The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 08, 1898, Image 5

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Burgess. K. C. Hcalli.
CoHHCitmcn. Joseph Morgan, S. Fitz
gerald, Win. Smcarliaugli. J. T. Dale, W.
F. Blumv Jas. D. Davis, L. J. Hopkins.
Justices of the reaeeC. A. Randall, S.
J. Notlov.
Cbnatable S. S. Canfiold.
Collector V. P. Amslor.
School Directors G. W. llolomaii, L.
Agnew, W. A. Grovo, Q. Jamioson, J. C.
Scowdon, Patrick Joyce.
Member of Congress Vf. C. Arnold.
Member of Senate Wm. H. Hydk.
Assembly-1. E. Wknk.
President Judge-W. M. Linpsky. -
noetaia Judge Jos. A. Is ash, A.
J. McCbay.
yva.mrr Jamk H. Fonks.
. Prothonotnry, Register & Recorder, Cc.
John II. Roiibrtson.
Sheriff.-)? X' WAtKKR.
CVMinw.iionr-W. M. Coos, C. M.
Whitkman, Hbrmaj Blum
County yerinenti E. E. Stitzin-
District Attorney S. P. Irwin.
Jurt Com"ner J. B. Carpkn
tkb, Oko. D. Shiklps.
Counftf Surveyor 3. V. DAVIS.
Ooroner-VR. J. W. Morrow.
Conf.V i4(Ior-M. E. Abbott, J. R.
Cuk,'R.J. Flymh.
Fourth Monday of February.
Fourth Monday or May.
Last Monday of August.
1- Third Monday of November.
OIIONEStTlODU E, No. 309, 1. 0. 0. V
1 Meets overy Tuesday pvoning, in Odi
Follows' Hall, Partridge building.
I vmEST LODOE, No. 184, A.O. U. W.,
I1 Meots evory Friday evening in a.u.u.
W. Hall, Tlonosta.
VV 8. of A., moots every Saturday eve
ning In A. O. U. W. Hall, Tionesta.
KJ O. A, R. Meets 1st and 3d Mond
No. 274
evening in each nioniu, in
Hall, Tionesta.
o. u. w.
Wednesday evening of eacli month.
O. U. W. hall, TionoHtn, ?a.
in A.
i MV, meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday
in each month in A. U. u. v .
hall Tlonosta, Pa. '
Ollice. cor. ol
i... liri.l.m streets. TiotlCSta, Pi
BUt, 1 u.
of reliable
AUn BL'ent for a number of
Fire I nsuranco Companies.
Tlonosta, Pa.
ii TfjrsTVS. M. D..
, Physician, Surgeon ADU
T)i,,.ui,.li.n Sm-i'oon A Dentist.
Olllee and iiosidence tlireo doors north
r Hotel Airnow. Tionosta. Professional
calls promptly rospondod to at all hours.
- D. UOWMAN, M. D.,
1j, Phvsician A Surgeon,
omco in building formerly occupied by
Dr. Nason. Call promptly rospondod to.
Kesidence opposito Hotel
Agnew. .
Office over Heath C Killmor's storo,
Tir.r,.m l'a. l'rofoss onal calls prompt
ly responded to at all hours of day or
niKhU nostaence rasi iuu m. .j,
dore aliove jail building.
ll L. AGNEW. Proprietor.
Tlil hotel, formerly tho Lawrenco
House, has undergone a complete change,
-.i iu H.iur rnrniuhnd with ali the mod
ern improvements. Heated and Jighted
tiii-.inirlimit with natural cas. bathrooms,
lmt and cold water, etc. Tho comfort of
guests never ncgloctod.
1KNTRAIj house.
W H. V. HORNER, Proprietor,
. TiOnsota, Pa. This la tho most centrally
loenkid hotel in the place, and has all the
mnilarn improvements. No pains will
ln unared to make it a pleasant stopping
nlnenf for I the traveling publio. First
class Livory In connection.
Hickory, Pa.
Jacob Bonder. Proprietor. This hotol
1 1 SIX lmt rocontlv boon comploteil. is nice
ly furnished throughout, and offers tho
tinest and most comfortable accommoda
tions to guests and the traveling puuuu,
Hates roasonawe.
