The Forest Republican. (Tionesta, Pa.) 1869-1952, May 25, 1898, Image 4

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    A Coining Terror.
Btrong-Minded Woman (pointing to
krticle in paper) "Sir, did you write
Terror-Stricken Editor "Y yes,
madam. I I wrote it"
Strong-Minded Woman "It meets
my approval exactly. It is seldom one
meets a person of your sex capable ol
such jnst discrimination. ill you
marry me, sir?" Chicago Tribune.
The manufacture of sugar and salt
is carried on by the aid of 2401 inven
tions. No-To-Bae for Fifty Cent.
Guaranteed tortarro bahlt core, makes weak
Bep strong, bloo.1 pura BOc.fl. All drugglsti
The remains of a Roman military hos
pital have recently been found near Zurich,
I believe Mso's Cure for Consumption saved
kit boy'slife toft summer. Mrs. AllikDoiu
Lass, Le Hoy, Mich., Oct. 3d, ISM.
The gold recerve in the I'nlted States
Treasury now amounts to $178,881,786.
Ednrate Tour nowela With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure const rrmi ion forever.
lOo, Sic. If C. C. C full. (InieciKts refund money.
Barcelona, the largest city in Spain, hn
ozu.uuu inuauitanta; .Madrid, &U7,l"Ju.
Hope Returned
Stomach and LIverTroubles Cured
by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"I suffered from stomach and liver trou
bles and was confined to my house for a
'ong time. I was entirely deaf In one ear.
I endured groat distress In my stomach
and eould not eat hearty food. I had given
up hope of ever being well. Heading of
cures by Hood's Sarsaparllla I decided to
give it a trial. Soon after I began taking
It I could see it had a good effect. I con
tinued its use until my deafness was cured
and my stomach and liver troubles re
lieved." W. T. Nobtoji, Canlsteo, N. Y.
Is America's Greatest Medicine, $1; six for $i
Hnnfl' Pill c re H"11"'. mild, cffec
A Lutheran I'nlvcraitr.
The proposed Lutheran University
probably will be built in Chicago, or,
st least, very near that city. The
purpose of the church is to found
au institution ou the model of the
foremost foreigu universities and to
endow it with at least $2,000,000.
The fund will be raised according to
systematic plans already devised. Ac
cording to a recent discussion of the
project, Chicago was selected aa the
site of the institution on account of its
central location. The strongest
Lutheran cities iu the country are New
York and Thiladelphia, neither of
which was selected, for fear the
Lutheran spirit in the other would be
blighted with jealousy. The univer
sity is intended to unite all the
Lutherans of the land and, as the
Northwest is largely peopled by
foreigners who aro members of the
sect, Chicago was deemed au admir
able location for the institution. The
honor of originating the idea of a
Lutheran university belongs to the
Eev. O. A. Bierdeniann, of Utica.
How I'ekln Is Lighted.
Pekin is advancing. So at least one
gathers from the Pekin and Tientsin
Times, which announces that a couple
of gas lamps, ami three petroleum
lamps now illuminate the capital of
the celestial kingdom. This unwonted
departure, however, is not due to na
tive enterprise. The gas lights are
Bet up iu front of the Russian em
bassy, while the three lesser lumin
aries shine for the benefit of the cus
tomers of the Knsso-Chinese Bank.
Throughout the rest of the city way
farers still have to follow their noses
as soon as darkness sets in.
Suffered four years with female trou
bles. She now wriies to Mrs. Pinkham
of her complete recovery. Bead her
Dear Mrs. Piskham: I wish you to
publish what Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, Sanative Wash
and Liver Pills
have done for
I suffered
, for four years
with womb
trouble. My
' doctor said I
had falling of
the womb. I
also suffered
with nervous
prostration, faint,
all-gone feelings, palpita
tion of the heart, bearing-down sensa
tion and painful menstruation. I could
not stand but a few minutes at a time.
When I commenced takingyour med
icine I could not sit up half a day, but
before I had used half a bottle I was
up and helped about my work.
I have taken three bottles of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and
used one package of Sanative Wash,
and am cured of all my troubles. I feel
like a new woman. I can do all kinds
of housework and feel stronger than I
ever did in my life. I now weigh 131 J
pounds. Before using your medicine I
weighed only 108 pounds.
Surely it is the grandest medicine for
weak woman that ever was, and my
advice to all who are suffering from
any female trouble is to try it at once
and be well. Your medicine has
proven a blessing to me, and I cannot
praise it enough. Mrs. Luct Goodwin.
