Tiie i-orest Republican la published every Wedaoaday, by J. E. WENK. Offlot In 8metxbaugh ft Co.' Buildinf ILM STREET, TIOXEST1, Vk. Terms. - 9 l.uu Per Year, No aubecrlptlom received for a shorter period than three months. Oorreapondenc solicited from all parti of the. eoautry. Mo BO'loe wlU be taken of anonymous oo:ninuQio.-uloiu. RATES OF ADVERTISING! One Square, one inch, one iiuertioo..l I 00 Ooee'quare, one inch, one taonth. .. 00 One Square, one inch, ture months. . S 00 One Square, one inch, one eaw ..... 10 ') 1 wo Squares, one year 15uO Quarter Column, one year............ S)ou Half Column, one year... ... ....... SO 00 One Column, one year 100 U0 Legal advertisement ten oenU per line each insertion. MuTiin and deith notices gratis. All bills for yiny ad vertueraanU collected quarterly Temporary advertisements muat be paid in advance. Job work cash oa deliver. For EPUBLICAN. VOL. XXXI. NO. 0. TIONESTA. PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1898. S1.00 PEK ANNUM, R est A number of towns in Eastern Penn sylvania are tnruing from the iron in dustry, where th.ire is too much com petition, to the revival of older trades. The cultivation of the silk worm is one of the industries which is reviv ing as a result. ' Caviare is being exported in large quantities from this country, and, curiously enough, it is going to Ger many ami Russia, the home of caviare. A strange thing about it is that it has to be salted with 09rm.au salt, becauso It is said that the American salt is not Rood for tho purpose. On some of tha half-penny omni buses which run nero-s the bridges of London to,tho tinuiwny lines thepiok pockot is now seriously hampered in his business. The outside seats, or garden chairs, as they firo sometimes called, aro backed with wire netting, and tho pockets of tho women passen gers are now inaccessible from aback seat. ' A test Ins lately beeu inado in cer aia schools of Utiea, N. Y., to ascer tain whether or not tho old idea con cerning tale-telliug prevailed with tho rising generation. Notes being taken on the subject, it was found that thirty-eight por cent, of the boys and twenty-fivo per cent, of the girls con sidered it right to "tell," leaving the larger proportion of tho opinion that it was wrong. Tho Hartford Courant observes: Texas law now disqualifies perpetually any sheriff, deputy, constable, police man or jailor who permits a prisoner to be taken out of his custody by mob. During a recent visit to Atlanta Univeriity (his almn mater), tho Hon. Robert L. Smith, of Oakland, Texas, told tho students that there hasn't been a lynching in the State siuce this law was put on its statute book. Tbo influence of various occupa tions upon health and longevity is tho subject of au interesting investigation just completed by an officer of tho registrar-general's department of the British Government. A vast collec tion of figures, comparative tobies, eto., has just been irsued as a pnblie document, and some of the deductions from them are instructive and of in terest. First and foremost comes overwhelming proof that work or oc cupation of some sort is the greatest promoter of longevity. It is almost alono in England of all civilizod ooun tries that this fact can be brought out clearly in publio statistics, for it is only in England that the leisure class so called, is sufficiently large for the comparison to be made. "An officer who permits himself to be insulted by a civilian without im mediately killing him will be dis missed," is the unwritten law of tho German Army. If the "insulter" be longs to the olass of those who fight duels he must bo challenged; if not, he must be finished off at once. A case in point occurred at Augsburg recently, relates the New York Sun, An offioer in private clothes was strnok by a clerk. The soldier, who had a revolver in his pocket, did not use it, but took action against the other in a law court. His assailant was con demned to twelve days' imprisonment. But the matter did not rest there, for the Regimental . Officers' Court of Honor assembled and compelled the officer to resign because he had not adequately upheld the dignity of his rank. In other words he had not com mitted murder. Tho annual report of the Commis eioner of Patents, recently laid