The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, August 10, 1898, Image 4

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    Aa Precentric Ilea.
A Poland (Me.) farmer has a Tory
eccentric neu. &ue was originally a
plain brown leghorn. AVben she
monlted two years ago she rame out
with a nioe new dress of white. Last
fall, when she again changed suits.
she pnt on a dirty dark garb. The
feathers are put on in "hit-or-miss"
fashion, which gives her a very disrep-
oiaiuo appcarauce. bt. Louts lie-
A sprained ankle kept in hot watei
lor iwenty-iour Hours will soou heal.
Beaatr Is Bleed Occn.
Clean blood means a clean skin No
beauty without it. C ascarets. Candy Cntlmr-
tio clean your blood and Keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and Unvinz all in
purities from the body, llegin to-day to
banish pimples, tioila, blotches, blackheads.
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
t 'ascarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, Sic, 50c.
Three-tenths ot the earnings ot a Bol.
glan convict are given to lilm on the ex
piration of bis term of imprisonment.
PMsn's Cure. Is the medicine to break uj
children's Cough ami Colds.- Mrs. M. li
U U' NT, pramic. Wash., Mnn-h a, NWt.
In London each day 400 children are born,
S60 enter school for the llrst time, ISO per
sous enter married life and 200 persons
To Care Constlpatioa ForeTor.
Take Cascarets Camlv Cathartic. lOo or So,
It C C. C I all to cure, druggists refund money.
Tientsin and other Chinese cities bars
no lights at night except such as come from
private bouses.
Fl ts permanent! y eu red. Ko fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's tirest
Notre Kestrer. J;' trial bottle and treatise f re
Diu K. H. Ki.iNK. Ltd.. Kll Arch Stl'lnlar'a.
In nearly every street In Japanese cities
is a public oven, where for a small fee
housewives may have cook lug done fox
Edaeata Toar Bowels With rasearets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forerer.
l(e, S5c II C C-C fail, drugcists refund money.
Millions ot pairs ot doll shoes are sold In
this country annually, the greater part ot
which are imported from Germany.
Salt Rheum
That Terrible Itching, Burning,
Smarting, Swelling
Which ruins pleasure, Interferes with
work, prevents f loop yields to the blood
purifying effKcts ot Hood's Sarsaparllla,
It has cured thousands ot cases, it will
cure yours. Remember that
Hood's s5a
Is America's Greatest Medicine,
Hood's Pills easy to take, easy to operate.
New Zealand's Birth and Death Kale.
The New Zealaud birth rate con
tinues to attract the attention of uta
tisticians. It has steadily declined
until it is now slightly under twenty
six per 1000. In the last sixteen
years it has fallen more than twelve
points. Population increases, bat
the number of births remains virtu
ally stationary, and so the rate per
thousand sinks. The births num
bered between 18,000 and 19,000 in
1882, and they number between 18,
000 and 19,000 in 1896. If the rate
goes on falling it will in a few years
be on a level with that of Ireland, if
not of France. Two things save the
colony from an arrest of the growth
of population. First the death rate
0.3 per thousand is the lowest
recorded of any country in the world;
second, there is a small but appreci
able immigration. Those who hold
that a high stnuilard of education and
comfort involves a decline in both
the birth and death rates have here a
confirmation of their theory. The
average of children in regular school
attendance in New Zealand is higher
oven than in Scotland. London News.
Restored to Health by Lydla B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
"Caa Do My Own Work."
Mrs. Patrick Daneht,
West Winstcd, Conn., writes:
! "Deae Mrs. I'iskham: It is with
pleasure that I write to you of the
benefit I have derived from using your
wonderful Vegetable Compound. I was
very ill, suffered with female weak
ness and displacement of the womb.
"Icould not sloop at night, had to walk
the floor, I suffered so with pain in my
side and small of my back. Was trou
bled with bloating, and at times would
faint away; had a terrible pain in my
heart, a bad taste in my mouth all the
time and would vomit; but now, thanks
to Mrs. Pinkham and her Vegetable
Compound, I feel well and sleep well,
can do my work without feeling tired;
do not bleat or have any trouble
"I sincerely tfiank you for the good
advice you gave me and for what your
medicine has done for mc."
"Cannot Praia It Enough."