Holly, W. Va,
ytj wife liad pimples on her face, but
she has been t.iktmt CAMJAKETS and they
kava all disappeared. I hud been troubled
with constipation for some time, but after tak
ing tbe first Cascarc-i I have bad no trouble
with Ibis ailment. We cannot speak too high
ly of Cascareu." I-'kiio Wahthan,
iTOeUermantown Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.
Pleaaant. Palatable. 1'otent, Tacts Good. 1)0
Good. Never Hlckvu. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 2ft, 50c
MfHtaC ttmrif (..'. CakUfa, kaatrval. ) Tart. 311
VA Tfl Rift Hold anil guaranteed by all drus-nW'lU-DAV
Grass and Clover With Grain.
It is always, we believe, a mistake
to omit either grass or clover seeding,
or fcoth, when sowing small grain of
any kind. If a farmer calculates be
forehand upon seeding his land with
grass and clover, he will be apt to give
the surface sou better cultivation, aud
leave it reasonably smooth. This,
though done for the grass and clover
crop, is much better for the grain also.
Even iu a poor season some of the
grass seed is likely to grow, and if the
summer be a wet one there may be a
good catch. This failure to seed with
grain is often defended, on the ground
that the land is soon to be plowed
anyway, and it is not worth while to
sow seed where the field is to be
plowed again the same season or the
following spring. But something may
happen to prevent this. The old
meadow or pasture may be so injured
that it is necessary to plow them up
aud reseed. In such case, if no grass
or clover seed was sown the present
spring, there is a greater area of land
to be plowed than can be properly
manured, aud not enough land fit for
pasture or meadow. A new seeding
always cuts more the first and second
years than it will if kept later. Hence,
to reseed land as often as a grain crop
is sown is the best way to get the most
out of it, aud, we may add, the best
also to make the soil increase in
fertility. Boston Cultivator.
Trees Gnawed by Mice or Rabbits.
If the portion of the tree from which
the bark has been oaten is at onoe
covered with grafting wax, healing
will usually take pla:e and the tree
live. Of oourse, if the exposed wood
is allowed to become dry this surface
must be bridged over with scions, so
that the circulation may be renewed.
To make a suitable wax for this pur
pose, take five or six parts of resin and
two of beeswax. Melt this, and
while hot add one'part of tallow. Try
a coat of this on a green stick, expose
five minutes to the cold air or water.
If it is too hard and oracks easily, add
a little more tallow. It must not be
so soft that when warm spring weath
er comes, it will run off the wood. If
beeswax cannot be readily obtained,
use only resin aud tallow, in which
case a greater proportion of tallow is
required. This, however, is not as
good as when beeswax is a part of the
To apply this wax, wind about one
end of a small stick a strip of muslin
two inches wide. Let part of this ex
tend beyond the stick and then tie
the whole thing firmly to it with
twine. This is used as a swab. Fill
;iu old tin pail three-fourths full of
usiies. Ou the top of the ashes place
it layer of live wood coals and on thess)
coals a dish of wax. Now you are
ready to go to work. The coals will
keep the wax warm.
With the swab put a good coat of
wax over all exposed tissue. Be care
ful that it is not hot enough to burn
the wood and tissues 01 the bark of
the small trees. If the denuded sur
face Is large, after waxing wind a
thick strip of old, tender muslin about
the tree in spiral form. Then use a
little wax to fasten the end. This is
nn additional guard against the crack
ing of the wax or of its running off
during warm weather. The impor
taut thing with this treatment is to
apply the wax at once and do not de
lay until the wood has in any way be
come dry, for then the sap cannot as
cend and death will finally result.
American Agriculturist.
T50 Pounds of Duck.
Our young ducks were put in an or
chard, around the south side of which
were raspberry bushes, writes an In
diana farmer. The hens tried to
mother them, but no, they were "free
born" and as independent as young
Amerioa. Borne of the hens stayed on
with the ducks at night for six or
eight weeks, others left in despair in
two weeks.
They had no swimming water, but
had all the water they wanted to drink
all the time. Charcoal and pounded
dishes for giit, also a pile of sharp
sand, were in reach all the time.
They were fed from start to finish on
coarse corn meal. The first six weeks
it was mixed with milk, soda and salt
aud baked until well done. The
crust of this bread was soaked, the
inside generally fed as it was. After
the baking was stopped the meal was
stilL mixed with milk, soda and salt.
A handful of sharp sand was used in
eaoh quart of soft feed onco a day. If
iaipcssiV.o to furnish milk, bone aud
beef, meal or cut green bone would
more than take its place. Understand,
they had all the green stuff they
wanted and free range, but as they
were well fed they didn't wander over
more than an acre. The first month
they were fed four times a day all
they would eat, after that three times
a day. The very little ones were fed
five times or whenever they came up
In June we sold twenty-five that
weighed when delivered at Indianapo
lis eighty-nine pounds live weight, for
which we received ten cents per pound.