before Congress, shows that not less than 23, 729 patents were granted to American inventors during the past year. In proportion to population, Connecticut heads the list of States contributing to swell the number of patents granted to successful applicants. In Connec ticut one patent'was granted to every 780 inhabitants. Next in order ranks Massachusetts, the District of Colum bia, New Jersey and New York. There is no country on the globe which surpasses the United States in the genius of invention. This is man ifest from the countless devices on file in the patent office in Washing ton. Most of the patents issued dur ing the post year by tho United States Government were awarded to electri cians. This is due to the fact that the study of electricity has, for the time being, overshadowed other investiga tions; and in all probability whal is true of the patents issued during the post year will be true of the patents issued for some time to come. When American ingenuity is exhausted there will be no moro patents isbued either on this or the other sido of the water, and what the future holds in store for us in tho way of patents can only be conjectured. OUR WEALTH. How poor I ami cries one whose hold la scant ot gold. And whose aole share ot earth's supply That gold must Duy. And even he, the millionaire. Has naught to spare, But must onend much and struggle bravs Toe rest 19 save; To tence and wall and guard his pile, Fearing the whilo Lest, in the safest place where he can set It, Dome one wm get ui A SUKB Ujr SUSAN AHCHEH WEISS R.SAM PERROT, returning from his day's busi ness, ascended his front steps with the air of a man who had nothing particu larly pleasant to expect within. He ft OK vJI notioeJ that th fle A porch, one so neatly kept, was now tracked with muddy footprints; that the rose-bushes on eaoh side were nnpruned, and that his two children, playing bareheaded in the garden, had a negleoted and forlorn appearance. He wiped his feet carefully, and cross ing the entry, opened the door of a room, where sat Mrs. Perrot, wrapped in o shawl, and mixing something in a tea-cup. "Well, Martha," said he, as ho hung np his hat, "how do you feel this evening?" "No better than usual," responded Mrs. Perrot, with a sigh, as she tasted her mixture, and added a few drops from a vial. "Maybe you'd feel better if you'd move about a little?" suggested her husband, mildly. "I haven't the strength. I seem to be growing weaker and weaker every day. It's doubtful whether I'll ever step foot out of this house again. Tlie roses and lilies of spring will bloom above my grave," said Mrs. Perrot, resignedly. "Nonsonse, Marthy! Roses and lilies don't bloom iu spring auy more than you are laid out to die in spring." Mrs. Perrot assumed a martyr-like air. "This is nil the sympathy I get from my own husband," she murmured "a poor, weak, suffering woman like me!" "If you're as bad as all that," said her husband, "why don't you let me send for a doctor?" "Because I don't believe in doc tors, nor in doctors' stuff. Mrs. Mas Bey is the only one who does me any good." "Mrs. Massey be bothered! I wish you'd never have set eyes on that meddlesome womau." "She's a very clever woman, and very kind to me. She oomes over to see me every duy, and sometimes twice a day." "She does, does she? Well, I think she would do a great deal better to stay at home, and attend to her own affairs," said Terrot, ungratefully. "She always brings me something that will do me good vegetable, pills, and tonics " "Poisons!" muttered Perrot. "The same that she gave hor own husband and child!" asserted Mrs. Perrot, indignantly. "No wonder they died." . "Samuel," said his wife, solemnly, "you will repent of this when I am dead and gone. If you have no sym pathy for my sufferings, you might at least nave respect enough lor my feel ings not to abuse my best friends," And here Mrs. Perrot felt in her pocket for her handkerchief. Perrot rose softly, and, with a sub dued aud dejected look, went into another room. were was a rosy, comely young woman, busied in preparing tea. mis was iiis niece, just, arrived on a visit. "Well, Lavinia," said the master of the house, as ho todk his seat at table and stirred his tea "what do you think of her? I Lavinia expressively