The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 22, 1898, Image 4

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    Wealth In lavvntlona.
A patont for fastening kul gloves
has yielded a fortune of several hun
dred thousand dollars for its fortu
nate owner, and the inventor of col
lar-clasp enjoys 820,000 royalty a year
as the reward for his endeavor. A
new kind of sleeve-buttou has made
$30,000 iu five years for its patentee,
and the simple twisting of safety pins
in snoh a way that there is no possi
ble danger of the point sticking in the
child promises to enrich its owner be
yond any of his early dreams of wealth.
-New York World.
Doal Tobacco Spit aid Saokt Year l ift Awsy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic full of life, nerve and vltror, UUe No-To-liae,
the wonderworker, that makes weak men
strong. All drugcisU.SOcorr'l. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling liercjdy Co, Chicago or New York
Maine factories sold $250,000 worth of
shoo egs fu 1807.
lr. Morfran'a "Fiit-Ake" l'aw tier.
A certain cure tor tired, netiing, swelling
andperspliiiiii feet. "Kut-Ake" cures luiiion,
corns, chilblains, frostbites, tnttrowinir nails
hot stingioir feet; also cures and prevent!
bliwter, uallnus and Mire units un the few.
l'rice, 10 cent at all druggist', or sent by
mail for six -cent ptitnips. Sterling l'linrma
cal Co., OOJ Myrtle Avenue, Kruoklyn, N. Y.
In all tbe schools of Spain there are only
719,00 0 girls.
To Cure A Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Hiwmo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, 25c
A whistling eol lias been discovered In
the Fiji Islands.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of f)r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Si trial bottle and treatise free
Da, K. H. Klink, Arch St.,l'hllaPa.
The ropes on a flrst-class man-of-war
cost about (15,000.
The face of humanity displays fewer pimples
than formerly. Rco.on We nil's ulplnr tkp.
Hill's Hair& Whisker Dye, blaek or brown, 60c.
In 1897 tlier worn 5328 fires In Chicago,
an increase of 912 over tbe previous year.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, sol tens the. gums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wiud colic, 2.c.a bottle.
A sort of opium is obtained from the
common lettuce.
Educate Your Rowels With Caseareta,
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
Mo, iiio. If C a C. fall, druggists refund money.
Holland la the only country in Europe
that admits coffee tree ot duty.
What You Get
When You Buy Medicine Is a Mat
ter of Creat Importance.
Do you get that which has the power to
eradicate from your blood all poisonous
taints and thus remove the cause of dis
ease? Do you buy HOOD'S 8nrsaparllla
and only Hood's T If you do, you may take
It with tbe utmost confidence that It will
do you good. Itemember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is America's Greatest Medicine. SI; six for $4.
Hood's PlUacure biliousness. Indigestion.
Sour Stomach
'After I we Induced to try CA8CA
BITS, I will never be without them In tbe bouse.
My liver was in a very bad shape, and my bead
acued and 1 had stomacb trouble. Now, since tak
ing Caseareta, I feel Sue. My wife bat alto used
tbem with beucnclal results fur sour stomach "
JOS. Kbibunq, 1U21 Congress St., St. Louis, Uo.
Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, 1)0
Good, Never sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. Hk, Uc.aOo.
H.rtlmi itmtif I', CUcart, MMlntl, In Ttriu US
Kft.Tfl RIP fold and grinranteed by all drug-rtU'lU-DAlf
Itarnaeles on Metal Ships.
In tbe old days of wooden ships tbe
boring insects which live iu wood
were their chief foes. Teakwood ac
quired its reputation as a shipbuilding
material because of its supposed im
munity from these vermin.
Steel ships suffer from barnacles,
which foul their bottoms much more
rapidly than they do wooden ones.
These strange marine growths are
sometimes as big as one's list and ad
here to the metal plates with tremen
dous force, and besides impeding '.he
ship themselves they catch seagrass
and other rubbish and drag it through
the water.
When a dry dock is not available
metal ships have to have their bottoms
cleaned by divers. When the battle
ship Massachusetts was recently
cleaned barnacles and grass covered
her hull to such an extent that she
could not have made more than ten tnd
one-half knots nn hour. Chicago
Mrs. Rosa Gaum Writos to Mrs,
fcinkham About it Eho Saya :
Bear Mrs. Piskham: I tako pleas
ure in writing you a few lines to in
form you of tho pood your Vegetable
Compound has dono inc. I cannot
thank you enough for v.-hat your medi
cine lias dono for me; it lias, indeed,
helped me wonderfully,
I or years I was
bled with au
ovarian tumor,
each year gTow
ing worse, tin
til at last I
was compelled
to consult with
a physician,
lie said
be done for
me but to go under an operation.