Shop in Walters building, Cor. Elm
nnH tt ulniit streets. Is oroparcd to do all
Kinds of custom work Irom the finest tp
the lYim-tiest. and guarantees his work to
irive perfect satisfaction. Prompt atten
tion K'von to mending, and prices rea
and Jowelor of 25 years' experience, Is
- prepared to do all work in bis lino on
short notice and at reasonable prlcos,
Always guaranteos satisfaction. Watch
es, Jewelry, &c, ordered for parties at
tho lowest possible figure. Will be found
in the building next to Koeley Club
Room. '
Manufacturer of and Dealer In
And all kinds of
- -
Frcd. Grettcnbcrgor
All work pertaining to Machinery, En
gines, Oil Well Tools, Gas or Water Fit
tings and General Blacksmithing prompt
ly dono at Low Rates. Repairing Mill
Machinery given special attention, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop in rear of and just west of the
Shaw House, Tidioute, Pa.
Your patronage solicited.
s. i mm k
Furniture Dealers,
. C. M. ARNER & SON,
Fiue, Life and Accident
Insurance Agents
. . AMI . .
Coiupnnlcs Krprrarnlrd.
North American. - -Royal,
- -
5 9,686,808.08
Phill'a Underwriters, -
Titles examined and "Briofs" prepared.
Farms, wild lends, houses and lota, for
sale or rent. Particular attention paid to
tho collection of rents, in tore t, Ac. Also
to the proper assessment of lands and
payment of taxes. Loosing and sale of
oil and gas lands a specialty.
Church anil Sabbnlh Mrhool.
Prosbytorlan Sabbath School at?: '.o a.
m. : M. E. Sabbath School at 1U:U0 a. m.
Preaching in M. E. Church every Sab
bath eveninir by Rev. K. A. Huzza.
Preachinii in the . M. Church every
Sabbath evening at the usual hour, lit) v.
k. W. McCIollanil. Pastor.
Services in the Presbyterian Church
evory nabnam morning ami eveuing,
lie v. j. v. McAuinen otuciating.
The regular mooting of the W. C. T.
U. are hold at the headquarters on tho
second and fourtii Tuesdays of each
"They say that Dewey Is a dudo,"
"Woll, if the story's true,
What glorious deeds when duty calls,
A Yankee dudo'll dot" Ex.
Oil market $.86.
Yon can get it ut Hopkins' store, tf.
Children's day will be observed at
the Presbyterian and M. E. churches
next Sabbath.
Our new slock of tios just in. Drop In
and take a good look at them. Miles A.
Armstrong. It.
Bass are biting quite briskly and
some fine strings, in sizo and quality, are
boing brought in by local sports.
Every one who has a bike should be
prepared to do bis or her best in tho par-,
ado on July Fourth in tkis place.
Sires studio, Tlonesta, Pa., will be
open evory Friday and Saturday.
tf. T. J. O'Siiba, Manager.
Ladies desiring fine shoes should get
a pair of our new tans. Tho price will
surprise you. Miles A Armstrong. It
The first car on the new electric line
from PUasantvllle was run last weok,
and eloctrio lights are shown for the first
time in tlio lattor place.
Next to a prstty girl a young man s
choice is a pretty necktie, and a pretty
girl likes a prettty tie. We've just what
you want. Miles & Armstrong. It
The Sigtfins family hold their annual
reunion in Pleasant township, Warren
county. Juno 21). This is always a nota
ble event in this part of country.
A hundred foot pole-raising and tbo
floatinc of a fortv foot flag will be ono of
the inteststing features of the opening
exercises on July Fourth in Tionesta,
It's very easy to got out a newspaper
every week. All you have to do is to
writo down what you want in it, havo it
set in tvpe. and then print it on white
paper. -Iirookrtlle Democrat.
Lost. Ia tho vicinity of Riverside
cemotery, on Saturday, Juno 4, a five
dollar bill. A reasonable reward will be
paid to the lindor if the money is re
turned to the pwner, AV. R. Smail.
The time for evening sei vices in tho
M. E. and Presbyterian churchts lias
been changed from 8 to 7 o'clock. By
this change it is hoped to avoid lighting
up the churches for the evening services
The Free Methodists will dedicate
their church at Stewarts Run Sunday,
June2Gth. Mooting will begin Wednes
day evening, the 22d. Revs. McGeary,
Tobev and others aro expected to be
The firo department was called out
last Saturday forenoon by an alarm from
the north ward. Tho fire was in the
house of Mrs. Wyaut on tho bill near the
reservoir, but was extinguished without
doing much damage and tho assistance
of the hose companies wi not needed
The tax on boor will be raised from
1 to i'Z per barrol. on tobacco it will be
Increased 12 cents, on cigars weighing
ioro than three pounds to the thousaad
$4. Perfumery, chowing cum, mineral
waters, bills of exchange, drafts and
proraisory notes will be taxed to help pay
war cxponses.
