THE FOREST REPUBLICAN. J. I. WINK, - COITOR 4 PROPRIETOR. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 1808. Itrruiblienu Ticket. KTATK. Governor VM. A. STONE. Lieut.' Governor J. P. 8. GOBIX. tSee'y Ini. Affairs J AS. W. LATTA. Congress - at - Large G ALUSIIA A GROW, S. A. DAVENPORT. Superior Court Judge Yt. W. PORTER C'Ol'XTV. President Judge Vf. M. LINDSEY, (Subject to notion of district conference.) ingress A WAYNE COOK. (Subject to action of district conforence.) AwMy-S. S. TOWLER. Comity Treasurer. M. HENRY. THE YiR NEWS IX BRIEF. An important war couucil was held at the White Ilouee, alteuded by the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, General Miles and the War Board. It was decided to hasten re inforcements to General Shafter and to call for 50,000 more volunteers. The Presideut adheres to his pur pose to delay the invasiou of Western Cuba for the investment of Havana until the rainy season is over. The Marblehead, St. Paul, Suwa nee and Dolphin again bombarded the fortifications ut Caliuanera. It is believed many Spaniards were killed in the engagement. A hot brush between some Spanish troops and a reconoitering party in steam cutters occurred at Santiago Saturday morning The New York's cutter was bit several times, but uo one was injured. The Texas aud the Vixen scattered the Spaniards. The Yankee arrived at Sautiago and reported that on Monday she had exchanged shots with a Spanish gun boat off'Cienfuegos. It is said in Madrid that Captain General Augusti has resigned the Military leadership in Manili. Advices from Honolulu, by way of Victoria, B. C, say the first Phillip. . pine expeditiiion sailed from that place on Juno 4, and according tq calculations should be at Manila now. General Merritt has designated the commands to comprise the third ex pedition to the Philippines. The work of preparing the transports is being rushed, and the troops may sail the latter part of the week. New rifles have been received by the first and sixteeoih Penna. Ilegts. at Chicamauga, and these, with other commands at the camp, are being rapidly put in shape for active ser vice. Orders for a movemeut south ward are expected in a few days. The Navy Department called for bids for three battleships, to be pat terned after the Illinois, Reports from the Havana block ading squadron say that the men are growing tired of patrol duty. The week's campaign in Eastern Cuba has resulted in the practical demolition of the outer fortifications of Santiago. The Cubans maintain a close cor don about Guantanamo. Tne Marblehead and Texas had a narrow escape in the harbor of Cairn auera. Each ship struck a contact miue, but the latter failed to explode. It is believed in Madrid that Cam era's fleet is on its way to the Philip pines and that his sailing may delay the loss of the Philippines. It is asserted at Gibralter that six traus-atlantic steamers, having on board 4,000Spanisb troop9,accoujpany Admiral Camera's fleet. Lieut. Ilobson and the other heroes of the Merriraac are still held as pris oners at Moro Castle, Santiago, and considerable difficulty is being met with in the eudeavor to exchange Spanish prisouers for them, but it is hoped that their release will soon be obtained. When Secretary Alger reached his office in Washington yesterday morn ing he was informed that the trans ports with 15,000 troops had arrived safely off Santiago, and that direct cable communication had been estab lished between the United States and Guantonarao where the Uuited States marines now hold possession ofCuban soil. Thus not only is Captain Gen eral Blanco cut off from any commu nication with the outside world, save with the Key West cables under our control, but the authorities in Wash ington have been placed in close con nection with our forces, army and navy, which are conducting the in vasion of Cuba. The United Slates army for the in vasion of Cuba, commanded by Gen- eral Shafter, arrived off Santiago Da Cuba Monday at noon. The troops numbering about 10,000 men were on board thirty-seven transports. The time aud place for the laudiog of the soldiers had not been decided upon. Though t lie fleet ofinvasinn makes only eight knots per hour, that amouuts to 1M2 knots a day, which will be entirely satisfactory to an in fantrvman. Every patriotic American who goes abroad this year