In speuUing with a friend of mine
about it, she recommended Lydia E.
l'inkliam's Vegetable Compound, say
ing she knew it would euro me. I then
sent for your medicine, and after tak
ing three bottles of it, the tumor dis
appeared. Oh! you do not know how
much good j'our medicine lias done
me. I shall recommend it to all suffer
ing women. Mrs. Kosa Gaum, 720
Wall St., Los Angeles, Cal.
The great and unvarying success of
Lydia E. l'inkliam's Vegetable Com
pound in relieving every derangement
of the female organs, demonstrates
it to be the modern safeguard of wo
man's happiness and bodily strcnptli.
More than a million women have been
benefited by it.
Every woman who needs advice
about her health is invited to write to
Mrs, Plnkhani. at Lynn, Mass,
raoi MAAK RfOiaTfatO -,6
Beautifying Stone neap.
If yon have an unsightly stono heap
iu a corner of the yard, especially if
it is uuder a tree, make it beautiful
with ferns and vines. Fill the crev
ices with earth from the woods, and
take up now, the just uncoiling ferns
and pack them firm'y in the inter
stices, riant tradescautia, myrtle or
periwinkle, orthonna aud other viues
to grow among the ferns and you will
have something pretty iu midsummer.
Drying Cat rotator.
It is very important that potato
sets rut for seed should be thoroughly
dried on their surface beforo planting.
If put in the ground while moist they
will quickly rot. It is quite common
to sprinkle gypsum or land plaster on
the cut surface, under the idea that
the plaster being dry will absorb the
pieces of the potato as they exude. In
stead of this, the gypsum only pauses
the cut sin face to blacken and be
rather more likelv to decay thuu be
fore. Fine powdered lime is much
better for this purpose. It absorbs
water until it takes in all it ran hold.
Iu early plnutiug lime is especially
useful, for it helps to dry the moist
soil; and thus prevents the potatoes
from rotting iu the hill.
Intensive Farming In Kansas.
Iu the introductory to the report of
the Kansas State Board of Agriculture
Secretary Coburn says: "Kansas
farmers are learning year by year that
their busiuess, if profitable, must be
so conducted that it is not the mere
playing of a game of chauco with the
weather or with a single crop; that a
somewhat diversified, aud yet not too
scattering agriculture and a studying
of aud adaptation to climatic condi
tions, the demands aud the markets
are essential (not more, perhaps, but
as much) iu Kansas as elsewhere.
Those who most fully recognize these
conditions and most intelligently re
spond to their inexorable requirements
are realizing a fair or large prosper
ity. Others who persistently defy or
deny them are ready to declare that
farming is no longer a source of
profit, that farmers are slaves of, those
in other pursuits, aud that the times
are politically, financially and morally
out of joint. Although uo vocation is
all pleasure or all profit, tho men who
conduct the business of farming with
the same energy and skill as the suc
cesful merchant or professional man
will reap the same and, as a rule, a
greater and more certuiu measure of
reward; the time has pos ed, however,
if it ever existed, wfieu fortunes were
made by unsullied owners of farms,
large or small, anywhere. Convincing
proof of either proposition can be
found in almost auy one ot the 105
counties in Kansas. Muscle, to win,
must be lubricated with brains."
Hearing Calves.
On tho subject of calves Professor
Haeckcr says: "We rear about thirty
calves each winter on separator skim
milk, and find no difficulty iu growiug
them fine and thrifty. The calf is al
lowed to suck once; it is then re
moved and one feeding period al
lowed to pass without feeding it auy
milk; this is done so the calf will
drink without the finger. Tbe first
week itrcceives a light ration of whole
milk fresh from the cow; the second
week it gets half whole milk and half
skim milk; the third week aud uutil
it is weaned it receives skim milk, a
spoonful of ground flax and hay. We
feed no grain to calves intondod for
the dairy, other than the ground flax
meal. By flax meal we do not mean
oil meal or oil cake, but the ground
flax, containing all the oil there is in
the flax seed. We used to feed ground
oats or ground barley to calves, but
found that many of them acquired tho
habit of laying on flesh, which is a
permanent injury to a dairy calf. The
quantity of ground flax used daily
varies frc m a teaspoonf ul to a table
spoonful iu each mess of milk, ac
cording to the size of the digesting
capacity of 'the calves. The flax meul
is scalded as is usually done with flax
seed, but the meal, if dry, is stirred
'into the milk just before feeding.
