The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, June 01, 1898, Image 5

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    IThjr Scotch Preserve. Are'ftnperlor.
According to Miss Murrlock, attach
er of cookery, the superiority of
Scottish preserves does not lie in their
preparation, -which is the same as that
of other countries, but m the irmts
themselves. Instead of using the
laree and handsome fruit which
American housewives prefer, the thrif
ty Scotch manufacturers endeavor, as
far as possible, to get the wild ana
hardy variety. Ibese preserve tueir
character longer and develop addi
tional flavor in the . cooking. New
York Mail and Express.
Educate Tour Bowels With CascareU.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
tOo, S&o. If C C C. f nil, druggists refund money.
The finest chops In a Chinese city are
those devoted to the sale of coffins.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. S3c.
Nearly forty per cent, of the population
of Siberia are Russian exile.
M. L. Thompson Co., PnnrRUts Couder.
port, Ha., say Hall's Catarrh Cure is the best
and only sure cure for catarrh they ever sold.
Druggists sell It, V5c.
The duties on wheat at French ports
will be surpressed until July 1.
Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing; Syrup for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2Sc.a bottle,
Bombay Is the leading pearl mart of the
I coud not get slong without Piso's Cure
for Consumption. It always cures. Mrs. E. C.
Al PULTON, Neeilham. Mass., October , lfM.
The cathedral of ISoaen boasts a clock
which has kept time for 500 years.
No-To-Bae for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco bablt cure, makes weak
men strong, blood pure. 50c. II. All druggists.
In Hamburg the authoritlestax a dog ac
cording to Its size.
And Not Experiments, Should be
Your Aim In Buying Medicine.
Let others experiment; you should be
guided by experience. Experiments are
uncertain In result; experience is sure. Ex
periments may do you harm; experience
proves that Hood's Sarsaparllla will do
you wonderful good. Thousands gladly
tell what Hood's has done for th-em. They
want you to know and they urge you to
try It. That Is what is meant by th9 vast
number of testimonials written In behnlf
of Hood's Stirsaparllla. They give the re
sults of experience and prove that
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all
druggists, fl; six for t-V Get only Hood's.
Hood's Pills
are gentle, mild, effec
tive. All druggists. -V.
Cost of Running Great 1'nlverslties.
The cost of running a great univer
sity these days counts up into hun
dreds of thousands of dollars every
year. The money laid out annually
by Harvard, Pennsylvania, Yale, Cor
nell or Chicago universities would
thirty years ago have been considered
a fair-sized endowment. It costs over
$1,000,000 a year to run Harvard
University, and while its endowment
is about $9,000,000, it is constantly
pressed for more. The endowment of
Yale University increased from $273,
000 in 1887 to $4,582,000 in 1897, and
yet Yale considers itself poor.
Columbia University, in New York
City, has funds amounting to $6,000,
000, but it is restricted in every one
of its departments by lack of money.
The need of money at the University
of Pennsylvania is knowu to be a con
stant drawback to its usefulness.
Philadelphia Press.
A nutmeg tree of the largest size
will produce no more than five pounds
of nutmegs.
Jennie E. Green and Mrs. Harry
Jbxkie E. Orken, Denmark, Iowa,
writes to Mrs. Pinkhani:
" I had been sick at my monthly
periods for seven years, and tried
almost everything I ever heard of, but
without any benefit. Was troubled
with backache, headache, pains in the
shoulders and dizziness. Through my
mother I was induced to try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
it has done me so much good. I am
now sound and well.
Mrs. Harry Hardt, Riverside, Iowa,
writes to Mrs. PinUham the story of
her struggle with serious ovarian trou
ble, and the benefit she received from
the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. This is her letter :
"How thankful I am that I took
your medicine. I was troubled for
two years with inflammation of the
womb and ovaries, womb was also very
low, I was in constant misery. I had
heart trouble, was short of breath and
could not walk five blocks to save my
life. Suffered very much with my
back, had headache all the time, was
nervous, menstruations were irregular
and painful, had a bad discharge and
was troubled with bloating. I was a
perfect wreck. Had doctored and
taken local treatments, but still was no
better. I was advised by one of my
'"neighbors to write to you. I have now
finisCKd the second bottlepf fioU -ham's
VyuT6It?ftmpound, and am
better In every way. I am able to do
all my own work and can walk nearly
a mile without fatigue; something I
had not been able to do for over two
years. Your medicine has done toe
more srood than all the doctors."