Tho ladies of the W. R. C. shipped a
well-filled box of-good things to Private
George Bertcil, Tionosta's first recruit
for the war with Spain, who is now in
camp with tbo 10th Reg'tatChickamauga
Park, Go. Along with the rations were
manv other articles which will come
handy in a soldior's outfit.
Charles Kirchartz, a 0-year-old resi
dont of Cottage Hill, fell from a swing in
his father's yard on Sunday afternoon
and struck bis head on a sharp stone,
cutting a gash fully six inches long in the
sealD. Dr. Ward attended the little fel
low, who will sudor no permanent
suits from his injury. Derrick.
An exchange very pertinently re
marks : "Absent minded" would be the
mildest terra we could use to apply to the
man who would lav all the material in
his furnace and forget to apply the match
The merchant who fills his store with
iroodsand forgets to advertise has the
disease in a more dangerous form.
-Until October 1st tho W. N. Y. A P.
Ry. will run a regular Sunday train be
tween Oil City and Tionesta, ondor the
following time schedule : Leave Oil City
at 9:00, arrive at Tionesta at 9:45 a. in.;
leave Tionesta at 10:00, arrive at Oil City
at 10:45 a. m. Loave Oil City at 7:00, ar
rive at Tionesta at 7:45 p. in.; leave Tio
nesta at 8:00. arrive at Oil City at 8:45
p. m. tf.
Zach Shriver now wears tho bolt,
sure pop. Yesterday morning he exhib
ited a fish in towa which beats anything
for size and weight that has been taken
from tho Allegheny within the recollec
tion of the oldest inhabitant. The mon
ster, which was of the sturgoon specie:
measured 4 feet 6 inches in length, and
weighed 42 pounds. It is certainly tho
dady of them all, and was admired by
everyone who saw it. When asked where
aud how he got it, Zach paid be "lassoed
it two miles and a half up Tubus Run."
No use trying to beat that record, for it
can't be done in these parts.
Postmasters have boen notified that
the new Trans-Mississippi stamps cannot
bo gotten out in time for delivery to cus
tomers before tbo I5th, or middle or this
month, but that after that dato the new
stamps, designed as a sort of souvenir of
tho Trans-Mississippi exposotion at Oma
ha, can be purchased at tho postofllces of
the United States.
Any one having a horso to disiiose of
answering the following description may
Wild a customor by addressing P. O. kox
55, Tionesta, Pa.: A good driving herse
for a woman: must be hiirh-huadad. and
good traveler, perfectly gentle in every
particular. Color dark chestnut sorrel,
and between 1000 and 1100 in weiirht.
Must be a goiding. it.
H. II. Dottorror, of Forest county,
passed through town on his way home
from Pittsburg, Saturday, having piloted
to market two of tho largest boats ever
built on the upper Allegheny. Mr. Dot
terrer delivered his boats without a mis
hap. He is ene of the best pilots on the
rivr. He was raised in Scrubgrass
township. Emlcnton Xews.
Editor Shick ol tho Marienvllle Kx
press, who was boxed up for nearly four
days as a juryman in a cas. at the recent
term of court here, makes a kick for
easier chairs, and argues that it would be
conducive to one's morals as well as com
fort. That's likely correct, but whether
it might not also add to that tired feeling
after a 48-hour soige, is anothor quostion
to be taken into the count. Might be too
dead easy.
II. M. Irwin, for many years editori
al writer on the Faanklin Keus, has tak
en control of the Venango Spectator, tho
journal made famous by the late lament
ed A. P. Whitaker. This will be pleas
ant news to the many readers of tho Spec
tator, and tho paper will take on new life
t once, and again be eagerly sought for
by its patrons, Bro. Irwin doesn't need
our "best wishes for success;" that part is
already assured, but we do hope that his
career will be long as we know it will be
pleasant to the Spectator's host of friends.
A socictr event in which the people
of Ceutorville, Pa., are interested occurred
last Wednesday at 3 o'clock, when Carrie
L., tho only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Scott, was united in marriage with James
E. Foreman, of Antlers, Indian Ter.,
Rev. Black of Centervllle, officiating.