shrugged her plump shoulders. "She's just as you wrote me she was weak and complainiug, and taking physio all the time. "And what do you think ails her?" inquired rervot, anxionsly. "Imagination," replied- Lavinia, promptly "imagination and dyspep sia." "NothiDg else?" "Nothing in the world, nnless it's Mrs.' Massey 's medicines." Perrot nodded his head, emphati colly, about a dozen times. "Can you think of any way to cure her, vinnie r' he inquired, leaning for ward and speaking in a low tone. Lavinia's foco immediately assumed a peculiar expression. "Well, Uncle Samuel, I hove been thinking about it, and I'm of opinion that there's only ono thing will do her any good. I'll warrant it for a sure cure." "What is it, Vinnie?" "Eat your supuer now, uncle, and when you've done, and the children gone to bed, and Aunt Martha's drink ing Mrs. Massey's sassafras-tea for purifying the blood, I'll tell you abont my medicine. "Lavinia!" called a feeble voice from the adjoining room. "Haven't you got a window . raised there? This draught is killing me!" Aud there followed a cough. That." said Mr. Perrot. with Kt at Bow rich we are! we all ahull cry When by and by The wide world's wealth lies lu the sun For every one! Finding that what we most would own No man alone Can use: all, using, leave tho store Enriched the moret 'The earth our garden, sea to aoa Pleasure-ground free! All man's glad fruit ot varlod powers uponly ours! Charlotte Perkins Stetson. CURE. solemn and dejected air "that is the woman who, a year ago, was the picture of health, and never minded going to market in rain or snow. Nobody's home was kept nicer than ours, no body s children so bright and tidy; and now Ho paused and shook his head slow ly and despondently. Lavinia patted his shoulder, as she passed behind him to take a pie out of the oven. "Never mind, Uncle Samuel. Jupt wait awhile, and see what my medicine will do. She 11 be the same woman in one month from now that she used to be." "If you'll do that, Vinnie," said Per rot, earnestly, "I'll make you a pres eut of your wedding-dress, and some thing handsome into the bargain." And Vinnie, her comely faco flush' ing as she drew out the pie, smiled, ana remarked that the oven was very hot. That evening, after supper, she and her unole had a long talk together. Next day was Sunday a day, bright and warm as June. "Marthy," said Perrot, "wouldn't you like to step to the ohuroh round the corner? It's only a little way, and the fresh air and sunshine would do you good." "If had I the strougth," said Mrs, Perrot, plaintively, "and wasn't si liable to catch cold. Mrs. Massey thinks my lungs are threatened." "Does she?. Well, I'm sorry to hear it, said JPerrot, with an air of con cern. "Perhaps you'd as well stay in by the fire, and take care of yourself though I do feel rather lonesome going to 1 church every Sunday by myself, and the children don't behave near so well without you to look after them." "Poor things!" said the invalid, with a sigh, "they may too soon know what it is to need a 'mother's care. I do hope, Samuel, that yon will give them one who will be good aud kind to them, though nobody can ever fill the plaee of a real mother." Why, yes, Marthy. You must know that I would never think of choosing any but a good woman to fill your place in the family," re plied Perrot, meekly. His wife glanced up sharply, but he was slowly stroking his chin and star ing at the ceiling. Mrs. Perrot read her Bible and hymn-book by the fire while Lavinia, who stayed at home to attend to the dinner, peeped through the blinds at the people returning from ohuroh. "How many more women there are than men I" she observed. "And there comes Uncle Samuel. How well he looks! don't seem to have grown any older than he used to be, Why, Aunt Martha, who's that lady he s walking with?" "Old Mrs. Badger, is it?" said Mrs Perrot, looking up from her book. "Oh no nothing like her. She's rather young and handsome." Mrs. Perrot fonnd strength enough to walk to the window. "Why, it's that Widow Vaughan, who's on a visit to the Browns, oppo site. . How could he hove pioked her up?" "Maybe she picked him up," sug gested Lavinia, knowingly. "I've always heard that yonng widows are ready to have any man wait on them, married or