When the calf is young great care
should be taken to always feed the
same quantity, aud at a temperature
of at least niuety degrees Fahreuheit.
After the calf is a few weeks old the
skim milk and flax meal may be grad
ually increased. Scours are generally
caused by overfeeding, or by milk fed
when cool. From four to six pints of
milk is a fair ration for a calf the first
week; feed twice a day and keep it
comfortable an J ch-au, and feed 'rjiu
a clean tin pail."--Stockman aud
I'oultry Moles.
Feed a variety.
Give breakfast at 0.
Exercise is an egg tonic.
Hens will not lay if too fut.
Milk is a complete egg food.
The starved hen is worthless.
Feed the mash warm not hot.
Underfed hens are poor layers.
The morning mash is imperative.
Let breakfast be only half a meal.
Overcrowded flocks give few eggs.
Cold quarters check egg production.
Eggs sell better when sent to market
in regular cases.
The laying Leu consumes more food
than one not laying.
The early pullets are the profitable
winter egg producers.
Ten hens with one male make about
the proper proportion.
Ten weeks from shell to market is
the time allotted a chick.
Keep cabbages hanging iu the house
vithin reach of the fowls.
Egg shells ground to a powder make
a good addition to the mash.
Ten fl .eks, each consisting of ten
hens, ure enough for an acre.
Scatter the grain at noon among
Jitter, so the fowls must exercise,
Boiled wheat is a food much relished.
Feed night meal au hour before
Troper feeding means health aud
Good stock almost always finds quick
Be very careful to keep the feed
troughs cleau.
Beaus are good feed because they
are nitrogenous.
Undulating land is better for the
growth of crops thau a level soil.
Greeu bone ia a valuable food for
growing chicks and matured fowls.
Grouud oats, coruiueal aud brau
tonstituto proper foods for poultry.
Filthy quarters produce aickuess,
aud sick hens will not produce eggs.
Steeped clover, mixed with the
morniug hash, is a great egg pro
ducer. Teu hens iu a house 10x10 feet are
enough. The yard should be at least
ten times as large as the floor of the
Ou the averago, perhaps it costs us
about $1 a head to feed our poultry
for a year; thereforo the heu has to
lay about 100 eggs to pay for her
keeping. It is only after that that the
clear profits come iu.
Effects of Droughts In California S'i.OOO,
OOO Worth or Live Stork Imperilled.
The growers of live stock in Cen
tral aud Southern California aro iu a
panio. Hay has gone up to $'10 per
ton, aud the continued drought aud the
frequent hot northers have ruiued the
prospects for feed in the future. Cat
tle and sheep men aro hustling their
stock out of the country as fast as the
railroads cuu carry it. They have
tried to get permission from the Gov
ernment to pasture it this summer on
the Government reservations, but
could only get permission to drive it
ooross them. They have applied to
Nevada for help, and Nevada has re
plied that she has no more thau she
needs for her owu stock, but has flu
ally decided that stock may be shipped
across the State.
The cattle quarantine agaiust the
southern part of the State has been
sufficiently modified to permit the re
moval of stock from the drought
stricken sections, and tho overland
roads have consented to make half
rates for stock sent East for pastur
age. The authorities of Utah, Ne
braska and Wyoming have agreed to
allow shipments into their territory of
stock that has boeu properly inspected.
Tho value of tho imperiled stock is
in the neighborhood of $2,000,000,
Muuy buyers from Utah, New Mexiso,
Nevada, Texas and Northern Califor
nia are visiting the drought-stricken
districts aud picking up bargains,
Ono herd of 5000 head of cattle, re
quiring fifteen trains of eighteen
cars each has already been shippod
East, and the railroad authorities
made arrangements to send out at
once sixty trains of eightoeu cars,
each of whish will carry about 20,000
head of cattlo to points east of Nevada.
In all not less thau 100,000 head will
be seut out of the State.