must pay a war tax of So on his ticket, besides a small per cent on the total amount he pro poses to blow in while away. Nocturnal bushwhacking seems to be the Spanish tactics against cur troops wheu they land. Tho Span iards Lave discovered that they aim as well in the dark as by daylight. Suing for peace in Madrid is said to he deferred because the army is opposed to giving up auy territory. It follows that Spain is already un der the control of a military despot ism. It will be easy euough to get back the bulwarks of the Monroe doc- ine after we shall have destroyed le bulwarks of au uncivilized nation at starves its own subjects, pillages its own cities and loots its owu treas- ry. The regulations governing enlist ments under the second call provide that single men shall bavo a prefer ence. It is a useless provision, how ever, in view of the fact that most of the volunteers 6ecm to marry imme diately after beiug mustered iuto the service. In tho year 1897 Great Britain and her colonies bought from us grain and other articles valnsd at $600, 000,000, and sent to us merchandise worth 240,000,000, leaving a bal auco in our favor of $360,000,000. In a commercial way there is alrea y a practical alliance betwesn the two countries. In exchanging Ilobson's crew it is likely that the Spaniards will insist upou n ratio that will liberate all the prisoners the Americans have cap tured. They have the advantage of knowing that we can well afford to comply with their terms, even if the arrangement should be made to includo all the prisoners we expect to capture. Our sympathies go out to the Hon. Jerry Simpson, the white Indian from Medicine Lodge. In an impassioned speech tho other day he told this na tion, a nation that is expeuding a million dollars a day te end Spanish cruelties in Cubu, that we did not need a larger army and navy, al though if we had had the WBr might never have been begun. He also said, if he was correctly reported, that all annexation was wrong aud that we must get back to the policy of our forefathers unless we wanted to go to the dogs. Even before that time so eminent a man as John James Ingalls had taken practically the same view with regard to the army aud navy and coast defenses, and yet now the Kansas Republicans for whom Ingalls then spoke have come out for the an nexation of Hawaii and the construe tion of the Nicarauga Canal. The world movos, whether the Populists know it or not. The large circle of Hon. W. O. Smith's friends will bear with pleasure that he was most emphatically en dorsed for Congress by the Jefferson couuty Republicans at their primaries last baturdaj'. His opponent flooded the county with an auonymous and most msolent circular attackiue Mr. Smith's legislative record, rehashing a number of the worn-out falsehoods peddled over the State by the Wana- maker fewallow aggregation, but as an evidence of how bis constituents look upon the matter it is only nec essary to glance at the returns, where it is fuuud Mr. Smith had over eight hundred majority.wiuning with hands down. The counties of Pennsylvania would indeed be fortunate if they all had such representatives as V. O. Smith in the legislature, and wheu the people of Jefferson county turu him down for the record he has made tbey deserve to go unrepre sented altogether. But we are pleased to note they have a just appreciation of good and faithful servants, and are keeping them to the front S. C. P. Jones, Milenbnrg, Pa., writes : "I have used UoWitt's Littlo Early Risers ever since tliey were introduced here and must sav I 1ihv pills in my family during forty years of iiuusb Keeping uiai gave such satisfactory results as a laxative or cathartic." Heath it Killuier. 8. E. Parker, Sharon, Wis,, writes: 'I havo triod DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve lor itching piles, and it always stons them in two mir.utna T nnn.llo DeWitt's Witch Uazel Halve the best pile euro on tne market." Heath it- Kill iuer. How lo Subscribe for the New U. S. War Bonds. The war loan which is now being offered will be sold to subscribers at par during the period of subscription, which ends July 14, 1898. The meth od for subscription has been made as simple as po.