single." V'She looks pert enough," said Mrs, Perrot, disparagingly. Her husband camo in presently, looking pleased and cheerful. H"I wish you'd have gone to-church, Marthy. We had a good sermon, and its a delightful day for walking." "How did you pick up that frisky Widow Vaughan?" inquired Mrs. Perrot, abruptly. "Well I happened to come ont of church at the same time with the Browns, and they suid something about the sermon, aud somehow Mrs, Vaughan and me dropped behind. She s a very nue woman, and an agreeable talker." "Chatters away all the time like poll-parrot. Never gives anybody a chance to say anything." "She asked about you and was very sorry when I told her how bad you were. Hue offered to look after idlen and Tommy at church, and keep them quiet. "She did, did she? I'd like to see the womau that I d let meddlo with my children!" said Mrs. Perrot, in dignantly. In her excitement she forgot to tako her medicine an omission which she only discovered next morning, and was surprised that she had not suffered from it. "I wouldn't take it to-day either, Aunt Martha, if I were you," said Lavinia. "Neither the sassafras tea, which, if it does purify the blood, im poverishes it, too, and makes you thin and pale. I've heard Dootor Graves soy so. Why, only a year ago you were as plump and rosy as as Mrs. Vaughan. for instance aud. now you look ten years older. I remember how Undo Samuel used to admire you. He likes fullness and color." "I'm considering my health, and not my good looks, as you ought to know, Lavinia!" replied Mrs. Perrot, icily. But Lavinia noticed that she took only two draughts of sassafras tea that day, and on the third the yellow pitcher which had generally stood steaming by the fire, silently disappeared, and was no more seen or heard of. "The chrysantheums in the front yard" Mr. Perrot never could re member to say "chrysanthemum aro looking really splendid; but they won't staud the first frost. Hadn't you better send some of 'em around to your friends, Marthy? Mrs. Vaughau, I know, would like some. They're her favorito flowers." "How do you know that? inquired his wife, sharply. "Ob, she happened to mention it in the store to-day." "What was she doing in your store? "Way, she merely stepped in with Mrs. Brown, who wanted sugar; and while Greener was showing her the grades, Mrs. Vaughan sat waiting by the counter. I had brought in a bunch of the flowers, and had em in a glass on a shelf, aud she noticed 'em. So I thought I'd send her some," said Per rot, innocently. His wile looked very hard at him. "Do von want to moke a fool of yonrsolf.Samuel Perrot?" she inquired. "How does it look to see a married man a man with a sick wife, who mayn't have three months to live chatting ovei counters with a' frisky widow, and sending her flowers and things?" "Why, Marthy, of course I don't mean any harm by it! Goodness knows," he added, with a sigh, "that I've no comfort in the prospect of be ing left a widowerl And what are the poor children to do without a mother? Mrs. Vaughan seems to feel for ns already; for she's always iuquiriug abont your health." "Well, she needn't!" responded Mrs. Perrot, her sallow face flushing, "and I think, Samuel, that you might have better sense, if not better feeling, than to go around chatting with other wo men about your wife dying. One would think that you were anxious to get me out of the way!" she added, re proachfully. "Now, Marthy, yon ought not to talk so. You know how grieved I'd be to lose you. And if I married again for the children's sokes, I mean I'd look out fcr somebody as near like you as could be found." "Married again!" exclaimed Mrs. Perrot, with iudignant emphasis. "For the children's sake, you know," repeated her husband, sheep ishly scratching his head. "And you can sit here and talk about giving my darling children a stepmother?" said Mrs. Perrot, in a deeply-injured tone. "Samuel, Sam uel! when I married you I littlo thought 'twould come to this!" Perrot, as he always did when he saw that a squall was brewing, took his hot, and while his wife's faco was buried in her haudkei chief he silently vanished from the room.. "I wouldn't mind it, Aunt Martha," said Lavinia, consolingly. "You know he loves you better than any thing else in the