The oldest of these twenty was nine
weeks, the remaining nineteen seven
weeks. The price of ducks went down
with a rush and wo kept the others
until October, when we sold 137 at
six and a quarter cents a pound live
weight. They weighed CG4 pounds.
We kept twenty. After they wero
put off with the hens, but one died,
two were mashed and six drowned iu
a well. There were 4325 pounds of
feed bought, which cost $25.40. This
grain, of course, was used also to
feed the hens and to start young
Farm and Garden Notes.
Recovered marshes aud swamp
lands and land containing large quan
tities of sand always need liberal ap
plications of pota-ih.
When a horse reaches the top of a
till, he always instinctively slows up
to "get his wind." Fools start him
up without giving him a chance.
All the large aud medium breeds of
fowls should bo batched not later than
April 15th. By May 15th the smaller
breeds should be out, and then the
long race to maturity.
The Wisconsin station found that in
subsoiled ground, there was more
water in the second, third and fourth
foot than iu soil not treated, but that
the surface foot was drier.
On a frosty day a horse refuses to
take his bit. Why? Because he
does not enjoy having his tongue
blistered. Touch your own tongue to
a pieoe of cold iron and seo how you
like it. Warm the bit.
Occasionally late hatched chicks
will do as well as early hatched ones,
but not often. The early birds are
the thrifty fellows as a rule. March
hatched chicks, and early April as
well, seldom, if ever, have tho gapes.
There is too much "breeding for
points" among fanciers, yet a show
bird is usually a good breeder. We
have a few gentlemen fauciers who
keep fowls to look 'at and rIiow. Such
birds are good for nothing except to
the owner.
We have raised thousands of chicks
(in brooders) during the winter
months until late in April, says an ex
pert, and have never bad a siugle
case of gapes, while later in the sea
son the chicks raised with hens have
frequently suffered. The later brood
er ohicks were allowed to run at large,
It is roor economv to linv thn
cheapest eggs on the market. There
are are exceptions, yet as a rule the
higher-priced eggs (reasonably
priced) are the cheapest in the end.
It costs a great deal for fanciers to
keen ud their flocks to a hio-h Wr
o o
of perfection, and they must charge
more man tue "come by chance"
The secret of early sitters is early
layers. Those hens that laid all
through the winter aro the ones that
want to sit iu February and March.
The reason is plain. It takes warm,
especially warm and moist, weather
to hatch the gapeworm egg. There
fore the chicks cannot pick them up
because the gapeworm egg non est in
ventus. The vast majority of poultrymen
waut good layers or good market
fowls, aud want them well bred;
further than that they care nothing.
To-day we have practical fanciers on
every hand men who breed for re
sults, or who put results before feath
ers. Therefore their flocks must be
strong and vigorous, and among these
strong, vigorous birds will be found
many prize-winners, or birds fit for
such honors.
One cannot always be a hero, but
one can always be a man.
If a man be endued with a generous
mind, this is the best kind of nobility.
You will never find time for any
thing. If you want time you must
make it.
Don't be witty. A man who says
a good thing is always oxpected to
keep on doing it.
Men often have an idea they are be
ing good because they are not any
worse than usual.
Love is all right, but it makes a
man look silly to get a lace paper en
velope in his mail.
If a man doesn't laugh when he
sees a girl try to sharpen a pencil he
is in love with her.
That charity is bad which takes
from independence its proper pride or
from begging its shame.
Give a wounded heart seclusion;
consolation nor reason ever effected
anything in such a case.
A girl is never really in love with a
man until she thinks of him when she
says her prayers at night.
The beatitudes are the rules for
everyday living, and for the humblest
as well as the highest occupations.
The unexpected never happens;,
there are always peoplo around who
knew things would turn out that way.
Surprises are in store for young
married couples who think that they
understand one another thoroughly.
What an absurd thing it is to pass
over all the valuable parti of a mau,
and fix our attention on his infirmi
No man can be brave who thinks
pain the greatest evil; nor temperate
who considers pleasure the highest
Happiness i3 not attained by mak
ing it the chief obiect of lif. Tim
path to it often leads through trials
anti tears.
Marriage In Pennsylvania.
We had a comfortable wedding at
the home of one of our oldest families
last Thursday. George Alley married
Katie.the daughter of Colonel "Andy"
Frew. The wedding was held early
in the morning, as the happy couple
wished to take a wedding tour over the
N. and 8. V. Railroad to Newport.
The marriage was performed at 6.30 a.
m. by Squire Brown. After a sumptu
ous breakfast of sausage, buckwheat
cakes and bauauas, the bridal couple
departed ou the train the same day.