::Try Grain0!
jj Try GrainOI
T Ask you Grocer to day to show you x
a package of OHAIN-O, the new food
a drink that takes the place of coffoe.
r The children may drink it without
Iniurr as well as the adult. All who
I try it, like it. GRAIX-0 has that I
r rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, J
i but it is made from pure grains, and
I! the most delicate stomach receives it
j without distress. the price of coffee,
it 15 cents and 25 cents per package.
! I Bold by all grocers.
! Tastes like Coffee
J j Looks like Coffee
I Insist that your grocer gives yon Q RAIN-O
J Accept no Imitation.
A Novelty In Dinner Parties.
A novelty in dinner parties is
described by the Paris correspondent
of Harper's Bazar: "It was a little
model of the dinner table placed iu
the hall. AH around it were, little
compartments, into each of which was
slipped a card coutaiuing the name of
the guest. One simply glanced at
this convenient little plan on arriving
and found her place without any of
that confusion ou enteriug the dining
room that is sometimes so maddening.
One's own name always seems the
Feathers In Millinery,
In the world of millinery long os
trich feathers seem likely to take a
very promiueut place, more especially
when they are dyed in some rather
deep yet brilliant hue and shaded
away toward the tipsintoeither white,
cream or some very light and delicate
tone of color. A smart hat of white
rioe straw, for instance, which was
just goitig off to Monte Carlo, was
trimmed round the comparatively low
crown with long ostrich feathers,
which were of a deep orauge color to
begin with, but which shaded after
ward through various tones of flame-
color and yellow to the palest prim
rose possible to imagine.
The Farmhouse League.
Mrs. Candace Wheeler, of New
York, is said to be the originator and
moving spirit in the Farmhouse
League; bnt the philanthropic ladies
of Chicago are also taking it up. A
meeting was held lately at the home
of Mrs. A. C. McClurg, the wife of
General McClurg, the book publisher.
lhe following officers were chosen:
President, Mrs. II. N, May; Record-1
ing Secretary, Mrs. W. Wilkinson;
Corresponding Secretary, Miss Healy;
Treasurer, Mrs. V. C. Turner. The
industries plauned are such as can be
practiced iu the farmhouse and which
may prove to be more or less a means
of pleasure and pastime. They in
clude embroidery, knitting and it is
said even spinning and weaving. Of
course this will not occur to our
farmers' wives and daughters as any
thing new; tut the organization it
new and this 'purpose and definite
plau of helpfulness from thsir sisters
of the cities is new. Farm, Field and
Bangles anil Bracelets.
Old fads, like poor relations and
bad pennies, are always bound to turn
up sooner or later.
With the fashion of wearing two
buttoned gloves for almost every occa
sion, there has come the revival of the
bracelet in general and of the bangle
in particular. The combination of
short gloves and bracelets is not at all
a pretty one. We agree with the clever
woman who wrote iu a "question
album" that her idea of the vnlgar was
"short gloves and wrists fat and red,
or bony and blue, with bracelets two
inches wide." A gap between the
sleeve and the glove at the wrist is
never becoming, nor is it made so by
filling it with a bracelet, especially the
..vulgar, flat gold bracelets in vogue a
dozen years ago, and now to be re
vived. And the bangles! What woes are
in store for us now! The old girl has
resurrected her bygone appendages
aud the new girl is ou the hunt for
brand new ones. Coins of all sorts
will be worn, from the quarter real of
Guatemala famed as the smallest
coin in the world to Columbia half
dollars. By their side will jingle
monogram coins, ruby hearts, gold
pigs, agate mice, rhinestone balls, and
every and any sort of a bangle that
feminine ingenuity can devise. Bangle
begging will be a feature of the sea
son, and the mau who can skillfully
elude these requests is capable of
making his escape from a church fair
with his car fare in his pocket.