-sitde Blank forms may be obtained at very mouey-order post office, and at most of the banks and express oflices, and on these forms is clearly indicated all that it is nec essary fur the subscriber to fill out. The subscriber may himself mail to the Treasury Department at Wash ington the blank form filled out, to gether with his remittance covering tho par value of tho amouut of bonds for which he wishes to subscribe. That remittance may ho iu whatever form best suits the subscriber's cou veuience in currency, bank draft, check, pnstoflice money order, or ex press money order. The day the currency is received, or the day the proceed are received from thechecks, drafts, or money order, the subscrip tion will hoeuteied aid will immedi ately begin drawing imprest When the bonds are delivered, a check will accompany each delivery coveting the interest ( 3 per rent, from the day the subscription is entered to the h ret of August, the date of the bonds, aud from which date the bonds will carry their own iuterest. Cupon bond are issued in denomi nations of $20. $100, $500 aud $1,000. Registered bonds are issued in da nominations of $20, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000. $10,000. XEWSY NOTES. "Spain is noted for her Wines. It's pretty near time," says the Mauayunk Philosopher, " for a final consignment of her wines to be sent to the Powers." Hopkins soils tho clothing and shoes. It is said that while Captain Sigsbeo is very in uch pleased with the auxiliary cruiser, St. Paul, he thinks that the ship is too big. "She is a tenth of a mile long," he said, recently, "and when I send a man aft bo seldom comes back until after dinner." The popular shirts are at Miles A Armstrong's at prices to suit yoo. It There is a vacancy in tho postofflce at Strodo's Mills, Pa., for the first timo in S3 years. It is caused by the death of Jo seph Strode at the ago of 84, who was ap pointed postmaster by President James K. Polk, October 21, 1845, and held the office continuously ever since. Leave your order for a suit or pair of trousers this week at Miles fc Anns strong's, it Pennsylvania has six regiments at Chickaruauga, more than any other State. At any hour In the day and in any part of the camp Pennsylvania soldiors may be seen. They am a gentlemanly lot of fellows and havo mado a most excellent impression on the other soldiers. From a number of onr exchanges we learn that a new swindling scheme has boon launched on tho public. It is known as the silk awindlo. The firm(T) send out circulars clTering, in order to intro duce their goods, 10 yards of silk for $1. lt'sa'raud pure and simple, so don't bite unless you wish to get sold. Tho standard of Spain may fall, but the standard of high-grade clothing at Miles & Armstrong's will always re main, it Here's one which tho Ruflalo Courier claims was too hard for his Honor Mayor Dlehl of that place : Pewey 1, Schley 02, Sampson 022. After vaiuly endeavoring to decipher the "cipher," he called for an explanation, which was given as follows: Dewey won, Schley ought to, and Samp son ought to too. The Ifith Regiment will not bo Bent to Cuba. It is a "bob-tail" or eight com pany regiment, and General Brooke has decided that only twelve company regi ments shall go to the front. However their friends and families at home may view the matter, there is no doubt that tho boy 8 themselves will be keenly dis appointed. The town of Gordon, Schuylkill coun ty, was the scene the other day of a most unique flag-raising. A steel wire had been stretched from one mountain peak to another across the town, and from this a huge flag was suspended. The height of tho mountain top above Briddlo street is 950 feet, and tho flag is 800 feet above the ground. Tho length of tho wire is 2,600 feet or almost exactly hair a mile. The flag is 19 by 30 feet. The Kith Regiment, says the Chatta nooga Times, comes from the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and there is consider able talk of placing a largo force of tho enlisted men in charge of tho well drill ing at Chickamauga. One of the officers yesterday remarked : "We havo plenty of men in this regiment who could rush this well-drilling through iu a hurry. The present force has boon ton days try ing to drill a well in this camp and has about completed one-half of their task. I am confident our men could put down a well in thirty-six hours." Ex-Senator John J. Ingalls, of Kan sas, whose fame as a brilliant writer, a