Miss Gertie Du.nkix,
Franklin, Neb., writes:
" I suffered for some time with pain
ful and irregular menstruation, falling
of the womb and pain in the back. I
tried physicians, but found no relief.
" I was at last persuaded to try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
and cannot praise it enough for what
it has done for me. I feel like a new
person, and would not part wiih your
medicine. I have recommended it to
several'of my friends."
i mvinvv)vvvvvvm
TryGrain0! f
; Try Grain0! !
Ask you Grocer to day to show you
a package of GEAIN-O, the new food
driuk that tiikts the place of coffee.
The children may drink it without
injury as well as tlio adult. All who
try it, like it. GBAIN-0 has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and
the most delicate stomach receives it
without d istress. the price of coffee.
15 cents and 25 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee ..-:
Looks like Coffee
Iajist that yoar grocer give yea R AIN-e
Accept no imitatioa.
Fertilizing Rundown Land.
It frequently happens on every farm
that a small section gets worn out
from continued cropping, or from an
unequal distribution of manure or fer
tilizer. Such lands may be plowed
ami receive 150 pounds of high grade
fertilizer, containing nbtut eight per
;ent. of available phosphorio acid, teu
per cent, of potash And some little nit
rogen, in tho form of nitrate of soda.
Harrow and sow buckwheat, followed
by rye after cutting the buckwheat.
nd tu the spring sow with clover,
rhe land will be in good condition
tor use tho following season, especially
for some such crop as potatoes or a
:encrnl collection of vegetables, fol
lowed the second year by com.
l'lowlug I'ndcr Hew.
There- is no doubt that dew cou-
taius many valuablo fertilizing clo
tients, and that it is an advantage
when it can be turned mi dor the soil
before the morning snn has evaporated
it. Wo have known farmers to get up
early iu the morning to hoe cabbage
wliito its loaves were still wet with
dew, and every jostle with the hoe
sprinkled a little in front of the fresh
ly moved soil, which quickly absorbed
it. e have sometimes plowed under
clover while wet with dew or rain, and
have woudered whether this did not
make the green clover rot more quick
ly than it otherwise would. Iu snch
cases, however, we should have more
faith that the clover would rot quickly
if the surface were harrowed down as
soon as the furrow was turned. At
this season plowed laud is more apt to
be injured by drying out too quickly
than by anything else, and either the
harrow or tho roller should quickly
follow the plow. American Culti
vator. Beet In the Orchard.
Mauy fruit-growers do not thor
oughly appreciate the value of bees in
an orchard, or there would be more
orchards with bees in them. Their
value in au orchard was demonstrated
in a most practical way at the Oregon
Experiment Station some years ago.
A few poach trees were forced iuto
b'.oom iu November, and a colony of
bees was placed in the house when the
trees begun to bloom. For several
days, however, a heavy fog prevented
the bees from working; although tho
flowers were open, net a bee was seen
upon theni. The first bright day the
bees set to work at once, and remained
at work so long as there was anything
for thorn. The result was that not a
peach dropped at the stoning season,
tho time that all unfertile fruit falls.
The crop was so heavy that it had to
bo thinned out. As a check test, one
tree- was protected so that not a bee
could get to it. On this tree all the
fruit dropped at tho stoning period.
Bees and other insects have a duty to
perform in the orchard, for which
thero is no substitute provided. This
is tho distribution of the pollen from
fiowor to flower and from tree to tree.
They insure success in the orchard,
and every fruit-grower should encour
age the bees in their work by not
spraying, or doing anything that
would be injurious to tho bees while
the trees are iu full bloom. Massa
chusetts Ploughman.
Ilcna and Gardening.
The two do not usually thrive iu
coujunction-at least, the garden does
not thrive if the hens do. We all
know how exasperating it is to see the
fowls scratching and picking about
among our choice plants and vines;
but unless they are in some manner
restrained there is no certainty from day
to day of their leaviug them unmolested.
The best way is to inclose the garden
with some sort of fence. If pickets
are employed they will need to belong
ones, unless the fowls are of some of
the Asiatic breeds. Wire netting is
excellent, but in width which will be
effective quite expensive. A combi
nation fence of pickets and netting
may be built cheaply, and will hold iu
defiance any hen. Mako the picket
fence as usual, then stretch two-foot
wire netting (tho galvanized article,
such as is intended for fencing abovo
that, fasteniug it firmly to strips of
wood nailed to tho fence posts and ex
tending tho necessary length above
them to hold the wire. The fowls will
make no attempt to scale this fence.
and the garden will thrive and the
housewife's foce wear a smile instead
of a frown when ho goes to get vege
tables for the table. On tho average
farm it is usually advisable to give the
fowls their liberty nt least during
part of the day, and by thus providing
for the safety of out' treasured phrits
they have the range of tho barnyards
and surrounding grounds at will. W.