How to Pack at Trunk,
Lay aside your sandals, night-dress,
toilet articles, medicine and shoe dress
ing for your traveling bag. It is wise
to take an umbrella in the hand. Some
strap the sunshade to this, but in case
of a shower you would not know what
to do with the sunshade, so it is best
to put the latter into the truuk. Those
with adjustable handles are best for
Pack in layers, having everything as
flat as possible. This economizes
room. All delicate apparel should be
wrapped separately in tissue paper or
towels, and sleeves of fine gowns should
be stuffed out with newspapers, also
the crowns of hats aud bonnets, after
which thev way be pinned (hat pins)
to the bottom or sides of hat boxes to
ke:';i tlio'ii frjui bhuking about.
Aigrettes and other high adornments
may be detached, then fastened on af
terward. Fold the front breadth, iif.
skirt in its crease, then i.'iiVnot look
crumpled. joi of great impor
tandeil "the other breadths are creased.
They soon shake out.
Never double ovor the bottom of
skirt if it is longer than the trunk.
Double from the top instead, where
there is no stiffening to hold creases.
Fold the waists inside out as smoothly
as possible and stuff out the loops of
large bows with newspapers.
Hose, undergarments, etc., may be
saved out to tuck into corners aud
spaces to keep the layers from jarring.
The main point is to keep a smooth
surface in packing, placing layer upon
layer, and when bulky articles are put
in building around them until you
have a smooth surface again. Never
crowd breakable articles iu the corn
ers or sides, rather wrap them in news
papers and place among the clothing.
Some may advise you to' carry bot
tles in your truuk. Don t do it, un
less, of course, they are done np
chemist fashion. We have carried
tthoe dressing and preserves among
clothing several times, but the last
time it was not a success, and so we
itdrise you to take such articles by
hand, or pack by themselves aud send
by express. New lork Ledger.
England has a great many women
A Young Woman's Christian Asso
ciation iu Wisconsin has opened a
school for little cash girls.
Eadcliffe College, by the generosity
of au auouymous friend, is to have a
well-equipped gymnasium.
Lady Uxbridge at her'marriage re
cently received preseuts worth $300,
000 from the bridegroom alone.
- Countess Alice Kearney has been re
appointed President of the Grantham
Women's Liberal Association.
News comes from Shanghai that ten
Chinese ladies of distinction gave a
dinner for fifty European ladies.
Queen Elizabeth of Roumania has
been honored with the degree of Doc
tor of Arts by the University of Buda
Mrs. Andrew Carnegie has given
$10,000 for au organ, to be placed in
the Carnegie Library, in Braddock,
The average height of the Frenoh
woman is hve feet one inch, lhe
American women are nearly two inches
The late Mrs, Julia W. James, of
Boston, left nearly all her estate, val
ued at $o42,069, to the Museum of
Fine Arts and the Institute of Tech
nology. The widowed Princess of Nazil is
the only upper-class womau in Egypt
who is allowed to see men, and has
this privilege through the special or
der of the Sultan.
Mrs, Daniel Downey, of Vineland,
N. J., supports her family by chopping
wood. Her husband is an invalid, and
so she cuts the trees, saws the wood
and earns $2 a day.
The foreign fellowship for 1893-99
offered by the Baltimore Association
for the Promotion of University Edu
cation for Women has been awarded
to Miss Floronce Leftwich, of Balti
more, who is a graduate of Bryn
Miss Pearl Jones, a young colored
business woman of Chicago, who is
well knowu there through her efforts
to organize a branch of the Red Cross
Society among the women of her race,
has been elected "daughter" of the
new regiment of colored volunteers.
Countess Vilma Hugonnay, the
only woman physician in Budapest, re
cently made aa application for admis
sion to the medical sooietyof the Hun
garian capital. After a stormy session
the society refused her application.
The countess-doctor intends to renew
her application next year, and expects
to have it granted.
Chicago is now rejoicing in the new
activity of Mrs. Paul, the woman who
has charge of t he street cleaning in the
business part of that dirty city. Mrs.
Paul has armed her men with hand
sprinklers, and it is their duty to keep
the dust laid at the street crossings.
Wherefore are the hearts of Chicago
women made glad.