man of remarkable scholarship and liter ary attainmonis, is even greater than that ot the distinguished Senator, announces a new book on the subject of the Amori-can-Spauish-Cuban War. It is entitled "America's War for Humanity in Pic ture and Story." It is published by the N. D. Thompson Publishing Co., ot St. Louis, Mo., and is an exhaustive discus sion of the causes of the war, and equally exhaustive history of its Incidents, and a brilliant analysis of tho famous characters conducting it. It promises to be the one great and popular work called forth by this wonderfully interesting national epi sode. Whatever Sonator Ingalls touches hea Jorns; and this book shines and spark les in the light of his genius. The present work is worthy of his genius, and will be a monument to his fame. The subject now so engrosses tho popular mind as to forecast for this book a sale that will be universal. It will bo sold by subscrip tion only, and tiie canvassing samples arc now ready for agents. Wo advertise it in another column. Good Properties For Sale. Georgo Raab ofTm-s his entire property in Tionesta for sale, as follows : Build ing: and lot, corner Kim and Bridge St., and dwelling house and lot on Vine St., near the High School building. Also, billiard and pool tables and all fixtures ; complete ami well equipped barber shop, and fixtures Tor a first class restaurant. These properties are nir.ons tho most de sirable in Tionesta, and will be sold at reaonallo ngures and on nsy terms. Inquire of Uko. Raar, Tionesta, Ta. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the Brtrton House, Burton, W. Va., aud one of the most widely known men in the Stato was cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering. He says: "I have not sullloient command of language to convey any idea of what I sufforod, my physicians told me that nothing pou'd bo done for mo and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death would relievo mo of my autlurlng. In June, 1S94. Mr. Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., recommend ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb wore swollen to more than doublo their normal site and it seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after I begau using the Pain Balm the swelling began to decrease, the pain to leave, and now I consider that I am entirely cured. For sale by G. W. Bo vard. The humnn tnnrhmn RturU lint niinA and stops but once. You can koop it go ing ion-test iy using lie wilt s Little Knrlv Hiunra littln .tll f..,. constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. Heath it Killmer. Lato to bed aud earlv to riu. nromtrtwi a man for his home in the skies. Early to bed and a Little Karlv Riser, tlin nlll that makes life longer and better and wiser. Heath & Killuior. Hundreds of thousands have been In duced to try Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy by reading what it has done lor oth ers, and having tested its merits for themselves are to-day its warmest Iriends. for sale by u. w. lsovard. S. XL Oearv. Pinrsmi Midi . ivritpo.- "DoWitt's WiU-h Hazel Salvo is curing more plies nore to-day than all other romedios combined. It cures eczema md all other skiu diseases." Heath A Killmer. Do VOU annreciatn irood lnniulrv work? if no natronizu tlin Dunkirk Steam Laundry. Miles it Armstrong, agents. tf You can get it at Hopkins' store, tf. "Ono Minuto Cough Cure is the best f reparation I have over sold or used and can't say too much in its praise." L. M. Kennon, merchant. Odell. Ga. Heath it Killmer. "For threo years we "nave never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrluva Remedy iu the houso," sajs A. H. Patter, with E. C. Atkins it Co., Indianapolis, lnd., "and my wifo would as soon think or being without Hour as a bottle of this remedy in tha summer season. Wo have used it with all three of our children sud it has never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but ctire absolutely. It is all right, and any. one who triesjjit will find it so." For sale by G. W. Bovard. The Cuban question and political is sues sink into Insignificance with a man wlio sutlers from piles. Vt hat ho most desires, is relief. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles. Heath it Killmer. Ono minute Is not long, yet relief Is ob tained in half that time by the use of One mi nn to uougn I'nro. it prevents con sumption and quickly cures colds, croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, la grippe and all turnai and limit troubles. Heath it Kill mer. Have you cot 25.00 T Havo vou cot $50.00? Have you got flOO.OO? If so, why ion i you deposit it wun mo uonewango Building Loan Association Association of Warren, Pa. They will pay you 6 per coin, per annum uasn Dividend, payable semi-annually, and you can withdraw your principal in full at any time alter 6 months. fi-5-ly. THB GREATEST IMPROVEMENT EVER HADE IN RUBBER SHOES Geo. Watklnion Co., Philadelphia. THB SERPENTINE ELASTIC STAY prevents cracking ct the sides near the sole. A simple remedy which overcomes a long standing defect in overshoes. SOLX) . . MILES & ARMSTRONG, Notice. In the Court of Common Pleas of Forest County, No. 1. May Term, 1898. Par tition In Equity. Notice: John W. Flvnn, PI ft, vermis John R-. Flynn. F. D. Flynn, T. P. Flvnn. Mary T. Miller, Julia Donnolin, C. N. Patter son and Elizabeth Flynn, Defts. And now, April 1!), 1898, it appearing to the Court by affidavit filed that Fran cis 1). Flynn, one of tho defendants, can not be found, upon motion of Hnrnnol D. Irwin, Solicitor for the plaintiff, it is or dered that a notico be published accord ing to tho Act of Assembly in such case made and provided, by publication in The Forkst Republican onco a week for six weeks. By tiir Court. Attest: J. H. RoiiEnTsoN, Proth. Pursuant to said order Notice is hereby given that the bill filed in the case, is for the partition of thct tract of land in Green township, Forest county, Pa., consisting of 130 acres of land, be samo more or less, of which C. Flynn died seized, being a part of warrant No. 3818. Among the heirs of said C. Flynn, dee'd, named above, to whom said land did by virtue of tho intestate laws of the Common wealth descend, and praying for Ji parti tion among said heirs, or if land could not be divided, samo to be sold according to the practice in Equity and genoral re lief, accordingly. To above named Francis IK Flipm: You are hereby notified anil required to cause an appearance to be entered for you within bu days, and that if you fail U enter your appearance, and file your an swer to said bill within said time, yon will be lialilo to have the bill taken pro eonfesno, and a decree be made against you in your absence. Samuel D. Ikwin. 0-22-Ct Solicitor for Plaintiff. 11 RANTED An intelligent agent in V every sell Mark Twain's new book. Big success; exclusive terri tory; send for terms. C. S. SMITH, 1213 Filbert St., Philadelphia. T OS!' OR MISLAID. Folicv No. 124.781 LJ issued by Tho Penn Mutual Life In surance Company, on the life of Carm Y. Delar. The finder will please return it to the undersigned. Application has been made for the issuing of a duplicate. Dr. C. Y. Detab. C-8-6t Kellettville, Pa. AUDITOR'S REPORT of Tionesta Township for the year ondlncc June 6, 185)8. Wm. Lawreneo, Treas., in account with Tionesta Twp. School Board : rR. To Bal. last settlement A00 75 To State appropriation 695 64 To Reo'd Trom Jesse Carson, Col 1,084 00 To Reo'd from Green Twp 05 04 To Reo'd from Wm. Clark 500 00 To Reo'd from Co. Com 800 00 To Ain't borrowed 300 00 f.1,875 43 OR. By orders redeemed f2,8!W 07 By 2 per cont Com. on $2,898 07... 67 96 By Bal D19 40 t,XJb 43 FINANCIAL statkmknt. Resources : Due from Wm. Lawrence, Treas. 019 40 Due from County Troas 1,048 00 Due from Jesse Carson, Col 137 08 Ain't of tax returned to Co 126 33 Total resources 12,230 81 Liabilities: Outstanding orders ., $3,534 80 Net indebtedness $1,303 09 We, the undersigned auditors of Tio nostaTwp., having examined tho above accounts, find them as sot forth as in tho above report. J. A. Shrivkr, Andrew Hkplkk, J. C. Hoovlkb, Auditors. C. F. Feit, Clerk. In Every County to Supply The Croat Popular Demand for AEERICA'S WAR FOR HUMANITY. TOLD IN PICTTRE and STORY. Compiled and written by SENATOR JOHN J. INGALLS, of Kansas: Tho most brilliantly written, most pro ftisoly and artistically Illustrated, and mast Intonsoly popular book on the sub ject of tho war with Spain. Noarly 200 Superb Illustrations from Photographs taken specially for this great work. Agonts are making $W to $100 a week selling iu A veritable bonanza, for live canvassors. Apply for description, terms and