U. ltockwopu m tho New York Tri
Feed For Mie Dniry Herd.
The crop of fodder corn La3 come
to be of so much value to us on our
farm for late summer, full and winter
use that we would no more think of
dispensing with it than wo M ould with
our potato crop for table use.
A few years ayo we did not think
that snch a crop was worth while.
for our fur ui is a natural grass and
stock farm, tho pasture often Retting
such a growth in tho enrly spring that
the stock aro nnnblo to keep it "gnawed
down," so a large growth soou de
velops. Usually when tho dry sea
sou comes on there ure largo quanti
ties of this old dead grass ttunding in
the posture hold. Wo used to thmk
that was "good enough for the cows,"
although they would always shrink at
such times in their daily flow. We
did not like this, for when a cow gets
to "drying oil'" ue, huvo found it outs
of tho hardest tilings to get her buck
to her normal flow. So wo begau to
give the fodder corn a trial, mid now
after livo years of experience withont
a failure I do not hesitato in recom
mending to nil farmers who keep cows
the necessity of having ou hand iu
autumn a nice field or "patch" of fod
der com.
Any time sifter the regular field corn
and other spring crops are ont of the
way will do for planting. This conies
with us on our farm any time from tho
1st to tho 15th of Juue, the last date
being the latest that wo ever drilled
with equally good results.
We have tried several different
methods of planting iu the same field
at the same time and find there is no
better way than to nso a common
grain drill with part of tho holes
closed, which loaves the corn iu rows
not closer than three feet apart. Cul
tivation is necessary to insure a suc
cessful staud of a good height.
Nearly every one seems to indorse
some kiud of sweet corn, but I cannot
see where sweet corn is superior to
our eouiiuou dent corn ; besides we all
know that one acre of tho field corn
will grow more fodder thau au acre
and a half of tho sweet sorts, so what
is the nso of buying seed wheu we al
ready have as good ou haud?
The amount of seed to nso on an
acre varies accordiug to the richness
of tho soil aud distance between rows.
Wheu the rows are three feet apart
never nse more thau four bushels.
Even with this quantity the soil must
be rich iu plaut food or else the
growth will be small aud not very sat
isfactory. If you have never given
this valuable crop a test, do so and
feed it to your cows, horses and hogs
audseethemget fat. EliusF. Brown,
in Agricultural Epitoinist.
Tonltry Notea.
A good touio is red pepper.
No tonics should bo given hens un
less they are unhealthy.
Indigestion is the greatest trouble
you will have to meet during the warm
It is said that poke root pounded np
aud put in the drinking water is a suc
cessful remedy for the cholera.
Don't let the incubator lio idle. It
should now be working at its best, for
late chicks are easily raised and are al
most as profitable as any.
As chicks grow they should be given
more room iu tho brooders. Crowding
fifty chicks in a space fit for only
tweiity-fivo will stunt tho whole lot.
Your poultry need plenty of shade
to get in when the days are warm, and
grape vines make a very tine shado as
well as being a very profitable ad
dition to a poultry yard.
A mau ought to take a pride iu the
appearance of his yards or larger tracts
of ground, aud thero is neither sense
nor economy in having them disfig
ured by barren, unsightly poultry
In dealiug with poultry keep track
of each bird, and do not depend wholly
upon this or that breed. The ques
tion of profit lies with the individuals.
Any variety cau be made profitable by
keeping watch of .the different fowls.
The egg shell is porous, and when
ever it comes in contact with filth of
any kind the quality of tho egg is very
quickly injured. Eggs for hatching
shonld be washed iu warm water be
fore being set, that all closed pores
may be opened.
The Angles and Saxone Who Conquered
lirltaln In the Fifth Century.
Inasmuch as a great deal of talk is
heard nowadays about an Anglo-Saxon
alliance, it may be pertinent to inquire
who were really the origiual Anglo
Saxons, if such a people did ever exist.