Queen Victoria not long ago visited
iu Netley Hospital the soldiers who
bad been wounded in the Afridi cam
paign. The other day, in memory of
her visit, she sent to all of them
her photograph, bearing her signa
ture in her own hand, and gave or
ders that all who lost au arm or a leg
should have the finest artificial limbs
proem able at her expense.
Fashion Fancies.
Colored taffeta with a heavy white
cord in bayadere.
Parasols nearly covered with tiny
ruchings of mousseliue.
Small capes of silk and lace or
chiffon with jet-covered yoke.
Ready-made black gros-grain skirts
with satin bayadere stripe.
Serge coat suits with satin collar
and revers and lapped seams.
Remnants of silk damask and tapes
try for lounge cushions.
Cabinet-sized frames in purple kid,
plain and with gilt corners.
Neck ruches and circular cravat
bows of ribbon edged chiffon.
Whit6 parasols having a pattern de
sign done in black inserting.
Children's bonnets of rough straw
manipulated as though a fabric.
Dainty shades iu green, gray and
tan suede and glace kid belts.
Belts and buckles of gun metal and
the latter in gilt and the metal.
Cotton printed portieres having a
border of Turkey red, blue, etc
White and black leather belts
studded with steel or German silver.
Yellow hats simply trimmed with
black velvet ribbon and black wings.
Silk waists having colla; yoke,
revers and cuff n'riiite satin or taf
feta. -
Silk waists in lengthwise tucks
fastening with four tabs buttoned
Hats and stick pins set with ame
thysts iu prospect of using them for
Yellow hats, violets and burnt
orange taffeta silk trimmings without
Shirt-waist sets of imitation jewels,
ametbyts, emerals, turquoise, etc.,
set iu silver.
Silk waists with a white" silk hand
kerchief forming tucked revers and a
sailor kuot.
Sets of combination book, belt and
chatelaine iu white kid studded with
German silver.
Accordion-plaited ruflles of thin
silk or taffela with one or more tiny
ruches of moussKliue.
Ruchings and plaitings of tafleta
and mousseliue in every color ready to
use on any garment.
Children's heavy cotton dresses and
knee trouser suits with white or col
ored pique sailor collars. Dry Goods
Marriage in Spain takes place by
day or at night, according to the for
tune of the young people or their
station iu life. If we'll to do, the
ceremony comes off iu the early part
of the morning.
Baked Rhabarb.
Cut rhubarb stalks into inch pieces.
Butter a deep dish, put in a layer ol
rhubarb and then tprinkle heavily
with sugar. Continue to alternate
rhubarb and sugar until the dish is
full. Bake in a moderate oven and
serve with whipped cream.
Wa'ercrea. Sauce.
Watercress sauce is made by stew
ing chopped watercress in butter for
ten minutes, then adding a piuch of
salt, the same of peppor, the same also
of mustard and a spoonful also of
vinegar. Beat till quite smooth with
a wooden spoon, then add the gravy
from the roasting joint. This is served
in a sauce-tureeu, aud is a pleasant
chango from ordinary gravy.
A Delicious Beverage.
Raspberry-vinegar is a delicious
beverage mixed with iced water. Tut
a quart of ripo red raspberries in a
bowl; pour on them a quart of good,
stroug vinegar let them staud twenty
four hours, strain them through a
bag, put this liquid ou another quart
of fresh raspberries, which straiu in
the same manner aud then on a
third quart. When this last is pre
pared, make it very sweet with
pounded loaf sugar, then bottle.
Ksrallnped Carrots.
At this season of the year, when one
lougs for somethiug to tempt the ap
petite, try a dish of escalloped carrots,
which will bo found at once nutritious
and pr 'stable. Take six small, fine
grained carrots aud two small white
ouioiK. Boil, together, in just water
enough to keep from burning. Do
not scrape them and do not cover them
while cooking. When the onions are
tender remove them, and when the
carrots are done, peel and slice them.
Put iu a baking dish a layer of carrots,
sprinkle with salt aud pepper and dots
of butter, and sprinkle very lightly
with bread crumbs' (not enough to
cover the carrots, just a sprinkle) ; theu
morn carrots, etc., till dish is full.