The bridegroom looked happy and the
bride handsome. She is so handsome
that it is said she can mash potatoes
by juBt looking at them. The next
day after the wedding George was in
the store, and, after sitting behind the
stove for about two hours, evidently
in deep thought, he rose, stretched
himself, and remarked: "Travlin's
tiresome." Perry County (Penn.)
The doctors in Sweden never send
bills to their patients, the amount of
remuneration being left entirely to the
generosity of the latter.
Where There's Drink There's Dancer"
The Worst Tenant Is Alcohol When
Once It Gets Into tho Earthly Taber
nacle It Proceeds to Become a Nutsanos
Write it on the workhouse gate,
Write It on the schoolboy's slato,
Write It oa the copybook.
That the young may often look,
"Where there's drink, there's danger."
Write I on the ohnrohyard mound,
Whore the rum-slain dead are found;
Write it on the callows high.
Write for all the passers-by,
"Where there's drink, there's danger."
Write i e nation's Jaws,
Write it after every clause;
Write It on each ballot white,
80 It can be road aright,
"Where there's drink, there's danger."
Write it on our ships that sail.
Dome along by storm and gale;
Write It larireln lotters nlaln
Over every land and main,
here there s drink, there's danger."
IVrlln it it....- .......... .......
Write it on the bulla of state,
In the he.lrta nf oi'tirv hnnrl
On the laws of every laud, '
uere mere's iirlulc, there's danger."
A Had Tenant.
An OWIl Or nf run 1 notntu 1. 1 .
property is very desirous of securing irood.
a u(m lenaiu uoea not ay uis
relit. Ia not eArnfiil nf thA nMnot. .1 ...
stroys the house, breaks the windows, tears
the paper from tho walls if lie fools so In-
.IU...I 1 !., . . . .
I'uueu, nuu id una respect aoes not uo as
ho would be done by. He is not as careful
With other neonlo'n nrniwriii hxmil.1
be with his own. He is an expensive ten
ant, ranking repairs necessary for the next
tenant Who Hhnll ivnnnv thai nramfana aft..
he has been removed, or been ejected.
no may no a nna tenant in otlier wavs;
Olav. OIllirmlaoinM vlth Ma nnlnlihnM wKs.
may declare him a nuisance. '
You may find this to be true when you ars
grown and own property.
But, every one is a property ownor In ons
Way. VOJ bovs nnd irlrla own w.m.Wriil
houses, and I" wish to warn you against a
Adrf.l. I. ' 1 . . . . . . ... . iMm it'umii WHO WOUlll iiKetogain
an eutrauee. This tenant is a mischief.
maker and always Cannes trouble when it
Is DUt between the Una and allove.1 tn ha.
come a tenant of the bouse in which we
live. You can readily guess that the
enemv I have in mln.) iu jiiihni ti,.
home in which we live Is a mot wonderful
punning. Having many rooms and much
delicate furniture. We should give it the
best of care, in return for which it will give
us happiness; if we neglect it and allow It
to get out of repair, It will give us pain.
As It Is not food. It cannot hnll.l nr. thn
body, nor help it to grow.
Aloobol has its proper uses, but they are
outside of the human body. Like a bad rlogirnra thn prtmna hn.t.
delicate lining of the stomach,' affects the
sense of sight and taste; a mna cannot I ..11. , . .
m, lum or lan as ue would u not Umlot
Its influence. Onoe alcohol has gained an
entrance into the house and become out
master it is very difficult to got rid of him.
Take my ail vice and never allow him to
gain admission.
Lest alcohol within you should
Ills horrid reign begin,
Just shut your lips and lock thorn tight,
And say "You can't come in!"
The Man Past Forty and His Cocktail.
I think, writes Dr. Walker, In the Medi
cal Reoord, that the greutest hazards to a
man's character are likely to come after he
K I . . . . ., . ...
niw inni luriy-uve years 01 age. lie naa
Income more lenient in his judgment of
Others, and Is llkelv tn hn mora ImlnlfrAnr
to himself. To speak of thlnus whollv
physicul, he has then the temptation to
both stimulants and narcotics (or hypno
tics) In the lilghest degree. And those
temptations come to him when he is acting
chiefly as bis own physician. If a young
fellow boonmea r ftrimlrnv.l hAfaM h.. i
thirty you can usuullv llnd for him the
t,U. II... ..... . I .
ui ucrruuy. juui mere is many a man
WhO has nflRrtmt thlrtv vnoisi arwl u
safely who in the next decade succumbs to
alcohol because he needs a braoe to help
mm transact ine business which the close
work of previous years has brought to him.