To do so, it will be necessary to glide
over the beaten tracks of historical re
search until the fifth century is
reached. It was in the beginning of
that century that Borne withdrew all
her troops from her colony known as
Britain in order to protect herself from
the assaults of invaders. The natives
of Britain, with no military training,
were left unprotected, and open to the
attacks of the savage tribes who sailed
the seas in search of plunder. It was
at this time the Saxons commenced
their conquest of the island, assisted
by a people known as the Angles.
ihey were both of Teutonic origin,
but tho Saxous inhabited a great tract
of land between tha rivers Rhine and
Elbe; the Augles came from the
sonthern parts of Denmark. While they
were of the same race, they were,
nevertheless, different peoples, each
having a government and laws of their
own. Tho Saxons were hardy seamen,
brave, and certainly the forerunners
of the sailors whose flag floats on the
greatest navy of the world. The
Angles and the Saxons conquered
Britain, and assumed control of the
destinies of the land. The native
Britains and the invaders became
homogeneous iu character, with the
Angle-Saxons largely predominating,
so that it may be said there once did
exist a people in England who could
properly call themselves Anglo-Saxons.
The Angles and the Saxons were tho
originals, aud they helped to give birth
to that civilization which has como to
be known as Anglo-Saxon, and which in
cludes a!l English speaking peoples, in
whatever part of the world they may
be established. Certainly that civili
zation is the bast There is more
freedom for the people, a greater op
portunity for individual development,
aud moro general happiness all around
than can be fouud in any other, whether
it is called the Latin,the Asiatic or the
Aryan civilization.
The Brltlah Army.
The ttaudiug army of Groat Britain
aud Ireland, tho United Kingdom,
consisting of England, Ireland, Scot
laud, Wales, the Isle of Man aud the
Channel Islands, is 1C3.5G9 offlcors
aud men. The "effectives" by the
latest returns are 588,349. The regu
lar forces in India are 70,995 men of
all ranks.
Jitfinn'e Flrat Steamer.
Tho Japanese are proud of the first
large ocean steamer they have built.
It was constructed at Nagasaki, is 4G2
feet long, of 0000 tons, and has a speed
of fourteen miles. It has been
named the Ilitachi-Maru.
The Saloon-keeper's Motto Major-Gen-era!
Miles Iaauee aa Order For tha
United Slates Troop to Kefrala From
the Tee of Intoxicants.
Though the temp'ranee crauks -are trying
ro stop honest to Iks trom tmyiug
My good liquor, all their lying
And abuso won't win the light;
For, Id splto of all their crylug.
On my license I'm relying,
A n 4, 1 boldly stand, replvlng:
' "Whatever Is Is right."
What euro I for mothers, sighing?
Or, for hungry children, dying?
For I (tulokly send them Hying
If tliny come, within my sight.
With a purpose tlrm, undying.
Here I stand, my toes dctvlng;
To both praters and threats, replying:
"Whatever Is Is right."
A niurlous Army Order.
Major-Geuoral Miles has tssund tha fol
lowing general order to the army:
i uo army is engaged In active service
under climate, conditions which It has not
before exporleucoil. That It may perform
Its most dllllcult and laborious duties with
the, least practlcablo loss from sickness,
tho utmost euro consistent with prompt
and cltlcletit service must be rendered bv
ill, especially by olucers. The hlstorv of
other armies lias demonstrated that iu a
hot climate nhstlneuoe from tho use of In
toxlcnting drink Is nsseutlal to coutiuued
health and oflleicnev.
'Commanding olllcers of nil grades and
oflWrs of tho medical staff will note care
fully the eiTcot of tho use ot such light
beverages wiues and beer as are per
mitted to bo sold at the post anil citmn ex
panses, ana l no commanders ot all in
dependent eommauds aro enjoined to re
strict, or entirely prohibit, the sale of
tueti beverages If tho welfare, ot tho troops
3r the Interest ot tho service roaulros
such not lou.
"In this most Important hour of the na
tion's history it is due to the government
trom all thoso In Its service that they
Miouid not only reader the most earnest
ITorts tor Its honor and welfare, but their
tail physical and intellectual force should
be given to their public duties, oaoontnin
Imited by any Indigencies that shall dim,
stultify, weaken or impair their faculties
tnd strength In any particular. Officers
3t every grade, ny example as well as Dy
authority, will contribute to the enforce-
jient ot tho order.