One big shipment of 18,500 sheep
is on its way East in fivo trains of
thirty-seven cars each. Another
shipment of 15,000 sheep has beeu
sold iu Chicago and is on its way
there. Nearly 100,000 sheep will
probably be sent East during the next
month. Cattle and sheep cars are be
ing collected and hurried here from
all parts of the West. One firm,
which controls large tracts of pasture
land, is shipping 22,000 head of sheep
to New Mexico and is sending droves
of cattle to Northern California and to
Texas. A member of this firm said:
"We shall not leave a hoof on our
rauch. Everything, cattle, sheep and
horses, has got to go. There is uo
feed for the stock."
Those having large bands of horses
will suffer heavily, as the animals are
not sufficiently valuable to warrant
much effort in saving them. A good
mauy raisers of hogs are buying up all
the horses they can get at from $1 to
82-50 per head for hog feed. The
horse is token to the field, killed, its
hide stripped oil", and. its carcass left
to the hogs, which soon leave nothing
but a pile of bones. One hog dealer
iu Santa Barbara County has bought
250 head of horses which he will use
solely for hog feed. Several firms
are buying up horses for the manu
facture of fertilizers. A few who
own blooded stock are sending it out
of the country for pasturage.
The Canalman.
A canalman, unless there happens
to be a member of his family who can
help him, hires a man called "the
hand." The men who run the boats
come from various positions iu life to
bocome canalmcn. Some have been
farmers, who own funns along or near
the canal, and not a few have been
born aud lived all their lives on a
canal boat. Perhaps one of the most
unusual cases is that of a well-educnt-ed
man who was formerly a Methodist
minister, but is now, and has been for
several years, living with his family
on one of these bouts and driving
mules for a living.
The majority, however, are rough
and iguoraut, and the proverbial
swearing is to be heard in its most re
pulsive forms. One notices frequent
ly a lame or crippled man in charge of
a boat, since this is one of the few
positions in which a inaimod person is
able to earn a livelihood. A canal
man's family, if he has one, lives with
him ou the boat during the open sea
son, and the rest of the year aome live
on little plots of grouud, often too
small to bo called farms, or perhaps
they may live in one of the larger
towns nearby. Godey's Magazine.
A writer iu the Engineering Maga
zine estimates that the Transvaal con
tains twice as much gold as Las ever
been mined in California,
Don't Drink The Necessity of Keeping;
the Home Life Free from All Taint of
ltnm ami Its Degrading Association
The Itlmisrd Kale of Sobriety.
For the sake of a sweet-faoed mother
Iu the old borne far away.
For the sake of a kindly father
Who thinks of you night aud day,
For tbe sake ot a gentle sister,
And the tender ties that link
Your heart to the heart of a brother
Don't drlnkl
For the sake of another, dearer
lVrhnps, than all the rest.
For her memory like a blessing
That ever haunts your breast,
For the sake of your future, spreading
Even beyond death's brink,
For the sake ot your soul Immortal
Dou't drlnkl
Sacred Heart Review.
Drluk and Family Life.
Viewed from whatever standpoint, the
value ot total abstinence cannot but bo
apparent to all unbiased minds. But there
are some phases ot the situation more
striking than othors.
Here, for instance, ts the father of a fam
ily. Is It not to his advantage, as also to
tbe advantage ot those who look up to
liltn as their natural protector, to live a
life free from all taint of drink and Its de
grading associations? Dv restraining the
appetite for Intoxicants, and so avoiding
their evtl influence, is he not enaoieu to
give his children a better cbauoe In life
than thev could possibly obtain were be
to spend his substance la the saloons?
A borne wherein peaee prevails under
the blessed rule ot sobriety Is one ot the
greatest advantages a child ran possess.
"There Is no place like home" If that
home H one In the true senso ot the word,
It It ts a place wherein ts concentrated the
affections of all tbe members of the fam
ily, it It ts a haven where all may gather at
evening to refresh themselves with love
and kludnoss after the toils of the day.
but If, instead, tbe father of the household
ts a victim of the drluk evil, or it to
make tbe picture darker though perhaps
Jot much less common tbe mother iu
ulgee In drink to excess, he or she, so far
as their children, their natural depend
ents, are concerned, has poured "the sweet
milk of concord Into hell," and made that
borne a mockery. Many a man who to
day Is a disgrace to humanity might In all
probability have been an ornament to so
ciety were It not for the Intemperance
which destroyed bis home life, and wreaked
the happiness of bis youtb.