Beat au egg iu a cup of fresh milk,
salt it slightly and pour over the car
rots; spread a layer of bread crumbs
on top, dot with bits of butter and
bake. Serve in the dish in which it
was baked. Any one who likes car
rots will find this delicious, and it is a
good dish on which to learn to like
them. Detroit Free Press.
Orange Shortcake.
Sift one quart of flour with two heap'
ing tablespooufuls baking powder.
Add one teaspoonful salt and one large
tablespoouful of butter or pure lard.
Rub the butter fine iu the flour. Add
one pint of milk aud mix it with a
ltnife into dough. Turn it on to a
floured board. Work it a little to smooth
the dough. Roll it out and cut it in
two large pieces, putting first one part
in a long, shallow, buttered tin pan.
Spread over one tablespoonful of but
ter. Put the other layer on top of it
and bake iu a medium oven to a deli
cate brown color. When done turn
the cake out of the pan, and with a
knife separate the cake. Put a thick
layer of fine slices of oranges over the
under layer and sprinkle over Bomt
sugar. Then put on the top layer.
Beat the whites of three eggs to a stifl
froth aud mix the three yolks witb
three tablespooufuls of powdered sugar.
Add it to the beaten whites and beat
for a few moments. Put the cake iu
a long dish. Pour over the sauce aud
place it for a few minutes in a hot
oven and theu serve.
Household Hints.
Sharpen all kinds of fish sauce witb
lemon juice.
A dash of black pepper greatly im
proves vanilla ice cream.
When usiug vanilla for flavoring
add half a teaspoon of peach extract.
Put sugar in water used for basting
meats of all kinds; it adds a flavor,
especially to veal.
Add a cup of good date vinegar to
the water in which you boil fish, es
pecially if it is salt fish.
When baking fish place on the top
thin slices of salt pork; it tastes the
fish and improves the flavor.
Chocolate is greatly improved by
adding a teaspoonful of strong coffee
just before serving; a teaspoon of
sherry also helps.
If a baby has a cold in the chest,
rub well with camphorated oil, cover
with soft flannel clothes soaked in
olive oil, and protect the clothing
with another layer of flannel.
To save time and strength in the
weekly ironing, remember that dish
towels and common towels can be
ironed quite well enough and in half
the time if folded together once.
It is reported that iu some of the
industrial schools classes in home up
holstery are formeH, where young
women may learn the rudiments of
this useful art, and then go out by
the day to carry on thewpxk,- -
In cleaning Awfting use a weak salt
watflr ' solution, aud alwayii rub
lengthwise with the grain.. If there
are grease spots, take boiling soap
suds and the scrubbing brnsh, theu
rinse carefully with the salt water,
and rub dry.
The ragged edges of a hole should
not be trimmed for a darn, but weave
the stitches over aud under, so as to
hold down each torn thread. Always
darn with the right side of the work
upward, so as to see that the threads
are held down.
Great care should be taken in warm
weather that the milkman or the cook
do not putboracic acid iu the milk that
is used by children or even grown-up
people. It is a well-known preserva
tive, but unless used very sparingly
it is highly injurious to health.
All clothes worn out of doors should
be carefully brushed before being put
away, and black materials are im
proved by being occasionally sponged
with a weak solution of ammonia in
water. Face veils also after being
worn some time are better for this
Home of the Barest Bird.
To find the rarest bird in
you must go to the mountains be
tween Annam and Loas, where there
is a certain kind of peasant. For
many years its existence was known
only by the fact that its longest and
most splendid plume was in much re
quest by mandarins for their head
gear. A single skin is worth $400,
aud the bird living would be priceless,
for it soon dies in captivity.
A Cheerful Woman.
from Ihl Ikmocrat, Brniil, Intl.
Every woman cannot be leautlful, but a
cheerful face often supplies the detloleney.
But no one can becbecrftil and hrlun joy to
others unless they have porfei't health.
Fortunately, science has iilnced this price
less boon w"lthln the reach of every woman
is the following Incident proves:
Mrs. Amanda Hobiuson, wife of William
Robinson, farmer and stockman, near
Howesvllle, Clay County, Ind., Is thirty
two yeart old and had for several years
been In declining health and despondent.