world; but it's natural he should sometimes look forward to the future. And Mrs. Massey has told everybody that you don't expect to live beyond this winter, and you see, folks pity him; and Mrs. Vaughan be ing a widow herself, can feel what he would suffer." "I never said I expected to die this winter 1" said Mrs. Perrot, defiantly. "I've felt better the last few days than I hove for weeks. People needn't be digging my grave before hand, and meddling with my husband and children. And I'd thank Mrs. Massey not to be raising false reports about me!" She was rather cool to Mrs. Massey when that lady (a next-door neighbor) paid the usual daily visit. She even told the woman that she had not taken the sassafras tea and liver pills since Monday, and that she felt better than for a long time past. Mrs. Massey was offended, and did not repeat her visit for some days. "I think I'll just step on the front porch for awhile, as the sun is so warm to-day," Mrs. Perrot observed, as she looked from her window. Mrs. Vaughan was sitting at the op posite window, sewing, but Mrs. Per rot never looked that way. Wrapped in a shawl, and aocompanied by La vinia and the rejoicing children, she walked out upon the porch, noticed the rose-bushes, and arranged a strag gling branch, spoke to a passing ac quaintance, who stopped to congratu late her on "being about again;" and finally returned to her room, declaring that she felt rather refreshed by the change. Perrot silently rnbbed his bands, and exchanged a glauce with Lavinia, who merely remarked that she hoped her aunt wouldn't be imprudent, and take a cold that might settle on her lungs. "My lungs are as good as they ever were," declared Mrs. Perrot. "I never said nor thought that anything was the matter with them; and I think," she presently added, "that the fresh air must have done me good, for I feel as though I could eat a bit of broiled steak for dinner." She ate the steak with a relish, and even drank a gloss of ale which her husband brought for her. Thence forth the toast and tea, and boilod eggs, and arrow root jolly, upon which she had for some time subsisted, dis appeared from the bill of fore, as the sassafras tea had done. "I wonder whot pa and that pretty lady at Mr. Brown's are talking about?" remarked Tommy Perrot, with his elbows on the window-seat. His mother stretched her neck to look out, aud then rose from her chair and watched her husband and Mrs. Vaughan, through the blinds. They were standing at Mr. Brown's gate, and the coquettish widow was criti cally surveying the Perrot mansion, and pointing ont something to her companion. The interview was a rather prolonged one, and Perrot, when he came in to supper, looked re markably pleased and cheerful. "What on earth could you and that woman have to . say to each other?" was the wife's inquiry, as he drew np to the fire, rubbing his hands and running his fingers through his hair. "She was remarking about the house. She thought it badly planned." "I should like to know what she has to do with the house. It being badly built is 110 concern of hers." "Why, sho was only saying that il she lived here she would have a room added on tho west side, and one 01 two little alterations made. I thought her suggestions were very sensible; ond, in fact, very nearly what I've heard you express. You don't like the house, yon know, Marthy." Whatever Mrs. Terrors feelings may hove beeu, she rosolutely sup pressed them. But on the following day (Sunday) she surprised the family by announcing her intention of ao coinpanyiug them to church. "Ain't it rather a risk, Marthy?" her husband doubtfully suggested, while he at the same time exultantly rubbed his hnniU behiud his back. "If it's on ncconutof tho children, my dear, don't worry yourself. They've taken a fancy to Mrs. Vaughan, and she keeps 'em very quiet, now, by merely nodding and smiling at 'em when they're restless. I never saw such a woman for managing chil dren." "Mrs. Vaughau had better attend to her own affairs, and keep her nod and smiles to herself!" said Mrs. Per rot, indignantly. "And as for you, Mr. Perrot, I'm surprised nt you!" Perrot meekly put on his Sunday hat, and went on the porch to wait for his wife. "Yonr medicine's doing wonders, Vinnie." he remarked, in a