He takes to alcohol not in the convivial
way but to help blm over a hard place,
and he takes it in just the worst manner,
Without Q.l.i.r ii ..In AA.I . . .. I 1.
----- ..uwiu i.ujius iwu ii li U wueu
food would likely bo dlstn9teful or eveu
harmful by nervous preoccupation. The
afternoon drink to tide blm over a weary
dnV loltIR tn Itsnlf enrlfiar nnllnni nl..
business presses and the morning cooktall
before it Las begun. And all this Is due to
the OVPrwnrlr lylvnn In . 1. man .l,ABn
- - 'vu . .u.j umu rt mine
tablished charnoter bns brought him to tbe
f n . T . ,
num. ii a man passes in surety tne time
when strength deolines without bis realis
ing tho fact and reaches tho time when ho
must acknowledge it. be Is all right. If it
be not alcohol alone that is used it is alco
hol With a Subtle stimulant mnrn .laa.llo
OOCU Or a kola Which nliBmirna thn tm-
mediate effect of the medium.
Where Is the Placo For the Saloon? "
If to the flhnrch and ttiA onil 1,A .
fibOD is B finlKflnpn It a atniniKmln n .
pray what Is the rumshon to business and
CSlllt,9 19 .1... 1 , . ...
'"""'ji " i" luieueoiuni anu religious
life can't stand the rum traftio, the busl-
neaS life eertnlnlv nm n nr. Tf Kll.ll.nn.l I-
tbe intellect at school and maturity In the
ucan, ai uuurvn are in pern in tne vicinity
Of the mmflhnn Im hnv mniili Bl.ntl
"ft " v.. II.UVU II 11.1 . IJ OIlUll
we who are poor miserable sinners be im
periled by the same Influence? If we of the
shop, the field, and the office are not as in
Docent as babes, certainly we are not as
strong as the saints. That tbe grogshop
should be outlawed, Is confessed in certain
areas tiv xll elnacoa it n.. ,....,...
should be orderedoutof your territory to
rtfAtAnr It .1 a. m . i ...
,l( why lui ii.Boouioi oiaer ioiKS
territory? If the strong are not as strong
fifl theV Wish tUfV vam n?ri t1II saa Aav iK
of the rest of us poor devils in the presence
iuuto cvnHiutti me strong regaru to be
full Of danffnr tO lllAmaAlviut T.i.n.lapy.n
-1 u. 1 v.u , Himiilluu
(Me.) Journal.
A German Prohibition.
TemrterAneA riifrtrmo i.v.
- u... a rill, UVBCIVO WllJJ
Interest some of the provisions of the new
German Plvll r' whi,.i, iu
, ... ' mo w gu miy
force in the last year of this century.
These exclude from tbe ordinary rights and
prlvllegos of citizenship all persons who
through Inebriety are unable to provide
for themselves and their families, or who
bring themselves or their families Into dan
ger Of want, or nrhn I
others. Briefly stated, no sot can be a cltl-
VUtl Tf maw tin U.. AU I a 4 rnn
uiut w iiini ujr tue euu oi ltfVU some
otber nations will waut to follow Ger-
uiiuY s example.
Temperance News and Notes.
Tens of thousands aro kept poor by drink.
Iotemnerftnnrt la thn nmtiei Aa.A nr
poverty and crime.
Muny of tbe Inmates of our orphan asy
lums have hnn loft uiti.n... n . -
..... "imuui u imicui B
care through drink.
If we can oniysave the young to sobriety
Olltll theV am Dimni nf mr.n !,..
are generally saved forever. '
Most young men who break awny from
Ood, vou will find, have taken their first
step downward in the saloon.
"Alcoholism" caused tbe death at 6t.
Epjibetb's Hospital, in New York, of an
educated nnd woalthy young woman who
PJlmA thAM fn. lM.ln.n.. - . 1
- - .tira.uiuui. iew nays ago.
Tho money that should be used to make
wife and children happv is squandered on
llnnnp nml Ilia I . 1 , .
sent to school, are forced into shops and
i.-. v. m euru a living.
TimiltllV fiilllr. T' ,. j 1
be folt justified to do by "autonomy of
conscience," and, while drunk, quarreled
with bis wife about their dinner, and killed
her In the presence of their nine-year-old
It lit IrilA tAflA tlmt 11IM In k Jl.
"j u... . ii 1 1 u id unruly miy
other one agency of evil so fraught with
ruin to body and soul as that of drunken
ness, and that most of that drunkenness is
due, directly or Indirectly, to the habits
contracted In the saloon.