"With a view to avoid extreme suffering
t'.nong wouudod horses or mules on the
Held of battle, it is hereby ordered that a
veterluary surgeon, or some other person
lciaueu ny tuo commanding omcer, will
accompany troops In au engagement,
tvnoso duty it will be to nut an eud to the
tgonies of all horses or mules that in his
judgment are suffering to a degree requir
es sucu action on nis part."
Why France la Decadent.
Here Is an Interesting thing:
A French author. E. Demoting, has
lately published a book on "The French
men ot To-day" (Los Frnucnls d aujour
1'hui"), In which ha finds that the deea
tenco of tho Freuch people, the vulgarity
f their literature, und their incapacity for
!elf-government ure due to the vineyards
)f France.
That is to say, the cultivation ot vine
yards being the ehief agricultural pursuit
it the natiou, and reuulrlug very llttlo
.abor or ingenuity or mechanical skill, It
has produced a people Indolent, unwilling
:o assume the Initiative iu the march of
progress, destitute ot the sterner virtues,
ind open to the vices ot idleness and pro
Uigacy. M. Doinollus Is not speaking ot the re
mits of wice-drlnking but ot vine-growing;
but the whole world has been ringing
3( late with the warnlogs uttered by the
L'ollego of rhvsiclans of France relative
:o the rapidly growing evils of In
:emperanco. Ho It appears that "wine
Is a mocker" at both ends ot the
,lno In its production and In Its con
inmptlou! In olthor or both itlsapow
irtul auxiliary to natlotial decadence and
political toebluness. The ease with which
:lio vine is grown has tended to destroy
:he diversity of Freuch agriculture and to
Jinke the country singularly dependent
apon other countries acting upon France
aiuch ns the cotton Industry has acted
ipon certain of our Southern States.
The vitlcultural commission of Califor
nia is invited to a perusal of M. Demolin's
joo It. Also that great multltudo of peo
ple who have goue Into rhapsodies over the
oeautidil vineyards ot Franco and Italy,
tud poetized over the blessings of the
fine. Tho Voice.
Temperance Work In Norway. "
The temperance women of Norway have
ilono some telllug work lu a quiet way,
Tliev have scoured the enactment of a law
which prohibits a liquor-seller from em
ploying any woman but his wifo In connec
tion with his busiuuss. Last year a na
tional teniperanco celebration was held,
aud all thosu who wore engaged In, or sym
pathized with, temperance work joined la
a grand parade, in city, towu and hamlet.
Ot the ten thousand who participated in
the Cbristlniila demonstration, one thou
sand were children.
Alcohol's Effect Upon the Body.
Of Dr. Delearde, of Franco, on nlcohol, In
relation to diseases produced by the ac
tion of microbes, It seems that, ou the
whole, tho offect of alcohol Is to weukeo
me rusiniiiuce oi me tissues to microbe at
tack. A drunkard vaccinated nt the Pas
teur Institute for rabies was treated nt
the same time as a child bitten by the same
dog. Tho man drank all through his
treatment. Ho illml of mlla whiia tha
child became well and safe.
Advice of General Sherman.
General Tecum sell Sherman was at one
time addressing the young women of the
New York Normal College, and saldi
"Girls, don't marry a man who Is, In the
slightest degree, addicted to drink. I know
what I am tulklug about when I say that
you had fnr b "Iter earn your own living
thun to tako the awful risks involved in
such a marriage."
Temperance Moles.
A llttlo rum may lead to a great ruin.
Sociability la not dependent upon liquor
Cervero Is captured; but the rum devl
Is still loose.
The brother's blood stains the eufrunct
to every snloou.
Don't drink Intoxicating liquor with th
expectation that It will make a man of yon
On the contrary, it may make a beast ol
Tlifluumborof persons proceeded against
for drunkenness In England -ind Wales in
1'J7 was 1S7,2jH compared with 16'J,293 in
tho previous yenr.
Normandy, o::ce so free from intemper
ance, and so prosperous, has begun to show
the effects of tho cider-brandy Industry
established there twenty or moro years
An old legend says that the devil once
gave a hermit the choice of throe great
vices, one of which was drunkenness. Tim
hermit chose this ns being tho least sinful.