whisper, as he passed his liiooe iu the passage. And sho gave a shrewd little nod as she replied: "Iknew it would, unole!" Mrs. Perrot went to church, aud e ceived tho congratulations of all her acquaintances on hor improvement in health and looks. Only Mrs. Massey was rather cool, and was heard to remark to a group of friends: ' 'I brought Martha Perrot out of a deoline that would have carried her off in a few months, and yet she don't feel a bit grateful." But Vinnie ond her uncle knew how it really was. As they reached their own gate, Mrs. Vaughan crossed over and shook hands with Mrs. Perrot, and told her how glad she was to see her out again, and looking so strong and well. "That's the most deceitful womau I ever knew," remarked Mrs. Perrot, as she removed her bonnet, and took Ellen on her lap to chauge her dress a thing sho had not done for months. "Why, no, Marthy, I don't think she is. She's a nice, good woman, and will make a lino wifo for Tom Wheatly." "For whom?" "Why, didn't youjknow she was to marry Brown's cousin, Wheatly? And they want to buy this house; aud as Brown means to move to the other end of the town for convenience to busi ness, I've thought of taking his house, which you always had a fancy to. How would you like that arrange ment?" Mrs. Terrot replied, in a subdued tone, that she "would think of it." She was very thoughtful all that day, and particularly gentlo and affec tionate to her family. "I'm afraid I've been a great trouble and vexation to you. Samuel," she said, that evening. "I wonder you could have borne it at all with such pationoe!" And Terrot replied, earnestly; "My only trouble was about you, Marthy; and now that you aro getting to be yourself again, I feel as if I had nothing more to wish for. Mrs. Perrot was quite strong, and plump, aud blooming, when she went with her husband to Laviuiu's wed ding. They carried with them tho prom ised wedding dress, but it is doubtful whether Mrs. Perrot knows to this day how it was won. Saturday Night. Manufactured Nests For 11m. Men engaged in the work of fish breeding have noticed that black bass often had trouble with their nests. Sometimes they could not find enough suitable material on tho bottom to build them as they wished," and at other times the storms or currents would destroy them after the bass harf spawned, thus causing the loss of all the eggs. It is extremely difficult to propagate black bass artificially, and this led the breeders to supply artificial nests for the use of the bass. They nre ma le of eartheuware and have a little gravel cemented in tho bottom. The fish have taken kindly to them and lay their eggs cheerfully in the factory made nests. New York Press. Kxpenftlve Apui tiiiuiitK. gAlbortof Flauders has left. Tho royal suite which tho Princo occupied at the Waldorf-Astoria is tho most ex pensive set of apartments in the groat hostelry. They have been occupied only three times;, once by a Philadel phia magnate, by Mr. McKinley for a few minutes aud by the Trince. What the Prince's bill was would not be divulged by the olerks. Those familiar with the run of prices said it did not run much below $(100 for the first two days' stay, and about that much more this trip. But what's the odds, so long as the Belgian taxpayers meekly chip in? New York telegram to the Pittsburr Disuatch. THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARE TOLD BY THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. Get I'p anil Scratch III. Tact Saved the Day Trne Hn.lneu Hacarttj Absent Minded Anil the Fastest, Too (living Away a Family Secret All a Loan, Ktc. Said one little ohlck, with a funny littlo squirm, "I wish f could find a nice, fat worm." Said another littlo chicken, with a queer little shrug, "I wish I could llud a nice, fat bug." Bald a third little chick, with a at ran go lit tle squeal, "I wish I could (lnd some nice, yellow meal." "Now, look here," said the mother, from the green garden patch, , "If you want any breakfast, you must get up and scratch." True. Watts "It takes travol to bring out what there is in a man." Potts "Especially sea travel." Indianapolis Journa'. Ui Tart Saved the Day. "Oh," she said, "your conduct is enough to multe ou angel weep!" "I don't see you shedding any tears," he