For three months she was not only unable
to attend to her domestio duties but too
feeble to be np and about. To-day sho Is
In (rood health and able to attend to her
household affairs. Bho relates her ex
perience as follows:
"I was afflicted with tomato troubles and
was in a delicate state of henltb. I lost
my appetite, R-rew thin and was greatly
depressed. After various remedies
without belux benellted I was Induced by a
friend to try Vt. Williams' rink rills,
"Early In
the summer
of 1897 I pro
eured Ave
boxes of tbeui
and before fin- .
ishlng the'
second box I .
began to im-
prove and by
the time I had
taken the five
boxes I was
able to go
about my A Prinlrts Hoph.
usual work and stopped taking the pills.
"Our daughter Anna, twelve years old,
was also a HI lo tod with decline and debility.
She lost flesh, seemed to be bloodless
and had no ambition. Hhe took two boxes
of the pills and they restored her appetite,
aided digestiou and brought color to her
cheeks. Hhe is now in the best of health.
I think Dr. Williams; l'luk Tills for Title
Teople the best medicine we ever bud In
our family and reeOmmeud them to all
needing a remedy for toning up and re
building a shattered system.
No discovery of modern times has proved
such a blessing to women as Dr. Williams'
Tlnk Pills for Pale Teople. They restoro
strength and health to exhausted women
wheu every effort of the physician proves
unavailing. These vegetable pills are
everywhere recognized as a specltlo for
diseases of the blood and neryes.
Not Kiactly a Substitute.
In the course of a morning call on
the Rev. Dr. Fourthly the Rev. Dr.
Sprightly remarked:
"By the way, doctor, I conducted a
funeral for you ouco. Would it be
couvenieut for you to do a wedding
for me next Thursday?"
"Yes," replied the other. "You
are compelled to leave town that day,
I presume?"
"I am," rejoiued Dr. Sprightly,
"but not till after the wedding. I I
am to be the bridegroom." Chicago
The peoplo of Lincolnshire have decided
to erect a statue of Lord Tennyson in Lin
coln. Dost Tobitro Spit and Smoke Tour Life Anj,
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bao,
the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, Wo or II. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York.
In the public schools of Japan the Eng
lish language is required to be taught by
Fits permanently cured. No fltsor nervous
oess after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Orest
Nerve Restorer, i trial bottle and treatise free
Do. K. H. Kline, Ltd.. Ml Arch St,ThllaP.
Three times more herrings are consumed
than any other llsh.
To Care Constipation forever
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c ortSo.
II C. C. C. fail to eure, druggists refund mouey.
Moscow has a hospital large enough to
bold 7000 persous.
I keve been aalna CASCARETI mm
a mild sod eflectlve laiatlve tney are simply won
derful. Mf daughter and 1 were bothered witb
alrk stomach and our breath waiverr bad. After
taking a few dmes of Cascarets we tare Improved
wonderfully. They are a great help In the family.
im Riuen Uoust St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good. Do
Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, luc, 36c. 600.
Urii.l Ctmfmy, Okm, M tral, Tr. Ill
Hfl Tfl Dlf1 Sold and guaranteed by all drug
HUIUBAu gisuto Ct'KETobaoco UablU
A Certain Onre forTired
Aohln;, Swelling and
Perspiring Feet,
"Ftit-Ake" cures Bun
ions, Corns, Chilblains,
Fnmtliltea, Ingrowing
Nails, Hot Ktlnglng
Feet; also rures an'l
nreventa Blisters, Cal
lous and Sore Spots on
.ha tout
Pol in f'enia nt all Druuulsln'. or sent by
nail lor alx 8c. stamps.
Hterlimo Phas.Co., Hoi Myrtle Ave-. Brooklyn, K.Y
earried oyer f tmri mut
t he wnncea now. new
High tirade, all styles.
iieitl equipment, irw "
trrd. S.0.7S to 17.00.
Il'scd wUeel,lte models,
'all makes, S3 to 912.
we fftfp on approval ivitn
atnt tMiuaunf. Write
'.-'-TiuH -od. l.. 1I1CVCI.K FltKK for
.....I ll.t mil art catalogue
season load.erllse them. Send for one. Itldrr asesiU
wanted. Learn how to Earn a Bleyde and make lnoaey.
ThompsorVs Eye Watar
MrTrnrn'KT'r-Us papkr when reply.