He became drunk, und committed tho othet
It Is said that England, with ouly ouo
eighth of tha population of her Indian em
pire, sees as niniiy deaths of drunkennosy
annually as occur iu India from war,
famine and pestilence combined In any nor
mal year.
"The man who tnkos to drink because o
girl refuses to marry hlin," said a philoso
pher, "would, no doubt, bavo drunk a good
deal harder If she had married him."
A mob of 100 men completely demolished
a snloou nt Young America, ind., because
of the barbarous treatment given by the
proprietor to a lad who was sent to bring
his father homo. Over 200 kegs of beer
were ocstroyou.
It Is probably very bad for one to drink
a great deal of very cold water, but it Is
certain that a fountain of Iced water on a
public street is nuowcrful rival ot a saloon
Several churches in Boston have established
such fountains, and on hot Java half a nun
dred thirsty folk inny be soon standing In
line ior a urinic. hese fountains are bet
ter than a long series of temperauoe sermons.
Aa Improved Balloon.
Tn an improved balloon the basket
is carried by four air cells adjustably
mounted ou a railing around the bas
ket, making it possible for the remain
ing cells to support the aeronaut it
one cell should collapse.
Tws Iteaaaraable Towns.
The towns of ltomauo and Lost
Springs, Kan., have each a popula
tion of about 200. Neither town con
taius an idle man or boy, a tippler, a
dog, an unoccupied house or a plaot
where liquor is sold.
The Sabmarlna Torpedo Moat.
If warfare with ordinary craft ou
the surface of the water is deadly, how
much more so will it be whmi our
navies are equipped with destroyers
that slip along nusceu and unsus
peeked far below the surface of the sea
iu a position practically uuasaailahlt
and can plaut a score of torpedoes oi
lay the trains for blotting out of exist
euce a whole fleet, while the entire,
navy rocks trauquilly ou the wavet
without the remotest idea that an
enemy is near? It is more thau a ceu
tnry since tho first attempts were mad
to build submarine boats. Since thai
time mauy experiments have been
made iu this name diroctiou, most ol
them without any results that would
lead to the further pursuance of this
idea. Within the past few years, how
ever, there have been several boats
constructed that seem to approximate
success. The Holland boat has points
of excellence worthy of the considers
tion of experts. The main require
meuts of a torpedo boat are the capao
ity to remaiu for a given time under
water, complete mauageableuess aud
the fundamental elements of safety.
The risk of being locked up in suirou
shell and submerged for any lougth of
time, with danger of suffocation ot
explosion, is too great to bo taken
withont a reasonable assurauce oi
coming out alive. A successful tor
pedo boat would unquestionably be a
most formidable element in a naval
engagement. The world is looking on
with interest whenever such boats as
the Holland are put on trial. Not
alone would these boats be a terror to
a fleet, but they could approach the
very wharves aud warehouses of even
our smallest cities, aud do their deadly
wore unseen auduuaunouueed. New
York Ledger.
Attached by a Tike.
A healthy suspicion of fish stories
need not make ns unduly sceptical
about the tale of a pike which comes
from the Kiver Barrow, near Carlow,
Ireland. A mau who was shovelliug
gravel out of the stream was attacked
by one of these fresh-water sharks,
and was so severely bitten in the leg
that he had to be taken to the hospital.
It was that pike's last bite, for the
man killed him with his shovel au
unsportsmanlike but, in the circum
stances, excusable proceeding. The
fish weighed thirty-six pouuds, which,
we are told, is "for Ireland, a medium
size." Here is room for the play of
philosophio doubt. The heaviest pike
ever caught by Mr. Jardiue, our most
expert hunter of jaok, weighed thirty
seveu pouuds, and anglers rarely see
a pike weighing anything like so much,
although they are not mfreiiueutlv
heard of. That this fish had a mind
to swallow the man's leg we entertaiu
no doubt, for his kind have often
enough done such things. . There is
even a story of how a pike caught a
fox in some such way, while jack have
occasionally seized the snouts of
drinking cattle. Sometimes, iu his
noble haste, the jack will bolt the
angler's float, unconscious of the nice
plump bleak or gudgeon dangling just
below. St. James's Gazette.
A Library Disappears.