A home to a child should be the embodi
ment of everything good and pure and
Inspiring. Other things being equal, tin
borne wiiorcla total abstinence Is the rul
Is the very best preparatory school a child
can have for the great struggle ot lit
which all must face sooner or later.
Alcohol Ahead.
A thtck-set, ugly-looking feltow wa
seated on a bench In the public park and
seomed to be reading some writing on
sheet of paper which he held In his hand.
"You seem to be much Interested la youi
writing," I said.
"Yea; I've been figuring my account wltb
old alcohol, to see how we stand."
"And be oomes out ahead, I supposo?"
"Every time, and ho has Hod like sixty."
"How did you come to have dealings with
him In the first place?"
"That's what I've boen writing. You
see, be promised to make me a beast.
Then be said be would brace me up, but he
made me go staggortng around, and then
be threw me Into the dltoh. He said I
must drink to bo sociable. Thon he made
me quarrel with my best friends and be
the laughing stock of my enemies. He
gave me a black eye and a broken nose.
Then I drank for the good of my health.
He ruined the llttlo I had, and loft me sick
as a dog."
"Ot course."
"Ho said he would warm me up, and I
was soon nearly froron to death. Ho said
be would steady my nerves, but Instead ho
gave me delirium tremens. He said be
would give me great strength, and he
made me helpless."
"To bo sure."
"He promised me courage."
"Then what followed?"
"Then he made me a coward, for I beat
my sick wife and klckod my little sick
child. He said he would brighten my
wits, but Instead be made meactlike a fool
and talk like an Idiot. He promlsnd to
make a gentleman of me, but he made mo
a tramp." Christian Work.
A Temperance Lesson.
Whether alooliollo liquor Is neenssary oi
evonusotul to the soldier In the Held Is a
question which authorities will continue to
Thero Is, howovcr, no question that In o
campaign In a tropical country like Cuba
liquor of any kind Is more dangerous than
useful. Iu addition to this, the Houdno
campaign now going nn furnishes direct Il
lustration of the positive assertion that It
Is not necessary.
Tho English papors aro calling attention
to the fact that the victory at Atbara war
won on tea and coffee. An Invoice of Ger
man whiskey whloh bad been sent to the
expedition was poured out on tbe sand, and
oven the beer was sent back. Tho result
was that after a long night march and a
fierce battle under the blazing sun the men
were fine and fit.
It Is the common Impression that Tommy
Atkins Is more of a drinker than his Ameri
can cousin. If Tommy Atkins can do with
out his whisky and be all the better for It,
his example might be safely followed bv
our soldier boys lu Cuba. Now York
Temperance and Athletics.
The Duke of Connaugbt recently spoke
of the improved sobriety In tbe British
army since he Joined It. It Is no doubt
very remarkable, and soma of the credit
must be given to the Army Temperance As
sociation. But somotbtng Is also due to
the Improvement In the social habits of the
officers, from whom themen naturally take
example; something, moreover, to the In
troduction of short service, as It was mainly
old soldiers who wero tbe best customers
of tbe canteen. And there Is something,
further, in the proof which sereral of Lord
Wolseley's campaigns and tho recent fight
ing of Oatacre's Brigade have given, that
abstinence from stimulants does no harm
In the field, and therefore cannot hurt men
In camps and quarters. But the main Im
provement Is undoubtedly due to the In
creased attention given to gymnastic work
and to athletic sports. Men who go la for
these cannot attain excellence if they drink
to excess. And that has wrought a silent
revolution which ts none the less effective
because it Is n,ot talked about. All these
things together have conspired to make
the soldier the self-respecting man bo Is
to-day. London Chronicle.
Shots at the Bain Demon.
Combat the open saloon with tho opon
When the saloon goes, tho devil will not
have long to say.
It "no grog" Is at tho bottom of goo J
shooting the temperanco advocates have a
good text In Manila.
It Is estimated that In consequence of
Intoxication the sum lost to the working
population of France In 1897 was 1,340,000,
000 franca.
Shakespeare speaks of the "thousand
natural shocks that flesh Is heir to," and
some people Imagine that li'iuor is a cure
for each and every one of them.
Help yourself and others by taking and
keeping tbe total abstinence pledge.
