13, 14 15 and 16. Tickets will he good for return pas age to St-pt. 17, 1WW. Special train will leave Tionesta at 8:44 a. in. Sept. 15 and 16 for Oil City ; returning. leave Oil City at 7:30 p. m. 1.YMT.YP TIWF.WT WEST TIONESTA. PA., Carries a full line ot GROCERIES, PROVISION, CHOICE CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS AND TOBACCO, AND FLOUR AND FEED. I I WE DO NOT CLAIM Messrs. George Wagner and Harry R, Wilson, d ing business as Wagner A Wilson at Marienville, have sold to the Penn Tanning Company the bark on the 1100 acre Samuel Miller tract they bought last winter at Gilfoyle, and have sold the timber on it to Messrs. Joseph B. Myers, Joseph A. Lutz and Simon Schmader, Jr. whn are now putting a mill on it. Wagner & Wilson also have recently bought from Messrs. G. N. Parmleo, C W. Stone, A. J. Hazeltineand Mrs. Fran ces Henry, of Warren, Pa., the twenty- two hundred acres of hemlock timber land on Millstone, formerly known as the Reid A McClosky tracts. They have sold all the bark on it also to the Penn Tanning Company. This week they bouirht from Dickey, Moore and Kelso of Brookville the J. B. Miller tract on Mill s'one, and will extend their Millstone Valley Railway to it, and will change thoir circular to a band saw mill and ad( another shingle mill. This gives them about ten years sawing to do at their present location at an annual cut of six million toot. Clarion nemocrai. Hungarian Kow at Kellctlville. Last Sunday a row ocourred in one the Hungarian boarding housos at Kel lcttvillo which resulted rather disastrous ly for one of tho boarders. He was late for dinner, but when he did come tue landlady got up a meal for him, but he was not sntisfied with the menu and he roundly a bused hor by hurling at her all tho "pot" names in his vocabulary, both English and Hungarian. The woman re taliated by firing a stone at his head, but woman-like she missed her mark. At this stage of the game the woman's hus band took a blind, aud, pursuing the tac f i4 of his better half, renewed the bom bardment with better success as he land ed a "six pounder" on tho "conning tour" oftho enemy and the battle ended. The enemy is in a critical condition and Drs. Dctar and Bowman on Monday re moved a piece of his skull two by two and one-halt inches in size. At last ac counts ho was doing as well as could bo expected. Tribute to the Lato Hon. J. B. Afiiew. At the afternoon session of the Court ou Saturday the 3d inst. P. M. Clark, Esq., chairmrn of the coinnii'toe on reso lutions on tho death of Hon. J. B. Agnew, reported the same to the court. After presenting them he paid a feeling tribute to the memory of his deceassd rrieno anu luw partner. He was followed by Hon. O. C. Allen. S. D. Irwin, Esq. and Judge T innmiV in th ordor named. All of whom spoke of the virtues of the de ceased, and lamented his departure from our midHt, reciting their pleasant mem ories of his useful life. The court direc ted that the resolutions be entered on the minutes of the court at length, and a copy be presented to the family, after which court adjourned to moot again the 3d Tuesday of Oct. uext. resolutions. Wh ureas. Death has once more en tored our ranks and taken from our num bnr another of our fellows. Therefore be It Resolved; That in the sudden and un omaetod death of Hon. J. 5. Agnaw we recogn.o aga'n tho uncertainty of life, That while wo bow in submission to tho Divine will, it is with the deep feol l,.r ilmt In his death each of ns has suf- .?) - fored a personal loss. That in tho deceased, our fellow n;ein ber, we can truly say we found those rare qualities which constitute tlio true friond, and though gone f'oin us, he will yet be of us. in loving