Although a young man may be all righf
Wlln 1m 1llHU I ll t n a tdlnnn I. n aAnn - f
-. -- n - .-..v l-iiivwii, 11 u dwu vuiura
-e...;.i iuo.iuu ui uuuipauy iw nna
there, and taking to their speech and
in. una, uo uei-umeg a urunitara like them;
nud a drunkard is a disgrace to the community.
A Woman' Borden.
from the Evening JCrtei, Drtroit, Mich.
The women of to-day are not a strong as
their arandmothers. They are bearing
hnnlen in silence that grows heavier day
bv dav; that Is sapping their vitality and
ioudlng their happiness.
Mrs. Alexander 1). Clark, of 417 Mloblgan
Avenue, Detroit, Is a typical woman of to
day. A wife with such ambition as only a
loving wife can have. But the Joys of her
llfo were marred by tue existence ot uisi
Hufferlng as thousand! of her sisters have
suffered, she almost uespurou 01 1110 ana
yet she was cured.
"For five years I
suffered with ovarian
trouble," is Mrs. C
Clark's own version
of the story. "I was
not free one single
day from headache
and Intense twitch
ing pains In my neck
and shoulders. For
months at a time I
would be confined to
my bed. At times
black spots would
appear before my
eyes nnd I would be- J fx mi' hdinl.
come blind. My nerves were in such a state
that a stop on tho lloor unsettled me.
"F.miuent doctors, skillful nurse, the
best food and medicine all failed. Then I
consented to an operation. That, too,
failed, and they said another was necessary.
After the second I was worse than ever and
the world was darker than before.
"It was then I heard ot Dr. Williams'
rink Fills for Pale People. I hoard that
they had cured oases like mine and I tried
"They cured met They brought sun
shine to my life and filled mv cup with hap
piness. The heAda'.'ho is gone; the twitch
ing is gone; the nervousuess la gone; the
trembling has ceased, and I have gained
twenty-six pounds. Health nnd strength
is mine and I am thankful to Dr. Williams'
Pink rills for l'alo People for the blessing."
These pills are a boon to womankind.
Acting directly on thn blood and nerves,
they restore the requisite vitality to all
parts of the body; creating functional rega
larlty and perfect harmony throughout
tbe nervous system, Tho pallor ot tho
cheeks Is changed to the delicate blush ot
health; tbe eyes brighten; the muscles
grow elastic, ambition is created and good
health returns.
There are Qftv-three sardine faotories In
Maine, which an English syndicate Is de
sirous of obtaining.
Beauty la Blood Deep.
Gcan Mood means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Caacarcts, Candy Cathar
tic clean your Mood and keeo it clean, bv
stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im
purities from the body. Itogin to-day to
banish pimples, lioils, blotches, blackheads,
and that sickly bilious complexion by taking
CascareU, beauty for ten cents. All drug
gists, satisiaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Forty tons ot rust have beon takon out
of tho Menat iron tubulnr bridge at one
The Hot Sprlnc; of Arkansas, tho Mount.
aln-Locked Miracle of the Oiark.
The hot waters, the mountain nlr. rmmhln
climate aud the pine forests make Hot hirlnn
the most wonderful health aud pleasure re
sort in the world, summer or winter. It i
owned, endorsed and controlled by the V. 8.
(invernmeut and has accommodations for
all classes. The Arlington and Park hotels
and Ml others and boarding bouses are
open all summer. Having an altitude of luu
feet, It is a cool, safe and nearby refuge dur
ing the heated term In the South. For infor
mation concerning Hot Mirinirs address t'. F.
Cooley, Manager Hustnesi Men's League, Hot
rprlng'. Ark. For reduced excursion tickets
and paitlculars of the-trip see local agent, or
address W. A. Turk, Oen'l Pass. Agt South
ern KyM Washington, D. t'.
Tbe London and Northwestern is the
only English railway company to make its
own rails.
Doit Tobarc Spit tad Knolls Tonr l ift Amy.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mas-
ertio. lull of life, nerve and viccr, take No-To-I)ao,
tbe wnuder-worlter, that makes weak men
(trong. All druggists, too or f I. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet aud sample free. Address
Sterling liemedy Co., Chicago or New York,
" In ! tn
7000 square miles with a layer one mile In
Shake Into Your Shoes
Allen's Foot-Enso.a powder for the feet. It
cures painful, swollen, nervous.smnrtlng feet
and instantly takes the sting out of eorns
and bunions. It's the greatest comfort dis
covery of the age. Allen' Foot-Ease makes
tight or new shoes feel easy, it Is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired,.
aching reet. Try u to-uay. Hold by all drug
gists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package
FUEE. Address Allen H.OImsted.Le Iloy.N.Y.