It often bappons that tbe man who Is
averse to offering even ton cents once a
week at cbureh has no objection to spend
ing much more than that sum each day
for drink.
There Is a continual warfare going on be
tween the good and tbe bad in man's na
ture. He who Indulges in drink to excess
weakens the defenses which religion and
morality erect against the assaults of evil.
Ho long as a man who has been In tbe
heblt or danger of Intoxication continues
to drink be will go where drluk is sold; he
will be habitually In the company of asso
ciates who will easily overpower his best
resolutions. For such men total abstinence
is almost tbe onlv hnna,
A Brash Hack.
There are all sorts of racks to hold
brushes, but here is a receipt for mak
ing one which will be found useful by
any neat housewife: Cut a block of
white wood to shape and proceed to
stain it to the desired fhade. Dark
greeu will look well, while the band
across the centre for holding the
brushes iu place may be either of
stamped leather or embroidered Bilk.
Fix these with brass nails, and pro
ceed to ornament the outside edge of
the brush board with a scroll work of
ribbon iron.
The Possibilities of Electricity.
Ever since the electrio light and
power iudustry begau to be a factor
iu the economic affairs of the indus
trial world, its adaptation to the work
of transmitting the power of water
falls to more or less distaut points
has been the dream of those who re
alize its vast possibilities, aud who
believe that the ingenuity of 'man is
equal to the tusk of overcoming any
dilllcultics that may be encountered
iu attempts to find a successfnl solu
tion of the problem. For more thau
twenty years those who may be called
electrical enthusiasts havo prophesied
that the day would come when the
power of Niagara would be delivered
at the door of the consumer iu the
city of New York, and capitalists have
not beeu lacking who would have pro
vided the means for carrying out an
undertaking of this kiud if they had
been given the proper assurance by
electrical engineers of prominence
that the results sought for could be
attained. Such assurance, however,
could not be giveu; for, although it is
known that there ia no difficulty in tho
way of accomplishing such result
theoretically, the practical develop
ment of the art has uot reached a stage
that would render the realization of
such au undertaking possible. Ap
ploton's Topular Science Monthly.
The Queen's Lameness.
Queen Victoria's "difficulty iu mov
ing about," of whioh so much has
been heard lately, is many years old,
as it originated in a fall which Her
Majesty met with about 1882, when
coming dowu the staircase at Windsor
Castle. The Queen has never walked
for more than a few steps for a num
ber of years past, but Her MajeBty is
wheeled about iu a chair, and there is
a lift for her use wherever she goes.
Saved by Lost Tickets.
Street car tickets iu Washington are
sold at the rate of six for a quartet.
This has been the custom for years.
An officer of the company states that
tickets to the value of $48,000 have
uever beeu used. The inference is
that they have beeu lost and de
stroyed. The streets of Taris are swept evory
morning by 2G00 male and GOO female
How Itellcf Came.
From Cole County Vtmocrat, Jefer$on
City, Mo.
When la grippe visited this section, about
seven years ago, Herman H. Evolor, of 811
W. Main St., Jefferson, Mo., was one of the
victims, and has since beeu troubled with
the after-effects of the disease. Ho Is a
well-known contractor and builder, a busi
ness requiring much mentnl and physical
work. A year ago bis health began to fall
alarmingly, and that ho lives to-day Is al
most a miracle. He saya:
"I was troubled with shortness of breath,
palpitation of the heart and a gonernl de
bility. My back also pained me severely.
"I tried ono doctor after another aud
numerous remedies suggested by my
rlends, but without apparent bcnellt, and
began to give
up hope.
Then I saw
Dr. Williams'
Fink Tills for
l'ale People
extolled iu a
St. Louis
paper, and
after Investi
gation, de
cided to glvo
them a trial.
"After us
ing the first
A Contractor's Difficulty, box I felt
wonderfully relieved and was satisfied
that the pills were putting me on the road
to recovery. I bought two more boxes and
continued taking them.
"After taking four boxes of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People I am restored to
food health and feci like a new man.
am now capable of transacting my
business with lucreased ambition.
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Tale Teople
aro a wonderful medicine and anyone that
Is afflicted with shortness ot breath, pal
pitation ot the heart, nervous prostration
and general debility, will find that tnese
pills are the specific. HkbmakH. Evelib."
Subscribed and sworn to before mo, a
Notary Publlo, this 21th day of May, 1S97.