territory at onco to N. D. THOMPSON PUBLISHING CO., St, Louis, Mo., or New York City. N0X0N & G ARSON, Proprietors, Tionesta, Pa. We Will Pay tho Highest CASH . Prices for Hides and Pelts. Success ' Is the Butterfltj which all men are chaslitr and which but fe to catch. Our success with our famous ready to wear clothing cAme, because wo suit ev ery customer perfectly. A first class cutter tries them on you and any alterations necessary aro made in our own shop by expert tailors. Two thousand this season's suits to se lect from. Five hundred latest top coats. Suits $8.00 to $18.00. Overcoats, $8.00 to $20.00. The lormer lined throughout with silk. Money back without a qulbblo. THE McCUEN CO. 25 AND 29 SENECA ST., OIL CITY, PA. THE OLD RELIABLE LIVERY STABLE, OF TIONESTA, - PENN. S. S. CANFIELD, PROPRIETOR. Good Stock, Good Carriagos and Bug gios to let upon tho most reasonablo terms. Ho will also do JOB TZEAIIETGr- All orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. TIME TABLE, in effect June 6, 1898. Trains leave Tio nesta for Oil City and points west as follows : Xo. 31 Buffalo Express, daily excopt Sunday 12:06 noon. No. 61 Way Freight (carrying passengers), daily oxcept Sunday 4:50 p. m. No. 33 Oil City Exr ress, daily except Sunday 7:48 p. m. Oil City, Sunday only 10:00 a.m. Oil City, Sunday only 8:00 p. m. For Hickory, Tldioute.Warren.Klnzua, Bradford, Clean and the East: No. 30 Clean Express, daily except Sunday 8:45 a. m. No. 32 Pittsburg Express, daily except Sunday 4:19 p.m. No. 60 Way Freight (carrying passengers to Irvineton) daily except Sunday 0:50 a. m. Get Time Tables and full information from W. H. SAUL, Agent, Tionesta, Pa R. BELL, Gen'ISupt. J. A. FELLOWS, Gen'l Passenger & Ticket Agent, General office, Moonev-Brisbane Bid Cor. Main and Clinton Sts., Buffalo.N.Y. rnrr $5 bicycle I M II To agents as, a sample. This is I tho opportunity I II I for a hustler. For m m m l particulars, ad press POWER CYCLE COMPANY, Indianapolis, lnd. BETWEEN TWO FIRES! The unlucky Spaniard seems lo bo con tinually botween two very hot fires: tie's iu oqunl peril whothor he goes to sea or stays In tho harbor. No Doubt You havo had tho samo feeling; if you bought a good article you were over charged and if you pay a small price you get a poor article. --o o o o o o o o-- Here is a place where such conditions do not prevail; but you get tho most satis factory goods that monoy can buy at ex ceedingly low prices. o o oo o o- IN COMPLETE your outfit for hot. weather at our store and whether it bo a Suit, Hat, Shirt, Shoes or Tie, you will bo satisfied that you got your money's worth. It is to Our Interest to Serve You Well. GETRE&BY FOX TMEJTm Miles U Armstrong Cam Sf&EGMtf MslKEm 'PHONE 34. -' KEPLER BLOCK. - TIONESTA. PA. ISIzarre Designs) . In Wall Paper Hre very ef fective whon U:ed in large rooms. In the average mom, a rich design of solid color, withraaybe a sprinkling of little figures ia contrasting color, ia tho proper thing. This is not the place wberri you come in and say, "I've got a room, eight by ten feet and ten feet high. How much wall paper will I need, ami how much will it cost?" Before we sell you a wall pa per we want to find en t several things. It is a more particalar way, a better way and in the cud a cheaper way. We Handle the. To be found and our Stock is Always Complete and of the Finest Quality the Market Affords. lif AT Ttf nOW 31. NO. A. Waynk Cook, President. A. 11. FOREST COUNTY TIONESTA, CAPITAL STOCK, DIRECTORS A. Wayne Cook, (3. W. Robinson, Wm. SmoarhiitiKh, N. P. Whoelor, T. F. Ritchey. J. T. Dale, J. II. Kelly. Collections remitted for on day of pr.yment at low ratos. Wo promise our custom ers all the benefits consistent with conservative b king. In tor est piid on time deposits. Your patronage respectfully sOlicitod. Lawrence & -DEALERS IN- CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS, CAPS. GROCERIES, QUEENS WARE, STATIONERY, CANNED GOODS, CUTLERY, JEWELRY, TOBACCO, CIGARS. BOOTS ANB SHOES A SPECIALTY ! OOODS OF FIRST CLASS QUALITY IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. -:ai ' "i . i II ; . '.i'i! "I V..2V i . 1 1 i . 1 1. 1 1 fl " mm' U7S CP I MlY. Ut i "III I t II ' m am DRUGS, GROCERIES AND CROCKERY G038. Kelly, Cashier. Wm. Smkarbadoh, Vico President. NATIONAL BANK, PENNSYLVANIA. $50,000. Smeafbauah. V