In the whole of Europe tbe women have
a majority of 4,679,000.
ST.VrTUS' DANCE. SPASMS and all nnrv.
ons diseases permanently oured by the use of
ir. mine s ureal rserve uestorer. bend for
FKEK fd.OD trial bottle and treatl-e to Dr.
K. H. Kline, Ltd., KH Areh Ktreet, Phlla., Pa.
There are 1400 different species of toad
stools and mushrooms found in Grent
Britain alone.
F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O.. Prons. of
Hall's Catarrh ('lire, offer WU reward for anv
rase of catarrh thatcaunot lie cured by taking
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testimonials,
I V,.. T 1 . .. ..
The officers of the gwedlsh Navy are con
sidered military officers, and In full dross
must wear spurs.
To Cure A Cold In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. 2Do.
Sydney Is now the center of the Austra
lian wool trade.
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup forchllilren
trcthlng, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, &"c.a bottle.
A family In Farmlngham, Conn., has
been supported by the town for fifty years.
To C'uro Constipation Vorerer.
Take Cascarcta Candy Cathartic 10s or So.
If C. C. C. fall to cure. druitRihta refund mouey.
There are more than iOOOOerman waiters
In the hotels and restaurants of London.
Think o. it.ladles; ) on ran permanentlybeau
tlfyyourcompK'Xiouwltliileun'sSulphurBoap lliii's HiiirAc Whisker Dye, black or brown, Uk-.
An International congress of telegraph
ers Is to be held at Como, Italy, to cele
brate tbe centenary ot Volta.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after llrat day's use of Dr. Kline's Ureal
Nerve Restorer. J J trl nl bottle anil treatl se free
Du. K, U. KLINE, Ltl.,Ktl Arch St..l'nlla.,Pa.
Storage Battery ltoait In Kurope.
There are eight storage battery roads
in Europe, fonr of which were installed
during the past year. Tho largest
system of this type comprises three
roads in Paris, operating nineteen
storage battery cars, some of which
have been doing duty since 1892, and
the addition of a third road last May
seems to indicate that for the condi
tions there existing the storage bat
tery has proved sotisfactory. The
other fonr roads are located, one at
Birmingham, England; one at Hague
Bcheveningen, Holland, and two in
Germany Yields.
The first gymnasium (high school)
for girls is soon to be opened in Ger
many. It has taken a long and per
sistent fight for the German women to
seenre the privileges of a higher edu
cation, and when it is remembered,
remarks the Boston Globe in report
ing it, that the gymnasium in that
conntry has an educational standing
as high as the average American
"university" it means much.
In Russia it is the custom for duel
ists to breakfast together before going
out to fight.
Colds, Couehs, Sore Throat, Influenza, Bron
chitis, Pneumonia, Swelling of the
Joints, Lumbago, Inflammations,
Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
Frostbites, Chilblains, Headache, Tooth
ache, Asthma,
CfBKH THE WORST PV.N8 In fmiu en to
IwimHt mluutm. NOT ONK HOl'U attrr raltnn
tills ailvertlieiueiit nerd siivune BUi't'KU MTU
Itaitwnv'a Iti-ailr Hrlli f la a Mare Care lar
l.vrry I'nln, ."iirnliiis Hruln, I'alna Iu
the Hark. hrl ar l.lnitM. Il wai
llie KirM anil la Hie Ouljr
I'.UN I11CII1 lV
That inatantly atopa tha innat eirnirlatiiiR pallia,
allavalutlaiiiiuat ion, anil iMireaCouKe!tliiiia,wlii.thpr
of the Lutifia HtoiiiM'h, Howela ur uthrr Klanila ur
oramit liy uiie appliration.
A half to a t-nHiiful In half a tumbler ot
wa'er will In a few iiiiiiutwt run !:rauii, N)suia, Htmuai'h, Itmrtburn, NvrYoiiniirais Mlwiilww
nii, Sli'k MiMulai'lie. 1'iarrhira, Dyarutery, Colic,
r'latultMicy ami all internal paiim.
There in nut a rrmnllal aioMit tn tha world that
will rare fiver and anna ami all otlifr malarioiia
I'Hiim and othrr fpvpre. alttM lv MIDWAY'S
PII.I.S, ao qiitikly aa ItAIIWAY'fl KA1Y
II t: I.I I-K.
Hfly crnia per aolile. Mold by Druaalata.
I m " ' T rirl br mln PH. WHITEHALL'S ltHKI'MATIO CI KK, Thaanrnat ano lha baat Pamnleaant
aHKli on manilun at tbu publlcatloa TUB PH. WHITKIIAI.L liRUKIMINK CXJ., Hout "Sand, Indiana.