retorted. Tit-Bits. And the Fastest, Too. "I wonder how I can make my money go the farthest." "Have you ever bought a conversa tion over the long-distanco telephone?" Detroit Free Press.. Business 'Sngitrlty. "I offered that lady $500 for her in terest in the property and she refused to consider the proposition." "I offered her $499.99 and sho jumped at it." Detroit Free Press. - Absent-Minded. "I guess," said the very studious man's wife, "that I will buy a new pair of bicycle stockings." "Really!" he exclaimed, as he raised his head for a moment from his work ; "I didn't know that bicycles wore stockings!" Washington Star. Giving Away a Family Secret. Teacher (of juvenile class) "In the sentenco 'It is greatly to his credit, what is the meaning of the word 'credit?' " Member of Class "It's something you've got to have when you want to buy a pound of butter at the store." What She Call. II Im. "All wives have pet names for tlicL husbands," remarked Mr. Dinwiddio to Mr. Beochwood. "My wife call me 'Baby.' What does your wife call you?" "My wife calls me down generally," replied Mr. Beech wood. Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. A Long Story. Ned "If yon want to marry an heiress, why don't you propose to Miss Elderly? She's rich." Ted "Yes; but 1 object to her past." " Ned "Why, I thought that was above reproacli. " Ted "It is; but thore's so much of it." Brooklyn Life. F.tliel Knew. Mr. Green "Now, I'm going to tell you something, Ethel. Do you know that last night at your party your sister promised to marry me? I hope you'll forgive me for taking her away." Ethel "Forgivo you, Mr. Green! Of course I will. Why, that's what the party was for!" Punch. All a Loan. "Pretty touchy sort of chap, that Groudison." "Is he? I thought ho was the mild est man in the world?" "So he is, but he's always trying to borrow." For the ever expanding uses of our noble tongue give opportunity for mis takes of this sort. Buffalo Enquirer. At the (Julck Lunch Itoom. Proprietor "Don't you want some of this pepsin gum? Best thing in tho world for indigostion." Newcomer "But I never have in digestion." Proprietor "That makes no differ once. Yon will hove it in a few days. 'T any rate, oil our customers have it, and we sell lots of this gum." Bos ton Transcript. A Heartless Oirl. "Miss Renfrew Alice," he cried. "I must speak. For a week I have walked about as one dazed. I have boen uuablo to eat. At night I have tossed upon my bed, to arise, haggard and miserable, in the morning. I" "Oh," the fair girl interrupted, "I know what is the matter with you. Go and play croquet or golf. You need exercise." Chicago News. Too Analytical. "I must confess," remarked Miss Cayenne, "that I do not like to be ad dressed in poeticul language." "I am sorry that I ever made the attempt," replied Willie Washington. "I hope I have not offended." "No. But since yon said I had a sholl like ear I have never been cer tain that you mightn't have had a sad-dlo-rock iu mind." Washington Star. Not F.nactly Siiballtulr. In tho course of a morning call ou the Rev. Dr. Fourthly the Rev. Dr. Sprightly remarked: "By the way, doctor, I conducted a funeral for you once. Would it be con venient for yon to do a wedding for me next Thursday?" "Yes," replied the other. "You are compelled to leave town that day, I prosume?" "I am," rejoined Dr. Sprightly, "but not till after the wedding. I I am to be the bridegroom." Chicago Tribune, LOVE'S BELIEF. Dear heart, nnd truest, if I die Bofore you do, and over me The clover blossoms woo tho bee. And little violets sweet as shy, Peer through the grass above my face To meet your eyea when you come neat Lean down and listen. You will bear A whisper stlrriug la the place. And in that whisper you will know Tho voice you loved to hear of old Telling the love no words have told. And as your footstops come and go About your tasks, the whole day through Love's message, whispered by the flowers Will fill with gladness nil the hours, For you will know I think of you. For well f know that love will thrill Tills frame of mine it I were dead, Aud you came near my grave and said, "Dear heart, do you romeaoDor s"1"" And when I felt the subtle stir Ot love that dies not, I would make You conscious of the truth and take Tho flowers