Many costly and exquisito gifts were re
ceived, among which was a beautiful sil
ver tea set from friends in Boston, Mass.
Mr. Foreman is a nephow of J. H. and II.
M. Foreman of this place. After visit
ing a few days here they will depart for
Cleveland, O., from which place thoy
will go to tliolr western home in Antlers,
Ind. Ter.
A distinguished honor has been
shown the Woman's Relief Corps of Tio
nesta ill the fact that a team of its mom
bers has been selected to exemplify the
work of tho corps at the State encamp
moot at Oil City this week. Tuoro are
upward of 200 corps in Pennsylvania,
and it is a matter ot groat pride to our
citizoiKf to know that out of this uumber
tho Tioncstu corps has been selected as
the one best fitted for this dolicato task.
"Our ladies havealways taken great inter
est in this work of love and patrioti&tu,
no sacrifico of time and energy being too
great for them to undertake in the cause,
and on this occasion thoy will acquit
themsoivos with tho samo ability and ef
ficiency for which they havo become
noted throughout tho State.
Tho now system for the distribution
of state school funds, which was devisod
by tho last legislature, goes into f fleet on
June 0, It discriminates against the
cities and other populous centers in favor
of the couutiy districts. Instead of divid
ing the stato appropriations on the basis
of tho number taxable in each district,
it will hereafter bo distributed according
to the number of teachors, taxables and
children. Under this plan the districts
will receive G0.07 foi each teacher, f 1.97
for each taxable and $1.02 for each child
of school ago, 0 to 16 years. The funds
for this year becoino available when
the now system goes into effect. Treasur
er Beacein will make the distribution at
the rato of 8200,000 a week, preference
being glveu to the small districts which
rely largely upon the money they receive
from tho state to run the schools.
The law providing for tho protection
of black bass in the streams of this Com-
couwealth does not fully woet the pur
pose tor which it is iutendod, or in ether
words the season when bass may. not be
caught does not extend over that period
of time when bass are spawning and most
need protection and are the easiest caught,
Tho law provides that no bass shall be
caught between the first day of January
aud the first day of June, and the spawn
ing season does not end until about the
middlo of the month. During spawning
season the fish ere easily found and may
be approached without mtU liklihoocV
of their swimming away, and as a matter
of protection to their spawn will bite
almost on an empty hook. An amend
ment of the Act relating to the catching
of bass, salmon, piko, etc., making the
opening day about one month later,
should be made, as one month's protec
tion during the spawning season would
be of more practical value than tho whole
five months for which the law now pro
vides. Grand Army Week in Oil City.
Tionesta sends largo delegations to the
Stulo G. A. R. Encampment at Oil City
to-day and to-morrow, special train pass
ing down in the morning and returning
in the evening. Extensive preparations
have been niado for showing tho old sol
diers and their friends a good time. Fol
lowing is the program for tbo balance of
the week :
Thursday Third sossion of the en
campment; opening of the fair grounds
with appropriate and interesting ceremo
nies ; shooting of an oil well ; athletic
sports; barbecue, issuing rations of fresh
boef, burgoo and other inviting, tooth
some and palatable viauds. In the eve
ning lecture in the Grace church by Hon.
Henri Wattcrson on "Tho Life of Lin
coln." Friday Excursions, drives and trolley
rides; visits to many points of interest
in and about Oil City, including the
Eclipse Oil Works, at Franklin, and the
State Institute at Polk.
S. C. P. Jones, Milesbure;, Pa., writes:
"1 have used beWitt's Little Early
Risers ever since they wore introduced
here and must sav I have never used any
pills in my family during forty years ef
house keeping that gavo such satislactory
lesults at a laxalivo or cathartic." Heath
A Killnier.
-Clark Morgan spent Sunday with
friends in Franklin.
Mrs. II. Kiser is visiting her daugh
ters at Wilklnsburg.
Ed. Kirchartz is up from Beaver Falls
visiting Tionesta friends.
Harry Feit spent Sunday with his
parents at North Clarendon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Swanm were
visitors to Warren last Sat r Jay.
Frank Shaw of West Hickory was
one of our pleasant callers yestorday.
Born, to Mr. aud Mrs. Ernest Sibble,
of German Hill, Saturday, June 4, 1803, a
Mrs. J. C. Partridge is up from Pitts
burg visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. G. Dale.
Scowdeu A Clark have built a new
sidewalk and porch in ' front of their
wagon shop.