I vers Si Pond Pianos.
Strictly First Class.
Require less tuning and prove more
durable than any other pianos manufac
tured. U7 purchased by the New
England Conservatory of Music, the
largest College of Music in the world,
and over 500 Ivers & Pond Pianos used
in two hundred of the leading colleges
and institutions of learning in the United
States. Catalogue and valuable infor
mation mailed free. Old pianos taken
in exchange.
Ivers & Pond Piano Company,
114 Boylston Street. Boston, Mass.
' hai ninn from yon
grocer or paint dealer and do your own kal- UMUUIIilU gomiuing.
This material is made on scientido principles by maehiuury and milled
in twenty-four tints aud is superior to any conoootion of Glue and Whit
ing that can possibly be made by Laud. To bb uixrd with Cold Wateiu
tari.El FOIl SIMPLE rot".!.! UAH.) and if you cannot
purchase this material from your local dealers lot us know and we will
put yon in the way of obtaining it.
"Good Wives Crow Fair in the Light of
Their Works," Especially if They Use
treat upon about every yibject under tha inn.
and will be sent, postpaid, for 10c. In stamps, postal note or silver. When reading ron doubt.
less run across ref- H( nilMlf AI Mnsini erenees to many
matters and things fl f j LkrjnVI.D HEaiallA which ron do not
nnderstand and HI! fm It U I U Lsll IT Lm U I ft which this book
will elear up for rou. It bu a com
plete Index, so that it may be I rt F) EZ aw referred to easily. This book
Is a rich mine of ralunhle E 11 E II information, presented In aa
Interesting manner, and is wll tw m wej r0ri h to any one snaay
tlmn tha small sum of FIFTY CENT9Mch we ask for It. Astudyof this book will
prove of Incalculable benefit to those wbjee education has been neglrctrd, while the Tolnm
will also be tozz.i of great value to those who cannot readily eommaml the knowledge "
bars acquired, BOOK PUBL3HINQ HOUSE. 134 Leonard St.. N.v
fS f ' a-ir a,'"aT'0.
4 A. ""a- Tha w.rkmfn.rt. !
V BtAmNO.anra.
"li atwsuuia, anfloUaa, aaaai
mJS awbliac, UP-TO-DATE '9
M0T0R.8 FT. FOM S6l li lt tartuniut.
tot iu. Th ma Hka a bi,l, u4 at auDa Ilka a
wauii, t.iry aunthU pari aa rallira. DaabMa faaraa
ill mw,. Tha aatawtu! ram aa all alaac aiUla
a Hill, uia M4 tha iul wiadaull aaalaaaa.
ua ratalpt ot .,, mlwd aiotoi law aat waaal
L.i." niT "" "f'aaa 4a aaa Una la ka
. . wm m mm aa n mtitm M
rata ar awap-aaw Co. !. a aa ala lawal
fu i in. mail, c, rafcava. .
1 . J U'W
IYlrjll 1IU1N INU TO A DVT, NYNU-18.
anil Lliianr Rah It cured la
10 tn o uaTL No pay till
cured. Ir. J. UStephnna,
Dvpt. A. Lebanon, Ohio.
rilKACIIKKS YVAMTICP.-lMUiiFMlail now to
1 iviitiarl foriivxi term. OnVoiin Hii'ttlra.lliiiuM
TtAOHKMa' Aokni ikm or Ami Kir. l'lllnlnirK. I a.
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lata Principal EaAmtnnr 1) 8. I'analOD Hurau.
9raluUat war, DatUuiucaUugviallua, atljr aiuuaj.
lu iDDrn r. n. n .
hnnvH .T.h. M'- c--.
J IUUUU.fl I " aw aUtaatVUk) VUM Wlimurw
Sjrup. TaawaUoiHk Dm i"1
i. Snlil hr dniirirlnta. 1
tjim.jt.i nirpl a
In tun.
Easy Payments.
If no dealer sells our pianos near you
we supply them on time payments to
parties living in any city or village in the
United States. A small cash payment
and monthly payments extending over
three years secure one of our pianos.
We send pianos for trial in your home,
even though you live three thousand
miles away, and guarantee satisfaction
or piano is returned to us at our expense
for railway freights both ways. A per
sonal letter containing special prices and
full description of our easy payment
plans, free upon application.
Columbia Tandems, S12S
Columbia Chain Wheels, 75
Hartford Bicycles, . 60
Vedette Bicycles, S40JS35
unci I?ii?cs
It cod ulna 630 pa km, proftuelr Uhutratrd,