for my interpreter. Eben E. Rexford, la Vick's Magazine. HUMOR OFTHE DAY. New Wife "Have you tried mj biscuits, dear." New Husband "Yes; they're guilty." Detroit Fre Press. "Tho only tronblo with my profes sion," said au ex-convict, "is that it if apt to be rather a confining one." Harper's Bazar. Friend "But if there's no hope ol saving bim, what are you going to per form tho operation for?" Doclor "$300." Standard. Hope never deserts a man. When he is young he hopes to be famous, and when he is old he hopes to escape the poor-house. Puck. Mrs. Brown (after shopping) "Mrs. Smith manages to get such bargains and so many of them!" Brown "Oh, well, I suppose money is no object with her." Puck. Papa "Why, no! I haven't any hard feelings toward any of my old school teachers." George "What a long time it must be, papa, since you went to school!" Puok. Briggs "Whot did she say when she rejected you?" Griggs "She said it wasn't necessarily duo to lack of merit, but on account of the great pressure of other material." Life. "Have you heard of that scheme of an Ohio mau? He wants the United States war vessels made of rubber." "It wouldn't work. You could blow up a rubber ship with an air pump." Chicago Tribune. Bing "Yes, that's old Spriggings. Half a doctors have given him up at various times during his life." Wing "What was the trouble with him?" Bing "He wouldn't pay his bills." Boston Traveler. "We English," said the intelligent foreigner, "do not run for office; we stand for it." "And here," said the bright American, "the man runs for office if the people will stand for it." Indianapolis Journal. Mrs. Higgins "What wretched taste that Mrs. Wilkes has!" Mr. Higgins "Yes, I met her downstairs this afternoon and sho was wearing that ugly old $25 hat you thought you wanted." Chicago News. Mr. Millyuns (briskly) ''Wont my daughter, oh? Well, how much are yon worth? Money talks, you know." Bob Hardup (cheerfully) "Yes; I know; but I'd be willing to let her do most of the talking." Puck. Burglar Bill (to his coil-mote) "So you're a musician, are ye, an' got sent here for stoitlin' a pianny? Well, ye won't do much musical practioin' in dis place, I'll bet." Newcomer "Oh, I don't know. If I get hold of a file I'll probably try a few bars." Judge. "She is very frigid in her manner," remarked Willie Washington. "Per haps," was the reply, "but she has a heart of gold." "So I have been in formed. But I am tired of trying to cross a conversational Chilkoot Pass in order to reoch it." Washington Star. "There is no doubt of this man's being an experienced and conservative journalist," remarked the city editor. "How do you know?" "In writingof a fire he says, 'The holocaust, when the rafters fell with dull, sickening thuds,beggared description. ' " Wash ington Star. "When this town was orgnnized." said tho early settler of the little wes tern town, "I was elected mayor by a majority of only one vote." "Protty close shave," said tho newcomer. "Oh, tollable. But there was only five votes in the town then." -Cincinnati Enquirer. "I wish," said the young man, "that you would be less formal, and call me by my first name." "I'd rather not," replied his fair companion, "yonr last name suits me." A few minutes later thoy were discussing tho merits of the different firms that supply furniture upon the installment plan. Philadel phia Bulletin. Miss Oldgold "Before I give yon my answer, count, toll me one thing. Whon my freshness of youth is gone and the hand of time has dimmed what ever beauty I possessed, when advanc ing years cause my cheeks to fade and my charms to vauish tell me, couut, will you love mo then?" The Count "I do." Standard. "Clara," said the mother of a littl." five-year-old miss, who was entertain ing a couple of neighboring girls oj her own age, "why don't you ploy souiothiug instead of sitting still and looking miserable?" "Why, mamma, we is ployiu," was tho reply; "we plnyin' thut we's grown-up womens." Montreal Herald. Rotnrned Tourist "By the way, Mrs. De Bonuti, I have not seen youi charming daughter since my return. When I left she hod determined to submitter first novel to the Heighton Magazine Has she been successful in her literary aspirations?" Mrs. De Beauti "She married the editor." New York Weekly.