Miss Bossie Cook of Nebraska, Pa., is
a guest at Chamberlain Institute. Ran
dolph 12nle-prie.
Mrs. W. C. Huoy of North Warren
was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Chas.
Amann, over Sunday.
Mrs. Chapin Tiffany and Miss Tiff
any, of Jamestown, N. Y., are guests of
Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Bowman.
Mrs. Andrew Carr and two of her
children came up from President and
visited Tionesta friends Monday.
Omer and Hugh Hagloy, of Kittaan-
ing, are visiting their cousin, Arthur
Strouu. of German Hill, for a couple of
Miss Minnie Reck, who lias been 'at
tending the State Normal School at Fre
donia. N. Y.. is at home for the summer
II. W. Carr of Chicago is at the home
of bis father-in-law, W. F. Blum, on a
visit to his wife, who has bscn here for
sot oral months past.
Xfrs. L. Agnew of Tionesta, and Mrs.
M. Andrews of Kellettvillo, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Reed, of Grove avc
nue. Derrick.
Harry Happer, confidential clerk to
Cant. J. M. Clapp. was up from Pres'-
dont Monday, and gave the Republican
a pleasant call.
Rev. C. A. Rhiel of Mt. Zion Lnthern
church, German Hill, has gouo to attend
synod at Perry ville and from there will
co to Canton to visit his parents lor a
couple of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Salsgivor, who
havo for some time past been visiting
their daughters, Mrs. Philip Emert and
Mrs. Bert Fitzgerald, have gone to Ohio
to visit relativos.
List of letters remaining uncalled for
in tho Tionesta, Pa., post offieo, for the
week ending June 8, 1S'I8 : Mr. II. P. Do
Land, Mr. F. II. Sigwortli, T. W. Jacobs.
D.S. Knox, P. M.
Mrs. Marion Kinskcy and littlo son
of Great Calls, Mont., has been the guest
of Mrs. J. G. Hunter for the past week.
She left on train 31 yesterday . and will
reach her home at that place Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Gus B. Evans, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Stiles, of Eudoavor, aud Miss
Josio Weiblo of Tidiouto, composed a
pleasant cycling party that passed through
town Saturday en route to Pronideut for a
day's outing.
The condition of Judgo J.G.Dale.who
has so long beou confined to bis room
witli illness, remains about the samo.
He euduros a groat deal of sufforing, hut
has an occasional good day, when he
rests and feels quite cheorful.
Rov. and Mrs. F. F. Shonp, of Kids
way, who were visiting Oil City friends
last week, stopped off here a few hours
Friday on their return, to visit Tionesta
friends. They were accompanied by tho
two youngest children, Ruth and Paul.
Mrs.C.H. Walters, of Chehalis, Wash
ington, and Miss Mary Thompson, of
Nebraska, Pa., were, Tionosta visitors
Monday. Mrs. Walters has been tho
welcome guest of Eastern friends and
relatives for several weoks past, and ex
pects to remain till fall.
Frederick J. Oescnlager, a voloran of
the late war, and brother of Mrs. Wm. F.
Blum of this placo, dropped doad while
marching with his Post to the cemetery
at Clarion to decorato tho graves of his
comrades gono before, on the 30th ult.
Mrs. Blum was present at the funeral
last week.
Mrs. I. E. Dean, Mrs. C. M. White
man, Mrs. G. G. Gaston, Mrs. J. F. Pro
per, Mrs. S. D. Irwin, Mrs. Kate B.
Craig, and Miss Kathleen Joyce, of Geo.
Stow Relief Corps, drovo to Tidioute
Monday evening to attend tho reception
glvf"t by Capt. and Mrs. Cumings to
, Ja.l. 'Com. Stauffer and staff of the
Dopartment of Pa., G. A. R.
We note with pleasuro that H. E.
Kelly, who has been attending college at
the Western University of Pennsylvania,
is one of the number of the graduating
class of '98, commencement exercises be
ing held this week, and we join with
Ted's many friends in extending con
gratulations at his high attainments aud
exoressimr well-wishes for his future
success in life.
As we go to press this (Thursday)
morning, it is with profound regrot and
sorrow we must announce that Mr. A
Holcman, who has been critically ill with
bowclftrouble sinco Sunday evening, is
pronounced past recovery. Dr. Jamison
was called and concurred with Drs. Lu
pher A Goodwin In the above conclusion
ricasantvillc Rrcord. The last reports
from 'Sauire Holoman were to the effect
that his symptoms were more favorable
His many friends in this section hope for
bis recovery.