Adam Podtszoso, A'otary I'ublic.
Mr. Eveler will gladly answer any in
quiry rogardlng this If stamp Is enclosed.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure peoplo
troubled with the after-effects of the
f;rlppe because they aot directly on the
mpure blood. They are also a specific for
ohronlo erysipelas, catarrh, rheumatism
and all diseases due to Impure or Impov
erished blond.
There are 24,000 Oaello-speaking High
landers In the city of Glasgow.
Beaut? la Olood Deep,
Clean blood means & clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarc's, Candy Cathar
tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Begin to-day to
banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cascaret8, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
A bat avoids wires and obstructions as
easily as if It could see perfeotly.
8T.VITUS' DANCE,SPASMS and all norv.
oils diseases permanently cured by the use of
Dr. Kline's Ureat Nerve Restorer. Bend for
FHKE $1.00 trial bottle and treatise to J)r.
H. IL ICllne, Ltd.. Oil Arch istrcet, Phlla., fa.
Alexandria possesses the largest arti
ficial harbor In tbe world.
A. M. Priest, DniKKist, Shelbyvlllo, Ind..
says; "Hall's Catarrh Cure gives the best ol
satisfaction. Can get plenty of testimonials,
as It cures every one who takes It." Druggist
sell it, 75c
Teeth are stained in various colon
among tbe Malays.
To Cora Constipation Foravei.
Take Caseareta Candy Cathartic 10s or tSo.
It C. C. C. fall to cure, drugg-tats refund money.
A cable's length is one-tenth of a nauti
cal mile (0OT0 feet).
Kent free, Klondike Blnp
From Gold Commission's olllclnl survey. Ad
dress Gardner Co., Colorado Springs, Colo.
A single bee collects about a teaspoonf ul
of honey during a season.
For Whooping Oimth, Plso's Cure is a suc
cessful remedy. M. P. DiETEit,07ThroopAve.
Brooklyn, N. Y.. Nov. 4. 1HW.
A fine ostrich Is calculated to ytold (2000
worth of feathers.
No-To-Bao for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tobaoro habit eure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 60e,Sl. All druggist
In South America there Is a race of cati
which does not know how to mew.
The Sjuday-school of the Temple
Baptist Church, of Brooklyn, has
more that 2000 pupils.
Of the 31,000,000 population of the
United Kingdom of Italy, 62,000 are
FroteBtauts aud 88,000 are Jews.
Among people where the practice of economy is a
necessity, the buying of soap is an Important yearly Item.
The grocer who has an eye to larger profits, may not
suggest Ivory Soap. He will recommend nothing else
if he is conscientious. Ivory Soap is a pure soap, all
through. That makes it the most economical and best.
A perfect soap for the toilet and laundry.
A WORD OF WARNING. Thtre art many whit oar. sch reprtitnted to bt " Just
as food si ths ' Ivory ';" thty ARE NOT, but Ilk all counltrftlti. lack ths pKullar and
rtmarlubl qualities of ths genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and Insist upon gsttlng It
"tji" -r - ' 1 1
First Suction Dredging,
Probably the first successful at
tempt at suction dredging was on the
construction of the Amsterdam canal
iu 1867, where a contrifttgal pump was
fitted to an old bucket dredge. A ver
tical shaft, driving a "spinner" three
feet six inches iu diameter was fitted
near the bottom of an upright cylin
der twelve feet high, so arranged that
the contents of the buckets falling
through it were met by the ascending
column of water from the centrifugal
pump. This liquefied tho silt, and it
was forced to the shore through wood
en pipes placed on buoys or floats.
These pipos wore oonuected by leather
joiuts or sleeves. This machine
could deposit at a point 1200 feet dis
taut 2000 tons of solid ' matter to a
height of eight foot above water sur
face in twelve hours. Three years
later doublo machines of this kind
wero used ou canal work at Cron
stadt, Russia. Attached to the ver
tical shaft of this machine, however,
were water jets under high pressure,
which were directed into the cylinder.
By this means stiff clay could bo suf
ficiently broken up to be moved
ashore. This kind of machine was
afterward employed on tho Danube.
Engineering Magazine.