Belgrade's national library, which
opened with 40,000 volumes on the
shelves, has been closed on nfcnnnt.
of the disappearance of all its books.
it was intended to be a circulating li
brary, but the people who took ont
books never returned them, and, on
investigation, it was found that the
books passed from one reader to an
other till they could no louger be
All fresh-water snakes in Tmlin ara
harmless, and all salt water snakes are
Stone In Her Stomach.
From Qatrtte, lilaHtUiMville, III
The wife of the Itev. A. It. Adams, pastor
of tho Bodford Christian Church at Bland
Insvlllc, III., was for years compolled to
live a llfo of torture from disease. Her
case baffled the physicians, but td-day she
is alive and well, and tells the story of her
recovery as follows:
"About six years ago," said Mrs. Adams,
"I weighed about 143 pounds, but my
health began to fall and I lost flesh. My
food did not agree with me and felt like a
stono lu my stomach, I bogau to bloat all
over until I thought I hud dropsy.
"I had pains and soreness Iu my left side
which extended cloar across my 'back and
also Into tho region of my heart. During
these spells a hard ridge would appear iu
the left side of my stomach und around
the left side.
"These attacks left me sore and exhaust
ed. All last summer I was so nervous that
the children laughing und playing nearly
drove ine wild. I suifered nlso from femnlo
troubles and doctored with ten different
physicians without receiving any help.
iLsaar-SJ III- read In
the news
paper of
Dr. Wll
llams' Pink
Fills for
1' nle Peo
ple, Induced
me to try
them. I be
Xiiu taking
t bem last
but experl-
"My Jiiithanri Head." enccd no re
lief until I had taken six boxes. I am now
taking the eleventh box aud have been
greatly benefited.
"I was also troubled with nervous pros
tration and Dumbness ot my right arm and
hand so thnt nt times I could hardly nu
rture the pain, but that has all passed
away. I now bavo n good appetite and am
hlu to do my own work. Have done mora
:hls summer than In the past four years
ut together. Dr. Williams' I'ink Pills for
I'ole l'eoplo cured mo and I think it my
iuty tc let other sufferers know It."
Hundreds of equally remarkable eases
have been cured by Dr. Williams' l'lnk Pills.
Egypt Is the only country In the world
irhere thero are morn men than women.
The male sex in the dominion ot tho Khe
dive exceeds the female by 1(10,000.
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup for children
teething, sol tens Die K"ln, reduces liillaniina
Uou, allays pain, cures wind colic, K.'ic.a buttle.
There are 10,000 square feet of glass sur
face in Great Itrltatu exclusively devoted
o the cultlvatiou and produutlon of toma
toes for market purpeses.
The Medians Tf as Klfht.
Mr. Greville was persuaded when be
was over sixty years of age to attend a
ipiritualistio seance. Foster, the pre
siding tuediuin, was in great form, and
;he revelatious were astounding. G re
fills sat silont, and his aged, wizened
face was emotionless as a mask. Sud
denly the medium grew exoited aud
laid to the old gentleman:
"A female form is bending over you.
Oh, the extraordinary likeness!"
Greville sighed.
"She lifts hor bauds to bloss you."
Greville sighed again.
"It is your mother."
"Ah, poor thing!" said Grovilb. 'I
am glad."
"She smiles. Sho says all is well
with her."
Greville sighod again aud said, "I
am delighted."
"She says she will see you soon.
You are old, aud you must meet her
before long."
Then Greville quietly observed:
"That's very true. I'm going to take
tea with hor this evening."
Tableau. London Graphic
The yearly output of cigars from the
rinlippiues is 140,000,000.
Dsa't Takacce Salt aaa Sank Tsar lit Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be msf
nello, lull ot life, nerve and vigor, lake No-To-Due,
the wondor-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Wo or ll. Cure guaran
teed Ilooklet and sample free. Address
Sterling, ltetnedy Co. Chicago or New York.
"Java tssald to be the region of the globe
where It thunders oftenest, having thunder
storms on aa average ninety-seven days of
'.he year.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Hmmo Quinine Tablets. All
DruKglsta refund money if It fails to cure. 25c
According to a statistician the area of the
berrtug nuts used In Scotland one year was
do less than 164,000,000 square yards.
Altcrt Run-h, West Toledo, Ohio, sava:
"Hall's Catarrh Cure naved my life." Write
him for particulars. Sold by DniKKlsta, "5c,
Chicago has a Norwoglan old people's
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combination, but also
to the care and skill with which It is
manufactured by scientific 'processes
known to the California Flo Smup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fio Syrup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the Cali
fornia Fio Sykup Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts oq the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it docs not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name ot
the Company
LariRVILLE, Kj. ft E W TSRK. N. T.