Tidioute Nctcs: Mrs. M. E. Abbott.ot
Endeavor, was a guest of Tidioute friends
this week. Miss Justina Sicgins of
West nickory was with relatives in town
over Memorial Day. Hon. N. P,
Wheeler and family of Endeavor were
among Tidioiite's visitors Memorial Day
Wm. Blocher writes from Brooklyn
that he has been assigned to the transport
and coaler Abarendo and expects to goto
seashortlv. His letter indicates that bo
will run the engines which he says aro 2
000 h. p.
Have vou got ?i5.00T Havo you got
S50.O0T Have you ot Sloo.OdT If so, why
don't you dejiofit it with tho ('onowaugo
Building Imil Association Association
of Warren, Pa. They will nay you fl per
cent, per annum Cash Dividend, payable
semi-annually, and you can withdraw
your principal in full at any tfino altr 0
months. ."-.r-ly.
Fourth of July Celebration at.TIonesta.
In harmony with the patriotic spirit
that inspires every Americau citizen to
day the members of the G. A. R., in con
nection with the newly organized mili
itary company, have initiated the move
ment for an old-fa'hioned Fourth of July
celebration this year in Tionesta, such as
has never iicen witnessed in this section
A pole-raising at the armory will un
doubtedly be the principal feature of the
forenoon, followed by a bicycle parade in
which 800 bikes are expected to be in line
all gaily decorated.
The afternoon exercises will include
the reading of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, and addresxs by a speaker of
national reputation. Exercises by 40
young ladies representing the different
states of the anion (Cuba will not be for
gotten) and the review of the military
Arrangements are being made for the
graudest display of fire works in the eve
ning that has ever been witnessed in this
part of the country.
Tho military company are making
special arrangements for the grand ball
at their Armory for afternoon and even
ing, in fact the people of Tionesta are
determined nothing shall be left uudone
to entertain all whooome to help them in
celebrating our Declaration of Independ
ence in 1770 as woll as tho Declaration of
Independence of Cuba in 1898.
Full and complete program will be
published next week.
The c uiuiittoe of tho G. A. R. and
military company have begun work in
dead earnest to make tho coming Fourth
of July celebration o e to be long re
membered in this locality. Committees
will visit Pleasautville, Neiltown, Hick
ory, Kellottville, Nebraska, Marienville
and other towns to invite them to come
to Tionesta and assist in making July
4th, 1898, an unbounded success.
At a meeting held last evening a com
mil tee was appointed to co-operate with
tho G. A. R. and new military company,
as a general committee of arrangements.
A mooting of these committees will be
held next Friday evening at the Central
House parlors, at which time final ar
ranicoments will be made.
Ell Kciiin Post, o. 629, (i. J. K.
Sunday last our Post, together with an
immense congregation of friends, assem
bled at the West Hickory M. K. church
and listened to aa able and eloquent me
morial sermon by Rev. R. A.. Buzza of
Tionesta. The church was beautifully
decorated with ilags and flowers by the
W. R. C.
Monday at 9 a. m., the patriotic hosts
began to arrive at the church camp
ground at Whig Hill. They came from
Hickory, Endeavor, Kellettville, New
town nnd other localities prompted by a
sense of patriotic duty they all contribu
ted their full share in perpetuating the
mnmory- of our dead. Assisted by the
able choir aud post band the O. A. R.
performed their labors of love in perfect
order, alter a short address J. Albaugb
deposited a beautitul wreath of flowers
In memory of the buys in blue who went
down in tho Maine,- thereby connecting
the memories of the .fallen heroes of the
presttnt with those of the past in one
beautiful chain of fraternity, charity and
loyalty. Altor a general decoration of all
the graves by the assembly all marched
back to the camp ground to the music of
the band and on arriving at camp all at
on co enjoyed the basket pio-nic. The
afternoon services was opened with song
bv the choir and prayer by Rev. Buzza
of Tionesta, after which the yeung peo
ple recited many stories in verse, iuter-
spersed with singing, etc.
Rev. Buzza wan now Introduced and
held tho large attentive assembly in per
fect control for more than thirty minutes,
leading his hearers from one grand, pa
triotic thousht to another still more
Rev. Valinof Whig Hill was the next
on the list for duty and responded nobly
and to the satisfaction of all.