W dellf ht to do an riy rnona i
A9 Wa load Urn. Tho working pott of 1
mTT V,,Ay-. ' ,.a e- a mf-rrt
BEARING, itphn-wn.
nine. OTM-guini, rrtrlMtiDH, pr
-dtmbiiDi, UP-TO-DATE 08
MOTOR, 8 FT. FOR SO W t (ori.;l i-
fo-r J0. Inojr run Ilk a biejrel, and art n4o likt a
watoh, arory movabl part on rolUrt. Double geared
mill power. The AermoU ran when all other null,
stood etill, and med the eteel wiodmill botinm.
On receipt of amo-uwt, revised ntotor (hat not wheel
er vine) will he tent to repleea old ne then to be
retamed. Offer subject to cancellation at any time.
If roor eld wheal w not an At motor, write for
tereae of swap new xor aid to fa on old tower,
Tnw eaa pot It on. Aermoter taw, Cktratre.
arid Liquor Habit cured In
10 to SO days. No pay till
an..) n. 1 r CfV.nK.awi
W I Dept. Aa Lebanon. Ohio.
CuritS WHkrtfc ALL tlSfc f AILS.
Beat Cough Syrup. T aslea Good.
in lime. to)l py qnurgists.
Tsaoi mass mHvmnwf
Mjjvk Aft1-;!
regiment Alter Regiment For tlie Bunny
South I
The Southern Railway, the great trmmTtsrV
farv if trnvel from Waahingtnn to the South,
hni tor lhe laat. two week been movinir a
large number of atuM-lal train trniixnortlng
troops to Tampa. ChlrkntrtHiiga, IWohlleatul
New Ot'lritna. TIiIb la the line that ha the
lanrest paeng(r locomotive in the world,
ami which haa attracted notmirh attention In
this anil other roiintrlea. To ttWv an Idea aa
to the Ktrviwth of t he enirinea anil rapacity
for hihrh aiecil. one nf theae eiiHTinea could
pull a t rain of no leaa than thirty-three earn,
which would arromiiiodnte a rcKlinont anil
over aiich a train would be more than two
Hftha of a mile lonir -and would atl-iln on
level track a Kneed of sixty mile per hour.
No locomotive in the, world haa an la rite com.
Iiincil cyliinlor-jea anil stenm pressure. The
total weight of 'he locomotive ia seventy-live
Ions. The South- rn, with It powerful eiUii
iiii" t. can hanillc any numlicr of troops.
New Yolk olllce, 3M Hroailway.
It hnx been flguroil nut that one. man of
Berlin. Out., Mr. It. Tinke, bna 87a relutlvos
iu tlio town.
KlVnke Into Your Shuca
Allen' Foot-Easo.a powder for t lie foot. It
cures imlnrul, swollen. nervous, umartltiR feet
nuil liislnntly takes thn utitiK out of corn
Hint Minions. It's thn greatest comfort dis
covery of the aire. Allou'a Koot-F.nss niuko
IlKht or new slioos fool easy. It Is n certain
cure for pwentliiir, callous mid hot, tired,
ficlittiK feet. 7'r.v if to-tlay. Bold liv nil driiR
Htsts and shoo ntoren, 2Se. Trial pAckngn
r'KKE. Address Allen S.OImsted.I.e Itoy.N.Y.
At thn present rntn of Increase thn opu
hit Ion of the earth will double Itself Iu 300
Ueaaty la Illood Deet.
Clonrt Mood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C'n.scarets, C'nndy Cathar
tic clean your Mood and keep it clean, by
stirring u the lazy liver and driving all ini
mirities from the bodv. llogin to-day to
banish pimples, dioiU, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
Cnsoarets, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisfaction Kuarantced, l(k25c,5)c.
Tho cathedral of ltoucn boasts a clock
which has kopt tiuio for 500 years.
ST.VITl'S DAXCK.8PASMS and all ncrv.
mis disease permanently cured by the use of
Or. Kline' Ureal Nerve. Hostorer. Send for
r'HKK Sl.tU trial bottle and IreatUe to Dr.
R. U. Kline, Ltd.. Kll Arch Street, I'hlla., Pa.
Tho skins of aulmals woro the earliest
forms of money.