remembrance. That our hourly sympathy Is extended to his borcaved wife and family. P. M. Clark, S. D. Irivix, T. F. Kirc.tKV, Committee, Estray. Came to the premises of the under signed, at Whig Hill. Kingsley township Forest county. Pa., on Aug. 24, 1898, I Jersey bull, past one year old. The own er is herebv notified to come forward provo property, pay charges, and taae sums awav, otherwise the animal will be disposed of as the law directs. Sopt. 5, 1898. Wilbur Decker. Bring In the Exhibits. All dinners are invited to bring thoir products for exhibition at the Oil fitv Fair. It will cost nothing to enter them, and somebody must got, the pre miunis. & No Favoritism. There will bo no favoriteisra at the creat Oil Citv Fair. Merit will be the only thing considered in awarding pre m in ins. -THAT ft TO HAVE THE LARGEST S TOCK IX THR COUNTY. AND FOR THAT REASON OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS Fit ESI I, AND WE TAKE PRIDE IN KEEPING IT SO. IF YOU DO NOT TRADE WITH US GIVE US A TRT A L AND BE CONVINCED. Goods Delivered Free of Charge. CHAS. IYI. WHITEMAN. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, TIONESTA, - F.JM. S. S. CAHF1ELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, G.iod Carriages and Bug gies to let upon the most reasonaMe terms. He will also do JOB TB AJlAXlSrCj- All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. N0X0N & CARSON, Proprietors, Tioneata, Pa. We Will Pay the Highest CASH Prices for Hides and Pelts. L. J.HOPKINS. Are You Married To Auy Particular Place of Trading? If So, Excursion Kates. Only one-hslf faro will bo charged on any of the railroads during the great Oil City Fair. 2t Last Excursion of the Season to Hiiffalo, Xingara Falls and Toruto. On Thursday, Sept. Nth. the W. N. Y & P. Itv. will run their lust grand double excursion to Niagara Falls and the Tor nolo l.'.iir. Snecial trial ti will leave Tin notuat7:00 a. in.; fare, Niagara Fall um,1 return. ?'..V) : Toronto and return $ '..50. Train w ill arrive at Buffalo llIiIW) Niagara Falls, 1:15 ; I.ewiston, 1:4 p. m. whare Toronto Passengers will tako one of tho Niagara Navigation Co.'s Pala Steel Steamers for a ail of eight miles to the mouth ol tho Niagara Kivr, and for iv tnilos across Lake Ontario to tho Queen City of Canada. Returning, Ni a 'nra Fulls tic kets will be gsl lor pass a"eon special train leaving Niagara hall 7:1.-i! Hnlliilo. H:;W) n. iu.. Thursday, Nei KM, nl on all regular trains Sept. !lth There are five steamers daily except Sun diiv lietwpen Toronto and l,ewmton. The great Toronto Fair and Kxpiwitic will hi, in full l'or.-o until .Sent, loin, an nroniises to be bigger than ever th vear. Do not miss it. General admisnio onlviV. Nothing like it iu Americ A i.wfitiitol v the chcuticst outing vou ran tiiLo nnd the most entertaining for th money. Get a Divorce YOU WILL IW FALL IN LOVE With tho goods wo can offer you when you see tho Quality and Learn tlio Prices on Them. The price ou Nhoe I not reduced, it is simply Cut u Two iu the Middle. Shirts, Collars, Socks and Ties that Sell at Sight. The Price Hoes it. SUITS. Uood Union Suit for 91.33 the Suit. MEN'S SUITS, All Wool, Only $1.00 the Suit. L. J. HOPKINS. Fall Hats. From time Immemorial September 1st has sounded the "Sunset sun'" of the Straw Hat. It's bad from -very -to wear one longer. You may he more comfortable in tne oiu, uui inai rm figure. Fashon says - but that's another story. What we want to Bay to you is that Fall Blocks are here for your inspection, aud handsomer ohapi-s and colors we never saw. 98c. to $3.00. Union Made, and nothing extra for our tip in the hat. LAMMERS', 34 SENEGA ST., - Arlington Hotel directly opposite n. OIL CITY, PA.