Rev. Buzza now sung a few selections
fur the occasion. His ability as a singer
need no comments upon the part of all
who have had the good fortune to hear
him. Tho thanks of Eli Berlin Post is
extended to tho speakers, the chair, the
Band and to all who in every way con
tributed to the success of the day by their
labor and presence.
Decoration day 1898 is past and we are
marching forward towards that of 1899,
Some of us will fall short in this
march, no doubt, but let all in the love of
God march boldly on and all will be well.
J. A
Mrtvhnrg Items.
Miss Rosa Hunter, who taught the
German Hill school for two successive
terms, and who gave such excellent sat
isfaction, was offered the Maybuag school,
but did not accept it as she dosires to se
cure a school nearer home.
Marcv Oil Co. got a very nice show ot
nil at the mouth otsix tuile Salmon creek
Win. Diekraor and Christ Jensen are
here building the new school house,
Buck Mill school house is nearly finished
James Ruling is doing the work.
Watson Lands Lumber Co., is putting
material on the eround for some new
houses on the Balltown road.
Bob's creek brldte was nearly washed
out last week.
T. B. Gilford enr new pathmaster has
dono soino good work on the narrows be
low town.
Quartoilv raoetinz here June 3-5. Rev,
I. B. Toboy was in charRO.
Farmers' Institute.
Tho County Board of Institute Mana
gers, will meet at the County Coininis
sioners' oflloo on tho second Tuesday of
June, to arrange for the places where in
stitutes aro to be held this season. All
of our people who desire institutes, ought
to nttend this meeting and piesent thoi
claims. This board is composed sf the
local member of the State Board of Agri
culture, nnd the representative from
each Conutv Agricultural Socletv, the
Pomona Groniro and County Alliances,
II you find that you cannot attend thi
meetiiiL'. address a letter with your re
quest to Chairman of Board of Institut
Managers, raro of County Commission
crs. A suitable hall tor the meeting
ought t" be provided, free of charge by
tho locality wishing the inwtitute. The
meeting will take place at 2 p. m.
You cuu get it at Hopkins' store, tf
Beauty -
Coloring and embellishment marks the
suits which we are showing for little
bays. Superb materials for hot weather,
crash, and linen suits, ages 3 to 10 years ;
prices, fl. 00 to $5.00.
The makers havo given pretty namos
for each individual style, which, iT we
were to quote here, would have no moan
ing for you, without -seeing the suits.
Prices are interestingly low, qualities su
premely high, while all the styles are ex
clusive with us, and cannot be duplicated
at any other store in town.
English serge, linen crash, duck, (mo
hair, in suits, coats and vests, or coats
only for men. Prices, f 1 00 to $8.00.
Our special linen
this season is 5.00
crash suit lor men
ConnKcr Styles
xqs Correct 9essem$
Suits Tor only 1.0! Think of it.
Trousers only 05e! Think of it.
If we can't exactly suit you in styles or pattern, we take your measure,
get your suit and guarantee a perfect lit or you don't take the suit.
Gents Furnishings.
com; AXD
And We Want the FARM ERS to
-And Evory
start cw
A Full LillO of D04TRS. WINDOWS, L.OCIV3, aAiw, ii ahu vy a rw-,, r.iuno
... -
OILS and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES of every description.
Can Furnish Top Ituggies From 33 Up.
Everybody has them -
get the most enjoyment out of them, you must
At $3.00,
At $5.00,
At $6.00,
34 SENEGA ST., -
Arlington Hotel
-Til AT
Carries a full line ot
r Hi 1
Goods Delivered Free of Charge.
Of the Very Latest Style and
Patterns to Seleet From. '
Anything you want in SHIItTS.
Anything you want lu HATS.
Anything you want in S1IOKS.
Anything you want In TIUS.
SEE us.
Know that wo have a full line of
Kind of
....... . . . t r , , ii i ui.ur . m. t . T vT'fU
almost everybody. A
Men's Piu Check Bike Suit not all
wool but it's well tailored and a good fit -ting
suit and worth this price.
Men s Check Chiviott All-Wool SuiU
reinforced seat in trousers aud extra
well made suit.
Suit made by the King Trousers Coia
pauy guaranteeing its worth.
For an all-wool, absolutely fast die,
light weight sweater, with a Byron col
lar. Bolts, 250. 50c 65c, and fl.CO.
Bike hose 25o to 81.50, in fancy tops
and plain colors.
And your "money back" ifyou've any
kick coming.
directly opposite u,