Vrmanvntljr cured by uninff 1K. W HITfcll Al HHKI
i. a, on iiirnuon 01 .oia puoiirauon inn.
tlmmuhout th country
&SOO. IN CASH Ml TH1 11 MMfS. Klral letter of awh Is rtvfn: nanwUiam Ilka this-(Mm. Meet. Kn. etc . an4 .
.ar la fife lb. nahtr f .ra. All pioept onr ara natural sir. Kvprv irm irivfnit names ( the srla will r.
retvaa Vmmr Isallar Trta bj return niall. We wanl yuu tiiU'rvNtfl In the BflSt Scfda thnt Crow and ataaa
this fKiuraUntT eeed offer tokimw whether yon know food aeeil wbtQ you see It Jo entnr the contest
6rt(f 25 cent ("liver or money order and we will tend von by return mail a 60c. ewriitleate gruhi for this
amount ? eed to be ftelretrd front our i-aUtoirue anv time within i voain. aiw tail iwrttrulMin. Club of 6, 91.00.
Ytvu eft n't lose m mm!: If tou rlnn't know til 1 mpiIs t
art aur. or Ui. Mo. coruilcat K.. I aalwtala.Ver.
your grocer or paint dealer and do your own deco
rating. This material is a HARD FINISH to be applied with a brush
and becomes as hard as Cement. Milled in twenty-four tints and works
eqnally as well with cold or hot water. BoTMCM I'OK SAMPLE
CARDS and if you cannot purchase this material from your local deal
ers let ns know and we will put you in the way of obtaiuing it.
are the strongest, most improved and
best form of cycle construction. DON'T
LESS." There are many untried chain
less devices on the market.
are The Original, The Standard.
Their superiority over chain wheels has
been demonstrated on the road.
Columlmi. Cluviii "Wheel. . $75
IlnVtiortl I5ioycle.s, . . GO
Vedette I3icyolo, $40 auitl 3i5
3 t'atnlOKiir Tree I'roui any Columbia ilrnli-r, or by mail lr onr Up. alamp. V
(n a World Where " Cleanliness Is Kexl to Godliness " no
Praise is Too Great for
treats upon about every aubject under tha mnn. It con ulna fc pages, profusely illustrated,
and will be sent, postpaid, for 60a In stamps, postal note or silver. When reading you doubt.
will clear op for It ha acorn-
plets index, so that It may b. PnTI f Aa referred to easily. This book
to a rich mlna of valuable P II Tj II t n,ormation presented In an
Interesting manner, and Is well won h to any one maoy
times the small sum of FIFTY CENT8 which we aak for it. A study of this Unk will
prove of Incalculable benefit to those whose education has been neglected, while the volume
Will also be fousd of (treat value to those who cannot readily command the knowledge they
Unacquired. BOOK PUBLISHING HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. N.Y.CIty.
k... T.I
Doth tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acta
cently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fovers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agrocabfoBubstanccs, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cont bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliablo druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
IDuisviui. xr. mw tome. ilk.
WaTHiil It. tMtimt
tawyar. ftoj KHtrwt, Weshlaitant
II. 4'. illnht'-t rolvniiice.
MaTIO t't'KK
Yhcimrrst nnd thn htaL Hnmnlft ue-nt
iu i imiai.i
MftUKIMINK CO., Hutith IWd, Jhdlanv
ar known
vi r ivri v a I
rraof tMiaroB,ntn thr nnmris ol tbr twelve eeiUMiown twlow. VV want to
etttH-At vru In knowing SEEDS111 therefore, have niiule the following GREAT
OFFERSi Tin?" 1 llTutitmuona were rare fully entrnhved from twIeeU-tl imhmI,
whK'b represent It well kuuwu vctretblfl, Quwer tod Hold eeotl. awl wo offer
M fcedg that Crow uuu t want U know if thr tuati
f hnt TTrriui e tn know Ir the isni.
au nuirht m k mtw Hi t hitt irive vou i U nrttn KtwirlM vufl
Adoraaa, PAIHVIEW SEED FAIWS, Boi . Kom Hill. N. V.
- Gear
Hartford, Conn.