Consul Smith, of Moscow, iu a note
to the State Department, announces
the findiug of a gold nugget weighing
seventy pounds iu the Spasso Preo
brajensk mines, in the district of
Yeansay. This nugget is the eleventh
in size among those found in the
whole world, and second iu size to
only one other found in Russia.
paint dealer and do yonr own kalaomlnlnit. Thia material la niad oa ad?utlflo principle hf
machinery aud milled In twenty-fnnr Hutu and Is auperior tu any concootJou of Oluo aua Whx
lug that cau po.idbly be uudo by band. To be mixed wltb Cold Water. '
l-i:N! FOR HA.1IPI,E CO I Oil CARD and if yon rannot purr haw thia material.
from your local d lers let us know aud we
Worth Double the
Makes Hill Climbing easy.
That is the verdict of those who have ridden them. Cell on almost
any Columbia dealer and try one. It won't cost you anything.
We continue to make the best chain wheels in the world.
We use the same material and the same care in building Col
umbia Chain Wheels that we do with the Chainless.
Columbia Chain Whtalt .
Hartford Bicyelaa
Vadatt Blcyelas.
Machines and Prices Guaranteed.
What Brings Release From
treat a poo about every aubject under the ann. It contains (30 pages, profusely Illustrated,
and will be tent, postpaid, for COe. to a tamps, postal note or silver. When rending you doubt.
wiU clear tip for you. It bas a com
plete Index, so that it may be Pfin tT referred to easily. This book
la a rich mine of valuable I" II If II IJ Information, presented In aa
Interesting manner, and is 9 W well wonh to any one anany
times the small sum ot FIFTY CENTS hlcb we ask for It. Astndrof this boak will
prove of Incalculable benefit to tliiwe whose education has bean neglected, while the volume
will also be tazi of great value to those who cannot readily eommnml the knowledge the
hav acquired. BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE. 134 Leonard St., N, Y. City,
Dr. Morgan's "H.d-Kte" 1'ow.ttrs,
A certain and safe rnre for hemlarhe and
neuralgia, ill relieve the nioet olistlntla
case of nervous or Hick headache In a few
minutes. Prire, 10 cents at all druggists', of
seut by mall for six S-cent stamps. Sterling
Pharniaeal Co, IW5 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
rersla bas not a single ratlway.
For heailsi-li (whether slrker nerveiN), tooth
st he, ti-urlL, rheumst'iiii, luiulwgo, piu ntl
wraknrM In the l k nptn or klilii-;.. rot"
around tbe liver, pleurli-y, nwi-lllng of tlie Joints
ml twin, of ll kituR the iipltration ot lUawsy'a
Hisxly Hellrf will .(Tonl liiimniute ease, sml Its
continued uae for a few days effects a peruwosut
Summer Complaints,
A half to a tea.jx'oiifnl of Heady Relief In a balf
tumbler of water, repeated aa ofteu aa the tils
oharaes continue, and a flannel aattirated with
lteailjr Hellef rda-d over the atoma-u or bowela,
will afford Immediate relief anil aoon effeot a care.
ISTtHHAl Lt A half to a teanpoonful In half a
tumbler of water will In a lew iiilimtM rura
t'ramim, R) a-tina, Hour Htomarh, r-anwa, Vomiting,
llearllMirn. Nervoualiei, hleeplemneea, 81rk Ueau
ache, Flatulency and all Internal palna.
Malaria In lt Varlnna Forma Cared
and FrrvvHtril.
There In not a remedial ajietit In the world that will
cure fever and atiue aud all other ma'arloua, hllloua
ami o'hr fever., aided hy IIA1HVA1 H I'lLLH,
an ijuhkly at UAUWAY'H ItKADY Kfr LIKK.
Trice 6v cents per bottle. Hold by all diutiMi"--ItAOWAY
A- CO., M Vim Hi., Nrvr Vark.
'Successfully Prosecute Claim,
LataPrtnclpa.1 Eitmlnar V S.Tanalon Bureau.
9yratQ laat w ar, i& aiy utlivatlutf claim, at ly aluua.
tUrltS WHtKt AU tlStM
CuukI) Syrup. Taausa u
,U ll!l Mil
Boat CuuhI) BrruD. Taausa Uood.
in trnia. toin nv nnurin.tH.
will put you in the way or obtaining it.
"TIM ii., .ul
Price of the Be$t
Chain Bicycle.
Chainless Bicycles
$40. $98.
Hartford, Conn.
Dirt and Grease? Why,
You Know?