(IM.IFOItM A nmsllnrUrt: euarantrfd Invnt-VmputM.wtthili-awihle
any time, iwvlng Ura dlr
idrads. "Alius Ciinijr," tl l .l. St., ssa Francisco.
JL. .-WW 4 ',a a m
It is s wrspon which protects btrycltsta against virions dog sal foot-pads: travelers against rob
bers and tuiiRhH; hniues siatast thlevi sod traiopa, snd In adapted to insnjr other ntnsln'.
It doe not kill or Injure; It Is perfectly safe ts handle; makes bo buIm or sinnke; breaks m t T sn-l
createn no luting regrets, sedcea the bullet pistol. It simply snd imply pmteots. by compelling' the
fos to kIts nndlTided sure tion to himself for while Inslesd of to theinteuded rldlm.
It is the only real wrspon which protects snd also mskee fun, laughter and lols of It: It sboets. ant
once, bnt rasny tiiuee without reloading; snd will proteot by Its appearance in lime of dsn per. although
loaded only wit b liquid . It does not get out of order; Is durable, handsome, snd nickel rlsleo .
hentnoiedsndiwstpsidbymHnwrtbfiilldirsctioashowtouMforfiOc. In to.Poslsgs Stamps,
Post-onV-e Money Order, or Express Money Order.
As to onr reliability, refer to It. (i. lion's ar Brsditreet's mercantile agencies.
MEW VOItK UMIOM SUPPLY CO., li Leonard St., New York.
"Say Aye 'No' and Ye'll Ne'er be Married." Don't Re
fuse All Our Advice fo Use
traata upon about every subject andsr ths ran. ft contains 620 pages, profusely Illustrated;
and will bs sent, postpaid, far 60a In stamps, postal not or silver. When reading you doubU
a-lll clear up for ron. It aaa a con
Dial Indea. so that It may ba P fl f Z ifl referred 10 R8"T' Th, ,ok
la a rich mine of valuable f II Si jljlj. Information, presented In aa
Interesting manner, and la " " wall worth to any oaa anaop
times tha small sum ot FIFTY CENT8 which wa ask for lu A study of this book will
rove of Incalculable benefit to those whose education haa been neglected, wLlle Ih volume
will also be ftrcsd of great value to thoee who cannot readily command the knowledge the
kawaculreu. BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. N. Y. City.
KaTa-Bae for Fifty Centa,
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
"-rent, blood pure. 000,117
Vlthln the last ten years, tha number of
railway stations In Germany Increased front
KI76 to 881)3.
l.r.iAmP.,!r.v.r" ' teel loaf al
texS-raVs'Sr. a isdfe
otloe by sensible people " wor,B
uao. w. bowlbs, Balrd, Mass.
Good, NoTsrSiuksn. Weaken, or Gripe. Mr. Soc, tao.
SlwlM a4t fmttmf, CsHm. MlMr-W. tMt.
NQ.TQ-B1C B,', "livsrt"!' an drag.
BK'IWSSU gUti to t tHE Tobacco Hsklt.
A MALaaiA aaast maonitiu.
Tit listing sUtHWS
Fir malaria, Cftllls mn Fcrer, m Liver
.onipialDjs, Is unparalleled U tut annals
ol a medicine.
the hipft mmi ll,
West New Brighton, S. I.,
Borough of Richmond, N.Y,
Chain less
Chain Wheels, $73 mJt ,
Hertford's,. . 90 Elk '
Vedettes, $40 4 33 y
Df AlJ"'rl"l'l! '!"kT ''mi'hlxt trrr
Kiirorurs for Chinch, Hqiiatb, snd
i-riumi nun. nmi'iiiM irw.
UKIi HKINLKIN, Ml. Vernon. 111.
"XTr I Thompson's Eyi Watsr
lYLXlil llUll l.NMTOAUVT.. NVNU-89.
cuKts ami au U& imi
UlUKll BrruD. TSMSS uoo
in ttm. Sold it ftra(tt.
7r$y candy
mJJ Cathartic
Njappy PiliV
'i'ta-S s? Tfifi'M'M
mm 4 fc - - -